The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New

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The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions

世界经济论坛的年会每年1月底至2月初在瑞士的达沃斯小镇召开,故也称“达沃斯论坛” 或“冬季达沃斯”。“中国夏季达沃斯”是世界500强企业与最有发展潜力的增长型企业、各国和地区政府间的高峰会议。由于“达沃斯”这个名称所包含的意义已经约定俗成,所以将在中国举办的“世界经济论坛全球行业峰会暨全球成长型企业年会”,简称为“中国夏季达沃斯”。


The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as

the Summer Davos Forum, will be held in Dalian, Liaoning Province, from Wednesday until Friday.

This year's event will be on the theme of "Mastering Quality Growth." About 1,500 participants from 90 countries and regions are expected to show up during the three-day forum.


