高级Unit 4b e-business要点



职场实用英语交际教程(高级)——Unit 4
Set the task
Liu Hong: Morning, Tim. How was your trip to the Audio Expo? Tim: Well, I reaped a lot from the Expo. Before I went there, I was so confident of our products that I thought we had the best and most advanced audio products in the industry.
Muse Audio Supplies is a well-known electronics company in the industry. The company is now preparing to develop a new smart audio device to meet the demand of the market. Tim Swift, general manager of the company, has asked Liu Hong, the senior product manager, to make a product development proposal for the smart audio device.
the background, customers’ expectations, and aim; • list two to three key points you need to consider when making a product
development proposal; • make a product development proposal.

高级综合商务英语unit 4

高级综合商务英语unit 4
Q2. How did Apple now rule its new kingdom? (Para. 10-11)
By deciding which apps are available in its online store, and setting the rules for how those apps are developed, Apple now ruled its new kingdom.
…his pioneering role at the beginning stage of personal computer industry, and the company’s listing in the stock market…made him a big iconic figure in the tech industry.
He has the ability to turn technologies into perfect products and convince people to buy IT gadgets that they even have no idea they needed.
Part II Questions about Part II
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.

高级商务英语 Unit 4 Business Presentations

高级商务英语 Unit 4 Business Presentations

Starting Up
Listening Task
Speaking Task
Reading Task
Writing Task
Follow-up Practice
The human voice can be powerfully persuasive or weakly ineffective – successful people understand the difference.
Learning Objectives
Understand the role and types of presentations; Understand what makes a good presentation; Organize and give an effective
business presentation.
presenting to. 7) Use your personal experiences to help illustrate your points. 8) Keep eye contact with the group. 9) Gather feedback from your audience. 10) End your presentation with a Question and Answer session.
In this part you will listen to three passages about job interviews. Try to finish the exercises while listening.

商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business

商务英语课程课件Unit 4 Business
Emotional intelligence
Manage your own emotions and identify the other party's emotional state during negotiation
03 Business Practice Cases
Case analysis of successful enterprises
Multinational Corporation Operations
To supervise or influence an audience's opinion or behavior
Business presentation skills
• To communicate a company's values, goals, and vision
Business presentation skills
Make offers and counteroffers to reach a consensus
Close the deal by agreeing on terms and conditions
Business negotiation skills
Key Skills
Listening: Listen actively to understand the other party's position and needs
• SWOT Analysis: A strategic planning tool that assesses the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats affecting a business or organization



Unit 4b e-business
The difference between e-business and ecommerce Invoice and receipt
log on as a general client or as a certificate client. Are all the data transmitted on Internet Banking encrypted with Secure Socket Layer. No personal info and account info are stored in your PC, which is designed to protect them against being stolen. has dedicated password been added to safeguard my funds.
Hale Waihona Puke The strengths and your concern on online banking
Strengths: internet banking is at your service around the clock, meeting your banking demand anytime anywhere. Efficient and exempted from the time (Timesaving )
Unit 4b
What did you do online
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Surf the web Download audio files Read news and stories Find reference/resources Buy things Read and send/forward e-mails Check stock quotes Talk with people in chat rooms Listen to music Pay bills



精品课程Pass Cambridge BEC Advanced 《剑桥商务英语》(高级)教案兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸Unit I a Work rolesObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about their jobs and dutiesTo enable Ss to write reportsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo review the present simple and present continuousMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewDescribing work rolesSpeaking Ss exchange brief job descriptions.Reading 1 Ss read about WorkSet and explain the use of colour. Ss then discuss the differences between two pie charts showing a job brief and an employee’sfeedback.Language Ss match verbs with WorkSet colours and think of further verbs,Listening Ss listen to five speakers talk about their jobs and decide what each speakerwould like to improve (Listening Test Part Two).Language Ss focus on the present simple and present continuous.Speaking Ss interview a partner to produce a WorkSet pie chart for their partner's job. Report writingReading2 Ss read a report about a seminar on team leadership and say how WorkSet was used. Ss then answer comprehension questions.Writing Ss focus on report layout and phrases.Ss write a report about their own jobs based on WorkSet pie charts (WritingTest Part Two).Unit lb Company structureObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about company structureTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review the past simple, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewTypes of company structureSpeaking Ss look at three diagrams showing company structures and say what kind of companies they could be.Reading Ss read a newspaper article about company structures and list the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. Ss then answer comprehensionquestions.Speaking Ss discuss the structure of their company.Flexible workingListening Ss listen to a BT manager talk about flexible working practices and summarise the programme he is discussing,Ss listen again and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions(Listening Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on the past simple, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.Speaking Ss use a questionnaire to assess the suitability of their partner's job for home-working.Writing Ss write a proposal assessing the suitability of their own job for home-working (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit BT's Working From Home website and identify the most important practical considerations when setting up a home office.Unit 2a Stocks & sharesObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about financial trendsTo enable Ss to describe trends in writingTo practise listening for specific informationTo review language of similarity and differenceMaterials needed: Cassette Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T's GuideUnit overviewShare pricesSpeaking Ss discuss where they can find out about a company's share price.Reading Ss read an extract from a stock market listing and match definitions with headings.Speaking Ss discuss the popularity of investing in shares in their country.Market trendsListening 1 Ss listen to a report about share prices of Internet companies and summarise the general trend. Ss listen again and answer multiple-choicecomprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three).Speaking Ss discuss whether they would invest in Internet shares.Describing graphsSpeaking Ss describe a graph using the words on cards.Listening 2 Ss listen to a description of the graph and re-order the cards.Language Ss focus on trends language.Ss focus on the language of similarity and difference.Writing Ss write a description of a graph comparing two companies’ share prices (Writing Test Part One).Optional task Ss begin a fantasy stock market investment game, which can run throughout the course.Unit 2b Mergers & acquisitionsObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about mergers and acquisitionsTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review aspects of cohesionMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewUnderstanding mergersSpeaking Ss discuss why companies merge and problems which might arise.Reading Ss read an article about mergers and acquisitions and list benefits and problems. Ss then answer multiple-choice comprehension questions(Reading Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on linking devices.Speaking Ss talk about a recent merger in their country,A merger of equalsListening Ss listen to a talk about the proposed merger of Astra and Zeneca and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Speaking Ss discuss a company they would like to merge with or acquire and the resulting benefits (Speaking Test Part Three).Optional task Ss visit the AstraZeneca website and prepare a profile of the merged company.Unit 3a Trade fairsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about trade fairsTo enable Ss to write formal business lettersTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review the present simple referring to future timeMaterials needed: Cards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewExhibiting at a trade fairSpeaking Ss discuss the benefits of trade fairs for exhibitors and visitors.Reading 1 Ss read an advertisement for the Top Drawer exhibition and give informationabout the exhibition, exhibitors and visitors.Speaking Ss discuss their objectives for a trade fair and decide where and when they should exhibit (Speaking Test Part Three).Replying to an enquirySpeaking Ss discuss what information they would include in a reply to enquiries about an exhibition.Reading 2 Ss re-order a jumbled letter to form a standard letter of reply and divide it into paragraphs.Ss read the complete letter and compare it with their own.Ss discuss the organisation of the letter.Language Ss focus on the present simple referring to future time.Ss focus on standard letter phrases.Writing Ss write a letter replying to an enquiry about their company and its products/services (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research a trade fair and write a report recommending why their company should exhibit there.Unit 3b Entering a marketObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about doing business abroadTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise letter writingTo review articlesMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewResearching a marketSpeaking Ss discuss what aspects of a country they would research before entering a foreign market.Reading Ss read a bulletin on doing business in China and identify where it is from/who it is aimed at. Ss then answer comprehension questions. Language Ss focus on articles.Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Business practices in ChinaListening Ss listen to a talk about doing business in China and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Speaking Ss discuss what advice they would give to Chinese business people visiting their country.Writing Ss read a letter from a business acquaintance and write a letter of reply (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research a destination and prepare a brief presentation.Unit 4a The future of workObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about changes in working practicesTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review the language of predictionsMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewVisionsReading 1 Ss read an extract about work in the future and discuss the issues involved. PredictionsReading2 Ss read five predictions about the future and match the statements with the predictions (Reading Test Part One).Language Ss focus on the language of predictions.Speaking Ss discuss the statements and say whether they agree with them.RealityListening Ss listen to a BA manager talk about the new Waterside premises and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three). Speaking Ss look at diagrams showing Waterside staff survey results and discuss how successful the project has been.Ss use one of the diagrams to find out about each other's working environment.Optional task Ss visit BA's website and prepare a summary of BA's mission, values and goals.Unit 4b e-businessObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about e-businessTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise describing trends in writingTo review the future perfect and future continuousMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat is e-business?Speaking Ss discuss whether/how they use the Internet.Reading Ss look at a page from a website about e-business and identify the difference between e-business and e-commerce and the benefits of each.Ss order key words from the text in terms of frequency.Speaking Ss discuss what difficulties might be experienced with e-business and e-commerce.The advantages of e-businessListening Ss listen to five people talk about how e-business has transformed their companies and decide which areas of business have been transformed andthe benefits (Listening Test Part Two).Language Ss focus on the future perfect and future continuous.Writing Ss write a description of a graph comparing the predicted growth in e-business and e-commerce (Writing Test Part One).Optional task Ss research and write a report about a company's website.Exam focusObjectives: To familiarise Ss with the content of the Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking TestsTo provide useful exam tipsSection overviewThe Reading TestT provides an overview of the Reading Test and some tips on how to succeed. T then takes Ss through each part of the Reading Test: Ss do an exam-related activity for each part. T providesexam tips and warns Ss against typical traps they might fall into.The Listening TestT provides an overview of the Listening Test. T then divides tips on how to succeed into Before listening, While listening and After listening.The Writing Test (Materials needed: Sufficient copies of Writing Test Assessment Sheet)T provides an overview of the Writing Test and some tips on how to succeed. Ss then focus on Part One and assess how well a sample answer fulfils the task set before rewriting the sample answer more concisely. Ss then assess a sample answer for a Part Two report-writing task and summarise the writer’s main points and supporting ideas. Ss focus on the organisation of' repor ts then rewrite the sample answer. Finally, Ss do a Part Two letter-writing task based on preparatory notes. Before writing, Ss focus on how to plan formal letters.The Speaking Test (Materials needed: Sufficient copies of Speaking Test Assessment Sheet, o ne set of 12 cards per group to be photocopied from T’s Guide, PassCambridge BEC Advanced Exam focus cassette)T provides an overview of the Speaking Test and some tips on how to succeed. The rest of this section takes Ss through all three parts of the Speaking Test: Part One (Personal Information), Part Two (Short Talk) and Part Three (Collaborative Task). To support this process, T plays relevant parts of a mock Speaking Test in which the candidates do a bad followed by a good version of Part Two and Part Three. Ss also have a chance to practise for the exam themselves. In addition, Ss can listen to model answers of the short talks in Part Two.Unit 5a Staff motivationObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about motivation at workTo practise reading for gist and specific informationTo practise listening for gistTo practise report writingTo review formal languageMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat motivates staff?Speaking Ss discuss general statements about motivation at work.Reading Ss read an article on motivational techniques to identify and discuss the writer’s attitude.Speaking Ss discuss answers to questions on the article.A motivation surveyListening Ss listen to five employees talk about motivation as part of a company survey and decide what grievance each speaker has (Listening Test Part Two). Language Ss focus on formal language.Writing Ss read the tapescript and decide which grievances to include in the report findings. Ss then complete the Findings section in an appropriate style(Writing Test Part Two).Ss complete the Recommendations section of the report (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss design a questionnaire on motivation in their English lessons.Unit 5a Staff motivationObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about motivation at workTo practise reading for gist and specific informationTo practise listening for gistTo practise report writingTo review formal languageMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat motivates staff?Speaking Ss discuss general statements about motivation at work.Reading Ss read an article on motivational techniques to identify and discuss the writer’s attitude.Speaking Ss discuss answers to questions on the article.A motivation surveyListening Ss listen to five employees talk about motivation as part of a company survey and decide what grievance each speaker has (Listening Test Part Two). Language Ss focus on formal language.Writing Ss read the tapescript and decide which grievances to include in the report findings. Ss then complete the Findings section in an appropriate style(Writing Test Part Two).Ss complete the Recommendations section of the report (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss design a questionnaire on motivation in their English lessons.Unit 5b RecruitmentObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about recruitmentTo practise text level reading skillsTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise listening for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise letter writingMaterials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewRecruitment methodsSpeaking Ss briefly discuss various recruitment methods.Reading Ss match functions with sentences in a text.Ss complete gaps in the rest of the text with appropriate sentences (Reading Test Part Two).Ss focus on reference words.Speaking Ss discuss the best way of recruiting a replacement for a key role in their company (Speaking Test Part Three).The headhunting processListening Ss listen to a talk about headhunting and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Ss listen again and make notes on how they think the talk was planned. Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Writing Ss write a letter of application (Writing Test Part Three).Unit 6a Corporate cultureObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about company cultureTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review gerunds and infinitivesMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat shapes corporate culture?Speaking Ss discuss what certain factors reveal about a companys' culture,Reading Ss read an extract from an I KEA brochure and ma ke notes about I KEA’s corporate culture,Language Ss focus on gerunds and infinitives.Speaking Ss discuss similarities and differences between their company's and I KEA’s culture.The IKEA wayListening 1 Ss listen to the Managing Director of IKEA UK talk about the company’s culture and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (ListeningTest Part Three).Speaking Ss discuss what their company does to promote its corporate culture. Listening 2 Ss listen to five IKEA managers tell anecdotes about the company and match them with IKEA's core values.Speaking Ss identify their company's values and illustrate them with anecdotes. Writing Ss write a statement of their company's values.Optional task Ss visit the IKEA website and prepare a presentation of the company’s history.Unit 6b Cultural diversityObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about cultural differencesTo practise text level reading skillsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise letter writingTo review language for agreeing/disagreeingMaterials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per group to be photocopied from T's GuideUnit overviewHow culture influences businessSpeaking Ss discuss criteria for decisions in four HR areas in their country.Reading 1 Ss complete gaps in a newspaper article with appropriate sentences (Reading Test Part Two).Speaking Ss discuss the four areas further.Reading2 Ss read the results of a survey to complete a table.Speaking Ss discuss the difficulties people from two different countries might experience when working together.Building international teamsSpeaking Ss discuss recruiting an international sales team (Speaking Test Part Three). Language Ss focus on language for agreeing/disagreeing.Writing Ss write a letter to a business partner giving advice on doing business in their country (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research doing business in a foreign country and prepare a brief presentation.Unit 7a Industrial espionageObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about information securityTo practise reading to identify the structure of a textTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review asking for clarificationTo review Conditionals I and 2Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewResearch or espionage?Speaking Ss discuss ways of accessing information about a competitor.Reading Ss read a jumbled article to find examples of industrial espionage.Ss put the paragraphs in the correct order.Speaking Ss discuss what measures their company takes to protect itself from industrial espionage.Information securityListening 1 Ss listen to the start of a meeting and identify the problem.Listening 2 Ss listen to the rest of the discussion and note down the action discussed and the implications of this action.Language Ss focus on conditionals 1 and 2.Ss focus on asking for clarification.Speaking Ss discuss a new information policy for a company using instructions on cards(Speaking Test Part Three).Unit 7b Business ethicsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about business ethicsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo review Conditional AdvancedMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat are business ethics?Speaking Ss discuss which of the three statements about ethics they agree with. Reading Ss read an extract from a report on ethics and identify the three most important features of an ethical organisation.Ss read the extract again and answer questions.Language Ss focus on formal report language and layout.Speaking Ss discuss the ethical issues they are most concerned about in their company Ethical issuesListening Ss listen to five speakers talk about unethical conduct and decide what ethical issue is mentioned and the action taken by the company (Listening Test PartTwo).Speaking Ss order the five oases in terms of their seriousness.Language Ss focus on past conditionals.Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit the KPMG ethics website, try an interactive ethical dilemma and write a report on the scenario and their decisions.Unit 8a Global brandsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about global brandsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise report writingTo review inversionMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewMaking brands globalSpeaking Ss discuss the foreign brands they buy and why,Ss complete a table with names of companies and industries.Ss discuss aspects of famous brands which they think are global.Reading Ss read an article about global brands and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (Reading Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on inversion.Speaking Ss discuss global brands from their country which are based on cultural stereotypes.Promoting a brandSpeaking Ss say whether they have bought one of six famous brands and why.Ss discuss how one of these brands is promoted in their country and then give a brief summary of their ideas.Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Writing Ss write a report about how a brand could be globalised (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit the L’Oreal website and prepare a short presentation on the company’s brands and markets.Unit 8b Global sourcingObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about suppliersTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise report writingMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewChoosing a supplierSpeaking Ss discuss the types of supplier their company uses and its criteria for choosinga supplier.Ss match the measurements with supplier performance criteria.Ss discuss the strengths and weaknesses of suppliers to their company. Supplier relationshipsListening Ss listen to an interview about supplier relationships and answer multiple- choice comprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three).Speaking Ss recommend supplier relationships for three companies and say whether they could source globally.Global sourcingReading Ss read five supplier profiles and match the statements with the profiles (Reading Test Part One).Speaking Ss decide which of the five suppliers would be most suitable for a European clothing company (Speaking Test Part Three).Writing Ss write a report based on their decision (Writing Test Part Two).。



Unit 1a Work rolesassist: v. 1、to help sb to do sth;2、to help sth to happen more easily;adopt: v. 1、to take sb else’s child into your family and become its legal parent(s);2、to start to use a particular method or toshow a particular attitude towards sb/sth: to formally accept a suggestion or policy by voting;specify: v. to state sth, especially by giving an exact measurement, time, exact instructions, etc.;static: adj. not moving, changing or developing: n. [U] noise or other effects that disturb radio or television signals and arecaused by particular conditions in the atmosphere;interpret: 1、to explain the meaning of sth;2、to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way approach: v. 1、to come near to sb/sth in distance or time;2、to speak to sb about sth, especially to ask them for sth or tooffer to do sth: n. a way of dealing with sb/sth; a way of doing or thinking about sth such as a problem or a task;abreast: adv. abreast (of sb/sth) next to sb/sth and facing the same way;prescribe: v. (used about a person or an organization with authority) to say what should be done or how sth should be done;component: n.one of several parts of which sth is made: adj. [only before n.]:to break sth down into its component parts;approve: v. 1、to think that sb/sth is good, acceptable or suitable;2、to officially agree to a plan, request, etc.;2、[oftenpassive] to say that sth is good enough to be used, or is correct;initiat:v. 1、to make sth begin;2、initiate sb (into sth) to explain sth to sb and/or make them experience it for the first time;3、initiate sb (into sth) to make sb a member of a particular group, especially as part of a secret ceremony;n. a person who has been allowed to join a particular group, organization, or religion and is learning its rules and secrets.procedure: n. 1、[C, U]a way of doing sth, especially the usual or correct way: 2、[U] the official or formal order or way ofdoing sth, especially in business, law or politics;reaction: n.1、what you do, say or think as a result of sth that has happened;2、reaction (against sth) a change in people’sattitudes or behaviour caused by disapproval of the attitudes, etc. of the past;3、opposition to social or political progress or change:occupancy: n. the act of living in or using a building, room, piece of land, etc.:incidental: adj. happening in connection with sth else, but not as important as it, or not intended;n. something that happensin connection with sth else, but is less important:undertake: v.1、to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it;2、to agree or promise that you will do sth: revise: v. 1、to change your opinions or plans, for example because of sth you have learned;2、to change sth, such as a book or an estimate, in order to correct or improve it:demand:n. 1、a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs: 2、things that sb/sth makes you do, especially things that aredifficult, make you tired, worried, etc.:3、the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use:presence: n.1、(of a person) the fact of being in a particular place;2、(of a thing or a substance) the fact of being in aparticular place or thing;3、the quality of making a strong impression on other people by the way you talk or behave: summarise: v.to give a summary of sth (= a statement of the main points);appropriate: adj. appropriate (for / to sth) suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances;v.1、to take sth,sb’s ideas, etc. for your own use, especially illegally or without permission:2、to take or give sth, especially money for a particular purpose:preception: n. 1、the way you notice things, especially with the senses;2、the ability to understand the true nature of sth;assign: v.1、to give sb sth that they can use, or some work or responsibility;2、to provide a person for a particular task orposition;3、to send a person to work under the authority of sb or in a particular group;4、to say that sth has a particular value or function, or happens at a particular time or place;5、to say that your property or rights now belong to sb else;motivate: v.1、[often passive] to be the reason why sb does sth or behaves in a particular way;2、to make sb want to do sth, especially sth that involves hard work and effort;3、to give reasons for sth that you have stated;disparity: n. a difference, especially one connected with unfair treatment;expectation: n. a belief that sth will happen because it is likely;explicit: adj. (of a statement or piece of writing) clear and easy to understand:illustrate: v.1、[usually passive] illustrate sth (with sth) to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc.;2、to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, etc.;3、to show that sth is true or that a situation exists;compatible: adj. 1、(of machines, especially computers) able to be used together;2、(of ideas, methods or things) able toexist or be used together without causing problems;3、if two people are compatible, they can have a good relationship because they have similar ideas, interests, etc;distinguish: v. distinguish (between) A and B | distinguish A from B to recognize the difference between two people or things;specification:n.规定,说明infringement:n.侵权pei chart:饼分图,圆形分析图workset colour:定工色牌re-align:v. 重新调整peak occupancy:(酒店)入住高峰期hierarchy:n.等级制的公司superior:n.上级clock in and out:记录上下班时间jet:vi.乘喷气式飞机飞行 a huge say:有很大发言权initiative:n.主动权workshop:研讨班、培训班perception:n.认识,观念,看法attribut:n.品质,特性screen:n.筛选,审查Unit 1b Company structurerepresent: v.1、[often passive] to be a member of a group of people and act or speak on their behalf at an event, a meeting, etc.;2、to act or speak officially for sb and defend their interests;3、[no passive] to be an example or expression of sth;hierarchical: adj. arranged in a hierarchy;hierarchy:n. a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest:entrepreneur:n. person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financialrisks;entrepreneurial: entrepreneurial skills;feasible: adj. that is possible and likely to be achievednimble: adj. able to move quickly and easilysizeable: adj. fairly large;responsive:adj.[not usually before noun] reacting quickly and in a positive way:responsiveness: n.responsively:adv.inherent: adj. that is a basic or permanent part of sb/sth and that cannot be removed;sequential: adj. following in order of time or place;supervise:v. to be in charge of sb/sth and make sure that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.;supervision: n. hampere: v. to discuss a plan, an idea, etc. until everyone agrees or a decision is mad;relatively: adv. to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to sth else;stable: adj. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail;n. a group of people who work or trained in the same place; a group of products made by the same companycomplexity: n. the state of being formed of many parts; the state of being difficult to understand;refine: v.1、to make a substance pure by taking other substances out of it;2、to improve sth by making small changes to it perspective: n.1、a particular attitude towards sth; a way of thinking about sth;2、the ability to think about problems anddecisions in a reasonable way without exaggerating their importance;3、[U] the art of creating an effect of depth and distance in a picture by representing people and things that are far away as being smaller than those that are nearer the front ;4、[C] a view, especially one in which you can see far into the distance。

unit 4b e-business

unit 4b e-business

business processes and communication with suppliers etc. are carried out via computer networks that use Webcompatible software.
What are the benefits of each?
Unit 4b e-business e-
Words & Expressions
e-business n. 电子商务 e-commerce n. 电子交易,电子贸易 transform vt.&vi. 使改变,使改变 web-compatible adj. 与网络兼容的 streamline vt. 精简 customer relationship management 客户关系管理,简称CRM customer behaviour. 个性化的 offering n. 提供的商品 web-browser n. 网络联络器 business process reengineering 业务流程重组, 简称BPR supply chain management 供应链管理,简称SCM sales forecasts 销售预测信息 inventory n.库存
Writing sample
The last years of the twentieth century saw the Internet being used by more and more companies as a business tool. In 1997 ecommerce was very limited earning a revenue of less than $25 billion. However, since then, there has been a steady growth worldwide. This trend looks set to continue into the next century with revenue from ecommerce rising to reach almost $ 200 billion by 2003.



教师指导讲义年级:高二课时数: 3 指导科目:英语课题Unit4. Big Business 基础知识梳理1、稳固 Unit4 要点词组用法教课目标2、复习掌握时间状语、原由状语从句用法教课内容Step1: Greetings & short reportTalk about the week in school. What news / story / book / movie have u got?Step2 Assignments checking & RevisionStep3:要点词汇复习1. staff n.(全体)职员;(全体)工作人员I have a staff of ten. 我有 10 个职工。

The staff in this shop are very helpful .这家店的职工很会干活。

We need more staff in the office .我们办公室需要更多的工作人员。

He sent one of his staff to meet me at the airport .他派一位职员去机场接我。

【拓展】 staff/ crew/class/family/audience 指整体时谓语用单数,指各成员时用复数。

His family is a happy one.His family all like sports.2. impress vt.赐予某人深刻印象;使某人敬佩而起敬Many tourists are impressed by/with Guilin's wonderful scenery.很多旅客对桂林的美景留下了深刻的印象。

The book didn't impress me at all .这本书没给我留下什么印象。

【拓展】impression n.印象make/leave a impression on sb .给某人留下印象give a impression to sb .给某人留下impressive adj.印象深刻的3. service n.服务John works in the after -sales service department for Volkswagen.约翰在大众汽车公司的售后服务部门工作。


商务英语课程课件 Unit4BusinessTravel
本课程将重点讨论商务旅行的相关内容,包括旅行规划、准备、执行和挑战 等不同方面,以及如何通过一系列商务旅行技巧和方法使得你的商务旅行更 加完美和高效。
思考如何平衡商务、业务和旅行 的可持续性,避免无效浪费和降 低企业环保风险。
如何保证商务旅行者的健康和 安全,避免各种旅行健康问题 的出现。
如何应对文化差异,避免文化 冲突和沟通障碍的产生。
如何对付语言障碍,提高跨文 化沟通的效率。
确定商务旅行的目的和计划,提高旅行的效率 和成功率。
选择最佳的出行日期,有效利用时间,减少不 必要的麻烦。
选择适当的机票和住宿方式,提前处理各种预 订和安排。
如何为商务旅行打包行李,准 备必要的商务用品。
3 语言障碍
如何克服商务旅行过程中的语言障碍,提高 跨文化沟通效率。
4 旅途安全问题
注意商务旅行过程中出现的安全问题,做好 相应的防范措施。
如何保持商务旅行的 组织和纪律性,避免 不必要的麻烦和时间 浪费。
如何在商务旅行中最 大化生产力,充分利 用时间,提高输出效 率。

Bussiness English(unit 4 Basic Concept of International Business Contracts)

Bussiness English(unit 4 Basic Concept of International Business Contracts)

买卖双方同意按下述条款购买出售下列商品 并签订本合同。
10.limitation of time 自9月2O日起,甲方已无权接受任何定 单或收据。 Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20.
1.Shipping advice装运通知 shipping instructions 装运须知 vendor vendor(卖主)and vendee(买主) and vendee consignor(发货人)and consignee (收货人)
2. abide by and comply with 双方都应遵守/双方的一切活动都应 遵守合同规定。 Both parties Shall abide by/All the activities of both parties shall comply with the contractual stipulations.
3. change A to B and change A into B
交货期改为 8 月并将美元折合成人民币。 Both parties agree that change the time of shipment to August and change US dollar into Renminbi.
⑵A legally binding agreement
The general legal features of contracts ⑴ Contract is a legal action ⑵ Contract is an agreement between two or more parties. ⑶ Contract shall be concluded in accordance with the principles of equality and of achieving agreement through consultation .

上海牛津版高二上册英语词汇考点总结Unit4 Big businesses第一学期S2A

上海牛津版高二上册英语词汇考点总结Unit4 Big businesses第一学期S2A

2012高二英语词汇考点总结:Unit4 Big businesses(牛津上海版第一学期)1. fast-food restaurant 快餐店normal restaurant 普通餐馆2.reasons for success成功的理由3.give some advice on sth.提建议4.on the opening day 在开幕当天5.start a business 开始做生意6.one small drive-in hamburger stand 一家小型“免下车”汉堡铺7.car park 停车场8.be opened for business 开张营业9.be filled with customers 挤满了顾客10.look up at sth. 抬头看11.set up more outlets 建立更多的店铺12.expand further 进一步扩张unch branches 开分店14.the biggest fast-food company 最大的快餐公司15.take over complete ownership of the business 接受这家企业的全部产权16.be introduced into some place 被引进到某地17.adopt the motto 采用这个口号18.pay great attention to detail 特别注意细节19.years of planning 多年的筹划20.establish the largest ever restaurant 建立迄今最大的一家餐厅21.achieve the right quality 达到良好的质量标准22.be imported into Russia 进口到俄罗斯23.the best training programmes 最好的培训计划24.top personnel 高层管理人员25.learn management and customer service skills 学习管理和客户服务技能26.on the moon 在月亮上27.no doubt 毫无疑问28.stand for 代表29.be appointed head of the company 被任命为公司首领30.in excess of 超过31.fast-food restaurant chain 快餐连锁32.the last few years 在刚过去的几年中33.chain store 连锁店34.convenience store 便利店35.pop into some place 急急走进某地突然进入36.celebrate with friends 和朋友一起庆祝37.a Little Sheep Hotpot Restaurant 小绵羊火锅店38.GoMe Appliances 国美电器39.meet one’s needs 满足要求40.in convenient locations 便利的位置41.underground stations 地铁站42.offer a wide range of products 提供选择面很宽的产品43.in a clean, well-lit and relaxing environment 在一个干净,明亮和气氛放松的环境里44.It seems that 看起来45.a welcome development 可喜的发展46. be impressed by [at, with]被深深打动[感动]impress sth. in [on] one's memory使...铭记在心be favourably [unfavourably] impressed得到好[不好]的印象47.in detail 详细地48.be likely to do something很可能做某事49. to operate a factory开工厂operate on her stomach.给她的胃做手术operate a machine 操作机器50.local eye hospital 当地眼科医院。

高中二年级第一学期Unit 4 Big businesses More reading教案

高中二年级第一学期Unit 4 Big businesses More reading教案

Lesson PlanContent: The rise of chain stores in China, Unit 4 More reading, S2A, Oxford EnglishClass: Senior 2Type of the lesson: Reading, the 1st periodTeaching aims:Knowledge objectives:1.Have the students get a general idea of the whole passage.2. Get the students to learn some useful words or expressions in thepassage:Ability objectives: 1.Develop students’ comprehensive reading ability by means of some readingactivities such as skimming and scanning.2. Foster the students’ ability to read effectively, think logically and creatively. Emotion objectives: 1. Cultivate the students’ teamwork spirits by means of group work or pairwork.2. Encourage the students to think about the secret to a successful business. Anticipated problems:1.Some of the intended activities may take more time than expected.2.It may be difficult to get all the students engaged in the activities since the students are from aborrowed class.Teaching methodology:Task-based learningCooperative and communicative teaching and learningTeaching aids:Multimedia facilitiesWorksheet (hand-out)Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up (6’)Ask the students to elicit some phrases or expressions connected to the word chain, such as chain story, food chain, mountain chains, chain smoker, etc. thus leading in the key word of the passage chain store. Based on the first task, some good examples will be given to illustrate different kinds of chain stores.Aims: the warming-up exercise is not only intended to arouse students’ interest in the topic, buthelps to pave the way for the next steps.Step 2 Skim and Answer (5’)Ask the students to skim the passage individually, only looking at the first or the last sentence of each paragraph and answer several simple questions.1.What is the present situation of chain stores in China?2.What is people’s attitude towards chain stores?Aims: The step is designed to help the students get a general idea of the passage by skimming. They are encouraged to think about the questions individually so that their independent thinking can be developed.Step 3 Scan and find out the influence of chain stores (3’)Ask the students to scan the passage and find out some specific information that is needed tofulfill the task.On people’s daily lives: breakfast, dinner, weekend… even on deciding where to liveAims: The step enables the students to find out some specific and relevant information by scanning the passage. They are encouraged to exchange their ideas in pairs because they may not not afraid of making mistakes when talking with their partners.Step 4 Further read for more details (5’)Ask the students to read the passage again carefully, paying attention to every single detail and answer some more difficult questions for their further thinking.Reasons for fast growth of chain stores : convenient locations, a wide range of products…..,etc…Step 5 Pair work: the secret to the success of a store (6’)The students will be asked to summarize the secret to the success of a business by means of what you have learnt.Aims: The step helps the students use the information they have obtained from the text to make a summary of what makes a good store. To some extent, students’ logical thinking is thus fostered and what they have learnt will be consolidated creatively.Step 6 Group work: role playThe students will be given a simulated situation: Suppose you are a group of consultants(顾问), please find faults with a grocery store and make some suggestions to the manager to save it from bankruptcy.Aims: In this step, students are asked to comprehensively apply what they have learned in the passage to their practical life. They can work together in groups to solve the problem and almost all the students will be fully engaged in the activity.Assignment:Write a letter to the manager of the grocery store and make some positive suggestions on it, according to the report you prepared previously.。

Unit 4 E-Commerce

Unit 4 E-Commerce

Unit 4 E-CommerceText A Impact of E-Commerce on ChinaAs a new business, the E-commerce, In China, has a rapid increase in recent years. In some parts of China like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, E-Commerce is becoming a part of people‟s life. With the development of E-Commerce, it brings some changes to people‟s life.Changes in People’s Life Style and Shopping FashionNowadays, a young man in a modern city in China like Shanghai may have a totally different life way from their parents‟ lives 10 years ago. He could book the flight ticket online with a lower price in a moment when he decides to go somewhere. If he wants to view a pop concert, he just needs to select a superstar‟s show from ticket service website, and the ticket will be sent to his place in days. Simultaneously, changes have happened in people‟s shopping fashion. When they want to buy something like customer electronics, the first thing they must think about is that the feedbacks online from other people. These feedbacks from large shopping direction websites are usually more popular because they update information instantly. Otherwise, this first idea from people could eventually become a custom of themselves. With the help of E-Commerce, people never need to walk to a great many different shopping malls again. The only thing they need to do is to decide to accept which suggestions. Furthermore, if people living in cities have something needless but still valuable, they could put them on the C2C websites and get money from auctioning items.Changes in Different Types of CompaniesIn recent years, the E-Commerce technology has been widely used between companies. It helps different kinds of companies cut down their cost and expand their market shares. For SMEs in China, the most important way to get more profits is to control costs. Via E-mail, most companies could communicate with each other immediately without any cost. They could also set websites for their companies, and it could be a cheaper way to propagandize themselves rather than making advertisements. It is hard for SMEs to find cooperation partners in traditional ways. Now the B2B E-Commerce website could help SME to get information about other SMEs and provide a conversation channel to them. It could greatly benefit for the development of SMEs. For retail enterprises in China, how to find high-quality suppliers is always a problem. The B2B websites could provide a large number of suppliers to retailers. The retailers could know all the information about suppliers online and it could help them to select suitable suppliers. Another great change for retail enterprises is that they can open B2C websites online directly to expand their market shares. Customers will be interested in shopping on these famous retailers‟ websites because they have high-quality and safe services. For post companies in China, the E-Commerce could also provide a superexcellent chance to them. Chinese post industry has been broken up for more than ten years because less and less people use post service. However, with the development of B2C and C2C E-Commerce, the post companies could get much more business since most of the B2C and C2C business should be finished by posting. For logistics enterprises in China, the E-Commerce requires high efficiency logistics management. The enterprises in China usually have their own logistics and transportation at before. Nevertheless, these departments from enterprises were not professional. The modern logistics in the E-Commerce environment should be done by the third-party logistics.Changes in Advertising and PromotionThe online advertising has been established as a new type of advertisement model by Internet.Online advertisement is quite different from traditional advertisement. It is a combination of different kinds of mediums‟advertisement. The online advertisement also has its special characteristics. The objects of online advertising are Internet users. They not only receive the information of the advertising but also engage in the advertisement. They could show their own opinions through the advertisement. For instance, the online advertisement could be like a vote, people could submit their selections to the advertisement link. By encouraging people to participate in the advertisement, the advertiser could achieve the purpose of advertising. Another important new method is E-mail. Since almost Internet users have their own E-mail, the E-mail advertisement could be widely received. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that people do not like useless advertisements being sent into their E-mail. As a result, advertiser needs to collect personal information from objects and provide different information to different people.The methods of promotion have also been changed by E-Commerce in China. One significant change is that transforming the promoting strategy from ‟how to promote my products‟ to …how to satisfy the customer‟s demands‟.(785 words)Text B Trends of China E-Commerce in 2010With gradually establishment and improvement of domestic logistics, payment and credit system, further development of information infrastructure, increasingly exploitation and cultivation on network access demand of enterprises and individual users, practicing and innovating of a number of business websites, as well as the international capital favoring China E-Commerce market again, the development of China E-Commerce market obviously picks up, market vigor of E-Commerce market significantly strengthens.On January 19, the China National Network Information Center (CNNIC) issued "statistics report of the 15th China internet development condition" in Beijing. The report showed that, the users access to internet is totally 94 million in China, increasing 8% compared with half year ago, in which the users access to internet on broad band is 42.8 million, the computers access to internet is 41.6 million, increasing 14.6% compared with half year ago.At present, the domestic E-Commerce websites, such as online store, online commercial platform, speciality shop, online auction website, online tickets reservation, online traveling, online education, online health care, as well as those provide various electronic commerce information and transaction, emerge continuously, E-Commerce application is deepening, and service patterns are also innovating. E-Commerce is expanding from large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to coastal and inland big cities.With sharply growth of domestic Internet users, China E-Commerce demonstrates accelerating development potential. Generally speaking, the China E-Commerce market contains huge commercial opportunity, the development prospect is extremely broad. Third party based in Hangzhou, China Electronic Commerce Research Center non-profit organization recently released “2010 (A) monitoring report in the Chinese e-commerce market data,” said the first half of 2010 Chinese e-commerce industry advanced by leaps and bounds, and shown a ten trends.(1) Industry gradually sought after by the venture. According to statistics, in the first half of this year, domestic e-commerce companies have completed 23 financing transactions, the total financing amount of the 331 million dollars. And in the record in 2008, there are a total of 36transactions with a total financing amount of 337 million yuan. In June, a total of nine companies received venture and the total size reached more than 100 million dollars.(2) Companies set off a self-built logistics wind. Logistics system has become the bottleneck which has limited the development of electronic commerce. Many companies are considering self-built e-commerce logistics system. Jingdong Mall and VBNDL have announced to set up self logistics companies to ensure the quality of delivery.(3) Mobile e-commerce becomes the new hot market. After the fight in online advertising, SP, online games, vertical search, WEB2.0, B2C e-commerce and with the advent of 3G era, Alibaba, Lenovo, Baidu and other leading enterprises have already have snatched market share of mobile payment , industry portals, mobile IM, mobile search and other mobile e-commerce market.(4) Personalized service becomes the future trend of e-commerce. Network service systems provide customers with real-time interactive tools around the clock to meet the needs of modern customers personalized features. Small e-commerce businesses will increasingly focus on the customer‟s personal information.(5) Business e-commerce application tends to be a whole flow. Posting opportunity to find customers, negotiate orders, online payment, issuing electronic invoices, EDI and electronic tax payment and other business processes can be completed through e-commerce platform. E-commerce can apply to the procurement, development, production, investment, marketing, retail, planning, administration, finance, human resources, design and other regular departments of a company, and can cover a trade or industrial chain.(6) E-commer ce legislation gradually improved. SAIC promulgated the “Network behavior of commodity trading and related services Interim Measures,” and the central bank issued a “non-financial institution payment service management approach”. These regulations can effectively ensure the healthy development of e-business.(7) Online business platform is integrated with entities platform. E-commerce companies, such as Dangdang and Jingdong Mall, began to expand to entities platform. This makes e-commerce platform change from being unitary to multiple. While the manufacturers and providers of traditional industry, such as Skyworth, Hisense, Gome, Suning, begin to build their online market.(8) The talented person of electronic commerce restricts the industrial development. The statistical data shows, that at present although nearly 1000 university opened e-commerce, the graduate employment professional just 20 percent, while China's e-commerce talent gap will reach 200 million in the next 10 years. How to develop the comprehensive ability of electronic commerce talented persons is the crying need of e-commerce development, also the big embarrassed of the obtain employment and careers fair.(748 words )。



Read the information from IBM’s website. What is the difference between e-business and e-commerce? What are the benefits of each? Which of these words is used frequently in the text?
What difficulties might be experienced with e-business and e-commerce? Possible difficulties for companies: cost of installing systems and training staff, need to provide 24-hour service/back-up, keeping up-to-date with technical advances, potential systems failures (viruses) Possible difficulties for customers: need to have up-to-date, reliable Internet access (for e-commerce customers), lack of confidence in system security.
Look at the graph on p 50 showing the predicted growth of worldwide Internet commerce. Write a 120-140 word report comparing ebusiness and e-commerce.
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erce与E-business是有一定区别。E-business称为电子商务, 是发生在企业内部的数字化事务和流程,包括企业内部的信息 系统。特征一般不含跨组织边界的有价交换的商业交易,当发 生商业交易,业务就转变成商务。 E-commerce主要是涉及跨企业边界交易。 In practice, e-business is more than just e-commerce. While ebusiness refers to more strategic focus with an emphasis on the functions that occur using electronic capabilities, e-commerce is a subset of an overall e-business strategy. E-commerce seeks to add revenue streams using the World Wide Web or the Internet to build and enhance relationships with clients and partners and to improve efficiency using the Empty Vessel strategy. Often, e-commerce involves the application of knowledge management systems
Unit 4b
E-business (electronic business), derived from such terms as "e-mail" and "e-commerce", is the conduct of business on the Internet, not only buying and selling but also servicing customers and collaborating with business partners, defined as the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of all the activities of business. Electronic business methods enable companies to link their internal and external data processing systems more efficiently and flexibly, to work more closely with suppliers and partners, and to better satisfy the needs and expectations of their customers. 电子商务是运用计算机网络技术和现代通信技术,使商务达到电子化、自 动化运作的商务形式。广义的电子商务(E-business,有的也称电子商业) 包括EDI(Electronic Data Interchange:电子数据交换)、基于Internet的Ecommerce(Electronic commerce:电子商务)以及基于企业内部的信息化 系统ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning:企业资源计划)、SCM (Supply Chain Management:供应链管理)和CRM(Customer Relation Management:客户关系管理)等。
Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or ecommerce, or e-business, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.
Who Are Potential E-Commerce Supply Chain Members?
Potential Supply Chain Members of E-Commerce
Examples of E-Commerce?
Examples of E-Commerce
• • • • • • •
Retailing and Marketing Entertainment and Travel Education and Learning Banking and Investment Health-Care Auction Personal and Business Service
电子交易,通过Web购买和销售的过程(通常以软件产品如 MicrosoftMerchantServer为基础)。 电子商务或EC(英 语: E-Commerce)是指在互联网(Internet)、企业内部网 (Intranet) 和增值网(VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交 易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,是传统商业活动各环 节的电子化、网络化。
Convenience Information and reviews Price and selection
Fraud and security concerns Privacy
Types of E-Commerce
• Customer-to-Customer (C2C)
• Business-to-Customer (B2C) • Business-to-Business (B2B) • Government-to-Business (G2B) • Government-to-Citizens (G2C)