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第一章如何申请理想工作1,Writing is a good enquiry about a job is vital to your chance of success.

2,The first words that the employer reads are going to shape his or her opinion of you.

3,Job advertisements mainly come from:a friend,other contacts,newspapers,magazines,the internet.

4How to apply for the ideal job

1.Here are some good ways make your application letter stand out

(1)Look for something unusual in your experience or qualifications.

(2)Make the contents of your letter appropriate for the job.

(3)Avoid annoying phrases

(4)Get someone to read your letter before you send it

(5)Keep the letter short

(6)Mention the organization

(7)Make your letter physically easy to read

(8)Remember to state which job you are applying for

(9)Be realistic

(10)Check again.

5What to mention in your letter or e-mail

(1)You meet the specifications for the job

(2)The things that make you stand out. 第二章简历与面试

2. What to mention in your letter or e-mail

(1)You meet the specifications for the job

(2)The things that make you stand out. 2,The important factor is to make your resume clear,concise,easy to read.

3, What do you do now in interview? You must know everything:

(1)The company(2)The job(3)The

business environment.(4)The business

culture of the company (5) Existing

employees(6)Focus areas (7) Salary

4,Tips (面试中的技巧)

(1)Names, underline your family


(2)Eye contact , eye contact is very


(3)Sit comfortably, visual impression

are important.

The four steps involved in.

interviewing are: preparation,

interchange, uation and action.

5,It is always better to be

over-dressed than

under-dressed.For men:a smart

business suit,or jacket and

trousers,with shirt and tie,are

usually the safest bet.For women

(neat and tidy),shirts should be

at or below the knee and shoes

should be smart with low heels.

6,A resume or a curriculum vitae

gives details of your


employment and other relevant



1. 出色演讲三步骤:

(1)Preparing for the talk

The audience(how many people will be

present,their nationality,cultural

grouping,status,gender and interests),

The introduction. The facts Visual

aids Don’t trust the technology The

venue The length Be ready for


(2)Preparing the content


A clear introduction is essential

Then you move onto the main part of

your presentation Finally you

must have a conclusion

How long should your presentation

be?Keep it short and simple

(3)More practice


(1) Look at them and smile. (2) Take

your time(3)Eye contact (4) Gestures

(5)Do not just read your speaking

notes(6)Pause and volume (7) Sum

up (8) Do not run away


1.Problem communications (问题沟通


(1) Stay calm (2) Listen (3) Do

not assume (4) Explain clearly

(5)Speak clearly (6) Ask for details

(7) Check and respond


(1)Action (2) Checking (3)

Listen (4) Ask for suggestions (5)Lead

your ideas into the ideas of the other

person (6) Explain clearly

(7)Ask for suggestions again (8)Offer

to revise (9)Checking

3,Here are a few questions to

consider about non-verbal

communications:1,how do you think

you look?2,how can you change

your clothing message?3,what

non-verbal communications do

you not like?4,what assumptions

do you make?5,do you make

group assumption?

municating with

bosses(1)listen(2)ask for

suggestions(3)lead your ideas into

the ideas of other

person(4)explain clearly(5)ask for

suggestions again(6)offer to

revise(7)checking(8)follow up

第五章:Written Communication(书面



(1)A short list of points (2)A huge

documents consisting of hundreds of
