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李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
第五讲 借款合同
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
第464条 称使用借贷者,谓当事人一方以物交付他方,而约 定他方于无偿使用后返还其物之契约。
第474条 称消费借贷者,谓当事人一方移转金钱或其它代替 物之所有权于他方,而约定他方以种类、品质、数 量相同之物返还之契约。 当事人之一方对他方负金钱或其它代替物之给付义 务而约定以之作为消费借贷之标的者,亦成立消费 借贷。
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
合同法第211条与最高人民法院关于贯彻执行《中 华人民共和国民法通则》若干问题的意见(试行) 第124条结合起来看,前者是“自然人之间的借款 合同对支付利息没有约定或约定不明的,视为不支 付利息。”,后者是“借款双方因利率发生争议, 如果约定不明,又不能证明的,可以比照银行同类 贷款利率计息”。显而易见, “支付利息约定不 明”与“利率约定不明”是两个概念,前者是对于 是否支付利息约定不明,而后者是对利率的计算约 定不明。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
违约方 违约行为 贷款人 违反提供借款的义务
违反收取借款的义务 违反按约定的用途使用借款的义务
借款人 违反按约定的期限返还借款的 逾期偿还

法律后果 赔偿损失 支付利息
停止发放借款、提前收回 借款、解除合同 支付逾期利息
按照实际借款的期间计算 利息
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
最高人民法院关于人民法院审理借 贷案件的若干意见 (1991)
六、民间借贷的利率可以适当高于银行的利率,各 地人民法院可根据本地区的实际情况具体掌握,但 最高不得超过银行同类贷款利率的四倍(包含利率 本数)。超出此限度的,超出部分的利息不予保护。
(2004年10月28日,中国人民银行决定,从 2004年10月29日起,金融机构(不含城乡信用社) 的贷款利率原则上不再设定上限,贷款利率下浮幅 度不变,贷款利率下限仍为基准利率的0.9倍。)
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
李承亮 合同法
案情: 2003年10月2日,刘某向谢某借款58000 元,当时双方签订《还款协议》约定“刘某向谢某 所借58000元在2003年12月20日前一次性还清, 超过2003年12月20日没有还清所借款项,则借款 期内按银行利率的四倍计算利息”。后刘某未能按 时还款,谢某遂诉至法院要求刘某偿还借款,并按 约定支付利息。
李承亮 合同法
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.