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必修四 Unit 4



1.It is gd t be urius abut the wrld arund yu beause I think urisity (urius) is the best teaher.

2.All the apprahes (apprah) t the airprt were blked by the plie yesterday.

3.uh t his delight,the tp student will represent his shl t ake (ake) a speeh at the eeting.

4.Parents,f urse,will d everything they uld t defend their hildren fr/against har.

5.I appreiate the prfessrs new apprah t teahing (teah) languages.

6.e are trying t raise awareness abut the envirnent in general and air pllutin in partiular.

7.She is nt an utging persn and she desnt let anyne knw what she truly (true) felt.

8.Shandng Prvine prdued 50 illin punds f apples this year,ranking (rank) send in hina.

9.At present,the library is funtining as a teprary hspital t pe with peple inured in the earthquake.

10.Being isunderstd (isunderstand) by thers when yu d nthing wrng at all is quite a bad experiene.


1.hns areless wrk ade hi lse his fae befre his bss. 去掉第一个his

2.Nurses d all they an t ake patients feel with ease. with→at

3.urius enugh,a year later the sae thing happened again. urius→uriusly

4.The students are lking frward t represent the shl t take part in the sprts eet.represent→representing

5.The penil­bx n the desk as well as the bkarks belng t y little sister. belng→belngs


1.随着高考的临近,一些学生变得越越焦虑。(apprah) 答案:ith the llege Entrane Exainatin apprahing/As the llege Entrane Exainatin apprahes,se students are getting re and re anxius.


nly...t d)

答案:He is the nly ne t survive the traffi aident.

3.妈妈提醒我带把伞,以防下雨。(in ase)

答案:ther reinds e t take an ubrella in ase it rains.

4.总的说,对于我的决定,有两个原因。(in general) 答案:In general,there are tw reasns fr y deisin.

5.很可能你想有一些志愿者帮忙。(It is likely that) 答案:It is likely that yu want t have se vlunteers t help.



All ver the wrld thers and fathers teah their hildren anners.ther hildren ay have anners that are nt like yurs.There are all kinds f anners.

any years ag,hildren wh had gd anners were seen and nt heard.They kept quite quiet if grwn­ups were talking. Tday,well­annered hildren have re freed.

Seties gd anners in ne plae are bad anners in ther plaes.

Suppse yu are a visitr in the land f nglia.Se friends ask yu t eat with the.hat kind f anners d they want yu t have?They want yu t give a lud “burp (打
