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Most countries spend lots of money on education as they start to recognize its importance. In your opinion which two following subjects are the most important for your people and which one is the least important?( Subject:Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music Geography

It has been said that investing in education is investing in one’s future: this is true for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of math and economics in this day and age.

Let us begin with math. Mathematics is a foundation subject which bridges many different fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine. All of our material advances in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics. To be sure, it will also play a critical role in meeting challenges like global warming and space travel, to name just a few, in the future. Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward. History is full of example of kingdoms and empires that collapsed as their economies declined. Most obviously, we need look no further than the current economic meltdown to see the importance of economics. The jobs and wellbeing of individuals and nations alike depend upon a deeper understanding of this field.

While all subjects have their merit, perhaps Geography doesn’t have the same importance it once did. After all, in our modern world we have 3-D maps online that allow us to see anywhere with the click of a mouse. But to reiterate, we need a balanced approach to education where we still produce artists and thinkers and historians and so on.

To summarize, math and economics are critical subjects in the 21st century. Governments must do their part to make sure we invest in these key areas and have qualified teachers. By doing so, they will ensure our prosperity and progress.


subjective adj.主观的foundation n.基础bridge vt.架桥,连接critical adj.关键的,重要的meltdown n.彻底垮台

wellbeing adj. 福利,康乐,安宁reiterate vt.反复地说,重申


invest in投资于make a case for 提出充分的理由in this day and age 当今play a critical role in 起到关键作用meet challenge 应对挑战

to name just a few 等等= and so on depend upon依赖,依靠

allow sb. to do sth. 使某人能做某事with the click of a mouse 只需鼠标一点

do one’s part to尽自己的职责key areas 重要领域

In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a wide range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is appropriate? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples form your owen knowledge or experience.

It has always been a controversial issue over whether general education or specific education is deemed more suitable for children. Even though some people argue that the latter alternative could prepare students better for future employment. I firmly bellieve that both educational systems are required in children’s development.

It’s an undeniable fact that children would be much better off if they have access to abundant knowledge in a diverse range of fields. This is necessary for them to deal with a multitude of problems they might encounter in their daily life. For instance, simple mathematial calculations would come to be the rescue in case of totaling up the bill; fundamental knowledge of chemical terms would be of huge assistance if you are picking up prescriptions or drugs in a pharmaceutical store; malfunctioning electrical applicances due to ignorance of basic knowledge of electricity could be quite unsettling. Current affairs including momentous events happening in spheres of economy or politics around the globe are often considered good conversation-openers in occasions of social mingling or business dinner. Hence, it’s somehow necessay for children to receive general education in their early stage of schooling.

As children grow up, specific education on teaching one or two particular subjects are thought more useful for them. This is simply due to the fact that a significant proportion of general knowledge imparted to students in secondary education would have most likely been forgotten once they start their career. The jobs available nowadays increasingly demand job seekers with one particular skill. Therefore, it’s more sensible to place students on a more focused education once they reach the phase of secondary education. In this way, students could be more prepared for their work ahead.

In concludsion, both general an specific education play equally important role in children’s various stages of their life. It’s reasonable to take advantage of both eduactional systems so as to develop their potential to the fullest.
