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1. celebrate 2. transfer
3。festival 4。overdraft
5. share
6. certificate
7。 deposit 8. employment
13。当地的 14。投资
二、选择题 (每题2分,共20分)
1、It sounds interesting but Ipreferat home。
C、to stay
2、Can you imagine on the moon。
B、live C、to live D、toliving
3、They agree next week.
A、with startB、to start C、start D、starting
4、we shared moon cakes firstand enjoyed to a fairy tale。
A、listen B、to listening C、listening D、listens 5、You are not allowedto watch TV until you finish your homework.
B、to do
6、My classmates and I planneda party。
C、 to holding
D、to hold
7、Ilearned last summervocation。
A、to swim
C、to swimming D、swim
8、My bossaskedmea check, but I don’t know how to doit。
A、cash B、to cash C、tocashing D、cashing
9、Sorry for havingkept you.
C、to wait
10、I found him when I passed by.
A、read B、to read C、reading D、reads
Sign your name fill in this forminsert deposit some money show the staff your ticket
1.Before using your travel card, you should first.
2. You canthe IC card and make a phonecall.
3。You should if you want togoinside。
4. If you want to be a member of the club, youshould
5。and takeyour seatplease。
One year the river froze very early and by Christmas it was c overed with thick ice. The ice gave Mr.Hall anidea. He de cided to have a big Christmas party on the ice。 Then Mr。Ha ll began to prepare for the party。 First, he carried out all thefurniture from his living room onto theice, and prepareda lot of delicious food. After that,he invited allh
isimportant friends totheparty. OnChristmas Day his friends arrived at his house and went down to the ice。 They all said that it was a wonderful idea to have aparty onthe ice. They were able to sit inarmchairs on the carpets and enjoybeautiful scenery and all the delicious food.
The party wet on late night, and all the guests were very hap py. Mr。Hall drank a lot that night and didn't wake up until t he middle of the nextday。 He couldn’t believe his eyes w hen he looked outof the window.The icehad broken up and had carried all his living room furniture and carpets out to the sea with it。
1)Mr.Hall celebrated this Christmas with his family. ( ) 2)Mr。Hall invited a lot of friends to his Christmas party. ( ) 3) Mr.Hall decided tohold the party on a ship. ( )4) All his friends enjoyed the party very much and stayed late。 ( )
5) Mr.Halldrank alot that night。( )
6) Mr。Hall was surprised when he saw his was very clean thenext morning. ( )
7) Mr.Hall lostall his livingroom furnitureat last. ( )
8) Mr.Hall was a rich businessman and lived in abig house beside a beautiful river. ( )
In English peoplecan experience four seasons in one day. S
othey oftentalk about the weather.In the morningthe weather is warm like in spring。 After an hour black cloudscome and then itrains heavily. The weather gets a littler cold。 In the afternoon it will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of day.
In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winterin summer. So in winter they can swimsometimes, and in summersometimes they need to wear warm clothes.
When you goto England, you will seethat some Engl
ish people usually take an umbrella oraraincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. Ifyou don't take an umbrellaor a raincoat, you willregret later inthe day。
1. In England people often talk about the ____。
A。weather B. seasons C。springD。summer 2. In English ____ inwinter.
A。it is always very cold B. people always wea r warm clothes
C. people can swim sometimesD。 the weather is very ho t
3. Englishpeople usuallytake an umbrella or a raincoatwith them ____.
A. in a rainy morning B。 in a sunny morning
C. in asnowy morning D。A,B and C