08 第八讲 BJT结(2)

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We can see these ideas from three aspects: the variation along a line from emitter to collector of the potential and the band structure, the fluxes of holes and electrons, and the carrier densities.
Three physical principles make a useful first description of the way a bipolar transistor works. 提示: first:首先的,第一流的,首要的,初步的, 基本的;
first principle:基本原理,第一原理
翻译:因此,注入后载流子通过扩散方式离开结, 如果基区掺杂不均匀,载流子离开结还会受到自建 电场的作用。
The applied voltages control the carrier flow solely through the injection process.
提示:“solely” 修饰control,也就是说外加电压仅 能控制注入过程中载流子的流动,而不能控制中性 区中载流子的流动。 (注:“外加电压仅控制载流子的流动” 和“载流 子的流动仅由外加电压控制”是两个不同的意思。) 翻译:外加电压只是(仅)通过注入过程控制载流 子流。
Fig. 11.5 Current gain versus collector current for the transistor data in Fig. 11.4 Fig. 11.4 Collector and base currents as a function of base-emitter voltage.
As transistors are biased more heavily in the active mode, violations of the low-level injection assumption become apparent. 提示: heavy: weight a lot; great in amount, degree, or severity; heavily: in large amount, to a high degree, or with great severity; active mode: 放大模式。 forward active mode inverse active mode 翻译:如果工作于放大模式下的晶体管发射结正向偏置电压较高,就 显然违背了小注入假设。
first-principle:第一性原理 翻译:依照三条物理原理可以对双极晶体管的工作 方式进行有效的基本描述。
(a)The externally applied voltages control the ratio of the carrier densities on the two sides of each depletion layers. 提示:density不要翻译为密度(密度表示单位体积 的质量,浓度表示单位体积的数量) 翻译:外加电压控制耗尽层两侧的载流子浓度比。
提示: thus far: until now; relied on: 依赖,基于…之上; 注意:thus far 包含时间、位置两种“为止”的含义,即可以 翻为至此(到这里为止),迄今(到现在为止)。 此处是指位置上的“为止”,可翻译为“前面”,不要翻为 “目前”,以免引起误解。
翻译:前面讨论的晶体管理论都是基于小注入近似,也就是说与热平 衡时的多子数量相比,在偏置条件下多子数量基本未发生变化。
(b) Away from the depletion layer the regions are neutral. 提示:away from:离开,远离; 结合物理意义,此处只能翻译为离开,不能翻译 为远离。 翻译:耗尽层以外的区域是电中性的。
何为“中性区”?neutral region

中性区近似,是指PN结两边的扩散区认为近似是电中性的(实际上扩 散区中存在非平衡少数载流子),但扩散长度有限,且非平衡少数载 流子数量较少,因此可以忽略之。

Baidu Nhomakorabea

在热平衡情况下,由于掺杂浓度不均匀、或者注入的非平衡载流子浓 度不均匀,即会在半导体内部的局部区域产生出多余的电荷——空间 电荷,并出现相应的电场——内建电场;但是这并不违反电中性条件 ,因为存在的电荷总是正、负电荷两种同时出现,它们在数量上也是 相等的,则从整个半导体来说还是保持为电中性的。 n型掺杂不均匀的半导体,其中掺杂浓度较高处将会出现多数载流子 (电子)欠缺、并出现正空间电荷,而在掺杂浓度较低处将会出现多 数载流子(电子)过剩、并出现负空间电荷,从而产生相应的内建电 场;但是正、负空间电荷相等。
Physics of Semiconductor Devices (双语)
李聪 Email:cong.li@mail.xidian.edu.cn Tel: 88201983-801 Add: 老校区新科技楼503室
BJT 词汇

bipolar:双极 emitter:发射区,发射极 base:基区,基极 collector:集电区,集电极 forward-active operating model:正向放大工作模式 injection efficiency:注入效率 base transport factor:基区输运系数 common-emitter current gain:共射极电流放大系数 common-base current gain:共基极电流放大系数 base-width modulation:基区宽度调制 Early effect:厄利效应 base spreading resistance:基区扩展电阻 current crowding:电流集边效应
(c) Hence carriers move away from the junctions after injection by diffusion and the action of any fields built in by variable doping. 提示:第一个by修饰move,表示运动的方式。从语 法关系分析也可以认为是修饰injection,表示注入的 方式。但是结合专业知识理解,只能是修饰move; and连接diffusion和action;第二个by修饰built in;
Three physical principles make a useful first description of the way a bipolar transistor works. (a) The externally applied voltages control the ratio of the carrier densities on the two sides of each depletion layers. (b) Away from the depletion layer the regions are neutral. (c) Hence carriers move away from the junctions after injection by diffusion and the action of any fields built in by variable doping. The applied voltages control the carrier flow solely through the injection process.
We can see these ideas from three aspects: the variation along a line from emitter to collector of the potential and the band structure, the fluxes of holes and electrons, and the carrier densities. 提示:”see“ :了解,明白;flux:流量 翻译:我们可以从三个方面理解上述概念:从发射 极到集电极方向势能和能带结构的变化,电子和空 穴流的变化以及载流子浓度的变化。
电中性条件即是说半导体内部总是保持为电中性的,其中没有多余的空间 电荷,即处处正电荷密度等于负电荷密度。 正因为电中性条件的要求,所以,不管半导体中两种载流子的浓度(或者 数量)相差何等的大小,但都不会出现多余的电荷。例如n型半导体,其 中的多数载流子——电子,都是由施主杂质原子所提供的;当每一个施主 杂质原子给出一个导电的电子以后,自己就变成了一个带正电荷的中心— —电离施主中心,它们的正负电荷相等,互相补偿,依然保持整个半导体 是电中性的。至于其中的少数载流子——空穴,由于主要是通过本征激发 所产生出来的,它们(空穴与电子)是成对产生的,所以少数载流子的多 少也不会导致出现多余的净电荷。可见,虽然n型半导体中的电子数量远 远大于空穴——少数载流子的数量,但是就整个半导体内部来说,始终是 电中性的。对于p型半导体,依然如此。
High level injection effect: 大注入效应(P83)
The transistor theory considered thus far has relied on the low-level injection approximation: that majority-carrier populations under bias are essentially unperturbed from their values at thermal equilibrium. As transistors are biased more heavily in the active mode, violations of the low-level injection assumption become apparent. The exponential dependence of collector current on voltage predicted by exp(eVEB/kT) is seen in Figure 11.4 to be valid over nearly eight decades of current until it deviates with high bias on the base-emitter junction. One cause for the deviation is high-level injection into the base. As VBE increases, the injected minority carrier concentration may approach, or even become larger than, the majority carrier concentration, causing the variation of nB(0) approaching exp(eVBE/2kT). The excess minority carrier concentration in the base, and hence the collector current, will increase at a slower rate with B-E voltage in high injection than low injection. This effect is shown in Figure 11.4. As a result, the common-emitter current gain βF decreases as VBE increase as shown in Fig. 11.5
The transistor theory considered thus far has relied on the low-level injection approximation: that majority-carrier populations under bias are essentially unperturbed from their values at thermal equilibrium.