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Park Seung-Joon
The Eighth Global Conference on Environmental Taxation.Munich,2007,(10):


























Catherine izard, Christopher Weber,sCott MattheWs
Nature Reports Climate Change. 2009,(10):17























Scrap the carbon tariff
Park Seung-Joon
The Eighth Global Conference on Environmental Taxation.Munich,2007,(10):
In every US climate policy negotiation thus far, a major sticking point has been the issue of economic competitiveness. If the US, or indeed any country, independently imposes a price on carbon —through a cap-and-trade system or a carbon tax, for example —domestic industries automatically face higher costs than their international peers and could be at a competitive disadvantage. Rather than pay these costs, of course, US industry could relocate to countries without mandatory emissions targets. This ‘carbon leakage’ could cost the US jobs while failing to reduce global emissions, a lose–lose scenario.
For the majority of US industry, the introduction of climate policy would have a negligible economic impact. There are exceptions, however, most notably energy-intensive industries such as steel and cement. Fortunately, several policy mechanisms can be used to protect their competitiveness. The proposed US climate bill, America’s Cle an Energy and Security Act, uses two: first, the bill aims to rebate the increased costs of carbon emissions to energy-intensive industries through free allocation of emissions allowances. Second, US industries that import energy-intensive goods from countries without a price on carbon are required to purchase emissions allowances for those goods equal to what they would have paid had the imports been manufactured domestically. This tariff, a type of border tax adjustment, ensures that importers do not gain a competitive advantage over other domestic industries. The idea of implementing border adjustment mechanisms is now gaining popularity in the European Union, where France and Germany argue it would protect domestic industry if other nations do not agree to cut their emissions.
There are two designs of carbon tariff, depending on what types of products are included. The simplest covers only primary energy-intensive materials, such as steel beams or plate glass. A comprehensive tariff would cover energy-intensive materials in all forms, including those embedded in finished goods such as the steel in a car or the aluminium in a can of soda. A hybrid
approach, which covers only some categories of embedded materials, can also be applied. For example, the tariff in the proposed US climate bill covers all energy-intensive raw materials but only those finished goods that contain a ‘substantial’ amount of energy-intensive materials.
As a stick to motivate other countries to adopt climate policies, a carbon tariff is unlikely to be effective because US imports are small relative to total production in these countries. For example, in 2007, although the US imported about 50 million total tonnes of steel — in the form of raw and embedded materials — produced in tariff-eligible countries, this represented only five per cent of total steel production in those countries6(Fig. 1). Previous work has shown that the percentage of exports is also low for other raw materials3. A tariff on only five per cent of production is an insufficient stick to induce such countries to implement comprehensive climate change policy.
Trade tariffs are emotionally appealing. Particularly in a recession, it is tempting to fall back on politically popular protectionist measures. But it may be impossible and would certainly be expensive to design a tariff that is effective in reducing emissions. Furthermore, the rationale that it would induce other countries to develop climate policies does not hold up to scrutiny.
The tariff in America’s Clean Energy Security Act is the worst of both worlds, as it doesn’t cover all embedded materials —and is therefore not optimally designed to address the climate problem — but covers enough embedded materials to make it virtually impossible to implement. Especially given that other measures exist to protect domestic industry, such as the proposed carbon-allowance rebates, the marginal benefits of implementing a carbon tariff do not balance the risks —most notable of which are the potential trade wars and the possibility of supplying ammunition to developing countries for refusing domestic action on climate change. The carbon tariff should be eliminated.
A Carbon Tax or an Environmental Tax Reform:
Difficult Dicision for Japan
Catherine izard, Christopher Weber,sCott MattheWs
Nature Reports Climate Change. 2009,(10):17
For a world citizen familiar with efficient Japanese high-tech products, it may be a bit of a surprise that Japan emits yearly 8% more greenhouse gases than the base year of the Kyoto Protocol. In fact, the ability of its government to realize an effective climate policy is limited, unlike the innovative performance of its business.
The Ministry of Environment Japan has presented its own Carbon Tax proposals three times since 2004 in vain, because of lacking civic support, a resistant business lobby and the Fi-nance Ministry’s indifference. Proposed is a low-rate carbon tax earmarked for anti-global-warming measures. Actually, this proposal is the fruit of the internal discussions of several working groups in the Environment Ministry, which have studied theoretical and practical aspects broadly, including the research of foreign examples and several simulation studies, since the late ’80s. Interestingly, any environmental tax reform (ETR) scenari o which can result in a “positive double dividend” has never been tested in these experiments.
Power Balance of the Environmental Tax Reform
1) Ministries
In the political decision making system, the role of ministerial bureaucrats are crucial. About 85% of the recently enacted bills are cabinet laws most of which are practically designed by government officials in different ministries. Policies are discussed in several committees, councils or working groups inside of the competent ministry, and members of them are usually selected not by parliament members but by ministerial officials. This selection process factually determines the direction of the discussion. Because of the well-known vertically divided administrative func tions (“tatewari”), it is fairly hard to harmonize the interests of ministries. For highly multifaceted political issue such as the environmental tax reform, it requires inter-ministerial cooperation between competent ministries such as MoF (Ministry of Finance), METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; competent for energy policy), MLIT (Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and Transportation; competent for spending of gasoline tax revenue), MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan) or MoEJ (Ministry of Environment). But it is very hard to harmonize their interests. As mentioned, the car-bon tax proposal was made by MoEJ. While MoEJ and MAFF made coalition for the carbon tax proposal of MoEJ, the METI is strongly against eco-tax re flecting the interest of its patron (“industry”), and the MoF seems not very active for the implementation of the carbon tax recently. Although the Government Tax Commission (in the Cabinet Office, virtually managed by the MoF) has been fairly pro-eco-tax under the former chairperson Hiromitsu Ishi (a fiscal scientist known by his book on eco-tax), today the commission can only mention the necessity of the further discussion on carbon tax.
The implementation of an environmental tax reform faces very high hurdle to jump in Japan. People believe that non-economic approach such as moralistic civic action, industrial voluntary action or subsidy managed by the Ministry of Environment is effective method available without burden. It is not surprising because the economic theory behind the environmental-economic measures is fairly hard to convey and to be under-stood. But as the weather shows anomaly seemingly caused by anthropogenic global warming, it will be inevitable to implement some truly effective regulative or economic instruments. What we need now is, rather than just to give people a sermon to save the climate, to give better understanding of the policy measures, first of all the tax shift approach which is proved to be effective and beneficial for the economy. Although in-dustry’s protest is very strong, majority of Japanese people (including businessmen) want to contribute to climate protection, and want to know how to do it. The result of recent public pole indicating 40% of support for carbon tax is a good sign.。
