



Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT



()1. A. school C. pencil

()2. A. bedroom B. living room C. playground D. bathroom ()3. A. skate B. see

()4. A. Good morning B. Good bye C. Good afternoon evening

()5. A. Chinese B. Science C. PE

()1. A.table tennis B.basketball C.ball D.foot ball ()2. A.when B.what C.welcome D.where ()3. A.her B.they C.we D.you ()4. A.Sunday B.Monday C.Mum D.Saturday ()5. A.Chinese B.subjects C.Science D.Maths










9.星期二怎么样_______________10.真遗憾!___________________ 11. 两门学科 12. Welcome back to school

13. 今天下午 14. Nice to see you too

15.体育课时间 16. go to the playground

17.上一节美术课 18. our new timetable

19.多少节数学课 Music and Science


( ) 1. It’s time _____ Maths.


B. for

C. on

( ) 2. _______ is the man He’s my father.

A. What

B. Who

C. How

( ) 3. We don’t have _____ lessons on Sunday.

A. some

B. any

C. many

( ) 4. ______ you like PE No, I ______.

A. Do , do

B. Do, don’t like

C. Do , don’t

( ) 5. I have a _______ lesson today.

A. swim

B. swimming

C. swiming

( ) 6. _______ is it today It’s Thursday.

A. What subjects

B. What day

C. What time

( ) 7. ________ are they Fifty yuan.

A.How many

B. How

C. How much

( ) 8. I ________ Art.

A. not like

B. can’t like

C. don’t like

( ) 9. Welcome ______ the snack bar.


B. to

C. in

( ) 10. _______ the timetables They are on the desk.

A. Where’s

B. Where

C. Where are

( ) 11. How many _______do you have this term(学期) We have five.

A. subject

B. a subject

C. subjects

D. an subject

( ) 12. It’s time _______ Enlish. Let’s go to the classroom(教室).

A. at

B. for

C. in

D. on

( ) 13. What lessons do you have this morning We _______ Chinese, Maths and Music.

A. do

B. have C are D is

( ) 14. A: Do you have _____ PE lessons this week(星期) B: Yes, I do.

A. any B some C a D an

( ) Science book is _______ the bedroom, ________ the chair.

A on; in

B in; on

C at; on

D in; in

( ) 16. __________ a timetable for you.

A. Here

B. Here’s C .Here are is

( ) and Science ________ fun.

Ais B am C are D not

( ) : How much is the Art book B: _____________

A It’s five.

B They’re four yuan. C. It’s four yuan. D. They are four ( ) 19.—What ________ do you like —I like is fun.

A. subject

B. subjects

C. a subject

D. an subject

( ) 20. —Here are _______ English book and _______ Art book for you. — Thank you.

; a ; an C. a; a , an



( ) day is it A. It’s Wednesday.

( ) 2. Nice to see you. B. Five .

( ) 3. What subjects do you like C. At eight.

( ) 4. How many lessons do we have D. Let’s jump and run.

( ) 5. Get up. E. Nice to see you too.

( ) 6. What do you have F. I like Maths.

( ) 7. It’s time for PE. G. All right.

( ) 8. When do you go to school H. I have some fruit.

( ) 9. Can I help you I. How nice.

( ) 10. Look at my skirt. J. I’d like some pineapples.


1. This is _______ (we) timetable.

2. I like _______( Art).

3. How many __________ (mango) do we have

4. It’s Sunday. We _________ (have ) any lessons.

5. Where ________ (be) your clock


( )1. Look at my English book. I like English. A. Nice to see you too.

( )2. Would you like a timetable B. Six.

( )3. Do you like PE C. Chinese.

( )4. Dad, where’s my football ’s nine yuan.

( )5. Nice to see you, Bobby. E. Yes, please. ( )6. What subject do you like F. I’d like two Maths books. ( )7. Can I help you G. No, I don’t. ( )8. How many subbjects do you have H. Let’s go to the playground. ( )9. How much is the Maths book I. It’s in your bedroom.

( )10. It’s time for PE. too.


1. morning, what, do, this, we, lessons, have ()


2. do , every, skate, when, you ,day

( )____________________________________________________

3. English , we, on, and, have, Maths, Friday


4. Sunday, I, have, on, any, don’t, lessons (.)


5. has, this, an, lesson, Art, Mike,


6. you what do subjects like ()


7. subjects many have do you how ()


8. three I this lessons have morning (.)


what this lessons have you afternoon ()


10. an how is book much English ()



have Chinese and Maths this morning.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ do you have this morning

like playing football.(改为否定句)

I __________ ___________playing football.

have a swimming lesson today.(用she替换I)

_________ _________ a swimming lesson today.

like Maths and English. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ do you like

get up at six. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you get up




——__________ do you get up every _________——I get up___________ six.



——What _________ do you ________ today

——I have _________ and ________.


_________ __________ is it today


I have a football ________ today.


___________ ___________ ___________ do you have this term(学期) We have



It’s time ___________ ___________ ___________. Let’s go to the classromm(教室).


What __________ do you like I like ____________. It’s ___________.


I go at in the .


do you do At six in the .

10. 我在每个星期六都没有课。

I ________ have ________ lessons ________ ___________.

11. 苏海在下午放学后有一场足球比赛。

Su Hai ________ a __________ __________ __________ __________ in the afternoon.



Lily: Hi, Helen. What day is it today

Helen: It’s Tuesday.

Lily: Let’s go to play basketball this afternoon.

Helen: Sorry, I’m busy. I have Music and Art.

Lily: What about Liu Tao

Helen: He doesn’t have any lessons.

Lily: All right.

Helen: But he has a football match.

Lily: What a pity!

( ) 1. Today is Thursday.

( ) 2. Lily wants to play basketball.

( ) 3. Helen has Music and Art in the morning

( ) 4. Liu Tao can’t go to play basketball, either.

( ) 5. Liu Tao has a basketball match.


name’s Nancy. I’m eleven. I have a brother Tom. He’s twelve. This is my study. It’s not big but very nice. My new computer is on the desk. I like it very much. Here’s a big bookcase. I have many books in it. I like r eading. There’s a nice toy car in the bookcase. It’s Tom’s. I like it, too. ( ) 1. Nancy is .

A. ten

B. eleven

C. twelve

( ) 2. There is in the study.

A. a desk, a computer and a bookcase

B. a desk, a computer and a TV

C. a table, a computer and a bookcase

( ) 3. The toy car is .

A. Nancy’s

B. Ji m’s

C. Nancy’s brother’s

( ) 4. What’s in the book case

A. Many books.

B. A toy car.

C. A and B

( ) 5. Which is NOT right

A. The study is big.

B. The computer is new.

C. Nancy likes her study.

: Hello, Jane.

Jane: Hello, Alice.

Alice: How many shbjects do you have this term(学期)

Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths.

Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane

Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Maths.

Alice: What subject do you like, Jane

Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice

Alice: I like Art, too.

Jane: Oh, we like the same(同样的)subject.

Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week(星期)

Jane: Three. I like it. It’s fun.

( ) 1. Does Jane like Art X K b1 .C o m

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I don’t know(知道).

D. She likes.

( ) 2. Do Alice and Jane like the same(同样的)subject

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I don’t know.

D. Maybe.(可能吧)

( ) 3. How many Art lessons does Jane have in a week

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

( ) 4. What lessons does Jane have in the morning

A. Science.

B. Chinese.

C. Art and Mathss.

D. All of them (以上全选).

( ) 5. How many subjects does Jane have this term(学期)

A. Five.

B. Four.

C. Six.

D. Seven.
