


1 可数名词


A. 单数:表示“一个”的概念。用名词的单数时,名词前需加a 或an。如a book (一本书)、a river(一条河)、an apple(一个苹果)、an orange(一个橘子)等。

B. 复数:表示两个或两个以上的物体。如two pens(两枝钢笔)、three days(三天)、three cities(三个城市)等。




大多数名词在词尾加-s。(在清辅音后读[s],在浊辅音及元音后读[z]。)cat——cats bag——bags day——days

以s、x、ch、sh 结尾的名词在词尾加-es, 读作[iz]。class——classesmatch——matches

以辅音字母+ y 结尾的名词把y 变成i , 加-es, 读作[iz] city——cities

但专有名词例外,直接在y后加-s, 读作[z] Germany——Germanys

以辅音字母+ 结尾的名词一般直接加-es , 读作[z]; 某些外来词例外,加-s (如zero, kilo, tobacco 等)tomato——tomatoes photo——photos piano——pianos

以元音字母+ o 结尾的名词直接加-s, 但读作[z] zoo—zoos radio——radios 以f 或fe 结尾的名词有的直接加-s, 读作[z] roof——roofs

大多数要将 f 或fe 变为v, 再加-es,读作[z] leaf——leaves wife——wives



通过改变词内元音字母man——men foot——feet tooth——teeth mouse——mice(老鼠)

通过在词尾加-en ox——oxen(牛)child——children

单复数形式相同a sheep——two sheep a deer——two deer(鹿)

a Chinese——two Chinese(中国人)





son-in-law (女婿)——sons-in-lawgrandchild(孙子)——grandchildrenlooker-on (旁观者)——lookers-on

组成部分均为表示人的主体词各组成部分都要变为复数形式woman doctor(女医生)——women doctorman servant(男仆)——men servants

组成部分没有中心词最后一个组成词上加-s grown-up (成年人)——grown-upsgo-between(中间人)——go-betweens




以-ing 结尾的名词化的动名词savings(积蓄)earnings(工资)belongings(所有物)surroundings(周围环境)



2 不可数名词

表示无法分清个体的名词。不过,有些词在汉语中可数,在英语中却不可数。例如:news(新闻)、furniture(家具)、bread(面包)等。此类不可数名词要表示“一”这个概念时,需用其它方式表达,如a piece of news,a piece of furniture,a loaf of bread 等。

一般来说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,通常没有复数形式,但有时为了表示“不同类”或“大量”时,可以用复数形式,例如:China is rich in waters. 中国有丰富的水资源


英语名词按其语法意义分为可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数之分,如bus, boy, child的复数分别为buses, boys, children。不可书名词没有复数形式。如anger, laughter, water等。一般说来,表示物质,材料之类的物质名词和表示状态,行为,品质等抽象概念的抽象名词都是不可数名词,在特殊情况下也可用作可数名词。


清辅音:p、t、c、(k g) f、l、s、h、j、X



【发卷日期】2013年______月_______日 【学生姓名】__________________________ 一、如何把“单数句”变成“复数句”: 1、 “人称代词/物主代词/反身代词的单数形式”变成相应的“人称代词/物主代词/反身 代词的复数形式”。也就是说: 2、 be 动词变成相应的复数形式:am/is 变为___________,was 变为___________。 3、 不定冠词a/an 要________________________(去掉/保留),固定搭配除外。 例如:He is a boy.→They are boys. 4、 指示代词:this 变为__________________,that 变为__________________。 例如:This is a book.→These are books. 5、 man 和woman 作定语修饰可数名词时,要在"数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。也 就是说,当man 和woman 修饰可数名词....时,在整个句子变成复数的情况下,它 们也变为复数形式:___________________________和___________________________。 例如:She is a woman teacher.→They are women teachers. 【注意】当名词修饰名词表“性质”时,不作变化。如:apple tree → apple trees 6、 单数句变复数句时,句中的形容词、副词、定冠词、特殊疑问词、介词短语和 感叹词等__________________________________________________(必须改变/保持不变)。 例如:Who is she? 她是谁?→ Who are they? 她们是谁? 7、 有的英语单数句不可以变成复数句,必须根据题目的实际情况进行具体分析。 例如:My name is Kate. 我叫凯特。Three plus two is five. 三加二等于五。 8、 可数名词的单数形式要变为_______________形式。例如:It is a cat. → They are cats. book 书 → house 房子 → day 日子 → ruler 尺子 → bus 公共汽车 → waitress 女服务员 → dress 连衣裙 → glass 玻璃杯 → class 班 → box 盒子 → fox 狐狸 → dish 碟子 → brush 刷子 → watch 手表 → peach 桃子 → coach 教练 → 【注意】有些单词例外,它们本身就以字母s 结尾,如:news 新闻(不可数名词)


三年级英语知识点复习:单数句和复数句 三年级英语知识点复习:单数句和复数句 口诀: 单数句子变,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。 this, that变成啥,these, those来替它。 he, she, it要变啥,全部变they不用怕。 I要变we莫落下,名词后面把s/es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。 具体注意下面的六要素: 1.单数主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代 词,即I→we; you→you; she, he, it→they。如: She is a girl.→They are girls. 2. am, is要变为are。如:I#39;m a student. →We are students. 3.不定冠词a, an要去掉。如:He is a boy. →They are boys. 4.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如: It is a cat. →They are cats. 5.指示代词this, that要变为these, those。如:

This i s a book.→These are books. 6. man, woman作定语修饰可数名词时,要在数上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示性质时,不作变化。 如: He is a man doctor.→They are men doctors. This is an apple tree.→They are apple trees. 单复数相互 转换,每空一词(含缩写)。 1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句) The _________ _________ _________. 2. There are some old cars.(改为单数句) There _________ _________ old _________. 3. He has a new book.(改为复数句) _________ _________ new _________. 4. Are these your chicks ?(改为单数句) _______ _______ your _______? 5. Is there a sheep in the playground?(改为复数句) ________ there ________ ________ in the playground? 只要大家多听、多看、多听和多练,英语成绩很快就能 提高。希望我们提供的三年级英语知识点复习,对大家有所


英语名词单数变复数的规则: 一、绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾加上后辍-s。 读音变化:结尾是清辅音读[s],结尾是浊辅音或元音读[z]。 例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports; piece→pieces 二、凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。读音变化:统一加读[iz]。 例:bus→buses; quiz→quizzes; fox→foxes; match→matches; flash→flashes 三、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加-es。 读音变化:加读[z]。 例:candy→candies; daisy→daisies; fairy→fairies; lady→ladies; story→stories 四、以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。读音变化:加读[z]。 例:tomato→tomatoes; potato→potatoes; torpedo→torpedoes; bingo→bingoes 反例:silo→silos; piano→pianos(外来词); photo→photos; macro→macros (缩写词) 五、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外。 读音变化:尾音[f]改读[vz]。 例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves; staff→staves; scarf→scarves 反例:roof→roofs


单数句变复数句 六绝招 不少学生做这类练习时总是“顾此失彼”。那么,如何将单数句变成复数句呢?请注意以下几点: 人称代词主格单数变成相应的人称代词主格复数,即 I→we;you→you;she,he,it→they。如: She is a girl.→ They are girls. 2.am, is变为are。如: I'm a student. →We are students. 3.不定冠词a, an要去掉固定搭配除外。如: He is a boy. → They are boys. 4.可数名词单数要变为复数形式。如: It is a cat. →They are cats. 5.指示代词this, that变为these, those。如: This is a book.→ These are books. 6."man, woman作定语修饰可数名词时,要在"数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示"性质"时,不作变化。如: 六、man或woman修饰可数名词时,在整个句子变成复数的情况下,它们也变为复数形式men, women。例如: She is a womanteacher.→They are women teachers. 注意: 普通单数可数名词要变为复数形式,但当名词修饰名词表示“性质”时不作变化。

例如: apple/bana/orange/pear tree→apple/bana/orange/pear trees苹果/香蕉/桔子/梨树;boy/girl student→boy/girl students等。 七、单数句变复数句时,句中的形容词、定冠词、副词、疑问词、介词短语和感叹词等保持不变。例如: Who is she?她是谁?→Who are they?她们是谁? 八、此外,还须注意的是并不是所有的英语单数句子都可以变成复数句子。例如: My name is Kate.我叫凯特。 Three plus two is five.三加二等于 五。" ※记住单数句变复数句的口诀。 单数句子变复数,变化规则要记住。名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。 this, that该咋办,these, those替代它。he, she, it要变啥,全部变they就行了。 I要变we别落下,名词后面把s/es加。名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。 但是,在英语中有些单数句不能变为复数句,如: Lily is fourteen.(莉莉十四岁。)Hisname is Jim.(他的名字叫吉姆。)等


二名词单复数练习题 (做之前认真读一读并充分理解“名词单数变复数的儿歌”) (一)写出下列名词的复数形式。 1. bus- 2. potato- 3. hand- 4. child- 5. sheep - 6. dog - 7. box- 8. leaf- 9. wash - 10. tooth - 11.tomato- 12. foot- 13. fish - 14. mouse- 15. mango- 16. elephant - 17. hippo - 18. bike- 19. watch- 20. baby- 21. toy- 22. man- 23. dish - 24. zoo- (二) 选出正确答案写在横线上并圈出关键词。 1. How many (cow / cows) are there? 2. This is a (lemons /lemon). 3. They are (cat / cats). 4. Those are (tigers / tiger). 5. Look at those zoo (animal / animals). 6. That’s a (monster / monsters). 7. These are (fingers / finger). 8. It’s ( a dog / dogs). (三) 判断、改正并圈出关键词。 1. There are two chicken.() 2. A mice is on the table. () 3. This is a beautiful and clever dogs. () 4. He can read book.() (此题无关键词,不用圏) 5. Can you tell me their names? ( ) 6. There are five sheeps on the farm. ( ) 7. This is my chair. ( )


单数句变复数句 单数句变复数句歌谣: 单数句变复数句, 代词四变要记住。 人称,指示,反身变物主代词看一看。 连系动词am is 变成are。 冠词a an要去掉,改为some,any也可以。 名词做定语,介宾不要变;有man和woman也例外。 句式不要变,十全十美题做完。 1人称代词由单数变复数: 例1 She is a girl . They are girls . 例2 I like her. We like them. 2指示代词由单数变复数: 例1 This is a book . These are(some)books . 例2 Is that a pen?Are those(any)pens? 3 反身代词: 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves

第三人称himself themselves ( herself, itself ) 例1 I am teaching myself computer. We are teaching ourself computer. 例2 The child himself draws this picture. The children themselves draw these pictures. 4 物主代词由单数变复数: 1 名词性物主代词:mine ours ,yours yours ,his/hers/its theirs 2 形容词性物主代词:my our,your your ,his/her/its their 例1 The book is mine. The books are ours. 例2 This is her pen. These are their pens. 5 一般情况下,形容词性物主代词在单数句变复数句时不变。 例1 This is my book . These are my books . 6 当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,形容词性物主代词 应随主语人称的变化而变化,仍要保持一致。 例1 He likes his bike. They like their bikes. 7 连系动词由单数变复数:is/am are 例1 I am a teacher. We are(some)teachers. 8 a/an表示一个,只能用在单数名词前,当单数句变复数句时, 一定要把a/an去掉,或改为some/any。 例1 This is a book . These are(some)books . 例2 Is that a pen?Are those(any)pens?


小学英语名词单数变复数练习题 1. 请把下面的名词单数变复数。 cat___dog___desk___ key___boy___story___family___bus___ box___watch___potato___tomato___bed___brush___ ______teacher___sister___ plane___ 2. 把下面的单数句子变成复数句子。 1) This is a book. These ___ 2) It is a red apple. They_ 3) That is a eraser. Those。 3. 填入所给名词的正确形式。 1)I have too______ 2)There are many______ 3)She has three______ wife___ school___ knife 小学英语可数名词单数变复数规律 1.一般情况下,直接加s, 如:apple-apples,pig-pigs,book-books等 2.如果单词以s、sh、ch、x结尾的名词,加es, 如:bus-buses,class-classes, watch-watches,box-boxes,fox-foxes 3.以y结尾的单词,元音字母+y的,直接加s:例如:

boys 、babys;如果单词以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,把y改成i加es,如: family-families,strawberry-strawberriesstory-storie s 4. 如果单词以f或fe结尾的名词,把f或fe改成v 加es,如:wife-wives, knife-knives 5. 如果单词以”o”结尾:有生命的,加es,如: potato-potatoes,tomato-tomatoes,hero-heroes 无生命的,加s,如:photo-photos,radio-radios 6.将“oo”改为“ee”的名词,如: tooth-teeth,foot-feet,goose-geese 8.单复同形的名词:fish-fish, sheep-sheep,paper-paper,people-people 9.不规则变化的名词: man-men, woman-women 延伸:policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen child-children mouse-mice, you-you, he/she/it-they, this-these,that-those. A. the people B. people C. peoples D. the peoples


名词单复数专项练习 一:将下面名词单数变换为名词复数 1: bed ________ computer___________ .apple ________ house__________ pl ane___________ tree_____________ lesson___________ apple___________ shirt_________ month____________ 2:piano___________ photo__________ radio________ zoo_________ tomato___________ potato____________ 3:class__________ fox _________ watch_________ glass__________ dress__________ class__________ .brush___________ box_________ bus_________ 》 4: shelf_________ knife__________ wife__________ life ________ leaf _______ thief _________ 5: country________ army________ .city______ story_______ baby ______ butterfly__________ 6: toy___________ .play ________ day _________ key_______ boy______ 二:代词/ be动词单数变复数 this _______ that _________ I _______ you ________ she _______ he ________ it ________ am _________ is __________ 三:把下列句子单数变复数 1, This is a book. . __________________________ 2: That is an eraser. ___________________________ ! 3: It is a red apple. ____________________________ 4: I am a boy. ______________________________ 5: He / She is a teacher. __________________________ 6: What’s this _________________________________ 五:名词复数变单数练习 1:Those are my 2: They are English boys. _________________________ 3: They are some erasers. ________________________ 4: These are dictionaries. ___________________________ 5: we are students. ___________________________ } 6: what color are your books ______________________ 六:根据句意及所给单词填空。 1:________(this) are my English books. 2: The two boys are my _________(cousin) 3: ---- _________those your parents ----Yes, they _________. 4: ---Who are the man and the woman in the picture ----They are my __________. 5: My aunt Jane and my mother are ___________. 6: They are my __________(姨)。


单数句变复数句 单数句变复数句精炼 一将下列单数句变为复数句 1 This is a book . 2 Is that a pen 3 She is a girl . 4 I like her. 5 The book is mine. 6 This is her pen. 7 I am a teacher. 8 He is a boy student . 9 She is a woman worker. 10 He likes his bike. 二将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What are these 2 They like their bikes. 3 These are my books . 4 These are(some)books . 5 Are those(any)pens 6 They are girls .

7 We like them. 8 These are(some)books . 9 Are those(any)pens 10They like my bikes. 三将下列名词变为复数形式 单数句变复数句精炼答案 一将下列单数句变为复数句 1 These are(some)books . 2 Are those(any)pens 3 They are girls . 4 We like them. 5 The books are ours. 6 These are their pens. 7 We are(some) teachers. 8 They are(some)boy students. 9 They are(some)women workers. 10 They like their bikes. 二将下列复数句变为单数句 1 What is this 2 He likes his bike


单数句变复数句 1.人称代词单数变成相应的人称代词复数,即 a主格:I→we ;you→you; she/he/it→they。 b宾格me →us you→you her/him/ its→them。 如:She is a girl.→ They are girls. 2.物主代词由单数变成相对应的复数,即 a,形容词性物主代词:my→our ; your→your; his/her/its→their. b 名词性物主代词:mine→ours;yours→yours; his/hers/its→theirs. 3.be动词:am is变为are。 如:I'm a student. →We are students. 4.不定冠词a an 表示“一个”,只能用在单数句中,当变成复数句时,一定要把a/an去掉或改为some/any。 如:He is a boy. → They are (some) boys. 5.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。 如:It is a cat. →They are cats. 6.指示代词由单变复。即this变为these;that 变成those。 如:This is a book.→ These are books. 7.man woman 作定语修饰可数名词时,要在"数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词 修饰名词表示"性质"时,不作变化。

如:He is a man doctor.→They are men doctors. This is an apple tree.→They are apple trees. 8. 一般情况下,形容词性物主代词在单数句变成复数句时不变。 如:This is my pen.→These are my pens. 9. 当句中形容词性物主代词与句中的主语一致时,该物主代词应随主语人称的变化而变化,仍要保 持一致。 如:He likes his bike.→They like their bikes. 10. 单数句变成复数句时,句式不能变。即单数句是疑问句时,变成复数句时仍然是疑问句。 如:What's this?→What are these? ※记住单数句变复数句的口诀。 单数句子变复数,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am is 要变are。 this that 该咋办,these those 替代它。 he she it 要变啥,全部变they 就行了。 I要变we 别落下,名词后面把s/es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。 但是,在英语中有些单数句不能变为复数句,如:Lily is fourteen.(莉莉十四岁。)His name is Jim.(他的名字叫吉姆。)等。


英语动词第三人称单数变化规则及 名词单数变复数口诀 一、动词的第三人称单数现在式变化规则: 1)一般由动词原形加-s get-gets play-plays 2)以e结尾的动词,加-s like-likes make-makes 3)以o结尾的动词加-es go-goes do-does 4)以s, x, ch, sh等字母结尾的动词,后面加-es kiss-kisses fix-fixes teach-teaches fish-fishes 5)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先将y变i, 再加-es fly-flies study-studies 6) have –has 1、一般现在时 ①主语+动词原型V I have a friend. You have a friend. We have a friend. They have a friend. ②主语(第三人称单数)+动词V(三单) She / He / It has a friend. Tom / My mother has a friend.

2.不规则动词过去式与过去分词分类记忆表 (一)、AAA. (原形,过去式和过去分词一致) 1. 花费 cost cost cost 2. 割 cut cut cut 3. 伤害 hurt hurt hurt 4. 让 let let let 5. 放 put put put 6. 朗读 read read read 7. 设置 set set set 8.打击,碰撞 hit hit hit 9.关上门窗 shut shut shut 10.让 let let let (二)、ABB(过去式和过去分词一致) 1) 过去式、过去分词含有-ought 1. 带来 bring brought brought 2. 买 buy bought bought 3. 打架 fight fought fought 4. 想 think thought thought 5. 寻找、探究 seek sought sought 2) 过去式、过去分词含有-aught 5. 抓住 catch caught caught 6. 教 teach taught taught t替换原形-d 3) 过去式、过去分词- 7. 建筑 build built built 8. 借出 lend lent lent 9. 花费 spend spent spent 10.派遣 send sent sent 4) 过去式、过去分词 在原形词尾加t或d 11. 学会 learn learnt/ed learnt/ed 12. 意思 mean meant meant 13. 燃烧 burn burnt/ed burnted 13. 做梦 dream dreamt/ed dreamt/ed 13. 处理 deal dealt dealt 14. 听 hear heard heard 5) 过去式、过去分词改为-ept 15. 保持 keep kept kept 16. 睡觉 sleep slept slept 17. 扫 sweep swept swept 6) 过去式、过去分词改为-elt


单数句变复数句辅导 版权-- 必须让孩子复习并掌握可数名词的复数形式的部分规则 1.一般情况加s,结尾是清辅音读[s],结尾是浊辅音或元音读[z]。 例:bag→ bags hat →hats; bottle→ bottles sport →sports piece →pieces book—books shirt—shirts pant—pants 2. 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数,读[iz] 例:bus→ buses fox → foxes; match→ matches watch →watches 3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加- es,读[z]。 candy→ candies; factory→ factories city→ cities baby--babies lady→ ladies; story→ stories butterfly-- butterflies 4.以-o结尾的名词,有生命的加-es,无生命的加-s构成复数。 读[z]。 例:tomato→ tomatoes ; potato→ potatoes piano→ pianos photo→ photos(无生命) 5.以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves,但有例外,读音变化:尾音[f]改读[vz]。 例:knife→ knives life→ lives leaf→ leaves wife—wives wolf—wolves scarf→ scarves/ scarfs 反例:roof→ roofs 6 以-ce se ze(d)ge等结尾的名词,加-s,读[z]。 price—prices case—cases orange—oranges bridge--bridges 名词的不规则变化: man→ men woman→ women child→ children people→ people fish→ fish sheep→ sheep deer→ deer foot→ feet mouse→ mice tooth→ teeth goose—geese 将下列名词变为复数形式 map egg apple orange tomato potato photo zoo picture


单数句变复数句六绝招 单数句变复数句是七年级英语试题中的一个题类,小学英语一般很少涉猎,进入初中,有的同学在做类似题时往往丢三落四,容易出错。只要注意下面的六要素,问题便迎刃而解:1.人称代词主格单数变成相应的人称代词主格复数,即I→we;you→you;she,he,it→they。如:She is a girl.→They are girls. 2.am, is 变为are。如: I'm a student. →We are students. 3.不定冠词a, an 要去掉。如: He is a boy. →They are boys. 4.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如: It is a cat. →They are cats. 5.指示代词this, that 变为these, those。如: This is a book.→These are books. 6.man, woman 作定语修饰可数名词时,要在"数"上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示"性质"时,不作变化。如: He is a man doctor.→They are men doctors. This is an apple tree.→They are apple trees. ※记住单数句变复数句的口诀。 单数句子变复数,变化规则要记住。 名词代词要变化,am, is 要变are。 this, that 该咋办,these, those 替代它。 he, she, it 要变啥,全部变they 就行了。 I要变we 别落下,名词后面把s/es加。 名前冠词去掉它,其余成分原样加。 但是,在英语中有些单数句不能变为复数句,如:Lily is fourteen.(莉莉十四岁。)His name is Jim.(他的名字叫吉姆。)等。 单数句变复数句练与析 安徽巢湖●万小泉 同学们都会把单数可数名词变为复数形式,可当我们在做“将单数句变为复数句”这种题目时,常常会“顾此失彼”,出现不少错误。你难道不例外吗?那就Have a try! 【练习展示】 ●将下列单数句改为复数句。 1. This is a chair. 2. Is that a pencil-box? 3. He is a good boy. 4. Is it a ruler ? 5. I am an English teacher.


单数句变复数句 单数句变复数句, 人称,指示,物主代词要变. be动词am 或is要变成are。 冠词a an改为some或any。 句式不要变,十全十美题做完。 1、人称代词由单数变复数: 1) 主格:I 变we ,you 还是you ,he/she/it 变成they . 2) 宾格:me变成us ,you 还是you , him/her/it 变成them . 例1 She is a girl . They are girls . 例2 I like her. We like them. 2 、指示代词由单数变复数: this 变these ,that 变those 例1 This is a book . These are(some)books . 例2 Is that a pen?Are those(any)pens? 3、物主代词由单数变复数: 形容词性物主代词:my 变our,your还是your ,his/her/its变成their 例1 The book is mine. The books are ours. 例2 This is her pen. These are their pens.

4 、be动词由单数变复数:is/am are 例1 I am a teacher. We are some teachers. 5 、a/an表示一个,只能用在单数名词前,当单数句变复数句时,一定要把a/an改为some或any。 例1 This is a book . These are some books . 例2 Is that a pen?Are those any pens? 6、单数句变为复数句时,句式不能改变,即单数句是疑问句时,变为复数句时,仍然是疑问句。 例1 What’s this?What are these? 例2 She likes his bike. They like their bikes. 一将下列单数句变为复数句 1 This is a book . 2 Is that a pen? 3 She is a girl . 4 I like her. 5 The book is nice. 6 This is her pen. 7 I am a teacher. 8 He is a boy student . 9 She is a woman worker. 10 He likes his bike. 二将下列复数句变为单数句


单数句变复数句 名词单数变复数的一般规则: 1、一般情况直接加-s eg: map--maps 2、以s, x, z, ch, sh 结尾,直接加上–es: eg: glass--glasses 3、以f 或fe结尾,变f,fe为ves, eg: knife---knives 4、辅音字母+ y结尾,把y 变i 再加-es;eg: family--families 5、以o结尾有生命的加es, eg: hero, tomato, potato 无生命的直接加s, eg: radio---radios 练习题 一、把下列句子变复数句 1 、This is a dog.___________________________________________ 2、That is Jack’s book.________________________________________ 3、I am a student._________________________________________ 4、It is my pen.______________________________________________ 5、What is this?_____________________________________________ 6、He is a policeman._________________________________________ 7、There is a wolf in the garden._________________________________ 二、把下列复数句变单数句 1、My books are new. ________________________________________ 2、These are his new friends.__________________________________ 3、Those glasses are on the table._______________________________ 4、Sophie’s shirts are white.____________________________________ 5、There are some desks in the classroom. ________________________________________________________ 6、These are my favorite pencils.________________________________


英语语法专项练习 句子专项训练3 一、把下列单数句改为复数句。 1.That tree is in front of my house. Those trees are in front of my house. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。 that→those,tree→trees,is→are 2.There is a book on the desk. There are some books on the desk. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。 is→are,a→some,book→books 3.There is a woman near the house. There are some women near the house. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→some,woman→women 4.I’m a student. We are students. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。I→we,am→are ,studen t→students 5.She is a doctor. They are doctors. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。 she→they ,is→are,doctor→doctors. 6.There is a picture on the wall. There are some pictures on the wall. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→some,picture→pictures 7.Is there a baby in the room? Are there any babies in the room? 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。 is→are,a→any,baby→babies 8.He has a Chinese friend. They have some Chinese friends. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。


单数句子变复数句子 变法六条规则 1、人称代词主格变成相应的主格复数。 2、Am、is 变成are。 3、不定冠词an、a要去掉。 4、普通单数名词变成复数名词。 5、指示代词this、that变成these、those。 6、Man和woman作定语修饰可数名词时,要在“数”上 与被修饰的名词保持一致。 巩固练习: 1、This is a pen . / ____________________________________ 2、Is that a pencil-box ____________________________________ 3、He is a good boy . ____________________________________ 4、Is it a ruler ____________________________________ 5、I am an English teacher. ____________________________________ 6、This is my new book. ____________________________________ 7、·

8、That blue eraser is mine. ____________________________________ 9、What’s this in English ____________________________________ 10、I am a student. ____________________________________ 11、She has a pen . ____________________________________ 12、Is it an apple ___________________________________ 13、' 14、This is my pen . ____________________________________ 15、He likes his jacket . ____________________________________ 16、Is that an apple tree ____________________________________ 17、He is an English teacher. ____________________________________ 18、What’s your phone number ____________________________________ 19、【
