基于 MATLAB 的 PUMA560 机器人运动仿真与轨迹规划 5
1. 引言运动控制和路径规划在机器人和自动化控制领域中起着重要的作用。
2. 运动控制工具箱运动控制工具箱是Matlab中的一个重要工具箱,它提供了各种函数和工具,用于控制机器人的运动。
在Matlab命令窗口中输入以下命令,即可导入运动控制工具箱:```import robotics.*```通过运动控制工具箱,我们可以实现一些基本的运动控制操作,例如控制机器人的位置、速度和加速度等。
3. 路径规划工具箱路径规划工具箱是Matlab中的另一个重要工具箱,它用于规划机器人的运动路径。
在Matlab命令窗口中输入以下命令,即可导入路径规划工具箱:```import navigation.*```路径规划工具箱提供了一系列函数和工具,用于实现不同类型的路径规划算法。
基于MATLAB教学型机器人空间轨迹仿真robotic toolbox for matlab工具箱1. PUMA560的MATLAB仿真要建立PUMA560的机器人对象,首先我们要了解PUMA560的D-H参数,之后我们可以利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的link和robot函数来建立PUMA560的机器人对象。
其中link函数的调用格式:L = LINK([alpha A theta D])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset])L =LINK([alpha A theta D], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset], CONVENTION)参数CONVENTION可以取‘standard’和‘modified’,其中‘standard’代表采用标准的D-H参数,‘modified’代表采用改进的D-H参数。
另外LINK还有一些数据域:LINK.alpha%返回扭转角LINK.A%返回杆件长度LINK.theta%返回关节角LINK.D%返回横距LINK.sigma%返回关节类型LINK.RP%返回‘R’(旋转)或‘P’(移动)LINK.mdh%若为标准D-H参数返回0,否则返回1LINK.offset%返回关节变量偏移LINK.qlim%返回关节变量的上下限[min max]LINK.islimit(q)%如果关节变量超限,返回-1, 0, +1LINK.I%返回一个3×3 对称惯性矩阵LINK.m%返回关节质量LINK.r%返回3×1的关节齿轮向量LINK.G%返回齿轮的传动比LINK.Jm%返回电机惯性LINK.B%返回粘性摩擦LINK.Tc%返回库仑摩擦LINK.dhreturn legacy DH rowLINK.dynreturn legacy DYN row其中robot函数的调用格式:ROBOT%创建一个空的机器人对象ROBOT(robot)%创建robot的一个副本ROBOT(robot, LINK)%用LINK来创建新机器人对象来代替robotROBOT(LINK, ...)%用LINK来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DH, ...)%用D-H矩阵来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DYN, ...)%用DYN矩阵来创建一个机器人对象2.变换矩阵利用MA TLAB中Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的transl、rotx、roty和rotz可以实现用齐次变换矩阵表示平移变换和旋转变换。
1 P U M A 5 6 0 机器人参数设计
1 . 1连杆参数和坐标系
究。 开式运动链一端固定在基座上 , 另一端不固定 , 利用末端 执 行器 来操纵物体 以完成各种任 务。 驱动器使关节运动 , 并带 动
连杆运动, 使手爪到达所规定的位姿。 轨 迹 规 划 的过 程 中, 重 点研 究 操作 臂 末 端执 行 器 相 对
从数据 曲线或数 据本 身难以分析出来 的许 多重 要信息, 还 可以 从图形上看到机器人在一定控制条件下的运动规律 。 一个新 的 机 器人 工作程序 编制完成后, 先在仿真软件中观 察运行 结果, 分析检验轨 迹规 划和作业规划 的正确性和合 理性 , 为离线编程 依据给定的连杆坐标系, 相关的连杆参数可规定如下: 1 ) a 为沿 i 轴, 从z 移动至z 的距 离。
自由度 的P U M A 5 6 0 机 器人 进行 参 数 设 然 后 讨 论 了正、 逆 运 动 机器人 操作臂运 动学方程的研究 内容 , 为操作 臂各个连 杆 学算法 , 轨 迹规划 问题 , 最 后在M A T L A B 环境下, 运 用机器人工 间的位移关系、 速度 关系及加速度关 系。 连杆通过移动或转 动 具箱编制简单的程 序语句 , 快速完成了机器人 的运动学仿真 。 关节 串联形成机器人操作臂, 可 以作为一个 开式运动链进行研
实验研究 ・
基于MA T L A B的P UMA5 6 0 机器人运动学仿真
董慧颖 梁 爽( 沈阳 理工 大学, 辽 宁 沈阳 1 1 0 0 5 9 )
摘 要: 随着机器人技术的发展和应用, 机器人在现代 工业生产中扮演着越来越重要的角色。 机器人诞生是科学技术与社会进步的必然 结果 , 从根 本 上 改变 了 原来传 统的生产体 系和生产 方式 。 本 文在 M A T L A B  ̄境 下, 对P U M A 5 6 0 机 器人 进行 参 数设计, 分 析P U M A 5 6 0 机 器人 的运
而Unimation PUMA560作为简单6自由度机器人,在工业中的应用也极为广泛。
本文针对典型的工业机器人Unimation公司生产的PUMA560机器人,运用MATLAB中的机器人仿真工具箱〔Robotics Toolbox〕分析了其正逆运动学方法和轨迹规划的结果,并观察了其运动情况和规律。
关键词:Unimation PUMA560;机械臂;MATLAB仿真机器人运动学涉及大量的算法设计和计算量,所以利用计算机可视化和计算机的仿真软件的方式进行仿真,能过大大减轻科研人员的工作量。
一、搭建PUMA560机械臂本文应用MATLAB的Robotics Toolbox机器人仿真工具箱做机械臂的仿真。
二、 PUMA560的运动分析〔一〕机器人运动学正问题机器人运动学正问题连杆的位移和相对应的关节的偏移量,求解末端连杆坐标系相对于基坐标系的位姿。
图1 PUMA560操作臂运动参数和坐标系分布本文使用MALTBA的Robot中的正问题计算函数fkine能够求解机器人运动学的正问题。
在Matlab中,可以使用机器人学工具箱(Robotics Toolbox)来进行运动规划。
二、轨迹生成技巧1. 插值法轨迹的插值是生成平滑运动的常用技巧。
2. 优化算法优化算法常用于解决轨迹生成中的优化问题。
例如,Peter Corke开发的Robotics System Toolbox是一个强大且易于使用的工具箱,提供了丰富的功能,包括机器人建模、路径规划和轨迹生成等。
puma560的运动学及matlab实现(正解+逆解)表1 PUMA560机器⼈的连杆参数关节i变化范围/(o) 190000-160~16020-900149.09-225~453-900431.80-45~22540-9020.32443.07-110~170509000-100~10060-9000-266~266正解源码DEG = pi/180;cta1=-70.4385cta2=182.6918cta3=-90.0000cta4=-82.4708cta5=-19.7387cta6=-97.9933T01=[cosd(cta1),-sind(cta1),0,0;sind(cta1), cosd(cta1),0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,0,1];T02=T01*[cosd(cta2),-sind(cta2),0,0;0,0,1, 149.09;-sind(cta2),-cosd(cta2),0,0;0,0,0,1] ;T03=T02*[cosd(cta3),-sind(cta3),0,431.8;sind(cta3), cosd(cta3),0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,0,1];T04=T03*[cosd(cta4),-sind(cta4),0,20.32;0,0,1,433.07;-sind(cta4),-cosd(cta4),0,0;0,0,0,1];T05=T04*[cosd(cta5),-sind(cta5),0,0;0,0,-1,0;sind(cta5), cosd(cta5), 0,0;0,0,0,1];T06=T05*[cosd(cta6),-sind(cta6),0,0;0,0,1,0;-sind(cta6),-cosd(cta6),0,0;0,0,0,1];O=T06*[0;0;0;1];=====================================================逆解源码fid = fopen('inverseout.txt','w');%逆解的保存⽂件%赋初值T06 =[0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 -149.0900;0.0000 -0.0000 1.0000 864.8700;1.0000 0 -0.0000 20.3200;0 0 0 1.0000] ;a0=0; a1=0; a2=431.8; a3=20.32; a4=0; a5=0;d1=0; d2=149.09; d3=0; d4=433.07; d5=0; d6=0;n_x=T06(1); n_y=T06(2); n_z=T06(3);o_x=T06(5); o_y=T06(6); o_z=T06(7);a_x=T06(9); a_y=T06(10); a_z=T06(11);p_x=T06(13); p_y=T06(14); p_z=T06(15);disp(['⼋组解分别是:']);for i=1:2for j=1:2for k=1:2%求解theta1(为弧度)sqr1=[sqrt(p_x^2+p_y^2-d2^2),-sqrt(p_x^2+p_y^2-d2^2)];ta1=atan2(p_y,p_x)-atan2(d2,sqr1(i));%求解theta3(弧度表⽰)k1=(p_x^2+p_y^2+p_z^2-a2^2-a3^2-d2^2-d4^2)/(2*a2);sqr3=[sqrt(a3^2+d4^2-k1^2),-sqrt(a3^2+d4^2-k1^2) ];ta3=atan2(a3,d4)-atan2(k1,sqr3(j));fs23=-((a3+a2*cos(ta3))*p_z)+(cos(ta1)*p_x+sin(ta1)*p_y)*(a2*sin(ta3)-d4); sc23=(-d4+a2*sin(ta3))*p_z+(cos(ta1)*p_x+sin(ta1)*p_y)*(a2*cos(ta3)+a3); ta23=atan2( fs23,sc23);%求解theta2 (弧度表⽰)ta2=ta23-ta3;%求解theta4 (弧度表⽰)fs4=[ -a_x*sin(ta1)+a_y*cos(ta1),a_x*sin(ta1)-a_y*cos(ta1)];sc4=[ -a_x*cos(ta1)*cos(ta23)-a_y*sin(ta1)*cos(ta23)+a_z*sin(ta23),a_x*cos(ta1)*cos(ta23)+a_y*sin(ta1)*cos(ta23)-a_z*sin(ta23)];fprintf(fid,'%d,',sc4(1,1));fprintf(fid,'\t');fprintf(fid,'%d,',sc4(2,1));fprintf(fid,'\t');fprintf(fid,'%d,',fs4(1,1));fprintf(fid,'\t');fprintf(fid,'%d,',fs4(1,2));fprintf(fid,'\t');fprintf(fid,'\n');ta4=atan2(fs4(k),sc4(k));%求解theta5 (弧度表⽰)fs5=-a_x*(cos(ta1)*cos(ta23)*cos(ta4)+sin(ta1)*sin(ta4))...-a_y*(sin(ta1)*cos(ta23)*cos(ta4)-cos(ta1)*sin(ta4))...+a_z*(sin(ta23)*cos(ta4));sc5=a_x*(-cos(ta1)*sin(ta23))+a_y*(-sin(ta1)*sin(ta23))+a_z*(-cos(ta23));ta5=atan2(fs5,sc5);%求解theta6 (弧度表⽰)fs6=-n_x*(cos(ta1)*cos(ta23)*sin(ta4)-sin(ta1)*cos(ta4))...-n_y*(sin(ta1)*cos(ta23)*sin(ta4)+cos(ta1)*cos(ta4))...+n_z*(sin(ta23)*sin(ta4));sc6= n_x*(cos(ta1)*cos(ta23)*cos(ta4)+sin(ta1)*sin(ta4))*cos(ta5)... -n_x*cos(ta1)*sin(ta23)*sin(ta5)...+n_y*(sin(ta1)*cos(ta23)*cos(ta4)+cos(ta1)*sin(ta4))*cos(ta5)...-n_y*sin(ta1)*sin(ta23)*sin(ta5)...-n_z*(sin(ta23)*cos(ta4)*cos(ta5)+cos(ta23)*sin(ta5));ta6=atan2(fs6,sc6);%save%将其化为⾓度Theta=[ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 ta6]./pi*180endendend关于C++版本的运动学正解和逆解的代码,可以在以下链接下载。
目录前言说明 ................................................................................. - 1 -求解PUMA560正向运动学解 ............................................... - 2 -求解PUMA560逆向运动学解 ............................................... - 5 -求解PUMA560的雅克比矩阵 ............................................. - 15 -利用GUI创建运动分析界面................................................ - 22 -求解PUMA560正向运动学解在已知PUMA560各关节连杆DH参数,以及给定相应的关节变量之后,可以通过正向运动学求解出机械手末端抓手在基系内的位姿。
以下是利用matlab编写的求解PUMA560正向运动学解的函数zhenjie.m:function T=zhenjie(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6)%求puma560正解a2=431.8;a3=20.32;d2=149.09;d4=433.07;c1=c1/180*pi;c2=c2/180*pi;c3=c3/180*pi;c4=c4/180*pi;c5=c5/180*pi;c6=c6/180*pi;A1=[cos(c1),-sin(c1),0,0;sin(c1),cos(c1),0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,0,1];A2=[cos(c2),-sin(c2),0,0;0,0,1,d2;-sin(c2),-cos(c2),0,0;0,0,0,1];A3=[cos(c3),-sin(c3),0,a2;sin(c3),cos(c3),0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,0,1];A4=[cos(c4),-sin(c4),0,a3;0,0,1,d4;-sin(c4),-cos(c4),0,0;0,0,0,1];A5= [cos(c5),-sin(c5),0,0;0,0,-1,0;sin(c5),cos(c5),0,0;0,0,0,1];A6=[cos(c6),-sin(c6),0,0;0,0,1,0;-sin(c6),-cos(c6),0,0;0,0,0,1];T=A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6end其中c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,为分别输入的各关节变量,即连杆1、连杆2、连杆3、连杆4、连杆5、连杆6的关节转角,直接利用关节矩阵相乘得到机械手末端抓手在基系内的位姿。
关键词:机器人PUMA560 D-H坐标系运动学轨迹规划
论文首先设计了PUMA560机器人的各连杆参数,然后讨论了正、逆运动学算法,轨迹规划问题,最后在MATLAB环境下,运用Robotics Toolbox,编制简单的程序语句,快速完成了机器人得运动学仿真。
Matlab在机器人控制与路径规划中的应用1. 引言机器人控制与路径规划是现代机器人技术中的重要组成部分。
2. 机器人控制机器人控制是指如何通过控制机器人的各个关节,使其达到期望的位置和姿态。
3. 机器人路径规划机器人路径规划是指如何确定机器人在给定环境中的最佳路径,以实现特定任务。
4. MatLab的优势和应用案例MatLab在机器人控制与路径规划中具有一定的优势。
为了提高效率,更加直观理解关节速度对末端线速度与角速度的影响,采用了MATLAB中Robotics Toolbox的机器人函数[5],对机器人进行正逆运动学仿真和求解给定机器人的雅可比矩阵,并进行解的轨迹规划实现最优解[6]。
1 运动学分析1.1 六自由度机器人D-H坐标系为描述机器人和机器人的相对运动关系,通常采用的建模方法是由Denavit和Hartenberg提出的D-H参数法[7]。
一、安装Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB1、下载该工具箱:迅雷搜狗下载2、将压缩包解压到一个文件夹下面3、打开MATLAB,在File菜单下选择Set Path,打开如下对话框4、单击“Add With SubFolder”,选择上面的工具箱5、点击“Save”,然后点击“Close”。
PUMA560的MATLAB仿真要建立PUMA560的机器人对象,首先我们要了解PUMA560的D-H参数,之后我们可以利用Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的link和robot函数来建立PUMA560的机器人对象。
其中link函数的调用格式:L = LINK([alpha A theta D])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma])L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset])L =LINK([alpha A theta D], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma], CONVENTION)L =LINK([alpha A theta D sigma offset], CONVENTION)参数CONVENTION可以取‘standard’和‘modified’,其中‘standard’代表采用标准的D-H参数,‘modified’代表采用改进的D-H参数。
另外LINK还有一些数据域:LINK.alpha %返回扭转角LINK.A %返回杆件长度LINK.theta %返回关节角LINK.D %返回横距LINK.sigma %返回关节类型LINK.RP %返回‘R’(旋转)或‘P’(移动)LINK.mdh %若为标准D-H参数返回0,否则返回1LINK.offset %返回关节变量偏移LINK.qlim %返回关节变量的上下限[min max]LINK.islimit(q) %如果关节变量超限,返回-1, 0, +1LINK.I %返回一个3×3 对称惯性矩阵LINK.m %返回关节质量LINK.r %返回3×1的关节齿轮向量LINK.G %返回齿轮的传动比LINK.Jm %返回电机惯性LINK.B %返回粘性摩擦LINK.Tc %返回库仑摩擦LINK.dh return legacy DH rowLINK.dyn return legacy DYN row其中robot函数的调用格式:ROBOT %创建一个空的机器人对象ROBOT(robot) %创建robot的一个副本ROBOT(robot, LINK) %用LINK来创建新机器人对象来代替robotROBOT(LINK, ...) %用LINK来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DH, ...) %用D-H矩阵来创建一个机器人对象ROBOT(DYN, ...) %用DYN矩阵来创建一个机器人对象利用MATLAB中Robotics Toolbox工具箱中的transl、rotx、roty和rotz可以实现用齐次变换矩阵表示平移变换和旋转变换。
PUMA560 机器人是 Unimation 公司生产的 6 自由度串联结构机器人, 它由 6 自由度旋 转关节构成,其构成示意图如图 1。参照人体结构,机器人的第一个关节(J1)通常称为腰关 节,第二个关节(J2)通常称为肩关节,第三个关节(J3)通常称为肘关节,关节轴线为 J4, J5, J6 的关节通常统称为腕关节。 其中前三个关节确定手腕参考点位置, 后三个关节确定手腕的方 位。关节 J1 的轴线为铅直方向,关节 J2, J3 的轴线方向水平且平行,距离为 a3。关节 J1, J2 轴 线垂直相交,关节 J3, J4 轴线垂直交错,距离为 a4。后三个关节的轴线相交于一点,该点也选 作坐标系{4},{5},{6}的原点。各连杆坐标系如图 2 所示。
基于 MATLAB 的 PUMA560 机器人运动仿真与轨迹规划
摘要: 针对 PUMA560 机器人, 分析了它的正运动学、 逆运动学和轨迹规划问题, 并在 MATLAB 环境下,利用 Robotics Toolbox 对该机器人进行了建模。同时仿真了正运动学和逆运动学求解 和轨迹规划,并观察了各关节运动,得到而来所需的数据。说明了所设计的参数是正确的,从 而能够达到预定的目标。 关键词:PUMA560 机器人;运动学;MATLAB Robotics Toolbox;仿真
A1 0T6 = 1 A2 2 A3 3 A4 4 A5 5 A6 ,
A2 0 A1 0T6 = 2 A3 3 A4 4 A5 5 A6 ,
A3 1 A2 0 A1 0T6 = 3 A4 4 A5 5 A6 ,
A4 2 A3 1 A2 0 A1 0T6 = 4 A5 5 A6 , 4 A5 3 A4 2 A3 1 A2 0 A1 0T6 = 5 A6
基于Matlab对于PUMA560机器人的运动空间分析研究沙漠;邓子龙【摘要】通过建立PUMA560机器人空间坐标系并确定连杆参数,利用D-H方法建立了运动学模型,在考虑每个连杆参数边界条件的基础上对其运动学方程求解,利用Robotics Toolbox模块对机器人运动进行了仿真,并利用MATLAB生成机器人工作空间图像,通过图像得到不同步长对于工作空间范围和密度的影响;通过对机器人工作空间及运动轨迹的分析,求得机器人杆长对其工作空间的影响系数,利用MATLAB对不同步长的工作空间范围及密度进行仿真、比较.结果可知:机器人的工作空间是由一近似的椭圆体构成,步长越小,密度与工作空间的精准度越高.为机器人的误差分析和结构优化设计提供理论依据,为机器人的动态控制以及机器人结构的动态特性研究奠定基础.【期刊名称】《机械制造与自动化》【年(卷),期】2016(045)002【总页数】5页(P156-159,183)【关键词】机器人;运动学;工作空间【作者】沙漠;邓子龙【作者单位】辽宁石油化工大学机械工程学院,辽宁抚顺113001;辽宁石油化工大学机械工程学院,辽宁抚顺113001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP241近年来,机器人技术在军事、航空航天、工农业生产及医疗等领域迅猛发展。
目录一、简介1.1工程背景及参数 (1)二、PUMA 560正解 (3)2.1 求解方法 (3)2.2 程序实现 (4)2.3 正解原程序 (4)三、PUMA 560逆解 (6)3.1 PUMA 560 逆解 (6)3.2 求解过程 (6)3.3 逆解原程序 (9)3.4 程序验证 (10)四、求解PUMA 560雅可比矩阵 (11)4.1 雅可比矩阵简述 (11)4.2 微分变换法求J(q) (11)4.3 矢量积法求J(q) (12)4.4 求解雅可比矩阵 (13)4.5 求解程序 (14)五、PUMA 560运动仿真 (16)PUMA560机器人运动学分析摘要:随着现代工业化的快速发展,机器人得到了广泛应用,有关机器人的理论也一直是研究机器人的重点内容。
本文首先对机器人PUMA560 运动学基础理论进行了必要的描述,建立了 D-H 参数表。
之后根据 D-H 参数表对 PUMA 560 求正解、逆解以及雅可比矩阵。
关键词:机器人PUMA560 正解逆解雅可比Abstract: With the rapid development of modern industrialization, the robot has been widely applied, the robot's theory also has been the research focus of the robot. This article first on PUMA560 robot kinematics basic theory into the necessary description, established the d-h parameters table. Based on d-h parameters after the table of PUMA 560 positive solutions and inverse solution and the jacobian matrix.Key words:Robot PUMA560 Positive solutions Inverse Solution Jacobi一、简介工程背景工业机器人不仅应用于传统制造业如采矿、冶金、石油、化学、船舶等领域,同时也已开始扩大到核能、航空、航天、医药、生化等高科技领域以及家庭清洁、医疗康复、酒店餐饮等服务业领域中。
当 i = 6 时 , T6 确定了机器人末端连杆坐标系 相对于基坐标系的位姿 。 0 T 6 = A 1 A 2 A3 A4 A5 A 6 , 其中 : cos θ 1 -si n θ 1 0 A 1 = sin θ 1 0 0 co s θ 2 A 2 = 0 0 sin θ 3 0 0 co s θ 4 A 4 = 0 0 0 A 5 = sin θ 5 0 co s θ 6 A 6 = 0 0 2. 3 机器人逆运动学 机器人的逆运动学 , 描述的是机器人的末端笛 卡尔空间到关节空间的映射关系 。即已知末端连杆 的位姿 T6 , 求解各关节变量 。 对于 P UMA 560 机 器人 , 需要求解的变量为 θ 1 , θ 2 , θ 3 , θ 4 , θ 5 , θ 6 。 机器人逆运动学求解的方法是 , 对( 3) 式两边依 次左乘 A 的逆矩阵 , 并使两端相等矩阵的对应元素 相等 , 即可求得各关节变量 。 求解各关节变量的方程式如下 : 1 0 A 1 * T6 = A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 ,
1 PUMA560 机器人的参数设计
1. 1 连杆参数和坐标系 机器人机 械手由一系列连接在一 起的连杆构 成 , 需要用 2 个参数来描述一个连杆 , 即公共法线距 离 a i 和垂直于 a i 所在平面两轴线的夹角 α i ; 需要另 外 2 个参数来表示相邻两连杆的关系 , 即两连杆的 相对位置 d i 和两连杆的法线的夹角 θ i 。 这 4 个连 杆参数定义如下 : α i 是两关节的关节轴线 J i 与 J i + 1 的夹角为连杆扭转角 ; a i 是两关节的关节轴线 J i 与 J i+1 的公垂线的距离为连杆长度 ; θ i 是相邻两条公 垂线 a i -1 与 ai 的夹角为关节角 ; d i 是相邻两条公垂 线 ai -1 与 ai 的距离为连杆偏移量 。 对于转动关节来
The movement simulation and trajectory planning ofPUMA560 robotShibo zhaoAbstract: In this essay, we adopt modeling method to study PUMA560 robot in the use of Robotics Toolbox based on MATLAB. We mai nly focus on three problems in elude: the forward kin ematies, in verse kin ematies and trajectory pla nning. At the same time, we simulate each problem above, observe the moveme nt of each joint and expla in the reas on for the selecti on of some parameters. Fin ally, we verify the feasibility of the modeli ng method.Key words: PUMA560 robot; kinematics; Robotics Toolbox; The simulation;I. IntroductionAs automati on becomes more prevale nt in peop'life, robot beg ins more further to cha nge peoplesworld. Therefore, we are obliged to study the mecha nism of robot. How to move, how to determine the position of target and the robot itself, and how to determ ine the an gles of each point n eeded to obta in the positi on. In order to study robot more validly, we adopt robot simulati on and object-orie nted method to simulate the robot kin ematic characteristics. We help researchers un dersta nd the con figurati on and limit of the robot s vvorki ng space and reveal the mecha nism of reas on able moveme nt and control algorithm. We can let the user to see the effect of the design, and timely find out the shortco mings and the in sufficie ncy, which help us avoid the accide nt and unn ecessary losses on operat ing en tity. This paper establishes a model for Robot PUMA560 by using Robotics Toolbox, and study the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics of the robot and trajectory pla nning problem.II. The introduction of the parameters for the PUMA560 robot PUMA560 robot is produced by Un imatio n Compa ny and is defi ned as 6 degrees of freedom robot. It consists 6 degrees of freedom rotary joints (The structure diagram is shown in figure 1). Referring to the human body structure, the first join( J1) called waist joints. The second join( J2) called shoulder joint. The third joint (J3) called elbow joints. The joi nts J4 J5, J6, are called wrist joi nts. Where, the first three joi nts determ ine the positi on of wrist refere nee point. The latter three joi nts determ ine the orie ntati on of the wrist. The axis of the joi nt J1 located vertical directi on. The axis directi on of joi nt J2, J3 is horizontal and parallel, a3 meters apart. Joint J1, J2 axis are vertical intersection and joi nt J3, J4 axis are vertical crisscross, dista nee of a4. The latter three join tsaxes have an intersection point which is also origin point for {4}, {5}, {6} coordinate. (Each link coordi nate system is show n in figure 2)【4】Figi the structure of puma560When PUMA560 Robot is in the initial state, the corresponding link parameters are showed in table 1. a2 = 0.4381m,a3 = 0.0203m,d2 = 0.1491m, d40.4331mThe expressi on of parameters:Let length of the bar : = represent the distanee between z i 4and z i along x i 4.Torsion angle : i 4denote the angle revolving x^from to z i.The measuring distanee between x iJt and x i along z i is d i.Joint angle^ is the angle revoIving from % 4 to X i along Z i.⑷Table 1 the parameters of puma560link:ij/() a/() R/() di /(m) Range10 0 90 0 -160~1602-90 0 0 0.1491 -225~4530 0.4318 -90 0 -45~2254-90 -0.0213 0 0.4331 -110~170590 0 0 0 -100~1006-90 0 0 0 -266~266III .The movement analysis of Puma560 robot3.1 Forward kinematicDefinition: Forward kinematics problem is to solve the pose of end-effecter coordi nate relative to the base coord in ate whe n give n the geometric parameters of link and the tran slatio n of jo int. Let make things clearlyWhat you are given: the len gth of each link and the an gle of each jointWhat you can find: the positi on of any point (i.e. it s( x, y, z/ , 1, ) coord in ate)3.2 The solution of forward kinematicsMethod: Algebraic solutionPrincipal: x = k(q) The kinematic model of a robot can be written like this, where q denotes the vector of joint variable, x denotes the vector of task variable, k() is the direct kin ematic fun cti on that can be derived for any robot structure .The origin of k(q)Each joint is assigneda coordinate frame. Using the Denavit-Hartenberg notation, you need 4 parameters 咚,a,日,d ) to describe how a frame () relates to a previous frame (i -1)i :T . For two frames positioned in space, the first can be moved into coincidenee with the sec ond by a seque nee of 4 operati ons:1. Rotate around the X i j axis by an angle i」.2. Tran slate along the X i』axis by a dista nee i^.3. Rotate around the new z axis by an angle.4. Tran slate along the new z axis by a dista nce .3.3lnverse kinematicDefinition : Robot inv erse kin ematiCS problem is that resolve each joi nt variables ofthe robot based on give n the positi on and direct ion of the en d-effecter or of the link (It can show as position matrix T). As for PUMA560 Robot, variable 円 二6 need to be resolved.Let make things clearly :What you are given: The length of each link and the position of some point on the robot.What you can find: The angles of each joint needed to obtain that position.3.4 The solution of inverse kinematicsMethod: Algebraic solution Principal: x=j (q )qWhere J 二 fk/:q is the robot Jacobian. Jacobian can be seen as a mapping fromJoint velocity space to Operational velocity space.3.5 The trajectory planning of robot kinematicsThe trajectory pla nning of robot kin ematics mai nly studies the moveme nt of robot. Our goal is to let robot moves along give n path. We can divide the trajectory of robots into two kin ds. One is point to point while the other is trajectory tracki ng. The former is only focus on specific location point. The latter cares the whole path.Trajectory track ing is based on point to point, but the route is not determ in ed. So, trajectory tracking only can ensure the robots arrives the desired pose in the end position, but can not ensure in the whole trajectory. In order to let the end-effecter arriving desired path, we try to let the distance between two paths as small as possible when we plan Cartesia n space path. In additi on, in order to elim in ate pose and positi on uncerta inty betwee n two path poi nts, we usually do motivati on pla n among every joi nts un der gang con trol. I n a word, let each joint has same run duratio n whe n we do trajectory pla nning in joint space.i :T 二 Rotx(x, :c®SV j C 〉i J SRC 〉i J 0:-i JTransl(x, : i j)Rotz(z,m )Transl (z,dj-:id—djSa i 1d j sot i 」1 一 above the final homogeneous transform -S 3 C V i C 、; i 1CRC> i二-s :"i 1C 〉i 」Therefore, according to the theorycorresp onding to the last link of the mani pulator: |ny「°S x S y S z 0 a x ay a z 0 P x〕 P yP z1(1.1)(1.2)(1.3)At same time, in order to make the trajectory pla nning more smoothly, we n eed to apply the in terpolati ng method.Method: polyno mial in terpolati ng [1] Given: boundary condition飞(0)6g9 (t f )9 f(0)0J ,( t f ) =0 LOutput : joint space trajectory t between two points23r t = a 。
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The movement simulation and trajectory planning ofPUMA560 robotShibo zhaoAbstract:In this essay, we adopt modeling method to study PUMA560 robot in the use of Robotics Toolbox based on MATLAB. We mainly focus on three problems include: the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and trajectory planning. At the same time, we simulate each problem above, observe the movement of each joint and explain the reason for the selection of some parameters. Finally, we verify the feasibility of the modeling method.Key words:PUMA560 robot; kinematics; Robotics Toolbox; The simulation;I.IntroductionAs automation becomes more prevalent in people’s life, robot begins more further to change people’s world. Therefore, we are obliged to study the mechanism of robot. How to move, how to determine the position of target and the robot itself, and how to determine the angles of each point needed to obtain the position. In order to study robot more validly, we adopt robot simulation and object-oriented method to simulate the robot kinematic characteristics. We help researchers understand the configuration and limit of the robot’s working space and reveal the mechanism of reasonable movement and control algorithm. We can let the user to see the effect of the design, and timely find out the shortcomings and the insufficiency, which help us avoid the accident and unnecessary losses on operating entity. This paper establishes a model for Robot PUMA560 by using Robotics Toolbox,and study the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics of the robot and trajectory planning problem.II.The introduction of the parameters for the PUMA560 robot PUMA560 robot is produced by Unimation Company and is defined as 6 degrees of freedom robot. It consists 6 degrees of freedom rotary joints (The structure diagram is shown in figure 1). Referring to the human body structure, the first joint(J1)called waist joints. The second joint(J2)called shoulder joint. The third joint (J3)called elbow joints. The joints J4 J5, J6, are called wrist joints. Where, the first three joints determine the position of wrist reference point. The latter three joints determine the orientation of the wrist. The axis of the joint J1 located vertical direction. The axis direction of joint J2, J3 is horizontal and parallel, a3 meters apart. Joint J1, J2 axis are vertical intersection and joint J3, J4 axis are vertical crisscross, distance of a4. The latter three joints’ axes have an intersection point which is also origin point for {4}, {5}, {6} coordinate. (Each link coordinate system is shown in figure 2)Fig1】【4 the structure of puma560Fig2】【4 the links coordinate of puma 560When PUMA560 Robot is in the initial state, the corresponding link parameters are showed in table 1. m d m d m a m a 4331.0,1491.0,0203.0,4381.04232==== The expression of parameters:Let length of the bar 1-i α represent the distance between 1-i z and i z along 1-i x . Torsion angle 1-i α denote the angle revolving 1-i x from 1-i z to i z . The measuring distance between 1-i x and i x along i z is i d . Joint angle i θ is the angle revolving from 1-i x to i x along i z .Table 1】【4 the parameters of puma560link )/(1 -i α)/(1 -i a)/( i θ)/(m d iRange1 0 0 90 0 -160~1602 -90 0 0 0.1491 -225~453 0 0.4318 -90 0 -45~2254 -90 -0.0213 0 0.4331 -110~1705 90 0 0 0 -100~100 6-90-266~266III.The movement analysis of Puma560 robot3.1 Forward kinematicDefinition: Forward kinematics problem is to solve the pose of end-effecter coordinate relative to the base coordinate when given the geometric parameters of link and the translation of joint. Let make things clearly :What you are given: the length of each link and the angle of each jointWhat you can find: the position of any point (i.e. it’s ),,,,,(γβαz y x coordinate)3.2 The solution of forward kinematicsMethod: Algebraic solutionPrincipal: )(q k x = The kinematic model of a robot can be written like this, where q denotes the vector of joint variable, x denotes the vector of task variable,()k is the direct kinematic function that can be derived for any robot structure .The origin of )(q kEach joint is assigned a coordinate frame. Using the Denavit-Hartenberg notation, you need 4 parameters (d a ,,,θα) to describe how a frame (i ) relates to a previous frame(1-i )T ii 1-. For two frames positioned in space, the first can be moved into coincidence with the second by a sequence of 4 operations:1. Rotate around the 1-i x axis by an angle 1-i α.2. Translate along the 1-i x axis by a distance 1-i α.3. Rotate around the new z axis by an angle i θ.4. Translate along the new z axis by a distance i d .),(),(),(),(111i i i i i id z Transl z Rotz x Transl x Rotx T θαα---= (1.1)⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--∂-=----------100001111111111i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i s d c c c c s s d s c c c s s c T αααθαθαααθαθθθ (1.2) Therefore, according to the theory above the final homogeneous transformcorresponding to the last link of the manipulator:⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡==100065544332211006z z z z y y y y x x x x p a s n p a s n p a s n T T T T T T T (1.3)3.3Inverse kinematicDefinition : Robot inverse kinematics problem is that resolve each joint variables of the robot based on given the position and direction of the end-effecter or of the link (It can show as position matrix T). As for PUMA560 Robot, variable 61θθ need to be resolved.Let make things clearly :What you are given: The length of each link and the position of some point on the robot.What you can find: The angles of each joint needed to obtain that position.3.4 The solution of inverse kinematicsMethod: Algebraic solutionPrincipal: ••=q q J x )(Where q k J ∂∂=/ is the robot Jacobian. Jacobian can be seen as a mapping from Joint velocity space to Operational velocity space.3.5 The trajectory planning of robot kinematicsThe trajectory planning of robot kinematics mainly studies the movement of robot. Our goal is to let robot moves along given path. We can divide the trajectory of robots into two kinds. One is point to point while the other is trajectory tracking. The former is only focus on specific location point. The latter cares the whole path.Trajectory tracking is based on point to point, but the route is not determined. So, trajectory tracking only can ensure the robots arrives the desired pose in the end position, but can not ensure in the whole trajectory. In order to let the end-effecter arriving desired path, we try to let the distance between two paths as small as possible when we plan Cartesian space path. In addition, in order to eliminate pose and position’s uncertainty between two path points, we usually do motivation plan among every joints under gang control. In a word, let each joint has same run duration when we do trajectory planning in joint space.At same time, in order to make the trajectory planning more smoothly, we need to apply the interpolating method.Method: polynomial interpolating [1]Given: boundary condition⎩⎨⎧==ff θθθθ)()(t 00 (1.3)⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==••0t 00)()(f θθ(1.4)Output : joint space trajectory ()t θ between two points()t θ=332210t a t a t a a +++ (1.5)Polynomial coefficient can be computed as follows:⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧--=-===)(2)(30023022100θθθθθf f f f t a t a a a (1.6)IV. Kinematic simulation based on MATLAB•How to use linkIn Robotics Toolbox, function ’ link ’ is used to create a bar. There are two methods. One is to adopt standard D-H parameters and the other is to adopt modified D-H parameters, which correspond to two coordinate systems. We adopt modified D-H parameters in our paper. The first 4 elements in Function ‘link ’ are α, a, θ, d. The last element is 0 (represent Rotational joint) or 1 (represent translation joint). The final parameter of link is ’mod’, which means standard or modified. The default is standard. Therefore, if you want to build your own robot, you may use function ‘link ’. You can call it like this:’ L1=link([0 0 pi 0 0],'modified'); •The step of simulation is:Step1: First of all, according to the data from Table 1, we build simulation program of the robot (shown in Appendix rob1.m).Step2: Present 3D figure of the robot (shown in Fig4). This is a three-dimensional figure when the robot located the initial position (0i =θ). We can adjust the position of the slider in control panel to make the joint rotation (in Fig 5), just like controlling real robot.Step3:Point A located at initial position. It can de described as ]0,0,0,0,0,0[=A q . The target point is Point B. The joint rotation angle can be expressed as ]0,392.0,0,7854.0,7854.0,0[--=B q . We can achieve the solution of forwardkinematics and obtain the end-effecter pose relative to the base coordinate system is (0.737, 0.149, 0.326) , relative to the three axes of rotation angle is the (0, 0, -1).The ro bot’s three-dimensional pose inq is shown in Fig 6.BStep4: According to the homogeneous transformation matrix, we can obtain each joint variable from the initial position to the specified locationStep5:Simulate trajectory from point A to point B. The simulation time is 10s. Time interval is 0.1s. Then, we can picture location image,the angular velocity and angular acceleration image (shown as Fig 8) which describe each joint transforms over time from Point A to Point B. In this paper, we only present the picture of joint 3. By using the function ‘T=fkine(r,q)’, we obtain ‘T’ a three-dimensional matrix.The first two dimensional matrix represent the coordinate change while the last dimension is time ‘t’.zhaoshiboxyzFig 4Fig 5-1-0.50.51-1-0.500.51-1-0.500.51XYZzhaoshibox yzFig 6Fig 7012345678910time t/sa n g l e /r a d012345678910time t/sv e l o c i t y /(r a d /s )012345678910time t/sa c c e l e r a t i o n /(r a d /s 2)Fig8V The problem during the simulation•The reason for selection of some parameterThe parameter of link: From kinematic simulation and program, you can see that I set certain value not arbitrary when I call ‘link ’. That is because I want the simulation can be more close to the real situation .So; I adopt the parameter of puma560 (you can see it from the program) and there is no difference between my robot and puma560 radically.The parameter of B q : When I choose the parameter of B q , I just want to test something.For example, when you denote the parameter of ‘B q ’ like this‘]0,392.0,0,7854.0,7854.0,0[--=B q ’, you want to use the function ‘fkine(p560, B q )’ to obtain the homogenous function ‘T ’, then, you want to use ‘ikine(p560,T)’ to test whether the ‘B q ’ is what you have settled before. The result is as follows:B q =[0 -pi/4 -pi/4 0 pi/8 0]; T=fkine(p560, B q );⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡---=100032563.038268.009238.01500.00107317.09238.003826.0T B q =ikine(p560,T)B q =[0 -pi/4 -pi/4 0 pi/8 0]Actually, not all of the parameter B q can do like this. For example, when you try B q =[pi/2,pi/2,pi/2,pi/2,pi/2,pi/2] , the answer is not B q itself.VI. References[1]/wiki/Robot_ [online], 7-ferbury-2015[2]/p-947411515.html [online], 7-ferbury-2015[3]/wiki/Jacobian_algorithm [access ed 8-February-2015][4] Youlun Xiong, Han Ding, Encang Liu, Robot[M], Tinghua university press ,1993 VIIAppendixclc; clear;%modified 改进的D-H法L1=link([0 0 pi 0 0],'modified');L2=link([-pi/2 0 0 0.1491 0],'modified');L3=link([0 0.4318 -pi/2 0 0],'modified');L4=link([-pi/2 0.0203 0 0.4318 0],'modified');L5=link([pi/2 0 0 0 0],'modified');L6=link([-pi/2 0 0 0 0],'modified');r=robot({L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6});='zhaoshibo';%模型的名称drivebot(r)track.m%前3 个关节对机械手位置的影响qA=[0,0,0,0,0,0]; %起始点关节空间矢量qB= [0 -pi/4 -pi/4 0 pi/8 0]; %终止点关节空间矢量t=[0:0.1:10]; %仿真时间[q,qd,qdd]=jtraj(qA,qB,t); %关节空间规划plot(r,q)%关节3 的角速度、角速度和角加速度曲线figuresubplot(1,3,1)plot(t,q(:,3))%关节3 的位移曲线xlabel('时间t/s');ylabel('关节的角位移/rad');grid onsubplot(1,3,2)plot(t,qd(:,3))%关节3 的位移曲线xlabel('时间t/s');ylabel('关节的角速度/(rad/s)');grid onsubplot(1,3,3)plot(t,qdd(:,3))%关节3 的位移曲线xlabel('时间t/s');ylabel('关节的角加速度/(rad/s^2)');grid on。