



Unit1Two methods of designating limit dimensions are considered as standard.One method is the maximum material method in which the large dimension is placed above the smaller dimension for male parts, and the reverse is true for female parts.This method is well suited for small lot quantities because it is likely that the machinist himself may check the dimension of the parts .In so doing he will be verifying initially the large dimension of the male parts and the smaller dimension of the female part.other method is the maximum number method and is preferred by production and quality control departments .In this method of designating a dimension , the large number is always placed above the smaller number ,regardless of whether the part is male or female.两种方法都被看作是指定极限尺寸标准。








(b)持续负载是一种在很长一段时间为一个常数的载荷, 例如结构的重量。

这种类型的载荷以相同的方式作为一个静态负荷; 然而,对一些材料与温度和压力的条件下,短时间的载荷和长时间的载荷抵抗失效的能力可能是不同的。


振动通常导致一个冲击载荷, 一般平衡是不能建立的直到通过自然的阻尼力的作用使振动停止的时候。




因此,如果一个杆受到一个均匀的拉伸和压缩,也就是说, 一个力,均匀分布于一截面,那么产生的内力也均匀分布并且可以说杆是受到一个均匀的正常应力,应力被定义为应力==负载 P /压力 A,因此根据载荷的性质应力是可以压缩或拉伸的,并被度量为牛顿每平方米或它的倍数。


如果杆的初始长度L和改变量△L已知,产生的应力定义如下:应力==改变长△L /初始长 L因此应力是一个测量材料变形和无量纲的物理量 ,即它没有单位;它只是两个相同单位的物理量的比值。

一般来说,在实践中,在荷载作用下材料的延伸是非常小的, 测量的应力以*10-6的形式是方便的, 即微应变, 使用的符号也相应成为ue。







CHAIN DRIVESChain drives occupy a unique position in the mechanical field.In a sense,they are similar to belt drives;a chain connects sprockets on the driving and driven shafts.The velocity ratio transmitted from one shaft to the other depends on the size of the two sprockets(at the pitch line);unlike that found with belts,the ratio is positive.In belt drive ,creep and slip play important roles and must be considered;in a chain drive,which is made up of numerous links,there is a small amount of play in the total length of the chain.This may be desirable in case of small overloads.A chain drive is similar to the open-belt type of dirve in that the driving and driven shafts rotate in the same direction.There are also similarities between chain drives and gear drives.Both types transmit a positive velocity ratio.In a regular spur-gear drive,the driving and driven shafts turn in opposite directions unless an idler is employed.In gear drives employing an annular or ring gear,however,the input and output shafts rotate in the same direction.In a spur-gear drive there is very little contact between meshing gears;therefore,tooth loads are excessive.Since the connection between a chain and its sprocket extends over several teeth,no one tooth is subjected to heavy loads.Chain drives are often noisy.The silent chain type of drive was developed to counteract this undesirable characteristic.Belt,chain,and gear drives are all dangerous.Belt and chain speeds are high,as is the pitch-line velocity of most gear drives.All should be adequately covered by suitable guards(or completely enclosed) so that no boby or clothing parts can possibly be caught in the moving components.Other comparisons can be made among chain,belt,and gear drives.Gear drives can operate at higher speeds than the others,and are usually more compact.However,chain drives do not require the mounting precision that is so essential for gearing.An advantage of chain drives in comparison to belt drives is that the former do not require tension on the slack side;this leads to better bearing life.In general,chain drives are more compact than the belt type;for a given ratio,the sprockets can be smaller than belt pulleys.For a given load,chain widths are narrower than comparable flat belts.The connecting link on chain drives makes them easy to install—the chain is merely placed over the sprockets and the proper pins are placed in position.In most belt installations,force is needed to place the belt in the proper position;such action is detrimental to mounting bearings.The angle of contact for the driving sprocket can be smaller than the driving pulley for a belt drive.For a chain drive,this angle can be as small as 120 degrees.The center distance can also be small;if a 120-degree angle of contact is provided,the center distance need be no more than just enough to provide clearance for the sprocket teeth.An essential part of any chain drive is the sprocket.A chain drive requires a sprocket on the driving shaft and another on the driven shaft.Chain drives sometimes contain additional sprockets,used for additional power take-offs or for taking up chain slack.When used to take up chain slack,they are known as idlers.Idlers should be mounted on the slack side,not on the tight side.It is desirable to have an adjustment for idler positioning where possible.Fig.4-5 showsa roller-chain sprocket.Sprocket teeth are standardized to accommodate the roller chain.Various sizes of sprockets may be used,and several types are available.The simplest type is one without a hub.Sprockets are also available with hubs on one side or on both sides.Special arrangements are also possible.Certain of these are used in conjunction with a shear-pin hub;the shear pin is designed to fail in case of an accidental or unexpected overload.Some types can be installed on large lineshafts;these sprockets are made in two parts so that they can be installed without disconnecting the long length of shafting.Smaller sprockets are usually made solid;large ones are sometimes constructed with arms or spokes to reduce weight.In general,the selection of a sprocket depends on the type of application.链传动链传动在机械领域中占据了独特的地位。





原文原文标题:Introduction to Mechanical Engineering原文内容:Mechanical engineering is a broad field that encompasses various aspects of engineering. It deals with the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Mechanical engineers are responsible for creating and improving the machines and systems that enable different industries to function efficiently.The field of mechanical engineering has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Egyptians. However, it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century that mechanical engineering became a distinct discipline. This period saw the rise of factories and the need for efficient machines to drive industrial processes.Modern mechanical engineers work on a wide range of projects, from designing and constructing buildings to developing advanced robotics and aerospace systems. They utilize their knowledge of physics, mathematics, and materials science to analyze and solve complex engineering problems.翻译翻译标题:机械工程导论机械工程是一个包含各个工程学科的广泛领域。



U 1The use of metals has always a key factor in the development of the social systems of man. Of the roughly ['rʌfl ɪ] 100 basic elements of which all matter is composed, about half are classified as metals.金属的开发利用在人类社会系统的发展中扮演了了重要的角色,世界的物质大概由100种基本元素构成,其中一半是金属元素。

The distinction[dɪ'stɪŋkʃən] between a metal and a nonmetal is not always clear cut. The most basic definition centers around the type of bonding existing between the atoms of the element, and around the characteristics [,kærəkt ə'ristiks] of certain of the electrons[ɪ'lɛk,trɑn] associated with these atoms.金属与非金属的区分不是十分的清晰,最重要(基本)的在于元素原子之间的连接形式以及和原子相关联的电子的确定特性。

in a more practical['præktikəl] way, however, a metal can be defined as an element which has a particular package of properties.然而,在更多的实践当中,金属定义为具有一种整体特性的元素。


Case Study: Designing an Automotive Suspension System
For example, let's consider the design of an automotive suspension system. A suspension system is responsible for providing a smooth ride while maintaining the stability and control of the vehicle. A mechanical engineer would use CAD software to design the various components of the suspension system, such as the springs, dampers, and control arms.
After the initial design is complete, the engineer would then analyze the system using finite element analysis (FEA) software. This allows them to simulate the behavior of the system under different road conditions, such as potholes or speed bumps. By analyzing the stresses and displacements in the components, the engineer can identify potential design issues and make necessary modifications to improve the performance and safety of the suspension system.



第一课Text:It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering[7endVi5niEriN] constructions have metal[5metl] parts; some of them consist only of metal parts.众所周知,金属在我们的生活中是非常重要的,金属对于工业而言是有巨大的重要性,所有机器和其他工程构造都有金属零部件,其中一些还只能由金属组成。

There are two large groups of metals:1) Simple metal- more or less pure chemical elements[5elimEnt]2) Alloys[5AlCi]- materials consisting of a simple metal combined with some other elements.有两大类金属:(1)纯金属——或多或少的金属元素(2)合金——组成纯金属的原料结合其他元素。

About two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metals, but not all metals may be used in industry. Those metals which are used in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metalis iron[5aiEn], which in the form of alloys with carbon[5kB:bEn] and other elements, finds greater use than any other metal. Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous[5ferEs] metals; all the other metals are called nonferrous[5nCn5ferEs] metals. The most important nonferrous metal arecopper[5kCpE], aluminum[E5lju:minEm], lead[li:d], zinc[ziNk], tin[tin], but all these metals are used muchless than ferrous metals, because the ferrous metals are much cheaper.在地球上发现的所有元素中,大约三分之二是金属元素,但是并不是所有的金属都能够用于工业上。



Lesson 16 Basic Concepts of MechanismsA combination of interrelated parts(相关零件的组合体) having definite(确定的)motions and capable of performing useful work may be called machine.具有确定的运动轨迹,并且能做有用的功联接在一起的零件的组合称为机器.A mechanism is a component of a machine consisting of two or more bodies arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others.机构是机器的组成要素.机器由二个及以上的机构组合而成.因此其中一个构件的运动会带动其它的构件的连锁运动.Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanisms without reference to the forces that act on the mechanism运动学仅研究机构的运动而不考虑作用在机构上的力.Dynamics is the study of motion individual bodies and mechanisms under the influence of forces and torques.动力学研究独立构件的运动及力和扭矩作用下对机构的影响.The study of forces and torques in stationary systems (and systems with negligible inertial effects) is called statics研究平衡中的力和扭矩,该系统忽略惯性影响,称之为静力学.Synthesis is the procedure by which a product (a mechanism, for example) is developed to satisfy a set of performance requirements合成是一个程序,通过该程序能够不断改进一个产品(例如一个机构)直到满足一系列的性能要求.If a product configuration is tentatively specified and then examined to determine whether the performance requirements are met, the process is called analysis.如果需要探索性的详细阐述产品的构造结构,然后检验,判断该产品是否满足性能要求,这个过程称为分解.The design of mechanisms involves both synthesis and analysis.机构设计包括合成和分解.The design process begins with the recognition of a need. A set of requirements is then listed设计从对于需求的确认开始,罗列出一系列的要求.Detailed analyses of displacements, velocities, and accelerations are usually required通常需要对位移,速度,加速度进行具体分析.This part of the design process is followed by an analysis of forces and torques. 设计过程中的这个部分是紧跟在对力和扭矩的分析之后.The design process may continue long after(很久以后)the first models have been produced and may include redesigns of components that affect velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques在制造完毕第一个模型之后,该设计过程仍有可能持续很长一段时间. 并且有可能会重新设计这些会影响速度,加速度及所知扭矩的零部件In order to successfully compete from year to year, most manufactures must continuously modify their product and their methods of production为了在年复一年的技术中取得优势,大多数制造商必须不断调整修改他们的产品及加工方式.Increases in the production rate, upgrading of product performance, redesign for cost and weight reduction are frequently required,为了增加出产率,提高产品的性能,经常需要重新设计来降低成本以及减轻重量. Success may hinge on(决定于) the accuracy of the kinematic and dynamic analysis 对问题进行正确的运动学和动力学分析是成功的关键.Many of the basic linkage configurations have been incorporated into(成为……的一部分)machines designed centuries ago, and the terms we use to describe them have changed over the years很久以前,许多基本的连杆构造就已经运用在机器设计中去了,并且我们用来称呼它们的术语在不断的变化,.Thus, definitions and terminology are not consistent throughout thetechnical literature.因此技术供应文献中的定义和说明不是一成不变的In most cases, however, meanings will be clear from the context of the descriptive matter.在大多数的情况下,然而定义,义意可以在的解释性的描述内容中清晰的获得,A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematics and dynamics of machines are defined below下面定义了在学习,研究机构运动学和动力学中一些特别重要的术语.Link A link is one of the rigid bodies or members joined together to form a kinematic chain.杆件是一个刚体或者连接在一起形成运动链的零部件,因此被称为刚性构件或者是简单构件.The term rigid link, or sometimes simply link, is an idealization used in the study of mechanisms that does not consider small deflections due to strains in machine members刚性构件是在机械装置中的理想化模型.这样就不无需考虑由机器零部件所产生的应力造成的微小偏移量.A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.一个绝对刚性或不可延展的构件只能存在于教科书上的机械零部件的模型.For typical machine parts, the maximum changes in dimension are on the order of only a one-thousandth of the part length.对于典型的零部件,最大的尺寸变化量仅仅是沿着该部件长度方向的千分之一.We are justified(合理的) in neglecting this small motion when considering the much greater motion characteristic of most mechanisms当考虑到大多数的机构相对较为显着的运动特征,忽略这点微量的偏移是合情合理的. The word link is used in a general sense to include cams, gears, and other machine members in addition to cranks, connecting rods and other pin-connected(铰接) components通常意义所说的杆件包括凸轮,齿轮以及它的机器零件的曲柄,连杆机构和其它的销件连接部分.Frame The fixed or stationary link in a mechanism is called the frame机架机械装置中固定或静止不动的构件称为机架.When there is no link that is actually fixed, we may consider one as being fixed and determine the motion of the other links relative to it如果实际中确实没有构件是固定的,我们可以假设其中某个是固定的,这样可以判断出其它与之相连构件的运动.In an automotive engine, for example, the engine block (see Fig.14.1) isconsidered the frame, even though the automobile may be moving例如汽车发动机,我们通常是把发动机气缸视为机架,让它保持静止不动,实际上整部汽车者是运动的.Degree of Freedom The number of degrees of freedom of a linkageis the number of independent parameters required to specify the position of every link relative to the frame or fixed link自由度连杆机构的自由度是给定独立参数的数目,需要自由度来确定某一个与机架或固定杆件相连接的构件的位置,If the instantaneous configuration of a system may be completely defined bespecifying one independent variable, that system has one degree of freedom如果系统的瞬间结构完全可以由一个独立的变量来确定,这样系统就具有一个自由度,An unconstrained rigid body has six degrees of freedom:大多数实际上运用的机构装置只有一个自由度。



第一课Text:It is known that metals are very important in our life. Metals have the greatest importance for industry. All machines and other engineering[7endVi5niEriN] constructions have metal[5metl] parts; some of them consist only of metal parts.众所周知,金属在我们的生活中是非常重要的,金属对于工业而言是有巨大的重要性,所有机器和其他工程构造都有金属零部件,其中一些还只能由金属组成。

There are two large groups of metals:1) Simple metal- more or less pure chemical elements[5elimEnt]2) Alloys[5AlCi]- materials consisting of a simple metal combined with some other elements.有两大类金属:(1)纯金属——或多或少的金属元素(2)合金——组成纯金属的原料结合其他元素。

About two thirds of all elements found in the earth are metals, but not all metals may be used in industry. Those metals which are used in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metalis iron[5aiEn], which in the form of alloys with carbon[5kB:bEn] and other elements, finds greater use than any other metal. Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous[5ferEs] metals; all the other metals are called nonferrous[5nCn5ferEs] metals. The most important nonferrous metal arecopper[5kCpE], aluminum[E5lju:minEm], lead[li:d], zinc[ziNk], tin[tin], but all these metals are used muchless than ferrous metals, because the ferrous metals are much cheaper.在地球上发现的所有元素中,大约三分之二是金属元素,但是并不是所有的金属都能够用于工业上。



第三课Overview of Engineering Mechanics工程力学概述当我们观察我们周围就会发现世界充满“物品”:机器,设备,工具;我们已经设计,建造,并使用的物品;木头,金属,陶瓷和塑料制品。




在实践中,工程力学方法常被应用在两个完全不同领域:(1) 任何新装置的研发都需要对其结构,尺寸,材料,载荷,耐久性,安全和成本的反复考虑。

(2) 当一个装置(意外地)发生失效后,通常需要进行研究,找出失效的原因,并找出潜在的纠正措施。











机械工程专业英语第二版必考翻译(完整版)1.With low-power machinery or vehicles the operator can usually apply sufficient force through a simple mechanical linkage from the pedle or handle to the stationary part of the brake. In many cases, however, this force must be multiplied by using an elaborate braking system.(P5)用低能机器或传力工具,操作者通过向踏板或把手的一个简单机械连接构件作用足够的力量到车闸固定的部分。


2. The fundamental principle involved is the use of pressed air acting through a piston in a cylinder to set block brakes on the wheels. The action is simultaneous on the wheels of all the cars in the train. The pressed air is carried through a strong hose from car to car with couplings between cars; its release to all the separate block brake units, at the same time, is controlled by the engineer. (Braking Systems)(P5)相关的基本原理是使用压缩气体,通过气缸内的活塞将闸块压在车轮起作用。



机械工程专业英语教程第一课:机械工程简介Introduction to Mechanical EngineeringSection 1: OverviewMechanical engineering is a diverse and dynamic field that encompasses the design, development, and operation of machinery, structures, and systems. This branch of engineering plays a crucial role in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, and energy.Section 2: Responsibilities and SkillsAs a mechanical engineer, your responsibilities will include designing and analyzing mechanical systems, conducting tests and experiments, and supervising the manufacturing process. You will also need to have a strong understanding of physics, mathematics, and computer-aided design (CAD). Additionally, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well in teams are essential.Section 3: Career OpportunitiesA degree in mechanical engineering can open up a wide range of career opportunities. You could work in research and development, product design, manufacturing, or projectmanagement. Mechanical engineers are in demand in almost every industry, ensuring a stable and rewarding career path.Section 4: University CoursesTo become a mechanical engineer, it is essential to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering from a reputable university. The curriculum typically includes courses in engineering principles, materials science, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and mechanical design. Additionally, practical training through internships or cooperative education programs is crucial for gaining hands-on experience.Section 5: ConclusionMechanical engineering offers a challenging and rewarding career for those with a passion for solving problems and a desire to create innovative solutions. With the right education and skills, you can embark on a successful journey in the field of mechanical engineering. Remember, the possibilities are endless in this ever-evolving discipline.第二课:机械设计基础Fundamentals of Mechanical DesignSection 1: IntroductionIn this lesson, we will explore the fundamentals of mechanical design. Mechanical design involves the creation and development of physical systems and components that meet specific requirements and specifications. This processrequires a deep understanding of materials, mechanics, and engineering principles.Section 2: Design ProcessThe design process typically follows a systematic approach that includes several stages. These stages include problem identification, conceptual design, detailed design, manufacturing, and testing. Each stage involves various activities such as brainstorming, prototyping, and evaluation.Section 3: Design ConsiderationsDuring the design process, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. These include functionality, efficiency, reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness. It is also crucial to consider the environmental impact and sustainability of the design.Section 4: Tools and SoftwareTo aid in the design process, engineers use various tools and software. Computer-aided design (CAD) software allows for precise modeling and simulation of mechanical systems. Finite element analysis (FEA) software helps in analyzing the structural integrity and performance of designs.Section 5: Case StudyTo further understand the application of mechanical design principles, we will examine a case study. This real-world example will demonstrate how the design process isimplemented to solve a specific problem and achieve desired outcomes.Section 6: ConclusionMechanical design is a critical aspect of mechanical engineering. It requires a combination of creativity, technical knowledge, and attention to detail. By mastering the fundamentals of mechanical design, you will be well-equippedto tackle complex challenges and contribute to the development of innovative solutions.以上是《机械工程专业英语教程》的课文翻译。



53 Industrial RobotsThere are a variety of definitions of the term industrial robot. Depending on the definition used, the number of robot installations worldwide varies widely. Numerous single-purpose machines are used in manufacturing plants that might appear to be robots. These machines can only perform a single function and can not be reprogrammed to perform a different function. Such single-purpose machine is do not fit the definition for industrial robots that is becoming widely accepted.关于工业机器人的定义有很多。





An industrial robot is defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator, which may be either fixed in place or mobile for use in industrial automation applications.国际标准化组织(ISO)对工业机器人的定义为:一种能够自动控制的、可重复编程的多功能操作机,它可以是固定式的,也可以是移动式的,应用于工业自动化领域。




机械工程专业英语是机械工程领域中非常重要的语言工具,以下是一些常见的机械工程专业英语词汇和短语:1. Machine Tools - 机器工具Machine tools are tools that are used to perform precision machining operations on materials. They include drills, mills, lathes, routers, and other tools that are used to create precision parts and assemblies.2. Material - 材料Material is any substance that is in a solid, liquid, or gas state. It can be made from a variety of materials, such as metals, ceramics, plastics, and papers. In engineering, material refers to the physical and chemical properties of a material that determine its behavior in a particular application.3. Design - 设计Design refers to the process of creating a plan or concept for a particular object or system. It involves analyzing the needs and requirements of a particular application, and thenusing geometry, math, and other tools to create a visual representation of the object or system.4. Tolerance - 公差Tolerance is the allowance for error or variation that is allowed in a manufacturing process. It is the amount of variation that is acceptable in a product or component before it is considered to be within specification. In engineering, tolerance refers to the accuracy with which a component or system is designed to operate.5. machinist - 机械工程师Machinist is a professional in the field of mechanical engineering who specializes in the design, construction, and maintenance of machine tools. Machinists typically work in manufacturing plants, tool and die shops, and other industrial settings.6. lathe - 车床Lathe is a machine tool that is used to machine rotationally symmetric objects, such as shafts, gears, and camshafts. It includes a bed, a turret, and a spindle that rotates the workpiece around its axis.7. milling machine - 铣床Milling machine is a machine tool that is used for precisionmachining of materials. It includes a spindle that rotates a cutting tool, which can be a carbide or other hard tool, around its axis. milling machines are commonly used for machining metals, ceramics, and other materials.8. precision - 精度Precision refers to the accuracy and reliability of a machine tool or other industrial equipment. It is the ability of a tool to produce parts or assemblies that are within specified tolerance limits, and is often measured in units of accuracy, such as microns or inches.9. toolholder - 刀具夹具Toolholder is a device that is used to hold a cutting tool in a machine tool. It typically includes a base, a support surface, and a nose that supports the tool at a desired angle and distance from the workpiece.10. fastener - 紧固件Fastener is any device that is used to join two or more objects together. They include nuts, bolts, screws, pins, and other devices that are used to secure components together. In engineering, fasteners refer to the materials and techniques used to install and secure fasteners.以上是一些机械工程专业英语词汇和短语的示例,这些词汇和短语在机械工程领域中非常重要,掌握它们可以帮助机械工程专业的学生和从业者更好地理解和应用机械工程知识。

机械工程专业英语原文翻译 哈工版

机械工程专业英语原文翻译 哈工版





(b)持续负载是一种在很长一段时间为一个常数的载荷, 例如结构的重量。

这种类型的载荷以相同的方式作为一个静态负荷; 然而,对一些材料与温度和压力的条件下,短时间的载荷和长时间的载荷抵抗失效的能力可能是不同的。


振动通常导致一个冲击载荷, 一般平衡是不能建立的直到通过自然的阻尼力的作用使振动停止的时候。




因此,如果一个杆受到一个均匀的拉伸和压缩,也就是说, 一个力,均匀分布于一截面,那么产生的内力也均匀分布并且可以说杆是受到一个均匀的正常应力,应力被定义为应力==负载P /压力A,因此根据载荷的性质应力是可以压缩或拉伸的,并被度量为牛顿每平方米或它的倍数。


如果杆的初始长度L和改变量△L已知,产生的应力定义如下:应力==改变长△L /初始长L因此应力是一个测量材料变形和无量纲的物理量,即它没有单位;它只是两个相同单位的物理量的比值。

一般来说,在实践中,在荷载作用下材料的延伸是非常小的, 测量的应力以*10-6的形式是方便的, 即微应变, 使用的符号也相应成为ue。












…………………………第3D课建筑机器人………………………………第40课微机为基础的机器人模拟………………第41课机器人学的定义和机器入系统…………第42课微型计算机基础(1)……………………第43课微型计算机基础(x)……………………第44课可编程控制器……………………………第45课CAD/CAM计算机辅助设计与制造…第46课计算机数控和直接数控,CNC和DNC第47课加工过程的数控—………………………第48课柔性制造系统……………—……………第仍课交互式编程系统…………………………第50课在振动分析方面的计算机技术…………策51课压力传感器………………………………第52课反馈元件…………………—……………第53课现代按制理论概述………………………第54课管理上采取了新的措施—来自福持汽第六章英文科技文献和专利文献的查阅…………6.1 常见科技文献及其查阅………………………6.2 专利文献概述…………………………………第七章英文科拉论文写作…………………………7.1 标题与摘要写法………………………………7.2 正文(body)的组织与写法…………………7.3 致谢、附录及参考文献………………—……参考文献………………………………………………第1章材料和热加工机械学的基本概念功是力乘以该力作用在物体上佼物体移动的距离。



(完整版)机械工程专业英语Lesson11、the branch of scientific analysis, which deals with motions, time, and forces, is called mechanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dynamics. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems, i。


, those in which time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with systems, which change with time。



静力学对静止系统进行分析,即在其中不考虑时间这个引述,动力学对事件而变化的系统进行分析.2、Any two such forces acting on a body constitute a couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendicular distance between their lines of action, and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.作用在一个刚体上的两个这样的的里构成一个力偶。


3、Mechanics deal with two kinds of quantities:scalars and vectors. Scalar quantities are those with which a magnitude alone is associated。



Types of Materials材料的类型Materials may be grouped in several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liquid, or gas. They also separate them into organic (once living) and inorganic (never living) materials.材料可以按多种方法分类。



For industrial purposes, materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products.就工业效用而言,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。


Nonengineering materials are the chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other materials used in the manufacturing process, which do not become part of the product.非工程材料则是化学品、燃料、润滑剂以及其它用于加工制造过程但不成为产品组成部分的材料。

Engineering materials may be further subdivided into: ①Metal ②Ceramics ③Composite ④Polymers, etc.工程材料还能进一步细分为:①金属材料②陶瓷材料③复合材料④聚合材料,等等。


























以下是机械专业英语课文翻译,希望大家喜欢!机械专业英语课文翻译Lesson 2 力和力的作用效果任何机器或机构的研究表明每一种机构都是由许多可动的零件组成。



























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如为改扩建矿山, 应说明矿山现状、


(2 列出开发利用方案编制所依据的主要基础性资料的名称。


对改、扩建矿山应有生产实际资料, 如矿山总平面现状图、矿床开拓系统图、采场现状图和主要采选设备清单等。









