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with the development of society, the car has become an indispensable means of trans port, car repair and maintenance is also more and more, in a variety of car repair plan t shop, car lift repair machinery are essential, and the double column type auto should be used more. Now, there are many types of lifting machine market, double lift, machin e, auto lift machine combination. This paper introduces a simple type of lifting machin e, we provide data to determine the lifting scheme, the choice of Long men double col umn lifting machine was designed and introduced, the lifting stability and safety, and th e back lifting machine structure and process are analyzed and calculated. Then just chec k the strength of double column, the strength checking calculation. Back then the safet y of the piston rod of the hydraulic cylinder and the stiffness and strut strength checkin g, ensure the hoist in accordance with there quire of design, safety and practicality. This graduation design is a common type of Long men automobile repair double colum n lifting machine, we use the hydraulic drive mode, design features include: 1, simple operation, safe and reliable; 2 affordable, with a large market share; 3 Long men typ e beams, convenient disassembly and assembly; 4 with telescopic asymmetric arm increas e the scope of work; 5, applicable to all kinds of car 6; long service life; 7 low energy consumption, energy saving.

Key words: Long men type, double lift, lifting safety, safety device, hydraulic startin g, strength check。


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1引言 (1)

1.2举升机的方案拟定 (1)

1.2.1 常用汽车举升机的结构类型 (1)

1.2.2汽车举升机的重要参数 (1)

1.3汽车举升机的主要结构与要求 (2)

1.3.1 举升装置的要求 (2)

1.4普通式双柱汽车举升机结构方案的确定 (2)

2 普通式双柱汽车举升机的结构设计 (3)

2.1举升装置 (3)

2.2平衡机构 (4)

2.3立柱 (5)

2.4支撑机构 (5)

2.5保险机构 (6)

3 普通式双柱汽车举升机的强刚度分析与验算 (7)

3.1普通式双柱举升机立柱的结构分析和验算 (7)

3.1.1 主立柱的受力分析与计算[5] (7)

3.1.2 对立柱截面进行分析和计算。 (8)

3.1.3 确定惯性矩 (9)

3.1.4立柱静矩S的计算: (9)

3.1.5 主立柱的强度分析与验算 (10)

3.1.6滑台部件受力情况分析 (10)

3.1.7 举升机主立柱受力情况分析 (11)

3.1.8主立柱强度校核计算 (12)

3.1.9主立柱的刚度计算 (15)

3.2托臂部分的强度校核 (16)

3.2.1 托臂部分截面特性 (16)

3.2.2 托臂部分强度核算 (16)

3.2.3 从托臂处考虑挠度情况 (19)

4 液压系统 (20)

4.1液压系统工作原理 (20)

4.2液压缸活塞杆受压校核 (21)

4.2.1 液压缸活塞杆强度验算 (21)

4.2.2 液压缸活塞杆受压稳定性校核 (21)

5 结论 (23)

参考文献 (24)

致谢 (25)
