



OPTIMASS 3300 参数表
带就地显示 4个光感应操作键
标配(4个页面:2个测量页面;1个状态页面;1个图形页面) 标配
语言 英文、法文、德文、西班牙语等
电流,脉冲状态输出,频率输出, 限位开关 HART 通信,控制输入,带3个计数器 Ex-i FF 现场总线 Profibas PA Profibas DP
精度(液体) 精度(气体) 重复性
介质 温度 工艺压力
测量范围 精度
测量范围 精度
传感器材质 测量管 法兰接触表面 法兰 压力保护外壳 前端转换器外壳
额定压力(在20℃) 测量管 压力保护外壳
温度 工艺温度(法兰连接) 环境温度(一体型) 环境温度(分体型)
参数表 OPTIMASS 3300

参数表 OPTIMASS 3300
电流输出 功能 设置 连接 基本/模块I / O:有源
基本/模块I / O:无源
所有操作数据可组态;电隔离;HART通讯 Q=0%: 0...15mA Q=100%: 10...22 mA 故障指示:0或22mA
OPTIMASS 3300系列质量流量计的构成
OPTIMASS 3300 由 OPTIMASS 3000 传感器和 MFC 300 信号转换器构成,可以选用一体型安装或 分体型安装。
MFC 300 C
MFC 300 F 现场支架型
MFC 300 W 墙挂型
MFC 300 R 19“盘装型

科隆krohne OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

科隆krohne  OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

涡街流量计电子版本: ER 2.0.0_OPTISWIRL 4200快速启动© KROHNE 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh内容2 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh1 安全须知32 安装42.1 用途.....................................................................42.2 供货范围.................................................................62.3 存储.....................................................................62.4 运输.....................................................................72.5 安装条件.. (8)2.5.1 测量液体时应严禁的安装......................................................92.5.2 测量蒸汽和气体时应严禁的安装...............................................102.5.3 带控制阀的管线.............................................................102.5.4 推荐安装位置 (11)2.6 最小进口直管段..........................................................122.7 最小出口直管段..........................................................132.8 整流器..................................................................132.9 安装.. (14)2.9.1 安装注意事项...............................................................142.9.2 夹持型仪表的安装...........................................................152.9.3 法兰型仪表的安装...........................................................162.9.4 分体型现场外壳的安装.......................................................172.10 隔热层.................................................................182.11 转动机壳...............................................................192.12 旋转显示板. (20)3 电气连接213.1 安全须知................................................................213.2 连接信号转换器..........................................................223.3 电气连接. (23)3.3.1 电源.......................................................................233.3.2 电流输出...................................................................233.3.3 电流输入...................................................................243.3.4 二进制输出.................................................................243.3.5 限位开关输出...............................................................253.3.6 脉冲输出 / 频率输出........................................................273.3.7 状态输出...................................................................283.4 分体型的接线............................................................283.5 接地连接................................................................303.6 防护等级. (31)13 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh 警告与符号使用操作• 此符号标注出所有的操作提示,操作人员必须按规定顺序进行操作。

科隆krohne 质量流量计信号转换器MFC 400 技术数据表

科隆krohne 质量流量计信号转换器MFC 400 技术数据表

MFC 400质量流量计信号转换器•适用于所有应用的高性能信号转换器,遵循 IEC 61508、SIL 2/3规范而开发•具有含气量管理系统(EGM TM )功能以达到在多相流体上的良好应用•符合NAMUR NE 107的智能诊断功能© KROHNE 03/2017 - 4002800602 - TD MFC 400 R05 zh本文档需与相关传感器的文档结合使用。

内容2 03/2017 - 4002800602 - TD MFC 400 R05 zh1 产品特点31.1 适用所有应用的高性能信号转换器...........................................31.2 选项和变化...............................................................51.3 信号转换器/流量传感器组合的可能性.......................................61.4 测量原理.. (6)2 技术数据72.1 技术数据.................................................................72.2 尺寸和重量.. (18)2.2.1 外壳.......................................................................182.2.2 安装板,分体型外壳 (18)3 安装193.1 预期用途................................................................193.2 安装规范................................................................193.3 一体型安装..............................................................193.4 分体型现场外壳的安装. (20)3.4.1 管道安装...................................................................203.4.2 墙挂式安装.. (21)4 电气连接224.1 安全须知................................................................224.2 接线图..................................................................224.3 传感器接地..............................................................234.4 电源接线................................................................244.5 输入 / 输出. (25)4.5.1 输入/输出组合(I/Os).....................................................254.5.2 CG 编号说明................................................................264.5.3 固定的、不可变换的输入/输出版本...........................................274.5.4 可选输入/输出型...........................................................285 笔记2913 03/2017 - 4002800602 - TD MFC 400 R05 zh 1.1 适用所有应用的高性能信号转换器具备最高性能的400MFC 400 科里奥利质量流量计转换器可适用于非常广的应用场合。

科隆krohne OPTISWIRL 4200涡街流量计 补充说明

科隆krohne  OPTISWIRL 4200涡街流量计  补充说明

涡街流量计设备保护级别 Gc无火花保护型 ExnA OPTISWIRL 4200补充说明© KROHNE 12/2017 - 4006628801 - AD OPTISWIRL4200 Nepsi ExnA R01 zh内容2 12/2017 - 4006628801 - AD OPTISWIRL4200 Nepsi ExnA1 安全须知31.1 常规注意事项 (3)1.2 NEPSI 证书...............................................................31.3 IECEx 认证. (4)1.4 安全须知.................................................................42 设备描述52.1 仪表说明 (5)2.2 代码描述 (5)2.3 标签 (6)2.4 易燃产品 (8)2.5 设备保护级别(EPL) (8)2.6 保护类型 (9)2.7 环境温度/温度组别 (9)2.8 电气参数................................................................173 安装183.1 安装.. (18)3.2 特殊情况和要求..........................................................194 电气连接204.1 常规注意事项 (20)4.2 电源 (21)4.3 输入/输出..............................................................214.4 接地和等电位连接.. (22)4.5 流量传感器电路(仅适用于分体型)........................................235 操作245.1 启动....................................................................245.2 操作.. (24)5.3 静电放电................................................................246 服务256.1 维护.. (25)6.2 拆卸....................................................................257 笔记2713 12/2017 - 4006628801 - AD OPTISWIRL4200 Nepsi ExnA 1.1 常规注意事项这些附加说明适用于涡街流量计的"nA"无火花型系列防爆产品。

科隆流量计IFC300 说明书

科隆流量计IFC300 说明书

IFC 300 WOPTIFLUX 6300 C测量有电导率的流体体积KROHNE © 01.10.2004说明书电磁流量计IFC 300 信号转换器FH & JZ内容软件版本 1.0.x发运的OPTIFLUX 流量计 就可投入使用!包装箱内的流量计传感器 / 一体型按说明书中说明安装。

• 电源连接 (第 1.1 + 1.2 节) 第 6 - 8 页 • 分体型传感器电气连接 (第 1.3 节) 第 9 - 15 页 • 输出 / 输入电气连接 (第 2 节) 第 16 – 28 页 • 启动 (第 3 节) 第 29 页流量计供电,系统就可运行。

• 信号转换器操作 (第 4 节) 第 30 – 41 页 • IFC 300 技术数据 (第 5 节) 第 42 – 48 页内容• 安全特性4• 信号转换器型号和铭牌4• 供货配置5• 系统描述5• 产品性能与保证5• CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证51 电气连接: 电源 6 - 15 1.1 现场安装重要说明请注意 ! 6 - 7 1.2 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 电源连接8 1.3 分体型传感器的电气连接9 - 15 1.3.1 信号电缆 A 和 B及励磁电流电缆 C 说明9 1.3.2 信号电缆A 和 B 的制作10 1.3.3 励磁电流电缆 C 的型号、长度和制作11 1.3.4 传感器接地12 1.3.5 信号电缆长度信号转换器和传感器之间的最大长度13 1.3.6 电源和传感器的连接图 (I 和 II) 14 -152 电气连接: 输出和输入16 - 28 2.1 输出和输入的详细信息请注意 ! 16 2.2 输出和输入 I / O 组合16 - 18 2.3 电流输出19 2.4 脉冲和频率输出20 2.5 状态输出和限位开关21 2.6 控制输入22 - 23 2.7 输出和输入的连接图 (1 - 17) 24 - 283 启动292IFC 30001.10.20044 信号转换器的操作30 - 41 4.1 显示、操作和操作键30 4.2 键的功能30 4.3 KROHNE电磁流量计程序结构31 4.4 可设定的功能表32 - 37 4.5 计数器复位38 4.6 删除出错信息38 4.7 输入方式时显示其它信息38 4.8 状态信息和诊断报告39 - 415 技术数据42 - 47 5.1 IFC 300 信号转换器42 - 45 5.2 KROHNE 传感器选型表46 5.3 流率表46 5.4 测量精度 / 误差限值47 5.5 尺寸和重量48• 流量计返回 KROHNE 测试或修理4901. 10. 2004 IFC 3003安全特性请阅读操作说明书并遵守相关国家标准、安全须知、事故预防规则。



11/2007 KROHNE质量流量计选型设计资料Corimass 系列MFM 2081 K+FMFM 3081 K+F科隆测量仪器目录1. 科隆 Corimass 质量流量计产品性能简介2. S 系列 MFM 1081 K+F2.1CORIMA MFS1000的优点2.2 MFM 1081 K 外形、尺寸、重量2.3 MFS1000 系列液体加热/冷却、传感器尺寸2.4 法兰尺寸2.5 MFS 1000 传感器技术数据(S系列)3. P 系列 MFM 2081 K+F3.1 MFM 2081 K+F 质量流量计产品特点3.2 MFS 2000 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量3.3 MFM2081 K 外形尺寸3.4 法兰尺寸3.5 MFS 2000 传感器技术数据(P系列)4. E 系列 MFM 3081 K+F4.1 MFM 3081 K+F 质量流量计产品特点4.2 MFS 3000 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量4.3 MFM3081 K 外形、尺寸、重量4.4 MFS 3000 传感器技术数据(E系列)5.转换器MFC0816.产品安装要求7.选型编码8.产品标定装置1 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 17 19 23主要领域测量项目安装场合介质温度测量误差法兰标准被测介质温度被测介质密度外壳防护类别转换器型号输出信号显示器累计器语言适用电源电器接口尺寸防爆等级产品标准安装形式选择件通讯接口特殊选项S系列MFM 1081 K+F石油、化工、热力、冶金、食品质量流量、密度、温度、%浓度、体积流量满管流动性液体,气体±(0.25+0.3%R)℃3-40℃~200℃30.005~2 g/cm IP 67MFC 081 K+F电流,频率或脉冲,状态字母/数字型,测量值总流量及设定之参数英语,德语,法语110/200/240/V AC ,24V DC/ACM20×1.5Ex de [ib]ⅡC T6~T3Q/YXFFI-2005(等效于 ISO 10790)一体式或分体式MP 磁棒编程液加热,电加热(无防爆),保温夹套Hart 通讯协议或RS485,Profibus-PA ,FF ,MODBUS1. 科隆质量流量计产品性能简介国标 GB/T9115(DIN2635 PN40), (DIN2636 PN 63)等1. 科隆质量流量计产品性能简介2. S系列 MFM 1081 K+FCORIMASS MFS1000 测量系统采用单管串联型的测量管(见图 1)。



©KROHNE 03/20027.02425.21.00GRElectromagneticFlowmetersVariable area flowmetersVortex flowmetersFlow controllersElectromagnetic flowmetersUltrasonic flowmetersMass flowmetersLevel measuring instrumentsCommunications technologyEngineering systems & solutionsSwitches,counters,displays and recordersHeat meteringPressure and temperatureApplicationKROHNE electromagnetic flowmeters are to be found in many industrial sectors and applications.Just a small selection:G Chemical industry G Water and wastewaterGHydraulic transport,liquid products with up to 50% solids content G Paper and woodpulp production G Pharmaceutical G Food and beveragesG Filling and dispensing processes G Highly abrasive slurriesG High-pressure industrial processes GPartially filled pipelinesand many,many other applications in other industriesFIT and FORGET !All electromagnetic flowmeters are delivered ready for operation.Install the flowmeter in the pipeline,make the electrical connection,that's it.Always one step ahead with KROHNEThis highly accurate measurement technology is available with integrally or remote mounted converter,some with measuring errors of less than 0.2% of the measured value.The primary head is installed in the pipeline,while the signal converter for signal processing is remote mounted in a field housing or 19" plug-in unit.In the integral system,the signal converter is mounted in a housing with high protection category directly on the primary head.With meter sizes of DN2.5 - 3000 / 1/10" - 120",measurements can be carried out from 2l/h to 300 000m3/hand more.Most of the devices are approved for use in hazardous locations.Various materials are available for the measuring tube,liner and electrodes of the flowmeters for most applications. Electromagnetic flowmetersProduction and calibrationAll electromagnetic flowmeters from KROHNE meet the requirements of CE directives and EMC guidelines.Fabrication and production shops are certified to ISO 9001.At KROHNE,all electromagnetic flowmeters are calibrated by direct comparison of volumes,the most accurate calibration method of all.The KROHNE calibration rigs are the world's biggest and most accurate,and are accredited to EN17 025.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of themeasured value for meter sizes up to DN 3000 / 120" and above.7Electromagnetic flowmeters >0.05 µS /c m >5 µS /c m >20 µS /c m >50 µS /c mD N 2.5,4,6 1/10”,1/6”,1/4”D N 10 3/8”D N 32 11/2”Signal converterDatenblätterF l a n g e c o n n e c t i o n s F l a n g e l e s s ‘s a n d w i c h ’d e s i g n C h e m i c a l s W a t e r a n d s e w a g e P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s ,s a n i t a r y B a t c h i n g (1-10s )V e r y a b r a s i v e s l u r r i e s H i g h p r e s s u r e 2- o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e mG e n e r a l p u r p o s e S a n i t a r y c o n n e c t i o n s H A R T ®/R S 485 (s t a n d a r d )P r o f i b u s P A H A R T ®/R S 485 (o p t i o n )H A R T ® (o p t i o n )O t h e r s o n r e q u e s t m Ao u t p u t ,2 w i r e c o n n e c t i o n ≤3 W ≤5 V A / ≤4.5 W ≤10 V A / ≤8 W ≤15 V A / ≤15 W ≤50 V A 2o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e m 24,48,100 – 240 V A C ,48– 63 H z 24 V D C 24 V A C / D C 100 – 230 V A C ,48 –63 H z L i q u i d s ,p a s t e s S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤3%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤5%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤30%P u l s a t i n g f l o w ,< 200 p u l s e s /m i n B a t c h i n g p r o c e s s > 1.5 s P a p e r a n d p u l p H y d r a u l i c t r a n s p o r t (o r e d r e s s i n g )o n l y I F C 090 K -C A P C a p a c i t i v e s i g n a l p i c k u p F ou n d a t i o n F i e l d B u s F A D N 251”D N 40 11/2”D N 502”D N 803”D N 1004”D N 1255”D N 1506”D N 2008”D N 25010”D N 30012”≤D N 1800≤72”≤D N 3000≤120”I S O f i t t i n g l e n g t h o n l y I F C 110 P F a n d I F C 210 E -P F P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s ,AQUAFLUXECOFLUX 1000ALTOFLUX 2000ALTOFLUX 4000PROFIFLUX 5000VARIFLUX 6000ALTOFLUX 2W 2 wireBATCHFLUXCAPAFLUXTIDALFLUX partially filledALTOFLUX IFS 2005 FALTOFLUX IFS 4005 FALTOFLUX M 900IFC 010 K,FIFC 020 K,F ,EIFC 040 K 2 wireIFC 090 K,F IFC 090 K-CAP IFC 110 F IFC 110 PFIFC 210 E IFC 210 E-PFSC 150 FBatchflux IFC 012 KElectrical conductivitySizesConnectionsApplications (examples)Flow measurements (examples)Power supply Power consuptionInterfacesIFM 1080 KG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced 080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingµP-signal converter in plasticsIFM 4080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingTeflon® PFA liner,reinforced withIFM 5080 KG Flangeless versionG Stainless steel housing The only precision flowmeter IFM 6080 KG Various sanitary/flangedconnectionsStainless steel housingG Precision flowmeterG With capacitive signal pickup(electrodes not in contact withG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Liner of Polypropylene,NSF-G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Teflon® PFA liner,reinforced withG Flangeless (sandwich) designG Stainless steel housingG The only precision flowmeter with G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Measuring tube made of Al2O3G Various sanitary/flanged connec-tions,stainless steel housingG FDA approved Teflon® PFA liner,G Designed for partially filled pipelinesG Excellent measuring accuracy,for low levels,through the integratedG IFC 010 K/IFC 020 K of integral design G IFC 010 F/IFC 020 F in field housing G IFC 020 E 19”plug-in version.G IFC 090 K of integral designG IFC 090 F in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,G Signal converter in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,G Signal converter in field housing for wall mounting G Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,T o w e r h e i g h t 43 m e q u i v a l e n t t o 141 f t / n e t v o l u m e 350000 l i t r e s e q u i v a l e n t t o 95000 U S G a lPrecisionLM28 precision level switches control the flow volume and various computer-aided volume totalizersQmInlet run ≥10 ×DN (DN = meter size)©G The world’s largest and most accurate calibration rigGCalibration of flowmeters up to DN 3000 / 120”GCalibration by direct comparison of volumes,altogether the most accurate method GComparison measurements with so-called master meters are much less accurate and cannot be verifiedGThe volume measurement standards ofKROHNE calibration rigs have been calibrated by NMI,the Netherlands Standards Institute.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of the measured value.GKROHNE Altometer calibration rigs are accredited in conformity with EN 17 025.GCalibration accuracy is better than 99.97% of the measured value.GThe error of measurement of the calibration rigs is better by a factor of 10 than theaccuracy data of the flowmeter being tested.GAll flowmeters are calibrated underreference conditions,similar to EN 29 104.GAll calibration data are genuine and verifiable; documented in writing in the calibration reports,which are supplied together with each KROHNE flowmeter.An example is shown on the right.E r r o r o f m e a s u r e m e n t [% o f m e a s u r e d v a l u e ]Flow rate [m 3/h]0,50,402000400060008000100000,30,20,10,0-0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4-0,5+ 0.03%Accuracy inspires confidenceAt this flowrate,a typical public swimming-pool can be filled in less than 1 minute.Inaccuracy is less than 0.013% in terms of volume and less than 0.26 mm in terms of filling level (equal to the thickness of a single hair),based on an average pool depth of 2 metres.Flowmeters up to DN 3000/120”creates theKROHNE standardOutlet run ≥2 ×DN (DN =meter size)Volume flow rate Q max = 40 000 m 3/h= 11 m 3/sMeasuring Principle 3.1The induced voltage signal is picked up either by two measuring elec-trodes in conductive contact with the medium or indirectly bycapacitive coupling.A signal converter amplifies the signal and convertsit into a standard analog signal (e.g.4 to 20 mA) and a frequencysignal (e.g.1 pulse for every US gallon or cubic metre of mediumflowing through the measuring tube).To ensure that the voltage is not short-circuited by the pipe wall,themeasuring tube is made of an electrically insulating material or fittedwith an insulating liner.Measurement is largely independent of the flow profile and other prop-erties of the medium,such as pressure,temperature,viscosity,density,consistency,electrical conductivity,and electrode contamination.Measuring systemsThe electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a primary head,that isinstalled in the pipeline,and a signal converter.The compact design has the signal converter mounted directly on theprimary head.For systems with pulsed d.c.field the primary head field coils whichgenerate the magnetic field are energized by a pulsed direct currentfrom the signal converter.The measuring signal is a squarewave voltage of the same frequency.These systems feature extremely small measuring errors. Electromagnetic flowmeters measure the volume flow of electricallyconductive liquids and slurries.Measuring principleAn electric conductor,in this case the electrically conductive medium,passes through a magnetic field.The voltage U induced in this mediumis directly proportional to the mean flow velocity v.Magnetic inductionB (magnetic field strength) and the distance between electrodes D(nominal pipe diameter) are constant.K instrument constantB magnetic field strengthv mean flow velocityD electrode spacingThe volumetric flow rate qv can be calculated according toTherefore:q v=U x D xπ(4)K x B4The reducing angle (α) should not exceed 8°(equivalent to α/2 = 4°),otherwise measuring accuracy may be affected.If the reducing angle is greater,a straight inlet section must be fitted between reducing socket and primary head.Expanding sectionPressure Loss CalculationFor the expanding section,the optimum angle of expansion is α= 8°.ζat α= 8°d1/d2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0ζ10.0180.0230.02550.0280.030.03080.03150.03230.0332Recommendations for installationSelection of meter sizeThe size of primary head should if possible be selected to provide a velocity of 2 to 3m/s or 6 to 9ft/sec.for the full-scale range. Minimum full-scale range is 0.5m/s or 1.5ft/sec.,maximum is 10 or 11m/s or 30 or 33ft/sec.,depending on flowmeter type.For fluids with a solids content,the velocity should be between 3 and 5m/s or 9 and 15ft/s to prevent deposits and minimize abrasion.Exact determination of flow velocityFor range setting purposes,the exact flow velocity can be determined using the flow table for each nominal pipe width.Example: v in m/sNominal pipe diameter DN150Desired measuring range200m3/hFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1m/sa flow rate of 63.617m3/h at DN150; for 200m3/hthe flow velocity v is:Example: v in ft/sNominal pipe diameter6”Desired measuring range1000 US GPMFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1ft/sa flow rate of 88.128 US GPM at 6”meter size;for 1000 US GPM the flow velocity v is:Flow tablesv = 1m/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate DN mm m3/h DN mm m3/h2.50.017671250176.71 40.0452********.47 60.10179350346.36 100.28274400452.39 150.63617500706.86 20 1.131********.9 25 1.76717001385.4 32 2.89538001809.6 40 4.52399002209.2 507.068610002827.4 6511.94612004071.5 8018.09614005541.8 10028.27416007238.2 12544.17918009160.9 15063.617200011310 200113.10v = 1ft/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate inch US GMP inch US GMP1/100.024********.801/80.03825012352.511/40.1530014479.813/80.3442516626.69 1/20.6120020979.21 3/4 1.3770241410.1 1 2.4480281919.211/4 3.8250322506.8 11/2 5.5080363172.6 29.7921403916.8 21/215.300485640.2 322.032567677.0 439.1686410027 561.2007212691 688.1288015667 8156.67Protection classes to IEC 529/EN 60529。

KROHNE FV-200系列流量计说明书

KROHNE FV-200系列流量计说明书

G-5The FV-200 Series meter utilizes vortex-shedding technology to provide a repeatable flowmeasurement accurate to 1% of full scale. The meter has nomoving parts, and any potential for fluid contamination is eliminated by the meter’s corrosion-resistant all plastic construction. The meter includes a compact 2-wire (4 to 20 mA) or 3-wire pulse transmitter (optional), contained within a conveniently replaceable plug-in electronics module. All electronics are housed in a corrosion-resistant enclosure. Unlike meters containing metal or moving parts, the FV-200 is perfect for aggressive or easily contaminated fluids. Applications range from ultra-pure water to highly corrosive chemicals and slurriesOperation of the FV-200 vortex flowmeter is based on the vortex shedding principle. As fluid moves around a body, vortices (eddies) are formed and move downstream. They form alternately, from one side to the other, causing pressure fluctuations. These are sensed by a piezoelectric crystal in the sensor tube, and are converted to a 4 to 20 mA, or pulse signal. The frequency of the vortices is directly proportional to the flow rate. This results in extremely accurate and repeatable measurements using no moving parts.Another advantage of utilizing aFV-200 vortex flowmeter is that there are no gaskets or elastomers in themeter. Therefore, one need only be concerned with the thermoplasticmaterial used in body construction.In a thermoplastic piping system, the material chosen for the flowmeter should match that of the pipe wherever possible.Many factors may affect the capability of a meter to measurethe flow of specific fluids accurately. Different solutions have varying ef-fects on meters. For instance, heavy particle suspension will wear down internal parts on some meters or cause sensing inaccuracies for non-obtrusive metering systems. For vortex flowmeters, high viscosities tend to dampen the formation of vortices and reduce the effective range. Particles and internal bubbles do not usually affect vortex meters. Slurries containing grit can wear down the bluff body over a period of time. Also, long fibers can catch and build up on the bluff,decreasing accuracy. Standard factory calibration is for tap water at32 SSU (1 CST) viscosity and ambient temperature. Viscosityabove 1 CST will raise the minimum readable flow rate, reducing SpecificationSMeasured: Liquidsconnection: 1⁄4 to 2 NPT threadWetted Material: PVC, CPVC or PVDF depending on model number turndown Ratio: 12.1 (except 1⁄4" meter size; 8.1)accuracy: ±1% of full scale, 4 to 20 mA or ±2% of full scale, frequency pulse (“-p” option)Repeatability: ±0.25% actual flow output Signal: 4 to 20 mA orfrequency pulse (source-sink driver; 1A source/ 1.5A sink; typical output resistance 10 Ω)power Supply: 13 to 30 Vdc enclosure: NEMA 4X (IP 66)Response time: 2 seconds minimum, step change in flowrangeability. The effect is linear toviscosity. No adjustments are required for specific gravities up to 2.0. Liquids with high specific gravities will adversely affect the permissible amount and duration of over range flow.Uno Moving parts U corrosion Resistant U 6 to 51 mm (1⁄4 to 2") Sizes UH igh temperature [95°c (203°f)] Models available U niSt certificatefV-211, shown smaller than actual size.ALL PLASTIC VorTex FLowMeTer For CorroSIVe LIquIdSfV-200 SeriesG-6GP O R D E R U S S E R P )r a b i l l i M (For units with a pulse output add a “-P” to the model number, no additional charge.*For high temperature CPVC or PVDF add suffix “-HT” to model number, for additional cost.Ordering Examples: FV-213, 3⁄4 NPT, PVC vortex flowmeter and DPi32, 1⁄32 DIN digital display. FV-226-P, 2 NPT, CPVC vortex with pulse output.FV-231-P-HT, 1⁄4 NPT, PVC vortex with pulse output and high temperature option.。



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KROHNE涡街流量计技术资料DWM 2000 DDWM 2000 Electromagnetic Flowmeter with LCD IndicatorOperating instructionsContents1 Display data in operating mode (3)2 Functions of the LCD indicator for the DWM 2000 D (4)2.1 Programmable parameters (4)2.1.1 Flow calibration (4)2.1.2 Current output adjustment (4)2.1.3 Time constant (4)2.2 Electronics module checks (5)2.3 Programming structure (Software n° 1.02) (5)2.3.1 User interface buttons (5)2.3.2 Menu naviagation (6)2.3.3 Summary of programming menus (8)2.4 Parameters stored in the EEPROM (menu 2.4.3) (10)2.5 Error message list (11)2 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D1 Display data in operating modeOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 32 Functions of the LCD indicator for the DWM 2000 Dparameters2.1 Programmable2.1.1 Flow calibrationThe G K can be modified in menu 2.1.3 in order to obtain the maximum accuracy at operating conditions. A field calibration requires an accurate reference of velocity. The meter recalibration (G K modification) is also recommended after an exchange of electronics module.The value of the new calibration constant (G K new) can be calculated as follows:GK new = GK old x VaVmwith:Va = actual velocityVm = measured velocity (reference value)2.1.2 Current output adjustmentThe minimum value (i0%) and the maximum value (i100%) of the current output at normal operating conditions can be adjusted from menus 2.2.2. and 2.2.3.The actual values of the i0% and the i100% must be measured with an accurate milliammeter in a 4...20 mA loop.i0% must be in the range 3....12 mA. The factory setting is 4 mA.i100% must be in the range 12....21 mA. The factory setting is 20 mA.2.1.3 Time constantThe time constant value can be set in menu 2.2.4. This value represents the time needed to detect 63% of a simulated flow rate instantaneously raised from 0 to 100%. Time constant range : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 m.4 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D2.2 Electronics module checksVarious parameters from the electronics module can be viewed directly for troubleshooting purposes.The DWM 2000 switches to alarm mode when the current output is permanently below 3 mA. In this case the current output value indicates the type of error that occurs:Obey the instructions that follow to find faults and the corrective actions to be undertaken.Call up the error messages (menu 1.2.2.) and note the last one.Refer to the error message list. Replace the electronics module in case of fatal error, deactivate the alarm mode in menu 1.2.1. or the alarm count in menu 1.2.4 (in case of minor error).CMInAinOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 52.3.2 Menu navigationGo through the steps given in the illustrations that follow to get to the required menu.6 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 DOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 72.3.3 Summary of programming menusFct. n° Text Description and settings1.0.0. TEST Main menu CHECK ALL Sub menu 1.1.0. for check of electronic components 1.1.1. MAG. FEQ. Frequency of magnetic field10 Hz ≤ frequency ≤ 14.5 Hz, operating mode1.1.2. FULL SCALE Programmed full scale1 m/s ≤ full scale ≤ 8 m/s1.1.3. U REF Internal voltage referenceU Ref. = 2.5 V1.1.4. AMPLI Test value of amplifier control loopValue ≥ 40 in test modeResultof data check in EEPROM1.1.5. EEPCHECKS“XXX”: measured value = test has been successful“XXX + ALARM”: test has failed and alarm mode has beenactivated (current output value < 4 mA).Resultof data check in EEPROMCHECKS1.1.6. EPValue = 223091.1.7. ZERO KEY Result of zero calibration push button test“OK”: test has been successful; “ALARM”: The test has failedand alarm mode has been activated (current output < 4 mA).This is only a test and does not reset the instrument to zero.Refer to the installation manual to use the Zero Cal button onthe DWM 2000 electronics block correctly.1.2.0. DIAGNOSTIC Sub menu 1.2.0. Diagnostic1.2.1 ALARM MODE Deactivation of the alarm mode (current output < 4 mA) caused by test failure (see menu 1.1.2. to 1.1.7).“YES”: alarm mode is enabled“NO”: alarm mode is disabled1.2.2. REG FAIL. All the error messages that have occurred since the first power-up are listed. Maximum storage capacity: 32 messagesSee section “2.5 Error Message List” for the meaning of errormessages.1.2.3. TESTActivation of PRODUCT (factory auto-diagnostic test mode) or MODECUSTOM (field auto-diagnosis test mode = less severe).Default setting: CUSTOM (field test mode)Resetof the alarms counterCOUNT1.2.4. ALARMUP2.0.0. SETMain menu 2.0.0.PARAMETER2.1.0. DATA BASE Sub menu 2.1.0. Base data2.1.1. FULL SCALE Not available.head calibration constant 0.8 ≤ G K≤ 1.300Primary2.1.3. GKVALUESee section “1.1.1. Flow calibration” on how to recalculate G K.2.1.4. CORRECTION Activation of the low flow linearization for velocity below 3 m/s.Select “YES” or “NO”, default setting:“YES”8 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 DOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 9Fct. n° TextDescription and settings 2.2.0. CURRENT OUT Sub menu 2.2.0. Current output 2.2.1. CURRENT? Not available 2.2.2. I 0% Calibration of the current output for i 0%Measure the exact value on a milliammeter and press the “+” or “-” key in order to obtain the wished value for i 0% 3 mA ≤ i 0% ≤ 12 mA2.2.3. I 100% Calibration of the current output for i 100%Measure the exact value on a milliammeter and press the “+” or “-” key in order to obtain the wished value for i 100% 12 mA ≤i 100% ≤ 21 mA2.2.4. TIME CONST. Time constant for output of the measured valuesRange: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 m2.4.0. SPECIAL Sub menu 2.4.0. Special functions 2.4.1. LANGUAGE Language for display text“GB”: English “F”: French “D”: German2.4.2. PASSWORD Not available 2.4.3. EEP PARAM. Display of the different parameters memorised in theEEPROM: see section “2.4 Parameters Stored in the EEPROM”. Read only.2.4.4. FILTER Activation of an electronic filter for noisy applications(foam, solid contents).Select “YES” or “NO”, default setting “YES”.2.4.5. DISPLAY Display of the actual velocity in m/s. The velocity is displayedafter quitting the programming menu.Select “YES” or “NO”. Default setting “NO”.It must be programmed to “NO” before you disconnect the DWM 2000 D.2.4.6. DIAMETER Diameter of the pipe into which the sensor is inserted. Thisvalue is needed for calculating the flow rate. If you enter a value of “0”, this switches off flow rate on the indicator display. Refer also to the CAUTION that follows. 50 mm ≤ diameter ≤ XXXX mmC D th dIf2.4 Parameters stored in the EEPROM (menu 2.4.3)Parameter Comment Typicalvalue CHECKS 1 Check EEPROM n°1 -CHECKS 2 Check EEPROM n°2 -CHECKS BYTE 1 Check EEPROM -CHECKS BYTE 2 Check EEPROM -CPT ALARM. Counting of all the error messagessince the first power-up.-CPT ALARM.2: Counting of all the error messagessince the last reset.-TEST Indication of auto diagnostic testlevelCUSTOMCORRECTION YES/NO Indication of activation of low velocity linearization. YESEP CHECKS Result of the data check in EPROM(see menu 1.1.6.) Value = 22309 With soft V1.02FS Display of the programmed full scalevalues (see menu 1.1.2.)1 m/s ... 8 m/sGK Primary head calibration constant(see menu 2.1.3.)0.8 ... 1.3U REF Internal voltage reference(see menu 1.1.3.)2.4. ... 2.6.T CST Time constant (see menu 2.2.4.) 5 sTEST AMP Test value of the amplifier controlloop (see menu 1.1.4.)75 (95)FM Frequency of the magnetic field(see menu 1.1.1.)10 ... 14.5 HzDIAMETER Diameter of pipeline(see menu 2.4.6)≥ 50 mm10 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D2.5 Error message listListed below are the messages which can appear in menu 1.2.2. This function stores all the faults that have occurred since the first connection to power.ErrormessagesComment ActionsMAG. FREQ No magnetic field frequency out of range10 Hz ≤ frequency ≤ 14.5 HzReplace the electronics module AMPLI Dysfunction of the amplifier loop Replace the electronics moduleF.S. Programmed full scale out of range(>8 m/s or <1 m/s).Replace the electronics module ZERO KEY Dysfunction of ZERO key (short circuit) Replace the electronics module EP CHECK Data loss in EPROM (software) Replace the electronics module EEP CHECK Data loss in EEPROM (calibration andcalculation data)Replace the electronics module U REF Amplifier voltage reference is damaged Replace the electronics module CURR. OUT Incorrect position of the internal current outputswitchReplace the electronics module FS SWIT EEP Modification of the full scale power on Program the full scale power off ZERO Velocity measurement during the zeroadjustment is more than 0.2 m/s. Deactivate the alarm mode and adjust the zero againOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 11DWM 2000 D nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlAddresses:GermanyNorthern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Bremer Str. 133D-21073 HamburgPhone:+49 (0)40 767 3340 Fax:+49 (0)40 767 33412 nord@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html ZIP code: 10000 - 29999, 49000 - 49999 Western and middle sales office KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig-Krohne-Stra?e D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)203 301 4416 Fax:+49 (0)203 301 10416 west@krohne.deZIP code: 30000 - 34999, 37000 - 48000, 50000 - 53999, 57000 - 59999, 98000 - 99999Southern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Landsberger Str. 392 D-81241 MunichPhone:+49 (0)89 121 5620 Fax:+49 (0)89 129 6190 sued@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html ZIP code: 0 - 9999, 80000 - 89999, 90000 - 97999Southwestern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Rüdesheimer Str. 40 D-65239 Hochheim/Main Phone: +49(0)6146) 827 30 Fax:+49 (0)6146 827 312 rhein-main@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlZIP code: 35000 - 36999, 54000 - 56999, 60000 - 79999Instrumentation and control equipment catalogTABLAR Messtechnik GmbH Ludwig-Krohne-Stra?e 5D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)2 03 305 880 Fax:+49 (0)2 03 305 8888kontakt@tablar.de; www.tablar.deKROHNE sales companiesInternationalAustraliaKROHNE Australia Pty LtdQuantum Business Park 10/287Victoria Rd Rydalmere NSW 2116 Phone: +61 2 8846 1700 Fax: +61 2 8846 1755krohne@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .au AustriaKROHNE Gesellschaft m.b.H.Modecenterstra?e 14A-1030 ViennaPhone:+43 (0)1/203 45 32Fax:+43 (0)1/203 45 32 99info@krohne.atBelgiumKROHNE Belgium N.V.Brusselstraat 320B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden Phone:+32 (0)2 4 66 00 10 Fax:+32 (0)2 4 66 08 00 krohne@krohne.beBrazilKROHNE Conaut Controles Automaticos Ltda.Estrada Das águas Espraiadas, 230 C.P. 56 06835 - 080 EMBU - SP Phone:+55 (0)11-4785-2700 Fax:+55 (0)11 4785-2768 conaut@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .brChinaKROHNE Measurement Instruments (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., (KMIC)9th Floor, Xujiahui International Building1033 Zhaojiabang Road Shanghai 200030Phone: +86 21 6487 9611Fax:+86 21 6438 7110info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html Czech RepublicKrohne CZ, spol. s r.o.Sobìsická 15663800 BrnoPhone: +420 (0)545.242 627Fax: +420 (0)545 220 093brno@krohne.czFranceKROHNE S.A.S.Les Ors BP 98F-26103 ROMANS Cedex Phone:+33 (0)4 75 05 44 00Fax:+33 (0)4 75 05 00 48info@krohne.frGreat Britain KROHNE Ltd.Rutherford DrivePark Farm Industrial Estate Wellingborough Northants NN8 6AEPhone:+44 (0)19 33 408 500Fax:+44 (0)19 33 408 501info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html CISKanex KROHNE Engineering AG Business-Centre Planeta Office 404 ul.Marxistskaja 3109147 Moscow/Russia Phone:+7 (0)095 911 7165Fax:+7 (0)095 742 8873krohne@dol.ruIndiaKrohne Marshall Ltd.A-34/35, M.I.D.C. Industrial Area,H-BlockPimpri Poona 411018Phone:+91 (0)202 744 2020Fax:+91 (0)202 744 2020pcu@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html IranKROHNE Liaison Office North Sohrevardi Ave. 26,Sarmad St., Apt. #9Tehran 15539Phone: +9821 8874 5973Fax: +9821 8850 1268krohne@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html Italy KROHNE Italia Srl. Via V. Monti 75I-20145 MilanPhone:+39 02 4300 661Fax:+39 02 4300 6666info@krohne.itKoreaKROHNE KoreaRoom 508 Miwon Bldg 43Yoido-Dong Youngdeungpo-Ku Seoul, KoreaPhone: 00-82-2-782-1900Fax: 00-82-2-780-1749mail@krohne.co.krNetherlandsKROHNE Nederland B.V.Kerkeplaat 14NL-3313 LC Dordrecht Phone:+31 (0)78 630 6200Fax:+31 (0)78 630 6405Service Direct: +31 (0)78 630 6222info@krohne.nlNorwayKROHNE Norway A.S. Ekholtveien 114NO-1521 MossPhone:+47 (0)69 264 860Fax:+47 (0)69 267 333postmaster@krohne.no PolandKROHNE Polska Sp.z.o.o.ul. Stary Rynek Oliwski 8a 80-324 GdanskPhone: +48 (0)58 520 9211Fax.:+48 (0)58 520 9212info@krohne.plSwitzerland KROHNE AG Uferstr. 90CH-4019 BaselPhone:+41 (0)61 638 30 30Fax:+41 (0)61 638 30 40info@krohne.chSingaporeTokyo Keiso - KROHNE (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.14, International Business Park, Jurong EastChiyoda Building, #01-01/02Singapore 609922Phone: (65) 6567 4548Fax : (65) 6567 9874tks@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .sg Republic of South Africa KROHNE Pty. Ltd.Bushbock CloseCorporate Park South Midrand, Gauteng P.O. Box 2069Midrand, 1685Tel.: +27 (0)11 314 1391Fax: +27 (0)11 314 1681midrand@krohne.co.zaSpainI.I. KROHNE IBERIA, S.r.l.Poligono Industrial Nilo Calle Brasil, n o. 528806 Alcalá de Henares Madrid Phone: +34 (0)91 883 2152Fax: +34 (0)91 883 4854 krohne@krohne.esUSAKROHNE, Inc.7 Dearborn Road Peabody, MA 01960Phone: +1 (800) FLOWINGPhone: +1 (978) 535 6060 (in MA)info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlRepresentativesAlgeria Argentina Cameroon Canada Chile Columbia Croatia Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland Gabon Ghana Greece Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Iran Ireland IsraelIvory Coast Japan Jordan Kuwait Libya Lithuania Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Morocco New Zealand Peru Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Senegal Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Venezuela YugoslaviaOther countriesKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)203 301 0Fax:+49 (0)203 301 389 export@krohne.deElectromagnetic flowmeters Level measuring instruments Variable area flowmeters Temperature measuring instruments ?Mass flowmeters ?Pressure measuring instruments ?Ultrasonic flowmeters ?AnalysisVortex flowmetersOil and gas industryFlow controllersKROHNE measuring technology - Product overviewK R O H N E 04/2008S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e。



OPTIMASS 2300技术数据表质量流量计管径大,可用于大流量测量不锈钢测量管模块式电子组件液体和气体的密闭输送2OPTIMASS 2000 虽然是为满足石油和天然气行业的输送需求而开发的,但是也完全适合于许多其他大流量测量的应用方面。

OPTIMASS 2000 具有很高的性能水平,适合于石油和其他油类以及糖浆、果浆和化学原材料等的大流量测量。

OPTIMASS 2000 同 MFC 300 的功能配套使用,能提供体积、质量、密度和浓度等方面的精确测量。

大流量质量流量测量的解决方案功能特点适用行业应用石油与天然气废水处理化工造纸与纸浆食品与酿造制药供水综合诊断能力可提供成系列的过程接头 外壳为304L或316L不锈钢传感器整个系列上采用通用的电子组件,带校验和传感器数据的冗余存储器模块式电子组件,有各种输出选项大流量装料/卸料体积和质量的密闭输送大容量管道测量应用1234512534新颖的双测量管设计高流速能力排放容易,清洁方便可选用的加热护套高精度的密闭输送优化的分流器,压力降达到最小模块式电子组件概念:电子组件和传感器更换方便管径大,可用于大流量测量OPTIMASS 23003特点与选项特点连接选项加热护套和冲洗口OPTIMASS 2000 提供各类要求大流量测量的应用的最佳方案:Optimass 2000 系列仪表具有卫生型和法兰式两种型式的连接。

Optimass 2000 具有加热护套和冲洗口两种选项。

OPTIMASS 2300流速最大到 2300000 kg / h 集成式电子组件零位稳定性同等级中最出色标准法兰,额定压力可达 1500 lbs 。

卫生型连接(仅用于 S100 型)用于食品 / 酿造业的大流量测量。








OPTIFLUX 系列及其它技术数据表电磁流量计OPTIFLUX 1300 / 2300 / 4300 / 5300 / 6300 电磁流量计,拥有强大的自诊断功能,有各种安装接口,有各种衬里和电极材料,最高精度可达0.15%,重复性0.06% OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计(IFM 4080 升级换代产品,有自诊断功能)K300 一体型电磁流量计/ K 450K + F 电磁流量计高压电磁流量计科隆电磁流量计经济型K 300(一体型)模拟量K 450(一体或分体型)模拟量(带显示)特殊型OPTIFLUX 4040 C 两线制TIDALFLUX 4110 PF 非满管BATCHFLUX 5015 C 灌装式卫生型常用型W FOPTIFLUX 6300 C1. 性能简介1- 52. 常用产品2.1 OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 电磁流量计62.1 .1I FC 300 信号转换器6- 162.2 OPTIFLUX 2100 / 4100 电磁流量计172.2 .1I FC 100 信号转换器17- 2021- 22232425263. 经济型30- 313 .2K450K + F 电磁流量计32- 334. 选型与安装4.1传感器口径选择34- 354 .2电极形式 / 材料选择364.3衬里材料的选择374.4传感器在管线上的安装38- 416. 原理及标定证书44目录2.3 OPTIFLUX 2000/4000传感器2.4 IFS / 4000-HP 高压传感器2.5 IFM 3100K +F 电磁流量计2.6 OPTIFLUX 1300夹持型电磁流量计2.7 OPTIFLUX 5300 S W 陶瓷型夹持式电磁流量计2.7.1 OPTIFLUX 5300 FL 法兰型272.8 OPTIFLUX 6300 卫生接口型电磁流量计28- 293.1 K 300 一体型电磁流量计5. 产品选型编码42- 431. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 2300 / 4300 W(可选 C + F + R)DN 10 ~ 3000OPTIFLUX (一体)(墙挂分体)2100 / 4100 C + W DN 10 ~ 1200详细数据见P 6详细数据见P 17OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )+ / -0.3%±1mm / s (取决于传感器)OPTI FLUX 2000(橡胶)/ OPTI FLUX 4000(四氟、PFA )0.2% - 0.3%(液体中最多含30% 的固体成份)IFM 3100 / 3300 C + W1. 性能简介仪表性能同OPTIFLUX4100,传感器见M 900,见P 24K 300DN 10 ~ 300K 300≤1%详细数据见P 30DN 50 ~ 300M 900+ / -0.3% ±1mm / s(取决于传感器)K 4501. 性能简介DN 10 ~ 450 IFS4000≤0.5%DN 10 ~ 150 OPTIFLUX 1300 OPTIFLUX 10000.3%1. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 5300OPTIFLUX 63001. 性能简介OPTIFLUX 4040TIDALFLUX 4110 PFIFC 300 信号转换器1 图形显示器,背光(白)2 第1 行和第2 行用于显示不同的测量变量,大字体格式显示时只显示一个变量3 第三行显示条形图4 光感应键,无需打开盖就可操作信号转换器5 蓝色条显示:·测量模式时显示仪表位号·设置模式时显示菜单/ 功能名称6 X 指示有键按动7 指示红外线输出工作,此时4 光感应键失效8 连接KROHNE GDC 总线的插座9 光电感应接口,用于无线传送数据(输入/ 输出)IFC 300 显示 / 操作和调整键IFC 300 C 和IFC 300 F 的o 显示器可以隔90旋转2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器2.1 IFC 300 信号转换器使用特点·工厂设置(有二个记忆芯片,一个在机内,另一个在机芯外的底板上)·可以存储3组设定数据,factrory settings 为工厂设定数据用户不能更改(传感器的GK 值、满量程、零点、线圈阻值、温度等)机外底板上的记忆芯片机内记忆芯片·更换转换器时无需设置数据,直接从机芯外的底板上取出工厂设定数据。



1 产品特点
z 简便、低成本安装: 测量和就地显示无需辅助电源 z 通用防爆概念:本安和隔爆 z 模块化可扩展 – 从机械式到现场总线 z 任何安装位置:垂直向上,水平,垂直向下 z 坚固的测量管结构,适用于高温和极端工作压力 z 可选材质:不锈钢、哈氏合金®, 钛材, Monel, PTFE/TFM 等。 z 多种连接方式:法兰、螺纹、卡套、焊接等等。 z 测量范围宽,可达:100:1 z 应用安全等级高,甚至极低流量
4.2.1 M40 – 限位开关…………..………. .............................................................................................. 32 4.2.2 ESK4A 电信号输出………………................................................................................................. 35 4.3 接地连接………………………………….................................................................................................... 38 . 4.4 防护等级……………………..……….. ........................................................................................................38 5 订单信息………..…………………….. ...........................................................................................................39

KROHNE科隆金属管浮子流量计H250 H210

KROHNE科隆金属管浮子流量计H250 H210

科隆金属管浮子流量计H250产品特点坚固、简洁、可靠设计来电—洽~询:15 8 050 61 213,找李工模块化、智能化指示器设计与国际市场同步,选用新型ESK2A变送器一次成型测量锥管陶瓷气阻尼装置X-射线探伤低压力损失设计短行程、小型结构、250mm高德国KROHNE公司计算软件保证计算准确介质粘度,密度,温度,压力多级修正全进口流量校验装置保证产品精度100%压力测试,100%产品校验多种指示器M7、M9、M10选择多种信号输出:4-20mA;0.02-0.1MPa;开关信号多种技术认证保证质量可选附件(配件)测量直管段,H系列浮子流量计建议用户安装前五倍口径,后三倍口径的直管段以保证仪表测量精度。





KROV ACAL计算软件:安装在WIN2000或更高系统上实现HART与计算机选型、线性修正、流量累计等功能。



H250带M40指示器1921年,KROHNE即开始设计生产变面积流量计,H250 M40是勇于创新和成熟技术的完美组合。

基于独特的模块化设计,H250 M40具有广泛的应用。



因此,H250 M40能以可靠的测量满足您几乎所有的需求,并且以优异的性价比给您留下深刻的印象!满足所有防爆要求的仪表所有电子元件被设计为本质安全和无火花,可在爆炸性气体和粉尘环境场合使用。



电磁流量计选型设计资料10/2006 KROHNEIFM 4300 IFM 4080K 300 K 450 OPTIFLUX 6300 OPTIFLUX 13001. 科隆电磁流量计2. 产品性能简介3. 常用产品详细介绍3.1 IFM 4300电磁流量计 3.1.1 IFC 300信号转换器 显示/操作和调整键 诊断功能 使用特点 尺寸和重量 接线图 产品精度表 3.1.2 IFS 4300 (OPTIFLUX 4000)电磁流量传感器 常用规格 外形图及尺寸 特殊规格3.2 IFM 4080K+F电磁流量计 3.2.1 IFC 090K+F信号转换器 面板及外形尺寸 技术数据 接线图 3.2.2 IFS 4000电磁流量传感器 常用规格 外形图及尺寸3.3 IFS 3080 K+F 电磁流量计 3.3.1 M 900 尺寸和重量 3.3.2 IFM 3080 K 尺寸和重量3.4 IFC 010 电磁流量转换器 3.4.1 外形尺寸 3.4.2 接线图128888991011181919202122222223242626272828283030313233343.5 OPTIFLUX 1300 夹持型电磁流量计 3.5.1 外形图 3.5.2 尺寸及重量3.8 OPTIFLUX 5300 陶瓷型电磁流量计 3.8.1 OPTIFLUX 5300SW 夹持型电磁流量计 外形图 尺寸和重量3.8.2 OPTIFLUX 5300FL 法兰型电磁流量计 外形图 尺寸和重量3.9 OPTIFLUX 6300 卫生接口型电磁流量计 3.9.1外形图及尺寸 353536373738393940414242434445474747484949505151515152545456575862 4. 经济型产品详细介绍 4.1 K300一体型电磁流量计 4.1.1 接线图 4.1.2 尺寸及重量 4.2 K450K+F电磁流量计 4.2.1 接线图 4.2.2 尺寸及重量5. 特殊型产品详细介绍 5.1 WATERFLUX 2070电池供电电磁流量计  5.1.1 特性 5.1.2 行业应用 5.1.3 外形图及尺寸6. 选型安装 6.1 传感器口径选择 6.2 电极形式/材料选择 6.3 衬里材料的选择 6.4 传感器在管线上的安装7. 产品选型编码3.6OPTIFLUX2300电磁流量计 3.6.1 OPTIFLUX 2000 电磁流量传感器尺寸及重量 3.7 OPTIFLUX 4300 电磁流量计 3.7.1 OPTIFLUX 4000 电磁流量传感器尺寸及重量 3.6.2 外形图及尺寸 3.7.2 外形图及尺寸科隆电磁流量计经济型K 300模拟量K 450模拟量(带显示)特殊型OPTIFLUX 4040 C 两线制TIDALFLUX 4110 PF非满管BATCHFLUX 5015 C灌装式WATERFLUX 2070电池供电OPTIFLUX 7300 C电容式常用型C F W F C W(配IFC 300、010)2. 产品性能简介+F+WIFM 4080 K+F(IFM 4080K-Ex)IFM 4300 C详细数据见 P8详细数据见 P22IFM 3080 K+F2. 产品性能简介详细数据见 P30仪表性能同 IFM 4080,传感器见 M 900,见 P28贸易计量认证详细数据见 P47详细数据见 P492. 产品性能简介OPTIFLUX 1300OPTIFLUX 2300OPTIFLUX 43002. 产品性能简介300OPTIFLUX 52. 产品性能简介IFC 300 信号转换器1 图形显示器,背光(白)2 第1行和第2行用于显示不同的测量变量,大字体格式显示 时只显示一个变量3 第三行显示条形图4 光感应键,无需打开盖就可操作信号转换器5 蓝色条显示: ·测量模式时显示仪表位号 ·设置模式时显示菜单/功能名称6 X指示有键按动7 指示在状态列表中有信息示红外线输出工作,此时4光感应键失效8 连接KROHNE GDC 总线的插座9 光电感应接口,用于无线传送数据(输入/输出) IFC 300 显示/操作和调整键IFC 300 C和IFC 300 F的0显示器可以隔90旋转3.1.1.3 使用特点·工厂设置(有二个记忆芯片,一个在机内,另一个在机芯外的底板上)·可以存储3组设定数据,除了工厂设定数据用户不能更改外(传感器的GK值、满量程、零点、线圈阻值、温度等)机外底板上的记忆芯片机内记忆芯片·更换转换器时无需设置数据,直接从机芯外的底板上调出数据。






















安装和使用说明书电磁流量计IFM 4080 K+F ()IFM 3080 K+F 3.1 - SGAIC - I - 6IFC 090 F 信号转换器IFM 4080 K01/02ElectromagneticFlowmetersIFS 4000 F 传感器中德合资 上海光华·爱而美特仪器有限公司计量器具许可证: 沪字00000443号上海光华·爱而美特仪器有限公司已通过 ISO 9002 国际国内双重认证IFM 4080电磁流量计的组合式Krohne 系统在特定的应用中,组合式Krohne 系统是合适的电磁流量计----从流量测量和经济观点来看都是合适的。

IFC 090 可与所有的Krohne 传感器相配IFS 5000 陶瓷测量管,无法兰的设计IFS 4000 具有PFA 或其他衬里,有法兰的设计M 900 作为特殊应用,例如卫生型,额定压力可高达PN1500(或 20000磅/平方英寸表压)和现场可更换电极型式的代码IFM... 电磁流量计IFS... (M900)传感器IFC... 信号转换器K 一体型F 分体型传感器的详细数据在有关的数据册中规定IFM 4080 K IFS 4000 FM 900IFM 3080 (M 900 + IFC 090 信号转换器)一体型分体型111222-31.1 简要说明1.2 IFC 090 信号转换器分类1.3 信号转换器供电形式1.4 外壳材料及防护等级1.5 参比条件下误差曲线1.6 信号转换器方框图简述2.1 安装与电气连接要求2.2 接线端子电气连接图2.3 输入输出连接方式2.4 输入输出说明与组合2.5 厂方设定2.6 仪表启动3.1 IFC 090 D 面板注释3.2 操作按键的功能3.3 KROHNE 公司操作规则3.4 缩写字母表示含义3.5 功能设定表3.6 在测量状态下出错信息3.7 积算器复位及出错信息的消除3.8 修改设定范例4.1 满量程范围4.2 时间常数4.3 小流量切除4.4 显示4.5 内部电子积算器4.6 电流输出 I 4.7 脉冲输出B 14.8 状态输出B 1和B 24.9 显示文本和语种4.10 进入编程的密码4.11 传感器参数设定4.12 用户自定义单位4.13 F/R 正/反向流量方式测量4.14 输出特性图4.15 控制输入B 1和B 24.16 应用4.17 二进制输入和输出的组成444-67-8991010-11121313-171717-1818191919-2020202121-222323242425262626-2727274.18 限位开关4.19 自动量程切换BA 5.1 用于危险场合5.2 手操机终端和包括CONFIG 组态软件的RS 232适配器5.3 测量管排空时信号的稳定输出5.4 脉冲流量情况下设定方法5.5 测量流率的快速响应5.6 不稳定显示和输出6.1 IFC 090K/D 信号转换器的零位检查,Fct3.036.2 测量范围Q 的测试,Fct2.016.3 硬件信息和出错情况检查,Fct2.026.4 用GS8A 模拟信号器测试IFC090转换器7.1 线路板图解7.2 信号转换器壳体盖开启要求与注意点7.3 电源保险丝的更换及保险丝的规格表7.4 改变交流 AC 型 1 型和 2 型工作电压方法7.5 显示线路板转向和更换7.6 IFC 090转换器电气单元的更换方法1. IFS 4000与IFC 090的组合及型号命名2. 传感器在管线上的安装2.1 安装要求2.2 IFS 4000的衬里2.3 IFS 4000的电极2.4 接地环2.5 接地2.5.1 在内表面没有涂层的金属管道上的接地安装2.5.2 在塑料管道或内表面涂有绝缘层的金属管道上的接地安装2.5.3 具有阴极保护管道的接地安装2.6 电缆的敷设2.7 允许负压的极限3. IFS 4000与转换器组合时的接线图3.1 IFM 4080F(IFS 4000+IFC 090)4. IFS 4000的外形、连接尺寸及重量4.1 IFS 4000的法兰标准4.2 IFS 4000的外形、连接尺寸及重量表5. M 900 电磁流量传感器尺寸、重量6 电磁流量传感器的工作原理27-282829292929-30303031313233-3435-363636-373738383940-4540-414242-434343444444-45454546-474646-474646-474848电源1.额定值允差范围2.额定值允差范围频率功耗(包括传感器)1.AC 型交流标准型230/240V 200-260V 115/120V 100-130V 48-63Hz 大约10VA2.AC 型交流选择型200V 170-220V 100V 85-110V 48-63Hz 大约10VAAC/DC 型交流/直流可选型24V AC 20-27V AC大约8W24V DC 18-32V DC_____IFC 090信号转换器为智能型电磁流量转换器,它与电磁流量传感器IFS 4000,IFS 5000,IFS 6000系列组合成一体型或分体型电磁流量计,其对应型号及测量范围详见下表所示满度流量范围Q 100%3IFM 4080 K 0.0848-33929m /h 0.3735-156672USGal/min3IFM 5080 K 0.0053-339.2m /h 0.0245-1493USGal/min 3IFM 6080 K 0.0053-217.1m /h 0.0245-955.6USGal/min类 型 IFC 090 K/B 基本型,不带现场显示与控制元件 IFC 090 K/D 显示型,带有现场显示与控制元件IFC 090 K/D-EEX 防爆型,带有增安输出在危险场合应用接口(选择件)——HART ——可选择扩展模式扩展设备(选择件)——含CONFIG 软件和连接到IM O C Om 接口用MS — DOS Pc 机操作控制的匹配器。

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11/2007 KROHNE质量流量计选型设计资料Corimass 系列MFM 2081 K+FMFM 3081 K+F科隆测量仪器目录1. 科隆 Corimass 质量流量计产品性能简介2. S 系列 MFM 1081 K+F2.1CORIMA MFS1000的优点2.2 MFM 1081 K 外形、尺寸、重量2.3 MFS1000 系列液体加热/冷却、传感器尺寸2.4 法兰尺寸2.5 MFS 1000 传感器技术数据(S系列)3. P 系列 MFM 2081 K+F3.1 MFM 2081 K+F 质量流量计产品特点3.2 MFS 2000 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量3.3 MFM2081 K 外形尺寸3.4 法兰尺寸3.5 MFS 2000 传感器技术数据(P系列)4. E 系列 MFM 3081 K+F4.1 MFM 3081 K+F 质量流量计产品特点4.2 MFS 3000 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量4.3 MFM3081 K 外形、尺寸、重量4.4 MFS 3000 传感器技术数据(E系列)5.转换器MFC0816.产品安装要求7.选型编码8.产品标定装置1 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 17 19 23主要领域测量项目安装场合介质温度测量误差法兰标准被测介质温度被测介质密度外壳防护类别转换器型号输出信号显示器累计器语言适用电源电器接口尺寸防爆等级产品标准安装形式选择件通讯接口特殊选项S系列MFM 1081 K+F石油、化工、热力、冶金、食品质量流量、密度、温度、%浓度、体积流量满管流动性液体,气体±(0.25+0.3%R)℃3-40℃~200℃30.005~2 g/cm IP 67MFC 081 K+F电流,频率或脉冲,状态字母/数字型,测量值总流量及设定之参数英语,德语,法语110/200/240/V AC ,24V DC/ACM20×1.5Ex de [ib]ⅡC T6~T3Q/YXFFI-2005(等效于 ISO 10790)一体式或分体式MP 磁棒编程液加热,电加热(无防爆),保温夹套Hart 通讯协议或RS485,Profibus-PA ,FF ,MODBUS1. 科隆质量流量计产品性能简介国标 GB/T9115(DIN2635 PN40), (DIN2636 PN 63)等1. 科隆质量流量计产品性能简介2. S系列 MFM 1081 K+FCORIMASS MFS1000 测量系统采用单管串联型的测量管(见图 1)。

它具有如下优点:A. 测量管采用大横截面管,弯曲半径大,保证了测量时压力损失小;B. 由于具有双测量管,因而对外来的震动干扰不敏感,抗干扰性强;C. 由于双测量管是由单管串联而成,不用分流,两根管道内的流量绝对相等,因而零点稳定;D. 测量管管壁厚,最脆弱的焊缝在最不受力的测量管直管段中部(见图 1),测量管的振荡支点避开了焊缝,其受力状态为扭动而不是弯曲(见图 2),从而保证了仪表具有很长的寿命;E. 振荡频率低,仅 100Hz 左右,转换器可以对信号每周内进行多点采样,从而提高了测量精度。

CORIMASS MFS1000 测量系统用一个质量很重(占传感器总重量约 75%)的铸件作为基座(见图 2),大大降低了对用户的安装要求。


2.1 CORIMAS MFS 1000的优点焊缝图1基座2图2MFC 081MFS 1000 传感器MFM 1081K(一体型)MFM 1081F(分体型)2. S系列 MFM 1081 K+F2.2 MFM 1081 K 外形图、尺寸、重量2.3 MFS 1000 系列传感器外形尺寸液体加热 / 冷却型传感器外形尺寸单位(mm)2. S系列 MFM 1081 K+F2.4 法兰尺寸2. S系列 MFM 1081 K+F 2.5 MFS 1000系列传感器技术数据(S系列)专利管形设计减少管应力“E ”形管自排空适用于卫生场合内径管大,管壁厚压损小磨损性少可靠性独特的分流器设计减少堵塞和空穴危险双驱动器设计高空化可能性MFM 2081K 双管并联质量流量计MFC 081 转换器MFS 2000 传感器3. P系列 MFM 2081 K+F3.1 MFM 2081 K+F质量流量计产品特点3.2 MFS 2000 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量3.3 MFM 2081 K 外形尺寸3. P系列 MFM 2081 K+F 3.4 法兰尺寸注:DN65~DN100仅在P系列中使用60P 可使用DN15,DN25,300P可使用DN25,DN40,800P可使用DN65,DN80,1500P可使用DN80,DN1003.5 MFS 2000 传感器技术数据(P系列)标准型 1.4571: DIN 2635 / PN 40 316L: ANSI 150 RF 特殊型 1.4571: DIN 2635 / PN 40 DIN 2636 / PN 63 ANSI 150 RF ANSI 300 RF SD tapered socket to DIN 11851 SC screw connection TRI - Clamp JIS 2210 20K 工作中 储存中材料测量管 标准型 特殊型 壳体 接线盒防护等级 (IECS29 / EN 60529)防爆型欧洲标准DN 803"DN 65DN 652"3"DN 65DN 653"65A 3"-40 ~ +60℃-50 ~ +60℃不锈钢 1.4435 或 SS 316L 不锈钢 1.4571 或 SS 316 Ti 不锈钢 1.4301 或 SS 304具有环氧树酯涂层的压铸铝IP 67,相当于 NEMA 6Exde[ib]ⅡCT6~T3DN 1004"DN 80DN 803"4"DN 80DN 804"80 A 4"DN 251"DN 15DN 153/4"3/4"DN 402"DN 50/DN 25DN 50/DN 251 1/2"1 1/2"对于仪器的适用性和使用意向的责任由购者自负3. P系列 MFM 2081 K+F·单E形管在恶劣的应用条件下表现卓越,不易堵塞,充分流动,即使 含有气体的情况下精度也能保证。

·专利E形管设计灵活的几何结构提供更好的流量灵敏度 管壁厚,工作时间长,垂直安装时可自排空·专利机械悬浮系统隔离测量过程中振动 / 应力影响 简单的安装要求MFM 3081K 单管型质量流量计MFC 081 转换器MFS 3000 传感器4. E系列 MFM 3081 K+F4.1 MFM 3081 K+F质量流量计产品特点4.2 MFS 3000F 系列传感器外形、尺寸、重量4. E系列 MFM 3081 K+F4.1 MFM 3081K 外形尺寸4. E系列 MFM 3081 K+F 4.4 MFS 3000 传感器技术数据(E系列)MFC 081 信号转换器① 第一行显示:数字显示② 第二行显示:文字显示③ 第三行显示:(箭头 表明转换器所处状态)— 状态信息显示— 待机状态④ 信号转换器的操作控制键⑤ 用磁棒设定转换器的磁性感应键的功能键⑤ 显示一个正在操作键的动作信号MFC 081 信号转换器外形尺寸(mm)MFC 081 重量约 4.2 kg5. 转换器 MFC 0815. 转换器 MFC 081 MFC 081 信号转换器技术数据电流输出 I功能电流负载线性度频率输出 P功能脉冲率幅度额定负载外部电压状态指示输出 S功能电压额定负载— 可调整到所有可操作数据— 通过光耦合器进行电隔离,与电源和CPU电隔离,不与其他输出隔离0~20 mA 或 4~20 mA≤500Ω2~20mA时≤0.2 %测量值对方式1,方式2,则没有(参见以上输入和输出 / 型号)— 可调整到所有可操作数据— 集电极开路高达 1300 Hz最高 24 V≤150 mA≤ 24 V DC对方式1,方式2,则没有(参见以上输入和输出 / 型号)— 可调整到所有操作数据— 通过光耦合电隔离状态,极限值,方向识别最高 24V,也可作为脉冲输出的电压源短路防护0~2mA时≤0.02 %满度5. 转换器 MFC 081控制输入 C 功能控制信号小流量切除流量的时间常数电源 标准型特殊型 功耗对方式2,则没有(参见以上输入和输出 / 型号)— 可设定积算器重新设定,零点,状态确认或变换待机←→测量模式— 通过光耦合器进行电隔离— 快速的“高” 或“低”高:4 ~ 24V 或接线端子断开 低:0 ~ 2V 或接线端子闭合输入电流:<0.2 mA铭牌满度范围的 0 ~ 10%0.2 ~ 20秒230V AC ±10%或120V AC+10/-15%,48-63Hz (可变更成 100,200 或 115V Ac ±10%,48 ~ 63Hz )21,24,42,48V AC +10/-15%,48 ~ 63Hz ,24V DC ±30%AC :18VA DC :10W测量的量和单位简明文字的语种磁性元件 MPR HART 系统(选择件) 操作控制 连接 距离RS 485,Profibus PA 壳体 材料 环境温度 保护级别(IEC 529 / EN 60529)输出、输入和接口的组合参见第14页“测量的量和单位”英文、德文、法文功能与 3 键相同;不必打开壳体,用手持磁棒进行操作用手持通信器或 PC 和 Krohne CONFIG 软件进行遥控连到二个电流输出端子在手持通信器和信号转换器之间最大 1000m具有聚氨酯涂层的压铸铝-25 至 +60℃(-25℃以下液晶发暗,不影响工作)IP 67,相当于 NEMA69种组合,订货时请规定型式的编号,见“输出和输入的电气连接”5. 转换器 MFC 081按照 VDE 0100《电源电压高达 1000 V 的强电流系统安装规则》进行电气连接。

如果出现功能性超低电压(21 ~ 48V AC 和 24V DC ),必须确保有符合VDE 0100 第 410 部份或相当于国家标 准的保护性分离功能。

两个单元之间的电气连接MFS 1000、MFS 2000、MFS 3000传感器和 MFC 081 F 信号转换器用所提供的特殊 BTS 电缆相互电气连接。

BTS 电缆的最长长度为 100m当订购分体系统时,请规定所需要的 BTS 电缆的长度。
