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例:Arthritis causes pain in the joints、特殊情况:有一些疾病/游戏名词作谓语动词可单可复:measles,rickets Cards做主语动词用复数;darts,marbles指游戏使用得具体得镖与弹子意义时,谓语动词marbles可单可复,darts用复数形式。

例:Measles always cccur/occurs among kids、
Nine darts are thrown at each turn、
physics,mathematics,optics,acoustics,politics,athletics,tactics,lingu istics,etc做主语时谓语动词使用单数。

例:Mathematics is always a headache for girls、
Politics always attracts boys、

例如,mathematics运算能力,athletic体育运动,acoustics音响效果,tactics 策略,economics经济学意义。

例:The acoustics in Bon Jovi’s Tulsa concert were beyond criticism last spring、
The States,the united states,the Netherlands,the Philippines,the United Arab Emirates,the United Nation做主语时,谓语动词使用单数。

例:The Netherlands is a Euroupean country、The Sates is a developed country 特殊情况:如果主语就是群岛archipelago,山脉mountains,海峡straits,瀑布waterfalls,运动会games等,谓语动词则使用复数。

例:The Nansha Islands (The Spratly Islands)are integral part of China、The Wuyi mountains are picturesque、
The Olympic Games are held every four years、
例:The slacks are so completeful、The Hengdali glasses are so pricey、但就是加上单位词则使用单数。

例:One pair of glasses is far from enough when you travel abroad、(2)英语中还有一些以s结尾得名词,如
archives,arms,clothes,contents,eaves,fireworks,firecrackers,goods,mor als,thanks等,谓语动词使用复数。

例:The firecrackers are so loud、Many thanks go to my wife and her floks、(3)Ings结尾得名词谓语动词一般使用复数。

例:His earnings are pretty good、

例Good tidings are cheerful、

例: This means of transportation does not work for me、
This means have been tried、
These endangered species are well protected in mainland China、(5)少数得名词做单数与复数时意义不一样。

例:What is the odds?(有什么要紧)
The odds are in our favors、(形式对我们有利)

例:The prime minister’s remains were buried in the vicinity of the church、There remains of the ancient capital has been reduced to debris after the massive quake、
The remains of the meal was/were fed to the dog、

例:The clergy remain divided on the issue of women priests、
The personal(总称:员工)are reluctant to alter the rules、
2、通常做单数得集体名词:foliage(叶子总称),machinery,equipment,furniture,merchandise,clothing(clothes),poet ry(poem,poet),baggage,luggage,scenery,jewellery(jewel)、
例:All the machinery is made in China、
The wooden furniture is unaffordable、
congregation,family,government,public,crew,class,committee,audience,c ouple,nation,population等谓语动词根据实际情况对待。

例:The family is a large one、The family are eating salmon at table、4、A committee/panel/board of +pl、 ,谓语动词通常使用单数。

例:A panel of experts is to give its opinion on ways to tackle congestion、(三)problems of concord with a coordinate subjiect
例:The teacher and interpreter has been laid up for a couple of days、Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise、2、and连接成对出现得名词:knife and fork,cart and horse,needle and thread,law and order,bread and butter,ham and eggs,cereal and milk,fish and chips,pancakes and syrup,etc、
例:Bread and butter is a tasty breakfast in western culture、Fish and chips is a populary take-away food that originated in the
United Kingdom、
3、and连接every/each/no/many a +单数名词,谓语动词使用单数。

例:Every male and every female has to evacuate from the power plant、Many a man and woman in this community finds himself or herself in need、
No boy and no girl is playing tennis、
4、and连接专有名词:the Stars and Stripes,the Bat and ball、
例:The bat and Ball is a delightful Inn with lots of exposed beams,flagstone floors,roaring log fires & cathedral candles all creating a traditional village atmosphere、
The Stars and Stripes was adopted as the flag of the United States on June 14,1777、
5、or/either、、、or、、、/not、、but、、/not only、、but also、、/neither、、nor、、连接得主语按The principle of proxiomity(就近原则)
例:Either you or I am wrong、Are either you or I wrong?
6、主语+as much as/rather than/more than/no less than/as well as/in addition to/with/along with/together with/except/but,etc、
例:A teacher ,with his students,is watching an English movie、
The king ,with the lords and commons ,constitutes their government、His cousin rather than his parents is held responsible for this inhumane massacre
(四)Problems of concord with experessions of quantity as subject
1、Definite Quantity(确定数量)
例:100 dollars means a lot to a kind of his age、300 pounds makes an obese guy、
②There be 句型例外:There are 10 dollares in his pocket、
③Fraction分数/percentage百分数+of,谓语动词与of后得名词保持一致例:Two thirds of the apple is rotten、
Eight percent of the students have been mugged in this area、
④population例Fifty-five percent of China’s population live in the rural area
Addition加:plus,and Aubtraction减:minus,subtracted by Multiplication乘:(multiplied)by,times Division除:divided by 都可以使用单数,但就是加法与乘法有时候可以用复数。

Forty minus twenty leaves twenty、Two times equals sixteen、
⑥one in/out of n、一般使用单数,有时使用复数
例:One in ten girls dates in college、
2、Indefinite Quantity(不确定数量)
①all/some/none/half/most of +n、谓语动词根据of后面得名词来定
例:Most of the money has been spent on traveling abroad、Most of the American high school boys have dates、
None but the best coffee is good enough for Lynne、
②a portion/series/pile/panel of,of后面得名词一般使用单数
例:A pile of logs is piling up、A panel of experts is unable to reach an agreement、
③a kind/type/sort of,of后面通常跟不可数名词或者单数名词,谓语动词使用单数。

This type of sports car is really costly、但Cars of this type are costly、④these/those kind of+pl、谓语动词使用单数
例:These kind of birds are so rare for this high latitude、
⑤many a/more than one谓语动词使用单数
例:Many a student has filed complaints、
More than one car company has lodged claims against Kumho Tires、
3、Other problems of S-V concord
①Nominal Clause名词性从句谓语动词一般使用单数
例:How he came here was a mystery、
How he came here and why he came here were mysterious

例:What is of importance to me is/are the details of my wife’s life、③Non-finite Clauses,doing/to do做主语谓语动词使用单数
例:To see is to believe、To take Mandarin takes courage、
④Relative Clauses,定语从句中得谓语动词与先行词保持一致。

例:Jane is one of the few girls who don’t like proms、
⑤***one of、、、,the(very/only)one of、、、
例:Jane is the only one of the few girls who does’s like proms、
⑥Cleft Sentences,强调句谓语动词与主语一致。

例:It’s I who am mistanken、
⑦Existential Sentences,The principle of proximity(就近原则)
例:There is a thank-you note and two wrist bands on the table、
①The +adj、:the dead/rich/living/wealthy/wounded/blind/deaf ect谓语动词复数
例:The dead are haunting the girls living on that cornor of the neighborhood、
②a(the)number of,a(the)total of区分
A number of farmers are protesting against building a new airport on the farmland、
③One and a half做主语时谓语动词常用单数形式。

例:One and a half bananas is left on the table、
④Large quantities of sand have been transported to the Yangtze River、(四)Collective Nouns
1、有得集体名词只做复数:people,police,cattle,vermin ect、
有得集体名词只做单数:mankind,furniture,machinery,merchandise ect、有得集体名词可单可复:family,crew,government ect、
The cosseted couple have four families to support、
The family are eating lunch、
The family is composed of three people、
Before liberation,China used to have two governments for a while、The government is trying to curb online crimes、
The government are negotiating the in-depth details with the foreign entyepreneur、
2、Material Nouns,物质名词一般为不可数名词,没有单数、复数之分。

例:Knowledge is power、Beauty is truth、Kindness is a virtue、
例:have too much family/winter/mouth
Have too little ear,make room for,feel the patriot rise
5、man,croward,coquette,politician,sportsman,scholar,poet,fool 等词在某些搭配中成了不可数名词。

例:to be fool enough,more of a fool than,as much of a fool as,too much of a fool,enough of a man,something of a celebrity

例:The Songs used to hold sway in China 、
I wish to become an Edison 、I will buy a Ford/Lincoln 、
The Two Chinas Policy cannot be brooked by the Chinese population 、
Independent Genitive(独立属格):the door of the classroom/the dog ’s ower/Tom and John ’s room/Tom ’s and john ’s books/the map of the world
(六)Dounle Genitive(双重属格):a friend of my mother ’s
必须满足三个条件:of 前不能特指,即不得加the ,但就是可以使用
this/that/some/any etc;of 后面必须指人;of 后必须特指。

例:some books of mine/a friends of mine/a car of tony ’s
注意区别:a portrait of Chairman Mao/a portrait of Chairman Mao ’s this picture of Marvin/this picture of Marvin ’s
例:Less and less students go abroad for the purpose of overseas education 、

no,none,neither,no one,never,not(never)、、at all
例:All that glitters is not gold、This flower is not seen everywhere、Both girls are not tall、All are leaving for the U、S、All is well with me、
例:You,he and I should return on time、
例:We,you and they are all supposed to defend our motherland in times of war、

①在承认错误,承担责任时:It was and John who upset the rowdy kids、
②在长辈对晚辈,长官对下属说话时,如长官为第一人称:I and you should try to get it finished by tomorrow evening、
(八)Present Perfect(现在完成时):have/has done
far/in the last(past)few years/up till now etc、
2、Don’t confuse Have been to and Have gone to
例:Her great uncle has been to the Ivory Coast、(点动词、短暂性动词)His mother-in-law has gone to the Baltic countyies(段动词、延续性动词)3、点动词:
but/borrow/leave/join/die/marry/come/go/lose/begin/stop/arrive/lend 但就是,如果现在完成时得谓语动词就是点动词得否定形式,那么这种动作就是可以延续得。

例:He hasn’t left home for one month、I haven’t seen you for so long、4、It’s(time)since、、、
例:It’s been 2 years since I left my home city、
It’s been 2 years since I lived in here、
It’s 2 weeks since I caught a cold、
It’s 3 months since I got married、
It’s been 6 weeks since I was married、
5、It is the first/second、、、last time+that clause从句一律使用完成时例:It is the first time that I have ever been drug tested、Last year was the first time that I had traveled to Oceania、(九)Past Pwrfect(过去完成时):had done,hardly/scarcely had、、、when,no sooner had、、、than
例:Hardly had we made it there when the bum began to 、

例:I had hoped to seat myself without being recognized、
I had intended to come visit your family last week,but I got so sick、
2、Constructions denoting future time
Will/shall do,be going to do/be doing/be about to do/be to do
3、Passive Voice
be done,am/is/are done,was/were done,will be done/be going to be done,has/have/had been done,be being done,be supposed to do
4、无被动语态:happen,look,appear,die,last,lie,break out,come true ect、例:My dreams have come true、The car wreck happened this morning、
5、It’s+past participle+that:It’s said/believed/known that、、、
6、Causative Verbs:let/make/have
例:My school district makes the student government post ads on the billboards、The student government is made to post ads on the billboards、7、Sense verbs:see/watch/observe/look at/hear/listen to/notice etc、例:His stepmom hears him play the piano every mornong、
He is heard to play the piano every morning、
His sister heard him playing percussion instruments next door、
He was heard playing percussion instruments next door、
8、Passive Voice:need/require/want/demand/be wroth后跟ing可表示被动概念。

例:The blockbuster is well worth watching、The rocking chair requires repairing、The diaper needs changing、

例:Tomatoes bruise easily、The window won’t shut、The door doesn’t lock、The food store closes at 5pm、The material won’t wear、Harry Potteer sells well、Potatoes cook slowly、His works are prionting、
10、不及物动词无被动语态,但有时候be+vi、past partisiple就是系表结构。

The gal is gone、The sun is already risen、The leaves are all fallen、The dog is returned、
(十)Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)

虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)表示说话人说得不就是事实,而就是一种假设、愿望、怀疑、或推测。

例:If there were no subjunctive mood,English would be a lot easier to learn、
例:Tf it were not raining now,we would go for a picnic、
If he knew English,he wouldn’t turn to me for help、
She would have gone to the party if she had been inveted、
If mum hadn’t called me,I would have overslept this morning、
If I had enough money,I would buy a new car、
If I should fail,I would try again、
If I were to be admitted to university next year,I would major in French 3、在省略If得条件状语从句得虚拟语气中得助动词提前
例:1、If you had come a few minutes earlier,you would have seen him、 Had you come a few minutes earlier,、、、
2、If it should rain tomorrow we wouldn’t go out、
Should it rain tomorrow,、、、
3、If it were to rain tomorrow,we would not go out、
Were it to rain tomorrow,、、、

这时,必须根据句中表述得意义以及某些特定得信息词,如:介词without,but for;副词otherwise,连词or,or else等
句型:if it were not for、、、(现在或将来)if it hadn’t for、、、(过去)例:Without electricity,human life would be quite different today、Yesterday Jane walked away from the dission、Otherwise,she might have said sth she would regret later、
2、时间错综句:If the flower had been watered,it wouldn’t die now、
If his television set had not been stolen yesterday,he would be watching TV now、

例:They might have left earlier,but the car wasn’t ready、We could have walked to the station;it was so near、
Yes 、A taxi wasn’t at all necessary、
虚拟语气在名词性从句中得使用:一坚持,二命令,三建议,四要求及其她inist,order,command,decree;suggest,propose,advise,move,recommend;dema nd,require,request,ask;resolve,decide,prefer,vote,resolve,desire,urge 1、用于宾语从句
例:The man isisted he should be sent to the front、
I suggested that we should start out earlier、

例:The Arab inisted that he hadn’t seen the camel、
His smile suggested that he was happy、
2、在主句从句中用以表示惊奇、惋惜、理应如此,构成It is 过去分词
/natural/important/necessary/strange/advisable/vital/apity/ashame/inp erative/desirable/appropriate/essential/fitting/impossible/obligatory /proper etc that句型
例:It’s natural that he make an apology to him、
It’s a pity that he be so careless、
It’s so strange that she thinks so、

例:The officer’s order was that his soldiers should go into the subject at full length、My advice is that no college student date in class、4、同位语从句:suggestion,request,order,advice,resolution,motion,decision,decree,demand,instruction,requirement,idea等“坚持/命令/要求”。

例:I did not receive the order that you should depart at once、His suggestion that you should keep silent sounds quite reasonable、(十三)一般过去时句型:一般过去时表示现在或将来,用过去完成时表示过去。


Could you please help me out?
2、用于so that,in order that,for fear that,in case,lest等引导目得状语从句。

The meeting will be put off in case it(should)rain、
They climed higher so that/in order that they could see the whole city、She is working hard for fear that she could/might lag behind others、(in case不一定使用虚拟:In case I am late,start without me、)
She pulled away from the window lest anyone(should)see them、
**从句若为否定,一般用shouldn’t、He locked the door of his room in order that he shouldn’t be disturbed by someone、
3、It is(high/about)time that、、、
例:It’s time that the problem were boss、
It’s high time that we shut down for bed、
4、as if/as though
He behaves as if he were my boss、They are staring at me as if I were crazy、He delivered the speech as if to say that he was a pundit in this field、It is as if he were not an alien、
I wish I were a bird、I wish you hadn’t got married、
I wish I could have gone to the movie last night、
6、If only
If only I could fly/If only I had remembered to get some gum for everyday、
7、would rather/had rather/would sooner/had sooner/would(just)as soon
I would rather that my cousin hadn’t been intoxicated last night、
I had rather the matter were not made public、I would rather not tell you、(十四)动词原型:该类虚拟语气谓语动词用动词原形,第三人称也不加s
1、表示强烈愿望:God save me、Long live Chairman Mao!

May you be happy、May you prosper、

Church as we use the word refers to all religious institutions,be they
Christian,Islamic,Buddhist,Jewish,and so on、
The business of each day,be it selling goods or shipping them,went quite smoothly、
(十五)Nominal Clause(名词性从句)
1、①Statement陈述句:Hi is honest、We believe that he is honest、Payment should be made within five days、The seller demanded that payment should be made within five days、

例:Conner is an alien、Mr、Han confirmed that Connor was an alien、③如果就是客观真理,时态不用变化。

The earth revolves round the sun、The geography teacher taught us that the earth revolves round the sun、

I don’t think you are right、I didn’t suppose you care、We didn’t guess the girl’s team would win、

He always says(that)he doesn’t take drugs and that he doesn’t mingle with the gang、
2、General Question(一般疑问句):Are you a local?Mr、Han asked me whether/if I was a local、Do you still worked in that chemical plant?My spouse asked me whether/if I still worked in that chemical plan、

whether/if区别:做介词宾语时只能使用whether(It depents on whether the rain will let up tomorrow);与不定式连用得时候只能用whether (I don’t know whether to vacation or not);与or not连用时一般使用whether(It’s not certain whether he is a convict or not);如要表达“如果”得意思,只能使用if(I am wondering if we will have the sports meet if we have a dust storm tomorrow);在discuss,wonder后做宾语从句时,用whether引导(We are discussing whether we will put off the meeting);如果宾语从句放在句首,一般使用whether(Whether he will divorce,I am not certain);用在主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句中时只能使用whether(Whether it is true remains a question、The question is whether the juror has an open mind、The question whether we have to dispatch forces is still pending in the Senate);wherter/if与that(I doubt whether/if我怀疑。

就是否I don’t doubt that、、、我毫不怀疑。

3、Special Question(特殊疑问句)
①How do you locate my house on google earth?
②He wanted to know how I located his house on google earth、
③Who is responsible for the cross-border crime?
④Interpol are wondering who is responsible for the cross-broder crime、

4、Subject Clauses
①That the renowned professor will deliver a lecture is certain、
②It’s said that Anyang is one of the festest growing cities in Central China’s Henan Provine、
③Whether he will remary or not hasn’t been decied、
④It has not been decided whether he will remary or not、
⑤Why the girl is not interested in Caucasian guys is my question、
⑥What resulted in the big fire is still a mysrery、
⑦Whoever leaves the coffice has to shut the door、
5、Appositive clauses
①The idea that we will extend an invitation sounds pretty nice、
②The question whether we can go to the movies hasn’t been settled、
6、Subject complement
①That’s what we are supposed to do、
②The question is whether we can get there within 3 hours、
③What I am thinking is that we should leave for Beijing rigut away、(十六)Modal Verbs:一般情况下,情态动词没有人称与数得变化,即情态动词第三人称单数不加S。

1、can/be able to表示先天得能力;可能(过去时用could),只用于现在式与过去式(could)。

be able to可以用于各种时态。

They will be able to watch Fox news、I have been able to speak broken Japanese、
2、只用be able to:位于助动词之后;情态动词之后;表示成功地做了某事,只能用was/were able to,不能用could。

He was able to flee Europe before WWII broke out、=He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out、I may be able to afford a copter in the future、The lady should be able to have a baby next year、




might as well,后面接不带to得不定式,意为“不妨”。

Might(力量),mighty(力量大得),almighty (万能得)。

May god bless you、He might be at home、We may as well try、
5、have to与must:两词都就是“必须”得意思,have to表客观,must表主观;have to有人称、数、时态得变化,而must只有一种形式。

但must可用于间接引语中表示过去得必要或义务;在否定结构中:don’t have to表“不必”,must 表“禁止”。

My brother threw up at school,so I had to call for a dpctor、He said that they must work hard、The doctor has to attend his sister after school、You don’t have to buy an LV for me、You mustn’t play soccer on the street、
7、其她情态动词得推测用法:shouldn’t/ought to/can/could/need(not)/can/could/may/might/must have done、
8、should与ought to都为“应该”得意思,可用于各种人称。

9、had better表示“最好”,相当于一个助动词,后面跟动词原形。

Had better do,had better not do;had better have done sth表示与事实相反得结果,意

It is pretty cold、You’d better put on my coat、She’d better not play with the dog、You had better have come earlier、
10、would rather表示“宁愿”,would rather do,would rather not do,would rather、、、than宁愿、、、而不愿。

还有would sooner,had rather,had sooner 都表示“宁愿”、“宁可”得意思。

If I have a choice,I had sooner not continue my sttudies at this school、I would rather stay here than go home=I would stay here rather than go home、
11、Will与would:would like to do=want to do;will/would you、、、?would you like、、、?表示肯定含义得劝说时,疑问句中一般用some而不就是any;否定结构用will,一般不用would,won’t you就是一种委婉语气;would比will 更委婉。

Would you like to go with me?Would you like some cake?Won’t you sit down?Would you please close the window for me?



①实义动词:need (需要,需求),need+n、/to do sth②情态动词:只用原形need后加do,否定式为need not。

③need+doing可表被动,类似得词还有want,demand,require,be worth后面接doing也可以表被动:need doing=need to be done。


13、used to:didn’t use to=usen’t to;a used book/car(旧书、旧车);be/get used to doing(习惯于做、、、);be used to do(被用来做、、、);be used for (被用来、、、);be use as(被用作、、、);be used up(被用完)
14、Would与used to:would只与动态动词连用;而used to可以与动态动词、静态动词连用。

I used to suspect he was a mugger、Girls would play softball in high school、
15、半情态动词:be supposed to do/be about to do/be able to do/be bound to do/be due to/be liable to/be sure to/be to/had better/had best/have to/fail to/get to/tend to/be certain to/be likely to/appear to/chance to/happen to/seem to/turn out to
1、ing/to do/done与have/get:have、、、do/doing/done补语,get、、、to do/doing/done补语,get going/moving
例:A cluster of misconduct allegations has the San Diego police chief fuming and officials scrambling for reform、
Mara had her fingers burned while cooking、I will get my Chrysler going、2、不定式得被动式
The new play to be put on tonight will be a lot of fun、The laundry is to be washed as soon as possible、
(never/not to do):I warn them never to smoke in the facilities、I recommend people not to eat junk food、
It’s up lifting to receive a message from my boss every once in a while、It’s so foolish of you to drop coins in the face of such brazen beggars、
(如果形容词就是说明逻辑主语得性格特征,应用of取代for:wise,clever,kind,nice,silly,rude,cruel,wrong,right,foolish,stupid,careless,natural,polite etc)比较:It’s natural(天性)of a dog to bite a stranger、It’s natural(自然得)for people to help each other in times of difficulty、5、不定式做宾语
agree/aim/apply/arrange/choose/claim/decide/demand/desire/determine/e ndeavor/ecpect/hope/learn/manage/offer/pledge/prepare/pretend/profess /promise/refuse/resolve/seek/swear/threaten/undertake/venture/volutee r/vow ect、They seek to curb the inflation、Vicky offered to give me a ride on a daily basis、The kids volunteered to feed the stray dog、I resolve never to see her again、Laden’s acolyte vowed to avenge his death、6、不定式做补语
think/consider/believe/suppose/feel/find/imagine/prove/declare/find/d iscover/feel/judge/understand等动词后可以使用to be结构作补语,也可省略。

We all consider our motherland to be influential in the world atena、Taiwan is thought to be an inalienable part of China、We inagine/suppose her to be over 50、
①I shall come if I want to、He doesn’t dance now,but he used to、
②to被省略得情况:why not、、、Why not take a pair of rain boots with you?
③使役动词(causative verbs):make/let/have;感官动词(sense verbs):
see/hear/observe/notice/feel/watch/listen to/look at、Let me measure you,sir、We felt the house shake at lunchtime、
④使役、感官动词得被动变被动语态时需要加上toThe kid is made to finsh up his assignment、We saw Lee weep、Lee was seen to weep、We saw Lee sobbing、Lee was seen sobbing、
⑤to被省略得情况had better do/had better not do,would rather do/would rather not do等情态动词后I had better put on my gloves、
⑥have known+宾语之后I have never known that lady smile、Have you ever known Marvin tell a lie、
⑦but/expect句型中如果前面有do,后面要省略to、He does nothing but complain、I couldn’t do anything else except sit there and pray、I couldn’t say anything but to listen、

All you have to do now is (to) wait and see、The least I can do is (to) drive everybody else closer to the issue whether Bin Laden has been killed、9、不带to得叠加结构make believe/make do with/make do on/let drop/let fall/let fly (at)/let silp/let go (of)/leave go of/hear tell (of)/(let、、、)go hangIt’s hard to let go of my exgirlfriend、The man makes believe he is a multimillionaire、
10、一些口语短语中Go visit your folks、Come look、I will try help、Try eat a little bit、Go mail the package、help to do=help do、help sb、to do=help sb、do、cannot help but do(不得不)I cannot help but admire his talent、
11、不定式符号to与介词to得辨别when it comes to,submit to,admit to,cling to,resort to,be reduced to,be devoted to,get down to,with a view to,owing to,as to,thanks to,with an eye to,in addition to,be resigned to(听任),be reconciled to(安心于) etc、When it comes to traveling,I’d rather share my thoughts、We adhere to the rules、He admitted to having stolen the offerings、The Baptist church was reduced to debris after the devastating tornado in Norman、He is resigned to losing the game、I am now quite recomciled to living in the historical city、
(十八)-ing participle ,-ed participle
