X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past
X-Men: Apocalypse
Dr. Zander Rice
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
安迪· 斯特拉克(波西· 海恩斯· 怀特 饰)
Li de and Caitlin's son, sensitive and withdrawn children, have the ability of the heart ghost language.
李德与凯特琳的儿子,敏感又孤僻的孩子,拥有心鬼 语者的能力。
克拉丽斯· 枫(杰米· 钟 饰)绰号“闪烁”
Mutants with the ability to create space portals.
洛娜· 丹恩(艾玛· 杜蒙特 饰)绰号“北极星”
Wan Ciwang's daughter, can control the magnetic force, is a brave and loyal mutants
Her dance background is deep, is a model, actor. Now, she's majoring in mechanical engineering at Franklin Olin college of engineering
艾玛·杜蒙特,在剧中饰演万磁王的女儿——北极星。继承了父亲的强大基 因,可以控制磁场、金属,行事风格,处处彰显出女王风范。冷艳气质,朋 克风,可以说是剧中杠杠的颜值担当。可攻气十足,也可甜美忧郁,天生自 带超模脸。恰如网友所说,她大概就是化妆师爱死的脸庞,这张脸才是真正 的“天赋异禀”。、 她的舞蹈底子深厚,是个模特、演员。现在,她正在富兰克林欧林工程学院 主修机械工程
X战警前传:金刚狼X-Men Origins: Wolverine"X-Men Origins: Wolverine" finally answers the burning question, left hanging after all three previous "Wolverine" movies, of the origins of Logan, whose knuckles conceal long and wicked blades. He is about 175 years old, he apparently stopped changing when he reached Hugh Jackman's age, and neither he, nor we, find out how he developed such an interesting mutation.His half-brother was Victor (Liev Schreiber). Their story starts in "1840 -- the Northwest Territories of Canada," a neat trick, since Canada was formed in 1867, and its Northwest Territories in 1870. But you didn't come here for a history lesson. Or maybe you did, if you need to know that Logan and Victor became Americans (still before they could be Canadians) and fought side by side in the Civil War, World War I, World War II and Vietnam. Why they did this, I have no idea. Maybe they just enjoyed themselves.Booted out of the Army in Vietnam, Logan/Wolverine joined a secret Black Ops unit under Gen. Stryker (Danny Huston), until finally, in Nigeria, he got fed up with atrocities. Nevertheless, he was recruited by Stryker for a super secret plan to create a Mutant of Mutants, who would incorporate all available mutant powers, including those of the kid whose eyes are like laser beams. He wears sunglasses. Lotta good they'll do him.Am I being disrespectful to this material? You bet. It is Hugh Jackman's misfortune that when they were handing out superheroes, he got Wolverine, who is for my money low on the charisma list. He never says anything witty, insightful or very intelligent; his utterances are limited to the vocalization of primitive forces: anger, hurt, vengeance, love, hate, determination. There isn't a speck of ambiguity. That Wolverine has been voted the No. 1 comic hero of all time must be the result of a stuffed ballot box.At least, you hope, he has an interesting vulnerability? I'm sure X-Men scholars can tell you what it is, although since he has the gift of instant healing, it's hard to pinpoint. When a man can leap from an exploding truck, cling to an attacking helicopter, slice the rotor blades, ride it to the ground, leap free and walk away (in that ancient cliche where there's a fiery explosion behind him but he doesn't seem to notice it), here's what I think: Why should I care about this guy? He feels no pain and nothing can kill him, so therefore he's essentially a story device for action sequences.Oh, the film is well-made. Gavin Hood, the director, made the great film "Tsotsi" (2005) and the damned good film "Rendition" (2007) before signing on here. Fat chance "Wolverine" fans will seek out those two. Why does a gifted director make a film none of his earlier admirers would much want to see? That's how you get to be a success in Hollywood. When you make a big box-office hit for mostly fanboys,you've hit the big time. Look at Justin Lin with "Fast & Furious."Such films are assemblies of events. There is little dialogue, except for the snarling of threats, vows and laments, and the recitation of essential plot points. Nothing here about human nature. No personalities beyond those hauled in via typecasting. No lessons to learn. No joy to be experienced. Just mayhem, noise and pretty pictures. I have been powerfully impressed by film versions of Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man and the Iron Giant. I wouldn't even walk across the street to meet Wolverine.But wait! -- you say. Doesn't "X-Men Origins" at least provide a learning experience for Logan about the origins of Wolverine? Hollow laugh. Because we know that the modern Wolverine has a form of amnesia, it cannot be a spoiler for me to reveal that at the end of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," he forgets everything that has happened in the film. Lucky man.however, since she is given some of the most amazingly stupid lines she has spoken in her lengthy career. Lead actress Anne Hathaway, making her feature debut, possesses the kind of fresh-faced perkiness that inspires irritation by the time she has smiled once too often.Like Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo tries to "class up" the picture, and, also like her, he fails. His dialogue isn't as inane as hers, but he doesn't shine.The Princess Diaries is okay entertainment only for the target demographic (girls age 8 through 13). Everyone else will either fall asleep, run screaming from the theater, or go into sugar shock. It is possible to make a movie everyone can enjoy from a fairy tale premise (Drew Barrymore's Ever After is just one example), but you wouldn't be able to guess that based on the evidence at hand here. Next time I'm slated to see a movie directed by Garry Marshall, maybe I should consume about 15 sugar cubes in preparation.公主日记The Princess DiariesThe Princess Diaries isn't so much a modern-day fairy tale as it is a dramatization of every little girl's chiffon dream: to be a princess. The film is from director Garry Marshall, who specializes in fantasies without consequences. As is his m.o., Marshall takes a stale plot and explores it in a thoroughly uninteresting way, reducing characters to types and heaping mounds of saccharine and false sentiment on top in a vain attempt to disguise the bland flavor. To be effective, many movies require the viewer to engage in a willing suspension of disbelief. For The Princess Diaries to work, the viewer will have to engage in a willing suspension of higher brain activity.If brevity is the soul of wit, then Marshall is witless. Not only is his latest motion picture an affront to any thinking adult (its target group is apparently pre-teen girls), but it seems to drag on forever. Marshall's motto seems to be: Never do in 80 or 90 minutes what can be done in 2 hours! And, to make things even worse, the editing appears to have been done with a hacksaw. Never can I recall seeing so many jarring cuts. As for the continuity goofs (of which there are many) - they probably would have been more obvious if the stupidity of the story hadn't camouflaged them so effectively.The Princess Diaries is essentially a re-telling of Marshall's own Pretty Woman, which, in turn, was just a lame updating of Pygmalion. One day, Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is a normal 16 year-old girl living in San Francisco. The next, she learns that she's the granddaughter of Queen Clarisse Renaldi (Julie Andrews), the ruler of the small (and fictional) European country of Genovia. And, because her late father was Clarisse's only child, that makes Mia the Crown Princess. So, in preparation for her investment as heir, she has to endure Princess Training 101, with lessons in everything from speech to etiquette, all while continuing to attend school. But word leaks out of her heritage and she becomes an instant celebrity. Suddenly, she's Miss Popularity and the coolest guy in school (Terry Wayne) wants to hang out with her. But, while caught up in this giddy wave of being the center of attention, will she turn her back on her best friend, Lilly (Heather Matarazzo) and the boy who really likes her (Michael Moscovitz)? Take a guess.The best performances in The Princess Diaries border on the low side of mediocre. No one stands out, and some of the actors should be embarrassed. I give JulieAndrews credit for being able to deliver most of her dialogue with a straight face,。
以下是与X战警相关的英文短语:1. X-Men:X战警,特指漫威漫画中的超级英雄团队。
2. Mutants:变种人,指具有超凡能力的生物。
3. Professor X:教授X,即查尔斯·泽维尔,X战警的创建者和领导者。
4. Magneto:万磁王,X战警系列中的主要反派角色。
5. Wolverine:狼叔,即詹姆斯·豪利特,拥有超强自愈能力和骨爪的变种人。
6. Rogue:罗根,具有吸收他人能力和记忆的变种人。
7. Storm:风暴女,拥有控制天气的变种人。
8. Jean Grey:琴·格雷,拥有心灵感应和凤凰之力等超能力的变种人。
9. Cyclops:独眼龙,拥有发射红色冲击波的变种人。
10. Beast:野兽,拥有超人类力量、敏捷和智力的高级变种人。
11. Iceman:冰人,拥有控制冰和低温的变种人。
12. Shadowcat:幻影猫,具有穿透物体和瞬间移动的变种人。
13. Bishop:Bishop,来自未来的变种人,拥有时间旅行和力场护盾的能力。
14. Psylocke:幻影女,拥有心灵感应和操纵能量的变种人。
15. Archangel:天使,拥有翅膀和增强的力量、速度的变种人。
16. Havok:Havok,拥有控制能量的变种人。
17. Mystique:魔形女,拥有变形和拟态能力的变种人。
18. Nightcrawler:夜行者,拥有敏捷、速度和瞬间移动的变种人。
19. Professor X's School for Gifted Youngsters:查尔斯·泽维尔教授为天才青少年创办的学校。
20. The X-Mansion:X战警的住所,位于美国纽约州。
21. Brotherhood of Mutants:万磁王领导的反派团队。
22. Hellfire Club:地狱火俱乐部,一个拥有超能力的反派组织。
23. Sentinels:哨兵,专门猎捕变种人的机器人。
变种人与生俱来拥有特殊能力Mutants, born with extraordinary abilities.然而他们却也像孩童一般And yet still, they are children在黑暗中蹒跚前行寻求正确的方向stumbling in the dark, searching for guidance.天赋经常也是一种诅咒A gift, can often be a curse.若他拥有翅膀就可能飞得离太阳太近Give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun 若他们能预言未来Give them the power of prophecy,就可能对明天充满恐惧and they may live in fear of the future.若他们拥有至高无上的天赋Give them the greatest gifts of all,超乎想象的强大能力powers beyond imagination,他们就可能认为自己应该统治世界and they may think they are meant to rule the world.尼罗河谷公元前3600年-恩·沙巴·奴尔-恩·沙巴·奴尔- En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur.-恩·沙巴·奴尔-恩·沙巴·奴尔- En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur.从此您将永世主宰我的主人Now you will rule for eternity, my lord.沉睡吧Sleep.开始转移Let the transference begin.当心Watch out!杀死伪神Death to the false god!金字塔金字塔要塌了The pyramid! The pyramid is collapsing!-跑-快跑- Run. - Run, quickly.保护主人Protect him!X战警天启和平集♥会♥发生骚乱1973年1月28日巴黎众所周知变种人首次曝光是在As everyone knows, the existence of mutants was first discovered 1973年越战结束后巴黎和平协议签订大会上during the Paris Peace Accords after the Vietnam war in 1973.6天后我们都目睹了变种人中的一员6 days later, we all watched as one of those mutants...俄亥俄州1983年埃里克·兰谢尔在白宫草坪上Erik Lehnsherr, attacked the president and the cabinet袭击了总统和内阁官员on the lawn of the White House.另一位年轻的变种人出手相救化解了危险Their lives were saved by a young mutant, who stopped him.如今兰谢尔依然在逃Now, Lehnsherr escaped他是世界头号♥通缉犯and became the world's most wanted fugitive.而那位救人者也失踪了And as for her, she disappeared as well.但她成了新时代的象征But, she has become the symbol of a new age.标志着世界将从此The face of a world that will never...-截然不同-你在朝我宝贝抛媚眼吗- ...be the same again. - You winking at my girl?没错世界陷入了恐慌Yes, the world is panicked.-你的宝贝-许多人仍抱有偏见- Your girl. - ... and there is still some prejudice.-你看上去的确够老-但是如今- I guess you do look old enough - But today,-能当她爹了-变种人已融入社会各行各业- to be her father. - mutants are found in all walks of life.先生们你们有什么想法Excuse me, gentlemen, is there something that you would like要和全班同学分享吗to be sharing with the rest of the class?我能去厕所吗Can I please go to the bathroom.眼睛难受得要死I think there's something seriously wrong with my eyes.去吧斯考特弄完之后Fine, Scott, and afterwards, why don't you stop by顺便到校长办公室解释一下the principal's office and explain你为何总要破坏课堂纪律to him that you're disrupting the class again.办公室知道怎么走吧I trust you know the way.-知道-那就好- Yeah, I do. - Okay.等一下等一下Oh. Hang on. Hang on.我知道你们大部分人Now, I know most of you were what?那时候只有7岁左右Around 7 years old at that time.萨默斯Summers!我知道你在里面I know you're in here.你在哭吗Are you crying?我还没揍你呢I haven't even kicked your ass yet.萨默斯想看我马子是吗Summers. You want to eyeball my girl?萨默斯Summers.萨默斯Summers.东柏林连♥战♥十场Ten fights waged.十场全赢Ten fights won.我们的银翼战士The Winged Warrior.猛禽之王死亡天使The Bird of Prey. The Angel of Death.天使Angel!请掌声欢送肥佬Let's hear it for the fat man!下一位挑战者Our next challenger...来自comes straight...慕尼黑♥马♥戏团from the Munich Circus.第11场打啊Fight女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,唯一能和天使旗鼓相当的the only one that could take on an Angel...就只有恶魔了is the Devil himself!向大家隆重介绍I give you...惊艳非凡the amazing...无以伦比的the fantastic...夜行者Nightcrawler!警告有高压电哟Caution. High voltage.抱歉啦变种人Sorry, mutants!小姑娘你迷路了吗Did you get lost little mouse?表演在那边The fight is over there.打啊不然我们都得死Fight! Or they'll kill us both.大家都是来找刺♥激♥的And it's about to get exciting.你是指这样吗Ah, you mean this? Yes.夜行者Nightcrawler!-夜行者-夜行者- Nightcrawler! - Nightcrawler!对不起对不起I'm sorry. I'm sorry!跟我走Come with me.站住Hold it!他们朝那边跑了They went that way!你能变形You can transform.-你是她那个英雄-我谁也不是- You're her, the hero. - I'm nobody.不是什么英雄快离开这里I'm not a hero. Let's get out of here.波兰普鲁什库夫回家睡个好觉亨里克Have a good night, Henryk.你也是米洛什You too, Milosz.亲爱的Hi, my love.今天还好吗Good day?现在好多了Better now.-妮娜呢-在后院- Where's Nina? - At the back.和她的小伙伴们在一起With her friends.别担心Don't worry.大家都够吃There is enough for everyone.闭上双眼Close your eyes now.快快睡觉Go to sleep美梦相伴and have a sweet dream.是谁教你这首歌♥的爸爸Where did you learn that song, Papa?我的爸爸妈妈教我的I learned it from my parents.他们的爸爸妈妈教他们的And they learned it from their parents.再往上也一样And them from theirs.总有一天你也会唱给你的孩子听And one day, you will sing it to you children too.他们怎么了你的爸爸妈妈What happened to them, your parents?他们被人带走了当时我还很小They were taken from me, when I was a little boy.集中营囚犯编号♥但他们永远在这里在我心里But, they are still here, inside.还有这里守护着你And here... with you.会有人来把你带走吗Is someone going to take you away?永远不会Never.我们或许比想象中更像兄弟I guess we're more alike than we thought.他不听我们的He won't listen to us.-他就是-斯考特的作风- He just... He's been... - Scott.我去和他说Let me try.泽维尔天才少年学校很陈旧的感觉这里是学校还是博物馆Smells pretty old in here. Is this a school or museum.还有一级最后一级One more, and last one.走路请看路Watch where you're going.我没法看I can't...-你在和谁说话-我- What? Who are you talking to? - Me.我在脑袋里听到了你的声音I just heard you in my head.-我能心灵感应会读心-别读我的- I'm telepathic, I read minds. - Well, stay out of mine.我可不要什么怪女孩在我脑里偷♥窥♥I don't need some weird girl creeping around in there.别担心斯考特没啥可看的Don't worry, Scott, there's not much to see.等等我没提过我的名字Hey, wait. I didn't tell you my name.用不着No, you didn't.阿历克斯·萨默斯Alex Summers?汉克·麦考伊Hank McCoy!你那身蓝色的毛呢Whoa. What happen to the big blue... furry you?我现在控制着呢I, keep it under control now.-这是我弟弟斯考特-你好斯考特- This is my brother, Scott. - Hey, Scott.我是汉克·麦考伊这里的老师之一I'm Hank McCoy. I'm one of the teachers here.教授呢Where's the Professor?开辟出一条血路... to break forth bloodily,彻底和过去决裂才能有崭新的开始then the past must be obliterated and a new start made.让我们忘却一切走向新世界Let us now start fresh without remembrance,再也不要踌躇不前rather than live forward and backward at the same time.谁能告诉我作者用这些文字描绘的痛苦Now, what are the aggrieve things that the author meant 究竟所指何事when he wrote all that? He...这是家庭作业明天交That's going to be your assignment for tomorrow.祝大家好成绩下课Top marks, everyone. Class dismiss.-阿历克斯见到你真高兴-我也是- Alex, it's good to see you. - Yeah, you too.你看上去不错好久不见You look... well. It's been a while.是啊你也挺精神的It has. You're not too bad yourself.谢谢Thank you.这是我弟弟斯考特This is my brother, Scott.你好斯考特欢迎来到天才少年学校Hello, Scott. Welcome to the school for the gifted.我可不觉得这是礼物[天赋]Yeah. It doesn't exactly feel like a gift.天赋一开始都让人很难接受It never does, not at first.要了解一种特殊能力The first step in understanding首先得了解它的极限one's power is learning the extent of it.之后我们才能教你Only then, can we begin the如何进一步控制它process of teaching you how to control it.如果你决定留下来If you do decide to stay,我向你保证等你从这里毕业时I can promise you that by the time you are done here你一定能回归正常生活you'll be able to go back into安居乐业学有建树the world and play a stable productive partner.不如把绷带解开让我们见识一下Why don't you take your bandages off and we can have a look 你的超能力吧at what we're dealing with here.阿历克斯帮帮他Alex, would you line him up.让他面朝正确的方向Face him in the right direction if you will.河对面正好有个靶子There's a target just across the water.当你睁眼的时候试着打中靶子When you open your eyes, try and hit that.你可以睁眼了斯考特不用害怕You can open your eyes, Scott. There's nothing to be afraid of.很简...It's quite...躲开Get back!躲开快躲开Get back. Get back.那棵树是我爷爷5岁时种下的My grandfather planted that tree when he was 5 years old.我以前常在树下荡秋千I used to swing from the branches then myself.那大概是我最喜欢的一棵树了I think that was probably my favourite tree.-我被开除了吗-恰恰相反- Does that mean I'm expel? - On the contrary.你被录取了You're enrolled.埃及开罗你们卖♥♥地毯吗Do you sell rugs?你不能进到这里来You're not allowed in this area.这块地毯卖♥♥吗This rug is for sale?我说了不...I said, this...早安Good morning.万能的主Oh, mighty lord.愿主神威赐福吾辈愿主神威赐福吾辈Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your powers.至高无上万能的主The great, all mighty lord.愿主神威赐福吾辈愿主神威赐福吾辈Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your powers.吾等是您忠诚的奴仆We are your loyal followers.-恩·沙巴·奴尔-恩·沙巴·奴尔- En Sabah Nur. - En Sabah Nur.至高无上万能的主The great, all mighty lord.愿主神威赐福吾辈愿主♥权♥威统领吾辈Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities.快看Look, quick.你们快看Everyone, look.恩·沙巴·奴尔En Sabah Nur.至高无上万能的主The great, all mighty lord.愿主神威赐福吾辈愿主♥权♥威统领吾辈Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities. -恩·沙巴·奴尔-恩·沙巴·奴尔- En Sabah Nur! - En Sabah Nur!至高无上万能的主The great, all mighty lord.愿主神威赐福吾辈愿主♥权♥威统领吾辈Bless us with your powers. Bless us with your authorities.主啊Lord!发生什么了What's happening?-恩·沙巴·奴尔-恩·沙巴·奴尔- En Sabah Nur! - En Sabah Nur!不对劲不不Something's wrong. No. No.-跑-快跑- Run! - Quick, run!地震了Earthquake!回去睡觉亲爱的Back to bed, please, my darling.-回去睡觉-她又开始了- Back to bed. - She's doing it again.回去睡觉孩子们杰西回床上去Back to bed, please, everyone. Jessie, back to bed, please.快点回去睡觉Come on, now. Spitzbolt, back to bed.都快回去回床上去Carrie Anne, come on, now. Back to bed.-我从没见过她这样-我见过- I've never seen her like this. - Well, I do.别让孩子们靠近这里Don't let any of the children come this way.琴Jean.琴Jean!琴Jean!!!我我看到了世界末日I... I saw the end of the world.我能感受到那些死亡I could feel all this death.不只是个梦Nope. It was just a dream.-但感觉很真实-我明白- But, it felt real. - I know.你拥有我所见过的最强大的意识Your mind is the most powerful I've ever seen.-甚至能说服它自己-不这不是- It can convince itself... - No, it's not单纯的读心术或是心灵感应是别的什么just a mind reading or the telekinesis, it's something else.我内心的黑暗力量越来越强大像一团火Some... dark power inside and it's growing, like a fire.-我以为自己好转了-你会好起来的- I thought I was getting better. - You are. You will.-要有耐心-不不- You just have to be patient. - No. No.你不明白害怕到不敢闭眼是什么感觉You don't know what it's like to be afraid to shut your eyes. -被囚禁在自己的意识中-我明白的- To be trapped inside your own head. - Oh, but I think I do.很久之前我也困扰于自己脑海中的声音It wasn't so long ago, that I was plagued by voices of myself.那些煎熬呐喊痛苦呻♥吟♥All their suffering. All their pain.窃窃私语Their secrets.我怕有一天我会伤害别人I'm afraid one day I am going to hurt someone.躺下吧Lie back.人都会害怕自己不理解的东西Everyone fears that which they do not understand.你会学会控制自己的能力You will learn to control your powers.到那时你就不用再害怕了And when you do, you'll have nothing to fear.她这次的噩梦与以往不同Her nightmares were different this time.这个噩梦或许能解释Well, it could have count for之前我在实验室观察到的一些东西something I saw while I was in my lab earlier.好像发生了地震有某种能量爆发There was some kind of tremor. Like an energy surge.被一个仪器记录到了I picked it up on one of my meters.你是说是琴造成的吗You're saying that Jean created it.不是别的什么造成的No, I'm saying something else did.可能引起了她的共鸣我不确定Maybe she was reacting to it, I don't know.但震中在地球的另一边But, the Epicenter was half way around the world.-地球另一边-对- Half way around the world? - Yeah.所以我希望你能感应一下That's why I was hoping you could take a look.那就试试看吧Let's see what we can find.欢迎您教授Welcome Professor.信♥号♥♥来自开罗The source came from Cairo.我来输入坐标I'll put in the coordinates.我得离开这里去汇报情况I got to get out of here and report everything.怎么看到什么了What? What is it?发生大事了我必须回去汇报Something happened here, I must make a report.-是她-谁- It's her. - Who?-莫伊洛-什么- Moira. - What?莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特吗Moira MacTaggert?-详细说说-她看上去美极了- Eh, give me the details? - Well, she looks amazing.-一点都没老-不我意思是- She's barely aged a day. - No. I meant...她怎么会在那中情局和这事有什么关系What is she doing there? What's the CIA doing with this?她准备回局里汇报情况She's going back to Langley to deliver a report.我也要去那里I'm going to go there,看看她对这次地震有什么了解see if she knows something about the tremor.你想见莫伊拉You want to go see Moira.我想了解她的情况了解地震的情况I want to go check her out, check out... the situation.莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特Moira MacTaggert.就好像看到了过去It's like a ghost from the past.你做了件好事你救了那个人You did a good thing, you saved that man.这不是重点That's not the point.如果我身份暴露了我们都不安全If I'm exposed, we're all exposed.我们必须离开We have to go.这是我们的家This is our home.我们女儿的家This is our daughter's home.我们在一起就是家We are our home.我见到你的第一晚就告诉了你我的身份I told you who I was, the first night I met you.当时我信了你现在我需要你信任我I trusted you then. I need you to trust me now.我们不能再留在这儿了We can't stay here anymore.我去叫妮娜I'll get Nina.宝贝Sweetheart?她不在房♥间里She's not in her room.后面也没有And I don't see her out the back.-妮娜-妮娜- Nina! - Nina!-妮娜-妮娜- Nina! - Nina!妮娜Nina!妮娜Nina.你还好吗Are you alright?她没事She's fine.-放了她-我们会的- Then, let her go. - We will.我们只想说句话We just wanted to have a word.你们没带警徽You are not wearing your badges.不能有金属No metal.有几个工人说他们今天看到了某种现象Some guys at the factory said they saw something today.某种说不通的现象Something that didn't add up.把武器放下Put your weapons away.你是个好公民亨里克You've been a good citizen, Henryk.好邻居好工人A good neighbor, good worker.-我想相信你就是这样的人-他确实是- I want to believe that's who you are. - He is.但镇上没人真正了解你But nobody in this town really knows you.不你了解我Yes, you do.我是亨里克·古尔斯基I am Henryk Gurzsky.雅各布我曾在你家跟你共进晚餐...Jakob, I've had dinner in your home...你一直都在撒谎And you were lying the whole time.我当时是引狼入室了I brought a killer into my house.这是你吗Is that you?你是他们口中的万磁王吗Are you the one they call Magneto?逮捕我吧Take me in.求你放了我女儿Please. Just let my daughter go.去找你妈妈Go with your mother.别Please!别丢下我Don't leave me.-我不会让他们带你走的-妮娜- I'm not going to let them take you. - Nina.妮娜别这样别这样Nina. Please. Please.妮娜妮娜别妮娜Nina. Nina, don't. Nina.求求你Please!怎么了What's going on?她也是变种人She's one of them.求求你们Please.让她停下Tell her to stop.她控制不了She can't control it.-妮娜-求求你们- Nina. - Please.她被你们吓到了She's scared of you.我不会让他们带你走的I'm not going to let them take you!我不会让他们带你走的I'm not going to let them take you!让她停下Make her stop!妮娜妮娜Nina. Nina.快停下Please stop.快停下妮娜Please stop, Nina!不No!妮娜Nina?妮娜不Nina. No.不拜托拜托拜托No... Please. Please. Please.-你都干了些什么-别离开我- What have you done? - Don't leave me, please.求求你Please. Please.别带走我的至亲们Not my babies.别带走我的至亲们Not my babies.这就是你想要的吗Is this what you want from me?我就是这样的人吗Is this what I am?我就是这样的人吗Is this what I am?该死的小偷抓住她God damn thief. Stop that thief.抓住她抓住那个小偷Stop her. Stop that thief!你知道我们怎么惩罚小偷吗You know what we do to thieves?选只手Pick a hand.够了Enough.如果你是跟她一起的劝你赶紧走If you are with her, I suggest you walk away.趁你还能走While you can.走开Walk away.谁统治这个世界Who rules this world?什么鸟语What language is that?小丑脸你想怎样Clown-face! What do you want?滚开Beat it!抱歉I'm sorry.对不起I'm sorry.你感觉不到是不是You can't feel it, don't you?这下你感觉到了Now, you feel it.美国中♥央♥情报局你这么多年真没见过她吗So, you really haven't seen her in all these years?从来都没找过她也没用脑波增幅器You never looked her up? Not even in Cerebro?阿历克斯Alex.你把我当成什么人了变♥态♥吗Who do you take me for? Some kind of pervert?好吧我查过她一次I... Yes, I looked her up once.两次但很久没有了好吧Twice. But, not in a long time. Alright?你们怎么结束的How'd you leave things?-有什么不愉快吗-不太可能- Any hard feelings? - Not likely.大家休息一下Everybody take a break.我把她记忆中关于我们的部分都抹掉了I wiped her mind off all memories of us.海滩古巴那整段时光The beach, Cuba, that whole time.很久以前的事了阿历克斯It's so long ago, Alex.早在世界知道变种人之前我就觉得Before the world knew about mutants, I have felt...这样对她最好it was the best thing for her.那对你来说呢And for you?对我来说怎样最好并不重要It didn't really matter what's best for me.莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特你好Moira MacTaggert. Hello.天搞什么Oh, Jeez. What the devil?容我自我介绍一下我是教授...Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Professor...查尔斯·泽维尔Charles Xavier.-我知道你是谁-是吗- I know exactly who you are - You do?当然了Of course I do.你所有论文我都拜读过I've read all of your papers.终于见到你了幸会It's a pleasure to finally meet you.-莫伊洛·麦克塔哥特-阿历克斯·萨默斯- Moira MacTaggert. - Alex Summers.请坐那个放地上就行Have a seat. Just, throw that on the floor.能再见到你真是太好了It's wonderful to see you again.第一次见到你真是太好了To-to meet you again for the first time.你有儿子I... You got a son?-对-他有丈夫吗- Yes. - Does he have a husband or...你有丈夫吗Do you have a husband?我曾有过但是...I had a husband, but...既在这工作又要及时回家做饭太难了It's hard to do this job and make it home in time for dinner.好好Good. Good.我们都要做出选择是不是We all make choices, right?是的Yes, we do.-教授-什么- Professor. - Yes?对我...我们希望Yes. I was... we were hoping that你能告诉我们昨天埃及发生了什么you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt.恐怕那是机密I'm afraid that's classified information.我不想无礼但是...And, I don't mean to be rude, but...你们是怎么进来的How did you get in here?我有五级权限I have level 5 clearance.自从世人1973年发现变种人之后Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73,就一直有邪教自称基♥督♥复临there have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming 或上帝显灵or sign of god.我在追踪其中的一个I was tracking one of them.他们自称恩·沙巴·奴尔信徒They called themselves, Ashir En Sabah Nur,是以他们所认为的named after an ancient being世上首个来命名的they believed to be the world's first.世上首个什么The world first's what?世上首个变种人The world's first mutant.我以为变种人是本世纪才进化出来的I thought mutants didn't evolve until this century.一般理论的确如此但这些人认为That's the common theory, yes. But, these guys believe that第一个变种人千万年前就已经出现了the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago.而且他们认为他会再次崛起And they believe he will rise again.他们为了寻找线索They've been searching ancient sites一直在搜寻世界上所有的古迹遗址all round the world for clues.这些象形文字描绘了一种特别的力量These hieroglyphs described a specific set of powers超过了人能拥有的力量greater than any man can possess.他们认为他一直都活着They think he lived all that time?对也不对他们相信他有一种能力Yes and no. They believe he had the ability能把意识转移到别人的身体中to transfer his consciousness from body to body,于是只要他快死的时候and whenever he was close to death他就占领一个新的身体he would just take on a new body.有些身体是变种人的Some of these may have been the bodies of mutants这就令他获得了他们的能力enabling him to take their powers长久以来积累了不同的能力amassing varies abilities over the years.-一个全能的变种人-正是- An all powerful mutant. - Exactly.无论它走到哪都有四个主要信徒And wherever this being was, he always had 4 principle followers.信徒们他会增强这些保护者的能力Disciples. Protectors he would imbue their powers.就像天启四骑士一样Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.他是跟《圣经》学的He got that one from the Bible.或者《圣经》是跟他学的Or the Bible got it from him.无论他统治何处那里最终都会因灾难灭亡And wherever he ruled, eventually, it would end in disaster.大灾难某种...天启Cataclysm. Some kind of... Apocalypse.世界末日The end of the world.我必须说阿波罗I must say, Apollo.你学习人类行为的方式很了不起The way you ape human behavior is remarkable.出去孩子们Get out, children.快点快点Come on. Come on.快出去出去Get out. Get out.我在这镇子里从没见过其他变种人I've never seen another mutant in this town.你说埃及语阿♥拉♥伯语You speak Egyptian? Arabic?英语English?伟大的战士Great fighter.她是我的英雄我想变得像她一样She's my hero. I want to be like her.这儿有点吃的不太多There's some food here, not much.我不相信你爱我I don't believe it. You love me.爱你清醒点吧Love you? Be logical.我不是会随便屈从于你的牧羊女I'm not some simple shepherdess you can awe.天我宁可Why, I could no more love you爱一种新的细菌than I could love a new species of...也不爱你bacteria.你在干什么What are you doing?学习Learning.愤怒的人们走上街头In the streets there is outrage反对入侵阿富汗against the invasion of Afghanistan...人类之间的手足情谊The brotherhood of our kind.其中之一是在波士顿举♥行♥的One of them was held in Boston.自从核武器法案通过后Since the act in the nuclear weapons,美国不会挑起战争the United States does not start fights...武器Weapons.人类从未拥有如此之大的力量Never before has man possess so much power.苏联和美国成为超级大国...With Soviet Union and the United States being superpowers...超级大国Superpowers.弱者占领了地球The weak have taken the Earth.所以我被背叛了For this, I was betrayed.伪神False gods.偶像Idols.到此为止了No more.我已归来I have returned.新的明天就从今天开始The new tomorrow, that starts today.十周年纪念你从哪来Where did you come from?在人类迷失之前The time before man lost his way.欢迎来到80年代Welcome to the 80s.这个世界需要被...This world needs to be...净化cleansed.什么What?拯救Saved.你不能通过到处杀人来拯救世界You can't save the world, just going around killing people.有法律针对杀戮的一些体制和地方There's laws, systems and place for that kind of thing.孩子你为何自我奴役My child, why do you enslave yourself?-你要干什么-让你变强- What are you doing? - Making you stronger.我的女神My goddess.对Yes.你说得对You were right.时代已经过去The time has passed.神再无容身之地There is no room for gods.为什么我不能跟你一起去Why can't I go with you.我说过了我单独行动I told you, I work alone.在那儿等着Wait there.见到你真高兴哪怕那不是你真正的样子Always good to see your face, even if it's not yours.一人份的文件和通行证Papers and passage for one.我能问问这位先生要去哪儿吗Where is the gentleman going, may I ask?不重要也不关心Don't matter, don't care.我刚救了他一命他之后干什么是他的事I just saved his life, what he does with it is up to him.-魔形女雇佣兵-别那么叫我- Mystique, the mercenary. - Don't call me that.不管你怎么努力假扮别人No matter how much you pretend to be someone else,卡利班总知道你是谁Caliban knows who you are.但凡有值得知晓的关于变种人的事If there's anything worth knowing about mutants,卡利班都知道Caliban knows it.魔形女Mystique.你还是问问你的灵媒Why don't you ask your psychics要是你继续逼我会发生什么吧what will happen if you keep pushing me.会发生什么What will happen?灵蝶有点嫉妒了呢Psylocke gets a little jealous.-因为卡利班喜欢你-卡利班喜欢钱- 'Cause Caliban likes you. - Caliban likes money.卡利班太喜欢你了他想给你免费的消息Caliban likes you so much, he wants to give you free information.关于老朋友的消息About an old friend.非常老的朋友From back when you have friends.你记得埃里克·兰谢尔吗Do you remember, Erik Lehnsherr?我的姑娘们在波兰见过他My girls had a flash of him in Poland.他留下了好几具尸体He left quite a few dead bodies in his wake,其中包括他妻子和女儿including his wife and daughter.应该马上就会上新闻了Should be on the news soon enough.但是卡利班让你领先了一步But... Caliban gives you a little head start.你有多快How fast are you?-多快-你能跑多远- How fast? - How far can you cover?目之所及或者我之前去过的地方Uh, as far as I can see, or if I've been there before.跟我来行者Come with me Crawler.其实是夜行者我真名叫...Actually it's Nightcrawler, and my real name is...科特·瓦格纳... Kurt Wagner.镜片是红宝石石英的The lenses are made up of some ruby quartz I have lying around.应该可以让光波折射They should be able to refract your optic beams从而把它们控制在自己的矢量场中and keep them contain within their own vector fields.戴上试试吧Try them on.来吧Okay, go ahead.等等抱歉不行Wait. Wait. Sorry, no.好了Okay.-现在-对可以了- Now? - Yeah, you're good.好的Alright.我能看见了I can see.谢谢Thank you.教授谢谢你真是天才Professor, thank you. You're a genius.不我不是教授No, I'm... not a professor.我希望我是I wish.那是谁Who's that?你们应该见过她叫琴·格蕾I believe you two have met, that's Jean Grey.你刚来的时候撞到她了You bumped into her when you arrived.-那是她-对啊- Wait, that's her? - Yeah.你能看见了You can see.对这儿没我想得那么糟Yeah. It's not as bad as I thought here.-怪胎-应该有人警告那个新来的- Freak. - Some one should warn that new kid.他们还是很怕我They're still scared of me.我现在有特殊眼镜了Hey, I have special glasses now!他们不是怕你是怕我They're not scared of you, they're scared of me.你不是唯一一个无法完全控制能力的人You're not the only one who can't full control your powers.所以...Wait, so...昨晚房♥子震动是你干的last night, when the house shook... that was you?抱歉打破你的美梦Sorry to break it to you,但你不是这学校最奇怪的怪胎but you are not the biggest freak of this school.这可是头一回呢That's a first.瑞雯Raven.-我...你... -不是蓝色的- I... You're... - Not blue?你我现在有共同之处了It's like you and I have that in common now.不我想说你...。
下面是店铺给大家整理的X战警英文简介,供大家参阅!X战警基本信息The film "X-Men" adapted from the comic name comic, is produced by the Fox film company "X-Men" series of film first, directed by Brian Singh, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McLaren and other co-starring, the film in July 14, 2000 in the United States released.The film tells a group of people with a specific function, in order to protect the friendly relationship between mankind and special people, and strive to fight evil forces. In order to protect themselves and humans, X-Men only one way, fighting in the end. X战警剧情简介Laser eye (X-policeman captain, can be shot from the eyes of the deadly laser light), Qin Ge Lei (there are ECG induction, separated from the body, and the ability to move instantly), storm female (X-policeman vice captain, with control Climate ability) is the core of the X-Men.The X-Men team came to a dangerous character - Wolverine (with superior ability to reply, two wrist with super alloy gold jaws) is a grumpy, almost uncontrolled variants, so that the X-Men Internal crisis. X-Men let it train recruits, and want to absorb it to join their ranks. But no one knows its origin, and soon found that most of its thinking by outsiders manipulation. Worse still, another mutant creature "million magnetic king" appeared, it can control the magnetic force and the Earth's gravity. It has been amonster as a monster on display, suffered humiliation. It hates human beings, that mutant creatures are better than humans and should dominate humans. It and "Jinjiang wolf" hand in hand to achieve this goal and unscrupulous.And swear to defend the human X-Men, will find that they are trying to defend the human, the human also have a great fear for them, the relationship between the two sides gradually tight. Coupled with the X-Men have to face Jinjiang wolf burst of temper, and million magnetic king everywhere to kill, X-Men into a dilemma in a heavy crisis.X战警影片评价North American evaluationBrian Singh's film is full of flowing beauty and poetic imagination. ("New Yorker")For the "X-Men" hardcore fans, the film "X-Men" is full of funny and cunning reference, there is an unknown excitement. ("Newsweek")The film seems cleverly smooth, the plot is also very nervous, is a science fiction film for the superior. ("Seattle Post") Although the "X-Men" did not "hacker empire" as the way to take away the breathing line, but the film is a successful work with considerable vitality and tension. ("Los Angeles Times") Exciting things are mainly watching movies, the Statue of Liberty is the plot of the whole film to the climax of the set method. ("Chicago Reader")The film is the most pleasant summer fantasy, full of fashion and elegance, exciting and crazy, and brazen imagination. ("Miami Herald") [8]China EvaluationThe plot is not funThe narrative of the film has a calm introverted and calm, the whole story is faithful to the original and not in the dull, the plot is exciting and exciting, with humorous, sophisticated design lines interspersed among the dramatic and humorous sense of the proportion of configuration Just right, some flashback part also with the appropriate sensational, not too much interference with the attention of the audience splicing, scene and atmosphere of the scheduling and control have shown the director's self-confidence. (Time review)Bid farewell to American heroismAnd other heroes comic characters is different, "X-Men" bid farewell to the typical American heroism, fully explained the unity is the power of the truth. Every variant of people are not perfect, although all with great skills but have their own weaknesses, only the team is the hero of the winning magic weapon. The film is the X-Men series of film for the mountains, in the critics received praise at the same time, its global box office revenue of 300 million US dollars figures also fully proved that the film successfully for the sequel to the shooting and heroic film type of return A solid foundation.X战警。
X战警人物介绍X教授(Professor X):拥有强大心灵能力,是已知的第四级心灵能力的变种人,可以使人在瞬间丧失行动能力,或是控制别人。
简•葛瑞/凤凰(Jean Grey):拥有心灵感应和隔空移物的力量。
X-Men First Class《X战警:第一战》电影完整中英文对照剧本
漫威影业妈妈Mama!妈妈Mama!妈妈Mama!波兰1944年纽约威斯特彻斯特1944年妈妈你在干什...Mother, what are you...我还以为是窃贼进来了I thought you were a burglar.我不是故意吓你的亲爱的I didn't mean to scare you, darling,我只是拿点吃的I was just getting a snack.去睡吧Go back to bed.怎么了What's the matter?去睡觉啊Go on, back to bed.我给你做杯热巧克力I'll make you hot chocolate.你到底是谁Who are you?你把我妈妈怎么了And what have you done with my mother?我妈妈这辈子都没踏进过厨房半步My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life. 她显然也从未做过热巧克力给我喝And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate.除非她叫女仆做的也算Unless you count ordering the maid to do it.你不怕我吗You're not scared of me?我一直坚信我不可能是世上唯一的异类I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world. 唯一一个...The only person who is...与众不同的人...different.果然你出现了我叫查尔斯·泽维尔And here you are, Charles Xavier.我叫瑞雯Raven.你饿了并且孤身一人吗You're hungry, and alone?你想吃什么就随便拿吧Take whatever you want.我们有很多食物你用不着偷We've got lots of food, you don't have to steal.实际上In fact...你以后再也不用偷了...you never have to steal again.你要明白埃里克Understand this, Erik.我跟那些纳粹不一样These Nazi's, I'm not like them.基因是关键不是吗Genes are the key, yes?但它们能决定什么呢But their goals?金发碧眼吗那就太可悲了Blue eyes, blond hair, pathetic.吃点巧克力吧Eat the chocolate.味道很好It's good.想吃点吗Want some?我想见我妈妈I want to see my Mama.基因是开启新时代大门的钥匙埃里克Genes are the keys that unlocks the door to a new age, Erik. 人类的新未来A new future for mankind.进化Evolution.你明白我的意思吗You know what I'm talking about?我要你做的事很简单It's a simple thing I ask of you.移动小小的硬币和破坏大门相比简直微不足道A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate.对吗Is it?我尽力了博士先生...I tried, Herr Doctor...我做...做不到...I can't... I don't...这是不可能的It's impossible.对于纳粹有一件事我可以肯定The one thing I can say for the Nazi's,就是他们采用的方法都很有效is their methods seem to produce results. 很抱歉埃里克I'm sorry, Erik.妈妈Mama!亲爱的My darling.你还好吗How are you?我来说说接下来会怎样Here's what we're going to do.我数到三...I'm going to count to three...你来移动这枚硬币and you're going to move the coin.如果你移动不了我就扣下扳机You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. 明白吗Understand?一One...-妈妈-你能做到- Mama! - You can do it.二Two...没事的Everything is all right.没事的Everything is all right.没事的Everything is all right!三Three.太好了Yes, wonderful!好极了Excellent!太厉害了埃里克Outstanding, Erik!愤怒开启了你的天赋So we unlock you're gift with anger.愤怒和痛苦Anger and pain.你和我我们可以一起共创大业You and me, we're going to have a lot of fun together. X战警第一战瑞士日内瓦1962年英国牛津大学异色瞳Hetero-chromia.如果你是绅士至少会先提出请我喝杯饮料A gentlemen would at least offer to buy me a drink first. 纽曼我要一品脱苦啤酒Newman, a pint of bitter for me给这位女士来杯白兰地and a brandy for the lady, please.-你怎么知道我想喝什么-侥幸猜中- How did you know that? - Lucky guess.我叫泽维尔查尔斯·泽维尔My name is Xavier. Charles Xavier.-幸会-我叫艾米- How do you do... - Amy.我刚说异色瞳是指你的眼睛Heterochromia was in reference to your eyes,不得不说真是太迷人了which I have to say are stunning.一只绿色一只蓝色这是一种突变One green, one blue. It's a mutation.一种非常时髦的突变It's a very groovy mutation.告诉你艾米你是个变种人I have news for you, Amy. You are a mutant.先和姑娘调情First you proposition a girl,接着说她是个畸形and then you call her deformed.你这种勾引女孩的策略成效如何How is that seduction tactic working for you?明早再告诉你I'll tell you in the morning.不说真的你别否认No, no. Seriously, you mustn't knock it.突变让单细胞生物进化成Mutation's go from single cell organisms to being这颗星球上占绝对主导地位的可以繁殖的生命体the dominate form of reproductive life on this planet,每一代都会发生各种不同的变化infinite forms of variations with each generation都是通过突变形成的all through mutation.那就继续用这个词吧Then let's reclaim that word.-骄傲的变种人-干杯- Mutant, and proud. - Chin, chin, hey.嗨看来我得自己买饮料了Hi, I guess I have to buy my own drink.抱歉来杯可乐I'm sorry, one cola.查尔斯刚刚告诉我Charles here was just telling me我就像是第一批长出腿的海洋生物that I'm like one of the first sea creatures that grew legs. 更性感了A tiny bit sexier.不好意思这位是我妹妹瑞雯I'm sorry, this is my sister, Raven.-你好-我叫艾米- Hi. - Amy.你是学什么专业的And what do you study?服务Waitressing.瞧啊你也有异色瞳Oh look, you have hetero-chromia too!-什么-你看她的眼睛- Sorry, what? - Look at her eye...好了瑞雯拿上你的外套Right, Raven get your coat please.别跟我说话你是故意那么做的Don't talk to me, you did that on purpose.-我没有-你就是故意的- I did not! - Yes, you did!我为什么要故意那么做Why would I do it on purpose?你知道我有时候也控制不了You know I can't control it sometimes.压力大了或累了的时候...When I'm stressed or tired..你现在似乎就控制得挺好啊You seem to be doing a perfectly good job right now. 「骄傲的变种人」"Mutant and proud"为什么总会有漂亮的突变Why is it always the pretty mutations,或是像你这样不外显的突变or the invisible ones like yours.如果你是个怪胎最好躲起来If you're a freak, better hide.真是太荒谬了You're being ridiculous!听着我不想像个老古板一样说话Look, I don't mean to sound like an old fart.你就是个老古板Which you are.有时是会但我们聊过这问题瑞雯Sometimes, but we've talked about this, Raven.小失误是一回事A small slip up is one thing.犯大错就不堪设想了A big one does not bear thinking about.骄傲的变种人"Mutant and proud"骄傲的变种人"Mutant and proud"?要是那样就好了...If only...-你会愿意和我约会吗-当然愿意- Would you date me? - Of course I would.任何年轻男子能拥有你都算走大运了Any young man would be lucky to have you.-你很漂亮-长这样还叫漂亮- You're stunning! - Looking like this?哪样什么Like, you...what?蓝色Blue?-你是我的老朋友-也是你唯一的朋友- You're my oldest friend. - I'm your only friend.真是谢谢你这么说啊Thank you for that.怎么样Well?我可没办法把你往恋人方面想I'm incapable of thinking of you that way.我觉得要对你负责I feel responsible for you.其他的想法都让我觉得是不对的Anything else would just feel wrong.但如果你不认识我呢But what if you didn't know me?不幸的是我是认识你的Unfortunately, I do know you.我不明白你最近是怎么了I don't know what's got into you lately?你变得特别在意自己的外貌You're awfully concerned with your looks.我困了能念故事给我听吗I'm sleepy. Will you read to me?不行我的论文快交了我得学习I can't, I have my thesis coming up, I have to study.好吧就念你的论文吧Well fine, read about your thesis我立刻就能听睡着it always sends me right off.对于尼安德特智人来说其突变远亲智人To Homo Neanderthalensis, his mutant cousin Homo sapiens,是一种畸变was an aberration.至于和平共处即便真的存在过Peaceful co-habitation, if ever it existed,也很短暂was short lived.据史料记载无一例外的是Records show, without exception在任何地区突变人种的到来that the arrival of the mutated human species in any region会导致进化稍落后的近亲立即灭绝was followed by the immediate extinction of their less evolved kin. 持有这样的黄金是非法的Possession of that gold is illegal.-我该通知警察-我们别兜圈子了- I should inform the police. - Let's not play this game. -你从哪里得到的这东西-朋友那里- Where did you get it? - A Friend.他竭力推荐你们银行He recommended your bank, most highly.我明白了I see.你了解我们的条件吗先生Do you know our terms, sir?是的Yes.你也该了解我的条件And you should know mine.这块金砖是我的族人的遗物This gold is what remains of my people.是用他们的财物熔炼成的Melted from their possessions.也就是从他们嘴里撬下的金牙Torn from their teeth.这是血腥钱This is blood money.你要帮我找出And you're going to help me find幕后元凶the bastards responsible for it.别碰警铃Don't touch that alarm.我想找施密特I want Schmidt,克劳斯·施密特Klaus Schmidt.他在哪里Where is he?我们的客户不提供地址我们不是...Our clients don't supply addresses, we're not...不是那种银行吗Not that sort of bank?你的牙齿是金属填料不是金的Metal fillings, eh, not gold.是因为担心被人偷吗Worried someone might steal them?阿根廷施密特在阿根廷Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina!维拉格塞尔市求你了不要Villa Gesell! Please, please!谢谢Thank you.我倒是很想杀了你I would love to kill you.记住我的话如果你提醒任何人我还会再来So mark my words, if you warn anyone, I'm coming... 我会找到你I will find you.内华达州拉斯维加斯又是一无所获的一天Another day at the office.那是亨得利上校吗Is that Colonel Hendry?-北约的那位吗-是啊- The NATO guy? - Yeah.没错就是他Yes, it is.那可是三个大人物Cause that's three mob bosses,意大利大使洛克希德航空制造公司的首席执行官the Italian ambassador, the CEO of Lockheed.他们不可能都是共产党They can't all be communists.这个地狱火俱乐部里肯定另有乾坤This Hellfire club's gotta be something else.看到了吗Do you see that?你们好啊美女Hello, girls!哇太棒了Wow, very nice.你你干什么Wha...what are you doing?使用不是由中情局提供的"身体装备"Using some equipment the CIA didn't give me.待着别动Stay put.-亨得利上校吗-是的女士- Colonel Hendry? - Yes, ma'am.我叫艾玛·弗罗斯特塞巴斯蒂安·肖的同伴Emma Frost, Sebastian Shaw's associate.肖先生呢And where is, Mr. Shaw?我们正在办派对我准备了一点娱乐节目We're having a party, and here's the entertainment. 请跟我来Come with me.美人你好吗Hello beautiful, how are you?小宝贝想找个安静的地方吗Hey baby, you want to find a quiet place?很抱歉亨得利上校已经预定我了I am so sorry. I've been booked by Colonel Hendry. 借过Excuse me.-不再喝一杯了吗鲍伯-不了- Are you sure we can't get a refill, Bob? - No.我听说你阻止了So, I hear you blocked在土耳其部署朱庇特导弹的提案the proposal to position Jupiter missiles in Turkey. 希望你可以重新考虑一下I expect you to reconsider.我们之前已经谈过这事了We've had this conversation.在土耳其部署核武器You put our nukes in Turkey,或任何靠近俄罗斯的地方or anywhere that close to Russia,就是挑起战争核战争and you're looking at war. Nuclear war.我从不请人帮忙上校I don't ask for favors, Colonel.我只表达我的期望I express my expectations.那我再说一遍So, let me say it again.希望你可以重新考虑一下I expect you'll reconsider.我唯一愿意重新考虑的事The only thing I will reconsider,就是再来一杯美味的香槟is having another glass of that delicious champagne. 你在我的酒里放了什么What the hell did you put in my drink?你是想逃跑躲藏起来吗You're thinking of running, hiding?我们会找到你亨得利We'd find you, Hendry.这世上任何堡垒都挡不住我们There's not a fortress in the world that can keep us out.她很惊人吧鲍伯Magnificent, isn't she, Bob?基因突变人类基因的进化Genetic mutation, the evolution of the human genome.阿撒佐在哪里Where's Azazel?别让上校迟到了Ah, we don't want the Colonel to be late.同志Comrade.在土耳其部署导弹会传达一个很明确的信息Missiles in Turkey send a very clear message.如果哪一天我们决定发射If we ever decide to fire them,苏联的预警系统the Russians early warning system都来不及启用won't even have time to kick in.这最好是重要的事马克塔格特This better be important, Mactaggert.等等慢点说Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.你是吸了那种毒品吸晕了吗You smoking them funny cigarettes?人是不会凭空消失的People don't disappear.亨得利上校也在那里Colonel Hendry was there.他刚才也在麦克尼在地狱火俱乐部He was there, McCone, in the Hellfire club.亨得利上校Colonel Hendry?我同意将军我重新考虑了我的立场I agree with you, General. I've reconsidered my position.现在我觉得应该在土耳其部署朱庇特导弹And I now believe that we should put Jupiter Missiles in Turkey. 亨得利上校在这里Colonel Hendry is here.除非他在过去的十分钟里So, unless he magically traveled神奇地穿越了三千英里3,000 miles in the last ten minutes,听着你就别再浪费我的时间了Listen to me, I suggest that you stop wasting my time. 看起来亨得利想发动第三次世界大战Looks like Hendry wants to start World War III.现在我要处理更重要的事马克塔格特I have better things to deal with right now, MacTaggert. 长官我...Sir, I...!天呐God!你是疯了吗Have you lost your mind?现在怎么办So, now what?我们去找个基因突变方面的专家We find an expert on Genetic Mutation.遗传学教授查尔斯·弗朗西斯·泽维尔Professor of genetics, Charles Francis Xavier.成为教授的感觉怎么样So, how does it feel to be a professor?别那样叫我Well, ah, don't call me that.教授可不是随便叫的You don't get to be called a Professor除非有教职岗位until you actually have a teaching position.我知道但这和你很相称I know, but it suits you.别那样说应该说我们去喝一杯吧No, don't say that, do say "Lets go have a drink".-我们去喝一杯吧-太棒了- Let's go have a drink. - Wonderful!阿根廷维拉格塞尔市-晚上好朋友们-晚上好- Good evening, my friends! - Good evening!-天真热对吧-是啊- Hot, no? - Yes...请来杯啤酒One beer, please.卡斯帕蒂娜号潜艇迈阿密-德国啤酒吗-当然- German beer? - Of course.那是碧特博格啤酒你喜欢吗Yes, it's Bitburger. You like it?最好的啤酒The best.你们怎么会来阿根廷的What brings you to Argentina?这里的气候不错我是养猪的The climate, I'm a pig farmer.我从小就是个裁缝Tailor, since I was a boy.我父亲是杜塞尔多夫最出色的裁缝My father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf.我父母也来自杜塞尔多夫My Parents were from, Dusseldorf.-他们叫什么-他们没名字- What was their name? - They didn't have a name. 他们的名字被人剥夺了It was taken away from them...被养猪的by pig farmers...和裁缝剥夺的...and tailors.血统与荣誉"Blood and Honor".你想先被放血还是先失去荣誉Which would you care to shed first?-我们只是听命行事-那就放血吧- We were under orders. - Blood then.-别动混蛋-快开枪啊- Freeze, asshole! - Come on, shoot!你是谁是什么东西Who, what are you?就把我当成弗兰肯斯坦的怪物吧Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster.我在寻找创造出我的人I'm looking for my creator.喝喝喝Drink, drink, drink!我真为你感到骄傲I'm so proud of you.我要再来一杯酒而你可以再去喝一杯可乐I need another drink, and you need another cola.-恭喜你教授-非常感谢- Congratulations, Professor! - Thank you very much,这实际上比看起来难多了it's much harder than it looks, actually.不我是说你的演讲很成功No, on your presentation.你听过我的演讲吗You knew my presentation?真好非常感谢How nice of you, thank you very much.我叫莫伊拉·马克塔格特Moira MacTaggert.我是查尔斯·泽维尔Charles Xavier.可以聊一会儿吗Do you have a minute?为了漂亮的突变Mcr-1基因我时间充足得很For a pretty little beam with a mutated MCR-1 gene, I have five.我所说的Mcr-1 就是你们所说的金发I say, MCR-1, you would say, golden hair.这是种突变一种非常时髦的突变It's a mutation, it's a very groovy mutation.突变就是把我们从单细胞生物Mutation you know, took us from single cell organisms,-变成了占主导地位的人类-知道吗- to the dominate form... - You know what?你这套搭讪滥调可能对单纯的女同学很有效This routine may go over great with the co-eds,但我是为了公事而来but I'm here on business.什么What?我真的需要你的帮助I really need your help.好吧All right.你在论文中谈到的那种突变The kind that of mutations that you were talking about in your thesis 我需要知道那是否可能已经发生了I need to know if they may already have happened.当今世上是否已存在变种人In people alive today.教授我看还是等你清醒了再谈吧I think that we should just talk when you're sober.你明天有时间吗Do you have any time tomorrow?我觉得你已经知道你这个问题的答案了Something tells me, you already know the answer to your question. 这对我也很重要This is very important to me.如果我可以帮到你一定全力以赴And if I can help you, I will do my utmost.谢谢Thank you.佛罗里达州迈阿密还喝香槟吗鲍伯Still drinking champagne, Bob?不喝了I will pass.好了不开玩笑了Okay, well so much for the pleasantries.我有点好奇你把我们的计划告诉谁了I was wondering, who you told about our little arrangement?没告诉任何人No one.他说的是实话He's telling the truth.很好Good.那这儿就没什么事了Well I guess we're done here.那就来收个尾吧Let's wrap things up, shall we?我不至于笨得信任你Well I knew better than to trust you.你现在让我带着我的钱离开Now you let me walk out of here with my money.否则我就拉开保险针我们同归于尽Or I will pull this pin and we all die.尽管动手拉吧Go ahead, pull it.我对天发誓我真会这么做的I'll do it, I swear to god.不你不会的No, you won't.But I will.你也是变种人You're one of them?聪明亨得利上校Very astute of you, Colonel Hendry.想猜猜我的超能力是什么吗You want to guess what I can do?我能吸收能量那可以让我保持年轻I've got the power to absorb energy. It keeps me young.那是比较无聊的方面That's the boring part.有趣的方面是我能利用吸收的能量做什么The fun stuff is what I can do with it once I got it.弗吉尼亚州兰利中央情报局总部核时代的到来The advent of the nuclear age,可能加速了突变的进程may have accelerated the mutation process.拥有超能力的人或许已经存在于我们当中Individual's with extraordinary abilities may already be among us. 谢谢大家Thank you very much.马克塔格特你真以为MacTaggert, you really think that请一个疯子科学家来就会让我相信some crackpot scientist is going to make me believe in银光闪闪的女人和瞬移男人的存在吗sparkly dames and vanishing men?你还是滚回去当打字的文员吧You just brought yourself a one way ticket back to the typing pool. 会议结束This meeting is over.请先坐下马克塔格特特工Please sit down, Agent Mactaggert.我不指望你们相信我I didn't really expect you to believe me.毕竟在我做演讲陈述的时候Given that all you could think about during my presentation,你满脑子想的都是今天食堂供应的是哪种馅饼was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary.是苹果山核桃馅饼It's apple pecan.我没有对你完全坦诚亲爱的很抱歉I haven't been entirely honest with you, love. I'm sorry.我的突变超能力让我可以做到的事情之一You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do, 就是我能知道你们在想什么is that I can read your mind.我在一个魔术表演中看过这种伎俩I've seen this before in a magic show.你现在是不是要让我们Are you going to ask us to在一到十之间想一个数字think of a number between one and ten now?不史崔克特工No, agent Stryker.不过我是可以问问你儿子威廉的事Although I could ask you about your son William毕竟你刚刚就在想着他这很好who you were thinking about, which is very nice.但我还是更想问问你But I think I'd rather ask you about有关美国在土耳其部署朱庇特导弹的事the Jupiter missiles America are currently placing in Turkey.他是个该死的间谍He's a goddamn spy!你竟然把一个间谍带来了这里You brought a goddamn spy into this facility!我没有我不可能带间谍来这里I did not, I would never bring one here!这个魔术怎么样How's that for a magic trick?无与伦比Best I've ever seen.立刻把他们带走I want them out of here.给我关起来直到我想出对策And lock down until I can figure out what to do.我的基地在中情局外My facility is off site.我可以带走他们I'll take them.真叫人难以置信I can't believe this.我还以为中情局局长会沉着冷静一些You'd think the director of the CIA would have a little more composure.我们现在应该立即追捕肖We should be going after Shaw right now,他却在那儿想办法对付善良的变种人but instead he's up there worrying about the wrong mutants.我们该怎么办莱维因What are we doing to do, Lavene?莱维因Lavene?莱维因你是怎么了Lavene, what's wrong with you?他完全没事Absolutely nothing,我只是暂时将他定住因为我想和你谈话I've just frozen him for the moment because I'd like to talk to you. 这很好不是吗It's good, isn't it?我和你一样对塞巴斯蒂安·肖很感兴趣I'm as interested in this Sebastian Shaw as you are,如果你还需要我的帮助And if you still want my help,就到停车场的三层来见我meet me on the third floor of the parking garage.我一直知道有你们这种人的存在I've always known that there were people like you out there.多年来中情局的人一直视我为笑柄I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years但我知道这是真的but I knew it.你们肯定会喜欢我的基地You're going to love my facility.那得等到以后了That's going to have to wait.为什么Why?马克塔格特特工有一条关于塞巴斯蒂安·肖的线索Agent Mactaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw,如果现在不立刻行动他就会溜掉and if we don't move now, apparently, we're going to lose him.什么What?他不仅仅可以探查意识Not only can he read minds,也可以和他们交流he can communicate with them as well.我和莫伊拉刚刚聊得不错Moira and I have just had a lovely conversation.是啊没错Yes, we did.真是太了不起了That is incredible!但没有上级的许可我不能带你们去别的地方But I cannot take you anywhere else, without permission from upstairs. 你还想看魔术吗Would you like to see one more magic trick?-好啊-那就上车- Okay. - Get in the car.好主意Good idea.博士先生Herr doktor.小埃里克·兰谢尔Little Erik Lensherr.他是来杀你的He's here to kill you.这算什么问候的方式What kind of greeting is that?毕竟都已经过了这么多年After all these years?艾玛Emma.我们不伤害同类We don't harm our own kind.现在才是好戏的开始Now it's a party.我们是美国海岸警卫队This is the US Coast guard.请勿试图移动船只Do not attempt to move your vessel.留在原地Stay where you are.他们当中有个心灵感应者They have a telepath.我感应不到肖了I've lost, Shaw!我感应不到肖了I've lost, I've lost, Shaw.有什么东西挡住了我的感应能力There's, there's something blocking me.以前从没发生过这种情况This has never happened to me before.我觉得那艘船上有个跟我一样的人I think there's someone like me on that ship.跟你一样Like you?不好意思是心灵感应I'm sorry, a telepath.真是不可思议This is incredible,我可以感应到她进入了我的意识当中I can actually feel her inside my mind.我很抱歉I'm very sorry,今晚我可能帮不上什么忙了but I don't think I'm going to be much help to you tonight. 你们只能靠自己了You're on your own.-天呐-上帝啊- Oh my god. - Jesus.到里面去Get inside.停下停下停下Stop, stop, stop!查尔斯Charles!你没事吧You okay?外面还有一个人There's someone else out there.在那里There!该走了Time to go.放弃吧Let go!你必须放弃了You have to let it go!你得救他You've got to help him!你得派人下到水里去救他You've got to put someone in the water to help him.放弃吧你必须放弃了Let it go! You have to let it go!你做不到的你会淹死的你必须放弃了You can't, you'll drown. You have to let go.我知道这对你很重要但是你会死的I know what this means to you but you're going to die. 拜托了埃里克冷静Please, Erik, calm your mind.放开我放开Get off of me, get off!-冷静赶快呼吸-我们在这里- Calm down! Just breathe. - We're here!你是谁Who are you?我叫查尔斯·泽维尔My name is Charles Xavier.你刚刚侵入了我的意识里You were in my head.你是怎么做到的How did you do that?你有超能力我也有You have your tricks, I have mine.我和你一样请冷静I'm like you, just calm your mind.我曾以为我是孤身一人I thought I was alone.你不是一个人You're not alone.埃里克你不是一个人Erik, you're not alone.中情局秘密研发基地欢迎来到我的基地Welcome to my facility.我的任务是调查研究超能力My mission has been to investigate the application在军事防御方面的应用of paranormal powers for military defense.或是进攻Or offense.那个叫肖的或者叫施密特This guy, Shaw, Schmidt,不管你们怎么称呼他whatever you want to call him.他在和俄国人合作He's working with the Russians.我们可能需要你们的帮助来阻止他们We might need your help to stop them.太好了Marvelous.所以我们是中情局新成立的变种人部门了吗So we're to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?差不多吧Something like that.这是超音速飞机是目前最先进的飞机It's a supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built.你们该见识下它飞起来的样子太不可思议了You should see it in real life. It's incredible.汉克这些是我和你提过的新招募的特殊人员Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about. 这是汉克·麦考伊This is, Hank McCoy,我们这里最出色的青年研究员之一one of our most talented young researchers.真好这里已经有一个变种人了How wonderful, another mutant. Already here.你之前为什么不说Why didn't you say?说什么Say what?原来你不知道Because you don't know.我真的非常非常抱歉I am so, so terribly sorry!汉克Hank?你没问所以我也没说You didn't ask, so I didn't tell.所以你的突变能力是什么智商超群吗So your mutation's what? You're super smart?我来说吧I'll say,汉克在15岁时就从哈佛大学毕业了Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of 15.我真希望只是这样I wish that's all it was.我们是你的朋友汉克You're among friends now, Hank.你可以展现自己的超能力You could show off.真厉害Splendid.-借过-没事- Sorry. - Yes, yes.你太厉害了You're amazing.真的吗Really?「美国在土耳其部署导弹The presence of U.S. Missiles in Turkey对苏联人民来说意味着空前的威胁」represents an unprecedented threat to the people of the Soviet Union. 今天早些时候俄国外交部长葛罗米柯如此警告称warned Russian Foreign Minister Gromyko earlier today.但他同时强调But he was quick to insist俄国不会率先采取军事行动the Russians would not be the first to initiate any military action.等我们到达俄国就改变这一点We'll fix that as soon as we get to Russia.除非中情局在那之前先找到我们Unless the CIA finds us first.我会把他们也解决掉的I'll take care of them too.如果那个心灵感应者进入你的意识里If that telepath gets inside your head,他可不会像我这么有趣he won't be as much fun as I am.已经有解决办法了亲爱的Already in hand, my love.俄国人The Russians给我造了这个made me this.试试看我在想什么So, what am I thinking?我不知道I don't know.我想的是I was thinking that你是我一生中遇到的最精美的东西you are the most exquisite thing that I've ever seen in my life.酒里需要加点冰And that this needs ice.去给我拿点Fetch me some.真乖There's a good girl.我从小就发誓要找到治疗方法I promised myself I'd find a cure, ever since I was a little boy. 你无法想象我愿意付出一切就为觉得...You have no idea what I'd give to feel...-正常-正常- normal. - Normal.查尔斯从来就不明白这一点Charles has never understood.他虽异于常人但他不需要隐藏He's different, but he's never had to hide.汉克你研制的那种血清Hank, this serum that you're making,不会影响超能力对吗it doesn't affect abilities, right?只会让外表变得正常Just appearance. Normalizes it.是的Yeah.你觉得对我会有用吗Do you think it would work on me?我可以研究下如果你愿意试试的话I can look into it, if you'd like.那是我至少可以做的That's the least I can do毕竟我叫你下来帮我做一件这么奇怪的事after asking you to come down here with such a weird request. 我必须承认I have to admit,通常男生约我可不会是想抽我的血usually when guys ask me out they're not after my blood.抱歉我不是有意这样放肆S..sorry, I didn't intend to be forward.我只是太激动了I was just...I was excited.你这种突变的特性You know, the nature of your mutation.如果说有什么基因控制着外表的改变If any genes hold the key to changing appearance,就是你的那种it's yours.汉克你没有放肆Hank, you aren't being forward,。
《X战警》整个系列完整的时间线文/钒钛客因为很多人没有看过所有的X战警系列电影,所以尽量用简单的方式描述时间线索:好吧,让我们开始:1845年-1917年:幼年金刚狼发现自己有骨爪变异随着年龄的增长金刚狼陆续参加了美国内战和一战出自影片:《金刚狼》(2009)||1944年:二战时期幼年万磁王首次展现他对金属的控制力反派变种人塞巴斯蒂安·肖杀了万磁王的母亲幼年X教授认识了魔形女,并认做妹妹出自影片:《X战警:第一战》(2011)||1945年:金刚狼参加二战出自影片:《金刚狼》(2009)二战后期金刚狼被囚禁在日本长崎战俘营并在长崎遭受原子弹攻击时救了一名日本军官(形成了2013年故事的线索)出自影片:《金刚狼2》(2013)||1962年:X教授和万磁王相遇冷战时期,美国CIA成立X战警部门初期成员包括X教授、万磁王和魔形女X教授和万磁王到处招募新的部门成员并首次与金刚狼相遇,邀其加入狼叔根本不吊这俩个骚年,当时未加入X战警们通过努力阻止了塞巴斯蒂安·肖的阴谋但也付出惨痛代价X教授在战斗中受伤,从此坐上了轮椅万磁王与X教授分立,成立了兄弟会出自影片:《X战警:第一战》(2011)||1973年:一个军方的侏儒科学家通过研究活体变种人的方式希望能寻找变种人的弱点消除变种人对人类的潜在危险魔形女暗杀了侏儒科学家,并被军方抓住魔形女的行为激怒了军方军方更加坚定的要研究对付变种人的办法他们从魔形女身上获取到了可以随意变形的基因并从此时开始研究“哨兵”——一个令整个变种族恐惧的秘密武器(形成了2023年故事的线索)出自影片:《X战警:逆转未来》(2014)||1975年:金刚狼参加完越战被美国军方的一个负责人史崔克接触并请他加入了一个执行特别任务的部队——X Team死侍也是小队成员出自影片:《金刚狼》(2009)||1979年:由于X Team手段残忍金刚狼离开了X Team隐居山林并遇到了爱人银狐出自影片:《金刚狼》(2009)||1981年:此时,人类已经越来越把变种人看作一种威胁为了对抗人类发起的挑战X教授和万磁王开始有了共同的敌人人类并在一些对抗人类进攻的行动上有一致的地方但是,他们的理念完全不同X教授的X战警主张感化人类万磁王的兄弟会主张消灭人类他们到处寻找变种人说服他们加入自己的组织并一起找到了“凤凰女”琴·葛蕾凤凰女体内拥有5级变种人的黑暗力量X教授用自己的心灵围栏能力控制住了凤凰女体内的力量(为后面2005-2007年凤凰女的故事铺垫)出自影片:《X战警3:背水一战》(2006)||1987年:在军方负责人史崔克的欺骗下金刚狼误以为爱人银狐被人杀死为了复仇,同意军方改造自己的身体注入了阿德曼合金金刚狼逐渐发现史崔克的骗局他其实是利用X Team抓捕变种人并继续进行变种人活体实验史崔克败露后,派出身体被改造的加强版死侍与金刚狼决战金刚狼笑到了最后摧毁了史崔克在三里岛的变种人研究所X教授出现在三里岛,救下了研究所里逃出的变种人青年但金刚狼也在战斗中失忆,独自离开出自影片:《金刚狼》(2009)||2005年:金刚狼终于加入了X战警并结识了风暴女、镭射眼、凤凰女等同伴与此同时,以万磁王、魔形女为首的兄弟会也是兵强马壮万磁王找到了诱发X基因变异的方法他带领兄弟会企图在纽约峰会把各国首脑变成变种人X教授带领X战警前去阻止X战警与兄弟会在自由女神像展开激战最终,X战警胜,万磁王被捕入狱出自影片:《X战警1》(2000)||2006年:万磁王越狱军方的史崔克卷土重来大军进攻X战警的大本营(X学院)X战警和兄弟会携手对抗史崔克的军队在进攻史崔克的基地Alkali Lake之后金刚狼记起了他以前的事情同时,最后凤凰女为了救出X战警的飞行器被大水淹没出自影片:《X战警2》(2003)||2007年:美国政府发现了一个变种人他的超能力是使其他变种人失去超能力以此研发出了清除变种基因的血清并设立了血清注射点,引导变种人逐步变回普通人类万磁王带领兄弟去招募哪些不想变成普通人类的变种人并计划组织反扑凤凰女并没有死由于死里逃生的境遇让她体内的黑暗力量(洪荒之力-__-)冲破了X教授帮助她建立的心灵围栏作为电影中唯一一个5级变种人她杀死了男友镭射眼,并撕碎了导师X教授(她的念力可以移动分子)并同兄弟会一起反抗人类(注意不是加入兄弟会,她不服从任何人)兄弟会对研究血清的实验室展开攻击并要杀死那名能够提供血清的变种人X战警与实验室守军共同对抗兄弟会大军就在X战警和守军占得优势时(万磁王也被注射了血清,失去了控制金属的能力)凤凰女发怒了,看气势要毁掉一切(周围一切都被撕碎)金刚狼因有自我修复能力,边被撕碎边愈合上去含泪插死了她(金刚狼、镭射眼都喜欢凤凰女)电影的结尾可以看到,万磁王的能力貌似一点一点恢复了PS:影片彩蛋中,一个躺在病床上的植物人突然说话了,原来X教授身体虽然毁掉了,但是他把自己的意识传到了这个植物人身上(这个植物人是X教授的双胞胎兄弟,意识还在母体内的时候就被X教授的超强脑波杀死,出生后就一直是植物人。
stanlee英文介绍作文英文:Stan Lee was an American comic book writer, editor, publisher, and producer who was the co-creator of many of Marvel Comics' most famous superheroes, including Spider-Man, the X-Men, Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, the Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, and Ant-Man. He was born on December 28, 1922, in New York City and passed away on November 12, 2018, at the age of 95.Stan Lee was a true legend in the comic book industry and his contributions to the world of superheroes willnever be forgotten. He was known for his unique writing style, which often included witty dialogue and relatable characters. He also had a talent for creating complex storylines that kept readers engaged and wanting more.One of my favorite things about Stan Lee was hisability to make cameos in the Marvel movies. It was alwaysexciting to see him pop up on the screen and it was a testament to his impact on the industry.中文:Stan Lee是一位美国漫画书作家、编辑、出版商和制片人,他是许多漫威漫画中最著名的超级英雄的共同创作者,包括蜘蛛侠、X 战警、钢铁侠、雷神、绿巨人、黑寡妇、奇异博士、蚁人等。
突变是我们进化的关键Mutation... it is the key to our evolution.它让我们从单细胞生物体It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism... 进化成这个星球的主宰物种into the dominant species on the planet.这个过程很缓慢This process is slow,通常需要千百万年normally taking thousands and thousands of years.但每隔几十万年进化就会突然跃进But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward. X战警波兰1944年密西西比州默里迪恩市相隔不远的未来尼亚加拉瀑布往北Niagara Falls. Up...加拿大落基山脉the Canadian Rockies,然后离安克雷奇只有几百英里了and then it's only a few hundred miles to Anchorage.那里不会太冷吗Well, won't it be kind of cold?追求的就是寒冷傻瓜Well, that's the point, stupid.不然就不算是冒险了Otherwise, it wouldn't be an adventure.那你打算什么时候去And when are you gonna do this?我不知道I don't know.高中毕业上大学前After high school. Before college.玛丽Marie!-我不知道他是怎么了-大卫- I don't know what happened to him. - David?我不知道我只是碰了他而已I don't know what... I just touched him.我没想伤害他I didn't- I didn't mean...-叫救护车-别碰我- Call an ambulance! - Don't touch.-宝贝-离我远点- Honey... - Just get away from me!-快叫救护车-别碰我- Call an ambulance! - Don't touch me!女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,我们正在见证又一场人类进化的开端we are now seeing the beginnings of another stage of human evolution. 这些突变特征从青春期开始显现These mutations manifest at puberty...通常由强烈的情感压力触发and are often triggered by periods of heightened emotional stress.谢谢你葛雷女士这很有教育意义Thank you, Ms. Grey. It was quite educational.然而你未能阐述However, it fails to address the issue本次听证会的重点that is the focus of this hearing.三个词变种人是否危险Three words: Are mutants dangerous?恐怕这么问不公平凯利参议员I'm afraid that's an unfair question, Senator Kelly.毕竟就算是汽车After all, the wrong person如果司机有问题也会变得很危险behind the wheel of a car can be dangerous.所以开车需要驾照Well, we do license people to drive.是没错但生存不用执照Yes, but not to live.参议员一个不争的事实是Senator, it is a fact...那些亮明身份的变种人that mutants who have come forward and revealed themselves publicly... 遭受的是恐惧敌对甚至暴力对待have been met with fear, hostility, even violence.正是由于这种长期存在的敌对关系It is because of that ever-present hostility...我敦促参议院对变种人注册法案投反对票that I am urging the Senate to vote against mutant registration.强制变种人暴露自己To force mutants to expose themselves-只会... -暴露自己- will only further- - Expose themselves?我想知道变种人群体到底有什么需要隐藏的What is it the mutant community has to hide I wonder...以至于让他们如此害怕公开身份that makes them so afraid to identify themselves?-我没说他们在隐藏-我来告诉你- I didn't say they were hiding. - Let me show you到底有什么被隐藏起来了葛雷女士what is being hidden, Ms. Grey.我这里有一份已证实的变种人名单I have here a list of names of identified mutants...都是生活在美国境内的living right here in the United States.-凯利参议员-伊利诺伊州有个女孩- Senator Kelly... - Now, here's a girl in Illinois可以穿墙破壁who can walk through walls.那么有什么能阻止她进入银行金库Now, what's to stop her from walking into a bank vault...或者进入白宫或者进入各位的家里呢or into the White House or into their houses?-凯利参议员-甚至有传言称葛雷女士- Senator Kelly- - And there are even rumors, Ms. Grey,有些强大的变种人of mutants so powerful甚至能进入我们的大脑控制我们的想法that they can enter our minds and control our thoughts,剥夺上帝赋予的自由意志taking our God-given free will.我觉得美国人民有权利决定...I think the American people deserve the right to decide...他们的孩子要不要与变种人一起上学whether they want their children to be in school with mutants, 被变种人教导to be taught by mutants.女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,变种人是真实存在的the truth is that mutants are very real,他们就在我们中间and they are among us.-我们必须知道他们的身份-没错- We must know who they are. - That's right!最重要的是我们必须知道And, above all, we must know...他们的能力what they can do.埃里克Eric.你来这里做什么What are you doing here?你都已经知道答案了为什么还明知故问Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers? 别放弃他们埃里克Don't give up on them, Eric.你叫我能怎么办查尔斯What would you have me do, Charles?我早就听过这些观点了I've heard these arguments before.那是很久之前的事了It was a long time ago.人类已经进化了Mankind has evolved since then.是啊Yes,进化成我们into us.你在窥探我的想法吗查尔斯You sneaking around in here, Charles?你在找什么Whatever are you looking for?我在找希望I'm looking for hope.我会把希望给你带来老朋友I will bring you hope, old friend.我只要一样回报And I ask only one thing in return.别给我碍事Don't get in my way.我们才是未来查尔斯不是他们We are the future, Charles, not them.他们不再重要了They no longer matter.加拿大阿尔伯塔省北部到了This is it.我们这是在哪儿Where are we?我以为你说能把我带到劳克林城I thought you said you were gonna take me as far as Laughlin City. 这就是劳克林城This is Laughlin City.先生们我活了大半辈子Gentlemen, in all my years,却从没见过那种场面I've never seen anything like that.你们要让这家伙带走你们的钱吗Are you gonna let this man walk away with your money?我跟他打I'll fight him!女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,我们的救星来了our savior!不管你做什么别往蛋蛋上打Whatever you do, don't hit him in the balls.你说手段不限You said anything goes.手段是不限但他会记私仇Anything goes, but he'll take it personal.女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen,今晚的冠军再次蝉联笼中之王tonight's winner and still king of the cage,金刚狼the Wolverine!想喝点新鲜的吗亲爱的You want something new, honey?还是喝水就行Or are you sticking with water?来杯啤酒I'll have a beer.埃利斯岛Ellis Island,成千上万美国移民曾经的第一站once the arrival point for thousands of American immigrants...再次打开大门is opening its doors again.即将开幕的联合国峰会的Preparations are nearly completed准备工作已接近完成for the upcoming United Nations world summit.目前几乎所有的邀请函得到了确认With nearly every invitation confirmed,本次峰会有望成为the event promises to be史上最大规模的各国首脑聚会the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.超过200个国家和地区的首脑将讨论诸多议题The leaders of over 200 nations will discuss issues从世界经济形势ranging from the world's economic climate...和武器条约到变种人现象and weapons treaties to the mutant phenomenon及其对世界的影响and its impact on our world stage.许多美国立法者都认为Many American legislators have contended...有关变种人问题的讨论that debate over mutant issues应当成为这场外交活动的焦点should be the primary focus of what is, on the surface at least, 至少表面看上去是外交活动a strictly diplomatic affair.-你欠我钱-走吧斯图别这样- You owe me some money. - Come on, Stu. Let's not do this. 正常人被打成那样不可能没有淤青No man takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it. 别这样伙计不值得Come on, buddy. This isn't gonna be worth it.-我知道你是什么-你已经失掉了钱财- I know what you are. - You lost your money.再纠缠不休你还会失去点别的东西You keep this up, you'll lose something else.走吧老兄Come on, buddy.小心Look out!滚出我的酒吧怪物Get out of my bar, freak.你他妈在干什么What the hell are you doing?对不起我需要搭个车I'm sorry. I needed a ride.-想着你可能会帮我-下来- Thought you might help me. - Get out.-我能去哪儿-我不知道- Where am I supposed to go? - I don't know.-不知道还是不在乎-随你选- You don't know or you don't care? - Pick one. -我救了你一命-不你没有- I saved your life. - No, you didn't.你车上没吃的是吗You don't have anything to eat, do you?我是小淘气I'm Rogue.你之前当过兵吗Were you in the army?那牌子不是只有服过役的才有吗Doesn't that mean you were in the army?怎么了What?突然觉得我的生活没那么糟了Suddenly my life doesn't look that bad.-如果你想搭车... -不不- If you'd prefer the road... - No. No.看上去棒极了It looks great.很温馨Looks cozy.把手放空调上Put your hands on the heater.我不会伤害你的孩子I'm not gonna hurt you, kid.我并非是对你心怀戒备只是...It's nothing personal. It's just that...每当别人碰我的皮肤就会有事情发生when people touch my skin, something happens. 什么事What?我不知道I don't know.他们会受伤They just get hurt.好吧Fair enough.爪子冒出来的时候疼吗When they come out, does it hurt?每次都疼Every time.小淘气算哪门子名字So, what kind of a name is Rogue?我不知道I don't know.金刚狼又算什么名字What kind of a name is Wolverine?我叫罗根My name's Logan.我叫玛丽Marie.你该系安全带的You know, you should wear your seat belt.听着孩子我不需要小屁孩的安全驾驶建议Look, kid. I don't need advice on auto safety from...你没事吧You all right?-孩子你没事吧-我被卡住了- Kid, are you all right? - I'm stuck!你不是该带某人回来的吗Weren't you supposed to bring someone back with you? -发生了什么事-他们提前知道了- What happened? - They knew.查尔斯Charles.金刚狼-那个变种人现在在哪-跟他们在一起- Where is the mutant now? - With them.我已经先发制人I have made the first move.他们仅仅知道这点而已That is all they know.跟我来联合国峰会就要到了Come. The U.N. Summit is approaching.我们该做那个小测试了Time for our little test.他去哪儿了Where's he going?你要去哪儿Where are you going?这边Over here.-你要去哪儿-这边- Where are you going? - This way.他在那里He's over there.-我们走-你着什么急- Let's go. - What's your hurry?早上好罗根Good morning, Logan.把你们对弱人择原理和强人择原理的定义写好I'd like your definitions of weak and strong anthropic principles...周三交到我桌上on my desk on Wednesday.今天先到这That'll be all.-再见教授-再见凯蒂- Bye, Professor. - Bye, Kitty.物理Physics.我叫查尔斯·泽维尔你想吃点早餐吗I'm Charles Xavier. Would you like some breakfast?-我这是在哪儿-纽约州韦斯切斯特- Where am I? - Westchester, New York.你被攻击了我的人把你带到这接受治疗You were attacked. My people brought you here for medical attention. -我不需要治疗-当然了- I don't need medical attention. - Yes, of course.-那女孩在哪-小淘气吗她在这她没事- Where's the girl? - Rogue? She's here. She's fine.是吗Really?罗根这位是奥萝洛·门罗也叫暴风女Logan, I'd like you to meet Ororo Munroe, also called Storm.-这位是斯考特·萨默斯也叫镭射眼-你好- This is Scott Summers, also called Cyclops. - Hello.他们救了你They saved your life.我相信你已经见过琴·葛雷医生了I believe you've already met Dr. Jean Grey.你在我为天赋者也就是变种人开设的学校里You're in my school for the gifted. For mutants.在这里你不会被万磁王找麻烦You'll be safe here from Magneto.万磁王是什么What's a Magneto?一位非常强大的变种人A very powerful mutant他坚信变种人与人类之间who believes that a war is brewing...即将展开一场大战between mutants and the rest of humanity.我追踪他的活动有段时间了I've been following his activities for some time.那个攻击你的人是他的同伙名叫剑齿虎The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth. 剑齿虎Sabretooth?暴风女Storm.他们管你叫什么轮椅男吗What do they call you? Wheels?这是我听过的最傻兮兮的事This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.镭射眼是吧Cyclops, right?让开好吗You wanna get out of my way?罗根已经快15年了对吧Logan, It's been almost 15 years, hasn't it?虚度光阴四处漂泊Living from day to day, moving from place to place,完全不记得以前的事with no memory of who or what you are.闭嘴Shut up.给我个机会Give me a chance.我或许可以帮你找到些答案I may be able to help you find some answers.你怎么知道How do you know?有天赋的不只有你一个人You're not the only one with gifts.-你要去哪儿-他要去哪儿- Where are you going? - Where's he going?他在那里He's over there.你在这里做什么What are you doing over here?这是什么地方What is this place?无名无姓是变种人对抗世界敌意的第一道防线Anonymity is a mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.嘿不许用超能力Hey, no powers!对公众来说To the public,我们只是为有天赋的年轻人开设的学校we're merely a school for gifted youngsters.镭射眼暴风女和琴都是我的第一批学生Cyclops, Storm and Jean were some of my first students.我保护他们教他们控制超能力I protected them, taught them to control their powers...以后他们也会教其他人这么做and in time, teach others to do the same.学生几乎都是离家出走的孩子The students are mostly runaways.担惊受怕孤身一人Frightened, alone.有些人的天赋过于极端Some with gifts so extreme以至于对他们自身和身边人都是个危险的存在that they've become a danger to themselves and those around them. 比如你的朋友小淘气Like your friend, Rogue.不能与人类发生身体接触Incapable of physical human contact,或许这辈子永远都不能probably for the rest of her life,而在这里她能与同龄人一起and yet here she is with others her own age,学会被接纳而非被惧怕learning being accepted, not feared.-约翰-对不起- John. - Sorry.我叫鲍比I'm Bobby.你叫什么What's your name?-小淘气-她会怎么样- Rogue. - What'll happen to her?这取决于她Well, that's up to her.要么作为受过教育的小姑娘重回人类社会Rejoin the world as an educated young woman...要么留下教授他人or stay on to teach others...成为孩子们亲切称呼的X战警to become what the children have affectionately called X-Men.欢迎来到变种人高中Welcome to Mutant High.但学校只是面对公众的形象But the school is merely a public face.但内部的真实情况就是另一回事了The lower levels, however, are an entirely different matter.我小的时候When I was a boy,就发现我能控制别人的意识I discovered I had the power to control people's minds,让他们按我的意愿思考或做事make them think or do whatever I wanted.我17岁时遇到了一个名叫埃里克·兰谢尔的年轻人When I was 17, I met a young man named Eric Lensherr.他也有着非凡的能力He, too, had an unusual power.他能制造磁场和控制金属He could create magnetic fields and control metal.秉持着人类不可能接纳我们的信念Believing that humanity would never accept us,他变得愤怒复仇心膨胀he grew angry and vengeful.他成为了万磁王He became Magneto.这世上有很多变种人都有着惊人的超能力罗根There are mutants out there with incredible powers, Logan,其中也有很多人不像我这样尊重人类and many who do not share my respect for mankind.如果没人做好对抗他们的准备人类可能会灭亡If no one is equipped to oppose them, humanity's days could be over. 我跟你做个交易罗根I'll make a deal with you, Logan.给我48小时查明万磁王想抓你干什么Give me 48 hours to find out what Magneto wants with you,我向你保证我会尽我所能and I give you my word that I will use all my power...帮你拼凑回你丢失的记忆...to help you piece together what you've lost...并指引你发现心中所求and what you're looking for.参议员听着你支持枪支注册对吗Senator, listen, you favor gun registration, yes?然而某些所谓的孩子们Well, some of these so-called children...拥有的超能力是枪支威胁的十倍不止possess more than 10 times the destructive force of any handgun. 不我看不出有什么区别No, I don't see a difference.我只看到校园里有武器All I see are weapons in our schools.那样也行好吧Well, that's fair enough. All right.怎么样So?胜负难料像这样的投票票数一向咬得很紧It's gonna be close. A vote this loaded is always close.联合国世界高峰会呢全世界都在拭目以待What about the U.N. Summit? The whole world will be watching. 也许可以想个法子利用这件事为你造势Maybe there's some way you could use that to your advantage.我们可是美国人亨利We're Americans, Henry.让别的国家想办法去对付变种人吧Let the rest of the damn world deal with mutants in their own way. 你明白眼下的形势吗You know this situation?这些变种人These mutants?像琴·葛雷那样的人People like this Jean Grey?如果依我来办我会把他们全关押起来If it were up to me, I'd lock 'em all away.这是一场战争It's a war.那正是像我这样的人存在的意义It's the reason people like me exist.我们这是在哪儿Where the hell are we?飞行员Pilot!正是因为你这种的人存在You know, people like you are the reason才导致我小时候不敢去上学I was afraid to go to school as a child.对不起I'm sorry.为什么道歉For what?如果我之前伤到了你If I hurt you.迫不及待想再脱掉我的衣服是吧So, couldn't wait to get my shirt off again, huh?他体内的金属是艾德曼合金The metal is an alloy called Adamantium.据说坚不可摧Supposedly indestructible.经由手术注射覆盖他全身骨骼It's been surgically grafted to his entire skeleton.他怎么能经受住这么一场手术How could he have survived a procedure like that?因为他的突变超能力His mutation.他拥有罕见的无限再生能力He has uncharted regenerative capability,那让他可以快速愈合which enables him to heal rapidly.这也让我们难以推测他的真实年龄This also makes his age impossible to determine.他的岁数很有可能比你还要大教授He could very well be older than you, Professor.-谁给他做的手术-他不知道- Who did this to him? - He doesn't know.他也不记得任何手术前的事了Nor does he remember anything about his life before it happened. 变种人实验Experimentation on mutants.我倒是听说过It's not unheard of.但我之前从没见过这样的成果But I've never seen anything like this before.你觉得万磁王想要抓他做什么What do you think Magneto wants with him?我无法完全确定万磁王想抓的就是他I'm not entirely sure it's him Magneto wants.蛤蟆人有一条邪恶的舌头参议员Toad has a wicked tongue, Senator.就跟你一样Just like you.你们这些人是谁亨利在哪Who are you people? Where's Henry?盖里奇先生已经死了好一段时间了参议员Mr. Guyrich has been dead for some time, Senator.但我一直让这位魔形女陪着你呢But I've had Mystique here keep you company.她可以变形成任何人She takes so many shapes.不管你要对我做什么都只会证明我是对的Whatever you do to me, you'll make me right.我所说的每句话都将得到证实Every word I've spoken will be confirmed.你是一个敬畏上帝的人吗参议员Are you a God-fearing man, Senator?这种说法真的很奇怪That's such a strange phrase.我一直认为上帝应该如老师一般I've always thought of God as a teacher,为我们带来光明智慧以及相互之间的谅解as a bringer of light, wisdom and understanding.其实我觉得你真正害怕的人是我You see, I think what you really are afraid of is me.我和我的同类变种人兄弟姐妹们Me and my kind. The Brotherhood of Mutants.不过这也确实在情理之中Though it's not so surprising, really.人类总会惧怕他们无法理解的东西Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand. 不要惧怕上帝参议员Well, don't fear God, Senator,当然了也无须惧怕我and certainly, don't fear me.至少不用再害怕了Not anymore.你到底想对我做什么What do you intend to do to me?这么说吧上帝的动作太慢了Let's just say God works too slowly.我想你在这里一定会住得很自在的I think you'll be comfortable here.你的房间在哪Where is your room?和斯考特住在走廊尽头那间With Scott down the hall.那就是你的天赋吗忍受那家伙Is that your gift? Putting up with that guy?实际上我的超能力是念力Actually, I'm telekinetic.我能用意念移动物品I can move things with my mind.真的吗能移动什么样的东西Really? What kinds of things?任何东西All kinds of things.我还有一点心灵感应的能力I also have some telepathic ability.-像教授那样吗-没有他那么强- What, like your Professor? - Nowhere near that powerful. 不过他在教我如何增强我的能力But he's teaching me to develop it.我相信肯定是I'm sure he is.-来探查我的意识吧-最好不要- So read my mind. - I'd rather not.来吧你害怕你可能会喜欢吗Come on. You afraid you might like it?恐怕不可能I doubt it.你看到什么了What do you see?斯考特Scott.晚安罗根Good night, Logan.你要告诉我离你的女朋友远一点吗You gonna tell me to stay away from your girl?如果我需要那么做她也不会成为我的女朋友If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.那好吧我想你就没有什么需要担心的了Well, then, I guess you've got nothing to worry about,对吧镭射眼do you, Cyclops?是啊像我这样的人救了你Yeah, it must just burn you up一定让你很恼火对吧that a boy like me saved your life, huh?你应该小心一点下次你需要救命时我可能不在You ought to be careful. I might not be there next time.另外罗根Oh, and, Logan,离我女朋友远一点stay away from my girl.罗根Logan.罗根罗根醒醒Logan. Logan, wake up.救命Help me.快来人帮忙Somebody help!斯考特拿个枕头过来Scott, grab a pillow.这只是个意外It was an accident.-罗根-发生什么事了- Logan? - What happened?-她还好吗-她会没事的- Is she all right? - She'll be all right.她对我做了什么What did she do to me?当小淘气碰到别人Whenever Rogue touches someone,就会汲取他人的能量和生命力she takes their energy, their life force.如果碰到变种人她会暂时吸收他人的天赋In the case of mutants, she absorbs their gifts for a short while. 今晚她碰了你就获得了愈合的能力In your case, your ability to heal.我觉得她几乎要了我的命I feel like she almost killed me.如果她再多保持一会儿的确可能要了你的命If she'd held out any longer, she could have.感觉怎么样参议员希望有进化的感觉How are we feeling, Senator? Advanced, I hope.你到底对我做了什么What the hell have you done to me?参议员这样毫无意义你还能去哪Senator, this is pointless. Where would you go?你已经成为我们的一员了谁还会接纳你Who would take you in now that you're one of us?汤米放了它吧Tommy, let it go!汤米拜托你放它走Tommy, please let it go!我要去告诉妈妈I'm telling Mommy.那是一个变种人吗Is that a mutant?本周的联合国世界高峰会...of this week's U.N. Summit.超过两百个国家的领导人将要出席With the leaders of over 200 nations attending,特勤局已经将埃利斯岛...the Secret Service has transformed Ellis Island...层层守卫固若金汤into a veritable Fort Knox为明晚的开幕礼做准备for tomorrow night's opening gala.埃利斯岛位于距曼哈顿海岸不到一英里的海面上Ellis Island rests less than one mile from the shores of Manhattan. 小淘气Rogue.鲍比Bobby.小淘气你干了什么Rogue, what did you do?他们说你在偷其他变种人的能力They say that you're stealing other mutants' powers.不不我只是借用了他的能力No, no. I borrowed his powers.你永远不能用你的能力来对付其他变种人You never use your power against another mutant.我别无选择I had no choice.-不你得理解我-如果我是你- No, you have to understand me. - If I were you,我会自己离开这里I'd get myself out of here.-你什么意思-听着学生们都吓坏了- What do you mean? - Listen, the students are freaked.泽维尔教授大怒我不知道他会怎么处置你Professor Xavier's furious. I don't know what he'll do with you.我觉得你自己离开会更轻松一点I think it'll be easier on your own.你应该走了You should go.你在找什么埃里克What are you looking for, Eric?真奇怪外面还有很多更强大的变种人It's strange. There are more powerful mutants out there.为什么这一个对他来说如此重要Why should this one be so important to him?-也许是因为他太难相处吧-你不喜欢他- Maybe it's his way with people. - You don't like him.-你怎么看出来的-这个嘛我会读心术- How could you tell? - Well, I am psychic, you know.-她在哪儿-谁- Where is she? - Who?小淘气Rogue.她已经离开了She's gone.欢迎回来教授Welcome, Professor.欢迎来到脑波增幅器Welcome to Cerebro.这真是一个又大又圆的房间This certainly is a big, round room.变种人的脑波和普通人类的脑波不同The brain waves of mutants are different from average human beings. 这个设备可以放大我的能力This device amplifies my power,哪怕变种人身处天涯海角我也能定位到他们allowing me to locate mutants across great distances.我打算用这个找到小淘气That's how I intend to find Rogue.你何不用这个直接找万磁王Why don't you just use it to find Magneto?我一直在努力找他I've been trying.但他似乎找到了某种办法来屏蔽我的探测But he seems to have found some way to shield himself from it.他怎么会知道怎么屏蔽呢How would he know how to do that?因为这个设备是他帮我一起建造的Because he helped me build it.我要先失陪一下了Now, if you'll excuse me.你有没有...Have you ever-用过脑波增幅器吗Used Cerebro?没有No.使用它需要很强的控制力It takes a degree of control,对于像我这种水平的人来说这个...and, uh, for someone like me, it's...太危险了Dangerous.铁路4号线开始上车...now boarding on track four.-她在火车站-火车站在哪- She's at the train station. - Where is it?向西几英里的地方A few miles West of here.罗根你不能离开这里Logan, you can't leave the mansion.万磁王就在外面等着你出去呢It's just the opportunity Magneto needs.听着她是因为我才离开的Listen. I'm the reason she took off.-我们说好了的-她没事只是伤心而已- We had a deal. - She's all right. She's just upset. 暴风女镭射眼找到她试着和她聊聊Storm, Cyclops, find her. See if you can talk to her. -怎么了-我的摩托车呢- What? - Where's my motorcycle?嗨丫头Hey, kid.昨晚的事我很抱歉I'm sorry about last night.我也是Me too.你又要逃跑吗You running again?我听说教授很生我的气I heard the professor was mad at me.是谁告诉你的Well, who told you that?学校里的一个男生A boy at school.你最后一次见她是什么时候When's the last time you saw her?她本该来找我一起吃午餐的She was supposed to meet me for lunch.你四处找找我先去售票处那里问问You look around. I'll check with the ticket agent.欢迎回来教授Welcome, Professor.你觉得我应该回去You think I should go back.不我觉得你应该跟着自己的直觉走No, I think you should follow your instincts.我第一次吻的那个男孩...The first boy I ever kissed...最后整整昏迷了三周ended up in a coma for three weeks.我的脑海里依然可以感受到他的存在I can still feel him inside my head.对你也是一样And it's the same with you.这世上没有多少人能够明白你正经历的痛苦There's not many people that'll understand what you're going through, 但我觉得这个叫泽维尔的是能懂的少数人之一but I think this guy's Xavier's one of them.他看起来是真心想要帮助你He seems to genuinely wanna help you,这事本身就已经很罕见了...and that's a rare thing...对于像我们这样的人来说for people like us.你意下如何So, what do you say?再给这帮怪胎一次机会Give these geeks one more shot?别担心我会照顾好你的Come on. I'll take care of you.-你保证吗-是的- You promise? - Yeah.是的我保证Yeah, I promise.快走我跟你说过了Come along now. I told you.她大约17岁跟我差不多高She's about 17. Uh, my height.棕色的头发而且她...Has brown hair, and she-给我大声尖叫Scream for me.别再玩了Quit playing around.你一定是金刚狼You must be Wolverine.那么神奇的金属没有覆盖你的全身是吗That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it? 住手快住手Stop! Stop it!你到底想抓我做什么What the hell do you want with me?你吗亲爱的孩子谁说我想抓的人是你You? My dear boy, whoever said I wanted you?年轻人呐Young people.好了站住站在原地不准动All right, hold it. Hold it right there.站住立刻把你们的双手高举过头Stay where you are. Put your hands over your heads now.你们这群智人还有你们的枪You Homo sapiens and your guns.-够了埃里克-放他们走- That's enough, Eric. - Let them go.为什么不出来让我看到你呢查尔斯Why not come out where I can see you, Charles?-你想要... -抓她做什么- What do you... - Want her for?你没法读取我的想法吗Can't you read my mind?现在怎么办要救那女孩吗What now? Save the girl?那你只能杀了我查尔斯You'll have to kill me, Charles.但那会有什么结果呢And what will that accomplish?让他们通过那项法案他们会用锁链锁住你Let them pass that law. They'll have you in chains再把你的关押编号烙在你的额头上with a number burned into your forehead.-事情绝不会... -到那种境地- It won't be... - That way.那你就杀了我等着瞧吧Then kill me and find out.下不了手就放了我Then release me.。
《X战警:第一战》剧情简介《X 战警:第一战》将我们带回到了那个超级英雄们初露锋芒的时代。
故事的背景设定在 20 世纪 60 年代,当时的世界正处于冷战的阴影之下,各国之间的紧张局势一触即发。
年轻的查尔斯·泽维尔(X 教授)是一位天才学者,拥有极高的智商和心灵感应能力。
为了阻止肖的阴谋,X 战警们展开了一场惊心动魄的战斗。
最终,在激烈的对抗中,X 战警们成功地阻止了肖的计划,避免了核战争的爆发。
然而,查尔斯和埃里克之间的友谊也因此破裂,两人分道扬镳,为日后 X 战警和万磁王领导的变种人兄弟会之间的对抗埋下了伏笔。
《X 战警:第一战》不仅为我们展现了精彩绝伦的特效和紧张刺激的动作场面,更深入地探讨了人性、种族、和平与战争等深刻的主题。
1、《金刚狼》X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) 按照故事发展顺序来的话,2009年的《金刚狼》应当放在整部系列的第一位置,影片主要讲述了金刚狼洛根是如何一步步变为那个长生不老,永无腐朽之身的传奇变种人,战争年代也好科技时代也好,直到新的一代也逝去他还孤独的存在,比起现在几部《X战警》中那个正义大爱的X战警狼,失忆前的血性,为了爱甘愿变成野兽的男人似乎更为人所爱。
2、《X战警:第一战》X-Men: First Class (2011) 这应该是《X战警》中名副其实的第一站,我们看到了年轻的X教授和万磁王,并且直接将二人脑补为基情四射的CP,毋庸置疑,这部电影告诉了我们X 教授和万磁王之间的渊源,还有X教授瘫痪的原因,在光影的世界中,X教授和万磁王这对好基友间的相爱相杀,危急时刻互帮互助的真挚情感,着实让人感动。
3、《X战警》X-Men (2000) 相信很多人都认为这应该是《X战警》的第一部,直到2011年的《X战警:第一战》一美版的X教授和法鲨版的万磁王出现,颠覆了我们的时间观,但是在此之前的《X战警》三部曲引起新颖的题材和绚丽的特效,着实赚足了大家眼球,也为《X战警》系列的后续之作及衍生篇打下了扎实的群众基础,不过相信2000年的《X 战警》中金刚狼和小淘气的无疾而终的感情线,让人纠结良久。
4、《X战警2》X2 (2003) 《X战警》三部曲中的第二部,故事紧接着上一部的《X战警》,虽然变种人在X教授的指挥下,将邪恶的万磁王打入冷宫,但是依然得不到社会的承认。
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《金刚狼3》 The Wolverine
The introduction of character in the X-men
Charles Xavier known as Professor X is the leader and creator of the X-Men and founder of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. His dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humanity has long been the driving force for the X-Men. With immensely powerful telepath and scientific genius, Professor X has been known as the heart and soul of the X-Men.
《X战警》 X-MEN
《X战警2》 《X战警3-背水一战》
The Last Stand
First Class Days of Future Past
《金刚狼》 Wolverine
《金刚狼2》 The Wolverine
Storm is a history teacher at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters and was good friends with Jean Grey before her death. After Scott was found dead, Storm took over as headmistress and director of Xavier's School, becoming leader of the X-Men, with Wolverine as second in command. .
Charles Xavier has the ability to read other people’s thinking, memory, and can control the action of others. As a child at the age of 12 in 1944, Charles met a shape-shifting girl named Raven, who was scrounging for food. He invited her to live with his family. Raven and Charles soon become best friends.
Magneto (Erik) is the leader and founder of the Brotherhood of the Mutants. He is one of the most infamous mutants. Similarly to Professor X, Magneto has a strong belief and formed a team of his own. Magneto's team's belief isn't to equally live with humans, but to rise above them.
Magneto (万磁王)
He is professor’s friend and enermy. Magneto was a German jews, escaped the massacre of Auschwitz. Because of this experience, as a mutant he became more harsh to normal human. He can control metal as a weapon and fly by changing the earth’s magnetic field
He can fully and rapidly recover from any physical injury. He possesses long retractable claws which protrude from the backs of his hands.
His skeleton was surgically laced with a fictional metal, which makes it virtually indestructible.
What is X-Men?
The X-Men are “mutants“(变种 人), a subspecies of humans who are born with superhuman abilities. They fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants in a world where antimutant atmosphere is fierce and widespread.
Wolverine 金刚狼,more known as Logan) is a mutant with claws, animallike senses and regenerative healing. Having been a longlived mutant, Logan's life has been filled with blood, war and betrayal. Logan is known to be the best friend you could have, and the worst enemy you could possibly imagine. Wolverine’s claw is the ultimate weapon.