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containers or container storage areas 48、集装箱或货柜存放区,没有报告和消除非法进入 Procedures must be in place to identify, challenge, and address unauthorized/unidentified persons 49、集装箱或货柜存放区必须授权,查明面临的挑战,限制不明身份者进入 Written procedures must stipulate how seals are controlled and affixed to loaded containers, including recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or containers to local Customs authorities 50、没有备存密封号码、卡车号码 51、没有备存密封号码、司机姓名 Other Exceptions Noted 52、没有定期进行突击安全检查,以确保所有的安全程序有关的储存及分销正在适当的 执行 53、储存及分销安全程序和检查,未记录和可核查 Physical Security 人身安全 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Plant Security Alarm systems and video surveillance cameras should be utilized to monitor premises and prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling/storage areas 54、没有入侵检测或警报系统----货物装卸/存储领域 Management or security personnel must control the issuance of all locks and keys 55、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 56、工作人员不提供一个不断更新的名单,所有人员的访问权限,定期附表 Procedures for the issuance, removal, and changing of access devices (keys, key cards, etc) must be documented 57、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 Procedures must be in place to remove identification and facility and system access for terminated employees 58、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 Other Exceptions Noted 59、记录基础设施建设的完整性(包括检查日期,并完成修理)并没有被保持 Perimeter Security 周边安全 All fencing must be regularly inspected for integrity and damage 60、围墙毗连/悬垂其他植物,这将潜在的便利非法入侵 Perimeter fencing should enclose areas around cargo handling and storage facilities 61、货物装卸和仓储设施周界应有围栏,保护财产; Outside Lighting 外照明 Adequate lighting must be provided inside and outside the facility, including entrances/exists, cargo handling/storage areas, fence lines, and parking areas 62、整个周界设施无灯光 Other Exceptions Noted 63、使用照明开关应限制,只有授权人员才能开关 Security Force 安全力量 A threat awareness program should be established and maintained by security personnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in the supply chain 64、保安员没有收到具体的安全培训,认识到内部的阴谋 65、定期更新的安全培训内容,提供给警卫
Additional training should be provided to employees in the shipping and receivin gareas, as well as those receiving and opening mail 21、新进员工的培训没有包括认识到内部阴谋 22、新进员工的培训没有包括保持货物的完整性 23、新进员工的培训没有包括计算机安全 24、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施损坏报告(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等) 25、新进员工的培训没有包括识别和发现危险物质和装置 26、新进员工的培训没有包括确认所有现场人员都身穿编号工服 Employees must be made aware of the procedures the company has in place to address a situation and how to report it 27、新进员工应了解程序,知道货物的完整性被破坏如何报告; 28、新进员工应了解程序,知道计算机不安全如何报告; 29 、新进员工应了解程序,安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)被破坏如何报 告; 30、新进员工应了解程序,识别和发现危险物质和装置如何报告; 31、新进员工应了解程序,确认所有现场人员有身穿无编号工服时如何报告; 32、新进员工应了解程序,认识到内部阴谋如何报告; IT security policies, procedures and standards must be in place and provided to employees in the form of training 33、新进员工的培训没有包括计算机安全 34、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)完好识别; Specific training should be offered to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls 35、新进员工的定位并不包括认识到内部阴谋 36、新进员工的定位并不包括保持货物的完整性 37、新进员工的定位并不包括计算机安全 38、新进员工的定位不包括报告妥协的安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等) 39、新进员工的定位并不包括识别和发现危险物质和装置 40、新进员工的定位并不包括确认所有现场人员都身穿编号 Written procedures must stipulate how seals are controlled and affixed to loaded containers, including recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or containers to local Customs authorities 41、新进员工的培训没有包括如何保持货物的完整性 42、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)完整性 Other Exceptions Noted 43、没有既定程序,定期进行突击安全检查,以确保所有的安全程序有关人员的安全; 44、定期的安全检查,没有记载和可核查; Storage & Distribution储存与分销 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Loading for Shipment 装货和发运 A 7-point inspection process is recommended for all containers: front wall, left side,right side, floor, ceiling/roof, inside/outside doors, outside/undercarriage 45、记录中没有保持显示,货柜结构已作了更改; Departing cargo should be verified against purchase or delivery orders 46、装载之前,货物重量没有确定和记录 Employees should only be given access to those secure areas needed for the performance of their duties 47、装载区域,没有核查只有授权人员才能进入; Procedures must be in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into
反恐验厂不符合项整改报告 类别、标准、不符合项目内容
Personnel Security人身安全 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Documented Personnel Security Policies /Procedures 人员安全政策/程序 A process must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically checkcurrent employees 1、保安指引,没有定期评估以确保其保安的有效性 Personnel Screening 人员筛选 A process must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically checkcurrent employees 2、没有进行犯罪检查和记录; 3、没有按程序规定进行检查; 4、对所有员工都没有进行最新背景检查; 5、根据需要或当雇员的工作职责要求时,进行犯罪背景调查,并定期更新; 6、一般背景检查,没有定期更新 Consistent with national regulations, background checks and investigations should beconducted for prospective employees 7、没有对准雇员,进行符合国家法律法规的犯罪纪录的检查; 8、没有对准雇员,按程序规定进行符合国家法律法规检查 ; Periodic checks and reinvestigations for existing employees should be performedbased on cause and/or the sensitivity of the employee’s position 9、对现有员工都没有进行最新背景检查; 10、根据需要,当雇员的工作职责要求时,它的犯罪背景调查,是不是定期更新; 11、一般背景检查,没有定期更新 Identification System 识别系统 An employee identification system must be in place for positive identification andaccess control purposes 12、程序应规定,以取回ID或关闭访问 13、ID标明进入禁区的权限 Employees should only be given access to those secure areas needed for theperformance of their duties 14、员工进入禁区履行职责,警卫应检查的雇员身份证; Management or security personnel must adequately control the issuance and removalof employee, visitor, and vendor ID badges 15、程序应规定,收回被免职员工的ID和访客、供应商访问结束时的ID Procedures must be in place to remove identification and facility and system accessfor terminated employees 16、程序应规定, 设施和系统中消除终止雇员的鉴定信息; Education / Training /Awareness 教育/培训/意识 A threat awareness program should be established and maintained by securitypersonnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in the supply chain 17、所有人员应了解安全意识的程序; 18、要求所有人员参加安全意识计划; 19、定期更新培训,包括安全意识; 20、没有宣传安全程序的海报,布告栏等;
containers or container storage areas 48、集装箱或货柜存放区,没有报告和消除非法进入 Procedures must be in place to identify, challenge, and address unauthorized/unidentified persons 49、集装箱或货柜存放区必须授权,查明面临的挑战,限制不明身份者进入 Written procedures must stipulate how seals are controlled and affixed to loaded containers, including recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or containers to local Customs authorities 50、没有备存密封号码、卡车号码 51、没有备存密封号码、司机姓名 Other Exceptions Noted 52、没有定期进行突击安全检查,以确保所有的安全程序有关的储存及分销正在适当的 执行 53、储存及分销安全程序和检查,未记录和可核查 Physical Security 人身安全 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Plant Security Alarm systems and video surveillance cameras should be utilized to monitor premises and prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling/storage areas 54、没有入侵检测或警报系统----货物装卸/存储领域 Management or security personnel must control the issuance of all locks and keys 55、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 56、工作人员不提供一个不断更新的名单,所有人员的访问权限,定期附表 Procedures for the issuance, removal, and changing of access devices (keys, key cards, etc) must be documented 57、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 Procedures must be in place to remove identification and facility and system access for terminated employees 58、有没有终止程序,以立即终止现有的物理访问时,个别终止就业或转移到另一个位 置 Other Exceptions Noted 59、记录基础设施建设的完整性(包括检查日期,并完成修理)并没有被保持 Perimeter Security 周边安全 All fencing must be regularly inspected for integrity and damage 60、围墙毗连/悬垂其他植物,这将潜在的便利非法入侵 Perimeter fencing should enclose areas around cargo handling and storage facilities 61、货物装卸和仓储设施周界应有围栏,保护财产; Outside Lighting 外照明 Adequate lighting must be provided inside and outside the facility, including entrances/exists, cargo handling/storage areas, fence lines, and parking areas 62、整个周界设施无灯光 Other Exceptions Noted 63、使用照明开关应限制,只有授权人员才能开关 Security Force 安全力量 A threat awareness program should be established and maintained by security personnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in the supply chain 64、保安员没有收到具体的安全培训,认识到内部的阴谋 65、定期更新的安全培训内容,提供给警卫
Additional training should be provided to employees in the shipping and receivin gareas, as well as those receiving and opening mail 21、新进员工的培训没有包括认识到内部阴谋 22、新进员工的培训没有包括保持货物的完整性 23、新进员工的培训没有包括计算机安全 24、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施损坏报告(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等) 25、新进员工的培训没有包括识别和发现危险物质和装置 26、新进员工的培训没有包括确认所有现场人员都身穿编号工服 Employees must be made aware of the procedures the company has in place to address a situation and how to report it 27、新进员工应了解程序,知道货物的完整性被破坏如何报告; 28、新进员工应了解程序,知道计算机不安全如何报告; 29 、新进员工应了解程序,安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)被破坏如何报 告; 30、新进员工应了解程序,识别和发现危险物质和装置如何报告; 31、新进员工应了解程序,确认所有现场人员有身穿无编号工服时如何报告; 32、新进员工应了解程序,认识到内部阴谋如何报告; IT security policies, procedures and standards must be in place and provided to employees in the form of training 33、新进员工的培训没有包括计算机安全 34、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)完好识别; Specific training should be offered to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies, and protecting access controls 35、新进员工的定位并不包括认识到内部阴谋 36、新进员工的定位并不包括保持货物的完整性 37、新进员工的定位并不包括计算机安全 38、新进员工的定位不包括报告妥协的安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等) 39、新进员工的定位并不包括识别和发现危险物质和装置 40、新进员工的定位并不包括确认所有现场人员都身穿编号 Written procedures must stipulate how seals are controlled and affixed to loaded containers, including recognizing and reporting compromised seals and/or containers to local Customs authorities 41、新进员工的培训没有包括如何保持货物的完整性 42、新进员工的培训没有包括安全基础设施(破锁,窗户,电脑病毒等)完整性 Other Exceptions Noted 43、没有既定程序,定期进行突击安全检查,以确保所有的安全程序有关人员的安全; 44、定期的安全检查,没有记载和可核查; Storage & Distribution储存与分销 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Loading for Shipment 装货和发运 A 7-point inspection process is recommended for all containers: front wall, left side,right side, floor, ceiling/roof, inside/outside doors, outside/undercarriage 45、记录中没有保持显示,货柜结构已作了更改; Departing cargo should be verified against purchase or delivery orders 46、装载之前,货物重量没有确定和记录 Employees should only be given access to those secure areas needed for the performance of their duties 47、装载区域,没有核查只有授权人员才能进入; Procedures must be in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into
反恐验厂不符合项整改报告 类别、标准、不符合项目内容
Personnel Security人身安全 US Customs & Border Protection Security Requirements & Criteria Controls Documented Personnel Security Policies /Procedures 人员安全政策/程序 A process must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically checkcurrent employees 1、保安指引,没有定期评估以确保其保安的有效性 Personnel Screening 人员筛选 A process must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically checkcurrent employees 2、没有进行犯罪检查和记录; 3、没有按程序规定进行检查; 4、对所有员工都没有进行最新背景检查; 5、根据需要或当雇员的工作职责要求时,进行犯罪背景调查,并定期更新; 6、一般背景检查,没有定期更新 Consistent with national regulations, background checks and investigations should beconducted for prospective employees 7、没有对准雇员,进行符合国家法律法规的犯罪纪录的检查; 8、没有对准雇员,按程序规定进行符合国家法律法规检查 ; Periodic checks and reinvestigations for existing employees should be performedbased on cause and/or the sensitivity of the employee’s position 9、对现有员工都没有进行最新背景检查; 10、根据需要,当雇员的工作职责要求时,它的犯罪背景调查,是不是定期更新; 11、一般背景检查,没有定期更新 Identification System 识别系统 An employee identification system must be in place for positive identification andaccess control purposes 12、程序应规定,以取回ID或关闭访问 13、ID标明进入禁区的权限 Employees should only be given access to those secure areas needed for theperformance of their duties 14、员工进入禁区履行职责,警卫应检查的雇员身份证; Management or security personnel must adequately control the issuance and removalof employee, visitor, and vendor ID badges 15、程序应规定,收回被免职员工的ID和访客、供应商访问结束时的ID Procedures must be in place to remove identification and facility and system accessfor terminated employees 16、程序应规定, 设施和系统中消除终止雇员的鉴定信息; Education / Training /Awareness 教育/培训/意识 A threat awareness program should be established and maintained by securitypersonnel to recognize and foster awareness of the threat posed by terrorists at each point in the supply chain 17、所有人员应了解安全意识的程序; 18、要求所有人员参加安全意识计划; 19、定期更新培训,包括安全意识; 20、没有宣传安全程序的海报,布告栏等;