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Monkey Subdues the White-bone Demon


Monkey King(M) 猴哥

Pig (P) 八戒

Tangseng(T) 唐僧

Shaseng(S) 沙僧

White-bone Demon(W) 白骨精

White-bone Demon’Servant(Ws)

Young Girl(G) 年轻女孩

Old Lady(L) 老妇人

Fortune teller(F) 先知

Narrator: It’s a very day in the journey to the west, the four monks are travelling in the rolling mountains,in which lives white-bone demon. And she is quite excited to be informed that Tangseng is coming. 师徒四人西天取经,白骨精途中等待。


(White-bone Demon with her servant behind steps in the stage)

Ws: madam, here is the fresh blood! You look so well today!

W: Aha, of cause! A monk called Tangseng is coming and it is said that one who has eaten his flesh will never die or grow old! What a precious opportunity for me it is! I will turn into a beautiful girl to win his heart!

(White-bone Demon spinsherself and turned into a beautiful young girl,then waited for the monks to come.)

M: master, I feel that there is some evil in this area! (让三人站在呼啦圈内)you three stay in this magical ring and I will go to search for some food! See you later!(悟空跳出舞台)

G:oh, god gives me such a wonderful chance!(整理妆容,伴奏2音乐起,走猫步上台)

P: hey, master! Have you got the smell of a beauty

T: Absolutely! Er, actually I find she is walking toward us!

G: How do you do, lovely monks My name is snow white. You must be hungry after such a long journey. Here is some bread for you!

P: oh, what a kindhearted girl! Baby, I do hungry very much! Shall we eat the bread together

S: I think she may be a demon! Be careful, pig!


P: you are such beautiful,and I’m such handsome. Shouldn’t we be a suitable couple G: yes, I’d love to!

(音乐3my love will go on响起八戒与少女一起做泰坦尼克中的经典动作。两


S: oh, my Buddha! How can a monk act as this!

T: er mi tuo fo \ er mi tuo fo\ er mi tuo fo



M: you greedy demon! Dare you come to tempt my brother! Go to the hell right now!(一棒将其打死)

S:master, monkey has killed a person!

P: A person who is a nice young girl who likes me!

T: monkey, do you know you have murdered an innocent young girl

You must be responsible for it! And as your master I must punish you! (开始念紧箍咒) @#¥%)(*&%……¥#!


W:what a damn monkey! Hum, I won’t give up!M-a-g-i-c!


L:Snow white! Snow white!----master, (唐僧停止念咒,悟空站起来对老夫怒目而


have you seen my 19 year old daughter She went out to send some

food to some monks, but haven’t gone back yet!

P:er, er ,no! Absolutely no!



L: wake up ! Snow white! Wake up ! who killed you !

M: master, this is the same demon! She came again! let kill her!(


S:master, again monkey killed a person!

P: A person who is a old poor mother!

M: Nonsense! She is a demon who wants to eat you! Why don’t you trust me!



N: when the four monks are debating, the Ms White- bone had come up with another idea and turned herself into a fortune teller.

F:what a pity that such a handsome monk has an incurable disease!What a pity! T: are you talking to me Have I got that terrible disease What’s it

F: your legs! One is longer while the other is shorter! If you let it go at that you will lose the ability to move even a centimeter one day!

M: don’t believe in him, master! He’s the same demon!

F: shit! What I said is definitely true! You don’t believe that Let me show you! Follow me now-----


S: Oh no! we’re all disabled!

P: master, we have to accept the treatment!

M: rubbish! I won’t let you cheat others any more! Taste my stick!(一棒将其打死)
