



一. 可数名词和不可数名词



1. 绝大多数的可数名词的复数形式,是在该词末尾加上“-s”。

读音变化:结尾是清辅音时,-s读[s],结尾是浊辅音或元音时, 读[z]。

例:map → maps;pen → pens;ruler → rulers

2. 凡是以s. z. x. ch. sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上“-es”构成复数。


例:bus → buses;fox → foxes;match → matches;flash → flashes

3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,将y改变为i,再加“-es”。


例:lady → ladies;story → stories

4. 以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。


例:tomato → tomatoes; potato → potatoes

例外:piano → pianos; photo → photos

5. 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为“-ves”,但有例外。

读音变化:尾音[f] 改读[vz]。

例:knife → knives;life → lives;leaf → leaves

例外:roof→ roofs


1. 不可数名词所表示的事物无法以数计算,一般没有复数形式。如:water(水)

2. 可数名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数与主语的单复数保持一致。如:

These girls are my friends. 这些女孩是我的朋友。

3. 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。如:

There is some broccoli on the table. 桌上有些花椰菜。

4. 对可数名词前的修饰语提问一般用how many。如:

How many apples do you have? 你有多少个苹果?

5. 对不可数名词前的修饰语提问一般用how much。如:

How much tea is there in the cup? 杯子里有多少茶水?

6. 有些可数名词复数变化无规律,如:

man—men,woman —women,child—children,

foot—feet,tooth—teeth, policeman—policemen等。

7. 有些名词既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,但它们表达的意义不同。如:

二. 名词所有格:



3) 表示同属于两个人的物品,应该在第二个名词末尾点撇(’) 即可。


另外:介词of,用来表示植物或无生命物体的所有格;如:the leaves of the tree. the legs of the table。


通常在单词拼写题目中, 考查学生在理解题目的前提下,拼写一些常用名词。在单选题目中,考查学生对名词含义的理解及一些名词的变异。有时候也在完形填空题目中,考查在篇章理解的前提下,选用正确的名词,常见的考查点如下:

1. 不可数名词所表示的事物无法以数计算,一般没有复数形式。如:water(水)

2. 可数名词复数或不可数名词作主语时,要注意主谓一致。如:

These girls are my friends. 这些女孩是我的朋友。

There is some broccoli on the table. 桌上有些花椰菜。

3. how many用于对可数名词提问。如:

How many apples do you have? 你有多少个苹果?

4. how much用于对不可数名词提问。如:

How much tea is there in the cup? 杯子里有多少茶水?

5. 有些可数名词复数变化无规律,如:

man—men,woman —women,child—children,

foot—feet,tooth—teeth, policeman—policemen等。


一. 单项填空。

根据句意,从每题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( ) 1. —Would you like something to drink, _____or coffee?

—Coffee, please.

A.fruit B.tea C.meat D.bread

答案与解析:B 关键词是drink“喝”, tea是一种饮料,是不可数名词。

( ) 2. —Would you like some ______?

—Yes, please. I’m a little thirsty.

A.bread B.meat C.beef D.water

答案与解析:D 关键词是thirsty“渴的”。water“水”是不可数名词。

( ) 3. —What’s your favorite _____?


A.color B.fruit C.subject D.vegetable

答案与解析:D 关键词是Potatoes “土豆”, 属于蔬菜类。

( ) 4. —Hello, may I speak to Ben, please?

— Sorry you’ve got a wrong _____.

A.name B.way C.number D.telephone

答案与解析:C May I speak to Ben, please. 是打电话时常用的语言,have got“有”,本句话中表示“拨电话”的意思。

( ) 5. Lunch is the second _____ of the day.

A. meal

B. dinner

C. supper

D. food

答案与解析:A lunch“午饭/午餐”,meal“餐/饭”。

( ) 6. I want to have a _____ with you about the problem.

A. fun

B. word

C. play

D. rest

答案与解析:B have a word with sb“和某人说句话”,about“关于”,problem“问题”。( ) 7. —Excuse me, what time is it?

—Sorry , I don’t have a _____.

A. radio.

B. cup

C. watch

D. camera

答案与解析:C 关键词是:What time is it?“几点了?”;watch“手表”。

( ) 8. —How many _____ are there in the kitchen?

—Only one.

A. a bag of rice

B. some bags of rice

C. bags of rice

D. one bag of rice

答案与解析:C How many“多少个”,其后接可数名词复数。句意:厨房里有几袋大米?( ) 9. Yao Ming is a popular (受欢迎的) basketball _____.

A. singer

B. player

C. actor

D. dancer

答案与解析:B 根据主语“姚明”,得答案。player “运动员/选手”。

( ) 10. I’m too hungry. Bring me some _____, please.

A. medicine

B. bread

C. water

D. books

答案与解析:B 关键词是hungry“饥饿的”,bread “面包”,是不可数名词。

( ) 11. The two books here are _____. You may use the book over there.

A. Mike’s and Tom’s

B. Tom and Mike

C. Mike and Tom

D. Mike and Tom’s

答案解析:D 在人名后面写上‘s,表示“某某人的”,如果某物同时属于两个人,这时应该在第二个人名的后面写上’s。

( ) 12. —Is it your coat?

—No, It’s my _____.

A.sisters B.sister C.sister’s D.sisters’

答案解析:C 因为coat是单数形式,因此它一定属于一个人的。选项D表示“几个姐姐的/至少两个姐姐”。

( ) 13. —How far is your school from here?

—Not very far. It’s about twenty _____ walk.

A. minute’s

B. minutes

C. minutes’

D. minute

答案解析:C twenty minutes’ “二十分钟的路”,twenty minutes’ walk “步行要二十分钟的路”,这是用时间表示路程的一种方法。


二. 单词拼写。


1. The ________ (双胞胎) are wearing the same clothes.

2. The little girl has a round face and long ________ (头发) .

3. The farmer is working in the ________ (田地) .

4. There is a lot of ________ (雪) in winter in Harbin.

5. There are sixty ________ (分钟) in an hour.

6. When he heard the ________ (消息) ,he got angry.

7. I pay ten yuan for two kilos of ________ (肉) .

8. The ________ (鸡肉) is very delicious.

9. I usually have milk and ________ (面包) for breakfast.

10. It takes them two hours to walk through the ________ (森林) .


1. twins twins是可数名词。

2. hair hair是不可数名词。

3. field field是土地. 田地的意思,是集合名词,田地是没有界限的,本题中可视为不可数名词。

4. snow snow是不可数名词。

5. minutes minute是可数名词。

6. news news本身是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

7. meat 表示肉类的单词都是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

8. chicken chichen是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

9. bread bread是不可数名词,没有复数形式。

10. forest forest是集合名词,本题可理解为森林是没有界限的,本题中可视为不可数名词。选题意图:本题从可数名词和不可数名词的用法训练角度出发,不仅帮助提高学生阅读理解. 分析判断的能力还可以提高学生记忆和拼写单词的能力。本题在部分地区也是中考试卷中的必考项目之一。

三. 单词拼写。


1. His sister eats lots of healthy f ________.

2. I don’t like milk for b ________ in the morning. I usually have porridge.

3. Here is a p________ of my family. There are five people in it.

4. —Would you like some w______?

—Yes, please. I’m a little thirsty.

5. I like f ________, such as apples, bananas, oranges ….


1. food 本题的关键词是eats。

2. breakfast 本题的关键词是in the morning。

3. picture/photo 本题的关键句子是There are five people in it.

4. water 本题的关键词是thirsty“渴的”。

5. fruit 本题的关键词是apples, bananas, oranges。


阅读理解. 分析判断的能力还可以提高学生记忆和拼写单词的能力。但比起前一题稍有难度,因为空白部分只给一个首字母,需要提醒学生充分理解题意,在题干中寻找解题的关键词,才能写出正确的单词。本题在部分地区也是中考试卷中的必考项目之一。


一. 单项填空。

根据句意,从每题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( ) 1. Lucy likes _____. She has piano lessons on Sundays.

A. movies

B. English

C. sports

D. music

( ) 2. Mary wants to be _____ because she loves children and school very much.

A. a teacher

B. a police officer

C. an actress

D. an engineer

( ) 3. —Would you like some _____?

—Thank you, but I’m not thirsty.

A.sandwiches B.cakes C.bread D.orange

( ) 4. —What’s your favorite subject?

—_____. It’s interesting.

A. T-shirt

B. Math

C. Toys

D. E-mail

( ) 5. She likes singing because she has a very sweet _____.

A. face

B. voice

C. noise

D. hands

( ) 6. —I have a toothache.

—Maybe you should see a _____.

A. teacher

B. nurse

C. worker

D. dentist

( ) 7. —Excuse me, what time is it?

—Sorry , I don’t have a _____.

A. radio.

B. cup

C. watch

D. camera

( ) 8. Grandma is ill, Please send her to the _____.

A. station

B. hospital

C. shop

D. bookshop

( ) 9. There is not enough _____ in the corner to put the table.

A. place

B. room

C. seat

D. ground

( ) 10. He likes English very much, he’s a _____ of the English club.

A. number

B. kind

C. member

D. student


1. D 关键词是piano“钢琴”。

2. A 解题的关键时后面半句话because she loves children and school very much. “因为她非常喜爱孩子和学校”。

3. D 因为答句说:我不渴,选项中只有orange和答句有关系,orange是不可数名词“橘汁”的意思。

4. B 解题关键时subject “学科”。

5. B like singing“喜欢唱歌”,voice“声音/嗓音”,noise“喧闹声”。

6. D 四个选项的意思分别为:教师,护士,工人,牙医。have a toothache意为:(患了)牙疼。

7. C 关键词是:What time is it?“几点了?”,watch“手表”。

8. B send sb to a place“把某人送到某地”,ill “生病的”。

9. B room“房间”,是可数名词,还有“空余之地/空间”的意思,是不可数名词。

in the corner“在拐角处”。题意:拐角处没有多余的空间放那张桌子。

10. C member“成员/会员”,句意:他非常喜欢英语,他是英语俱乐部的会员。

二. 写出下列各名词的复数形式。


1. policeman _________

2. problem __________

3. question __________

4. radio __________

5. reason __________

6. robot __________

7. sheep __________ 8. shelf __________9. thank _________

10. tooth __________ 11. university __________ 12. video __________

13. watch __________ 14. woman __________ 15. wife __________


1. friend __________

2. half __________

3. hero __________

4. house __________

5. idea __________

6. knife __________

7. life __________ 8. market __________ 9. monkey __________

10. mouth __________ 11. movie __________ 12. museum __________

13. page __________ 14. parent __________ 15. person __________


1. piano __________

2. mouse __________

3. tomato __________

4. month __________

5. leaf __________

6. brush __________

7. baby __________ 8. bus __________ 9. century __________

10 child __________ 11. Chinese __________ 12. city __________

13. company ________ 14. country __________ 15. foot __________


1. activity __________

2. camera __________

3. glass __________

4. movie __________

5. stone __________

6. ticket __________

7. lady__________ 8. bird __________ 9. island __________

10. ticket __________ 11. village __________ 12. piece __________

13. hotel__________ 14. difficulty __________15. animal__________


1. wish__________

2. flower __________

3. mile __________

4. song __________

5. table __________

6. key __________

7. bottle __________ 8. address __________9. card __________

10. hole __________ 11. newspaper __________12. tie __________

13. ball __________ 14. festival __________ 15. baby __________


1. bag __________

2. ice __________

3. factory __________

4. machine __________

5. shape __________

6. plane __________

7. object __________

8. dream__________

9. date __________

10. boat __________ 11. box__________ 12. dress __________ 13. advice __________ 14. place__________ 15. fun __________


(A) 1. policemen 2. problems 3. questions 4. radios 5. reasons 6. robots 7. sheep

8. shelves 9. thanks 10. teeth 11. universities 12. videos 13. watches 14. women 15. wives

(B) 1. friends 2. halves 3. heroes 4. houses 5. ideas 6. knives 7. lives 8. markets

9. monkeys 10. mouths 11. movies 12. museums 13. pages 14. parents 15. persons

(C) 1. pianos 2. mice 3. tomatoes 4. months 5. leaves 6. brushes 7. babies 8. buses

9. centuries 10. children 11. Chinese 12. cities 13. companies 14. countries 15. feet

(D) 1. activities 2. cameras 3. glasses 4. movies 5. stones 6. tickets 7. ladies 8. birds

9. islands 10. tickets 11. villages 12. pieces 13. hotels 14. difficulties 15. animals

(E) 1. wishes 2. flowers 3. miles 4. songs 5. tables 6. keys 7. bottles 8. addresses

9. cards10. holes 11. newspapers 12. ties 13. balls 14. festivals 15. babies

(F) 1. bags 2. ice 3. factories 4. machines 5. shapes 6. planes 7. objects 8. dreams

9. dates 10. boats 11. boxes 12. dresses 13. advice 14. places 15. fun

二. 用括号中所给名词的适当形式填空。

1. These friends come from many __________ (country) .

2. There are fifty __________ (state) in America.

3. How many __________ (radio) are there on the shelf.

4. She has saved many people’s__________ (life) .

5. The little baby only has two __________. (tooth)

6. Here are some flowers for you, with our best __________ (wish)

7. There are twelve__________ (month) in a year.

8. There are many __________ ( monkey) in the zoo.

9. Beijing is one of the most famous__________ (city ) in the world.

10. We have a lot of __________ (work ) to do every day.

11. I put them in__________ (box) under my bed.

12. Fish can’t live without __________ (water)

13. June 1st is __________ (child ) Day

14. I like collecting __________ (watch) in my free time.

15. There are seven __________ (day ) in a week.

16. Ms Jenny gave us some__________ (advice) on how to learn English well.

17. Several __________ (woman ) are talking under the tree.

18. After the exam, we’ll have two __________ (week) holiday.

19. He doesn’t like eating __________ (fish) .

20. Would you like some __________ __________ (bread)


1. countries

2. states

3. radios

4. lives

5. teeth

6. wishes

7. months

8. monkeys

9. cities 10. work

11. boxes 12. water 13. Children’s 14. wathches 15. days

16. advice 17. women 18. weeks’ 19. fish 20. bread

三. 句型:根据所给汉语意思完成下列英语句子。


________ your mother ________ ________?


My classmates ________ like ________.

3. 他午饭通常吃什么?

What ________ he usually eat ________ lunch?

4. 约翰喜欢鸡肉还是水果?

________ John ________ chicken ________ fruit?

5. 我一点也不喜欢吃沙拉。

I _________ like ________salad at all.


1. Does, like tomatoes tomato是可数名词,其复数形式在词尾加-es。

2. don’t, strawberries strawberry是可数名词,其复数形式把词尾的y改为i,再加-es。

3. does, for 介词for通常用来表示目的“每餐饭吃……”。

4. Does, like, or 疑问句中通常用or表示连接,而不用and。

5. don’t, eating like doing sth “喜欢做某事”,是固定搭配。at all用于否定句中,意为“一点儿也不”。

四. 汉译英。


Key: Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries, and for dessert, ice cream.


The People in Christmas Day

December 25th is Christmas day. In most countries it is the most important day in the year. All the people come back to their homes. On Christmas day, bells ring everywhere. The ringing bell tell people Christmas is coming. People sing and dance day and night. They have a good time.

Most family buy a Christmas tree for their children. And there are some presents in the tree here and there. People also put presents in children’s stockings. In many places, Father Christmas himself brings presents to them. He is a kind man and in red clothes. There is a big bag on his back. In it there are a lot of presents.

On Christmas Day, people enjoy all kinds of food. But some poor people have no food. But some poor people have no houses to live, and have no food to eat. They die of cold and hunger on Christmas Day.


country国家bell钟,铃stocking 长袜

present 礼物hunger饥饿Christmas day圣诞节


() 1. In most countries, ————-is the most important day in the year.

A. Christmas Day

B. New Year

C. Children’s Day

D. Teacher’s Day

() 2. which sentence is not true? —————-

A. On Christmas Day all the people come back to their homes.

B. On Christmas Day bells ring everywhere.

C. People sing and dance day and night.

D. Only children have a good time.

() 3. What do most family buy for their children? ———————

A. a Christmas tree

B. some presents

C. new clothes

D. both Aand B

() 4. In Father Christmas’s bag there are a lot of ————.

A. food

B. books

C. presents

D. bells
