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other names. Drunken formed in accordance with
their different names in different images, different contents of routine, but they can not do without
drunk-shaped features of drunkenness. Drunken
太极拳综合吸收了明代名家拳法, 特别是戚继光的三十二式长拳, 并结合了古代导引、吐纳气功之 术和中医经络学说,以及古代阴 阳五行学说,以道教、太极八卦 等理论为太极拳的哲学基础,综 合而成。 太极拳以“棚、捋、挤、按、• 瘛 •、肘、靠、进、退、顾、 盼、定”等为基本方法。动作徐 缓舒畅,要求练拳时正腰、收颚、 直背、垂间,有飘然腾云之意境。 清代拳师称“拳如大海,滔滔而 不绝”。同时,太极拳还很重视 练气,所谓“气”,就是修炼人 体自身的精神力,这是太极拳作 为内家功夫的特点之一。
• Now,Tai Chi has many branches.Tai Chi has become a kind of exercise.Many old people like practising it in the early morning.Tai Chi has the function to prevent andcure disease.In 2006
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Master because of its multi-roll or flapping movements, it is also considered to be "you'll know
醉拳是模仿醉汉动作的一种拳 术。这种拳打起来,很象是醉 汉酒后跌跌撞撞,摇摇摆摆, 但实际上是形醉意不醉,是由 严格的武术手法、步法、身法 等组成的套路。醉拳中有“太 白醉酒”、“武松醉跌”(即玉 环醉步,鸳鸯脚)、“鲁智深 醉打山门”、“醉八仙”等名 称。醉拳根据其不同名称而组 成不同形象、不同内容的套路, 但都离不开醉形醉态的特点。 醉拳由于其内容多跌扑滚翻动 作,故又被认为是“地趟拳” 的一种。
Drunken Quan
Drunken Master in the "Bai drunk," "Drunken Wu
Song down" (ie, step Yuhuan drunk, duck feet), "Lu Striking the gate," "Drunken Eight Immortals" and
醉拳是模仿醉汉动作的一种拳 术。这种拳打起来,很象是醉 汉酒后跌跌撞撞,摇摇摆摆, 但实际上是形醉意不醉,是由 严格的武术手法、步法、身法 等组成的套路。醉拳中有“太 白醉酒”、“武松醉跌”(即玉 环醉步,鸳鸯脚)、“鲁智深 醉打山门”、“醉八仙”等名 称。醉拳根据其不同名称而组 成不同形象、不同内容的套路, 但都离不开醉形醉态的特点。 醉拳由于其内容多跌扑滚翻动 作,故又被认为是“地趟拳” 的一种。
TaiChi quan was included in the first of national
intangible cultural heritage.Tai Chi as a unique to China's national sport,has attracted many
international friends interests and hobbies.
Drunken Quan
Drunken Master is an imitation of a drunk boxing action. This punch up, drink it like a drunk stumbling, swaying, but it is actually shaped drunk drunk, is a strict martial arts techniques, footwork, shenfa composed of routines.
武术文化的本质是人的精神家园,微量相互依存的自然人找到和平, 和谐(称为“非战斗”),而不 是 战 斗。至 少主流一直如此。
Tai Ji Quan has its philosophical roots in Taoism and is considered as an internal martial art, utilizing the internal energy, or Qi, and following the simple principle of "subduing the vigorous by the soft". Taoism is the oldest philosophy of China which is represented by the famous symbol of the Yin and Yang which expresses the continuous flow of Qi in a circular motion that generates two opposite forces, plus and minus, which interact and balance with each others to
China Kung Fu
Drunken chan

Tai Ji quan

Wing Chun
What is the real Chinese Kung Fu
The essend of the martial arts culture is that people with interdependent nature of the trace of the s p i r i t ual h o m e t o fi n d peace,harmony(called"non-fighting") rather than fighting. At least the mainstream has always been the case.