
有时候我觉得我被诅咒了Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.因为一些在我出生之前发生的事Because of something that happened before I was even born.很久以前有这么一家人See, a long time ago, there was this family.爸爸是一个音乐家The papa, he was a musician.他和他的家人一起唱歌♥跳舞过得很幸福He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.可是爸爸有个梦想要唱歌♥给全世界听But he also had a dream. To play for the world.有一天And one day,他背着他的吉他离开了再也没有回来he left with his guitar and never returned.而妈妈And the mama...她没时间为爸爸的离开而伤心难过She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.抛弃了生命中所有的音乐后After banishing all music from her life她想了个办法继续养活自己的女儿she found a way to provide for her daughter.她卷起了袖子学习怎么做鞋子She rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes.她明明可以学做糖果She could have made candy,或者烟花或者给摔跤手穿的闪亮裤子or fireworks, or sparkly underwear for wrestlers,但是不她偏偏选了鞋子but no, she chose shoes.后来她教女儿怎么做鞋子Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.然后又教会了她的女婿And later, she taught her son-in-law.她的孙辈也不例外Then her grandkids got roped in.随着家族日渐壮大生意也越做越大As her family grew, so did the business.音乐曾经让她的家族分崩离析Music had torn her family apart.但是鞋子又帮她建家立业But shoes held them all together.那个女人You see, that woman就是我的曾曾奶奶伊美黛was my great-great-grandmother, Mama Imelda.我出生之前很久她就死了She died way before I was born.但是每年亡灵节我们家But my family still tells her story还是会讲她的故事every year on Dia de los Muertos...这是纪念逝者的节日the Day of the Dead.她的小女儿And her little girl,就是我的曾祖母可可曾奶奶she's my great-grandmother, Mama Coco.你好可可曾奶奶Hola, Mama Coco.你好吗胡里奥How are you, Julio?其实我的名字叫米格尔Actually, my name is Miguel.可可曾奶奶记性不太好了Mama Coco has trouble remembering things.但是我还是很喜欢和她聊天But it's good to talk to her anyway.我几乎所有事都和她说So, I tell her pretty much everything.我以前这样跑步I used to run like this.但现在我这样跑步快多了But now I run like this which is way faster.胜利者是超级无敌的可可曾奶奶And the winner is Luchadora Coco!我这边有个酒窝这边没有I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side.有酒窝没酒窝有酒窝没酒窝Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple.米格尔好好吃你的Miguel, eat your food.我的奶奶她是可可曾奶奶的女儿My abuelita, she's Mama Coco's daughter.你太瘦了孩子多吃点Oh, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more.不用了谢谢No, gracias.我问过你要不要再来点玉米粉蒸肉I asked if you would like more tamales!好吧Sí?我记得你就是这么说的That's what I thought you said!奶奶和伊美黛老祖宗Abuelita runs our house当年一样管理这个家族just like Mama Imelda did.不准有音乐No music!不准有音乐No music!不准有音乐No music!我觉得我们是墨西哥唯一一个I think we're the only family in Mexico讨厌音乐的家族who hates music.我的家人觉得无所谓但是我...And my family's fine with that. But me...-午餐之前回来孩子-爱你妈妈- Be back by lunch, mijo. - Love you, Mama.我和我其他家人不一样I am not like the rest of my family!-你好米格尔-你好- Hola, Miguel! - Hola!-非常感谢-不客气米格尔- Muchas gracias. - De nada, Miguel.但丁Hey! Dante!起来趴下打滚握手[抖动]Sit. Down. Roll over. Shake.击拳Fist bump!好样的但丁Good boy, Dante!我知道我不该喜欢音乐I know I'm not supposed to love music.但这不是我的错是他的错But it's not my fault! It's his!埃内斯托·德拉库斯Ernesto de la Cruz.有史以来最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time.在这个广场上Right here in this very plaza,埃内斯托·德拉库斯向着成为墨西哥历史上Ernesto de la Cruz took his first steps...最伟大的歌♥手迈出了第一步toward becoming the most beloved singer in Mexican history.他一开始是个圣塔塞西莉亚的无名小卒像我一样He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me.但是当他开始唱歌♥ 人们就爱上了他But when he played music, he made people fall in love with him.他参演过电影He starred in movies.他有最炫酷的吉他他能飞He had the coolest guitar! He could fly!他写了很多首很棒的歌♥And he wrote the best songs.埃内斯托埃内斯托·德拉库斯德拉库斯埃内斯托·德拉库斯请记住我但是我一直以来最喜欢的是...But my all-time favorite, it's...埃内斯托·德拉库斯请记住我请记住我Remember me请记住我Remember me虽然再见必须说Though I have to say goodbye-请记住我-请记住我- Remember me - Remember me眼泪不要坠落Don't let it make you cry我虽然要离你远去For even if I'm far away你住在我心底I hold you in my heart在每个分离的夜里I sing a secret song to you为你唱一首歌♥Each night we are apart请记住我Remember me虽然我要去远方Though I have to travel far请记住我Remember me当听见吉他的悲伤Each time you hear a sad guitar这就是我跟你在一起唯一的凭据Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be直到我再次拥抱你Until you're in my arms again他过着人人梦寐以求的生活He lived the kind of life you dream about.请记住我Remember me直到1942年Until 1942.他被一个大钟砸死了When he was crushed by a giant bell.我想变得和他一样I want to be just like him.有时候我看着德拉库斯Sometimes, I look at De la Cruz冥冥之中感觉我们有着某种联♥系♥ and I get this feeling like we're connected.好像如果他能成为音乐家也许有一天我也能Like if he could play music, maybe someday, I could too.要是我的家人不阻挠就好了If it wasn't for my family.小伙子Ay-ay-ay, muchacho.我要你擦鞋没想听你的人生故事I asked for a shoe shine not your life story.对不起Oh, yeah. Sorry.我只是在家里没法说这些话所以...I just can't really talk about any of this at home. So...如果我是你If I were you,我就冲回家和我的家人们说...I'd march right up to my family and say..."我就是个音乐家接受吧""Hey, I'm a musician. Deal with it."我可绝对说不出口I could never say that.你在搞音乐吧You are a musician, no?我不知道算不算I don't know.我是说我只唱给自己听过I mean, I only really play for myself.德拉库斯是因为隐藏了自己的才华才成为Ah! Did De la Cruz become the world's best musician世界上最棒的音乐家吗by hiding his skills?不他走向广场No! He walked out onto that plaza大声演唱给大家听and he played out loud.你看他们在布置今晚的场地了Mira, Mira, they're setting up for tonight!亡灵节音乐比赛The music competition for Dia de Muertos.亡灵节才艺大赛中♥央♥广场晚上七点你想和你的偶像一样吗去报名吧You want to be like your hero? You should sign up!我的家人会气疯了的Uh-uh. My family would freak!如果你害怕那就乖乖做鞋子吧Look, if you're too scared then, well, have fun making shoes.别这样德拉库斯经常怎么说的来着Come on, what did De la Cruz always say?抓住你的机遇Seize your moment?让我看看你的本事小伙子Show me what you got, muchacho.我来做你第一个观众I'll be your first audience.米格尔Miguel!-奶奶-你在干什么- Abuelita! - What are you doing here?离我孙子远一点You leave my grandson alone.太太别紧张Dona, please!我只是在擦鞋I was just getting a shine.我很清楚你的把戏臭乐手他和你说了什么I know your tricks, mariachi. What did he say to you?他只是在给我看他的吉他He was just showing me his guitar.真不要脸Shame on you.我的孙子是个纯洁可爱的小天使My grandson is a sweet little Angelito Querido Cielito.他不需要你的音乐臭乐手He wants no part of your music, mariachi.你离他远一点You keep away from him.可怜的小家伙没事了孩子Ay, pobrecito. Oh, estas bien, mijo.你知道你不该来这种地方You know better than to be here in this place!你赶紧给我回家You will come home. Now.我们和你说了多少遍了How many times have we told you?那个广场上全是臭乐手That plaza is crawling with mariachis.知道了叔叔Yes, Tio Berto.-不不不不不-走开走开- No, no, no, no, no! - Ah! Go away, you. Go!那是但丁It's just Dante.不要给流浪狗起名字Never name a street dog.这样它们会一直跟着你去捡我的鞋子They'll follow you forever. Now, go get my shoe.里维拉家族鞋店我在乐手广场找到了你们儿子I found your son in Mariachi Plaza.米格尔Ay, Miguel!你知道奶奶不喜欢那个广场You know how Abuelita feels about the plaza.我只是在擦鞋子I was just shining shoes.一个音乐家的鞋子A musician's shoes!但那个广场上有很多鞋可以擦But the plaza's where all the foot traffic is.如果奶奶说不许去广场那就不许去广场If Abuelita says no more plaza, then no more plaza. -但是那今晚呢-今晚怎么了- But what about tonight? - What's tonight?他们要举办一个才艺大赛Well, they're having this talent show.我想能不能...And I thought I might...-报名吗-也许吧- Sign up? - Well, maybe?你得有才艺才能参加才艺大赛You have to have talent to be in a talent show.你打算表演什么擦鞋吗What are you gonna do? Shine shoes?今晚是亡灵节It's Dia de los Muertos.谁都不该出门今晚应该家族团聚No one's going anywhere. Tonight is about family.灵坛我们走Ofrenda room. Vamonos.别这样看我Don't give me that look.我们的祖先每年只有亡灵节的晚上Dia de los Muertos is the one night of the year才能来看我们our ancestors can come visit us.我们将他们的照片供奉在灵坛上We've put their photos on the ofrenda他们的灵魂才能够过来so their spirits can cross over.这可是非常重要的事That is very important.如果我们不放照片他们就来不了If we don't put them up, they can't come.我们做了这些吃的We made all this food,放上这些他们生前喜欢的东西孩子set out the things they loved in life, mijo.都是为了让他们能回来一家团聚All this work to bring the family together.我不希望你随便乱跑I don't want you sneaking off to who knows where.你去哪里Where are you going?我以为你说完了I thought we were done.天啊我们都是这个家的一份子Ay, Dios mio. Being part of this family means就是要和家人待在一起being here for this family.我不希望你最后和...I don't want to see you end up like...可可曾奶奶的爸爸一样吗Like Mama Coco's papa?不要提那个男人最好把他忘掉Never mention that man! He's better off forgotten.但是你先提...But you're the one who...我只是...I was just...但是...我...But... I...爸爸爸爸回来了吗Papa? Papa is home?妈妈没事的没事了Mama, calmese, calmese.爸爸回来了吗Papa is coming home?不妈妈没事的我在呢No, Mama. It's okay. I'm here.你是谁Who are you?休息一下吧妈妈Rest, Mama.我对你严厉是因为我关心你米格尔I'm hard on you because I care, Miguel.米格尔米格尔Miguel? Miguel?我们该拿这个孩子怎么办What are we going to do with that boy?你说得对他就需要这个You're right. That's just what he needs.里维拉家族鞋店是你啊快进来It's you. Get in here.快点但丁快进来Come on, Dante. Hurry up!你会给我惹麻烦的伙计You're gonna get me in trouble, boy.会被人听到的Someone could hear me.真希望真的有人想听我演奏I wish someone wanted to hear me.除了你好吧Other than you. Ew. Okay.完美Perfecto!德拉库斯精选我必须要唱歌♥ 我必须要演奏I have to sing. I have to play!音乐不仅仅只在我心中音乐是我的生命The music, it's not just in me, it is me.当生活让我失望我弹起我的吉他When life gets me down, I play my guitar.这世界也许自有它的规则The rest of the world may follow the rules,但我必须遵从我的内心but I must follow my heart.你知道那种感觉空气中都有歌♥声You know that feeling like there's a song in the air and...只为你而演奏it's playing just for you?这感觉如此贴近A feeling so close...你仿若触手可及You could reach out and touch it我从未想过I never knew会有如此热忱渴望I could want something so much可它真切存在but it's true你得有信心修女You must have faith, sister.但神父他不会听我的Oh, but, Padre, he will never listen.他会听得进音乐He will listen. To music.唯有歌♥声Only a song拥有改变心意的力量Has the power to change a heart永远不要低估音乐的力量Never underestimate the power of music.但神父不会允许的But my father, he will never give his permission.我受够了要请求别人的允许I am done asking permission.当你的机会到来时你绝不能与它擦肩而过When you see your moment, you mustn't let it pass you by.你必须抓住机遇You must seize it!德拉库斯先生Senor de la Cruz,为了抓住机遇您都做了些什么what did it take for you to seize your moment?我必须坚信我的梦想I had to have faith in my dream.没有人会将成功送到我面前No one was going to hand it to me.我必须靠自己的努力去追求梦想It was up to me to reach for that dream.-决不放弃让梦想成真-让梦想成真- Grab it tight and make it come true. - and make it come true.亡灵节才艺大赛再也不躲躲藏藏但丁我必须抓住我的机遇No more hiding, Dante. I got to seize my moment!我一定要去乐师广场表演I'm gonna play in Mariachi Plaza if it kills me.亡灵节开始了Dia de los Muertos has begun!不不我们得洒出一条路来No, no. We have to make a clear path.花瓣会指引着我们的先人回家The petals guide our ancestors home.我们可不想让他们的亡灵迷路了We don't want their spirits to get lost.我们想要他们回来We want them to come and enjoy all the food享受祭坛上的美酒佳肴and drinks on the ofrenda.妈妈Mama!这张桌子要放在哪里Where should we put this table?放在院子里孩子In the courtyard, mijos.你想让它挨着厨房♥吗You want it down by the kitchen?对挨着另一张桌子Si. Next to the other one.-藏到下面去到下面去-米格尔- Get under! Get under! - Miguel?没什么妈妈爸爸我...Nothing! Mama, Papa. I...米格尔你奶奶想出了一个非常棒的主意Miguel, your abuelita had the most wonderful idea.我们都决定了是时候让你来店里工作了We've all decided. It's time you joined us in the workshop! -什么-以后不用再擦鞋了- What? - No more shining shoes.你可以做鞋了每天放学回来就做You'll be making them every day after school.我们的小小米格尔Oh! Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to即将延续家族传统carrying on the family tradition.还是在亡灵节这一天And on Dia de los Muertos!老祖宗们会非常骄傲的Your ancestors will be so proud.你可以像维多利亚姨婆一样编织凉鞋You'll craft huaraches just like your Tia Victoria.像你的胡里奥爷爷一样做翼尖皮鞋And wingtips like your Papa Julio.万一我做不好怎么办But what if I'm no good at making shoes?米格尔你的家人都在这指导你呢Ah, Miguel. You have your family here to guide you.你是里维拉家的人而里维拉家的人You are a Rivera. And a Rivera is...天生就是鞋匠世代传承A shoemaker. Through and through.这才是我儿子贝托That's my boy! Berto!开瓶好酒我要庆祝一下Break out the good stuff. I want to make a toast.但丁不但丁停下Dante! No, Dante. Stop!不不不不不No, no, no, no, no! No.德拉库斯的吉他De la Cruz's guitar?爸爸爸爸Papa? Papa?可可曾奶奶你♥爸♥是埃内斯托·德拉库斯吗Mama Coco, is your papa Ernesto de la Cruz?爸爸爸爸Papa! Papa!爸爸爸爸就是他Papa! Papa! It's him!我知道我的曾曾爷爷是谁了I know who my great-great-grandfather was.米格尔从那上面下来Miguel, get down from there.可可曾奶奶的爸爸是埃内斯托·德拉库斯Mama Coco's father was Ernesto de la Cruz!你在说什么What are you talking about?我会成为一个音乐家I'm gonna be a musician!这些都是什么What is all this?你瞒着自己的家人做了这种事You keep secrets from your own family?都是因为他在广场上待的时间太多了It's all that time he spends in the plaza.让他脑袋里装满了疯狂的幻想Fills his head with crazy fantasies.这才不是幻想It's not a fantasy.这个人是埃内斯托·德拉库斯That man was Ernesto de la Cruz!历史上最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time!我们不认识这个人We've never known anything about this man!但无论他是谁他都抛弃了他的家庭But whoever he was, he still abandoned his family.你学他坏样不会有任何前途This is no future for my son.但爸爸你说我的家人会指引我But, Papa, you said my family would guide me.德拉库斯也是我的家人Well, De la Cruz is my family.我就应该玩音乐I'm supposed to play music.休想那个人的音乐是种诅咒Never! That man's music was a curse.我不会允许的I will not allow it.-只要您让我... -米格尔...- If you would just let... - Miguel...你得听你家人的话You will listen to your family.别再碰音乐No more music.-你们听我弹一次就好-没得商量- Just listen to me play! - End of argument.你想和那个男人下场一样吗被遗忘You want to end up like that man? Forgotten?照片上不了家里的灵坛Left off your family's ofrenda?我才不在乎自己有没有被什么愚蠢的灵坛供奉I don't care if I'm on some stupid ofrenda.-不-妈妈- No! - Mama!就这样没有吉他没有音乐There. No guitar. No music.好了和家人吃个饭这事儿就翻篇了Oh, come. You'll feel better after you eat with your family.我不想再待在这个家了I don't want to be in this family!米格尔米格尔Miguel! Miguel!亡灵节才艺大赛我想像德拉库斯一样在广场上表演I want to play in the plaza, like De la Cruz.我还能报名吗Can I still sign up?你有乐器吗You got an instrument?没有但要是我能借把吉他...No. But if I can borrow a guitar...参赛的音乐人得自备乐器Musicians got to bring their own instruments.孩子找把吉他来You find a guitar, kid,我就帮你报名I'll put you on the list.-我能借你的吉他吗-抱歉小伙子- Can I borrow your guitar? - Sorry, muchacho.-你们有多余的吉他吗-没有- You guys have a spare guitar? - No.我想借下吉他就一小会儿I need a guitar just for a little bit.走开孩子Get out of here, kid.曾曾爷爷我该怎么办Great-great-grandfather, what am I supposed to do?抓住机遇不不不No, no, no, no.但丁停下闭嘴Dante, stop! Callate! Shh!对不起I'm sorry.德拉库斯先生请不要生气Senor De la Cruz, please don't be mad.我是米格尔I'm Miguel.您的曾曾孙子我得借这把吉他Your great-great grandson. I need to borrow this.我们的家人觉得音乐是种诅咒Our family thinks music is a curse.他们都不理解我但我知道你能理解None of them understand but I know you would have.你会让我跟从自己的内心You would have told me to follow my heart.抓住我的机遇To seize my moment!如果你同意的话So, if it's all right with you,我要去广场上表演就像你一样I'm gonna play in the plaza. Just like you did!那把吉他不见了The guitar! It's gone!有人偷了德拉库斯的吉他Somebody stole De la Cruz's guitar!窗户破了看The window's broken. Look!是谁谁在里面All right, who's in there?抱歉事情不是看上去那样I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like.德拉库斯是我的...De la Cruz is my...里面没有人There's nobody here.-米格尔-妈妈- Miguel! - Mama!米格尔回家吧你在哪米格尔Miguel, come home. Where are you, Miguel?天啊孩子你还好吗Dios mio! Little boy. Are you okay?来我拉你一把Here. Let me help you.谢谢我...Thanks. I...你怎么回事Do you mind? Whoa!看看她长多大了Look how big she's getting.但丁你能看到我吗Dante! You can see me?等等发生什么了但丁Wait! What's going on? Dante!-对不起对不起-米格尔- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Miguel?-米格尔-米格尔- Miguel? - Miguel?你怎么来了你怎么在这里你还能看到我们You're here? Here, here. And you can see us?我们的小小米格尔Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to!请问我怎么会认识你Remind me how I know you.我们是你的家人孩子We're your family, mijo.-罗西塔姑婆-对- Tia Rosita? - Si.-胡里奥爷爷-你好- Papa Julio? - Hola.维多利亚姨婆Tia Victoria?他看起来还没死透He doesn't seem entirely dead.也不像还活着He's not quite alive either.我们得找到老祖宗伊美黛她知道如何解决We need Mama Imelda. She'll know how to fix this.老祖宗伊美黛出事了Oye! It's Mama Imelda.她过不来She couldn't cross over.-她被卡住了-卡在了另一边- She's stuck! - On the other side!奥斯卡叔公菲利普叔公Tio Oscar? Tio Felipe?你好米格尔Hey, Miguel.我感觉这可能和你有关I have a feeling this has something to do with you.但如果老祖宗伊美黛没法来找我们...But if Mama Imelda can't come to us...我们就去找她出发Then we are going to her. Vamonos!走吧米格尔没关系的Come on, Miguel. It's okay.但丁但丁但丁等等Dante? Dante! Dante, wait up!你得和我待着孩子我们不知道...这是哪里You got to stay with me, boy. We don't know... where...这不是一场梦你们真的就住在这个地方This isn't a dream then. You're all really out there.-你觉得我们不存在吗-我也不知道- You thought we weren't? - Well, I don't know.我还以为那可能是I thought it might've been one of those大人编来骗小孩子的made up things that adults tell kids.就像维生素一样Like vitamins.米格尔维生素真的存在Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.现在我有点相信了Well, now I'm thinking maybe they could be.宝贝你这样盯着别人可不太礼貌...Mija, it's not nice to stare at...我的天啊Ay! Santa Maria!那些是爱波瑞吉吗但它们是...Are those... Alebrijes! But those are...真的爱波瑞吉灵兽Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.它们会给亡灵引路They guide souls on their journey.小心脚下它们到处便便Watch your step. They make caquitas everywhere.欢迎回到亡灵之国Welcome back to the Land of the Dead.请准备好回返需要申报的物品Please have all offerings ready for re-entry.回返欢迎回来有要申报的东西吗Welcome back. Anything to declare?几根小油条家人送来的Some churros. From my family.好好享用下一位How wonderful. Next.如果您在出入关时遇到问题If you are experiencing travel issues,家人团聚署的工作人员agents at the Department of Family Reunions将竭诚协助您are available to assist you.有请下一家Next family, please.两位的照片摆在你们儿子的灵坛上Your photos are on your son's ofrenda.旅途愉快Have a great visit.谢谢Gracias.谨记在日出前回来And remember to return before sunrise.旅途愉快Enjoy your visit.下一位Next.您的照片在您牙医的灵坛上祝旅途愉快Your photo's on your dentist's ofrenda. Enjoy your visit.-谢谢-下一位- Gracias. - Next?对是我弗里达·卡罗Yes! It is I. Frida Kahlo.我们能不能跳过扫描这一步Shall we skip the scanner?摆我的灵坛太多你的小机器会挂掉I'm on so many ofrendas it'll just overwhelm your blinky thingy.糟糕好像没人摆你的照片弗瑞达Well, shoot, looks like no one put up your photo, Frida.好吧我刚说自己是弗里达我撒谎了Okay, when I said I was Frida, just now, that was a lie.我为自己的行为道歉And I apologize for doing that.灵坛上没照片就没有过桥权No photo on an ofrenda, no crossing the bridge.我就悄悄溜过去你都不会知道我走了I'm just gonna zip right over. You won't even know I'm gone.马上到了就差一点点Almost... there. Just a little further.起来吧你Upsy-daisy...行好吧谁在乎啊臭花瓣桥Fine. Okay. Fine, who cares? Dumb flower bridge!要是没人摆我的照片我都不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'd do if no one put up my photo.-下一位-过来孩子轮到我们了- Next? - Oh! Come, mijo. It's our turn.欢迎回来朋友们有要申报的东西吗Welcome back, amigos. Anything to declare?事实上还真有As a matter of fact, yes.你好Hola.呼叫玛尔塔·冈萨雷斯-拉莫斯Paging Marta Gonzales-Ramos.请上报给第七级人员Please report to Level Seven.我想念我的鼻子I miss my nose.拜托了帮帮忙朋友Come on, help us out, amigo.我们今晚还有十几个灵坛要赶We got to get to a dozen ofrendas tonight.我们不去你前妻家过节We are not visiting your ex-wife's family for Dia de Muertos!要你们管事的出来I demand to speak to the person in charge!很抱歉夫人系统显示没人供奉你的照片I'm sorry, senora, it says here no one put up your photo.我家人肯定会在灵坛上摆我的照片的My family always puts my photo on the ofrenda.这个邪恶的盒子谎话连篇That devil box tells you nothing but lies!-老祖宗伊美黛-我的亲人- Mama Imelda? - Oh, mi familia!他们不让我过桥They wouldn't let me cross the bridge.告诉这个女人和这个邪恶的盒子Tell this woman and her devil box灵坛上放了我的照片that my photo is on the ofrenda.我们还没来得及去灵坛Well, we never made it to the ofrenda.-什么-我们遇见了- What? - We ran into...-米格尔-伊美黛曾奶奶- Miguel? - Mama Imelda.怎么回事What is going on?你们是里维拉一家人吗You the Rivera family?你们被诅咒了Well, you're cursed.什么What?亡灵节是向死者供奉的节日Dia de los Muertos is the night to give to the dead.你反倒偷走了死者的东西You stole from the dead!我不是要偷走那把吉他But I wasn't stealing the guitar.吉他Guitar?那把吉他是我曾曾爷爷的东西It was my great-great-grandfather's.他肯定也愿意借给我的He would have wanted me to have it.我们家不准提那个搞音乐的We do not speak of that musician.他对我们家来说已经死了He is dead to this family.你们都已经死了You're all dead.不好意思这是谁家的爱波瑞吉I am sorry. Whose alebrije is that?它叫但丁That's just Dante.它看起来一点也不像爱波瑞吉He sure doesn't look like an alebrije.它看上去只是一只普通的老狗He just looks like a plain old dog.或是谁丢在理发店的香肠Or a sausage someone dropped in a barbershop.不管是什么都让我严重过敏Whatever he is, I am terribly allergic.可是但丁身上又没有毛But Dante doesn't have any hair.我没有鼻子还不是一样会过敏And I don't have a nose, and yet, here we are.但都不能解释我为什么不能过桥But none of this explains why I couldn't cross over.你把我的照片从灵台上拿下来了You took my photo off the ofrenda?-我不是有意的-我们怎么才能把他送回去- It was an accident! - How do we send him back?既然只是家庭矛盾Well, since it's a family matter...解除家族诅咒的方法就是the way to undo a family curse-接受家人的祝福-这样就行了吗- is to get your family's blessing. - That's it?接受家人的祝福Get your family's blessing一切就能恢复正常了and everything should go back to normal.但必须赶在日出之前But you got to do it by sunrise.日出后会怎么样What happens at sunrise?天呐你的手Hijole! Your hand!米格尔你可不能在我们面前晕倒了Whoa, Miguel, can't have you fainting on us.别担心你的家人就在这But not to worry. Your family's here.你现在就可以接受家人的祝福了You can get your blessing right now.万寿菊万寿菊不好意思夫人Cempasuchil, cempasuchil. Aha! Perdon, senora.你看着这个孩子说出他的名字Now, you look at the living and say his name.米格尔Miguel.成了然后说"我给你我的祝福"Nailed it. Now say, "I give you my blessing."我给你我的祝福I give you my blessing.我给你我的祝福让你回到家I give you my blessing to go home...把我的照片放在灵坛上to put my photo back on the ofrenda,再也别碰音乐了and to never play music again.什么她不能这样What? She can't do that!理论上说她可以加上任何她希望的条件Well, technically, she can add any condition she wants.好吧Fine.然后你把花瓣交给米格尔Then you hand the petal to Miguel.没有骷髅了No skeletons!乐师广场我来了Mariachi Plaza, here I come.这才过两秒你就违反承诺了Two seconds and you already break your promise.这不公平这是我的人生This isn't fair. It's my life.你的人生已经过完了You already had yours.。

寻梦环游记电影介绍英语作文The Pursuit of Dreams: A Journey through the Cinematic Masterpiece "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"Imagine a world where the lines between reality and fantasy blur, where the extraordinary coexists with the mundane, and where the true essence of life lies in the pursuit of one's dreams. This is the captivating world that the film "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" invites us to explore. Directed by and starring Ben Stiller, this cinematic gem takes us on a mesmerizing journey that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary.At the heart of the story is Walter Mitty, a meek and unassuming man who works as a negative asset manager at LIFE magazine. Trapped in a world of monotony and unfulfilled desires, Walter finds solace in his vivid daydreams, where he becomes the hero of his own imaginary adventures. However, when a negative crucial to the magazine's final cover goes missing, Walter is thrust into a real-life quest to recover it, leading him on an exhilarating journey that will forever change his life.As Walter embarks on this unexpected adventure, the film seamlesslyblends the mundane and the extraordinary, creating a captivating narrative that resonates with audiences on a profound level. The stunning cinematography, coupled with a stirring musical score, transports us to breathtaking locations around the globe, from the picturesque streets of New York City to the majestic landscapes of Iceland and the Himalayas.One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its ability to explore the universal themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Walter's transformation from a timid and passive individual to a confident and adventurous soul is a testament to the power of embracing the unknown and stepping out of one's comfort zone. Through his journey, he confronts his fears, challenges his limitations, and ultimately rediscovers the true essence of his being.The film's visual storytelling is nothing short of mesmerizing. The transition between Walter's daydreams and the real world is seamless, creating a sense of awe and wonder that captivates the audience. The use of special effects is not merely a gimmick but a tool to enhance the emotional depth of the narrative, allowing the viewer to fully immerse themselves in Walter's inner world and experience the exhilaration of his adventures.One of the standout moments in the film is the iconic skateboarding scene, where Walter, with a newfound sense of courage anddetermination, navigates through the treacherous streets of the Himalayas. The scene is a stunning display of visual mastery, blending breathtaking cinematography, daring stunts, and a pulsating musical score to create a truly unforgettable sequence.Beyond its visual splendor, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" also delves into the themes of nostalgia, the power of human connection, and the importance of embracing the present moment. The film's exploration of LIFE magazine's transition from print to digital media serves as a metaphor for the changing times and the need to adapt while preserving the essence of what makes us human.Throughout the film, Walter's relationships with his coworkers, his mother, and the mysterious woman he encounters on his journey serve as catalysts for his personal growth and transformation. These relationships are beautifully depicted, with each character adding depth and nuance to the overall narrative.In the end, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is not just a film about a man's quest to find a lost negative; it is a poignant and inspiring story about the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles, embrace the unknown, and chase after the dreams that set our souls on fire. It is a timeless tale that reminds us to live life to the fullest, to embrace the extraordinary that lies within the mundane, and to never stop seeking the adventure that awaits us around every corner.。

介绍寻梦环游记英语作文80词篇1The movie "Coco" is truly a masterpiece that takes us on an extraordinary journey! It tells the story of Miguel, a young boy with a passion for music. But his family has forbidden music for generations. However, Miguel's dream leads him to the Land of the Dead on the Day of the Dead. In this magical and mysterious world, his adventures are simply astonishing! He meets various colorful characters and faces numerous challenges. Through these experiences, Miguel realizes the significance of family. The music in the movie is just amazing! It not only adds charm to the story but also drives the plot forward. For instance, when Miguel plays the guitar and sings, it evokes deep emotions and brings the story to life. The film beautifully shows how love and family ties can overcome all obstacles. It makes us think about our own families and the precious memories we share. "Coco" is not just a movie; it's a heartwarming and thought-provoking experience that touches our souls!篇2The movie "Coco" is truly a masterpiece that touches the hearts of viewers. It beautifully showcases the power of family bonds and the pursuit of dreams. Take Miguel, for instance. He had an unwavering passion for music and was determined to follow his dream despite facing numerousobstacles. His family initially misunderstood his love for music, but as the story unfolds, there comes a touching moment of reconciliation.One of the most poignant scenes is when Miguel's great-grandmother Coco remembers her father through the song "Remember Me". It's a heartwarming scene that emphasizes the significance of family and the power of memories.The film teaches us that even in the face of difficulties and misunderstandings, the love within a family is always there, waiting to be rediscovered. And the pursuit of our dreams should never be abandoned, as it gives our lives meaning and purpose. Isn't it wonderful how a movie can convey such profound messages?篇3The movie "Coco" is truly a remarkable masterpiece! It takes us on an emotional journey filled with love, family, and the pursuit of dreams. The characters in this film are incredibly vivid and charming. Take Miguel's grandma for instance, she is strict yet deeply cares for the family. And there is Hector, a soul full of longing and love. The film's visual style is a feast for the eyes. The colors are so brilliant and the scenes are rich with Mexican customs. It's as if you are transported to a magical world. The way the characters are shaped is so ingenious. It makes us feel the deep bonds of family and the power of following one's heart. How wonderful it is to see Miguel's growth and his determination to realize his dream! Isn't it amazinghow a simple story can touch our hearts so profoundly? This movie is not just entertainment; it's a beautiful reminder of the importance of family and never giving up on our passions.篇4The movie "Coco" is not just an ordinary animation; it is a magnificent showcase of Mexican culture. The celebration of the Day of the Dead in the film is truly breathtaking! The vibrant colors, the elaborate altars, and the joyous atmosphere all bring this traditional festival to life on the screen. The traditional costumes worn by the characters are so exquisite, adorned with intricate patterns and vivid hues. The architecture depicted in the movie, with its unique style and charm, also offers a glimpse into the rich heritage of Mexico.One of the most remarkable aspects of "Coco" is how it presents the Mexican concept of life and death. It shows that death is not the end but a continuation of the journey. How amazing is that? The film makes us understand that the love and memories we share with our departed loved ones keep them alive in our hearts. It's not just a movie; it's a cultural bridge that allows us to appreciate and respect the beauty and depth of Mexican traditions. Isn't it wonderful how a simple animation can have such a profound impact on our understanding of different cultures?篇5The animated film "Coco" is a masterpiece that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. Its artistic value is truly remarkable! The animation production techniques employed in this film are nothing short of revolutionary. The vivid and detailed depictions of the fantastical world of the afterlife bring a whole new level of visual experience. For instance, the colors and textures of the spirit realm are so exquisite that they seem to leap off the screen.Not only that, but "Coco" also has a profound social impact. It has sparked global discussions about family, dreams, and life and death. How touching it is to see the protagonist's unwavering pursuit of his dream while also cherishing the bonds of family! It makes us question: What is the true meaning of family? How important are our dreams in the face of reality? And how should we view life and death? This film serves as a poignant reminder that family ties are eternal and that dreams have the power to overcome any obstacles. It has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the world of animation and in the hearts of viewers everywhere.。

《寻梦环游记》:穿越生死,追寻梦想的奇幻之旅In the enchanting world of Pixar Animation Studios, "Coco" stands as a testament to the power of dreams and the resilience of the human spirit. This breathtaking film takes us on an extraordinary journey through the vibrant land of the Dead, where the past, present, and future collide, and the essence of family, memory, and legacy are explored.The story revolves around Miguel, a young boy from a Mexican village who harbors a secret passion for music, despite his family's世代禁忌。
When he unexpectedly finds himself in the Land of the Dead, Miguel embarks on an adventure that will forever change his understanding of family, destiny, and the true meaning of dreams.The animation in "Coco" is breathtaking, capturing the rich colors and textures of Mexican culture with meticulous detail. The Land of the Dead, particularly, is a视觉盛宴,with its vibrant cityscapes and bustling crowds of skeletons. The characters are equally as captivating, withMiguel's determination and courage shining through every frame.The music in "Coco" is equally as captivating as the animation. The original score, composed by Michael Giacchino, seamlessly blends traditional Mexican music with contemporary sounds, creating a soundtrack that is both enchanting and emotional. The film's theme song, "Remember Me," is a heartfelt ballad that will undoubtedly resonate with viewers of all ages.The film's message about family, memory, and legacy is both profound and timeless. Through Miguel's journey, we learn that our dreams and passions are what define us as individuals, and that it is our memories and connections to those who have come before us that make us who we are. "Coco" reminds us that we are all connected to each other and to the past, and that it is our responsibility to honor and preserve those connections."Coco" is not just a film; it's an experience that will leave you with a sense of warmth, wonder, and inspiration. This is a must-see for all ages, and one that willundoubtedly become a treasured part of your family's film collection.**《寻梦环游记》:穿越生死,追寻梦想的奇幻之旅** 皮克斯动画工作室的神奇世界中,《寻梦环游记》见证了梦想的力量和人类精神的韧性。

寻梦环游记人物介绍英文版简短Miguel RiveraMiguel Rivera is an aspiring musician who dreams of following in the footsteps of his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Despite his family's long-standing ban on music, Miguel is determined to prove his talent. With the guidance of his skeletal guide, Hector, he embarks on a thrilling journey through the Land of the Dead.Hector RiveraHector Rivera is a charismatic trickster who becomes Miguel's ally in the Land of the Dead. Though he is a skeleton, Hector is full of life and helps Miguel navigate the treacherous world. He reveals the forgotten story of his own tragic past.Ernesto de la CruzErnesto de la Cruz is the legendary musician andMiguel's idol. However, behind the charming facade lies a darker truth. Ernesto is a scheming and manipulative character who seeks to steal Miguel's music.Mamá ImeldaMamá Imelda is Miguel's stern and disapproving grandmother. She has been the matriarch of the Riverafamily since her husband disappeared years ago. Her bitterness towards music stems from the pain of her loss.Papá JulioPapá Julio is Miguel's timid and supportive father. Despite his fear of music, Julio loves his son and wants what is best for him.Rosa RiveraRosa Rivera is Miguel's caring and well-meaning mother. She tries to keep the peace in her family, even though shedoesn't always understand Miguel's dreams.AbuelitaAbuelita is Miguel's elderly and forgetful great-grandmother. Though she seems frail, Abuelita holds the key to the Rivera family's past.PepitaPepita is Miguel's loyal alebrije, a vibrant and mischievous creature that accompanies him on his journey through the Land of the Dead.DanteDante is a stray dog that Miguel befriends in the Land of the Dead. Despite his fear of skeletons, Dante is fiercely protective of Miguel.Mamá CocoMamá Coco is Miguel's frail and ailing great-grandmother. Though she has lost most of her memories, she holds a special connection to Miguel and the past.ChicharrónChicharrón is Hector's grumpy and cynical sidekick in the Land of the Dead. He provides comic relief and helps Hector maintain his mischievous spirit.弗里达卡罗弗里达卡罗作为墨西哥传奇艺术家在Land of the Dead中出现。

介绍电影的英语作文寻梦环游记English: "Coco" is a heartwarming animated film that follows the journey of a young boy named Miguel who dreams of becoming a musician despite his family's ban on music. On the eve of Dia de los Muertos, Miguel finds himself in the Land of the Dead where he meets his ancestors and embarks on a quest to unravel his family's mysterious past. The film beautifully captures Mexican culture and traditions, from the vibrant music to the colorful celebrations of Dia de los Muertos. Through Miguel's adventure, audiences are taken on a touching and poignant exploration of family, heritage, and the power of pursuing one's dreams.Chinese: 《寻梦环游记》是一部温馨感人的动画电影,讲述了一个名叫米格尔的年轻男孩,他梦想成为一名音乐家,尽管他的家族禁止音乐。

寻梦环游记英文介绍《寻梦环游记英文介绍:篇一》"COCO: A Heart - Warming Adventure into the Land of the Dead""COCO" is an absolute gem of an animated movie that takes us on an extraordinary journey, not just through the colorful and vibrant land of the dead but also through the power of family, memory, and following one's dreams.Let's start with the basic plot. Miguel, a young boy in a family that has banned music for generations, is just crazy about music.He's like a moth to a flame when ites to music. He idolizes a famous singer named Ernesto de la Cruz, and he dreams of bing a musician just like him. But in his family, it's like he's swimming against the current. His family is all about making shoes, and they see music as some kind of evil thing.One day, during the Day of the Dead, Miguel accidentally finds himself in the land of the dead. Holy moly! It's like stepping into a whole new world that's both spooky and super - exciting. There are these amazing bridges made of marigold petals that connect the living world to the land of the dead. And the dead, well, they're not just spooky skeletons. They've got personalities, dreams, and families of their own.In the land of the dead, Miguel meets his long - lost relatives. They're a hoot! Some are strict, some are goofy, but they all care about the family. Miguel has to get a blessing from one of his relatives to be able to go back to the living world. But there's a catch. The blessinges with a condition - he has to give up music. And Miguel is like, "No way, Jose!" He's not about to let go of his dream that easily.Now, let's talk about the characters. Miguel is such a relatable character. He's full of hope and determination, but he's also a bit headstrong. We've all been there, right? When we want something so bad that we don't listen to reason. And then there's Hector, a skeleton who befriends Miguel. Hector is kind of a sad sack. He just wants to cross the bridge to see his daughter in the living world during the Day of the Dead, but he can't because his photo has been removed from the ofrenda (the altar) in the living world.The animation in this movie is out of this world. It's like a vivid, colorful dreame to life. The land of the dead is filled with these amazing buildings, and the skeletons move in such a lifelike way. It's not just about making things look good; it's about bringing the story to life.The movie also has a really deep message about family. It makes you think, you know? Maybe our families aren't always perfect, and they might not understand our dreams right away. But in the end, family is what really matters. It's like a safety net that's always there for us. And the idea of how the dead live on as long as they're remembered in the living world is both beautiful and a little bit spooky.I remember when I first watched this movie. I was sitting on my couch, munching on some popcorn. At first, I was just enjoying the bright colors and the cool music. But as the story went on, I started to get really into it. I was rooting for Miguel, and I was almost in tears when Hector was talking about his daughter. It's that kind of movie that can tug at your heartstrings one minute and make you laugh out loud the next.Some people might say that the movie is a bit too simplistic. But I don't think so. It's simple in a good way. It doesn't need to be allplicated and full of twists and turns to be great. It tells a story that we can all understand, about a boy following his heart and learning about the importance of family along the way.All in all, "COCO" is a movie that I would rmend to anyone, whether you're a kid or an adult. It's a journey that will make you laugh, cry, and think about the things that really matter in life.《寻梦环游记英文介绍:篇二》"COCO: Unraveling the Mysterious and Heart - Tugging World of the Dead"When ites to "COCO," it's not just another animated flick. It's a wild ride into a world that's as mysterious as it is enchanting.The movie begins by introducing us to Miguel, a young lad with a fire in his belly for music. He lives in a household where music is like a forbidden fruit. His family has this long - standing grudge against music, and it's like they've built a big, thick wall around it. But Miguel, he's not having any of that. He's got his eyes set on bing a great musician, like a little rebel without a cause in his own family.Then, bam! The Day of the Dead rolls around, and this is where things get really interesting. Miguel somehow ends up in the land of the dead. It's not your typical gloomy, spooky place you might expect. Instead, it's a bustling, vibrant world filled with all kinds of characters. I mean, who would've thought that the dead could be so lively?The land of the dead is full of rules and traditions. For example, the whole deal with the marigold bridges and the ofrendas in the living world. It's like aplex system that keeps the connection between the living and the dead alive. And it makes you wonder, could there really be something like this? Maybe, just maybe, there's a sliver of truth in all this superstition.Miguel meets all these different skeletons in the land of the dead. Some are super flashy, like they're still living the high life even though they're dead. And others are just trying to get by, like Hector. Hector is a character that really tugs at your heart. He's got this sad story about his daughter, and he's desperate to see her again. He's like a lost puppy, just looking for a way home.Now, the music in "COCO" is to die for (pun intended). It sets the mood so perfectly. The lively tunes when Miguel is exploring the land of the dead, and the more emotional melodies when the story gets all deep and meaningful. It's like the music is another character in the movie.The family aspect of the movie is really thought - provoking. We often think of family as a source of support, but in Miguel's case, his family is holding him back from his dream at first. It makes you ask yourself, what would you do if your family didn't support your dreams? Would you be as brave as Miguel and go against the grain? I'm not so sure I would be. I might be a bit of a wimp and try to find apromise.I once had a similar situation, kind of. I wanted to take up painting, but my parents thought it was a waste of time. They were all about me focusing on more "practical" things like studying math and science. I didn't fight as hard as Miguel did, and I kind of gave in. But watching "COCO" made me think about what could have been. Maybe I should have been more like Miguel and chased my dream.The movie also has some really cool visual elements. The way the skeletons are designed, with their bright colors and unique personalities, is just amazing. And the big, elaborate celebrations in the land of the dead are like nothing you've ever seen. It's like a party that never ends, but with a deeper meaning behind it all.Some might argue that the movie is too focused on the afterlife concept and that it might be a bit much for younger kids. But I think that's part of its charm. It introduces kids to different cultures and beliefs in a fun, engaging way. It's not shoving it down your throat, but it's making you curious about it.All in all, "COCO" is a movie that has so much to offer. It's a story about dreams, family, and the power of memory. It's a movie that will stay with you long after the credits roll, making you think about your own life and the people you love.《寻梦环游记英文介绍:篇三》"COCO: A Dive into the Magical Realm of the Dead and the Power of Dreams""COCO" is a movie that has this incredible ability to draw you in from the very start and take you on a journey that's both fantastical and deeply emotional.The opening scenes set the stage beautifully. We see Miguel's world, a world where music is a taboo. It's like he's living in a prison of family traditions, but he has this spark inside him that just won't die. He's like a caged bird that dreams of flying free into the world of music. His family, they seem so set in their ways. They're like old - fashioned robots, just following the same routine of making shoes and shunning music. But Miguel, he's different. He's got a soul full of rhythm.When he enters the land of the dead, it's like stepping into a parallel universe. The land of the dead in "COCO" is a place of contrasts. It has these huge, elaborate structures that look likethey're made out of pure imagination. And the skeletons, well,they're not your typical horror - movie skeletons. They're more like friendly neighbors who happen to be made of bones.Miguel's search for a way to get back to the living world while still holding onto his dream of music is a rollercoaster ride. He meets some really interesting characters along the way. There's this one skeleton who's like a diva. She's all about the glitz and the glamour, even in the afterlife. And then there's Hector, who's so relatable. He's just a regular guy, or well, a regular skeleton, who misses his family. He's like a homesick sailor on a long voyage.The movie does a great job of showing the importance of family memories. It's like they're the building blocks of the afterlife in this movie. The idea that if you're forgotten in the living world, you'll disappear in the land of the dead is both fascinating and a little bit scary. I mean, think about it. What if one day, no one remembered you? It gives you the chills.The music in the movie is a major highlight. It's like the heartbeat of the story. The catchy tunes make you want to tap your feet, and the more emotional songs can bring a tear to your eye. I was watching the movie with my friend, and we both got so into the music that we were humming along even after the movie ended.There are some parts of the movie that might make you scratch your head a bit. For example, the whole process of how the dead interact with the living through the Day of the Dead. It's a bit of aplex concept, and it might take a while to fully understand. But that's also part of the beauty of it. It's like a mystery that you get to unravel as the movie progresses.I also think that the movie has a unique take on the concept of following your dreams. Usually, movies make it seem like you should just go for your dreams no matter what. But "COCO" adds a layer of family into it. It shows that you can't just ignore your family while chasing your dreams. You have to find a balance. It's like walking a tightrope.The visuals in the movie are stunning. The colors are so vivid, especially when they show the marigold petals floating in the air. It's like a golden rain that's leading the way to the land of the dead. And the different areas in the land of the dead are so detailed. It's like they really put a lot of thought into creating this whole other world.Some people might say that the movie is a bit predictable. But I don't really care. It's like a warm, cozy blanket that you wrap around yourself. Even if you know where it's going, it still makes you feel good. It's a movie that you can watch over and over again and still find something new to appreciate.In conclusion, "COCO" is a movie that has it all - great characters, a captivating story, amazing music, and stunning visuals. It's a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and think about the things that are truly important in life.。
Box office
1.Coco grossed $209.7 million in the United States and Canada, and $597.3 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $807.1 million.
Notes:1.the deceased 逝者 2.invisible 隐形的
3.beloved descendant 挚爱的后代
4.hug 拥抱
• Every frame of this animation is an epic work, and that a very delicate one. And it allows you to taste a feast of version and listening by the surrounding and stereo sound effect and 3D view experience.
Thanks for listening!
Imagination Network
Notes: 1. animate有生命的 2. release 发行,释放
The day of the dead
An Mexican festival Last for three days From NOV.31 to DEC.2 The inspiration of this movie
The multi-day holiday focuses

He Shares his joy with his family and he thinks he no longer have to secretly play guitar.
But the relatives, especially the grandmother, feel very very angry because Mig had broken the rules that had been left by the great-great-grandmother (ban music).
They were moved and hugged.
The old couple reunited, Mig explained for his great-great-grandfather and got forgiveness from his great-great-grandmother.
2023最新整理收集 do
Miguel, a young Mexican boy born into a family of shoemakers.
But Miguel secretly plays the guitar and dreams to become a famous musician like his idol, De La Cruz
ne year later, a happy family of three was reunited. And they enjoyed the family life happily.
This film tells us: 1.Family is the most important thing of the world. 2. Never forget how much your family loves you. 3. Death is not a farewell, but being forgotten is. 4.Some people remember you, and there are some people in your heart, this is the great happiness and meaning of living. 5. Young people have the right to pursue their dreams.
英语作文 寻梦环游记50字 含中文

寻梦环游记:跨越时空的追梦之旅In the enchanting world of "Coco," an extraordinary journey unfolds, where the dreams of the past, present, and future converge. Miguel, a young boy with a passion for music, embarks on a momentous adventure through the Land of the Dead. His quest to unlock the mysteries of his family history leads him to encounter the vibrant spirits of his ancestors, who share their wisdom and teach him the true value of family and dreams. This heartfelt tale of courage and self-discovery reminds us that dreams are the compass that guides us through life, and that following our passions leads to rich and meaningful experiences.在迷人的《寻梦环游记》世界中,过去、现在和未来的梦想交汇融合,展开了一段非凡的旅程。

有时候我觉得我被诅咒了Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.因为一些在我出生之前发生的事Because of something that happened before I was even born.很久以前有这么一家人See, a long time ago, there was this family.爸爸是一个音乐家The papa, he was a musician.他和他的家人一起唱歌♥跳舞过得很幸福He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.可是爸爸有个梦想要唱歌♥给全世界听But he also had a dream. To play for the world.有一天And one day,他背着他的吉他离开了再也没有回来he left with his guitar and never returned.而妈妈And the mama...她没时间为爸爸的离开而伤心难过She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.抛弃了生命中所有的音乐后After banishing all music from her life她想了个办法继续养活自己的女儿she found a way to provide for her daughter.她卷起了袖子学习怎么做鞋子She rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes.她明明可以学做糖果She could have made candy,或者烟花或者给摔跤手穿的闪亮裤子or fireworks, or sparkly underwear for wrestlers,但是不她偏偏选了鞋子but no, she chose shoes.后来她教女儿怎么做鞋子Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.然后又教会了她的女婿And later, she taught her son-in-law.她的孙辈也不例外Then her grandkids got roped in.随着家族日渐壮大生意也越做越大As her family grew, so did the business.音乐曾经让她的家族分崩离析Music had torn her family apart.但是鞋子又帮她建家立业But shoes held them all together.那个女人You see, that woman就是我的曾曾奶奶伊美黛was my great-great-grandmother, Mama Imelda.我出生之前很久她就死了She died way before I was born.但是每年亡灵节我们家But my family still tells her story还是会讲她的故事every year on Dia de los Muertos...这是纪念逝者的节日the Day of the Dead.她的小女儿And her little girl,就是我的曾祖母可可曾奶奶she's my great-grandmother, Mama Coco.你好可可曾奶奶Hola, Mama Coco.你好吗胡里奥How are you, Julio?其实我的名字叫米格尔Actually, my name is Miguel.可可曾奶奶记性不太好了Mama Coco has trouble remembering things.但是我还是很喜欢和她聊天But it's good to talk to her anyway.我几乎所有事都和她说So, I tell her pretty much everything.我以前这样跑步I used to run like this.但现在我这样跑步快多了But now I run like this which is way faster.胜利者是超级无敌的可可曾奶奶And the winner is Luchadora Coco!我这边有个酒窝这边没有I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side.有酒窝没酒窝有酒窝没酒窝Dimple, no dimple. Dimple, no dimple.米格尔好好吃你的Miguel, eat your food.我的奶奶她是可可曾奶奶的女儿My abuelita, she's Mama Coco's daughter.你太瘦了孩子多吃点Oh, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more.不用了谢谢No, gracias.我问过你要不要再来点玉米粉蒸肉I asked if you would like more tamales!好吧Sí?我记得你就是这么说的That's what I thought you said!奶奶和伊美黛老祖宗Abuelita runs our house当年一样管理这个家族just like Mama Imelda did.不准有音乐No music!不准有音乐No music!不准有音乐No music!我觉得我们是墨西哥唯一一个I think we're the only family in Mexico讨厌音乐的家族who hates music.我的家人觉得无所谓但是我...And my family's fine with that. But me...-午餐之前回来孩子-爱你妈妈- Be back by lunch, mijo. - Love you, Mama.我和我其他家人不一样I am not like the rest of my family!-你好米格尔-你好- Hola, Miguel! - Hola!-非常感谢-不客气米格尔- Muchas gracias. - De nada, Miguel.但丁Hey! Dante!起来趴下打滚握手[抖动]Sit. Down. Roll over. Shake.击拳Fist bump!好样的但丁Good boy, Dante!我知道我不该喜欢音乐I know I'm not supposed to love music.但这不是我的错是他的错But it's not my fault! It's his!埃内斯托·德拉库斯Ernesto de la Cruz.有史以来最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time.在这个广场上Right here in this very plaza,埃内斯托·德拉库斯向着成为墨西哥历史上Ernesto de la Cruz took his first steps...最伟大的歌♥手迈出了第一步toward becoming the most beloved singer in Mexican history.他一开始是个圣塔塞西莉亚的无名小卒像我一样He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me.但是当他开始唱歌♥ 人们就爱上了他But when he played music, he made people fall in love with him.他参演过电影He starred in movies.他有最炫酷的吉他他能飞He had the coolest guitar! He could fly!他写了很多首很棒的歌♥And he wrote the best songs.埃内斯托埃内斯托·德拉库斯德拉库斯埃内斯托·德拉库斯请记住我但是我一直以来最喜欢的是...But my all-time favorite, it's...埃内斯托·德拉库斯请记住我请记住我Remember me请记住我Remember me虽然再见必须说Though I have to say goodbye-请记住我-请记住我- Remember me - Remember me眼泪不要坠落Don't let it make you cry我虽然要离你远去For even if I'm far away你住在我心底I hold you in my heart在每个分离的夜里I sing a secret song to you为你唱一首歌♥Each night we are apart请记住我Remember me虽然我要去远方Though I have to travel far请记住我Remember me当听见吉他的悲伤Each time you hear a sad guitar这就是我跟你在一起唯一的凭据Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be直到我再次拥抱你Until you're in my arms again他过着人人梦寐以求的生活He lived the kind of life you dream about.请记住我Remember me直到1942年Until 1942.他被一个大钟砸死了When he was crushed by a giant bell.我想变得和他一样I want to be just like him.有时候我看着德拉库斯Sometimes, I look at De la Cruz冥冥之中感觉我们有着某种联♥系♥ and I get this feeling like we're connected.好像如果他能成为音乐家也许有一天我也能Like if he could play music, maybe someday, I could too.要是我的家人不阻挠就好了If it wasn't for my family.小伙子Ay-ay-ay, muchacho.我要你擦鞋没想听你的人生故事I asked for a shoe shine not your life story.对不起Oh, yeah. Sorry.我只是在家里没法说这些话所以...I just can't really talk about any of this at home. So...如果我是你If I were you,我就冲回家和我的家人们说...I'd march right up to my family and say..."我就是个音乐家接受吧""Hey, I'm a musician. Deal with it."我可绝对说不出口I could never say that.你在搞音乐吧You are a musician, no?我不知道算不算I don't know.我是说我只唱给自己听过I mean, I only really play for myself.德拉库斯是因为隐藏了自己的才华才成为Ah! Did De la Cruz become the world's best musician世界上最棒的音乐家吗by hiding his skills?不他走向广场No! He walked out onto that plaza大声演唱给大家听and he played out loud.你看他们在布置今晚的场地了Mira, Mira, they're setting up for tonight!亡灵节音乐比赛The music competition for Dia de Muertos.亡灵节才艺大赛中♥央♥广场晚上七点你想和你的偶像一样吗去报名吧You want to be like your hero? You should sign up!我的家人会气疯了的Uh-uh. My family would freak!如果你害怕那就乖乖做鞋子吧Look, if you're too scared then, well, have fun making shoes.别这样德拉库斯经常怎么说的来着Come on, what did De la Cruz always say?抓住你的机遇Seize your moment?让我看看你的本事小伙子Show me what you got, muchacho.我来做你第一个观众I'll be your first audience.米格尔Miguel!-奶奶-你在干什么- Abuelita! - What are you doing here?离我孙子远一点You leave my grandson alone.太太别紧张Dona, please!我只是在擦鞋I was just getting a shine.我很清楚你的把戏臭乐手他和你说了什么I know your tricks, mariachi. What did he say to you?他只是在给我看他的吉他He was just showing me his guitar.真不要脸Shame on you.我的孙子是个纯洁可爱的小天使My grandson is a sweet little Angelito Querido Cielito.他不需要你的音乐臭乐手He wants no part of your music, mariachi.你离他远一点You keep away from him.可怜的小家伙没事了孩子Ay, pobrecito. Oh, estas bien, mijo.你知道你不该来这种地方You know better than to be here in this place!你赶紧给我回家You will come home. Now.我们和你说了多少遍了How many times have we told you?那个广场上全是臭乐手That plaza is crawling with mariachis.知道了叔叔Yes, Tio Berto.-不不不不不-走开走开- No, no, no, no, no! - Ah! Go away, you. Go!那是但丁It's just Dante.不要给流浪狗起名字Never name a street dog.这样它们会一直跟着你去捡我的鞋子They'll follow you forever. Now, go get my shoe.里维拉家族鞋店我在乐手广场找到了你们儿子I found your son in Mariachi Plaza.米格尔Ay, Miguel!你知道奶奶不喜欢那个广场You know how Abuelita feels about the plaza.我只是在擦鞋子I was just shining shoes.一个音乐家的鞋子A musician's shoes!但那个广场上有很多鞋可以擦But the plaza's where all the foot traffic is.如果奶奶说不许去广场那就不许去广场If Abuelita says no more plaza, then no more plaza. -但是那今晚呢-今晚怎么了- But what about tonight? - What's tonight?他们要举办一个才艺大赛Well, they're having this talent show.我想能不能...And I thought I might...-报名吗-也许吧- Sign up? - Well, maybe?你得有才艺才能参加才艺大赛You have to have talent to be in a talent show.你打算表演什么擦鞋吗What are you gonna do? Shine shoes?今晚是亡灵节It's Dia de los Muertos.谁都不该出门今晚应该家族团聚No one's going anywhere. Tonight is about family.灵坛我们走Ofrenda room. Vamonos.别这样看我Don't give me that look.我们的祖先每年只有亡灵节的晚上Dia de los Muertos is the one night of the year才能来看我们our ancestors can come visit us.我们将他们的照片供奉在灵坛上We've put their photos on the ofrenda他们的灵魂才能够过来so their spirits can cross over.这可是非常重要的事That is very important.如果我们不放照片他们就来不了If we don't put them up, they can't come.我们做了这些吃的We made all this food,放上这些他们生前喜欢的东西孩子set out the things they loved in life, mijo.都是为了让他们能回来一家团聚All this work to bring the family together.我不希望你随便乱跑I don't want you sneaking off to who knows where.你去哪里Where are you going?我以为你说完了I thought we were done.天啊我们都是这个家的一份子Ay, Dios mio. Being part of this family means就是要和家人待在一起being here for this family.我不希望你最后和...I don't want to see you end up like...可可曾奶奶的爸爸一样吗Like Mama Coco's papa?不要提那个男人最好把他忘掉Never mention that man! He's better off forgotten.但是你先提...But you're the one who...我只是...I was just...但是...我...But... I...爸爸爸爸回来了吗Papa? Papa is home?妈妈没事的没事了Mama, calmese, calmese.爸爸回来了吗Papa is coming home?不妈妈没事的我在呢No, Mama. It's okay. I'm here.你是谁Who are you?休息一下吧妈妈Rest, Mama.我对你严厉是因为我关心你米格尔I'm hard on you because I care, Miguel.米格尔米格尔Miguel? Miguel?我们该拿这个孩子怎么办What are we going to do with that boy?你说得对他就需要这个You're right. That's just what he needs.里维拉家族鞋店是你啊快进来It's you. Get in here.快点但丁快进来Come on, Dante. Hurry up!你会给我惹麻烦的伙计You're gonna get me in trouble, boy.会被人听到的Someone could hear me.真希望真的有人想听我演奏I wish someone wanted to hear me.除了你好吧Other than you. Ew. Okay.完美Perfecto!德拉库斯精选我必须要唱歌♥ 我必须要演奏I have to sing. I have to play!音乐不仅仅只在我心中音乐是我的生命The music, it's not just in me, it is me.当生活让我失望我弹起我的吉他When life gets me down, I play my guitar.这世界也许自有它的规则The rest of the world may follow the rules,但我必须遵从我的内心but I must follow my heart.你知道那种感觉空气中都有歌♥声You know that feeling like there's a song in the air and...只为你而演奏it's playing just for you?这感觉如此贴近A feeling so close...你仿若触手可及You could reach out and touch it我从未想过I never knew会有如此热忱渴望I could want something so much可它真切存在but it's true你得有信心修女You must have faith, sister.但神父他不会听我的Oh, but, Padre, he will never listen.他会听得进音乐He will listen. To music.唯有歌♥声Only a song拥有改变心意的力量Has the power to change a heart永远不要低估音乐的力量Never underestimate the power of music.但神父不会允许的But my father, he will never give his permission.我受够了要请求别人的允许I am done asking permission.当你的机会到来时你绝不能与它擦肩而过When you see your moment, you mustn't let it pass you by.你必须抓住机遇You must seize it!德拉库斯先生Senor de la Cruz,为了抓住机遇您都做了些什么what did it take for you to seize your moment?我必须坚信我的梦想I had to have faith in my dream.没有人会将成功送到我面前No one was going to hand it to me.我必须靠自己的努力去追求梦想It was up to me to reach for that dream.-决不放弃让梦想成真-让梦想成真- Grab it tight and make it come true. - and make it come true.亡灵节才艺大赛再也不躲躲藏藏但丁我必须抓住我的机遇No more hiding, Dante. I got to seize my moment!我一定要去乐师广场表演I'm gonna play in Mariachi Plaza if it kills me.亡灵节开始了Dia de los Muertos has begun!不不我们得洒出一条路来No, no. We have to make a clear path.花瓣会指引着我们的先人回家The petals guide our ancestors home.我们可不想让他们的亡灵迷路了We don't want their spirits to get lost.我们想要他们回来We want them to come and enjoy all the food享受祭坛上的美酒佳肴and drinks on the ofrenda.妈妈Mama!这张桌子要放在哪里Where should we put this table?放在院子里孩子In the courtyard, mijos.你想让它挨着厨房♥吗You want it down by the kitchen?对挨着另一张桌子Si. Next to the other one.-藏到下面去到下面去-米格尔- Get under! Get under! - Miguel?没什么妈妈爸爸我...Nothing! Mama, Papa. I...米格尔你奶奶想出了一个非常棒的主意Miguel, your abuelita had the most wonderful idea.我们都决定了是时候让你来店里工作了We've all decided. It's time you joined us in the workshop! -什么-以后不用再擦鞋了- What? - No more shining shoes.你可以做鞋了每天放学回来就做You'll be making them every day after school.我们的小小米格尔Oh! Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to即将延续家族传统carrying on the family tradition.还是在亡灵节这一天And on Dia de los Muertos!老祖宗们会非常骄傲的Your ancestors will be so proud.你可以像维多利亚姨婆一样编织凉鞋You'll craft huaraches just like your Tia Victoria.像你的胡里奥爷爷一样做翼尖皮鞋And wingtips like your Papa Julio.万一我做不好怎么办But what if I'm no good at making shoes?米格尔你的家人都在这指导你呢Ah, Miguel. You have your family here to guide you.你是里维拉家的人而里维拉家的人You are a Rivera. And a Rivera is...天生就是鞋匠世代传承A shoemaker. Through and through.这才是我儿子贝托That's my boy! Berto!开瓶好酒我要庆祝一下Break out the good stuff. I want to make a toast.但丁不但丁停下Dante! No, Dante. Stop!不不不不不No, no, no, no, no! No.德拉库斯的吉他De la Cruz's guitar?爸爸爸爸Papa? Papa?可可曾奶奶你♥爸♥是埃内斯托·德拉库斯吗Mama Coco, is your papa Ernesto de la Cruz?爸爸爸爸Papa! Papa!爸爸爸爸就是他Papa! Papa! It's him!我知道我的曾曾爷爷是谁了I know who my great-great-grandfather was.米格尔从那上面下来Miguel, get down from there.可可曾奶奶的爸爸是埃内斯托·德拉库斯Mama Coco's father was Ernesto de la Cruz!你在说什么What are you talking about?我会成为一个音乐家I'm gonna be a musician!这些都是什么What is all this?你瞒着自己的家人做了这种事You keep secrets from your own family?都是因为他在广场上待的时间太多了It's all that time he spends in the plaza.让他脑袋里装满了疯狂的幻想Fills his head with crazy fantasies.这才不是幻想It's not a fantasy.这个人是埃内斯托·德拉库斯That man was Ernesto de la Cruz!历史上最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time!我们不认识这个人We've never known anything about this man!但无论他是谁他都抛弃了他的家庭But whoever he was, he still abandoned his family.你学他坏样不会有任何前途This is no future for my son.但爸爸你说我的家人会指引我But, Papa, you said my family would guide me.德拉库斯也是我的家人Well, De la Cruz is my family.我就应该玩音乐I'm supposed to play music.休想那个人的音乐是种诅咒Never! That man's music was a curse.我不会允许的I will not allow it.-只要您让我... -米格尔...- If you would just let... - Miguel...你得听你家人的话You will listen to your family.别再碰音乐No more music.-你们听我弹一次就好-没得商量- Just listen to me play! - End of argument.你想和那个男人下场一样吗被遗忘You want to end up like that man? Forgotten?照片上不了家里的灵坛Left off your family's ofrenda?我才不在乎自己有没有被什么愚蠢的灵坛供奉I don't care if I'm on some stupid ofrenda.-不-妈妈- No! - Mama!就这样没有吉他没有音乐There. No guitar. No music.好了和家人吃个饭这事儿就翻篇了Oh, come. You'll feel better after you eat with your family.我不想再待在这个家了I don't want to be in this family!米格尔米格尔Miguel! Miguel!亡灵节才艺大赛我想像德拉库斯一样在广场上表演I want to play in the plaza, like De la Cruz.我还能报名吗Can I still sign up?你有乐器吗You got an instrument?没有但要是我能借把吉他...No. But if I can borrow a guitar...参赛的音乐人得自备乐器Musicians got to bring their own instruments.孩子找把吉他来You find a guitar, kid,我就帮你报名I'll put you on the list.-我能借你的吉他吗-抱歉小伙子- Can I borrow your guitar? - Sorry, muchacho.-你们有多余的吉他吗-没有- You guys have a spare guitar? - No.我想借下吉他就一小会儿I need a guitar just for a little bit.走开孩子Get out of here, kid.曾曾爷爷我该怎么办Great-great-grandfather, what am I supposed to do?抓住机遇不不不No, no, no, no.但丁停下闭嘴Dante, stop! Callate! Shh!对不起I'm sorry.德拉库斯先生请不要生气Senor De la Cruz, please don't be mad.我是米格尔I'm Miguel.您的曾曾孙子我得借这把吉他Your great-great grandson. I need to borrow this.我们的家人觉得音乐是种诅咒Our family thinks music is a curse.他们都不理解我但我知道你能理解None of them understand but I know you would have.你会让我跟从自己的内心You would have told me to follow my heart.抓住我的机遇To seize my moment!如果你同意的话So, if it's all right with you,我要去广场上表演就像你一样I'm gonna play in the plaza. Just like you did!那把吉他不见了The guitar! It's gone!有人偷了德拉库斯的吉他Somebody stole De la Cruz's guitar!窗户破了看The window's broken. Look!是谁谁在里面All right, who's in there?抱歉事情不是看上去那样I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like.德拉库斯是我的...De la Cruz is my...里面没有人There's nobody here.-米格尔-妈妈- Miguel! - Mama!米格尔回家吧你在哪米格尔Miguel, come home. Where are you, Miguel?天啊孩子你还好吗Dios mio! Little boy. Are you okay?来我拉你一把Here. Let me help you.谢谢我...Thanks. I...你怎么回事Do you mind? Whoa!看看她长多大了Look how big she's getting.但丁你能看到我吗Dante! You can see me?等等发生什么了但丁Wait! What's going on? Dante!-对不起对不起-米格尔- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Miguel?-米格尔-米格尔- Miguel? - Miguel?你怎么来了你怎么在这里你还能看到我们You're here? Here, here. And you can see us?我们的小小米格尔Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to!请问我怎么会认识你Remind me how I know you.我们是你的家人孩子We're your family, mijo.-罗西塔姑婆-对- Tia Rosita? - Si.-胡里奥爷爷-你好- Papa Julio? - Hola.维多利亚姨婆Tia Victoria?他看起来还没死透He doesn't seem entirely dead.也不像还活着He's not quite alive either.我们得找到老祖宗伊美黛她知道如何解决We need Mama Imelda. She'll know how to fix this.老祖宗伊美黛出事了Oye! It's Mama Imelda.她过不来She couldn't cross over.-她被卡住了-卡在了另一边- She's stuck! - On the other side!奥斯卡叔公菲利普叔公Tio Oscar? Tio Felipe?你好米格尔Hey, Miguel.我感觉这可能和你有关I have a feeling this has something to do with you.但如果老祖宗伊美黛没法来找我们...But if Mama Imelda can't come to us...我们就去找她出发Then we are going to her. Vamonos!走吧米格尔没关系的Come on, Miguel. It's okay.但丁但丁但丁等等Dante? Dante! Dante, wait up!你得和我待着孩子我们不知道...这是哪里You got to stay with me, boy. We don't know... where...这不是一场梦你们真的就住在这个地方This isn't a dream then. You're all really out there.-你觉得我们不存在吗-我也不知道- You thought we weren't? - Well, I don't know.我还以为那可能是I thought it might've been one of those大人编来骗小孩子的made up things that adults tell kids.就像维生素一样Like vitamins.米格尔维生素真的存在Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.现在我有点相信了Well, now I'm thinking maybe they could be.宝贝你这样盯着别人可不太礼貌...Mija, it's not nice to stare at...我的天啊Ay! Santa Maria!那些是爱波瑞吉吗但它们是...Are those... Alebrijes! But those are...真的爱波瑞吉灵兽Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.它们会给亡灵引路They guide souls on their journey.小心脚下它们到处便便Watch your step. They make caquitas everywhere.欢迎回到亡灵之国Welcome back to the Land of the Dead.请准备好回返需要申报的物品Please have all offerings ready for re-entry.回返欢迎回来有要申报的东西吗Welcome back. Anything to declare?几根小油条家人送来的Some churros. From my family.好好享用下一位How wonderful. Next.如果您在出入关时遇到问题If you are experiencing travel issues,家人团聚署的工作人员agents at the Department of Family Reunions将竭诚协助您are available to assist you.有请下一家Next family, please.两位的照片摆在你们儿子的灵坛上Your photos are on your son's ofrenda.旅途愉快Have a great visit.谢谢Gracias.谨记在日出前回来And remember to return before sunrise.旅途愉快Enjoy your visit.下一位Next.您的照片在您牙医的灵坛上祝旅途愉快Your photo's on your dentist's ofrenda. Enjoy your visit.-谢谢-下一位- Gracias. - Next?对是我弗里达·卡罗Yes! It is I. Frida Kahlo.我们能不能跳过扫描这一步Shall we skip the scanner?摆我的灵坛太多你的小机器会挂掉I'm on so many ofrendas it'll just overwhelm your blinky thingy.糟糕好像没人摆你的照片弗瑞达Well, shoot, looks like no one put up your photo, Frida.好吧我刚说自己是弗里达我撒谎了Okay, when I said I was Frida, just now, that was a lie.我为自己的行为道歉And I apologize for doing that.灵坛上没照片就没有过桥权No photo on an ofrenda, no crossing the bridge.我就悄悄溜过去你都不会知道我走了I'm just gonna zip right over. You won't even know I'm gone.马上到了就差一点点Almost... there. Just a little further.起来吧你Upsy-daisy...行好吧谁在乎啊臭花瓣桥Fine. Okay. Fine, who cares? Dumb flower bridge!要是没人摆我的照片我都不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'd do if no one put up my photo.-下一位-过来孩子轮到我们了- Next? - Oh! Come, mijo. It's our turn.欢迎回来朋友们有要申报的东西吗Welcome back, amigos. Anything to declare?事实上还真有As a matter of fact, yes.你好Hola.呼叫玛尔塔·冈萨雷斯-拉莫斯Paging Marta Gonzales-Ramos.请上报给第七级人员Please report to Level Seven.我想念我的鼻子I miss my nose.拜托了帮帮忙朋友Come on, help us out, amigo.我们今晚还有十几个灵坛要赶We got to get to a dozen ofrendas tonight.我们不去你前妻家过节We are not visiting your ex-wife's family for Dia de Muertos!要你们管事的出来I demand to speak to the person in charge!很抱歉夫人系统显示没人供奉你的照片I'm sorry, senora, it says here no one put up your photo.我家人肯定会在灵坛上摆我的照片的My family always puts my photo on the ofrenda.这个邪恶的盒子谎话连篇That devil box tells you nothing but lies!-老祖宗伊美黛-我的亲人- Mama Imelda? - Oh, mi familia!他们不让我过桥They wouldn't let me cross the bridge.告诉这个女人和这个邪恶的盒子Tell this woman and her devil box灵坛上放了我的照片that my photo is on the ofrenda.我们还没来得及去灵坛Well, we never made it to the ofrenda.-什么-我们遇见了- What? - We ran into...-米格尔-伊美黛曾奶奶- Miguel? - Mama Imelda.怎么回事What is going on?你们是里维拉一家人吗You the Rivera family?你们被诅咒了Well, you're cursed.什么What?亡灵节是向死者供奉的节日Dia de los Muertos is the night to give to the dead.你反倒偷走了死者的东西You stole from the dead!我不是要偷走那把吉他But I wasn't stealing the guitar.吉他Guitar?那把吉他是我曾曾爷爷的东西It was my great-great-grandfather's.他肯定也愿意借给我的He would have wanted me to have it.我们家不准提那个搞音乐的We do not speak of that musician.他对我们家来说已经死了He is dead to this family.你们都已经死了You're all dead.不好意思这是谁家的爱波瑞吉I am sorry. Whose alebrije is that?它叫但丁That's just Dante.它看起来一点也不像爱波瑞吉He sure doesn't look like an alebrije.它看上去只是一只普通的老狗He just looks like a plain old dog.或是谁丢在理发店的香肠Or a sausage someone dropped in a barbershop.不管是什么都让我严重过敏Whatever he is, I am terribly allergic.可是但丁身上又没有毛But Dante doesn't have any hair.我没有鼻子还不是一样会过敏And I don't have a nose, and yet, here we are.但都不能解释我为什么不能过桥But none of this explains why I couldn't cross over.你把我的照片从灵台上拿下来了You took my photo off the ofrenda?-我不是有意的-我们怎么才能把他送回去- It was an accident! - How do we send him back?既然只是家庭矛盾Well, since it's a family matter...解除家族诅咒的方法就是the way to undo a family curse-接受家人的祝福-这样就行了吗- is to get your family's blessing. - That's it?接受家人的祝福Get your family's blessing一切就能恢复正常了and everything should go back to normal.但必须赶在日出之前But you got to do it by sunrise.日出后会怎么样What happens at sunrise?天呐你的手Hijole! Your hand!米格尔你可不能在我们面前晕倒了Whoa, Miguel, can't have you fainting on us.别担心你的家人就在这But not to worry. Your family's here.你现在就可以接受家人的祝福了You can get your blessing right now.万寿菊万寿菊不好意思夫人Cempasuchil, cempasuchil. Aha! Perdon, senora.你看着这个孩子说出他的名字Now, you look at the living and say his name.米格尔Miguel.成了然后说"我给你我的祝福"Nailed it. Now say, "I give you my blessing."我给你我的祝福I give you my blessing.我给你我的祝福让你回到家I give you my blessing to go home...把我的照片放在灵坛上to put my photo back on the ofrenda,再也别碰音乐了and to never play music again.什么她不能这样What? She can't do that!理论上说她可以加上任何她希望的条件Well, technically, she can add any condition she wants.好吧Fine.然后你把花瓣交给米格尔Then you hand the petal to Miguel.没有骷髅了No skeletons!乐师广场我来了Mariachi Plaza, here I come.这才过两秒你就违反承诺了Two seconds and you already break your promise.这不公平这是我的人生This isn't fair. It's my life.你的人生已经过完了You already had yours.。

寻梦环游记简介英语作文英文回答:Coco is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 19th Disney animated feature film. The film is directed by Lee Unkrich, co-directed by Adrian Molina, and produced by Darla K. Anderson, with a screenplay by Molina and Matthew Aldrich from a story by Unkrich, Molina, Jason Katz, and Aldrich. The film stars the voices of Anthony Gonzalez, Gael García Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Alanna Ubach, Renée Victo r, and Edward James Olmos. In the film, a 12-year-old boy named Miguel Rivera dreams of becoming a musician, despite his family's ban on music. He enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary musician, and get his blessing.The film received critical acclaim for its animation, music, and story, and grossed over $807 million worldwideagainst a production budget of $175 million. It won two Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Song ("Remember Me").中文回答:《寻梦环游记》是2017年皮克斯动画工作室制作、华特迪士尼影业发行的美国3D电脑动画音乐奇幻喜剧电影。

Grandma angrily smashes Miguel "s guitar, Miguel feel sad and angry.
He runs away from home, enters for the music competition to realize his dream, but he doesn ’ t have a guitar, so he thinks of his great-great-grandfather Cruz.
Until Ekotto arrived, a reunion of former partner, just solved a dusty memories, song god is jealous of Ekotto ’ s talent, when Ekotto want to go back home, the song god poisoned him, and he also made the music of Ekotto as his own, he become a song god, enjoying the popularity of the people, and Ekotto was forgotten by the world.
The family was moved and embraced.
One year later, a happy family of three was reunited. And they enjoyed the family life happily.
This film tells us : 1.Family is the most important thing of the world. 2. Never forget how much your family loves you. 3. Death is not a farewell, but being forgotten is.

寻梦环游记介绍英文50字简单版英文回答:Coco is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated fantasyfilm produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The film follows a 12-year-old boy named Miguel who, despite his family's ban on music, dreams of becoming a musician. O n the Día de los Muertos, Miguel finds himself in the Land of the Dead, where he must seek the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfatherto return to his family.Coco received critical acclaim for its animation, story, music, and voice acting. The film grossed over $807 million worldwide, making it the highest-grossing animated film of 2017 and the 10th highest-grossing animated film of all time. Coco won two Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature Film and Best Original Song ("Remember Me").中文回答:《寻梦环游记》是一部2017年美国3D电脑动画奇幻电影,由皮克斯动画工作室制作,华特迪士尼影业发行。
寻梦环游记 英文作文

寻梦环游记英文作文I woke up in a strange land, surrounded by towering mountains and lush forests. The air was crisp and clean, and I could hear the sound of a rushing river nearby. I had no idea how I got there, but I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement and curiosity about what lay ahead.As I ventured further into the unknown, I encountered a variety of fascinating creatures, from colorful birds to elusive wild cats. Each encounter filled me with a sense of wonder and awe, reminding me of the incredible diversity of life on our planet.The landscapes I passed through were equally diverse, ranging from sun-drenched deserts to misty, moss-covered forests. Each new environment brought with it a unique set of challenges and rewards, and I found myself constantly adapting to the ever-changing world around me.At night, I would often find myself sitting by acrackling fire, gazing up at the stars and feeling a profound sense of connection to the universe. The vastnessof the cosmos filled me with a sense of humility and awe, and I realized just how small and insignificant I was inthe grand scheme of things.Despite the challenges and uncertainties I faced, I never once regretted embarking on this journey. The experiences I had and the lessons I learned were invaluable, and I returned home with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world we live in.。

寻梦环游记作文英语初二Once upon a time, in the small town of San Angel, there was a young boy named Miguel. Miguel had a passion for music that burned brighter than the Mexican sun. However, his family had a long-standing ban on music, a rule that dated back generations. This was the story of the movie "Coco," which Miguel embarks on a journey to chase his dreams.The story begins with the Día de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, a vibrant and colorful celebration where families remember and honor their deceased loved ones. Miguel, despite the family's ban, dreams of becoming a musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. His love for music leads him to a seriesof adventures that take him to the Land of the Dead, a placeas wondrous and magical as it is mysterious.In his quest to prove his talent and follow his heart, Miguel learns about the importance of family and the power of remembering those who came before us. He discovers that the love and support of his family are as crucial to his dream as his own determination and talent.Throughout his journey, Miguel encounters a myriad of characters, each with their own stories and songs that add depth and color to his adventure. From the charming trickster Hector to the powerful and enigmatic Mama Imelda, each character contributes to Miguel's growth and understanding of the world around him.The film is a beautiful tapestry of music, culture, and emotion. It teaches us that dreams are worth fighting for, and that the bonds of family can transcend even the boundaries between the living and the dead. Miguel's journey is not just a physical one but also an emotional andspiritual one, as he learns to reconcile his dreams with his family's wishes.In conclusion, "Coco" is a heartwarming tale that resonates with audiences of all ages. It is a celebration of life, family, and the power of dreams. As Miguel says, "Unforgettable" is a song that captures the essence of the movie, reminding us that the love we share with our family is eternal, and the dreams we hold dear are worth pursuing, no matter the obstacles.This essay is a tribute to the spirit of adventure and the pursuit of dreams, as exemplified by Miguel's story in "Coco." It encourages us to listen to the music within our hearts and to honor the memories of those who have shaped our lives.。

寻梦环游记家庭介绍英语作文Introduction to the Family in "Coco"The heartwarming and visually stunning animated film "Coco" tells a tale that is deeply rooted in Mexicanculture and tradition. The film explores the rich and colorful world of the Day of the Dead, a festivalcelebrated by many Mexican families to honor their ancestors. At the center of this story is the Rivera family, a vibrant and loving Mexican household that embodies the essence of family unity and respect for one's heritage.The Rivera family is introduced through the characterof Miguel, a young boy who dreams of becoming a musician despite his family's long-standing ban on music. Miguel's great-great-grandmother, Imelda, had a tragic past with music that led to the family's prohibition on it. This banis enforced by the family's photo album, which serves as a visual reminder of their ancestors' wishes. However,Miguel's passion for music drives him to defy these rulesand embark on a journey that takes him to the Land of the Dead.In the Land of the Dead, Miguel meets his ancestors, including his deceased relatives who have passed on to the other side. These ancestors are vibrant and colorful representations of the past, each with their own unique personality and stories to tell. Miguel's great-grandmother Mama Coco, for instance, is a sweet and forgetful soul who cherishes her memories of her husband and her youth. She serves as a reminder of the importance of holding onto precious memories and passing them down to future generations.Back in the real world, the Rivera family is portrayed as a close-knit unit. Miguel's grandmother Abuelita, who is the family's caretaker, is strict but loving, and her concern for Miguel's welfare is evident throughout the film. Miguel's parents, Mama and Papa, although initially disapproving of his musical aspirations, ultimately support him in his endeavors. This support, along with the love and encouragement from his siblings, forms the foundation ofMiguel's journey and his eventual understanding of family and tradition.The film's exploration of the Rivera family's dynamics goes beyond the surface-level portrayal of a typical Mexican household. It delves into the complexities offamily relationships, the clash of old traditions with modern aspirations, and the role of ancestors in shapingone's identity. The film's central theme of family and heritage is further emphasized through the beautiful music and vibrant visuals that transport the audience to the magical world of the Day of the Dead.In conclusion, the Rivera family in "Coco" is a vibrant and multi-faceted representation of Mexican culture and tradition. Their story is one of love, loss, and redemption, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of family, heritage, and the role of ancestors in shaping our identity. The film's beautiful animation, heartfelt storytelling, and captivating music make the Riverafamily's tale a timeless and enchanting experience.。

Title: Coco - A Journey into the Land of DreamsIntroduction:•Coco is a heartwarming animated film that takes the audience on a magical journey into the land of dreams.•Set in Mexico, the story revolves around a young boy named Miguel who aspires to become a musician, despite his family’s ban on music.Plot:•Miguel discovers a way to enter the Land of the Dead on the Day of the Dead, a traditional Mexican holiday honoring deceased family members.•In the colorful and vibrant Land of the Dead, Miguel encounters his ancestors and seeks their blessing to pursue his passion for music.•Along the way, he unravels a long-held family secret and learns about the importance of love, family, and remembering one’s roots.Themes:1.Love for Music:•Miguel’s profound lo ve for music drives the story, as he embarks on a quest to prove himself as a talented musician.•The film celebrates the power of music as a universal language that transcends boundaries and connects people.2.Family and Tradition:•Coco highlights the significance of family bonds and the importance of upholding traditions.•It explores the idea of honoring ancestors, cherishing their memories, and the intergenerational impact of family legacies.3.Pursuit of Dreams:•The film encourages individuals to follow their dreams and passions, even in the face of obstacles and societal expectations.•Miguel’s journey inspires audiences to embrace their true selves and pursue what brings them joy and fulfillment.Conclusion:•Coco is a visually stunning and emotionally captivating film that resonates with audiences of all ages, celebrating the power of love, family, and chasing one’s dreams.•The movie reminds us that, through music and remembrance, the memories of our loved ones live on forever.(Note: Please note that the above content is a suggestion for a handout on the movie "Coco". You can modify and add more details as per your preference.)。
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Coco is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures.
Notes: 1. animate有生命的 2. release 发行,释放
Notes:1.the deceased 逝者 2.invisible 隐形的
3.beloved descendant 挚爱的后代
4.hug 拥抱
• Every frame of this animation is an epic work, and that a very delicate one. And it allows you to taste a feast of version and listening by the surrounding and stereo sound effect and 3D view experience.
The most lovely character for me
There is a dog that has a long
tongue always sticking out in
the very beginning of this
movie. It chases after the
maing lines
1. The real death is that no one in the world remembers you. 2. You can not be forgiven, but it should not be forgotten. 3. Remember me before the memory of love disappears.
The day of the dead
An Mexican festival Last for three days From NOV.31 to DEC.2 The inspiration of this movie
The multi-day holiday focuses
on gatherings of family and
Notes: 1.gross 总的 gross weight 毛重 net weight 净重
2.box office 票房 3. break the record 打破记录
Notes: 1.desperate 绝望的,极度渴望的 2. stunning 令人震惊的 3. charming 有魅力的
Thanks for listening!
Box office
1.Coco grossed $209.7 million in the United States and Canada, and $597.3 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $807.1 million. 2. The film has taken 1.4 billion RMB at the box office, which breaks the record for American cartoon movies at the box office in China.
bone, with a series of comical
and funny movements, which
left a deep impression on me.
Notes: 1.stick out 伸出
2. inviting 诱人的
3. impression 印象
It conveys that the deceased still has invisible connection to the living on Day of the dead. They will have a leave for that day to come to the living world, although they cannot talk with them or give their beloved descendants a warm hug.
Despite his family's baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz. Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead following a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he meets charming trickster Hector, and together, they set off on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel's family history.
friends to pray for and
remember friends and family
members who have died, and
help support their spiritual
journey. Notes:1. gathering 集会
2. support 支持 3. spiritual 精神上的 4. inspiration 灵感