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My brother said he was going to send a letter of protest to the President. I did it last week.
由上面的例子可以看出,动词替代词do既 可替代主动词及其补足成分,也可仅仅替 代主动词。前一种替代现象通常只见于肯 定结构。在否定结构中便不是动词性替代, 而是动词性省略。试比较:
Fra Baidu bibliotek
1)“So + do + 主语”结构表示“某某人也这样”。例如“
A:I like playing football.
B : So do I.(=I like playing football too)
So does my brother.(=My brother likes playing football too)
动词替代词通常是主动词do的一定形式, 也可与so /that/it合用。
A)在替代主动词的用法中,动词替代词do 所替代的通常是实义动词(有确切含义的 动词,可以单独做谓语);如果被替代的主动 词是及物的,则替代词之后必须跟宾语。 例如:
She plays the piano better than she does(=play) the guitar.
So did my father.( =My father liked playing football too)
注意:如果上文表示否定意义而在简短反应中表示同样看法时,则 用“Neither/Nor + do + 主语”。
2)“So + 主语 + do ”结构是对别人所说的情况加以肯定,相当 于indeed, certainly,表示“不错,对了”。例如“
A: Does Peter speak French? B: Yes, he does. (does=speaks French) No, he doesn’t. (doesn’t =doesn’t speak
C)代动词do 还可与连接性副词so搭配,构成两个意义不同的常见 句型“So+ do + 主语”和“So + 主语+ do”, 这两个句型常用于 简短反应。
B: Well,------
[A] so do I.
[B] so did I.
[C] so I do.
[D] so I did.
“So +助动词+主语”结构表示“…..也是这 样”
2.(2009,58)It is going to be fine tomorrow.------
John speaks French as fluently as he does (speaks)German。 B)由do与so 搭配构成的复合代动词do so,既可替代“动宾结 构”,也可替代“动状”结构。例如:
He said he would tell me the news, but he didn’t do so. (do so=tell me the news)
用动词替代词或代动词do,do so等表示的 替代现象叫做动词性替代(Verbal Substitution)例句如下:
A: Mary didn’t come, did she? B: Yes, she did. (did= came) A: Does Granny look after you every day? B: She can’t do at weekends. (do = look after
A: The students work hard.
B: So they do.(=Certainly they work hard.)
A: Your father smoked a lot .
B : So he did (=Certainly I promised.) 注意:当主动词have(作“有”解)用于上面两种简短反应,可有 两种形式:一种是用主动词have的一定形式,另一种是用代动词do 的一定形式。例如: A:John has a new dictionary.
He smokes a lot. Does his brother do so? (do so=smoke a lot) Do so 有时可以和do that,do it 交替使用。如: A:Sam is supposed to call the meeting. B:No, Peter will do that.
[A] Jim did this [B] Jim did so. [C] Jim did that. [D] Jim did.
【A】最常见的回答是D,也可以用so 和 that 指代 前文提到的动作told the news to the teacher。This多 用于指下文的内容,故不能用于题中的场合。
B: Yes, and so have I/so do I. 如果上文谓语动词带有情态助动词will,则用“So +will +主语”和 “So+主语+will”。例如:
A: Mary will enter the competition.
B: So will Jim.
1.(2012,63)A: Mother, you promised to take me out.
[A] So is it. [B] So it is. [C] So it does. [D] So does it.
【B】 “So +主语 +助动词”表示说话人认同对方的看
法。 3.(2008,61)The following are all correct responses
to“ Who told the news to the teacher? ”EXCEPT