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MONITOR Provides a view of this controller, its APs and wireless clients
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Confidential
Command Line Interface (CLI) “debug” Command
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Confidential
Controller Configuration
Single binary configuration file
Important to perform configuration backups No text output Show running configuration is a summary configuration not in command syntax Contains no MAC address information Can be ported to multiple Cisco Airespace Controllers Beware of duplicate IP addresses
Only on 4XXX series
10/100Base-TX Ethernet port which is speed auto-sensing Service Interface Port is not auto-sensing for DTE / DCE
Cisco 路由器配置手册( 大全)第一章路由器配置基础一、基本设置方式一般来说,可以用5种方式来设置路由器:1.Console 口接终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机;2. AUX口接MODEM通过电话线与远方的终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机相连;3. 通过Ethernet上的TFTP服务器;4. 通过Ethernet 上的TELNET程序;5. 通过Ethernet上的SNMP网管工作站。
但路由器的第一次设置必须通过第一种方式进行,此时终端的硬件设置如下: 波特率:9600数据位:8停止位:1奇偶校验: 无二、命令状态1. router>路由器处于用户命令状态,这时用户可以看路由器的连接状态,访问其它网络和主机,但不能看到和更改路由器的设置内容。
2. router#在router> 提示符下键入enable, 路由器进入特权命令状态router# ,这时不但可以执行所有的用户命令,还可以看到和更改路由器的设置内容。
3. router(config)#在router# 提示符下键入configure terminal, 出现提示符router(config)# ,此时路由器处于全局设置状态,这时可以设置路由器的全局参数。
4. router(c on fig-if)#; router(c on fig-l in e)#; router(c on fig- router)#; …路由器处于局部设置状态,这时可以设置路由器某个局部的参数。
5. >路由器处于RXBOO状态,在开机后60秒内按ctrl-break 可进入此状态,这时路由器不能完成正常的功能,只能进行软件升级和手工引导。
6. 设置对话状态这是一台新路由器开机时自动进入的状态,在特权命令状态使用SETUP命令也可进入此状态,这时可通过对话方式对路由器进行设置。
三、设置对话过程1. 显示提示信息2. 全局参数的设置3. 接口参数的设置4. 显示结果利用设置对话过程可以避免手工输入命令的烦琐,但它还不能完全代替手工设置,一些特殊的设置还必须通过手工输入的方式完成。
cisco wireless controller LAG 和初始化配置集合
![cisco wireless controller LAG 和初始化配置集合](
1Cisco wireless controller 初始化配置-集合思科的无线控制器的初始化配置在IOS升级到7.4.以上的版本后多一些特性和配置和原来有少许不相同的地方、这个文档我总结下具体的配置信息,包括LAG的链路聚合、AP group 发布SSID(主要控制不同的AP加入到对应的AP group组中来控制每个AP发布对应的SSID)、还有flex connection 的具体配置信息。
2Cisco wireless controller 对应的版本和测试AP 型号配置测试的软件版本是7.4.110 、测试的AP型号是1262系列。
2.1 清除cisco wireless controller 的原始配置在控制器启动的时候看到Press <ESC> now to access the Boot Menu... 的提示的时候按ESC按键进入到boot loader menu菜单模式选择4选项清除原始的配置信息。
(清除配置信息后cisco wireless controller 会自动重启通过primary image 进入到系统)2.2 进入到cisco wireless controller 初始化配置系统启动完成看到Welcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration Tool提示进入到无线控制器的初始化配置向导模式。
Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]:(选择YES进入到向导配置模式)看到Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][NO]: 提示选择保存配置信息。
2.3 交换机对应的配置信息➢建立对应的wireless controller 对应的management interface 的VLAN Switch(config)#vlan 88Switch(config-vlan)#name wireless-MG-usersSwitch(config-vlan)#end➢建立对应wireless controller 对应交换机的网关接口Switch(config)#interface Vlan88Switch(config-if)# description connection to wireles conntrollSwitch(config-if)# ip address➢建立对应的port channel 接口来做LAG的链路聚合建立port channel接口interface port-channel 1switchport trunk allowed vlan allswitchport mode trunkno shutdown把接口放入对应的port channel 接口int range gigabitEthernet 1/0/23 - 24channel-group 1 mode onno shutdown2.4 通过WEB登陆wireless controller 进行配置在IE 页面输入https://通过WEB登陆到控制器。
关于Cisco控制器的操作系统为IOS系统,初始配置如同Cisco交换机和路由器一样,我们可以使用Console线缆接到WLC(WLAN Ctroller)Console端口对其进行初始化配置,然后再使用GUI的方式进行深入功能的配置。
1、基本配置(1)、配置控制器管理接口配置步骤:∙show interface detailed management*/显示管理接口的设置信息config wlan disable wlan-number*/关闭设备上所有WLAN∙config interface address management ip-addr ip-netmask gateway */配置管理接口的地址、掩码、网关config interface vlan management {vlan-id | 0}*/配置管理接口VLAN,0代表untagged VLAN,非0值代表tagged VLAN,而思科控制器只识别tagged VLAN。
config interface port management physical-ds-port-number*/配置管理接口的物理目的端口config interface dhcpmanagement ip-address-of-primary-dhcp [ip-address-of-secondary-dhcp-serve r]*/配置管理接口的主DHCP服务器和次DHCP服务器。
config interface acl management access-control-list-name*/配置管理接口的ACL(控制列表)∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙save config*/保存配置∙show interface detailed management*/显示管理接口的设置信息(2)、配置AP管理接口配置步骤:∙show interface summary*/显示接口汇总信息∙show interface detailed ap-manager*/显示AP管理接口设置信息config wlan disable wlan-number*/关闭该接wlan通讯config interface address ap-manager ip-addr ip-netmask gateway */配置AP管理接口的IP地址、掩码、网关config interface vlan ap-manager {vlan-id | 0}*/配置AP管理接口的VLAN,0代表untagged VLAN,非0值代表tagged VLAN,而思科控制器只识别tagged VLAN。
一.控制器初始安装配置一)串口控制接口部分1支持所有型号2公头DB-9连接器支持引脚2,3和5默认端口配置9600波特率8数据位1停止位无奇偶没有硬件流量控制4DB-9的母头连接null-modem(零型调制解调器)串行接口3用于管理AireOS确保获得AireOS在发生网络失败可用于初始安装只能用于进入命令行二)服务接口部分1.不能用于所有型号只有在4XXX系列100Base-TX以太网端口的速度自动感应3.服务接口不是自动感应出DTE(网络服务端)/DCE(用户终端)直通以太网电缆或集线器控制器交叉以太网电缆结束站或路由器第5类以太网电缆4.致力于AireOS管理确保获得AireOS在发生网络失败可用于初始配置或远程管理从管理网络默认默认IP地址二.启动选项一)primary 初级 image形象、图片 manually 手动 upgrade升级从下面选择一个选项:1.运行出师想象2.运行备份形象3.手动升级初始形象4.更改活动的启动形象5.清空配置三控制器配置一)单一的配置文件1重要的是执行配置备份2无文字输出查看运行配置简要配置不是命令语法3不包含MAC地址的信息可以移植到多个思科Airespace的控制器谨防重复的IP地址二)双配置文件运行配置运行立即生效,有部分命令在保存命令前不会自动保存如果没有保存,将丢失的命令的情况下复位没有保存配置或电源周期保存配置配置保存在NVRAM表演后保存配置命令1其接入点和无线客户端2提供无线局域网的配置,如SSIDs和安全政策的所有用户群体。
3提供控制器配置如层2 / 3模式,组播和移动设置4提供AP配置,客户管理和各种射频设置5提供融入安全结构等的RADIUS连接6提供一体化的网络,如IP地址和SNMP7提供行政选择,如升级和备份Management > Local Management Users一)管理:本地管理用户本地管理的用户界面是在命令行和web界面切换二)管理:http交换机web配置完成并重启机器后,将启动公钥加密保证安全,默认情况下是禁止的。
router〉路由器处于用户命令状态,这时用户可以看路由器的连接状态,访问其它网络和主机,但不能看到和更改路由器的设置内容.2. router#在router〉提示符下键入enable,路由器进入特权命令状态router#,这时不但可以执行所有的用户命令,还可以看到和更改路由器的设置内容。
3. router(config)#在router#提示符下键入configure terminal,出现提示符router(config)#,此时路由器处于全局设置状态,这时可以设置路由器的全局参数。
router(config—if)#; router(config-line)#;router(config—router)#;…路由器处于局部设置状态,这时可以设置路由器某个局部的参数。
设置对话状态这是一台新路由器开机时自动进入的状态,在特权命令状态使用SETUP命令也可进入此状态,这时可通过对话方式对路由器进行设置.三、设置对话过程1. 显示提示信息2. 全局参数的设置3。
系统启动界面和配置 (OS 5.1)
§ Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]:
§ System Name [Cisco_51:2b:60] (31 characters max): 2106-demo § AUTO-INSTALL: process terminated -- no configuration loaded
§ 支持PCI认证
§ WLC2100 硬件
8个FE口, 2个上联口,6个下联口 其中2个FE口有以太网供电
§ 未使用端口
2个USB端口和一个扩展槽留作 将来扩展用
AIR-WLC2125-K9 AIR-WLC2112-K9 AIR-WLC2106-K9
2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 25 Lightweight APs 2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 12 Lightweight APs 2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 6 Lightweight APs
§ Configure a NTP server now? [YES][no]: no § Configure the system time now? [YES][no]: § Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format: 09/28/08 § Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format: 17:11:00
§ default-router §! § interface FastEthernet0/1 § switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q § switchport mode trunk § …… § interface Vlan1 § ip address §! § interface Vlan20 § ip address §! § interface Vlan30 §
使用路由器设置共享上网后,在进行BT下载,收看PPLive视频时很多网友反应通过路由器设置无法进行BT下载,或者下载速度与PC直接连接网络时的下载相比甚慢,PPLive 也出现了同样的问题。
Cisco-WLC4402无线控制器配置示例Cisco-WLC 4402无线控制器配置示例启动Cisco WLC后必须使用Windows中自带软件“超级终端”并通过console电缆登陆WLC进行配置。
随后根据系统提示完成以下配置:System Name [Cisco_40:4a:03]:Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): ciscoEnter Administrative Password (24 characters max): ciscoService Interface IP Address Configuration [none][DHCP]:none ====》这里选择不使用DHCP服务来分配服务端口的IP地址获得方式。
Management Interface IP Address: Interface Netmask: Interface Default Router: Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): 10AP Manager Interface IP Address: is on Management subnet, using same valuesAP Manager Interface DHCP Server : ========》指向核心交换机,由核心交换机负责DHCP服务功能。
AP Transport Mode [Layer2] [Layer3]: Layer3 =======》选择使用三层传输模式Virtual Gateway IP Address: Group Name: mobile-PNetwork Name (SSID): secure-P ========》Wlan的名称Allow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]: yes ======》允许手工配置IP地址Configure a RADIUS Server now? [YES][no]: no ========》不配置Radius ServerEnter the RADIUS Server's Address:Enter the RADIUS Server's Port [1812]:Enter the RADIUS Server's Secret:Enter Country Code (enter 'help' for a list of countries) [US]: CNFinally, the corresponding AP Radio types must be configured on the AP , as shown in Example 9 below. In this lab, we will be using 802.11b radios with transmit power set to 1mw in order to minimize RF interference within the lab.Enable 802.11b Network [YES][no]: yesEnable 802.11a Network [YES][no]: yesEnable 802.11g Network [YES][no]: yesEnable Auto-RF [YES][no]: yes当配置完毕后WLC会自动保存配置并从新启动。
4.7.1 控制器的物 理端口及逻辑接口冗 余
02 4.7.2 LAP的负 载均衡
4.7.3 使用WLC的 Web界面配置AP的 主、备、第三控制器
4.7.4 使用WCS配 置AP的主、备、第 三控制器
05 4.7.5 控制器冗 余设计
4.5.3 配置Mesh AP的桥 接模式
4.5.5 验证Mesh连接状态
4.5.2 在网络中增加Cisco Mesh AP
4.5.4 配置Mesh AP的角 色
4.5.6 设置全局Mesh参数
4 思科统一无线局域网的配置
4.5 配置Cisco Wireless Mesh网络
4 思科 统一无线 局域网的 配置
E.1 无线网络传输开销分析
E.2 IEEE 802.11b传输性能分 析
E.3 IEEE 802.11a传输性能分 析
E.4 IEEE 802.11g传输性能分 析
13 附录F 术语及缩略语
附录F 术语及缩略语
6.5 重新启 动控制器
6 管理无线网络控制器
6.1.1 WCS简 介
6.1.3 使用WCS查 看接入用户的信息
6.1.2 使用 WCS规划热图
6.1 WCS及其配置
6.1.4 使用 WCS自定义报表
6 管理无线网络控制器
6.2.1 使用Web管理 页面升级WLC映像软件
6.2.2 使用CLI命令端 口升级控制器软件
4.1.5 配 置AP组
4.1.6 配 置移动组
4.1 WLC的基本配置
cisco 无线控制配置说明
![cisco 无线控制配置说明](
ContentsIntroductionPrerequisitesRequirementsComponents UsedConventionsBackground InformationConfigureNetwork DiagramConfigure the WLC for Basic OperationConfigure the Switch for the WLCConfigure the Switch for the APsVerifyTroubleshootCommandsController Does Not Defend AP-Manager IP AddressTroubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joininga Wireless LAN ControllerCisco Support Community - Featured ConversationsRelated InformationIntroductionThis document provides a basic configuration example of a lightweight access point (AP) that is connected to a Cisco Wireless LAN (WLAN) Controller (WLC) through a Cisco Catalyst Switch.PrerequisitesRequirementsEnsure that you meet these requirements before you attempt this configuration:∙Basic knowledge of the configuration of lightweight APs and Cisco WLCs∙Basic knowledge of Lightweight AP Protocol (LWAPP)∙Knowledge of the configuration of an external DHCP server and/or domain name server (DNS)∙Basic configuration knowledge of Cisco switchesComponents UsedThe information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:∙Cisco Aironet 1232AG Series Lightweight AP∙Cisco 4402 Series WLC that runs firmware∙Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise DHCP serverThis configuration works with any other Cisco WLC and any lightweight AP.The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.ConventionsRefer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.Background InformationIn order for the WLC to be able to manage the LAP, the LAP should discover the controller and register with the WLC. There are different methods that an LAP uses in order to discover the WLC. For detailed information on the different methods the LAPs use to register to the WLCs, refer to Lightweight AP (LAP) Registration to a Wireless LAN Controller (WLC)This document describes the configuration steps needed to register the LAP to the WLC and for basic operation of the LWAPP wireless network.ConfigureIn order to register the LAP to the WLC and for basic operation of the LWAPP wireless network, complete these steps:1.Have a DHCP server present so that the APs can acquire a networkaddress.Note: Option 43 is used if the APs reside in a different subnet.2.Configure the WLC for basic operation.3.Configure the switch for the WLC.4.Configure the switch for the APs.5.Register the lightweight APs to the WLCs.Note: Use the Command Lookup Tool (registered customers only) in order to obtain more information on the commands used in this section.Network DiagramThis document uses this network setup:Configure the WLC for Basic OperationWhen the controller boots at factory defaults, the bootup script runs the configuration wizard, which prompts the installer for initial configuration settings. This procedure describes how to use the configuration wizard on the command-line interface (CLI) in order to enter initial configuration settings.Note: Be sure that you understand how to configure an external DHCP server and/or DNS.Complete these steps in order to configure the WLC for basicoperation:1.Connect your computer to the WLC with a DB-9 null modem serial cable.2.Open a terminal emulator session with these settings:o9600 baudo8 data bitso 1 stop bito No parityo No hardware flow control3.At the prompt, log in to the CLI.The default username is admin, and the default password is admin.4.If necessary, enter reset system in order to reboot the unit andstart the wizard.5.At the first wizard prompt, enter a system name. The system namecan include up to 32 printable ASCII characters.6.Enter an administrator user name and password. The user name andpassword can include up to 24 printable ASCII characters.7.Enter the service-port interface IP configuration protocol, eithernone or DHCP.Enter none if you do not want to use the service port or if you want to assign a static IP address to the service port.8.If you entered none in step 7 and need to enter a static IP addressfor the service port, enter the service-port interface IP address and netmask for the next two prompts.If you do not want to use the service port, enter for the IP address and netmask.9.Enter values for these options:o Management interface IP addresso Netmasko Default router IP addresso Optional VLAN identifierYou can use a valid VLAN identifier or 0 for untagged.10.Note: When the management interface on the controller isconfigured as part of the 'native vlan' on the switchport to which it connects, the controller should NOT tag the frames. Therefore, you must set the VLAN to be zero (on the controller).11.Enter the Network Interface (Distribution System) Physical Portnumber.For the WLC, the possible ports are 1 through 4 for a front-panel gigabit Ethernet port.12.Enter the IP address of the default DHCP server that supplies IPaddresses to clients, the management interface, and theservice-port interface, if you use one.13.Enter the LWAPP Transport Mode, either LAYER2 or LAYER3.Note: If you configure the WLC 4402 via Wizard and select AP transport Mode LAYER2, the Wizard does not ask the details of AP Manager.14.Enter the Virtual Gateway IP Address.This address can be any fictitious, unassigned IP address, such as1.1.1.1, for the Layer 3 Security and Mobility managers to use.Note: Usually the Virtual Gateway IP Address that is used is a private address.15.Enter the Cisco WLAN Solution Mobility Group/RF Group name.16.Enter the WLAN 1 service set identifier (SSID) or network name.This identifier is the default SSID that lightweight APs use in order to associate to a WLC.17.Allow or disallow Static IP Addresses for clients.Enter yes in order to allow clients to supply their own IP addresses.Enter no in order to require clients to request an IP address froma DHCP server.18.If you need to configure a RADIUS server on the WLC, enter yes andenter this information:o RADIUS server IP addresso The communication porto The shared secretIf you do not need to configure a RADIUS server or you want to configure the server later, enter no.19.Enter a country code for the unit.Enter help in order to see a list of the supported countries.20.Enable and disable support for IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, and IEEE802.11g.21.Enable or disable radio resource management (RRM) (auto RF).WLC 4402—Configuration WizardWelcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration ToolUse the '-' character to backupSystem Name [Cisco_43:eb:22]: c4402Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): adminEnter Administrative Password (24 characters max): *****Service Interface IP Address Configuration [none][DHCP]: noneEnable Link Aggregation (LAG) [yes][NO]: No Management Interface IP Address: Interface Netmask: Interface Default Router: Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): 60Management Interface Port Num [1 to 2]: 1 Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address: Transport Mode [layer2][LAYER3]: LAYER3 AP Manager Interface IP Address: is on Management subnet, using same valuesAP Manager Interface DHCP Server( Gateway IP Address: Mobility/RF Group Name: RFgroupname Network Name (SSID): SSIDAllow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]: yes Configure a RADIUS Server now? [YES][no]: no Enter Country Code (enter 'help' for a list of countries) [US]: USEnable 802.11b Network [YES][no]: yes Enable 802.11a Network [YES][no]: yes Enable 802.11g Network [YES][no]: yes Enable Auto-RF [YES][no]: yesNote: The management interface on the WLC is the only consistently pingable interface from outside of the WLC. So it is an expected behavior if you are not able to ping the AP manager interface from outside of the WLC.Note: You must configure the AP manager interface in order for the APs to associate with the WLC.Configure the Switch for the WLCThis example uses a Catalyst 3750 switch that uses only one port. The example tags the AP-manager and management interfaces and places these interfaces on VLAN 60. The switch port is configured as an IEEE 802.1Q trunk and only the appropriate VLANs, which are VLANs 2 through 4 and 60 in this case, are allowed on the trunk. The management and AP-manager VLAN (VLAN 60) is tagged and is not configured as the native VLAN of the trunk. So when the example configures those interfaces on the WLC, the interfaces are assigned a VLAN identifier.This is an example 802.1Q switch port configuration:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1description Trunk Port to Cisco WLCswitchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4,60switchport mode trunkno shutdownNote: When you connect the WLC gigabit port, make sure it is connected to the switch gigabit port only. If you connect the WLC gigabit Ethernet to the Switch FastEthernet port then it will not work.Notice that this configuration example configures the neighbor switch port in a way that only allows relevant VLANs on the 802.1Q trunk. All other VLANs are pruned. This type of configuration is not necessary, but it is a deployment best practice. When you prune irrelevant VLANs, the WLC only processes relevant frames, which optimizes performance.Configure the Switch for the APsThis is an example VLAN interface configuration from the Catalyst 3750: interface VLAN5description AP VLANip address the Cisco WLCs always connect to 802.1Q trunks, Cisco lightweight APs do not understand VLAN tagging and should only be connected to the access ports of the neighbor switch.This is an example switch port configuration from the Catalyst 3750:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22description Access Port Connection to Cisco Lightweight APswitchport access vlan 5switchport mode accessno shutdownThe infrastructure is now ready for connection to the APs. The LAPs use the different WLC discovery methods and select a WLC to join. The LAP then registers with the controller.Here is a link to a video on the Cisco Support Community that explainsthe initial configuration of Wireless LAN Controller using the CLI and GUI: Initial configuration of Wireless LAN Controller using the CLI andGUIVerifyUse this section in order to confirm that your configuration works properly.After the LAPs register with the controller, you can view them under Wireless at the top of the user interface of the controller:On the CLI, you can use the show ap summary command in order to verify that the LAPs registered with the WLC:(Cisco Controller) >show ap summaryNumber of APs (1)Global AP User Name.............................. Not Configured Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not ConfiguredAP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port Country Priority------------------ ----- ------------------- --------------------------------- ---- ------- ------AP001b.d4e3.a81b 2 AIR-LAP1232AG-A-K9 00:1b:d4:e3:a8:1b default location 2 IN 1On the WLC CLI, you can also use the show client summary command in order to see the clients that are registered with the WLC:(Cisco Controller) >show client summaryNumber of Clients (1)MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port----------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ---- -------- ----00:40:96:a1:45:42 ap:64:a3:a0 Associated 4 Yes 802.11a 1(Cisco Controller) >Here is a video demonstration that explains how to perform the initial configuration of a Wireless LAN Controller using the GUI and CLI: InitialConfiguration of Wireless Lan Controller using CLI and GUITroubleshootUse this section in order to troubleshoot your configuration. CommandsUse these commands in order to troubleshoot your configuration.Note: Refer to Important Information on Debug Commands before you use debug commands.This debug lwapp events enable WLC command output shows that the lightweight AP gets registered to the WLC:(Cisco Controller) >debug lwapp events enableTue Apr 11 13:38:47 2006: Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'Tue Apr 11 13:38:47 2006: Successful transmission of LWAPPDiscovery-Responseto AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 on Port 1Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to 00:0b:85:33:a8:a0 on port '1'Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0is 1500, remote debug mode is 0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Successfully added NPU Entry for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 (index 48) Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223,intIfNum 1, vlanId 60 AP IP:, AP Port: 19002, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPP Join-Reply to AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Register LWAPP event for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 1Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to 00:0b:85:33:a8:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 -- static 0,, gtw Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Updating IP ===> for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 0regstring -A regDfromCb -ATue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 0regstring -A regDfromCb -ATue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamEncodeDomainSecretPayload:Send domain secretMobilityGroup<6f,39,74,cd,7e,a4,81,86,ca,32,8c,06,d3,ff,ec,6d,95,10,99,dd>to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPConfig-Message to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Running spamEncodeCreateVapPayload for SSID 'SSID'Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 associated. Last AP failure wasdue to Configuration changes, reason: operator changed 11g mode Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CHANGE_STATE_EVENT from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPChange-State-EventResponse to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP Up event for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 0!Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CONFIGURE COMMAND RES from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CHANGE_STATE_EVENT from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPChange-State-EventResponse to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP Up event for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 1!This output shows these useful WLC debug commands:∙debug pem state enable—Configures the access policy manager debug options∙debug pem events enable∙debug dhcp message enable—Shows the debug of DHCP messages that are exchanged to and from the DHCP server∙debug dhcp packet enable—Shows the debug of DHCP packet details that are sent to and from the DHCP serverTue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Applied policy for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42 Tue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: STA [00:40:96:a1:45:42,] Replacing FastPath rule type = Airespace AP Client on AP 00:0B:85:64:A3:A0, slot 0InHandle = 0x00000000, OutHandle = 0x00000000 ACL Id = 255, Jumbo Frames= NO, interface = 1 802.1P = 0, DSCP = 0, TTue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Successfully plumbed mobile rule for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42 (ACL ID 255)Tue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Plumbed mobile LWAPP rule on AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP proxy received packet, src:, len = 320Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy: Received packet: Client00:40:96:a1:45:42DHCP Op: BOOTREQUEST(1), IP len: 320, switchport: 1, encap: 0xec03 Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy(): dhcp request, client:00:40:96:a1:45:42: dhcp op: 1, port: 1, encap 0xec03, old mscbport number: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 84Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: received DHCP REQUEST msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 61, len 7Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: requested ip = Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 12, len 15Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 81, len 19Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: vendor class id = MSFT 5.0 (len 8)Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 11Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 84, actual 84Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: mscb->dhcpServer:,mscb->dhcpNetmask:,mscb->dhcpGateway:, mscb->dhcpRelay: VLAN: 60Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Local Address:, DHCP Server:, Gateway Addr:, VLAN: 60, port: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Message Type received: DHCP REQUEST msg Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: op: BOOTREQUEST, htype: Ethernet, hlen: 6, hops: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: xid: 3371152053, secs: 0, flags: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: chaddr: 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: ciaddr:, yiaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: siaddr:, giaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Forwarding DHCP packet locally (348 octets) from to Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Received 348 byte dhcp packet from 0x0201a8c0 Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP packet: -> using scope "InternalScope"Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: received REQUESTTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Checking node Allocated 1144765719,Expires 1144852119 (now: 1144765853)Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x35Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x36Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x33Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x03Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x01Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpd: Sending DHCP packet(giaddr: from Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: sendto (548 bytes) returned 548Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP proxy received packet, src:, len = 548Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy: Received packet: Client00:40:96:a1:45:42DHCP Op: BOOTREPLY(2), IP len: 548, switchport: 0, encap: 0x0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 312Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: received DHCP ACK msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: server id = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: lease time (seconds) = 86400 Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: gateway = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: netmask = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 312, actual 64Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Reply to AP client: 00:40:96:a1:45:42, frame len 412, switchport 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Message Type received: DHCP ACK msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: op: BOOTREPLY, htype: Ethernet, hlen: 6, hops: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: xid: 3371152053, secs: 0, flags: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: chaddr: 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: ciaddr:, yiaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: siaddr:, giaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: server id: rcvd server id: can use these additional debug commands in order to troubleshoot your configuration:∙debug lwapp errors enable—Shows output of the debug of LWAPP errors ∙debug pm pki enable—Shows the debug of certificate messages that are passed between the AP and the WLCController Does Not Defend AP-Manager IP AddressThis issues is a result of bug CSCsg75863. If the user accidently injects a device on the subnet that uses the AP-manager IP address of the controller, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache on the default gateway router is refreshed with the wrong MAC address. When this occurs, the APs can no longer reach the controller and drop into their discovery phase to look for a controller. The APs send discovery requests, and the controller responds with discovery replies, but the JOIN requests never reach the AP-manager interface of the controller because of the bad ARP entry on the gateway router. After the default 4 hour ARP refresh interval, the APs join the controller if the device is removed.A workaround for this issue is to configure the static ARP entries on the gateway router of the controller for these IP addresses:∙Management IP address—Customers gain access to the graphical user interface (GUI) from another subnet, and the controller receives the AP discovery requests.∙AP-Manager IP address—APs join the controller from another subnet.∙Every Dynamic interface IP address—Packets from other subnets reach the dynamic interface of the controller.DHCP packets transmit from the interface of the wireless client. Telnet or SSH to the gateway address of the controller, and use the arp <ip address> <hhhh.hhhh.hhhh> command in order to add the ARP entries. Use the ping command on the default router of the controller to the different addresses in order to refresh the ARP cache on the router. In order to discover the MAC addresses, use this command: show arp | include <ip address>.Troubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joining a Wireless LAN ControllerRefre to Troubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joining a Wireless LAN Controller for information on some of the issues why a Lightweight Access Point (LAP) fails to join a WLC and how to troubleshoot the issues.Cisco Support Community - Featured ConversationsCisco Support Community is a forum for you to ask and answer questions, share suggestions, and collaborate with your peers. Below are just some of the most recent and relevant conversations happening right now.。
思科路由器配置基础知识汇总1篇思科路由器配置基础知识 11、路由器概述路由器定义●网络中网间连接的关键设备●Internet的骨架●路由器的处理速度是网络通信的瓶颈●可靠性直接影响互联质量所处位置●路由器处于网络层●跨越不同物理网络类型●将整个互联网分割成逻辑上的__单位,使网络具有一定的逻辑结构2、路由器的功能和分类基本组成路由器就是一台计算机组成CPU——__处理器RAM/DRAM——主存储器,存储配置文件、路由表、ARP缓存、数据报等。
FLASH ROM——存储系统软件映像ROM——存储开机诊断程序、引导程序和操作系统软件的备份Share Packet Memoy——数据报存储缓冲接口电路——各种接口内部电路操作系统软件——Cisco专用操作系统,Internet Operating System,IOS基本功能把数据包传送到正确的网络1、IP数据报的转发2、子网隔离,抑制广播风暴3、维护路由器4、IP数据报的差错处理及简单的拥塞__5、实现对IP数据报的过滤和记账路由器的分类1、核心级路由器网络中心,快速可靠地进行数据传输避免使用访问__列表,最终用户访问__列表的分布层和接入层后方可到达__型号:__、7500、7200、7000系列2、分布极路由器(集散层)位于接入层和核心层之间,帮助核心层与网络区分__限制进入核心层的数据包,提供边界界定__型号:4500、3600系列3、接入级或访问级路由器将数据馈入网络,执行网络入口的'__任务网络用户的接入入口,防止非授权用户进入网络访问__列表__型号:2500、2600系列,1000系列低档路由器二、路由器的基本配置1、基本配置方法(五种)1、Console口接终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机(路由器的第一次设置必须通过此种配置方法)2、AUX口接MODEM,通过电话线与远方的终端或运行终端仿真软件的微机相连3、通过Ethernet上的TFTP服务器4、通过Ethernet上的TELNET程序5、通过Ethernet上的SNMP网管工作站2、路由器模式概述模式一使用者模式访问方式:一个进程的开始提示符:Router退出方法:logout或quit退出用途:改变终端设置执行基本测试显示系统信息模式二__模式访问方式:用户模式上键入enable提示符:Router#退出方法:disable退出用途:效验键入命令,该模式由密码保护模式三全域组态模式访问方式:上一级模式中键入config terminal 提示符:Router(config)退出方法:exit或end或ctrl—z退出用途:将配置参数应用于整个网络模式四特定组态模式访问方式:全局模式下配置子模式提示符:不同的提示符Router(config-if)#退出方法:exit或ctrl-z用途:参数应用到具体接口和部件,实现功能。
思科路由器配置教程思科路由器配置教程1、硬件准备1.1 路由器选购1.2 网线连接1.3 电源连接2、系统登录2.1 打开浏览器2.2 输入默认IP地质2.3 输入用户名和密码2.4 登录路由器管理界面3、基本配置3.1 修改设备名称3.2 设置系统时间3.3 配置DNS服务器3.4 设置路由器登录密码3.5 保存配置4、网络接口配置4.1 查看接口信息4.2 配置IP地质4.3 配置子网掩码4.4 配置默认网关4.5 激活接口4.6 保存配置5、路由配置5.1 静态路由配置5.2 动态路由配置5.3 路由优先级配置5.4 保存配置6、网络服务配置6.1 DHCP服务器配置 6.2 NAT配置6.3 ACL配置6.4 端口转发配置6.5 防火墙配置6.6 保存配置7、无线网络配置7.1 开启无线功能7.2 配置无线网络名称(SSID)7.3 配置无线密码7.4 保存配置8、安全性配置8.1 修改默认管理端口8.2 配置访问控制列表(ACL)8.3 开启SSH服务8.4 配置防火墙规则8.5 保存配置9、附件本文档附带了以下相关附件,供参考使用: - 配置示例文件- 路由器型号手册- 思科路由器常见问题解答集10、法律名词及注释- IP地质:Internet Protocol Address,即互联网协议地质,用于唯一标识网络上的设备。
- DNS服务器:Domn Name System Server,用于将域名解析为对应的IP地质。
- DHCP服务器:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server,用于自动分配IP地质和其他网络配置信息给客户端设备。
- NAT:Network Address Translation,网络地质转换,用于将私有IP地质转换为公共IP地质。
- ACL:Access Control List,访问控制列表,用于控制网络流量的进出规则。
Cisco无线控制器配置一组网图System Name [Cisco_01:00:01] (31 characters max):wlc-1//输入设备名称Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]: //是否终止自动安装,默认是yes#配置管理用户和密码Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): adminEnter Administrative Password (3 to 24 characters): ********Re-enter Administrative Password : ********#配置服务接口的IP注:用于带外管理、系统恢复和维护必须跟带内管理接口在不同子网Service Interface IP Address Configuration [static][DHCP]: static Service Interface IP Address: Interface Netmask:配置管理接口注:带内管理接口,可以通过web ssh或者telnet连接的接口,同时也是跟内网其他设备如认证服务器连接的接口Management Interface IP Address: Interface Netmask: Interface Default Router: Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): 99Management Interface Port Num [1 to 1]: 1Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address:设置虚拟网关注:为三层漫游而设置的虚拟接口,在同一个mobility group里的WLC都必须配置相同的虚拟接口Virtual Gateway IP Address:配置Mobility/RF Group名称注:用于用户在不同控制器下的AP间的三层漫游,所以不同控制器的该组必须相同Mobility/RF Group Name: test#配置默认的SSID注:LAP加入控制器时将使用它,LAP加入后WLC会把其他的SSID提供给LAP Network Name (SSID): test#dhcp桥接注:Bridging Mode 将会把DHCP 请求透传出去,不做处理;一般都使用WLC本身中继代理功能,默认NO。
Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]:
System Name [Cisco_51:2b:60] (31 characters max): 2106-demo AUTO-INSTALL: process terminated -- no configuration loaded Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): cisco Enter Administrative Password (24 characters max): cisco Re-enter Administrative Password : cisco
44xx WLAN Controller
型号 4402
支持 12, 25, 和50 AP
型号 4404
支持100 APs
*不能通过软件升级AP容量 *4400系列使用SFP光纤模块 *4400系列每port支持50个AP
Presentation_ID © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Cisco Confidential
Presentation Title 准备工作 Size 30PT Option 2: Live
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Confidential
interface Vlan30 ip address
思科路由器配置教程1. 硬件准备1. 路由器型号选择2. 连接线材准备2. 基本网络设置1. 登录路由器管理界面- 输入默认IP地址和用户名密码进行登录2. 修改管理员账户信息及密码安全策略3. IP 地址分配与子网划分- 配置静态 IP 地址或启用 DHCP 动态获取4 . VLAN 设置- 创建虚拟局域网(VLAN)并为其指定端口5 . NAT 和 PAT 的配置- 启用 Network Address Translation (NAT) 6 . ACL(访问控制列表)的使用- 创建ACL规则,限制特定流量通过7 . VPN (Virtual Private Network)的建立a) Site-to-Site VPNi ) IPSec 加密协议ii ) GRE 协议iii ) IKE 密钥交换iv ) 认证方式8 . QoS(服务质量)设定a) 流分类i ) 标记化ii ) 分类方法iii ). DSCP码点IV). CoS值v). IPP Precedence vi.) ToS字段Vii.). MPLS EXP位VIII.).802.lp优先级 IX ).VLAN标签X ).源/目标MAC地址XI). 源/目标IP地址XII). 源/目标端口号XIII ).协议类型XIV) .应用程序b ) 流量控制i ) 速率限制ii ).拥塞避免iii.).队列管理iv.) 延迟敏感性v).带宽保证vi.)优先级调度Vii.)流量整形VIII.).排队方式9 . 路由配置- 配置静态路由或动态路由协议10 . 系统日志和监控a) 日志记录i ) 设置系统日志等级ii ). 远程登录服务器iii.) SNMP 监视器设置11. 安全策略与防火墙- 启用基本的安全功能,如访问列表、ACL 和 Zone-Based Firewall12. 文档维护及更新附件:1. 示例配置文件2. 图表和网络拓扑图示例法律名词及注释:1.NAT:Network Address Translation(网络地址转换),一种将私有 IP 地址映射为公共 IP 地址的技术。
以下是具体的章节内容:⒈设置基本参数⑴主机名设置命令⑵控制台设置命令⑶用户密码设置命令⑷物理接口配置命令⒉配置IP网络⑴设置IP地质和子网掩码⑵配置静态路由⑶配置动态路由协议(如OSPF或EIGRP)⑷ ICMP设置命令⒊网络管理和监控⑴远程管理设置命令⑵ SNMP配置命令⑶日志记录命令⑷监控和排错命令⒋安全配置⑴访问控制列表(ACL)配置命令⑵ VPN配置命令⑶防火墙配置命令⑷加密和身份验证命令⒌功能扩展⑴ NAT配置命令⑵ QoS配置命令⑶ VLAN配置命令⑷ DHCP配置命令附件:本文档涉及附件,请参阅附件文件以获取更详细的配置示例和说明。
⒎OSPF:开放最短路径优先(Open Shortest Path First)协议,用于计算路径的最佳选择。
⒏EIGRP:增强型内部网关路由协议(Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol),Cisco公司开发的路由协议。
cisco⽆线控制配置说明ContentsIntroductionPrerequisitesRequirementsComponents UsedConventionsBackground InformationConfigureNetwork DiagramConfigure the WLC for Basic OperationConfigure the Switch for the WLCConfigure the Switch for the APsVerifyTroubleshootCommandsController Does Not Defend AP-Manager IP AddressTroubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joininga Wireless LAN ControllerCisco Support Community - Featured ConversationsRelated InformationIntroductionThis document provides a basic configuration example of a lightweight access point (AP) that is connected to a Cisco Wireless LAN (WLAN) Controller (WLC) through a Cisco Catalyst Switch.PrerequisitesRequirementsEnsure that you meet these requirements before you attempt this configuration:Basic knowledge of the configuration of lightweight APs and Cisco WLCsBasic knowledge of Lightweight AP Protocol (LWAPP)Knowledge of the configuration of an external DHCP server and/or domain name server (DNS)Basic configuration knowledge of Cisco switchesComponents UsedThe information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:Cisco Aironet 1232AG Series Lightweight APCisco 4402 Series WLC that runs firmware Windows Server 2003 Enterprise DHCP serverThis configuration works with any other Cisco WLC and any lightweight AP.The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.ConventionsRefer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.Background InformationIn order for the WLC to be able to manage the LAP, the LAP should discover the controller and register with the WLC. There are different methods that an LAP uses in order to discover the WLC. For detailed information on the different methods the LAPs use to register to the WLCs, refer to Lightweight AP (LAP) Registration to a Wireless LAN Controller (WLC)This document describes the configuration steps needed to register the LAP to the WLC and for basic operation of the LWAPP wireless network.ConfigureIn order to register the LAP to the WLC and for basic operation of the LWAPP wireless network, complete these steps:1.Have a DHCP server present so that the APs can acquire a networkaddress.Note: Option 43 is used if the APs reside in a different subnet.2.Configure the WLC for basic operation.3.Configure the switch for the WLC.4.Configure the switch for the APs.5.Register the lightweight APs to the WLCs.Note: Use the Command Lookup Tool (registered customers only) in order to obtain more information on the commands used in this section.Network DiagramThis document uses this network setup:Configure the WLC for Basic OperationWhen the controller boots at factory defaults, the bootup script runs the configuration wizard, which prompts the installer for initial configuration settings. This procedure describes how to use the configuration wizard on the command-line interface (CLI) in order to enter initial configuration settings.Note: Be sure that you understand how to configure an external DHCP server and/or DNS.Complete these steps in order to configure the WLC for basicoperation:1.Connect your computer to the WLC with a DB-9 null modem serial cable.2.Open a terminal emulator session with these settings:o9600 baudo8 data bitso 1 stop bito No parityo No hardware flow control3.At the prompt, log in to the CLI.The default username is admin, and the default password is admin.4.If necessary, enter reset system in order to reboot the unit andstart the wizard.5.At the first wizard prompt, enter a system name. The system namecan include up to 32 printable ASCII characters.6.Enter an administrator user name and password. The user name andpassword can include up to 24 printable ASCII characters.7.Enter the service-port interface IP configuration protocol, eithernone or DHCP.Enter none if you do not want to use the service port or if you want to assign a static IP address to the service port. 8.If you entered none in step 7 and need to enter a static IP addressfor the service port, enter the service-port interface IP address and netmask for the next two prompts.If you do not want to use the service port, enter for the IP address and netmask.9.Enter values for these options:o Management interface IP addresso Netmasko Default router IP addresso Optional VLAN identifierYou can use a valid VLAN identifier or 0 for untagged.10.Note: When the management interface on the controller isconfigured as part of the 'native vlan' on the switchport to which it connects, the controller should NOT tag the frames. Therefore, you must set the VLAN to be zero (on the controller).11.Enter the Network Interface (Distribution System) Physical Portnumber.For the WLC, the possible ports are 1 through 4 for a front-panel gigabit Ethernet port.12.Enter the IP address of the default DHCP server that supplies IPaddresses to clients, the management interface, and theservice-port interface, if you use one.13.Enter the LWAPP Transport Mode, either LAYER2 or LAYER3.Note: If you configure the WLC 4402 via Wizard and select AP transport Mode LAYER2, the Wizard does not ask the details of AP Manager.14.Enter the Virtual Gateway IP Address.This address can be any fictitious, unassigned IP address, such as1.1.1.1, for the Layer 3 Security and Mobility managers to use.Note: Usually the Virtual Gateway IP Address that is used is a private address.15.Enter the Cisco WLAN Solution Mobility Group/RF Group name.16.Enter the WLAN 1 service set identifier (SSID) or network name.This identifier is the default SSID that lightweight APs use in order to associate to a WLC.17.Allow or disallow Static IP Addresses for clients.Enter yes in order to allow clients to supply their own IP addresses.Enter no in order to require clients to request an IP address froma DHCP server.18.If you need to configure a RADIUS server on the WLC, enter yes andenter this information:o RADIUS server IP addresso The communication porto The shared secretIf you do not need to configure a RADIUS server or you want to configure the server later, enter no.19.Enter a country code for the unit.Enter help in order to see a list of the supported countries.20.Enable and disable support for IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, and IEEE802.11g.21.Enable or disable radio resource management (RRM) (auto RF).WLC 4402—Configuration WizardWelcome to the Cisco Wizard Configuration ToolUse the '-' character to backupSystem Name [Cisco_43:eb:22]: c4402Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): adminEnter Administrative Password (24 characters max): *****Service Interface IP Address Configuration [none][DHCP]: noneEnable Link Aggregation (LAG) [yes][NO]: No Management Interface IP Address: Interface Netmask: Interface Default Router: Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): 60Management Interface Port Num [1 to 2]: 1 Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address: Transport Mode [layer2][LAYER3]: LAYER3 AP Manager Interface IP Address: is on Management subnet, using same valuesAP Manager Interface DHCP Server( Gateway IP Address: Mobility/RF Group Name: RFgroupname Network Name (SSID): SSIDAllow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]: yes Configure a RADIUS Server now? [YES][no]: no Enter Country Code (enter 'help' for a list of countries) [US]: USEnable 802.11b Network [YES][no]: yes Enable 802.11a Network [YES][no]: yes Enable 802.11g Network [YES][no]: yes Enable Auto-RF [YES][no]: yesNote: The management interface on the WLC is the only consistently pingable interface from outside of the WLC. So it is an expected behavior if you are not able to ping the AP manager interface from outside of the WLC.Note: You must configure the AP manager interface in order for the APs to associate with the WLC.Configure the Switch for the WLCThis example uses a Catalyst 3750 switch that uses only one port. The example tags the AP-manager and management interfaces and places these interfaces on VLAN 60. The switch port is configured as an IEEE 802.1Q trunk and only the appropriate VLANs, which are VLANs 2 through 4 and 60 in this case, are allowed on the trunk. The management and AP-manager VLAN (VLAN 60) is tagged and is not configured as the native VLAN of the trunk. So when the example configures those interfaces on the WLC, the interfaces are assigned a VLAN identifier.This is an example 802.1Q switch port configuration:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1description Trunk Port to Cisco WLCswitchport trunk encapsulation dot1qswitchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4,60switchport mode trunkno shutdownNote: When you connect the WLC gigabit port, make sure it is connected to the switch gigabit port only. If you connect the WLC gigabit Ethernet to the Switch FastEthernet port then it will not work.Notice that this configuration example configures the neighbor switch port in a way that only allows relevant VLANs on the 802.1Q trunk. All other VLANs are pruned. This type of configuration is not necessary, but it is a deployment best practice. When you prune irrelevant VLANs, the WLC only processes relevant frames, which optimizes performance.Configure the Switch for the APsThis is an example VLAN interface configuration from the Catalyst 3750: interface VLAN5description AP VLANip address the Cisco WLCs always connect to 802.1Q trunks, Cisco lightweight APs do not understand VLAN tagging and should only be connected to the access ports of the neighbor switch.This is an example switch port configuration from the Catalyst 3750:interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22description Access Port Connection to Cisco Lightweight APswitchport access vlan 5switchport mode accessno shutdownThe infrastructure is now ready for connection to the APs. The LAPs use the different WLC discovery methods and select a WLC to join. The LAP then registers with the controller.Here is a link to a video on the Cisco Support Community that explainsthe initial configuration of Wireless LAN Controller using the CLI and GUI: Initial configuration of Wireless LAN Controller using the CLI andGUIVerifyUse this section in order to confirm that your configuration works properly.After the LAPs register with the controller, you can view them under Wireless at the top of the user interface of the controller:On the CLI, you can use the show ap summary command in order to verify that the LAPs registered with the WLC: (Cisco Controller) >show ap summaryNumber of APs (1)Global AP User Name.............................. Not Configured Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not ConfiguredAP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port Country Priority------------------ ----- ------------------- --------------------------------- ---- ------- ------AP001b.d4e3.a81b 2 AIR-LAP1232AG-A-K9 00:1b:d4:e3:a8:1b default location 2 IN 1On the WLC CLI, you can also use the show client summary command in order to see the clients that are registered with the WLC:(Cisco Controller) >show client summaryNumber of Clients (1)MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port----------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ---- -------- ----00:40:96:a1:45:42 ap:64:a3:a0 Associated 4 Yes 802.11a 1(Cisco Controller) >Here is a video demonstration that explains how to perform the initial configuration of a Wireless LAN Controller using the GUI and CLI: InitialConfiguration of Wireless Lan Controller using CLI and GUITroubleshootUse this section in order to troubleshoot your configuration. CommandsUse these commands in order to troubleshoot your configuration.Note: Refer to Important Information on Debug Commands before you use debug commands.This debug lwapp events enable WLC command output shows that the lightweight AP gets registered to the WLC: (Cisco Controller) >debug lwapp events enableTue Apr 11 13:38:47 2006: Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on port '1'Tue Apr 11 13:38:47 2006: Successful transmission of LWAPPDiscovery-Responseto AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 on Port 1Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Received LWAPP JOIN REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to 00:0b:85:33:a8:a0 on port '1'Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: LWAPP Join-Request MTU path from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0is 1500, remote debug mode is 0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Successfully added NPU Entry for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 (index 48) Switch IP:, Switch Port: 12223,intIfNum 1, vlanId 60 AP IP:, AP Port: 19002, next hop MAC: 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPP Join-Reply to AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Register LWAPP event for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 0Tue Apr 11 13:38:58 2006: Register LWAPP event for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 1Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CONFIGURE REQUEST from AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 to 00:0b:85:33:a8:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Updating IP info for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 -- static 0,, gtw Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Updating IP ===> for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 0 code 0regstring -A regDfromCb -ATue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamVerifyRegDomain RegDomain set for slot 1 code 0regstring -A regDfromCb -ATue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: spamEncodeDomainSecretPayload:Send domain secretMobilityGroup<6f,39,74,cd,7e,a4,81,86,ca,32,8c,06,d3,ff,ec,6d,95,10,99,dd>to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPConfig-Message to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Running spamEncodeCreateVapPayload for SSID 'SSID'Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 associated. Last AP failure wasdue to Configuration changes, reason: operator changed 11g mode Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CHANGE_STATE_EVENT from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPChange-State-EventResponse to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP Up event for AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 0!Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CONFIGURE COMMAND RES from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP CHANGE_STATE_EVENT from AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Successfully transmission of LWAPPChange-State-EventResponse to AP 00:0b:85:64:a3:a0Tue Apr 11 13:39:00 2006: Received LWAPP Up event for AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0 slot 1!This output shows these useful WLC debug commands:debug pem state enable—Configures the access policy manager debug optionsdebug pem events enabledebug dhcp message enable—Shows the debug of DHCP messages that are exchanged to and from the DHCP server debug dhcp packet enable—Shows the debug of DHCP packet details that are sent to and from the DHCP serverTue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Applied policy for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42 Tue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: STA [00:40:96:a1:45:42,] Replacing FastPath rule type = Airespace AP Client on AP 00:0B:85:64:A3:A0, slot 0InHandle = 0x00000000, OutHandle = 0x00000000 ACL Id = 255, Jumbo Frames= NO, interface = 1 802.1P = 0, DSCP = 0, TTue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Successfully plumbed mobile rule for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42 (ACL ID 255)Tue Apr 11 14:30:49 2006: Plumbed mobile LWAPP rule on AP00:0b:85:64:a3:a0for mobile 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP proxy received packet, src:, len = 320Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy: Received packet: Client00:40:96:a1:45:42DHCP Op: BOOTREQUEST(1), IP len: 320, switchport: 1, encap: 0xec03 Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy(): dhcp request, client:00:40:96:a1:45:42: dhcp op: 1, port: 1, encap 0xec03, old mscbport number: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 84Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: received DHCP REQUEST msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 61, len 7Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: requested ip = Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 12, len 15Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 81, len 19Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: vendor class id = MSFT 5.0 (len 8)Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 11Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 84, actual 84Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: mscb->dhcpServer:,mscb->dhcpNetmask:,mscb->dhcpGateway:, mscb->dhcpRelay: VLAN: 60Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Local Address:, DHCP Server:, Gateway Addr:, VLAN: 60, port: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Message Type received: DHCP REQUEST msg Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: op: BOOTREQUEST, htype: Ethernet, hlen: 6, hops: 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: xid: 3371152053, secs: 0, flags: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: chaddr: 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: ciaddr:, yiaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: siaddr:, giaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Forwarding DHCP packet locally (348 octets) from to Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Received 348 byte dhcp packet from 0x0201a8c0 Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP packet: -> using scope "InternalScope"Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: received REQUESTTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: Checking node Allocated 1144765719,Expires 1144852119 (now: 1144765853)Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x35Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x36Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x33Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x03Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: adding option 0x01Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpd: Sending DHCP packet(giaddr: from Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: sendto (548 bytes) returned 548Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP proxy received packet, src:, len = 548Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpProxy: Received packet: Client00:40:96:a1:45:42DHCP Op: BOOTREPLY(2), IP len: 548, switchport: 0, encap: 0x0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 312Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: received DHCP ACK msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: server id = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: lease time (seconds) = 86400 Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: gateway = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcp option: netmask = Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 312, actual 64Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Reply to AP client: 00:40:96:a1:45:42, frame len 412, switchport 1Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: DHCP Message Type received: DHCP ACK msgTue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: op: BOOTREPLY, htype: Ethernet, hlen: 6, hops: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: xid: 3371152053, secs: 0, flags: 0Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: chaddr: 00:40:96:a1:45:42Tue Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: ciaddr:, yiaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: siaddr:, giaddr: Apr 11 14:30:53 2006: server id: rcvd server id: can use these additional debug commands in order to troubleshoot your configuration:debug lwapp errors enable—Shows output of the debug of LWAPP errors debug pm pki enable—Shows the debug ofcertificate messages that are passed between the AP and the WLCController Does Not Defend AP-Manager IP AddressThis issues is a result of bug CSCsg75863. If the user accidently injects a device on the subnet that uses the AP-manager IP address of the controller, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache on the default gateway router is refreshed with the wrong MAC address. When this occurs, the APs can no longer reach the controller and drop into their discovery phase to look for a controller. The APs send discovery requests, and the controller responds with discovery replies, but the JOIN requests never reach the AP-manager interface of the controller because of the bad ARP entry on the gateway router. After the default 4 hour ARP refresh interval, the APs join the controller if the device is removed.A workaround for this issue is to configure the static ARP entries on the gateway router of the controller for these IP addresses:Management IP address—Customers gain access to the graphical user interface (GUI) from another subnet, and the controller receives the AP discovery requests.AP-Manager IP address—APs join the controller from another subnet.Every Dynamic interface IP address—Packets from other subnets reach the dynamic interface of the controller.DHCP packets transmit from the interface of the wireless client. Telnet or SSH to the gateway address of the controller, and use the arp command in order to add the ARP entries. Use the ping command on the default router of the controller to the different addresses in order to refresh the ARP cache on the router. In order to discover the MAC addresses, use this command: show arp | include .Troubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joining a Wireless LAN ControllerRefre to Troubleshoot a Lightweight Access Point Not Joining a Wireless LAN Controller for information on some of the issues why a Lightweight Access Point (LAP) fails to join a WLC and how to troubleshoot the issues.Cisco Support Community - Featured ConversationsCisco Support Community is a forum for you to ask and answer questions, share suggestions, and collaborate with your peers. Below are just some of the most recent and relevant conversations happening right now.。
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Enable 802.11b Network [YES][no]: Enable 802.11a Network [YES][no]: Enable 802.11g Network [YES][no]: Enable Auto-RF [YES][no]:
: cisco
Management Interface IP Address: Management Interface Netmask: Management Interface Default Router: Management Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): Management Interface Port Num [1 to 8]: 1 Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address:
1200/1100/1300需要upgrade tool做升级,1250不需要工具,直接在图 形化界面上升级
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Configure a NTP server now? [YES][no]: no Configure the system time now? [YES][no]: Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format: 09/28/08 Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format: 17:11:00
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): cisco
Enter Administrative Password (24 characters max): cisco
Re-enter Administrative Password
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非常重要, Controller的 wireless的 domain要和AP 一致。
p dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ! ip dhcp pool AP network default-router ! interface FastEthernet0/1 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q switchport mode trunk …… interface Vlan1 ip address ! interface Vlan20 ip address ! interface Vlan30 ip address ! interface Vlan40 ip address …… line vty 0 4 privilege level 15 password cisco login
Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][NO]: yes
Configuration saved! Resetting system with new configuration...
型号 4402
支持 12, 25, 和50 AP
型号 4404
支持100 APs
网线和Console线。如果是4400,需要两头是DB9接口的线,如果 是2106或者ISR,需要DB9+RJ45的线
如果是4400,需要GLC光纤模块和光纤 确认控制器版本是否需要升级 (用命令show sysinfo查看系统版本) 是否需要将胖AP升级到瘦AP
2个USB端口和一个扩展槽留作 将来扩展用
AIR-WLC2125-K9 AIR-WLC2112-K9 AIR-WLC2106-K9
2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 25 Lightweight APs 2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 12 Lightweight APs 2100 Series WLAN Controller for up to 6 Lightweight APs
Would you like to terminate autoinstall? [yes]:
System Name [Cisco_51:2b:60] (31 characters max): 2106-demo AUTO-INSTALL: process terminated -- no configuration loaded
*2106和2006不能作为guest access的anchor controller *不支持Link Aggregation *不能通过软件升级AP容量
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
1. 思科CSSC无线客户端的安装和简单配置 2. 构建一个OPEN和一个WEP的无线网络 3. 构建一个简单WEB认证的无线网络 4. 构建一个支持本地EAP认证的无线网络 5. 构建一个用ACS做AAA认证的无线网络
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
所有3层网关设置在3层交换机上,地址254 8
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
Xiaogang Wu 2008.10
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
1. 控制器启动配置和升级控制器软件版本 2. 熟悉控制器配置界面 3. 连接AP到控制器上
$18,890 $10,070
1 RU 高度
2口 或者 4口千兆上联
支持 12, 25, 50 or 100 AP 支持 5000 MAC地址转发表 10/100Base-TX 以太网 Service Port 9 pin 串口Console口 2 扩展槽和1个utility port目前未使用 2 热插拔电源模块插槽
*不能通过软件升级AP容量 *4400系列使用SFP光纤模块 *4400系列每port支持50个AP
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
44xx WLAN Controller
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
1、使用直通网线,连接交换机的trunk接口到控制器端口1 2、配置PC机的IP地址或者DHCP,网关192.168.10.254 3、测试PC能否Ping 通Controller的地址: 3、用https://访问控制器,如果要开启http访问,需要在系统里打开。
PS准rize备es工e3n0作tPaTtion Title Option 2: Live
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential
控制器 4400或者2100系列 AP:1130或者1240系列 交换机: 最好是3560 POE交换机
Network Name (SSID): open Allow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]: