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Ⅰ. Multiple choice: (1×15=15)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. Business people see tourism as an opportunity to make a profit by ______ the goods and services.

A. producing

B. supplying

C. conveying

D. seeking

2. New tourism is ______ of “large-scale packaging of nonstandardized leisure services at competitive prices to suit the demands of tourist.

A. a phenomenon

B. a practice

C. an understanding

D. an achievement

3. According to the WTO, a domestic excursionist is a visitor traveling in his country of residence who stays less than one ______ at the destination.

A. day

B. week

C. month

D. year

4. Business travel requires individual arrangements and thus involves ______.

A. more preparations

B. detailed planning

C. advanced notification

D. high cost

5. Owing to ______ of the retail travel business, two factors become paramount: good management and good service.

A. common awareness

B. heavy workload

C. competitive nature

D. increasing number

6. Travel by air has become safe, comfortable, rapid and above all ______.

A. easy

B. relaxing

C. happy

D. cheap

7. Recent promotions, by Amtrak have emphasized the ______ benefits of taking the train.

A. cost and price

B. rest and relaxation

C. speed and time

D. service and safety

8. Holiday Inn ______ innovations that were revolutionary for the times but which subsequently became standards for chain operations.

A. created

B. designed

C. pioneered

D. provided

9. Hotels vary not only in size but in ______, in type of clientele, and in scope of activities.

A. service

B. location

C. price

D. character

10. The social significance stems from the greater ______ of other cultures, institutions, ways of life and social structures.

A. appreciation

B. understanding

11. Any ______ tourist movement increases air pollution from jet aircraft, car and pleasure-boat exhaust fumes.

A. mass

B. quantity

C. large-scale

D. long-distance

12. Researchers have found that spatial ______ of tourism are closely linked to the availability, accessibility and the nature of tourism resources.

A. variations

B. numbers

C. vacations

D. valumes

13. ______ are a foundamental component in the development of tourism.

A. Resources

B. Managements

C. Strategies

D. Blueprints

14. An incredible ______ of landscapes and cultures stretches across the vastness of China.

A. scale

B. number

C. diversity

D. classification

15. The first task of a tour brochure is to______.

A. provide information

B. attract attention

C. offer destination

D. sell tour products
