

电气火灾监控设备 JBF-62S30 使用说明书

电气火灾监控设备 JBF-62S30 使用说明书

电气火灾监控设备JBF-62S30使用说明书在安装和使用本产品前务必仔细阅读和理解该使用说明书!青鸟消防股份有限公司Jade Bird Fire Co.,Ltd.目录第一章系统概述 (4)1.1 特点 (4)1.2 参数 (5)1.3 外形尺寸 (5)1.4 结构介绍 (6)1.5指示灯及按键 (7)1.6 执行标准 (7)第二章安装调试步骤 (8)2.1 系统安装要求 (8)2.2 接线说明 (8)2.3现场调试 (8)第三章监控设备主要功能 (10)第四章监控设备显示说明 (11)4.1 监控设备正常监视状态 (11)4.2监控报警信息 (11)第五章监控设备操作 (13)5.1系统查询 (13)5.1.1 查询注册地址 (13)5.1.2查询系统单元配置 (14)5.1.3 查询历史记录 (14)5.1.4 查询组网控制器 (15)5.1.5 查询注释信息 (15)5.1.6 查询部件参数 (15)5.1.7 查询分体式部件参数: (16)5.1.8 查询分体式实时值 (16)5.2 测试菜单 (17)5.2.1 回路状态信息浏览 (17)5.2.2 回路电流信号浏览 (18)5.2.3 现场部件数据查询 (18)5.2.4 回路部件电流信号值 (19)5.2.5 现场部件类型及版本 (19)5.2.6 用户密码及授权管理 (19)5.3 设置菜单 (20)5.3.1 时间设置 (20)5.3.2 设置部件屏蔽 (20)5.3.3 设置打印机 (21)5.3.4 打印历史记录 (21)JBF-62S60电气火灾监控设备使用说明书V1.05.3.5 设置部件参数 (22)5.3.6 设置分体式部件参数 (22)5.4 安装设置菜单 (23)5.4.1 回路部件自动登记 (23)5.4.2 回路部件手动登记 (24)5.4.3 设置本机地址 (24)5.4.4 定点编址 (25)5.5 系统设置菜单 (26)5.5.1 系统配置 (26)5.5.2 清除处理 (26)5.5.3 设置密码 (27)5.5.4 设置语言 (27)5.5.5 运行模式 (27)5.4.6 设置试用期 (28)5.4.7 WIFI管理 (28)5.6 帮助菜单 (29)第六章探测器 (30)6.1 JBF62E系列组合式电气火灾监控探测器 (30)6.1.1 功能概述 (30)6.1.2 主要功能 (30)6.1.3 主要参数 (31)6.1.4 结构尺寸 (31)6.1.5 安装与布线 (33)第七章常见故障分析及维护 (35)7.1 故障处理 (35)7.2 保养维修 (35)7.3 安全使用及注意事项 (35)第一章系统概述青鸟消防股份有限公司生产的JBF-62S30型电气火灾监控设备(以下简称为监控设备)是基于防火探测报警器的报警、监视、控制和管理的工业级软硬件系统。



P0 = cmd; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); LCD_EP = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); LCD_EP = 0; }
void lcd_pos(BYTE pos) { lcd_wcmd(pos | 0x80); }
break; }
} } void flash() {
for(i=0;i<12;i++) { delay(600); } lcd_wcmd(0x08); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { delay(200); } lcd_wcmd(0x0c);
BYTE code dis2[] = {""}; BYTE code dis3[] = {" TEST...... "}; BYTE code dis5[] = {""}; BYTE code Fire[] = {"Fire "}; BYTE code Safe[] = {"Safe "};
说明:1、 当着火时,传感器输出低电平 1602 液晶显示 Fire 蜂鸣器响
2、 传感器常态时输出高电平
1602 液晶显示 Safe



4.2 火焰检测系统我厂用的火焰监示系统包括FORNEY 公司生产的DPD(数字剖面)火焰检测器和DP 7000 数字剖面放大器,4.2.1火焰检测器1)概述 FORNEY 公司生产的数字剖面火焰监测器(简称DPD 火检)可用于鉴别单燃烧器或多燃烧器燃烧环境中目标火焰的存在于否。

DPD 火焰检测器采用了微处理器技术和专用软件,对目标火焰的频率和振幅特性不断地进行监测。


在“学习”模式下,DPD 火检对目标火焰交流信号的频谱进行实时分析以确定被监测火焰的类型(如:燃烧器有火、相邻燃烧器窜火、背景火焰、无火)以及火焰频谱的特定剖面形状;在“运行”模式下,火焰检测器则不断地将目标火焰信号与所学的剖面特性进行比较从而准确地判断火焰的状态。


八位持续滚动的LED 显示提供火检所有设定值和火焰状况的瞬时读数显示。


但是为了避免未经授权的参数改动,在火检的后盖板下面装有编程驱动”Program Enable”锁定按钮。

灵活的运行参数可选择火焰熄火响应时间(FFRT):2-6 秒可选择背景火焰熄火响应时间(BFRT):2-8 秒可选择有火信号延时:2-4 秒可选择华氏或摄氏温度显示适用于任何结构的燃烧器适用于低Nox、枪式、摆动式、棒式、环式、层燃式等结构的燃烧器。

适用于任何燃料Super-blue 型DPD 火焰检测器可适用于大多数燃料的火焰监测,而Classic 型DPD 火检适用于煤/油的火焰,我厂所用是Classic 型DPD 火检。


串行通讯——对火焰参数进行直接、实时的监测和分析通过RS485 接口将参数上载/下载至计算机或其它智能设备。

24 伏直流工作电压3). 安装概述:⑴. 用转动安装接头和六角螺钉将DPD 火检安装好。



JTGB-HW-BK51Ex/IR3隔爆型红外火焰探测器(IR3)安装使用说明书(Ver.1.0, 2008.04)西安博康电子有限公司一、概述JTGB-HW-BK51x/IR3隔爆型红外火焰探测器(以下简称探测器)是由西安博康电子有限公司研制开发生产的,根据GB3836.1-2000 《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分: 通用要求》,GB3836.2-2000《爆炸性环境用防爆电气设备隔爆型电气设备“d”》和GB4208-93《外壳防护等级IP代码》的规定制成防爆外壳,其防爆标志为ExdⅡCT6,适用于工厂,温度组别为T1~T6组,出现或可能出现的爆炸危险场所作为火灾探测之用。

1.1 产品特点a)内置防雷措施b)电磁辐射、日光及背景热辐射免疫c)多频三波长红外探测专利技术d)宽温度运行范围e)多种输出方式,灵活方便f)低功耗,高灵敏度g)独特的外型设计,安装维护方便快捷h)多微处理器,性能可靠i)防护等级IP651.2 主要用途及适用范围适用于一般工业(如各类油库、酒库、化工库、飞机库、军火库、液化气站、大型电站等)与民用建筑中火灾萌发时无阴燃阶段,突然起火的场所。

1.3 使用环境条件a.周围环境温度-10℃~+55℃;b.周围空气相对湿度不大于95%(40±2℃);c.出现或可能出现的爆炸危险场所作为火灾探测之用;d. 无显著摇动和剧烈冲击振动的地方。

二、结构特征与工作原理2.1 外型结构2.2 内部结构Array图 2.22.3 工作原理隔爆型红外火焰探测器(IR3)采用三个波长不同的光学红外传感器来识别火焰情况:一个传感器作为火焰探测,另外两个传感器分别作为背景红外辐射的探测,它的设计思想是基于防止误报和提高探测器灵敏度。







1. 系统概述:锅炉炉膛火焰电视监视系统由炉膛内置摄像头、显示设备和控制台组成。


2. 系统安装:请将摄像头安装在炉膛内部,确保其位置能够全面、清晰地拍摄到火焰情况。


3. 系统操作:a. 开机与关机:- 首先,确保系统的电源已连接并接通。

- 按下控制台上的电源开关,系统将开始自检并启动。

- 当您需要关闭系统时,请按下控制台上的电源开关,然后断开电源。

b. 显示火焰图像:- 开机后,系统将自动显示炉膛内的火焰图像。

- 如需调整图像亮度、对比度或其他参数,可通过控制台上的调节按钮进行调整。

c. 报警功能:- 当系统检测到异常火焰或其他危险状况时,将触发报警。

- 报警功能可通过控制台上的设置按钮进行设置,包括报警音量、报警方式等。

d. 镜头清洁:- 镜头可能会因为炉膛内的灰尘或污垢而影响图像质量。

- 请按照指导手册中的说明定期清洁镜头,确保图像清晰可见。

4. 安全注意事项:a. 请勿私自拆卸系统的任何部件,以免造成故障或损坏。

b. 使用前请确保系统安装牢固,并无任何松动。

c. 使用过程中发现任何异常或故障,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务。



5. 系统维护和保养:a. 定期检查和清洁系统的各个部件,包括摄像头、显示设备和控制台。


b. 检查系统的连接线路和电源线是否损坏,确保它们的连接牢固可靠。

c. 如发现系统存在损坏或故障,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务团队进行维修和更换部件。



TM WST-600 AUDIO DETECTOR US Patent # 9,087,447Installation Manual & Users GuideSPECIFICATIONSFrequency: 433.92MHz Operating Temperature: 32°-120°F (0°-49°C) Battery: One3Vdc lithium CR123A (1550 mAh) Operating Humidity: 5-95% RH non condensingBattery life: 4 years Compatible with 433MHz DSC Security SystemsDetection distance: 6 in max Supervisory signal interval: 64 min(approx.)OPERA TIONThe FireFighter™ sensor is designed to listen to any smoke, carbon or combo detector. Once confirmed as an alarm, it will transmit a signal to the alarm control panel which if connected to a central monitoring station, will dispatch the fire department.ENROLLINGFollow the instructions provided by your control panel, or wireless receiver manual. The 6 digit serial number is printed on back of each device. To monitor smoke alarms, when prompted by the panel, enter the 6 digit serial number as printed on the device. Use either zone type 88 ( Standard 24hour fire) or type 87 (Delayed 24 hour fire). Remember to set the wireless bit (bit 8) for that zone attribute.To monitor a CO detector, take the printed serial number and replace the first digit with an 8. For example if the number printed is 436A48, you woulduse 836A48 as the serial number for the CO portion. Use zone type 81 (24 hour Carbon Monoxide).MOUNTING (see IMAGE: 2)Included with this device is a mounting bracket, hardware and double sided tape. To ensure proper operation ensure the side of the device with the small holes is directly facing the sounder holes on the smoke detector. Secure the mounting bracket to the wall or ceiling using thetwo mounting screws and double sided tape provided, then secure the audio detector to the mounting bracket using the small screw provided. The FireFighter™ must be mounting within 6 inches of the detector for optimal operation.***** It is possible that the sensor can hear other smoke detectors in close proximity so it is important to choose and to install the sensor close to a detector that is relatively isolated from other detector. It that is not possible, the sensor will still function it will however take longer to register and transmit to the panel. Smoke detectors to avoid are typically ones mounted in hallways outside of bedrooms that will also have additional smoke detectors.WARNING: Non-interconnected smoke detectors require an audio detector by each smoke detector sounder.This equipment should be installed in accordance with Chapter 2 of the National Fire Alarm Code, ANSI/NFPA 72, (National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269). Printed information describing proper installation, operation, testing, maintenance, evacuation planning, and repair service is to be provided with this equipment. Warning: Owner’s instruction notice: ’Not to b e removed by anyone except occupant’.TESTING (see IMAGE: 1)To test the RF transmission from the mounted position you can either generate a tamper by removing the cover or press the learn button located next to the tamper switch. Press and release ONCE to send a Smoke signal or press and HOLD for 2 seconds to send a Carbon signal.Within the first hour of power up the sensor is in a test mode. This mode is designed to work with the test button of the smoke detector so that only 1 or 2 temporal patterns is required to trigger the sensor. After the 1 hour has elapsed the sensor will require at least 3 rounds of either temporal 3 (smoke) or temporal 4 (CO) before it will send a transmission to the control panel. . Ensure the FireFighter™ cove r is on and that you wear hearing protection when doing the audio testing. Then simply press and hold the smoke detector test button.If 24 Hr, delay fire zone type is used the alarm must be active for 30 second before the panel will transmit to the Central Station.NOTE: This system must be checked by a qualified technician at least once every three (3) years. Please test the unit once per week to ensure proper functionality.Legacy Smoke DetectorsAll Smoke detector should be replaced after 10 year. If you encounter a smoke detector that does not support Temporal 3 pattern, that smoke should be replaced as per the manufacturer recommendation.If replacement is not an option the FireFighter can be program to detect non-temporal detectors.** In this mode, the sensor must not be located near any other audible device, like the security keypad or sounder. Those can be misconstrued as a valid smoke alarm. To enter this mode press and hold the tamper button while inserting the battery. Release the tamper switch and note the LEDONE flash: Only a Temporal 3 and 4 signal will trigger an alarm (Default)TWO flashes: Generic listening mode. (Will trigger after 30 seconds of continuous sound)You can verify the mode the device is in by simply removing the battery and replacing it. The LED will flash once or twice depending on the mode it is in. Repeat the steps above to change the mode as required.REPLACING THE BATTERYWhen the battery is low a signal will be sent to the control panel. To replace the battery:1. Remove the top cover to reveal the battery. This will send a tamper signal to the control panel.2. Replace with a Panasonic CR123A battery ensuring the + side of the battery faces as indicated on the device.3. Re-attach the cover, you should hear a click when the cover engages properly.WARNING: While the audio detector monitors its own battery, it does not monitor the battery in the smoke detectors. Batteries should be changed as per the original smoke detector manufacturer’s instructions. Always test the audio detector and smoke alarms after battery installation to confirm proper operationFCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENTThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a different circuit from the receiver• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV contractor for help.WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.FCC ID: XQC-WST600 IC: 9863B-WST600WARRANTYEcolink Intelligent Technology Inc. warrants that for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase that this product is free from defects in material and workmanship. This warranty does not apply to damage caused by shipping or handling, or damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication, ordinary wear, impropermaintenance, failure to follow instructions or as a result of any unauthorized modifications. If there is a defect in materials and workmanship under normal use within the warranty period Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. shall, at its option, repair or replace the defective equipment upon return of the equipment to the original point of purchase. The foregoing warranty shall apply only to the original buyer, and is and shall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. neither assumes responsibility for, nor authorizes any otherperson purporting to act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to assume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this product. The maximum liability for Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. under all circumstances for any warranty issue shall be limited to a replacement of the defective product. It is recommended that the customer check their equipment on a regular basis for proper operation.THE LIABILITY OF ECOLINK INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY INC. , OR ANY OF ITS PARENT OR SUBSIDIARY CORPORATIONS ARISING FROM THE SALE OF THIS SMOKEALARM DETECTOR OR UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE COST OF REPLACEMENT OF A SMOKE ALARM DETECTOR AND, IN NO CASE, SHALL ECOLINK INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY INC. , OR ANY OF ITS PARENT OR SUBSIDIARY CORPORATIONS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSSES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE FAILURE OF THE SMOKE ALARM DETECTOR OR FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EVEN IF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE COMPANY’S NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT.The Firefight er™ detector does not detect the presence of smoke, heat, or fire directly. It relies solely on the presence of an audio alar m signal generated by anexisting smoke or fire detector in proximity to the Firefighter™ detector to make such a determination. The Firefighter™ detector must be used with smoke detectors certified according to UL Standards, and in strict accordance with the installation and operation instructions provided with such detectors. It is the owner’sresponsibility to ensure that smoke or fire detectors used in conjunction with the Firefighter™ detector are maintained and tested on a regular basis in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for the failure o f the Firefighter™ detector to detect the presence of smoke or fire due to the failure of any smoke or fire detector used in conjunction with the Firefighter™ dete ctor to operate properly due to any condition, including improper installation, operation, maintenance or testing of such smoke or fire detector .LEARN BUTTON TAMPER SWITCH2055 Corte Del NogalCarlsbad, California 92011 1-855-632-6546PN WST-600 R1.00REV DATE: 12/07/16IMAGE 1: ENROLLING / TEST / TAMPER BUTTONIMAGE 2: INSTALLATION DISTANCE 6” MAX。



一、前言:LH-NQ 气冷内窥式高温工业电视系统是在总结 YD-NQ YD-N 及MB 高温工业电视系统成 功经验的基础上,应用最新的科技成果,由吉林隆华电力仪器仪表有限公司与安徽大学电 视技术中心共同研制开发的新一代气冷内窥式高温工业电视系统,适用于电站各类型锅 炉:四角喷燃、对冲、W 火焰及硫化床锅炉。

二、系统概述:LH-NQ 气冷内窥式高温工业电视系统采用微气量保护方式,通过电动推进器将摄像探 头伸入到高温炉膛内获取炉内图像,并将图像信号传输至监视器的特种工业电视系统。

系 统采用结构化设计,安装维修便捷,环境适应性强,抗干扰能力强,耐高温耐腐蚀,视场 角大,图像清晰,用气量少,使用寿命长。

LH-NQ 气冷内窥式高温工业电视系统是火电厂锅炉火焰监视的主要设备。

运行人员在 集控室内监视器上可以清晰观察锅炉内部点火、正常燃烧及灭火等情况,保证锅炉安全、 咼效率运行,并有效减少能源消耗。

三、性能特点:采用专门研制的特种耐高温针孔镜头,视场角大(90o ),分辨率高(32线对/mm ),镜片采 用耐高温材料制造,最前端为蓝宝石镜片,极大提高了镜头的耐高温性能、抗污染能力 和使用寿命。


高温 镜头具备自清洁功能,克服了传统水冷却摄像探头易堵塞、腐蚀、漏水及管路复杂、 易损坏、使用寿命短等缺点。

同时,由于无需铺设冷却水管道,安装维护简单、工程 费用少。

摄像探头防护罩采用特种耐高温耐腐蚀材料及特殊的结构设计,有效保护高温光学镜 头及摄像机,摄像探头结构设计合理简单,维护方便,使用寿命长。

炉壁连接体前端衬 套伸入炉膛内部分采用先进的铸造高温合金(超合金)作为结构材料,在高温氧化气古袜咗毕火箱盟视系蜒说明书第一篇技术说明==擬Mt毕氛和燃气腐蚀条件下长时间承受较大的工作负荷。










管路测点对炉膛差压开关的设定值为2000 Pa,低于此值延时5秒钟后应报警,同时启动另一台风机。


图1 压力测点示意图2.4过滤器进出口设置差压开关,用以做为判断过滤网堵塞报警开关。


















二、技术参数1、观察视场范围:90°、120°两种2、保护罩工作环境温度:-10℃~70℃3、潜望管工作环境温度:镜头工作温度可达1600℃在无风冷却时,耐温可达1350℃4、装置所需风源参数:1)风源风压≥0.3Mpa2)风源流量≥0.3m3/min3)风温≤40℃,尘埃粒径≤3um,含油量≤10mg/m35、工作电源:交流220V,50Hz,200V A6、整机重量:70kg三、装置构成该装置由输像系统、退膛系统、控风机构、监视器等部件组成。







三、光电式火焰探测器的使用方法1. 安装位置选择光电式火焰探测器适用于室内环境,一般安装在天花板上。


2. 接通电源将火焰探测器的电源线接入电源插座,并确保电源正常供电。


3. 进行测试为了确保火焰探测器的正常工作,可以进行一次测试。



四、红外线火焰探测器的使用方法1. 安装位置选择红外线火焰探测器适用于室内和室外环境,安装位置应选择在可能发生火灾的区域。


2. 连接电源将红外线火焰探测器的电源线正确连接到电源插座,并确保电源稳定。


3. 进行校准红外线火焰探测器通常需要进行校准才能正常工作。



五、烟雾火焰探测器的使用方法1. 安装位置选择烟雾火焰探测器适用于室内环境,一般安装在天花板上。


2. 接通电源将烟雾火焰探测器的电源线正确接入电源插座,并确保电源供电正常。









- 2 -主要研究方向:◆高精度倾角传感器◆数字罗盘、数字指南针◆无线数字传感系统◆仿生感知机器人与控制研究◆履带研究版机器人机械动力结构设计◆轮式教学机器人研究- 3 -- 4 - 一、功能介绍:远红外传感器又称之为火焰传感器,主要用于检测火源的位置和大致判断距离的远近,例如在灭火比赛中判断火源的远近等。

序号 项目 技术参数 备注 1 VCC 电源正 2 GND 电源地3 信号线 模拟电压输出4 尺寸 不含探头和插针5 工作电压 DC 3-5.5V6 灵敏度调节 有7 输出方式 模拟电压输出 需要经过AD 转换接到单片机8 功耗小于20mA二、特点:1、模拟电压输出。


- 5 -例如机器人上可以采用了3只远红外传感器(700nm-1000 nm )构成红外传感系统,主要用来检测前方、左前方和右前方的热源,检测距离范围为0~1m 。


远红外传感器将外界远红外光的变化转化为电流的变化,在电阻上产生电压,我们可以通过A/D 转换器反映为0~1023范围内的数值。




视频+红紫外复合型火焰探测器构成※支架在库等原因我公司会在不提前通知客户的情况下进行样式变更支架注意事项a 探测器使用了一个高灵敏度红外传感器和一个紫外传感器,在检测到火焰中红外波长和紫外波长 时发出报警信号。

b探测器反复重启时请每次间隔1分钟以后加电(因为HD 高清摄像机内部需要启动红外减光片) c 我公司对事故、灾难、不可抗拒力(闪电或浪涌)、滥用、误用、不正常使用、安装错误、维修不当造成的损坏、伤害、损失等不负有任何责任。

视频+红紫外复合型火焰探测器特点❈使用了高灵敏度火焰对应红外传感器(4.3μm )和紫外传感器(185-260nm ),通过检测火灾时二氧化碳释放量和火焰中紫外光源辨别火灾与否,极大程度的降低了误报率及提高了火灾报警率。

❈火焰探测器报警时通过内部嵌入的高清摄像机即时影像确认功能 ❈降低了火灾误报警出警率减少了人工成本❈互联网连接远程影像确认功能(支持智能手机监控) ❈针对火焰探测器安装场所输入设置具体软件功能 ❈远距离探测火焰功能(最大探测距离30米)❈FDUI-2001火焰探测器外壳具备Exd IIC T6 防爆保护功能 ❈多种通讯方式可以与国内外任何一款火灾报警控制器连接 ❈安装位置灵活及日常维护简便布线连接❈电源控制器连接方法视频+红紫外复合型火焰探测器必需使用额定电源DC24V 控制器(临时可使用SMPS AC220V-DC 24V 转换电源控制器),另外考虑到停电时探测器的正常工作,应配备可工作30分钟以上的备用电池。

探测角度❈探测角度FDUI-2001视频+红紫外复合型火焰探测器以扇形方式检测前方90°,探测距离30米,视频标配4mm 80度镜头。


罗威(ROVAR)火焰探测器 FLAMEVision系列产品手册说明书

罗威(ROVAR)火焰探测器 FLAMEVision系列产品手册说明书

The FLAMEVision family of flame• Operator verification The optional built-in videocamera assists operator verification and ensuresoptimum actions are taken. Additional benefit of postevent analysis and to aid and verify alignment• Optimum protection in all weather conditions• FLAMEVision maintains sensitivity using theenhanced IR sensors through heavy rain, snow, fogand morning dew• Use in Hazardous explosive atmospheres• F LAMEVision is approved for protection regardless ofarea classifications for all applications throughout thefacility• Reduced spares inventory and simpler maintenance• I ntrinsically safe, low cost and easy to use testequipment simplifies maintenance and reducesTechnical SpecificationsMechanical - DetectorDimension: 156 mm H x 155 mmW x 99 mm DWeight : 4 kgGland entry: 2 x M20Material: Stainless steel 316L, ANC4BFCLC to BS3146: Part 2Guard/label plate: Stainless steel 316S16 to BS1449: Part 2Screws external: Stainless steel 316 A4 Detection window: SapphireCamera window: Toughened glass Mechanical - BracketDimension: 181 mm H x 125 mm Wx 95 mm DMaterial: Stainless steel 316S16 to BS1449: Part 2Weight: 1.54 kgEnvironmentalOperating temp: -40°C to +80°CStorage temp: -40°C to + 80°COperating temp of camera:-10°C to +50°CStorage temp with camera:-20°C to + 70°C(operating temperature isreduced for T5 risks) Relative humidity : 99% (non condensing) Enclosure: IP 66Flameproof certification:ATEX Ex II 2 G D , IECEx & FMEN54 ApprovalCPR EN54-10:2002 + A1:2005FV400 is classified as Class 1 on the Extended and Nor-mal range settings.FV400 is certified as Class 3 on the Half range setting. FV300 is classified as Class 1Camera SpecificationComposite video: (1 V p-p) into 75 Ohm viatwisted pair balum Horizontal resolution: Standard 450 TVLLight sensitivity (-30 IRE): 0.3 Lux*1 Installation manual should be consulted for specific applications.*2 Feature under implementation.*3 FV421i is not available with a relay output,camera and heater options.Detector performanceMax Range (0.1m² n heptane): FV400 65 m, FV300 50 m*1 Field of view: 90° horizontal, 85° vertical InterfacesFV300Modbus4-20 mA Sink or sourceFire & fault relay contacts NO or NC*Composite video o/pFV400Modbus4-20 mA Sink or sourceConventional detector I/FTyco MZX DigitalFire & fault relay contacts NO or NCComposite Video o/p (Camera option only)HART interface *2ElectricalFV300Supply voltage: 20 to 30 VdcCurrent consumption (max):196 mA quiescent, 205 mAAlarm (24 Vdc)Heater: 90 mA@24vdc Connections: 2.5 mm2 (14AWG) Terminals FV400Supply voltage: 18 to 30 VdcCurrent consumption: 8 mA quiescent 20 mA Alarm(24 Vdc - interface dependant) Camera: 85 mA@24 VWindow Heater: 245 mA @ 24 VExternal supply required only for camera, heater or MOD-BUS optionsConnections: 2.5 mm2 (14AWG) Terminals FV421iSupply Voltage: 18 to 28VCurrent consumption: 1.5mA quiescent, 6ma Alarm(24V, Interface dependent).Please refer to the appropriate technical manuals when utilising any of the Flame Vision range for specific applications and installations.。



N o v o S u nC y e W e b扩展模块火焰/烟雾侦测使用说明ver. 1.2概述火灾事故永远是一个严重问题,不仅造成严重的损伤,而且也导致了大量的法律责任和赔偿问题。





模块安装和激活请将下载的压缩文件“FireDet_Module.zip”解压缩到“\NovoSun Technology\CyeWeb\Extensions\”进入“FireDet_Module”文件夹,执行“ModuleActivator.exe”请在出现的激活窗口,输入激活帐号和密码。

注意如果拥有的是延长试用的注册码,请按“延长试用期”﹙Extend Trial Period﹚并进行激活;如果是正式版的注册码,请按“添加注册码”﹙Add License﹚并进行激活。












This document is FD User Manual/2003/Issue 1Flame DetectorUser ManualGeneralDescriptionThe flame detector is designed for use where open flaming fires may be expected. It responds to thelight emitted from flames during combustion. The detector discriminates between flames and otherlight sources by responding only to particular optical wavelengths and flame flicker frequencies. Thisenables the detector to avoided false alarms due to such factors as flicking sunlight.Electrical ConsiderationsThe flame detector can be connected in many different electrical configurations depending on theapplication. The detector requires a 24Vdc (14Vmin. to 30Vmax.) supply to operate. The detector canbe connected as a two-wire loop powered device increasing its supply current to signal that a flamehas been detected. See Fig 8. The supply connections to the detector are polarity sensitive.Also available are volt free contacts from two internal relays RL1 (Fire) and RL2 (Fault or pre-alarm).Using the relay contacts connected in a four-wire configuration the detector status can be signalledback to control equipment. See Fig 9.Removing the detector front cover provides accesses the detector terminals and configuration DILswitch. See Fig.4.Information in this guide is given in good faith, but the manufacturer cannot be held responsiblefor any omissions or errors. The company reserves the right to change the specifications ofproducts at any time and without prior notice.Alarm Response ModesThe detector is normally configured to latch into an alarm state when a flame is detected. The supplyto the detector has to be broken in order to reset the detector.The configuration DIL switch within the detector can be set to place the detector into a non-latchingmode. The detector can then also produce proportional analogue current alarm signals i.e. 8-28mA or4-20mA. In non-latching mode the detector only produces an alarm signal when a flame is in viewresetting itself to normal when the flame has gone.• • • • • • • Application for Flame DetectorsFlame detectors are used when detection is required to be:Unaffected by convection currents, draughts or wind Tolerant of fumes, vapours, dust and mist Responsive to a flame more than 25m away Fast reactingThe detector is capable of detecting the optical radiation emitted by burning material even non-carbonaceous materials. e.g. HydrogenNumerous other potential fire sources can be detected such asLiquids Solids Gases ● Aviation Fuels (kerosene) ● Coal ● Butane ● Ethanol ● Cotton ● Fluorine ● Methylated Spirits ● Grain & Feeds ● Hydrogen ● n-Heptane ● Paper ● Natural Gas ● Paraffin ● Refuse ● Off Gas ● Petrol (gasoline) ● Wood ● PropaneTypical applications examples are:● Agriculture ● Coal handling plant ● Pharmaceutical ● Aircraft hangars ● Engine rooms ● Power plants ● Atria ● Generator rooms ● Textiles ● Automotive industry ● Metal fabrication ● Transformer stations - spray booths ● Paper manufacture ● Waste handling - parts manufacture ● Petrochemical ● WoodworkingApplications and Locations to Avoid:● ambient temperatures above 55°C ● large IR sources – heaters, burners, flares ● close proximity to RF sources ● obstructions to field of view ● exposure to severe rain and ice ● sunlight falling directly on the detector optics ● large amounts of flickering reflections ● spot lighting directly on the detector opticsQuantities Required and Positioning of DetectorsThe number of detectors required and their position depends on:the anticipated size of the flamethe distance of the flame from the detector the angle of view of the flame detectorThe flame detector is designed to have a class 1 performance as defined in BS EN54-10:2002 on the high sensitivity setting. That is the ability to detect an n-heptane (yellow) fire of 0.1m² or methylated spirit (clear) fire of 0.25m² at a distance of up to 25m within 30 seconds.The detector can be set to have to a lower sensitivity setting equivalent to class 3 performance. Class 3 performance is defined as detecting the same size fires as for class 1 but at a distance of only 12m.Functional TestingWhen 24Vdc power is applied to the detector the green supply on indicator LED will illuminate. The fault relay RL2, if selected with the DIL switch, will energise and the contact between terminals 7 and 8 will close. If 24Vdc is applied to terminals 3 and 4 or terminal 3 is linked to terminal 1 the detector will perform a self-test. It does this by causing internal optical test sources to simulate the behaviour of flames and the detector will alarm. Alternatively a portable flame sensor test unit is available to generate simulated flame behaviour and test the detector a few metres in front of the detector. See Fig 12.Finally, provided it is safe to do so, carry out a flame test using a flickering flame source, such as a portable Bunsen burner. See Fig 13.A still non-flickering flame will not produce a response from the detector.Fig 12 Portable Flame Detector Test Unit Fig 13 Portable Bunsen BurnerService & RepairsServicing of the fire protection system should be carried out by competent persons familiar with this type of system, or as recommended by the local regulations in force. Only the manufacturer or equivalent authorised body may carry out repairs to the flame detectors. In practical terms this means that flame detector may be repaired only at the manufacturers factory.Fig 9 4 Wire Connection DiagramThe circuit shown above enables the flame detectors to interface with most type of fire alarm control systems. The fire relay RL1 is used to switch the required alarm load ‘R’ to generate a fire alarm signal. An end of line device ‘EOL’ mounted in the last detector provides the system with the ability to monitor the detector fault relay RL2 and the integrity of the interconnecting cables.InstallationIt is important that the detectors are installed in such a way that all terminals and connections are protected to at least IP20 with the detector cover fitted. The earth bonding terminals are provided for convenience where continuity of a cable sheath or similar if required.Adjustable mounting brackets and weather shields are available as shown below.Fig 10 Stainless Steel Adjustable MountFig 11 Stainless Steel Weather ShieldIn fact, the flame detector will detect fires at distances of up to 40 metres, but the flame size at such distances needs to be proportionally greater in order to be sure of reliable detection. Thus the yellow flickering flame that can be detected at 25m, provided that its size is not less than 0.1m², will have to be 0.4m² in order to be detected at 40metres.In a rectangular room the distance from the flame detector to the fire is calculated by the formula:Maximum distance = √ L² + W² + H²In the example shown in fig 1 the room in which the flame detector is to be installed measures 20m x 10m x 5m; the maximum distance from the detector to the flame will therefore be;Fig 1 Calculation of distance from detector to flameField of ViewThe flame detector has a field of view of approximately 90°, as shown in the diagram below.Fig 2 Conical field of view of the flame detectorFig 3 Detector Field of View PlotThe flame detector should be positioned at the perimeter of the room, pointing directly at theanticipated flame or at the centre of the area to be protected. If the detector cannot ‘see’ the whole of the area to be protected, one or more additional detectors may be required.The flame detector is not affected by normal light sources but should be positioned so that sunlight does not fall directly onto the viewing window.Detector Window ContaminationIt is important to keep the detector window clean and checks should be carried out at regular intervals – determine locally according to the type and degree of contamination encountered – to ensure optimal performance of the flame detector. Although the IR detectors can detect flames when the window is contaminated, there may be a reduction of sensitivity as shown in Table 1.Contamination Typical percentage of normal responseWater spray75%Steam 75%Smoke 75%Oil film 86% Salt water film 86% Dry salt deposits86%Table 1 IR Detector window contaminationUV/IR detectors are more susceptible to window contamination and must be kept clean.Connection Information-90°90°DetectorFig 8 Basic 2 Wire Connection DiagramThe simplest method of connecting the flame detector is in a 2-wire configuration as shown above. With a 24Vdc supply the current (i ) drawn by a detector/detectors can be monitored to determine the detector status. The DIL switches within the detector can be set to produce different current values (i ) to suit control systems.Detector Supply Currenti @ 24Vdc DIL Switch SettingNormal Quiescent Current Alarm (Fire) Current 1 2 3 4 Comment3mA 9mA 0 0 0 0 Lowest power configuration, RL1 only 4mA 20mA 0 0 1 0 For 4-20mA systems, no relays 8mA 14mA 1 1 1 0 Lowest power configuration & relays 8mA 20mA111For 4-20mA systems & relays 8mA28mA 1111Fire control panelsTable 4 Detector Supply & Alarm CurrentsIf the detector supply current falls below the normal quiescent current consumption then a fault is present. This could be simply an open circuit cable fault or a fault within the detector possibly due to the detector being taken over its rated temperature.Detectors can be connected in parallel increasing the overall quiescent current required. The alarm current signal will remain the same with the additional quiescent current drawn from other detectors.21Control Unit(Supplied by others)Flame Detector Single pair cable, also see note 1i++24Vdc Normal(Break supply to reset if detector set to latch)--NOTE 1Screened cable should be used with one end of the screen connected to earth. Also care should be taken not to run the detector cable next to power cables.Theory of OperationThe detector responds to low-frequency (1 to 15 Hz.) flickering IR radiation emitted from flames during combustion. IR flame flicker techniques enable the sensor to operate through a layer of oil, dust, water vapour, or ice.Most IR flame sensors respond to 4.3µm light emitted by hydrocarbon flames. By responding to 1.0 to 2.7µm light emitted by every fire all flickering flames can be detected. Gas fires not visible to the naked eye e.g. hydrogen may also be detected. The dual (IR²) and triple (IR³) IR photoelectric detectors, responding to neighbouring IR wavelengths, enable it to discriminate between flames and spurious sources of IR radiation. The combination of filters and signal processing allows the sensor to be used with little risk of false alarms in difficult situations characterised by factors such as flickering sunlight.Signal ProcessingThe detector views the flame at particular optical wavelengths. The more differing optical wavelength signals available the better the detector is at discriminating between flames and false optical sources. So although IR², IR³ and UV/IR² detectors can detect similar sized flames at the same distances, the UV/IR² detector willgive the greatest optical false signal immunity as it has the most diverse selection of optical wavelengths.The detector processes the optical signal information to determine if a flame is in view. This is achieved by comparing the signals with known flame characteristics stored within the detector.Fig 7 Block Diagram of the Detector Signal ProcessingIf the detector has interpreted the optical signals as a fire then it produces the required output responses. This will be in the form of supply current changes and the illumination of the red fire LED. The fire relay will also change state if required. The detector is constantly checking itself to ensure it is performing correctly. If a fault occurs the detector supply current will reduce, the fault relay will de-energise and the green supply LED will no longerilluminate constantly.FlameDetector InteriorFig 4 Detector with Front Cover removedElectrical ConnectionsThe flame detector has eight connection terminals as show in Fig 5. Removing the front cover of the flame detector accesses the connections. The cable is passed through the gland holes in the base of the detector.Fig 5 Electrical Connection TerminalsSupply ON (Green) - Steady if detector functioning correctly IR Optics -IR optical flame sensors & filtersFire (Red) - Indicates a FIRE detected Test (Yellow) - Indicates detector in test modeUV Optics (Option) -UV optical flame sensor if fittedDIL Switch -Select detector functionsConnection Terminals+IN -IN Test Input+R -RFLAME (N/O) Relay RL1FAULT (N/C) Relay RL2+24Vdc SupplyInputConnection Terminal DescriptionsTerminalNo. Mnemonic Function1 +IN Power Supply +V. +IN is the power supply input to the flame detectorand is normally 24Vdc with respect to terminal 2. The currentconsumption of detector can be monitored to determine the detectorstatus (Fault, Normal, Pre-alarm, Fire). If the detector is in latchingmode then this supply line must be broken in order to reset thedetector. A thermal fuse within the detector will blow and break the +INconnection if the detector operating temperature is exceeded.2 -IN Power Supply 0V. –IN is the return path for the detector supply current.-IN is also internally connected to terminal 4.3 +R Remote Detector Test Input +V. No connection to +R is necessary ifthe detector optical and circuit test feature is not required. If 24Vdc isapplied to terminals 3 and 4 the detector internal optical test sourceswill activate to simulate a flame. The detector yellow test LED willflicker to indicate an optical test is progress. The detector will thenalarm indicating that the test was successful.4 -R Remote Detector Test Input 0V. No connection to -R is necessary if thedetector optical and circuit test feature is not required.-R is internally connected to terminal 2.56 RL1Flame Relay RL1. This volt free contact is normally open (N/O) andonly closes when a flame has been detected. If the detector is inlatching mode (see DIL switch settings) the contact will remain closedonce a flame has been detected. Only when the detector supply +IN isbroken will the detector reset and the contact open once again. Thecontact can be changed to a normally closed (N/C) state by moving thelink on JP1 in the rear of the detector.Maximum relay contact ratings: Power=3W, Current=0.25Amp,Voltage=30Vdc. Resistive loads only.78 RL2Fault or Pre-alarm Relay RL2. This volt free contact is normally closed(N/C) if the detector has no faults and the supply voltage betweenterminals +IN and –IN is the correct value. If the detector mode ischanged (see DIL switch settings) this relay can be de-energised toreduce the detector current consumption. Alternatively RL2 can be setto provide a pre-alarm fire signal. The normal contact state can bechanged state by moving the link on JP2 in the rear of the detector.Maximum relay contact ratings: Power=3W, Current=0.25Amp,Voltage=30Vdc. Resistive loads only.Table 2 Connection Terminal Descriptions Selectable Detector Functions(DIL Switch Settings)Fig 6 DIL Switch with Detector Front Cover Removed (Normal factory settings shown)Selectable Functions DIL Switch Settings Relay RL2 Function: 1 2 RL2 off (No fault relay) – For lowest detector current consumption. 0 0 RL2 off, or UV pre-alarm, flame or electrical sparks detected. 1 0RL2 energised on IR pre-alarm0 1RL2 detector fault relay (Energised if detector powered and no faults) 1 ~ 1 Detector Supply Current (Detector Status): [-/ = see Output Mode below] 3 4 Low current mode, 3mA / 9mA (RL1 Only), 8mA / 14mA (RL1 & RL2) 0 0 Two-wire current signalling only. No relays operating. 4-20mA, 4/20mA 1 0 Two-wire current signalling 8-20mA, 8/20mA and both relays operating. 0 1 Two-wire current signalling 8/28mA and both relays operating. 1 ~ 1 Output Mode: 5(-) Proportional analogue supply current. Non-latching fire alarm signalling. (-) 0(/) Step change, supply current. Latching fire alarm signalling. (/) ~ 1 Response Time: 6 7Slowest ≈ 8s 0 0Medium ≈ 4s 1 ~ 0Fast ≈ 2s 0 1 Faster response times reduce the optical interference immunity. Very Fast ≈ 1s 1 1 Sensitivity: See EN 54-108Low Class 3 0High Class 1 ~ 1Factory settings ~Table 3 DIL Switch Settings。



图像火焰监视探头说明书烟台龙源电力技术股份有限公司2011年6月目录安全注意事项 (2)第一章概述 (2)第二章结构及特点 (2)第三章技术参数 (3)第四章选型说明 (4)第五章安装说明 (4)5.1安装位置的确定原则 (4)5.1.1切圆燃烧锅炉 (4)5.1.2 墙式燃烧锅炉 (5)5.2二次风道内的探头安装 (5)5.3 观火孔上的探头安装 (5)5.4探头安装注意事项 (5)第六章常见故障及排除 (6)备件清单 (6)安全注意事项为防止探头烧损,在炉膛出口温度>45℃时,严禁停止探头冷却风!第一章概述图像火焰监视探头是利用火焰图像来全程监控炉内火焰燃烧状况,不受煤种和负荷变化影响的火焰监视装置。







图1 挠杆图像火焰监视探头结构图图像火焰监视探头的结构特点:●采用隔热机构,能有效地阻隔二次风传导热及炉膛高温辐射热对其影响。








火焰探测器安装使用说明书(安装、使用产品前,请先阅读本手册)A710系列火焰探测器设计手册上海翼捷工业安防技术有限公司上海安誉智能科技有限公司.10红外探测波段可见光辐强红外辐射CO2峰值波段到达地球表面的太阳辐射紫外探测波段波长微米/0.2 0.4 0.8 2.7 4.3一、 工作原理1.火焰特征 1.1火焰辐射特征火焰燃烧过程释放出紫外线、可见光、红外线,其中红外部分可分为近红外、中红外、远红外三部分。


1.3火焰闪烁特征火焰的闪烁频率为0.5Hz – 20Hz热物体、电灯等辐射出的紫外线、红外线没有闪烁特征2.探测器工作原理2.1紫外火焰探测器2.1.1基本原理经过检测火焰辐射出的紫外线来识别火灾2.1.2紫外光谱0.18um-0.4um(180nm-400nm)太阳光中小于300nm的紫外线基本被大气层全部吸收,到达地球表面的紫外线都大于300nm2.1.3紫外探测的优缺点优点:反应速度快缺点:易受干扰2.1.4紫外火焰探测原理选用180nm-260nm的紫外传感器,对日光中的紫外线不敏感2.2双波段红外火焰探测器2.2.1基本原理经过检测火焰辐射出的红外线来识别火灾2.2.2红外光谱红外线按照波长分为近红外、中红外、远红外空气中的气体(如CO、CO2等)对特定波长的红外线具有强烈的吸收作用2.2.3双波段红外火焰探测原理选用两个波长的热释电红外传感器,来检测火焰辐射的红外线一个波长的热释电红外传感器用于检测含碳物质燃烧释放CO2引起的特定波长红外光谱的变化;一个波长的热释电传感器用于检测红外辐射的能量。




APPLICATIONNOTEThermal imaging for firefighters“The technology’s really changed since the early days,” says Captain Jason Ellison while between calls at the historic 1923 John Adams Fire Hall in Oregon City. “Thermal imaging cameras were very large, cumber-some units when we first started using them, and very expensive. In fact, we were only able to afford a couple of cameras for the entire district back then. But with the lower cost models that are available these days, now we have multiple cameras per rig and use them pretty much on a daily basis throughout the district.”“Thermal imagers have allowed us to see in situations where it’s nearly impossible to with the naked eye. Obviously inside a fire environment it’s incredibly smoky and dark, and we don’t know the layout of the build-ing. TICs show us the way through so we can move swiftly, look for the seat of the fire, look for victims; basically they help provide a very effective roadmap.”In a technical nutshell, thermal cameras create images from heat instead of light by detecting temperature differences in a scene and transforming those values into a Thermal imaging: easy to use and hard to live withoutClackamas Fire Department Puts More FLIR Thermal Imaging Cameras in More HandsClackamas Fire District #1 provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to five cities in the state of Oregon, USA. With17 fire stations strategically located throughout Clackamas County and a workforce of more than 200 employees & 100 volunteers, it’s the second largest fire protection district in the state, serving over 179,000 citizens in an area covering nearly 200 square miles.Like many fire departments In the USA, Clackamas Fire has depended on thermal imaging cameras (TICs) for well over a dozen years as a critical tool in helping protect lives and save property.crisp thermal video image on the camera’s LCD. On certain models, such as the FLIR K40 and K50, still frames can also be captured and stored to internal memory for later review and down¬loading for documenta-tion and training.Seeing th r ough smoke and in total darkness“With the thermal imager, I can tell as I movedown the hallway where bedrooms are, easily make out the location of beds, closets, windows, and see where others are around me.” Ellison adds, “Windows, by the way, areCaptain Jason Ellison: “Thermal imagers have allowed us to see in situations where it’s nearly impossible to with the naked eye."The lightweight FLIR K50 camera provides clear and detail rich images of 320x240 pixels.a secondary egress for us so knowing where they are is crucial to our safety.”Ellison explains that firefighters manning the nozzle have their hands full and typically aren’t the ones carrying a TIC. “There’s thick black smoke, ventilation hasn’t kicked in yet, and it’s very hard for them to even see their hands in front of their face. But a company officer close behind with a thermal imager can be right there to hold the TIC in front of that firefighter so he can see the layout of the structure, press on, and direct the nozzle pattern where it needs to go.”That, Ellison says, really speeds up the effort. “In the old days, we’d have one hand feeling the way along a wall and another guy holding onto the leg of the firefighter in front of him. Try finding your way in your house with your eyes closed. That’s what it was like. It really ate up precious time.”“With this (TIC) technology, we’re able to get to the heart of the fire and knock it out much quicker and more safely. Even whenthe fire’s essentially out, I’m still using thecamera to look (through remaining smoke)for hotspots.Thermal imaging saves livesTracking down trapped, stranded, andmissing victims is another way TICs come toClackamas Fire’s aid. “In any fire situation,” hesays, “there’s always a possibility someone’sinside. So a thermal imager is very effective athelping us make sure everyone got out safelyand the home gets the ‘all clear’. We alsouse them in our technical and water rescueefforts. For instance, we can search for peoplewho may be stuck on a remote shore in thedark after falling in the river. Sometimes atnight we have to deal with a car accidentwhere someone got ejected from the vehicleand we need to locate the victim.FLIR K-Se r ies: ext r emely affo r dable,compact and easy-to-use“The cameras we originally started out withseemed like the size of computers…veryAS_56_ENbulky to carry. The new ones like the FLIRK50 are very light and much more compact.And that’s important when you’re alreadypacking 50-plus pounds of gear. A smallerTIC on a lanyard like the FLIR K50 makes ita lot more practical to clip on your turnoutsor self–contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) and be hands-free until you needthe device.For me, it’s very tactical to usewithout having to slip my hand through ahandle…much easier to just grab, go, andthen let go of.”He also likes the Search and Rescue (SAR)mode that narrows the temperaturedetection span more in line with bodytemperatures to alert him where victims arefaster, especially in hotter environments. Onthe other hand, when he’s working enginecompany and fire attack, he usually leavesit in “fire mode”, which has a 300 to 1200degree F range. “That gives me a reallygood color alarm to show me where thesuper-heated gasses are and where there’sfire around us.”The bigger, brighter LCDs of today’s thermalimagers also make using thermal imagersmore popular. “Having a nice 4” screenthat the FLIR K50 has, makes it a lot easierto decipher what I’m looking at to guidemy crew members to safety or to theirobjective.”More affordable pricing has also made ahuge impact. According to Ellison, “We’relooking for tools that can help keep ussafe that are also the most cost-effective.FLIR’s affordability will allow us and otherdepartments to put more cameras on therigs to help us do our job better and keepour guys safe.”To sum it up, Ellison says it’s a tool that,when used correctly, allows firefighters tomove swiftly and safely and get the jobdone right. It’s technology that would bevery difficult to live without.For more information about thermal imagingcameras or about this application,please contact:FLIR Commercial Systems B.V.Luxemburgstraat 22321 MeerBelgiumTel. : +32 (0) 3665 5100Fax : +32 (0) 3303 5624e-mail :*************The images displayed may not be representativeof the actual resolution of the camera shown.Images for illustrative purposes only. FLIR K-Series alllows seeing through smoke. It helps firefighter to find their way in smoke filled building and tolocate fire victims. It helps to save lives.NFPA mode - Hotspots during overhaul Fire mode - Heavy heat in ceiling above fire fighter.SAR mode - Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Operationsfinding down fire fighter.Heat detection mode - Fire fighters searching in coldsmoke。

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