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Important Concept
• On the left side of the decimal point ( . )
– 1 trillion is bigger than 1 billion – 1 billion is bigger than 1 million – 1 million is bigger than 1 thousand…
按急性经口毒性分级标准 :
剧毒extremely toxic <lmg/kg 高毒 highly toxic 1-50mg/kg 中毒 Modrately toxic 50-500mg/kg 低毒 Slightly toxic 0.5-5g/kg 微毒(实际无毒) Practically nontoxic 515g/kg 相对无害 Relatively harmless >15g/kg
• • • • • • 1 inch in 16,000 miles 1 second in 32 years 1 cent in $10,000,000 1 pinch of salt in 10 tons of potato chips 1 lob in 1,200,000 tennis matches 1 bad apple in 2,000,000 barrels of apples
TLVs(Threshold limit values): 指在一定条件下(多为 1 天工作 8hr, 1周 40hr),空气中允许药 剂最大浓度值。
DDVP 0.90 双硫磷 10 马拉硫磷 10 DDT 1 除虫菊 5 淀粉 10 菜油雾 10 氟乙酸钠 0.05
Relative Toxicity Comparative Information
Slightly toxic chemicals 500 – 5,000 mg/kg range (1 ounce 1 pint) mg/kg • 2,4-DP 532 • Triclpoyr 630 • Tebuthiuron 644 • Dicamba 757 • • • • • • • mg/kg Formaldehyde 800 Hexazinone 1,690 Asprin 1,700 Vitamin B3 1,700 Household bleach 2,000 Table salt 3,750 Glyphosate 4,320 etc.
Units Used to Measure Chemicals in the Environment
• PPM – Parts per million • PPB – Parts per billion • PPT – Parts per trillion
A simple cube 1 cubic meter in volume
• • • • 1 inch in 16 miles 1 minute in two years 1 cent in $10,000 1 ounce of salt in 31 tons of potato chips • 1 bad apple in 2,000 barrels of apples
经口LD50(mg/kg) 小于5 5-50 50-500 500-5000 5000ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้15000 对成人的估计致死剂量 几滴液体或1粒固体 小于5ml 5ml到两调羹 30ml-470ml 470-950ml
(单位:mg/kg) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 胺菊酯,4000 丙烯菊酯,920 氯氰菊酯,251 溴氰菊酯,139 氰戊菊酯,451 氯菊酯,>2000 苄呋菊酯,4240 DDVP,56-80 辛硫磷,800 马拉硫磷,5696 敌百虫,560-630 双硫磷,2030-2300 残杀威,100 三氯杀虫酯,10000
急性毒性(Acute Toxicity)
注射:将实验药剂直接注射 到实验动物(多采用啮齿类 动物)的血液中去,体积为 0.1-0.5ml 。以 LD50 ( mg/kg ) 表示注射毒性。
急性毒性(Acute Toxicity)
急性呼吸毒性 (Acute inhalation toxicity) :以静态或动态气流给 药,最后以 LC50 ( mg/m3 )表示 呼吸毒性。
动物对某种农药多次给药能耐受的 LD50占已知的急性LD50的几分之 几。 寿命1/10(0.1L) 的慢性/急性 LD50(0.1L)指数(C/A LD50(0.1L))
氯化钠的C/A指数为72,说明每天 按急性LD50的72%给大鼠100天, 大鼠中有一半死亡。
One part per trillion is
• 1 postage stamp in the area of the city of Dallas • 1 inch in 16 million miles (more than 600 times around the earth) • 1 second in 320 centuries • 1 flea on 360 million elephants • 1 grain of sugar in an Olympic sized pool • 1 bad apple in 2 billion barrels
Hayes (1967) 提出了用“慢性系数 (chronicity factor)”表示,是慢 性指数的倒数。 100 慢性系数= C/A LD50(0.1L)指数
例如,氯化钠的C/A指数为72,对 应的慢性指数为1.395 多以2.0为标准,大于2.0说明有蓄 积作用,小于2.0说明没有
Is formed of 1,000,000 cubes, 1 cubic centimeter each
100cm 100cm x 100cm x 100cm = 1,000,000cc
100cm In 1 m3 block 1cc = 1ppm 100cm
One part per million is
农药对人类的危害 —常见的估价指标
• 急性毒性(Acute Toxicity) • 慢性毒性(Chronic Toxicity) • 致癌性(Carcinogenicity) • 致突变(Mutagenicity) • 畸形(Teratogenecity)
急性毒性(Acute Toxicity)
And divide each 0.1cc block into 1,000 blocks 0.01cm on a side
0.1cm 0.01cm x 0.01cm x 0.01cm = 0.000001cm3 In 1 m3 block .000,000,00 1m3 = 0.000,001cc or 1ppt 0.1cm
胃毒:一般用大白鼠,用菜油或 聚乙烯醇作溶剂,经口(胃部给 药),总量低于实验动物体重的 2-3% 。 24hr 后,检查死亡率, 计算LD50 (mg/kg)。
急性毒性(Acute Toxicity)
触杀:多为急性经皮毒性 ( Dermal toxicity ) , 实 验 动 物多选用体重 2-3kg 的兔子, 从腹部或背部去毛给药。以 LD50 (mg/kg)表示经皮毒性。
Relative Toxicity: Comparative information
Highly toxic chemicals 0 – 50 mg/kg range (taste 1 teaspoonful) mg/kg • Botulinus toxin 0.00001 • Dioxin 0.1 • Parathion 13.0 • Strychnine 30.0 • Nicotine 50.0 Moderately toxic chemicals 50- - 500 mg/kg range (teaspoonful 1 ounce) mg/kg • Paraquat 95 • Caffeine 200 • Carbaryl 270 • Malathion 370 • 2,4-D 375
一个非重体力工作的人一天的呼 吸量大约是36m3,不同给药方法 对硫磷(1605)的毒性比值是:
用比较大的动物多次给药,观 察比较长的时间( 6-18 个月) 或用小的动物(如大白鼠、小 白鼠)一生给药。
主要目的是观察药剂对生物有害 的延迟影响、临床症状、生理和病 理学的变化。有时,慢性毒性可以 导致二次有害的影响,如,三致作 用。
Relative Toxicity: Herbicides and Additives
Paraquat 2,4-D 2,4-DP Triclopyr Tebuthiuron Dicamba Hexazinone Glyphosate mg/kg 95 375 532 630 644 757 1,690 4,320 mg/kg Limonene 5,000 Clopyralid >5,000 Sulfometuron Met.. >5,000 Imazapyr >5,000 Diesel oil 7,380 Picloram 8,200 Fosamine am.. 24,400 Kerosene 28,000
Important Relationship
For water at STP (standard temperature [23oC] and pressure [15 psi])
1 cc = 1ml = 1g
Which means that
1 liter of water = 1 kg 1 mg / kg = 1 ppm
1mm3 / liter = 1 ppm
1 mg / liter = 1 ppm
• • • • • • • • 对高等动物毒性风险评估常见指标 农药对人类的危害 如何估价农药对人类的影响 如何估价农药对人类的影响 农药在人体内的残留 农药在食品中的残留 农药的小剂量作用 我国农药毒理学安全性评价程序
• On the right side of the decimal point ( . )
– 1 part per trillion is smaller than 1 part per billion – 1 part per billion is smaller than 1 part per million – 1 part per million is smaller than 1 part per thousand
Relative Toxicity: Are all substances toxic?
All are toxic to some quantifiable degree Sugar has an LD50 of 30,000 mg/kg Ethanol has an LD50 of only 13,700 mg/kg Even water has a recognized LD50 of slightly greater than 80,000 mg/kg
Divide each 1cc block into 1,000 blocks 0.1cm on a side
1cm 0.1cm x 0.1cm x 0.1cm = 0.001cm3 In 1 m3 block 0.001cm3 = 0.001cc or 1ppb 1cm
One part per billion is