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摘要 (3)

Abstract (4)

第 1 章绪论 (5)

1.1手机游戏 (5)

1.2手机游戏的分类 (5)

1.3技术简介 (7)

1.3.1Android简介 (7)

1.3.2Eclipse/IBM-Eclipse简介 (8)

1.3.3Android SDK简介 (8)

1.3.4SQLite简介 (9)

1.3.5数据库的设计 (10)

第 2 章需求分析 (12)

2.1需求分析 (12)

2.1.1基本功能需求 (12)

2.1.2具体功能需求 (13)

2.1.3运行环境 (13)

2.1.4性能需求 (14)

2.2系统结构化分析 (14)

2.3目标系统要求 (18)

第 3 章总体设计 (19)

3.1系统界面总体设计 (19)

3.2总体流程设计 (20)

3.3游戏程序结构 (20)

3.4后台数据库的总体设计 (21)

第 4 章详细设计 (22)

4.1主菜单详细设置 (22)

4.2游戏关卡详细设置 (23)

4.3闯关过程详细设置 (24)

4.4道具系统详细设置 (26)

4.5剧情详细设置 (28)

4.6系统数据库详细设计实现 (32)

4.6.1概念模型设计 (33)

4.6.2逻辑模型设计 (33)

4.6.3物理模型设计 (34)

4.7数据库链接设置 (35)

第 5 章系统测试 (37)

5.1系统测试模型选择介绍 (37)

5.2系统测试运行结果 (38)

第 6 章结束语 (42)

致谢 (43)

参考文献 (44)

附录一英文原文 (45)

附录二译文 (52)




本课题是针对Google公司在2007年11月05日推出的新的智能手机操作系统Android。Android是一种以Linux为基础的开放源码操作系统,主要使用于便携设备。目前尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”或“安致”。Android操作系统最初由Andy Rubin开发,最初主要支持手机。2005年由Google收购注资,并组建开放手机联盟开发改良,逐渐扩展到平板电脑及其他领域上。Android的系统架构和其它操作系统一样,采用了分层的架构。android 分为四个层,从高层到低层分别是应用程序层、应用程序框架层、系统运行库层和linux核心层。

本课题是在Android SDK基础上进行游戏开发,进行UI设计,动画设计,SQLite数据库设计,并最终完成手机游戏。然后在模拟器上进行模拟并最终能实际应用于手机,供用户娱乐消遣。



The development of communication technology development promote the development of smart phones getting fast. The software which based on intelligent mobile platform spring up. Smartphone software service covers with life of all parties to the surface. The handset value-added business communications company has become one of the important part of the cell phone game in recent years. Development business has become a very big industrial chain. As the 3 G business expansion of intelligent mobiles games business will be more big promotion, cellular phone game will bring huge market space and economic value.

This topic is for Android the new intelligent mobile phone operating system which Google company produced in November 2007. Android is a Linux based operating system and it’s open source. It is mainly used in portable devices. Android operating system was developed by Andy Rubin at first, mostly for phone. In 2005 Google acquisition capital injection, and form a open mobile phone alliance development improvement, expands gradually to the tablet computer and other areas. Android system architecture and other operating system, use the layered framework. Android is divided into four layers, from top to low-level application layer, respectively is application framework layer, systems runtime layer and Linux kernel layer.

This topic is based on the Android SDK basis for game development, the UI design, animation design, SQLite database design, and finally complete mobile games. And then in the simulator and eventually can simulate the practical application in mobile phones, for the user to entertainment.

【key word】mobile games;Android;SQLite
