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HPUX 小型机常用操作命令汇总
1、操作系统备份到本地磁盘 (3)
2、备份系统到磁带机: (3)
3、CELL板检查与合并分区操作 (3)
3.1 检查服务器分区 (3)
3.2将CELL1加入分区0 (3)
3.3重新加载CELL板 (4)
3.4 合并后检查,是否在分区0里面 (4)
3.5检查CPU,内存是否增加 (4)
4检查卷组VG和磁盘PV的映射关系 (5)
5 检查引导设备顺序 (5)
6 创建新的PV (5)
7 创建VG2.0的卷组 (6)
8 创建条带化逻辑卷 (6)
9 检查逻辑卷分布情况 (6)
10 导出卷组信息,仅导出,不删除数据 (7)
11 卷组去激活 (7)
12 修改为集群共享卷组 (8)
13 在集群里面修改为集群激活卷组,修改配置文件 (8)
14 停止CRS服务 (8)
15 机器性能检查 (8)
15.1 磁盘IO性能检查 (8)
15.2 磁盘IO性能检查 (9)
15.3检查复制文件所需要的时间: (9)
16 从光盘安装软件 (9)
17 检查宕机文件内容 (9)
18、服务器配置IP地址 (11)
18.1 修改/etc/rc.config.d/netconf文件 (11)
19 设置系统的主机名 (11)
20 使用sam工具修改 (13)
21 用户锁定,解锁办法 (13)
22 利用scsimgr获取hba卡的wwn号 (14)
23 使用命令获取WWN (14)
24 .利用scsimgr获取disk的wwid号. 比如eva要查看对应的盘 (15)
25 检查EVA 存储挂载的硬盘 (16)
26 检查多路径映射关系 (16)
27 利用scsimgr获得设置多路径模式 (17)
28 . 利用sccimgr关闭多路径合并模式 (17)
29 利用scsimgr 做replace_wwid ,相当于之前的replace_dsk (17)
30 修改磁盘编号: (18)
按照编号ID排序 (19)
yx8640b1:[/]#drd clone -t /dev/disk/disk3 -x ignore_unmounted_fs=true -x overwrite=true
# make_tape_recovery -Av -a /dev/rmt/15mn
3.1 检查服务器分区
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next Par Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot Num ========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== === cab0,cell0 Active Core 4/0/8 16.0/0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis0 yes yes 0 cab0,cell1 Inactive 4/0/8 8.0/0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis1 yes - - cab0,cell2 Absent * - - - - - - cab0,cell3 Absent * - - - - - -
yx8640b1:[/]#parmodify -p 0 -a 1:base:y:ri
Warning: The firmware minor number of cell 1 (48) and cell 0 (66) do not match. Note: It may take a longer time for the partition to boot if
any cell is performing power-on selftest.
To activate newly added cells, reboot the partition for reconfiguration.
or activate a Cell Online using "parolrad" command.
On HP-UX use "shutdown -R" or "parolrad -a".
On Windows, restart the OS on the partition using the Start menu or "shutdown -r" at a Command Prompt.
On Linux, restart the OS on the partition using "shutdown -r" at a Command Prompt. If the partition is at the system firmware prompt, use the RR command on the MP.
yx8640b1:[/]#parolrad -a 1
Note: Cell Online activation operation has been initiated.
The sequence number is: 1
Note: Cell OL* operations, may take several minutes to complete.
Killing or otherwise aborting this parolrad command will not cancel the
Cell OL* operation. See the parolrad (1M) manpage for details.
Online operation in progress ....
3.4 合并后检查,是否在分区0里面
CPU Memory Use
OK/ (GB) Core On Hardware Actual Deconf/ OK/ Cell Next Par Location Usage Max Deconf Connected To Capable Boot Num ========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== === cab0,cell0 Active Core 4/0/8 16.0/0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis0 yes yes 0 cab0,cell1 Active None 4/0/8 8.0/0.0 cab0,bay0,chassis1 yes yes 0 cab0,cell2 Absent * - - - - - - cab0,cell3 Absent * - - - - - -
CPU info:
Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series processor (1.6 GHz, 18 MB)
2 cores, 4 logical processors per socket
533 MT/s bus, CPU version A1
Active processor count:
2 sockets