

国际商务_International Business_chapter_18_p1

国际商务_International Business_chapter_18_p1
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities
Companies • Genting Highland • Siemens • Intel • Wal-Mart • J&J
Some Numbers
Total Employees • 36,000 in 4 countries • 460,000 in 190 countries • 80,000 in 6 countries • 2,100, 000 • 116,000 in 250 business
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities
How Complex Is It?
Domestic vs IHRM
1. New HR responsibilities.
International taxation, international relocation and orientation, administrative services for expatriates, host government relations, and language translation services.
2. Key tasks in international human resource management
1. International staffing policy 2. Preparation and training of personnel 3. International performance appraisal 4. Compensation of personnel 5. International labor relations 6. Diversity in the international workforce



2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例本合同目录一览1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型1.2 协议方1.3 协议日期2. 定义与解释2.1 专业术语2.2 地点与日期2.3 涉及的组织与个人3. 商务条款3.1 产品或服务描述3.2 数量与质量3.3 价格与支付方式3.4 交付与交货期限3.5 违约责任4. 权利与义务4.1 协议方的权利4.2 协议方的义务5. 保密协议5.1 保密信息5.2 保密期限5.3 信息的使用与披露6. 争议解决6.1 协商解决6.2 调解6.3 仲裁7. 法律适用7.1 法律的选取7.2 法律的适用8. 强制性规定8.1 协议的适用法律8.2 协议的适用法规9. 合同的生效与终止9.1 生效条件9.2 终止条件9.3 终止后的权利与义务10. 一般条款10.1 通知10.2 修改与补充10.3 完整协议11. 第三方受益人11.1 第三方受益人的权益11.2 第三方受益人的责任12. 保险12.1 保险的要求12.2 保险的赔偿范围13. 知识产权13.1 知识产权的保护13.2 知识产权的使用权14. 不可抗力14.1 不可抗力的定义14.2 不可抗力事件的处理第一部分:合同如下:1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型本协议为2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例,由双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上签订。

1.2 协议方甲方:(公司名称/个人姓名)乙方:(公司名称/个人姓名)1.3 协议日期本协议签订日期为2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例之日期,具体日期由双方共同商定。

2. 定义与解释2.1 专业术语(1)产品:指乙方根据甲方要求提供的商品或服务。


2.2 地点与日期本协议项下的一切活动,包括但不限于交付、付款、争议解决等,均在本协议约定的地点进行。

2.3 涉及的组织与个人本协议涉及的包括但不限于甲乙双方的工作人员、负责人、代表、代理人等。



Business Objectives
-Objective of Growth
Possible reasons for a business to regard
growth as an objective:
1. To survive, no growth may mean ‘final death’. 2. To introduce new products in order to meet customer
Business Objectives
• Business objectives are the goals of business –
what the business wants to achieve. All businesses have their own objectives.
changing needs.
3. To reduce risks of business: In fierce competition, if a
business can not become strong enough, it is more likely to be eaten up by other stronger competitors.
Circumstances for a business to consider survival to be
important can be seen in the following table:
Business Objectives -Survival
Table 3-2 Circumstances for a business to consider survival to be an important objective


第一章 国际商务管理概论
? 第一节 国际商务管理的内涵和特殊性 ? 一、国际商务管理的内涵: ? 1.国际商务: 是指不同国家或地区之间所进行的有关商
品、服务、技术、生产要素、知识产权等方面的交易或交 流活动。
? 2、国际商务活动的形式:
? ⑴.国际贸易,即进出口; ? ⑵.对外直接投资; ? ⑶.通过特需经营、合资经营、工程承包等对外经营活动。
? f.国际标准化组织ISO: ISO的宗旨:在世界上促进标准化及相关活动 的发展,以便于商品和服务的国际交换,在智 力、科学、技术和经济领域开展合作。
? (一)WTO :
? 世界贸易组织( WTO ):成立于 1995年1月1日。 总部:日内瓦。
? WOT的前身——关税及贸易总协定(GATT):1948年1 月1日正式生效。WTO最高决策权力机构是部长大会,至 少每两年召开一次。部长大会下设总理会和秘书处负责 WTO的常会议和工作。
? ▲WTO 的基本原则:
⑴.非歧视原则; ? ⑵.减让与关税保护原则; ? ⑶.禁止数量限制原则; ? ⑷.透明度原则; ? ⑸.公平贸易原则; ? ⑹.磋商调解原则; ? ⑺.允许实施例外合保障措施原则;
? (二)IMF:
1945年12月27日,正式成立国际货币基金组织 (IMF),总部:英国华盛顿。 2003年5月底,IMF已有184成员国。
? d.经济合作与发展组织 OECD:
? 经合组织的宗旨:维护成员国的财政稳定,确保 成员国经济的高速持续增长,保证充分就业,提 高人民生活水平,促进世界经济的发展;促进成 员国和非成员国经济充分合理的发展,在多边非 歧视原则的基础上,遵循国际贸易规则,扩大世 界贸易。






International Business SummaryI. Definition of International BusinessInternational business refers to commercial activities carried out on the international level, including cross-border trade, international investment, and multinational cooperation. International business is becoming increasingly important in the context of globalization, posing new challenges for the operation and management of international enterprises. Through international business, companies can expand their markets, acquire resources, increase revenue, and enhance competitiveness, promoting economic development.二、国际商务环境与市场1. 国际商务环境国际商务环境包括政治、经济、文化、法律等因素。


2. 国际商务市场各国市场的规模、结构、需求以及消费习惯存在差异,了解不同国家的市场特点对于开展国际商务至关重要。



第一章国际商务管理概论概述本书分为四个专题,第一个专题国际商务环境,从宏观角度勾勒国际商务管理学具体运用到的领域, 在什么样的条件卜涉及到国际商务管理这门学问,以及在具体的操作中所面临的环境会带给国际商务管理的特殊性,要对它的内涵有大致的把握。














广东商学院各院课程(中英文翻译)一.管理学院The College of Management1. 管理学Management2. 生产与作业管理Production and Operation Management3. 业务流程管理Business Process Management4. 战略管理Strategic Management5. 质量管理Quality Management6. 分销渠道管理Distr i bu t io n Management7. 服务市场营销Service Marketing8. 零售学Retail Management9. 市场调研Marketing Research10. 消费者行为学Consumer Behavior11. 整合营销传播Integrated Marketing Communications12. 市场营销学M a r keting'13. 工作分析Job A n alysis14. 绩效管理Performance Manag em ent15. 劳动关系Labor R el at ions16. 劳动经济学Lab or Econo mics17. 人力资源管理H uman Resou r ce M a n ag em ent18. 薪酬管理P ay m e nt Management19. 员工素质测评Employee Assessment and Selection20. 组织行为学Organizational Behavior21. 仓储管理Warehouse and Storage Management22. 供应链管理Supply Chain Management23. 物流系统分析与设计Analysis and Design of Logistic System24. 物流学Logistics二.会计学院The College of Accounting1. 财务管理学Financial Management2. 成本与管理会计学Cost a n d Management Accoun t ing3. 初级财务管理Fundamentals o f Financial Management4. 初级财务会计学Primary Financial Accounting5. 高级财务管理学Advanced Financial Management6. 高级财务会计学Advanced Financial Accounting7. 会计信息系统A c counting Information System8. 会计学Accounting9. 审计学Auditing10. 中级财务管理I ntermediate Financial Manage ment11. 中级财务会计学(上) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I)12. 中级财务会计学(下) Intermedia te Financia l Ac c ounting (I I)13. 资本市场运作Ca pit al Ma rk et Opera t io n三.财税与公共管理学院The Co ll ege o f T ax a t i on a nd P ub lic F i n a nce Admi n i strat i on1. 财政学Publi c Fin a nce2. 税收概论 A Survey of R even u e3. 税收管理Tax A d m ini s trati on4. 西方财政学W est Pu blic Fi n a nce .5. 财政预算F i scal B udg e t6. 中国税制C h in e se Tax Sy s t e m7. 国际税收Inte rn ati o nal R e v e n ue8. 当代中国政府与政治Contempo r ary Chin ese Government and Politics9. 管理学原理Principle of Man a g ement Science10. 领导科学The Science of L e a dership11. 行政管理学Administrati on12. 行政学说史 A H is tory o f Publi c Adm i nistration Theory13. 政治学Politics14. 组织行为学Or g aniz a tional Behavior15. 电子政务Electronic Governmen t16. 公共管理学Pu bl i c Manag ement17. 公共事业管理P ublic Affai r M a na ge men t18. 管理文秘Se c retary M a nag e men t19. 文化管理理论与实践Theory a nd Prac ti ce o f Cultur e Managemen t20. 文化学导论Introduction t o C u l tu r e21. 中国文化简史 A History o f Chines e Cultu re22. 公共部门公共关系学Public Sec t ion Public Relat i ons23. 公共人力资源管理Public Human Resour c e Management24. 公共政策Public Decision25. 文化产业概论Culture Industry Mana g ement四.金融学院The College of Finance1. 国际金融Int e rnational Finance2. 金融风险管理Financi a l Risk Management .3. 金融工程学Financial En g ineering4. 金融计量学Fin a n ci al E conometri c s5. 金融经济学Financi a l E c onom ics6. 金融市场学Financial M arke t7. 金融市场营销F i n anci a l M ar ke t in g8. 投资银行理论与务实Th e ory and Practice of Investment Bank9. 证券投资学Secu r it i es I n ves tment10. 保险精算Insurance Actuary11. 保险学Insurance12. 保险市场营销Insurance Marketing13. 财产保险Property Insurance14. 风险管理Risk Management15. 公司金融Corporate Finance16. 人身保险Life Insurance17. 货币银行学Money Banking18. 金融学Finance19. 金融英语English on Finance20. 金融理论前沿专题Current Issues in Financial Theories21. 商业银行业务管理Business Management o f Commercial Bank22. 数理金融Mathematica l Finance23. 投资决策经济分析Economic Analysis for Investment Decision24. 投资学Investment25. 衍生金融工具概论Introduction to Derivativ e Financial Instruments26. 中央银行业务Operations o f Central B a nk s五.经济贸易与统计学院T h e Co lle g e of Econo mics and Statistics1. 初级宏观经济学(及双语“宏观经济学”)Principl es o f Mac ro economics (or Macroeconomics)2. 初级微观经济学(含双语“微观经济学”)P rinciple s o f M ic roe c on o m ics (o r M icr o ec o n omi cs)3. 发展经济学Developme n t Economics4. 中级宏观经济学I nt er mediate Macroeconomics5. 中级微观经济学I nte r mediate Microeconomics6. 宏观经济学M ac roe c o nomics7. 经济学概论P r i ncip le of Economics8. 外国经济思想史F or e i g n E conomic Thought9. 微观经济学Microeconomics10. 西方经济学流派Schools of Western Economics11. 社会主义政治经济学Socialist Political Economics12. 国际贸易Interna t iona l Tra d e13. 国际贸易务实Practice of Inte rn ational Trade14. 国际企业管理Inte rnational Corporation Management15. 国际商务概论G eneral Theories of International Business .16. 国际市场营销学International Marketing17. 跨国公司经营与管理Oper ation and M a n agem e n t of Transnational Corporation18. 世界经济World Economy19. 外经贸英语函电B u siness English Correspondence20. 中国对外贸易概论An Introduction to Foreign Trade of China21. 国民经济统计学National Economic Statistics22. 多元统计分析Multivariate Statist i c Analysis23. 计量经济学Econom e tric s24. 时间序列分析Time Series Analys i s25. 数理统计Mathem a tical Stati s tics26. 统计学S t a t ist i cs27. 社会统计学Social S t a t ist i cs六.法学院The Coll e ge of Law1. 法理学Jurisprudence2. 犯罪心理学Crimine Psychology3. 犯罪学Criminology4. 国际法学International Law5. 国际商法International Commercial Law6. 国际私法学Private I nternational Law7. 合同法学Contract Law8. 经济法学Economic Law9. 民法学Civil L aw10. 民事诉讼法学Code of Civil Law11. 商法学Commercial Law12. 宪法学The Science of Constitution13. 刑法学Criminal Law14. 刑事诉讼法学Criminal Procedure Law15. 行政法与行政诉讼法Adm in istrat i ve Law and Administrative Procedure Law16. 证据法学Evidence Law17. 知识产权法Intellectual Property Law18. 中国法制史The History of Chinese Law System19. 安全防范技术Policing Alarming Technique for Security20. 保卫学Security Science21. 道路交通管理学Road Traffic Administration22. 法医学Forensic Medicine23. 公安管理学Police Administrat i on Science24. 公安学基础理论Basic Theory of Police Science25. 公安应用文写作Practical Writing for Public Security26. 户政管理学Household Registration Administration27. 警务技能Police Vocation Skills .28. 司法鉴定学Forensic Science29. 侦查学Criminal Investigation30. 治安处罚Public Order Punishment31. 治安管理学Public Order Administration32. 治安学The Public Security Science七.旅游与环境学院The College of Tourism and Environmen t1. 服务管理Service Man a gement2. 旅游管理信息系统Tourism Management Information Systems3. 旅游市场营销学Tou ris m Marketing4. 酒店经营管理Hotel Management5. 旅游人力资源管理Human Resources Management in Tou r i s m6. 旅行社经营管理Operation and Management of Tr a vel Servi c e7. 旅游公共关系学To u rism Public Relations8. 旅游心理学Tourism P s ychology9. 旅游学An Introduction to Tourism Studie s10. 日语(第二外语) Japanese (Second Foreign Language)11. 旅游英语Tourism English12. 经济地理学Economic Geography13. 地图与遥感应用Cartography and Remote Sense14. 区域规划Regional Planning15. 人文地理学Human Geography16. 自然地理学Physical Geography ·17. 自然资源学Science of Natural Resour c es18. 城市地理学U r ban Geography19. 城市规划原理Urban P lannin g20. 地理信息系统Geographic In f o r mation Systems21. 地质学基础Basics of Geology22. 环境科学概论En v i r onmental Science23. 土地评价与管理Land Evaluation and Management24. 资源与环境经济学Economics of Environment and Resources25. 旅游环境学Tourism Environment26. 旅游经济学Tourism Economics27. 旅游资源开辟与管理E xplo i tation and Management of Tourism Resources八.外国语学院The College of Foreign la nguages1. 大学英语I College English I2. 大学英语II College English II3. 大学英语III College English III4. 大学英语IV College English IV5. 大学英语V College English V6. 大学英语VI College EnglishVI7. 国际商务英语综合课Compreh ensive English Course of International Business8. 当代商学概论An Introduction to Contemporary Business9. 翻译理论研究Translat i on Theo ry10. 高级英语Advanced E n glis h11. 管理学概论Managemen t12. 国际贸易务实I mport & Ex p ort P r ac ti c e s13. 国际商法I n t e rnationa l Busi n ess L aw…14. 国际市场营销Marketi n g15. 汉英笔译Chinese-Eng l ish T r ansla tion16. 基础英语B asic English17. 经济学概论 A Survey of Eco n o m ics18. 论文写作T h esis Writing19. 美国文学史及选读American L e r ature: A Survey20. 商务函电Bu s i ness English Correspondence21. 商务洽谈Bu siness Neg o tiation22. 译文研究The Appreciation of Target Language23. 英国文学史及选读English Literature: A Survey24. 英汉笔译Eng l ish-Chinese T r ansla tion25. 英汉口译Eng l ish-Chinese Interpretation26. 英语(二外) Eng l ish as a Second Foreign Language27. 英语泛读Extensive Reading28. 英语国家概况Eng l ish-Speaking Countries: A Survey29. 英语口语Oral English30. 英语写作Eng l ish Writing31. 英语语言学概论An Introduction to English Linguistics32. 英语语音Eng l ish Pronunciation and Intonation33. 汉英口译Chinese-Eng l ish Inte r p re tati on34. 日语二外Japanese ( Second Foreign Language)九.人文与传播学院The College of Humanities and Communication1. 外国文学史History of Foreign Literature2. 文体写作Style of Writing3. 中国古代文学史The Ancient Chinese Literature4. 中国古典文献学Knowledge about the Literature of Classical Chinese Culture5. 中国现代文学史History of Modern Chinese Literature6. 语言学史学 A Historical Approach to Chinese Linguistics7. 汉语史History of Chinese Language8. 比较文学Comparative Literature9. 民间文学Folklore10. 基础写作Ba s ic Writing11. 马克思主义文论Marxist Theories on Art and Literature12. 文学概论A Survey of Literature13. 中国当代文学史History of Contemp o rary Chinese Literature14. 古代汉语Ancient Chinese15. 语言学概论An Introduc t ion to Ling u ist i cs16. 现代汉语Modern Chinese Langu a ge17. 大众传播学 A General Introduction to M a ss Communication18. 广播电视学An Introduction to TV and Broadcasting19. 广告学Advertising20. 马列新闻论著选读The Selective Readin g s of Marx an d Lenin on News21. 新闻编辑News Editing22. 新闻采访与写作News Interviewing and Writing23. 新闻摄影Photojournalism24. 新闻事业管理Journalism Admin i stration25. 中国历代文学作品选Selected Readi n gs of the Masterp i eces of Chinese Classical Literature26. 中国新闻事业史The History of Chinese Journal i sm27. 外国新闻事业史The Hi story of Foreign News Enterprise28. 新闻法规与职业道德News Regu l ations and Professional Morality29. 新闻评论New C r it icism30. 新闻学概论An Introduction to Journalism31. 版权与图书外贸Copyright and Boo k s Fo re i g n Trade32. 报刊编辑学The Edit o r i al S t udies of Prin ti ng Med i a33. 出版社管理Management of Publishing House34. 出版现代技术Modern Publishing Techno l ogy35. 书籍编辑学Studies on Books Edition36. 书业法律基础An I ntroduction to L aws in Publishing Industry37. 图书学Studies on Books38. 外国编辑出版史A H istory of Foreign Ed i ting & Publi c ation39. 中国编辑出版史 A Hi sto r y o f Chinese Editing & Publica t ion40. 出版发行学基础Publi c ation Basis41. 出版美学与装帧设计Publi c ation Aesthetics and Binding Design42. 音响电子出版物Video and Electronic Publi c ation43. 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Designing44. 图形设计Graphics Design45. 构成研究Fundaments of Designing46. 广告摄影与摄像(摄影基础) Basics of Photography47. 编辑学概论A n Introdu c tion to Edit i on48. 创意思维Creative Thinkinig49. 编排设计L a yout De s i g ning50. 品牌研究Research o n Brand51. 设计素描De s i g n Draw i ng52. 广告心理学A dve r ti sement Psychology53. 传播学概论An Introduction to Communication Theory54. 广告效果研究方法Studies of Eff e ctiv e A dv e rt i s e ment55. 设计色采The R ese arch on Color Designing56. 广告媒体研究Analysis of Advertis i n g Media57. 广告策划与创意Advertisement Plan ni n g a nd C r eating58. 广告经营与管理学Advertisement Op e rat i on & Management59. 平面广告设计Print Advertisement Design60. 中外广告法规与广告职业道德Laws & Foreign and Do m estic Regulation s of Advertising A cti vi tie s61. 广告摄影与摄像(视频摄录与编辑) Advertising Photo & V i deo (Video Shooting & Editing)62. 广告创意与案例Advertisement C r eat i on and Cases Stadies63. 艺术概论An In tr oduction to Art64. 广告文案写作A dvertisement Document Writing65. 电视广告创作The Creation of Commercials66. 广告史The H i story of Advertising67. 广告学概论An Introduction to Advertisin g68. 社会学概论So ci olog y69. 社会政策概论An Introduction to Social Policy70. 当代社会问题Contemporary Social Problems71. 国外社会学理论Foreign Sociological Theories72. 社区工作Community Work73. 心理学概论An Introduction to Psychology74. 人类行为学与社会环境Human Behavior and Social Environment75. 社会调查研究方法Methods of Social Survey and Research76. 社会保障概论 A General Introduction to Social Security77. 现代社会福利思想Theories for Modern Social Welfare78. 社会心理学Social Psychology79. 社会保障法Social Security Law80. 社会行政Social Administration81. 社会工作概论An Introduction to Social Work82. 西方社会工作理论与实践Foreign Social Work Theory and Practice83. 小组工作Group Work84. 个案工作Social Case Work85. 中国社会思想史The History of Social Thought in China十.信息学院The College of Information1. 组织战略与行为学Organizing Strategy and Behavior2. 电子商务Electronic Commerce3. 电子商务安全Secure E-commerce Technology4. 电子商务管理E-Commerce Management5. 电子商务物流E-Commerce Logistics6. 电子商务系统开辟与管理Electronic Business System Development and Management7. 电子商务信息系统Electronic Bnsiness Information System8. 电子商务英语English for Electronic Commerce9. 电子支付与电子银行E-payment and E-bank10. 计算机组成原理Computer Organization Principles11. 离散数学Discrete Mathematics12. 面向对象程序设计Object-Oriented Programming13. 软件测试技术Software Testing Technology14. 软件构件与中间件技术Software Component and Middleware Technology15. 数值分析Analysis of Numerical Value16. 数字逻辑与数字电路Digital Logic and Digital Circuit17. 网络金融学Network Finance18. 网络经济学Internet economics19. 网络营销Network Marketing20. 系统分析与设计System Analysis & Design21. 信息管理学Information Management22. 编译原理Principles of Compiler23. 操作系统Operating System24. 程序设计Programming Languages and Programming ..25. 电路与摹拟电子技术Circuit and Analog Electronics Technique26. 电子商务概论(双语) Electronic Commerce27. 管理信息系统Management Information System28. 汇编语言程序设计Programming by Assemble Language29. 计算机科学导论An Introduction to Computer Science30. 计算机网络Computer Network ·31. 专业英语(计算机) English for Computer Science and Technology32. 人工智能基础An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence33. 软件工程Software Engineering34. 数据结构Data Structure35. 数据库理论Database Principles36. 统一建模语言及建模工具Unified Modeling Language and Modeling Tools37. 微机接口技术Interface Technology of Micro Computer38. 系统分析设计与UML 语言System Analysis & Design and UML39. 计算机应用信息系统Computer Application Information System40. 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer and Application41. 信息系统分析与设计Information System Analysis and Design42. 专业英语(信息管理与信息系统) Professional English for Information Management &System43. 信息组织与检索Information Organizing and Retrieval44. 专业英语(软件工程) English for Software Engineering十一. 数学与计算科学系The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science1. 常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations2. 概率论与数理统计Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics3. 数学分析Mathematics Analysis4. 高等代数Higher Algebra5. 高等数学概论 A Survey of Advanced Mathematics6. 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Program7. 高等数学Advanced Mathematics8. 计算方法Computational Methods9. 计算机图形学Computer Graphics10. 计算智能Computing Intelligence11. 空间解析几何Space Analytic Geometry12. 数学模型Mathematical Model13. 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing14. 微积分Calculus15. 线性代数Linear Algebra16. 信息科学概论An Introduction to Information Science17. 信息与编码Information Theory and Coding18. 运筹学Operations Research。

国际商务管理 Topic 17-18

国际商务管理 Topic 17-18

Key words and phrases
1. Financial rewards 2. Non-financial rewards 3. Payment schemes 4. Time rate 5. Annualized hours 6. Piece rate 7. Commission 8. Fringe benefits 9. Incentive schemes 10. Profit-sharing 11. Share ownership 12. Performance-related pay 1. Non-monetary wants 2. Job design and redesign 3. Job enlargement 4. Job enrichment 5. Horizontal job expansion 6. Promotion 7. Recognition
1. Time rates/ annualised hours: Wages and Salaries
Wages are normally paid per hour worked and workers receive money at the end of the week. Overtime is paid for any additional hours worked during the week. However salaries are annual (based on a year‟s work) and are paid at the end of each month.
5. Profit sharing
This is a system whereby employees receive a proportion of the company‟s profits. This means staff are in the same position as shareholders. Advantages: Should improve loyalty to the company and break down the “them and us” barrier if all staff given same amount; Workers are more likely to accept changes to their working practices if they can see that it may decrease costs and so increase profit Disadvantages The share given to employees is often too small to provide a worthwhile incentive; Workers may feel that however hard they work it will not have a noticeable effect on the company‟s profit level, so therefore no incentive


active participation essential
Module Delivery
Module Web page (Moodle)
Drummond, H. (2012) The Economist Guide to Better Decision Making. London. Profile Books.
Today’s Agenda (1)
• Identify and organise credible sources of data and information
• Critically evaluate information to support decision making
• Appraise results of the decision-making process
Module Content (2)
One two hour lecture each week of Semester Two Thursdays (11.00 – 1.00 in AB 107) ❖ At least one interactive exercise in each lecture requiring
How reliable are common decision-making techniques? Can they be applied to business and management? Is decision-making in business and management more of a rational process? What are the consequences of sub-optimal decisionmaking? For you? For your business?


The Direction Of FDI
Figure 7.3: FDI Inflows by Region ($ b i l l i o n ) , 1995-2006
The Direction Of FDI
·Gross fixed capital formation summarizes the total amount of capital invested in factories, stores, office buildings, and the like ·All else being equal, the greater the capital investment an economy, the more favorable its future prospects are likely to be ·So, FDI can be seen as an important source of capital investment and a determinant of the future growth rate of
The Source Of FDI
·Since World War II, the U.S. has been the largest source country for FDI ·The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Japan are other important source countries
Classroom Performance System
The amount of FDI undertaken over a given time period is

International Business and Management 国际商务管理

International Business and Management 国际商务管理

Jilin University of Finance and EconomicsInternational Finance0922International Management Managing Across Borders and Culture MGT387 International Business and ManagementName:Wu KefeiCSU ID:11504424Lecture:Robert Herriot&Ms.Wang SuyuDue Date:06-Apr-2012Contact Method:sakura_fay@IntroductionIn this essay, the mainly idea is the international management and the culture.PART AIn this part I mainly expound the challenges and the problems the managers and the MNCs should face.We can consider the managers and the MNCs as an entirety. So the problem will be easy to find.Since the 1990 s, because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the push over of the Berlin wall .The countries all over the world turn the military competition to the economic competition.So the globalisation is the trend of the world.Globalization can be defined as “the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states, and technologies…in a way that is enabling individuals, corporations and nation-states to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than ever before”(p 1).Firstly, we should think about the characteristics and the qualities of the MNCs. It based on the strongly and large company; it has a complete decision-making system and the highest decision-making system, it sarted from the global strategy of business activities; it has the strongly economic and technical power; for certain products or in some areas; it has the different degrees of monopoly.Then we can know that to solve the challenges, MNCs make the “global strategy”. This can help us to understand what the problem is.a) The environment of the company. It can be divided into two parts: internal environment and the external environment. The environment is very important element for the company. Lin Kang (2000) gives the point that “the purpose of the analysis is to know the advantages and thedisadvantages” (p71).b) Financial management. Cut the cost, gain market share and maximize the profit. The foreign exchange risk is the biggest problem for the company to solve. Because of m ultinational company’s decentralization of production and business operation, manage many countries and regions’enterprise.It must raise capital or all kinds of money funds from different capital market . The currency of choice between various monetary, exchange rate fluctuation, which convert the profits and losses of the risks of is inevitable.c) Human resource management. Manage the diversity of employees, set up different competitive advantage, preserve different moral standards, enhance the management of information technology and electronic commerce.Global economic integration trend of the development makes numerous of the group facing unprecedented fierce competition, also put forward the managers rethink the global environment, and how to improve the organizational performance level and looking for better organization resources. The appearance of the global organization is facing more powerful pressure of competition. In regard to the managers of global competition environment, if the managers not make the self-adjust, the company will be in a passive position. The influence of globalization on enterprise is very big. It not only makes the enterprise facing a greater range of market, also can bring many benefits to the enterprise. It put forward the new requirements of competitive advantages for the enterprise, at the same time the change of the inner staff structure of the enterprise organization also put forward the new challenges.PART BTopic 1 International Business EnvironmentGenerally speaking, the international business environment includes the “Legal, Technological, Accounting, and Political”. (RickyW.Griffin.p76).Virtually all decisions facing international managers-whom to hire, how to market their company’s goods in the host market, which technologies to adopt, and so forth-are affected by the national environment of the country in which the transaction occurs.The requirement of the international business environment: the smaller risk, higher of the safety, the loss (threat)is small, earn more opportunities. But in fact, high investment income often occurred with bigger risk. Even so, we want to compare the returns and risks, only the earning is enough to offset the cost of risk, international business activities can be undertaken. We should think over the environment in these methods:First, consider the comparison of the countries. Second, evaluation of operating environment level method .Third, use the opportunity, threat analysis method.In a broad sense, the international business environment of the enterprise has been divided into two parts: the environment of the host countries and the international management environment. “The international business is provided with similarity, regularity and the extensive conditionality”, said the Xue Qiuzhi(2002).Helen Deresky (2011.p15)make the conclusion that: “at the present situation, the financial crisis is hitting the world of work “.A) We should consider the global business environment .In this part we should think over the Globality and Emerging Markets, Effects of Institutions on Global Trade, Effects of Globalization of Corporations, Regional Trading Blocs, and the Global Manager’s role.B) The political and economic environment. Proactive globally-oriented firms maintain an up-to-date profile of the countries on which they maintainoperations (or have plans for future investment). In this part, we can see the political risk, political risk assessment , managing political risk and managing terrorism risk ,economic risk.C) The legal environment. The prudent global manager consults with legal services, both locally and at headquarters, to comply withhost-country regulations and to maintain cooperative long-term relationships in the local area. In this part, the contract law, other regulatory issues are the important views.D) The technological environment. The effects of technology around the world are pervasive—both in business and in private lives. In many parts of the world, whole generations of technological development are being skipped over. In this part the global e-business is the key point.A skillful global manager cannot develop a suitable strategic plan or consider an investment abroad within these elements.Case: From the first KFC setting up in Beijing, there are 2000 KFC restaurants in China.1, Localization innovation.KFC has been developed as the speed of opening one restaurant a day in China. It shows the internal environment of the international business. In fact, KFC purchased the material at the local areas. As their three basic foods (bread, chicken, and vegetables) has been purchased all from China. As we know, people widely acclaimed “menu location”. They improve the hamburgers towards Chinese taste. And they provided the Beijing roll-chicken and the newrice-set-meal. KFC doesn’t be a stickler for their own product created many new localizational food. In this point, KFC is a superior.2. Nonzero start. This is only for franchisee. As a franchisee, they don’t need to choose the place where it open, recruit employee, trains itself. KFC give the franchisee operating, mature and profitable restaurants. This can increase the success rate and the quality of the operation. Also help themselves expandquickly.3.Go to third-class city.KFC decline the expense for franchisee in second-third class city. This can ct the cost of management and the operating risk.From the above, KFC has analyze the environment thorough. This makes KFC in a good development in China.Topic 2 Ethics and Social ResponsibilityThe present situation of the management ethics: the most prominent of the lack of moral performance is fake, bribery, lack of credit. We all know the Sanlu Milk Powder Incident. "As many as 10, 000 infants may have drunk the contaminated Sanlu milk powder,” vice health minister Ma Shaowei warned. (online) Melamine, also known as C3H6N6, is common plastic chemical raw materials, but also can be used as rodent poisons. For adults, renal function is completely, has the metabolism ability, so the melamine doesn’t do harm to adults. But for children, it is easy to cause kidney stones. According to medical experts, melamine is a low toxic chemical products, infant intake can cause urinary tract diseases. At present with the infant of urinary stone, is mainly caused by eating contains a large number of melamine caused SanLuPai baby formula milk powder, most children through the water more, frequently urinating and other methods, the stones can pass spontaneously.The cause of moral dilemma: Information: "buy buyers than pure", information advantage, information asymmetry; Human nature problem: rational limited, benefit driving, advance speculative phenomenon. Moral dilemma caused the concept of management review. The several related of morality: utilitarianism; right highest; fair; social contract; do as you would be done by.Influence factors of management ethics: 1. moral development stage.Moral development has three stages: Lowest level-former practices levels: only in its personal interests are affected until circumstances will make the moral judgment; Middle level-practice levels: moral judgment standard is a person is to maintain normal order and meet the expectations of others; The highest level-the level principle: men attempt to the authority of society in the organization or outside to establish the moral standards.2. personal characteristics. Managers of the personal characteristics of the organization’s management have direct influence on ethics: Managers of personal values (including morality), self-confidence, and self-control. Managers of individual self-confidence and self-control and management also has a moral relationship.3. Organization structure. Organization the internal organization of responsibilities and have the necessary power in check, monitoring, inspection and audit the mechanism, is there any external masses and the supervision of public opinion.4. organizational culture. Have the good faith, the tolerance of organizational culture5. problems strength. The so-called problem strength, it is to point to this problem, if take immoral behavior could have consequences of processing the severity.Moral problems strength will directly influence the manager's decision. Enterprise values: Values are about the value of certain beliefs, attitudes, and proposal.Do good to enterprise, make the enterprise stronger and larger. All business enterprise management should be fit for ethical behavior.Topic 3 Understanding the Role of CultureNow, I set up a example of this topic: To separate the other MNCs with the LG company. The Chinese R&D center (research and developmentcenter) set up in 2000.The R&D center has three functions: 1. It’s the only centre for developing cellphone.2. It’s the center of developing cellphone for the world.3. The knowledge forum is very successful. LG has founded the communication system in-group. LG has combined the culture of Korea and China.The differences between the Korean culture and Chinese culture is a big problem for LG. In order to solve it, the staff in the company communicates with each other through heart-to-heart, and the view of the problem.At present, LG electricity has emphasized the “open communication”. The spread the English as the daily language.So, under the situation of the globalization, LG has show the important role of culture.First, we should know the culture and its effects on organizations.1.The social culture. As generally understood, the culture of a society comprises the shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations. It includes many aspects: material culture, the language and communication, religion, education and appreciation of the beauty.2. Organizational Culture. The organizational culture is different from social culture. It often widely held within a region or nation.Kennedy and Deere summarize the system and the theory for five elements: The enterprise environment, values, heroes, cultural ceremonies and cultural network. (Online)3.Culture’s effects on management. Management as a coordinate activities activities, has a close connection to the culture. It defines the value scale culture in constructing cultural value concept and scalesystem ,described on the basis of the influence of culture on management practice, including the influence of the culture of the organization, culture for strategic management, and the influence of culture on the influence of the human resource management. This for our country in the new historical conditions improving all kinds of organization management performance, especially in "humanistic management", has very important affect.4. Influences on National Culture. Managers should recognize, of course, that generalizations in cultural profiles will produce only an approximation, or stereotype, of national character. Cultural need to exchange, only in the cultural exchange can spread to remove rubbish, and absorbs the essence and developing speak copycat, so, we must first understand what we have. Then see what foreign can give. If we don't know our own advantages, and the lack of a choice of basis points, in the end, what we can get is the faults of others.Reference1.Helen Deresky. (2011). International Management Managing Across Borders and Cultures.7th.ed.Australia: Pearson education.2.Lin Kang. (2000). Multinational company and multinational management.1st.ed.Beijing: University of International Business and Economics press.3.Ricky W.Griffin &Michael W.Pustay.(2010).International Business.6th.ed.United States of America. Permissions Department .One Lake Street. Upper Saddle River New Jersey 17458.Pearson Education,Inc.4.Stephen B. Salter & Timothy D. Doupink. (2005.8.18).”In Latin America,Rich-Poor Chasm Stifles Growth.”Wall Street Journal.5.Xue Qiuzhi &Liu Zixin. (2002). International Business Management.2nd.th. Shanghai:Fudan University press.6./view/54075.htm (2012-4-5)7.http:(202-4-5)。



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Design of Products and Services
Alternative approaches – cross-functional participation in each stage of design, identifying and avoiding many potential sourcing, manufacturing
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Design of Products and Services
Design of a company’s products and services has a fundamental relationship with the types of inputs a company will reqSupply Chains
Operations in each step of the supply chain must be synchronized Measurement of supply chain performance varies by industry and company, because the way success is defined also tends to vary and performance assessment should be aligned with a company’s strategic objectives and the key factors for success



国际商务谈判英文版一、国际商务的概念但是我与此同时我们更需要注意的是,这也是一个关于国际的商务谈判,其中就没有很好的运用我们上文中所提出的观点应该在谈判之前了解对方的文化,并且应该想好一旦迟到的情况下应该如何是好,如何地应对这种文化上的差异.接下来我们来看一下另一个事例,同样是面对这种迟到的情况,日本的谈判代表是如何做的:The Concept of International Business1. What Is Business?Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed, but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit. Business includes production, i.e. the creation of products or the offer of services, distribution, sale and profit. One good example is the conversion of iron ore into metal machine tool parts. The machine tools, made up of the various parts, need to be moved from a factory to a market place or a machine dealership, which is known as distribution. The sale means the exchange of goods or services for money. For example, a machine tool is sold to someone in exchange for money or a mechanic offers a service by repairing a machine tool for money, which we call sales.From the above, we can say, business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through which profit or economic surplus will be created. The major goal in functioning of any business company is to make profit, the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. So, creating profit or economic surplus is a primary goal of business activities.2. What Is International Business?International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. These activities may be movements ofgoods, services, capital, or personnel; transfers of technology, information, or data, or even the supervision of employees. International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training, because the growing scale and complexity of business transactions across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics.Business transactions that extend between different sovereign political units are not new phenomena on the world economic scene. Some business firms have had foreign direct investments and foreign operations for many years, predominantly in (but not limited to) the fields of mining, petroleum, and agriculture. Foreign trade, moreover, has a venerable history dating back to the emergence of the nation-state. But since the end of World War II a dramatic change has occurred in the patterns of international business activities. Thousands of business firms in many nations have developed into multinational enterprises with ownership control or other links that cross national boundaries. These firms take a global view of all aspects of business ---- from markets to resources ---- and they integrate markets and production on a world scale. Traditional international trade in the form of transactions between independent firms in different nations has continued to grow. But the relative importance of trade in the total picture has declined to other forms of cross-border business transactions which have expanded more rapidly.The international business field is concerned with issues facing international companies and governments in dealing with all types of cross border business transactions. The field encompasses international transactions in commodities,international transfers of intangibles such as technology and data, and the performance of international services such as banking and transportation. It gives special attention to the multinational enterprise ---- an enterprise based in one country and operating in one or more other countries ---- and the full range of methods open to such enterprises for doing business internationally.3. The Scope of International Business Activities谈判双方友好沟通;明确谈判目标;确定谈判人员;相关性地全面搜集资料,透彻分析目标关键,周全谈判计划,制定谈判战略;谈判地点选择,行程安排确定,翻译人员的决定,到达谈判地进行谈判;实质性谈判,体现谈判风格,运用谈判策略争取自身利益最大化(或共赢局态);协议的签订;谈判总结,成果汇报。

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• State 5 possible non-financial rewards that
may be an incentive for individuals
• State 6 methods of job design and redesign
in order to motivate workers
and to improve productivity
© PhotoDisc
Employees’ needs from the work
environment • Chances of promotion • Holidays • Prestige and recognition of achievement • A fair wages for work • A healthy work environment • Remaining enthusiastic about work • Security • Independence • Working with friendly colleagues • Chances to take responsibility
Question for critical thinking
• Job enlargement is simply a method
of horizontal loading or expansion. Could you explain this statement?
© PhotoDiscFra bibliotekMethods of job design and
• Advantages: Preventing or reducing
job dissatisfaction
• Disadvantages: Simply giving a
worker more of the same (horizontal
loading) may not reduce boredom.
Methods of job design and
Job enlargement
• Giving employees more work to do
of the same nature so that they can
remain more enthusiastic about
© PhotoDisc
Main factors for increasing job satisfaction and motivation
• Variety of jobs • Completeness of jobs • Authority of jobs • Responsibility of jobs
employees a challenge for developing unused skills, encouraging them to be more productive, etc.
• Disadvantages: those who
are unable to do extra tasks may feel forced to do or unhappy
© PhotoDisc
Motivating Employees
• Job Design and Motivation
• Job enlargement—job design that expands an
employee’s responsibilities by increasing the number and variety of tasks they entail.
• Job enrichment—change in job duties to
increase employee’s authority in planning their work, deciding how it should be done, and learning new skills.
in decision making
Methods of job design and redesign
• Job enlargement • Job enrichment • Job rotation • Team-working • Empowerment • Quality control cycles
© PhotoDisc
Major types of non-financial
• Creating a healthy and secure work
environment for workers
• Giving chances of promotion • Giving more holidays • Giving a fair wage for work • Giving more responsibility for workers • Encouraging employees’ participation
Topic 18 : HR Management: Non-financial Rewards
By Zhu Wenzhong
• State the definition of non-financial rewards
and the importance of developing such rewards
Job enlargement Job enrichment
• Giving employees
greater responsibility by vertical extending their role in the production process
• Advantages: giving
• State the advantages and disadvantages of
team-working and empowerment
What is ‘non-financial rewards’? • The non-monetary factors to motivate workers