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在英国,许多的作家以幻灭为主题,将其融入到自己的作品当中。在这些作家中最有代表性的是托马斯·哈代。在19世纪的英国,托马斯·哈代是著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》是他作品中最有影响力的一部。在这部作品中他的对比是:人和社会环境、人和大自然、人的外貌和他的内心世界。《德伯家的苔丝》主要讲述了一个美丽善良的少女苔丝失身后所遭遇的悲惨故事。他认为平民的生活是悲惨的,平民人物的命运也是悲剧,而主人公苔丝的命运就是平民命运的一个小缩影。并且在18世纪到19世纪之交,维多利亚时期是一个以男性为中心的时代,男女不平等已经成为维多利亚时期根深蒂固的社会习俗,因此,当时妇女倍受压迫和歧视。苔丝作为一个普通人,与当时社会的抗争是无助的,她的结局会像所有一切与道德伦理相悖的事物一样,成为这个社会的牺牲品。苔丝的悲剧是又多方因素造成的,我的论文仅通过社会环境的描写、法律制度,伦理道德和宗教, 分析出造成苔丝悲惨命运的社会因素。苔丝的悲剧是那个社会所造成的。



Many novelists from England expressed disillusionment in their novels. The most typical one was Thomas Hardy who was a famous critical realistic writer at the run of the 19th century in England. In the novel, His contrasts are human and social environment, human and nature, surface and heart. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works. This novel is a tragic story about one beautiful and kind Tess after she had been lost chastity. In his mind, the life of demos is tragic, and the destiny of Tess is a miniature display the life of demos is a tragedy. And at the turn of the century between 18th and 19th, women were oppressed and discriminated, due to the deeply inequality social culture between man and woman in Victorian Age, all of which existed in the Tess’s livin g time. As a common person, Tess fought with the society is helpless. In the end, she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things, which disobey the morality and ethic. The tragedy happened on Tess is caused by many reasons. My paper is about to analyze the tragedy of Tess though the social environment, law system,morality and religion factor at that time. Tess‘s tragic life is caused by that society and it is the result of that time.

KEY WORDS: Tess society environment law system morality ethic religion factor


I. Introduction of author and novel (1)

1.1 Introduction of Thomas Hardy (1)

1.2 Introduction of Tess of the D’Urbervilles (2)

II. Background (4)

2.1Background of the novel…………………………………………

2.2 Background of Political, Economical and Cultural (4)

2.3 Background of the Features of Victorian novels (5)

III. Analyze the tragedy of Tess from social factors (5)

3.1 Life environment for the peasants (7)

3.2 Unfair law system for the peasants (9)

3.3 The victim of morality for Female

3.4 Contacting with religion

IV. Conclusion (14)

R E F E R E N C E S (15)

I. The introduction of author and novel

1.1 Introduction of Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, a village of southwestern England that was the focus of his novels. He got a love of music from his father and literature from his mother. In 1862, he went to London to work for a famous architect. During the time when he was free, he widely studied: language, literature, history, philosophy and art. At that time, he even gained two prizes for essays on architecture, but it was not his desired profession. He started to write poetry and paid more attention to poetry than novel when he was 25-year-old. But he had no chance to publish his poetry. He changed the matter to create novel. In 1871, his first long novel was published. Three years ago, the celebrated work was his fourth novel far from the Madding Crowd. He stopped construction industry and devoted to the novel creation. There were early 20 long novels in Hardy’s life. The most famous novel is Tess of the D’Urbervilles. However his view has led considerably conflict with the moral of Victorian era. Some plots were deleted in the serial and the title of the novel is a true life of the pure woman that caused strong dissatisfaction among some people. They believe that is an affront on public moral because Tess gets the sympathetic and understanding from the author in the novel. Hardy’s works reflected the changed of social economy, political, moral and tradition, which is the advanced thoughts in Victorian era. Especially, his novels exposed women’s tragic life and morals, legal and religious. And his story is the people pursue a ideal life by describing the struggle, pursuit and disillusionment in his novel. Therefore, the story is full of the deep society-significance and philosophy. His works not only were the great tradition of England realism, but also were the way for 20th century British literature.
