



1.—____________of volunteers will be needed for the 2020 Olympic Games.

—Let's go and____________ them.

A.Thousands, join

B.Thousand, be a member of

C.Three thousand, take part in

D.Thousands, be in


【解析】【分析】句意:——2020年奥运会将需要几千名志愿者。——让我们去加入他们吧。thousands of,几千,join sb,加入,和某人一起,故选A。

【点评】考查数词,注意join sb的用法。

2.The TV was invented around .

A. the twenty century

B. the twentieth century

C. twentieth century

D. twenty century 【答案】 B



3.Our country is 70 years old this year. We will celebrate her _____ birthday on Oct. 1. A. the seventieth B. seventieth C. the seventy D. seventy

【答案】 B



4.—Hi, Ted! How was your trip to Mount Huangshan last month?

—Fantastic! I am expecting to go there for a _____ time.

A. one

B. first

C. two

D. second

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——你好,泰德!上个月去黄色的旅行怎么样呢?——好极了!我盼望这能再去一次。one一;first第一;two二;second第二,根据Hi, Ted! How was your trip to Mount Huangshan last month?可知去过一次,不是第一次去,想再去一次,



5.Please pass me ___book on the right.

A. four

B. fourth

C. the four

D. the fourth

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:请递给我右边的第四本书。句中book是单数,four后面用可数名词复数,排除A、C,所以用序数词fourth,序数词前常常加the ,故选D。


6.Most of the doctors in this hospital were born ________, and they are ________now.

A. in the 1970; in their fifties

B. in 1970s; in the fiftieth

C. in the 1970s; in fiftieth

D. in the 1970s; in their fifties

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:这家医院的大多数医生都出生于20世纪70年代,现在他们都是50多岁。in the+四位数的整数复数形式,在……世纪……年代,in one's+两位数的整数复数形式,在某人多大岁数时,故选D。


7.—We'll celebrate the National Day this year.

—That's really exciting.

A. seventy

B. seventeen

C. seventieth

【答案】 C






8.It's about ________________ kilometers from Nanchong to Chengdu.

A. two hundreds

B. two hundreds of

C. two hundred

D. two hundred of

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:从南昌到成都大约有两百公里。由句意可知,这里说的是“两百公里”two是基数词表示确切的数字,不能用百、千的复数形式,“two hundred”;但当基数词表示不确切数字,百、千后就要用复数形式,如“hundreds of”,故选C。


9.Lin Tao, an ______ boy, was very brave and helped his classmates run out of the classroom when the earthquake happened.

A. 8-year-old

B. 8 year old

C. 8-years-old

D. 8 year olds

【答案】 A



10.In 2010, ___________ people from all over the world came to Shanghai to see the World Expo.

A. ten million of

B. ten millions

C. million of

D. millions of

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:2010年,来自世界各地的数百万人来到上海观看世博会。表示确切数字用基数词+million,表示几百万;表示非确切数字时用millions of,数百万,固定搭配。ten10,基数词,所以用ten million,排除A、B,故选D。

【点评】考查数学词的表达,注意平时识记表示确切数字用基数词+million,表示几百万;表示非确切数字时用millions of,数百万。

11._______, when Marx was already _______, he found it was important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.

A. In 1870s, in his fifties

B. In 1870s, in fifties

C. In the 1870s, in fifties

D. In the 1870s, in his fifties

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:在十九世纪七十年代,马克思已经五十岁了,他觉得研究俄国的形势很重要,便开始学习俄语。in the 1870s十九世纪七十年代;in one's fifties在某人五十多岁时;故选D。


12.Two ________ students ________ to the opening ceremony last Friday.

A. hundreds; were invited

B. hundred; were invited

C. hundreds of; invited

D. hundred of; invited

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:两百名学生被邀请参加了上周五的开幕式。hundred和数字连用用单数,两百是two hundred,学生和邀请之间是被动关系,用被动语态,根据可知是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,一般过去时的被动语态是was/were+及物动词的过去分词,students是复数,用 were invited,故答案为B。


13.—When do you usually go to bed on school nights?

—At around ________ o'clock. It's healthy to fall asleep before 10 p.m.

A. nine

B. ninth

C. twelve

D. twelfth

【答案】 A


It's healthy to fall asleep before 10 p.m.可知,10点之前睡觉是健康的,因此他在9点睡觉,



14.The number of the students in our school is about four __________.

_______ of them are girls.

A. thousand; Two thirds

B. thousands; Two third

C. thousands; Two thirds

D. thousand; Two third

【答案】 A



用复数形式,故三分之二是two thirds,故选A。


15.There were about six___________ students in the school building during the earthquake.

A. hundred

B. hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. hundred of

【答案】 A


示具体的数量,其前要用基数词;hundreds of +可数名词复数,表示不确定的数量,固定




16.Tim likes collecting coins, and he's got ______________ them.

A. million of

B. millions of

C. two million of

D. two millions of

【答案】 B


字时用基数词+million,几百万;表示非确切数字时用millions of,数百万的,固定搭配,



17.We throw rubbish every year.

A. ton of

B. tons

C. tons of

D. a ton of

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我们每年扔大量的垃圾。ton,吨,前面没有具体数字,因此用tons of,大量的,故选C。


18.—Have you heard of the Two-Child policy?

—Of course. And I know many couples have new babies in their ______.

A. forties

B. fortieth

C. the fortieth

D. forty

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你听说过二胎政策吗?——当然,并且我知道许多夫妇在40岁的时候生婴儿。根据短语in their forties,在四十多岁,可知比较符合句意,故选A。【点评】考查介词短语,注意in one's forties的用法。

19.A year is divided into ______ months. September is the _____ month of the year.

A. twelve, ninth

B. twelve, nineth

C. twelfth, ninth

D. twelfth, nineth 【答案】 A



20.— I think A Bite of China Ⅲis not so good as __________.

— Oh, I agree with you..

A. two first.

B. the two first

C. first two

D. the first two

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为《舌尖上的中国3》不如前两个好。——噢,我同意你的观点。first,最初的,形容词,the first+基数词,表示前几个,故选D。

【点评】此题考查数词。the first修饰基数词,表示前几个。

21.Last week, five ____ students took part in the sports meeting in our school

A. thousands

B. hundred

C. hundreds of

D. thousands of

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:上周,我们学校5百名学生参加了运动会。根据句子前面有five,可知hundred后面不加s,hundreds of和thousands of前面不用数词修饰,故选B。【点评】考查数词辨析,注意hundred的用法。

22.A crowded floating restaurant boat loaded with guests sank in the Tigris River in central Baghdad late on Thursday, leaving at least eight people dead and several others missing. A. dozens of B. dozen of C. two dozens of D. two dozens

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:一只载有几十名客人的拥挤的浮式餐厅船周四的晚些时候在巴格达中部的底格里斯河沉了,造成至少八人死亡,而其他几个人失踪。根据可数名词复数guests和 at least eight people dead and several others missing.至少八人死亡,而其他几个人失踪,可知总人数不确定,因此用固定搭配dozens of,几十,数词的复数形式+of,表示概数,故选A。

【点评】考查数词,注意数字的复数形式dozens of,几十的用法。

23.About of the students in our class were born in the .

A. two thirds; 2000s

B. two threes; 2000s

C. two third; 2000

D. two thirds; 2000

【答案】 A



三分之二的英文是 two thirds;in the 2000s,表示21世纪,故选A。



24.The company decided to spend about five yuan building a school for the children in that small village.

A. millions

B. million

C. million of

D. millions of

【答案】 B


示确数时也就是和具体的数字连用要用单数,表示概数用millions of,five是具体的数字,



25.The total number of the citizens in the city has increased to over four _________ this year.

A. million

B. millions

C. a million

D. millions of

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:这个城市市民总数今年已经增长到了四百万。million意思是百万,当和具体数字连用时,不加s,后面也不加of;而millions of意思是数以百万计的,



26.After the government carried out the two-child policy, she had a second child in her________.

A. thirtieth

B. thirties

C. thirty

D. the thirtieth

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:政府的二胎政策放开后,她三十多岁生了二胎。in one's+整十数



27.Alibaba CEO Jack Ma has decided to retire from his company in his _________.

A. fifty

B. fifties

C. fiftieth

D. fiftieths

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:阿里巴巴的总裁马云已经决定在他50多岁从他的公司退休。in one's +基数词复数,在某人几十多岁时,in one's fifties,在某人五十多岁时,故选B。

【点评】此题考查数词。注意固定短语,in one's fifties。

28.It's my sister's birthday today. She's ________ years old.

A. twelve

B. twelfth

C. the twelve

【答案】 A



29.—Dad, there are 45 students in our class, all boys wear glasses, ________ of the whole class. —Oh, that's terrible. You thirty boys should take care of your eyes.

A. one fourth

B. one third

C. two thirds

D. three quarters

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——爸爸,我们班有45名学生,所有的男孩戴眼镜,占班级的三分之二。——噢,太可怕了。你们三十个男孩应该保护好自己的眼睛。考查分数的写法,用英语表达分数时,分子使用基数词,分母使用序数词,如果分子不是一,分母使用复数形式。根据thirty boys,可知是三分之二,因为一般的班容量是45-50名学生,故答案是C。


30.The insurance company paid Mr Li two___________ dollars for his stolen vase.

A. million

B. millions

C. million of

D. millions of

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:保险公司付给李先生两百万美元为了他被偷来的花瓶。表示确切数字时用基数词+million表示几百万;表示非确切数字时用millions of,数百万的......。two,2,是基数词,所以用million,故选A。

【点评】考查数学词的表达,注意平时识记确切数字时用基数词+million表示几百万;表示非确切数字时用millions of数百万的。


一、选择题 1.________of the students in our class________ going to the summer camp in Beijing next week. A.Two fifths; are B.Second fifths; are C.Two fifths; is D.Two fifth; are 2.The __ Winter Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang(平昌),South Korea on Feb. ____, 2018. A.twenty-three; nine B.twentieth- three; nineth C.twenty-third; ninth D.twentieth-three; ninth 3.—I hear ________ foreign students will come to our school this year. —Right. They are the ______ exchange students. A.nine; nine B.nineth; nine C.nine; ninth D.nine; nineth 4.– Good news. My good friend has just moved to my flat. He lives on the floor. – We are neighbors. We live on the 19th floor. He lives one floor above us. A.twelve B.twelfth C.twenty D.twentieth 5.—How do your students improve their English writing? —Well, about ______________ of the students like keeping diaries in English in our class. A.two fifth B.two fifths C.second five D.two five 6.There are _______ people in the picture, and the ______ one from the left is me. A.eleven; five B.eleventh; fifth C.eleven; fifth 7.--Many young people came to Zhongshan in ______.When did he come to Shenzhen? ---When he is an ______ boy,he came here with his parents. A.1980s; eight years old B.1980s; eight-year-old C.the 1980s; eight-year-old D.the 1980s; eight-years-old 8.__________ of his time __________ been spent on studies every day. A.Three fourths;has B.Three fourths;have C.Third fours;has D.Thirds four;have 9._______ of the teachers in our school _________women teachers. A.Two thirds,are B.Third Second,is C.Two thirds,is 10.Every year there are about _______ people waiting for their trains back home in the railway station before Spring Festival comes. A.five thousand of B.five thousand C.thousand of D.five thousands of 11.Next F riday is my daughter’s birthday. So I will buy her a cake with candles. A.five; fifth B.twelfth; twelve C.nineth; nine 12.About _____________ of the students this year were born in the 1990s. A.three five B.three fifths C.third fifths D.third fifth 13.We can see _________stars in the sky at night in the countryside. A.million of B.three millions of C.millions of D.three million of


最新中考英语数词练习题及答案 一、初中英语数词 1.The headmaster's office is on the floor. A. one B. two C. third D. three 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:校长的办公室在三楼。one一个,two两个,third第三,three三个。根据句意可知,此处需要填入的意义为第三层,故应该用序数词,故选C。 【点评】考查了序数词与基数词辨析,注意两者意义的区分。 2.—Where is Class ______? —It's on the ______ floor. A. Six; third B. Sixth; third C. Six; three D. Sixth; three 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——六班在哪里?——在六楼。六班,Class Six,专有名词,六楼,the sixth floor,使用序数词,故答案是A。 【点评】考查数词的用法,注意基数词和序数词的用法区别。 3.My family lives on ________________ floor of the building. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth D. the twelve 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我家住在这栋楼的第20层。表示第几层,用the+序数词+floor,固定搭配,twelve,12,基数词;twelfth,第12,序数词,故选B。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意平时识记the+序数词+floor。 4.Our country is 70 years old this year. We will celebrate her _____ birthday on Oct. 1. A. the seventieth B. seventieth C. the seventy D. seventy 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:今年我们的国家70岁了,我们将在10月1日庆祝她的70岁生日。表达某人几岁生日用one's+序数词+birthday,seventy,70,基数词;seventieth第七十,序数词,排除C、D,故选B。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意平时识记one's+序数词+birthday。 5.Please pass me ___book on the right. A. four B. fourth C. the four D. the fourth 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:请递给我右边的第四本书。句中book是单数,four后面用可数名词复数,排除A、C,所以用序数词fourth,序数词前常常加the ,故选D。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意序数词后面加the。


人教版英语英语数词专项练习含答案解析 一、初中英语数词 1.We are proud of our country. The year 2019 is her ____ birthday. A. seventy B. the seventy C. the seventieth D. seventieth 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我们为我们的国家感到骄傲。2019年是她的70岁诞辰。表示几岁的生日,要用序数词,因此排除A、B;又因前面有物主代词her,因此不用加定冠词,故选D。 【点评】考查序数词的基本用法。 2.The number of the students in our school is about four __________. _______ of them are girls. A. thousand; Two thirds B. thousands; Two third C. thousands; Two thirds D. thousand; Two third 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校的学生人数大约是四人。三分之二是女孩。four基数词后用thousand的原形,分数表达形式是分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母用复数形式,故三分之二是two thirds,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意分数的用法。 3.—____________of volunteers will be needed for the 2020 Olympic Games. —Let's go and____________ them. A.Thousands, join B.Thousand, be a member of C.Three thousand, take part in D.Thousands, be in 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——2020年奥运会将需要几千名志愿者。——让我们去加入他们吧。thousands of,几千,join sb,加入,和某人一起,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意join sb的用法。 4.In the Ukraine(乌克兰), a ________ of the population are Russia speakers. A. five B. fiveth C. fifth D. fifty 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:在乌克兰,五分之一的人口是俄罗斯人。此处考查分数的表达方


数词-冲刺中考英语专题练习 班级:姓名:成绩: 一、选择题 1、 Teachers' Day is in September, the ____________month of the year. A. nine B. ninth C. ten D. tenth 2、 There are fifty students in this class, ________ of them are boys,so the number of the boys is 30.() A.three fifth B.three fifths C.three five 3、—I like the number"9"best, because I think it stands for "long lasting". — Me too. So I choose _____________ floor to live on. A. nine B. ninth C. the nine D. the ninth 4、 The words from Page 1 to Page 3 are very clear. But the ones on the ________ page are not.() A.first B.two C.three D.fourth 5、 We all know that ________ birds fly to Dongting Lake in winter.() A.million B.millions C.millions of 6、 Tomorrow we are going to celebrate my dear grandpa's birthday.() A.eighty B.eightieth C.eight D.eighth 7、 My grandparents live in an old apartment with ______floors and they are on the ______floor.() A.five, five B.five,fifth C.fifth,fifth D.fifth ,five —1 —


初中英语语法专项练习题之数词 1. 1). There are ___ days in a year. A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five 2). There are____ students in this school. A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six 2. 1).______people visit this museum every day. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 2).There are two___ people in the meeting room. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred o 3). Every year ___ watch NBA on TV. A. million people B. millions of people C. millions people D. million of people 4). ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of 5). Look! There are ___ in the sky. A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star 3. 1). My brother is in____.


数词 数词分为基数词和序数词两种。表示数目或数量多少的词叫基数词;表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。 一. 基数词 1. 基数词就注意以下几点: (1)几十几的基数词的十位数与个位数之间要用连字符“-”连接。如: eighty-five 85 twenty-six 26 (2)三位数的基数词须在百位和十位(若无十位则和个位)之间用and连接。如: three hundred and sixty-five 365 two hundred and six 206 (3)基数词的复数形式。当基数词hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前有具体数词或several修饰时,必须用单数。如: several hundred year’s ago几百年前 two thousand students两千个学生 2. 基数词的特殊用法: (1)表示“几十年代”或“几十岁”时,用逢十的基数词的复数形式。如: in the 1990’s 20世纪90年代 in o ne’s twenties在某人20多岁时 (2)用在习语中。如: in twos and threes三三两两地 二. 序数词 序数词应注意的几点事项: 1. 多位数的基数词变成序数词时,只需将末位基数词变成序数词,前边的基数词不变。如: forty-two 42 forty-second第42 nine-hundred 900 nine-hundredth第900 2. 当序数词用阿拉伯数字表示时,必须在数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。如: 21st第21 32nd第32 3. 序数词前一般要用定冠词the,如果序数词前用a或an时,则表示“又一;再一”(没有具体范围的限制)。如: Though he had failed twice, he wanted to try a third time. 尽管他已失败了两次,他还想再试一次。 The little monkey had had three apples, and he wanted to eat a fourth one. 那只小猴子已经吃了3个苹果,他还想再吃一个。 三. 分数和百分数 1. 分数 (1)分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词。如: one fifth五分之一 one tenth十分之一 (2)当分子大于1时,分母用序数词的复数。如: two thirds三分之二 five eighths八分之五 (3)当分子是1时,可以用one也可以用a。如: a second = one second a third = one third (4)当分母是2和4时,分别可以用half和quarter代替。如:


人教版中考英语九年级英语数词专项练习题及答案详解 一、初中英语数词 1.There were about six___________ students in the school building during the earthquake. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:地震期间,校舍里大约有六百名学生。hundred,百,基数词,表示具体的数量,其前要用基数词;hundreds of +可数名词复数,表示不确定的数量,固定短语。空格前有基数词six,要用hundred,故答案选A。 【点评】考查基数词hundred的用法。注意hundreds不能单独使用,必须与of放在一起使用。 2.The number of the students in our school is about four __________. _______ of them are girls. A. thousand; Two thirds B. thousands; Two third C. thousands; Two thirds D. thousand; Two third 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校的学生人数大约是四人。三分之二是女孩。four基数词后用thousand的原形,分数表达形式是分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子大于一,分母用复数形式,故三分之二是two thirds,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意分数的用法。 3.Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday. A. hundreds; were invited B. hundred; were invited C. hundreds of; invited 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:上周五有200名学生被邀请参加开幕式。根据题干中的two与选项中的hundred可知此题考查确切数量的表达方式,hundred要用单数形式;students与invite存在动宾关系,此处要用被动语态,由last Friday,可知要用一般过去时,故选B。【点评】考查数量的表达方式以及被动语态。注意确切数量与不确切数量在表达上的不同。 4.We gave away ________ books to the school library last year. A. six thousands B. six thousand C. six thousands of D. six thousand of 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:去年我们向学校图书馆赠送了六千本书。数词后thousand用单数,thousands of,固定搭配,几千个,不与数字搭配;因此是six thousand或者thousands of,只有B对,故选B。 【点评】考查数词,注意识记thousand的用法。 5.Every year, ________ books are given away to the poor children in the countryside.


外研版英语数词专项练习 一、初中英语数词 1.—____________of volunteers will be needed for the 2020 Olympic Games. —Let's go and____________ them. A.Thousands, join B.Thousand, be a member of C.Three thousand, take part in D.Thousands, be in 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——2020年奥运会将需要几千名志愿者。——让我们去加入他们吧。thousands of,几千,join sb,加入,和某人一起,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意join sb的用法。 2.—How old is your daughter? — ______. We had a special party for her ______ birthday yesterday. A. Nine; nine B. Nine; ninth C. Ninth; ninth D. Ninth; nine 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你的女儿多大了?——九岁,昨天我们给她过了一个特殊的九岁的生日聚会。第一空说明年龄,应使用基数词,第二空说明的是第几个生日,使用序数词,故答案是B。 【点评】考查数词,注意基数词和序数词的用法。 3.—What day is the ______ day of the week? —It's Friday. A. fifth B. five C. six D. sixth 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——一周的第六天是星期几?——星期五。A.第五;B.五;C.六; D.第六。星期五是一周的第六天,因此使用sixth,故答案是B。 【点评】考查序数词,追序数词在具体语境中的运用。 4.Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday. A. hundreds; were invited B. hundred; were invited C. hundreds of; invited 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:上周五有200名学生被邀请参加开幕式。根据题干中的two与选项中的hundred可知此题考查确切数量的表达方式,hundred要用单数形式;students与


中考英语数词专项练习 一、初中英语数词 1.—____________of volunteers will be needed for the 2020 Olympic Games. —Let's go and____________ them. A.Thousands, join B.Thousand, be a member of C.Three thousand, take part in D.Thousands, be in 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:——2020年奥运会将需要几千名志愿者。——让我们去加入他们吧。thousands of,几千,join sb,加入,和某人一起,故选A。 【点评】考查数词,注意join sb的用法。 2.—Do you know the boy is sitting next to Peter? —Yes. He is Peter's friend. They are celebrating his birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; nine C. which; ninth 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道那个坐在彼得旁边的男孩吗?——是的。他是彼得的朋友。他们正在庆祝他的九岁生日。分析句子结构可知,第一空所在句子是定语从句,先行词是人,连接词在从句中作主语,所以应该用who/that引导,which连接定语从句时先行词应该是物,故排除C;nine九,基数词;ninth第九,序数词;第二空根据空后的birthday为名词单数可知,此处需要序数词,表示某人几岁生日应该用序数词表示第几个生日,故选A。 【点评】考查定语从句的连接词的辨析和序数词。注意区别定语从句的连接词的使用原则,理解单词词义。 3.Please turn to Page ______________ and take a look at the picture on it. A. the eightieth B. Eightieth C. Eighties D. Eighty 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:请翻到第80页,看看上面的图片。当表示“第…….页(房间、组等)”时,常用“名词+基数词”,Page80表示“第80页”。故选D。 【点评】考查基数词的基本用法。注意Page80=the 80th page,都表示第80页。 4.Every year, ________ books are given away to the poor children in the countryside. A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of


一、选择题 1.—When is Mother’s Day? —It’s on ___________ Sunday in May. A.two B.the second C.twelve D.the twelfth 2.Christmas Day is on ______ of December. A.twenty-five B.twenty-fifth C.the twenty-fifth 3.—How old is your sister? —______________.We had a special party for her ______________ birthday yesterday. A.Twenty-one;twenty-first B.Twenty-first;twenty-first C.Twenty-one;twenty-one D.Twenty-first;twenty-one 4.– Good news. My good friend has just moved to my flat. He lives on the floor. – We are neighbors. We live on the 19th floor. He lives one floor above us. A.twelve B.twelfth C.twenty D.twentieth 5.–Hi, Kate! There are floors in this building. Which floor do you live on? –I live on the floor. A.twenty ; twelve B.twenty; twelfth C.twentieth; twelfth 6.——What should we do now, Mr.Li? ——Please turn to Page_____and look at the_____picture. A.Twelfth;fifth B.Twelve; fifth C.Twelve;five D.Twelfth;five 7.—______________ do you read English newspaper? —At least ______________ a week. A.How long;one B.How often;twice C.How many;once D.How much;third 8.--Many young people came to Zhongshan in ______.When did he come to Shenzhen?---When he is an ______ boy,he came here with his parents. A.1980s; eight years old B.1980s; eight-year-old C.the 1980s; eight-year-old D.the 1980s; eight-years-old 9.Sally, this is ___ time you’ve asked me about that matter. What’s wrong with you? A.three B.the three C.the third 10.Next Friday is my daughter’s birthday. So I will buy her a cake with candles. A.five; fifth B.twelfth; twelve C.nineth; nine 11.—How long is the bridge? —About ______ long. A.two thousand meter B.two thousand meters C.two thousands meter D.two thousands meters



目录 一.名词()二.形容词()三.代词()四.数词()五.冠词()六.动词动词语态时态()动词不定式()七.副词()八.介词()九.连词()十.比较级和最高级()十一.定语从句()十二.主谓一致()十三.状语从句()十四.虚拟语气()十五.倒装句()十六.独立主格()十七.其他重点语法()

初中英语语法专项练习一——名词 1 ( ) 1 She was very happy. She in the maths test. A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake ( ) 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe ( ) 3 _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using ( ) 4 What big____ the tiger has! A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes ( ) 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave ( ) 6 -Can we have some ___? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear ( ) 7 On the table there are five____. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 2 ( ) 1 They got much ___ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( ) 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice ( ) 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad. A. some news B. a news C. the news P. news ( ) 4 What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the C. an D. a 3 ( ) 1 -Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges ( ) 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat. A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads ( ) 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse. A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time ( ) 4 I would like to have___. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk I C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks ( ) 5 Can you give me ____? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea ( ) 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( ) 7 John bought___for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 4


初中英语数词专项训练100(附答案) 一、初中英语数词 1.Li Hua is going to be an elder brother. His parents are planning to have their ________child. A. first B. second C. one D. two 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:李华要当哥哥了,他的父母计划生二胎。A第一,B第二,C一, D二,限定词+序数词+名词,第几个......,选项C和D是基数词,故排除,根据Li Hua is going to be an elder brother,可知是二胎,及第二个孩子,故选B。 【点评】考查数词,注意根据 Li Hua is going to be an elder brother的语境选择序数词的用法。 2.—How old is your daughter? — ______. We had a special party for her ______ birthday yesterday. A. Nine; nine B. Nine; ninth C. Ninth; ninth D. Ninth; nine 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你的女儿多大了?——九岁,昨天我们给她过了一个特殊的 九岁的生日聚会。第一空说明年龄,应使用基数词,第二空说明的是第几个生日,使用序 数词,故答案是B。 【点评】考查数词,注意基数词和序数词的用法。 3.—What day is the ______ day of the week? —It's Friday. A. fifth B. five C. six D. sixth 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——一周的第六天是星期几?——星期五。A.第五;B.五;C.六;D.第六。星期五是一周的第六天,因此使用sixth,故答案是B。 【点评】考查序数词,追序数词在具体语境中的运用。 4.My family lives on ________________ floor of the building. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth D. the twelve 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我家住在这栋楼的第20层。表示第几层,用the+序数词+floor, 固定搭配,twelve,12,基数词;twelfth,第12,序数词,故选B。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意平时识记the+序数词+floor。 5.—Do you know the boy is sitting next to Peter? —Yes. He is Peter's friend. They are celebrating his birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; nine C. which; ninth 【答案】 A


人教版中考英语九年级英语数词专项练习(附答案) 一、初中英语数词 1.A year is divided into ______ months. September is the _____ month of the year. A. twelve, ninth B. twelve, nineth C. twelfth, ninth D. twelfth, nineth 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一年分为十二个月。九月是一年中的第九个月。第一个空格后有month,月,可数名词复数monthes,其前要用基数词表示数量。twelve十二;第二个空格前有定冠词the,空格后有可数名词month,单数,要用序数词表示顺序。要用ninth第九。根据故选A。 【点评】考查基数词和序数词。注意基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序。 2.Did you know that the earth is home to ______ animals? A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:你知道地球是几百万动物的家园吗?millions of,固定搭配,几百万的;数词+million,表示具体的……百万,此时million是单数形式;空前没有具体数词,因此用millions of,故选D。 【点评】考查数词,注意millions of的用法。 3.The TV was invented around . A. the twenty century B. the twentieth century C. twentieth century D. twenty century 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意电视大约是在二十世纪发明的。二十世纪也就是第二十个世纪,因此使用序数词,序数词前必须使用定冠词the,故答案是B。 【点评】考查数词,注意序数词再具体语境中的运用。 4.My family lives on ________________ floor of the building. A. twelve B. the twelfth C. twelfth D. the twelve 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我家住在这栋楼的第20层。表示第几层,用the+序数词+floor,固定搭配,twelve,12,基数词;twelfth,第12,序数词,故选B。 【点评】考查序数词用法,注意平时识记the+序数词+floor。 5.— Is Dongjin High-speed Railway Station the largest in Hubei Province? — Yes, of course. It's just a little smaller than the largest one in Wuhan. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——靳东高速火车站是湖北省第二大的吗?——是的,当然。它只是比武汉最大的稍微小一点。A第一,B第二,C第三,D第四,the+序数词+最高级,


第3单元数词 (一)基数词 1、1~100的构成 2、3位数构成,例如234 读作:two hundred and thirty-four 3、hundred, thousand, million表示确切数目不加 如:three hundred people,但表示不确切数字时应加s,如thousands of stars 4、千位以上的数,从个位向左数,每三位加一个“,”,第一个逗号前为thousand,第二个逗号前为million,第三个逗号前为billion,如7,543,812,应为seven million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, eight hundred and twelve.注意在百位数和十位数之间要用and连接。(二)序数词 1、序数词构成注意first, second, third, fifth, ninth, twentieth, twenty-first, etc.的特殊形式。 2、序数词用于句中,它之前需加the,但有时用不定冠词a(an)表示“再一,又一”如 When I sit down, a third man came in. (三)分数 基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母。分子大于1时,分子的序数词用单数,分母序数词用复数。 6 ,5/9 six and five ninths (四)时刻表达法 2∶25,two twenty-five or twenty-3∶40,three forty or twenty to four (五)日期表达法 2002年5月20日 注意:带有数词的名词作定语时,一般用单数形式 a seven-year-- a five-pound note (六)倍数表示法 A. 主语+谓语+倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + as。 『例』I have three times as many as you. 我有你三倍那么多。 B. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ the size (amount,length…)of…。 『例』The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的49倍。 C. 主语+谓语+倍数(分数)+ 形容词(副词)比较级+ than…。 『例』The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。
