

大学20 20 学年 (请在此输入课程名称) _____________ 学年

共 页 第


课试卷 第 学期

_ z ------------级班


5. I may simply atte nd _________

Part II Structure (15 poin ts, 1 point each)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to con struct grammatically correct senten ces. In this

secti on, there are 10 in complete senten ces. You are required to complete each one by decid ing on


most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). 16. His office is in tow n, but his __ is in the suburb. A .reside nee B. live C. reside nt

D. recent

17. I must ___ to you for not being able to go to your wedd ing. A. appo int B. ack no wledge C. apologize D. assure


Part I Liste ning (20 poi nts)

a. L isten to the dialogue and decide whether each of the following sentence is true (T)or false(F).(1')

1. ( ) The weather is good that ni ght.

2 (

I )The young man is excited after a day of sightseeing.

3. ( )ln a package tour, they can not always do what they want.

4. ( )The other man takes joggi ng to keep healthy.

5. ( )The young woma n many also try some ball games. b. L iste n to the dialogue and an swer these questi on s.(2') 1. Why doesn '

the young woman go out? 18. She was able to __ the climb with the help of some young campers.

A. n egotiate

B. come

C. fail

D. purchase



sooner had they


off the

train it started moving

A. whe n

B. than

C. then

D. a fter

20. She has

wan ted to become a nurse

si nce

she was a young girl

A. lo ng

B. often

C. always

D. ever

21. Some drivers don 'have any ___ f or other motorists.

A. respect B comfort C. en thusiasm D. fun —?为行弊作 号学,卷答实真中试考在人本:诺承信诚

2. Why doesn 'the man go out?

3. What does the young woman do in her spare time?

4. Why does the man suggest the young woman take some ball games?

5. Where are they going the next day?

c. Listen to the dialogue aga in and supply the miss ing words.(l') 1. The views are ____________ , but I cannot bear to walk for long. 2. Any way, the view is worth __________ . 3. Does it really _____________ you?

4. When you grow older, you will _____________ your health.

22. He is a __ boy who is always ask ing questi ons.

A. funny

B. curious

C. lucky

D. meanin gful 23. A: You look pale.

B: Yes, I am tired, I ___ t he room all day long. A. pain ted B. paint

C. have pain ted

D. have bee n pain ti ng

24. I am writing

to apply for the position in your company, __ I saw advertised in yesterday's

n ewspaper.

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. what

25. It took them a few years to __ me that it was possible.

A. pard on

B. await

C. awake n

D. convince 26. She got angry with us and _____ the room without saying goodbye. A. leaves

B. left

C. has left

D. have left

27. The professor ______ the questions to the students already.

A. expla ins

B. had expla ined

C. expla ined

D. has expla ined 28. ____ you start, the ______ you 'llfinish the work.

A. Earlier / sooner

B. The sooner / earlier

C. Soon er / earlier

D. Soon / early

41. ______________ Accordi ng to the in formatio n give n, we can safely say the America n Express Card has bee n used in China for .

A. three years

B.four years

C.six years






42. Acco'rd ing to the article, the followi ng stateme nts are true except _ .

A. American Express Card has won the honor of being assigned the credit card for use in China for the sec ond time

B. 55 percent of the accounts signed with foreign credit cards are not occupied by using America n Express Card

C. the number of tourists using the American Express Card in China in tourism and other areas] hasl bee n on the rise

D. only the America n Express Card is being permitted to use in China in bus in ess, tourism and other related activities

43. The America n Express is doing the followi ng services in Chi na except _ .

A. ha ndli ng customer''s post services

B.deali ng with loa ns to bus in esses

C.settli ng of annual card acco unts

D.report ing miss ing travel checks

44. We can infer from the article that one of the best ways for tourism market promotio n is to




A. se ndout large nu mbers of brochures

B. desig nate on ly one foreig n credit card

C. i ncrease the use of America n Express Card

D. ha ndle bus in ess in foreig n excha nge

45. We can predict that the effect of the signing of the agreement with the American Express on Chin a''s tourism will be ____ .

I I I I I I \ \






D.lon g-termed


In recent years, we have see n great progress in houses buildi ng. The type of houses found in a certa in part of the world depe nds to a certa in exte nt on the buildi ng materials available there. Coun tries where sto ne is abundant tend to have more stone houses tha n a place where there is plenty of timber for example. However, climatic conditions affect the houses built to a greater exte nt.

In equatorial countries like Singapore and Malaysia, two main factors are responsible for the type of houses built: the heat of the sun and the fierce ness of rain storms. Our houses are light and airy but have steep roofs. In some places, houses are built on stilts because they may be in lowl ying areas which get flooded easily.

In a hot and dry country such as Arabia, the houses are ofte n box-shaped. They have thick stone walls which are pain ted white. White surfaces radiate heat while dark surfaces absorb it. The houses have no win dows, only gaps with shutters over them. Even the door ope nings are very small and n arrow. It is cool in side such houses. The roofs are also flat, so that whe n the sun goes dow n, one can sit on the roof and catch any cool breeze that is blow ing. Sometimes,a water tank may be placed on the roof to catch the little rain that falls.

In cold regi ons, where there is heavy snow, the roofs,of the houses slope steeply so that the snow can slide off easily. If the roofs were flat, the snow would build up and the roofs might cave in un der the weight. The houses also have thick stone walls so that the cold is kept out.

Some coun tries are more likely to be affected by earthquakes. In such places, the houses are made of light buildi ng materials. If the houses collapse in an earthquake, few people will get hurt and less damage is caused .In some parts of the world, people take their homes along with them as they travel. These people are called no mads. The Bedo uins of Arab lands wan der over the desert, sett ing up tents wherever they stop to rest.

46. ______________________________ Houses in equatorial coun tries .

B. have steep roofs

D.are built to shelter from the harsh eleme nts

B. are box-shaped

D.always have water tanks on the roof

48.ln cold coun tries roofs slope steeply _____ .

A. so that people can build caves un der it

B. so that the roofs won''t become so heavy

C. because people do not n eed snow to build the house

D. so that the snow can slide off easily

49.ln earthquake-affected coun tries, light build ing materials

are used because _______________________

A.people there can move more easily

B. the houses won"t hurt people in an earthquake

C. l ess damage will be caused in an earthquake

D. people will not be affected by the earthquake

50.Nomads are people who ____ .

A.live in tents

B.travel over the desert

D.set up tents over the desert





A.are light and airy

C.are always built on stilts

47.Houses in Arabia ______ .

A.have thin walls pain ted white

C.have many win dows

C.wa nder from place to place

The art of growing dwarf trees, or "bonsai" as their Japanese creators call them, is in creas ing in popularity in the Un tied States. Grow ing bon sai can make a fasc in ati ng hobby for

I I I I I Illi I I I I I

anyone who 1

enjoys pla nts and creat ing beautiful effects with them; elaborate equipme nt is not





required to grow these lovely and tiny trees, but time, patienee, and a sense of natural beauty are.

There are four importa nt guideli nes to follow in grow ing bon sai. First, one must be careful in choos ing the type of tree. Not all species of trees can be made into bon sai, since the grow ing conditions are unusual. Varieties of pine with small needles and hardwood trunks are especially suitable.

i Second, one must be careful in choos ing the size of the container the bon sai will be in. This

is n ecessary because the major growth of bon sai is kept confined to the tree's trunk and leaves,

not its root system--a process quite un like what is done with other pla nts.

Another thing the bonsai-grower must do is trim the roots and branches of the tree

periodically. Uni ess this is done, the pla nts will not have the proper proporti ons and will look unnatural. The Japanese ideal for bonsai is to have trees which are just like normal trees in everyth ing but size.



The '

last thing one most do is to be careful to keep the miniature trees well-watered. Because

bonsai are grown in smaller-than-usual containers, they often need more water than ordinary housepla nts do.

As one can see from the above, the art of bon sai-grow ing is one which requires a certa in amount of time and effort. The satisfactions that growing bonsai brings can be great, however. Imagine a stately pine tree, 100 years old, standing two feet high; imagine having such a tree in your living, room and pass ing it dow n through several gen erati ons of your family. That is actually





what bonsai-growing is all about: establishing a tradition of beauty which lasts for years and years and is a symbol of the beauties of the natural world.

51.B on sai are .

54. W hat is the implied meaning of "a certa in amount of time and effort" (last paragraph)?

A. M ore time and effort tha n ordinary housepla nts do.

B. A defi nite and exact amount of time and effort.

C. M ore time and effort tha n most people can expe nd.

D. A con sta ntly cha nging amount of time and effort.

55. W hich of the following would be the most appropriate title for this passage?

A.Japa nese Art Forms.

B.B on sai--A Marriage of Art and Nature.

C.The Problems of Growi ng Bon sai

D.Four Ways to Grow Bon sai.

41-45 ___________________________ 46-50 ____________________________ 51-55 ___________________________

Part V Phrase matching:(1 x 20=20)


A. e xtremely popular in the Un ited States

B. trees which have bee n made to grow in mini ature form

C. a kind of natural art form originating in the U.S.

D. v ery beautiful but not very Ion g-last ing

https://www.360docs.net/doc/b618796976.html,pared to other housepla nts, bon sai ofte n require ___ tha n one might expect.

C.a large container

D.l ess care





A.less !

light !

  B.moer water

53.What does the ideal bon sai look like?


A.It has abno rmally large leaves.

C.It has many more bran ches.

B.It has an unu sually thick trunk. D.It is not men ti oned in the passage.

Icultural treasure 2cultural docume ntary 3origi nal in habita nts 4an origi nal thin ker 5an in tegral desig n 6an in tegrated tran sport scheme 7take a profound interest in 8a profo und sigh 9intern ati onal travel 10 wholesalers and retailers 11distribution chain 12outbo und tourists 13commercial traveller 14travel — soiled 15protect aga inst attack 16a n in sura nee commissi on 17on commissi on 18out of commissi on 19so und a note warning 20strike the right note 1 _ 2 _________ 6 _____ 7 _________ 11 _____ __________ 12 16


13 18

A 境外游客

B 最早的居民

C 有创见的思想家

D 完整的设计

E 科教片

F 文化遗产

G 风尘仆仆的

H 对某事物产生极大的兴趣 I 一声长叹 J 综合联运计划 K 国际旅行 L 防止袭击 M 分配链 N 旅行推销员 O 批发和零售 P 保险佣金 Q 抽佣金

R 说话恰当,说话得体 S 保留的,损坏的 T 提出警告

4 _____

9 _____

14 _____


5 ____ 10 ____

15 __ 20
