英文版日本文化介绍 Japanese culture

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Japanese avoidance:
creamy sauces and strong smelling foods
Food & Drink in China
Chinese habits:
•always a cup, a bowl on a small dish, together with the chopsticks and table spoons •cooked food •whole plate of dishes for everyone •accompanied by tea, beer or distilled spirit •required to keep silent
Long term orientation
•See their life as a very short moment in a long history of mankind
•Live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples
in obtrusive way complain directly
Business Etiquette in Japan
Appointments Appearance Meet & Greet Business cards Business seating order Business dealings Decisions & Contracts Giving gifts
Business Customs in Japan
Overall Situation of Japan
Five Dimensions of Japan
Cultural Gaffes in Japan
FOn Japan
Overall Situation of Japan
➢Lying to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia.
➢Over 127 million people
➢Capital city: Tokyo, the largest metropolitan area with over 30 million residents.
Reason: Constantly threatened by natural disasters Prepare themselves for any uncertain situation A lot of time and effort is put into feasibility studies and all the risk factors must be worked out before any project can start.
avoi Roodm with a 4 in the number
•Room with a 6,8.9 in the number •Independent shower
Room with a 4 in the number
high standards of service and help immediately pull out all complaint home
•See long term orientation in the constantly high rate of investment in R&D
Cultural Gaffes in Japan
Greetings & Courtesies
extremely polite; shake hands only when Japanese person offered; use titles; bow, a sincere nod of the head;
The market share of Japan’s import in six areas from 2009 to 2011
Five Dimensions of Japan
Five Dimensions of Japan
Power distance
Long term orientation
However,it seems that Chinese have no taboos in dining,since we eat any animals from the air to the sea
Room with a 3 in the number Regular showers followed by a soak in the bath
the same as Japanese
Food & Drink
Japanese preference:
•Fresh vegetables fruit and fish; •desserts and green tea •Small portions in bowls for easy selection •make sounds when eating soup
A constitutional monarchy
The emperor: Akihito (明仁天皇)
The prime minister: Abe Shinzō(安倍晋三)
The major political parties: Liberal Democratic Party自由民主党 Democratic Party民主党 Communist Party of Japan日本共产党 Social Democratic Party社会民主党
➢Japan has been a paternalistic society and the family name and asset was inherited from father to the eldest son.
➢The younger siblings had to leave home and make their own living with their core families.
One of the world’s highest living standards
Major industries: banking, insurance, real estate, retailing, transportation and telecommunications
The leading producers: motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel and nonferrous(非铁的) metals, ships, chemicals, textiles and processed(加 工的) foods
Collectivistic society(集体主义式社会)
> Harmony of group expression of individual
Strong sense of shame for losing face Loyal to their inner group by birth
However, it is not as collectivistic as most of her Asian neighbors. ➢Japanese society does not have extended family system which forms a base of more collectivistic societies such as China and Korea.
Masculinity / Femininity
Japan scores 95 on the Masculinity dimension
A severe competition between groups Drive for excellence and perfection Hard for women to climb up the corporate ladders
Uncertainty avoidance
At 92, Japan is one of the most uncertainty avoiding countries on earth. They have a low tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.
Japan’s export amount to six areas from 2009 to 2011
The market share of Japan’s export in six areas from 2009 to 2011
Japan’s import amount to six areas from 2009 to 2011
(IDV) measures group cohesiveness. A culture is individualistic if there is low cohesiveness between individuals; a culture is collectivist if there are tight bonds between individuals.
Culture Dimension
Masculinity / Femininity
Uncertainty avoidance
5 dimensions
Japanese 5-D Model
5 dimensions
Power distance
Japanese are always conscious of their hierarchical position in any social setting and act accordingly. In social context, distance between sub-ordinate and boss or vendor and customer may not be very visible, however, in office, power distance grows larger.
polite; normal handshake when meet ; call family name or full name by putting Mr.or Mrs. in front;
smile,good eye contact
confrontation making physical contact names direct eye contact
Painstakingly slow decision making process
The chain of approval goes all the way to the top management or until the higher management has authority to make a decision. An issue or proposal is thoroughly reviewed and a decision takes very long time.
Sakura(樱花) Kimono(和服)
Shintoism (神道教)
Tea ceremony (茶道)
Ikebana (花道)
Second largest economy