






由于国内外的造船业一直有着不断的持续发展,对船的优化逐渐提升,在船舶的轻量化上面下的功夫越来越大。如何能让船最大限度的变轻成了造船业最大的攻克项目。铝越来越成为造船业备受瞩目的材料,铝的优点有很多,比如说密度低,高强度,高刚性以及耐腐性。这都非常符合建造船的材料要求,使用铝造出来的船你刚才照出来的相比较重量轻了15~ %,而且由于铝材料的加工成本非常的低,使其成为了性价比最高的一种造船材料。使用铝合金造出来的船可以在速度和使用寿命上有着更高的突出优点。所以说铝材料在船舶的应用上面发展得非常迅速。




Lesson One The Naval Architect A naval architect asked to design a ship may receive his instructions in a form ranging from such simple requirements as “an oil tanker to carry 100 000 tons deadweight at 15 knots” to a fully detailed specification of precisely planned requirements. He is usually required to prepare a design for a vessel that must carry a certain weight of cargo (or number of passengers ) at a specified speed with particular reference to trade requirement; high-density cargoes, such as machinery, require little hold capacity, while the reverse is true for low-density cargoes, such as grain. Deadweight is defined as weight of cargo plus fuel and consumable stores, and lightweight as the weight of the hull, including machinery and equipment. The designer must choose dimensions such that the displacement of the vessel is equal to the sum of the dead weight and the lightweight tonnages. The fineness of the hull must be appropriate to the speed. The draft------which is governed by freeboard rules------enables the depth to be determined to a first approximation. After selecting tentative values of length, breadth, depth, draft, and displacement, the designer must achieve a weight balance. He must also select a moment balance because centres of gravity in both longitudinal and vertical directions must provide satisfactory trim and stability. Additionally, he must estimate the shaft horsepower required for the specified speed; this determines the weight of machinery. The strength of the hull must be adequate for the service intended, detailed scantlings (frame dimensions and plate thicknesses ) can be obtained from the rules of the classification society. These scantings determine the requisite weight of hull steel. The vessel should possess satisfactory steering characteristics, freedom from troublesome vibration, and should comply with the many varied requirements of international regulations. Possessing an attractive appearance, the ship should have the minimum net register tonnage, the factor on which harbour and other dues are based. (The gross tonnage represents the volume of all closed-in spaces above the inner bottom. The net tonnage is the gross tonnage minus certain deductible spaces that do not produce revenue. Net tonnage can therefore be regarded as a measure of the earning capacity of the ship, hence its use as a basis for harbour and docking charges. ) Passenger vessels must satisfy a standard of bulkhead subdivision that will ensure adequate stability under specified conditions if the hull is pierced accidentally or through collision. Compromise plays a considerable part in producing a satisfactory design. A naval architect must be a master of approximations. If the required design closely resembles that of a ship already built for which full information is available, the designer can calculate the effects of differences between this ship and the projected ship. If, however, this information is not available, he must first produce coefficients based upon experience and, after refining them, check the results by calculation. Training There are four major requirements for a good naval architect. The first is a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of applied science, particularly those aspects of science that have direct application to ships------mathematics, physics, mechanics, fluid mechanics, materials, structural strength, stability, resistance, and propulsion. The second is a detailed knowledge of past and present practice in shipbuilding. The third is personal experience of accepted methods in the design, construction, and operation of ships; and the fourth, and perhaps most important, is an aptitude for tackling new technical problems and of devising practical solutions. The professional training of naval architects differs widely in the various maritime countries. Unimany universities and polytechnic schools; such academic training must be supplemented by practical experience in a shipyard. Trends in design The introduction of calculating machines and computers has facilitated the complex calculations required in


Lesson Three Tug Assistance: 拖带协助 Dialog A: Tug Ordering 对话1:叫拖船 Yong Men/BOCV: Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I require tugs. Over. “永门”船:爱汶港调度,我是“永门”船。我在莱姆斯港外 开敞锚地抛锚。我需要拖船,请讲。 Avonport P.C: Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over. 爱汶港口调度:信息已清楚。你需要多少拖船?请讲。 Yong Men/BOCV: I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over. “永门”船:我要两艘拖船,拖船几点到,请讲。 Avonport P.C: The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out. 爱汶港口调度:拖船半小时到,完毕。 Dialog B: Tug Operation 对话2:拖船在工作 M/V Eternal Glory: Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. Forward tug. Over.

“永恒光荣”船:请拉紧拖缆,绑牢,前拖船。请讲。 Forward tug: M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough. I suggest the aft tug single up. Over. 前拖船:“永恒光荣”船,这是前拖船。水流太不平稳了, 我建议后面的拖船单绑,请讲。 Eternal Glory: Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over. “永恒光荣”船:同意,后拖船单绑,请讲。 Aft tug: Yes, sir. Single up. 后拖船:遵命。单绑。 Dialog C: Completion Work 对话3:结束工作 Chang Ting Bridge: Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over. “长亭”驾驶台:“长亭”船注意。前后松绑,请讲。 Chang Ting aft: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船尾:驾驶台,这是船尾拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Chang Ting forward: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船头:驾驶台,这是船头拖船,我将松绑,请讲。 Tug 1: Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.


前言 铝合金应用于造船业已有近百年的历史, 随着国内外造船业突飞猛进地发展, 船舶的轻量化越来越被重视, 由于铝的低密度、高强度、高刚性和耐腐性,船舶设计者使用铝建造的船舶和使用钢材或其它合成材料建造的船舶相比重量减轻了15-20%。铝合金的高韧性、抗腐蚀性以及可焊性为建造对重量要求严格的船型提供了很好的选择,由于铝的加工成本较低,因此使用铝材制造船舶更具经济性。铝合金可以作为板材,也可以进行挤压成型加工和铸造加工。再加上铝合金突出的物理特性,使得用铝合金制造船舶十分具有经济性。从船舶设计者角度来看,使用铝合金制造的船舶可以达到更高的速度以及更长的使用寿命,铝合金的这些优点,使其在船舶的应用上发展得很快, 造船业为铝材提供了广阔的应用市场。 第一章铝合金在国内外舰船中的应用现状 舰船上应用的铝合金可以分为变形铝合金和铸造铝合金 变形铝合金在各国造船中的应用,从大型水面舰船上层建筑,上千吨的全铝海洋研究船、远洋商船和客船的建造,到水翼艇、气垫船、旅客渡船、双体客船、交通艇、登陆艇等各类高速客船和军用快艇上都大量使用了变形铝合金。铸造铝合金主要用于泵、活塞、舾装件及雨水雷壳体等部件。 1.1航空母舰 航母是个庞然大物。它体积巨大,建造精良,是一个机动性很强的作战平台,对减清结构重量等具有及其迫切的需求,隐刺控制航母结构的重量非常重要,其中包括控制航母各种装置,特别是上层建筑的重量,最改善航母的战术技术性能至关重要。 初步统计,国外没艘航母铝合金材料用量大约在1000吨左右,例如,美国“独立”号(CVA62)航母用了1019吨铝合金;“企业”号核动力航母(CVA65)用了450吨铝合金;法国“福熙”号(R99)及“克里蒙梭”号(R98)航母上都用了1000多吨铝合金。铝合金在航母上的应用对减轻航母结构重量,提高稳性、试航性、提高站技性能等具有重要意义。 铝合金在航母上的应用部位,从部分起飞和降落甲板,巨大的升降机,大量管系,到舷窗盖,吊灯架,门,舱室隔壁,舱室装饰,家具,厨房设备和部分辅机等。列如美国海军1961年服役的“企业”号航空母舰的四个巨大的升降机是用铝-镁合金焊接而成的。 1.2驱逐舰等大型水面舰船上层建筑 驱逐舰等大型水面舰船为了减轻上层建筑的重量,以保持稳性等,而广泛采用铝合金结构。事实上在许多驱逐舰等大型水面舰船中,主甲板上的全部结构都是用铝合金制造的。据统计,美国海军不同级的驱逐舰,在甲板以上结构中所用的铝合金数量分别如下:护航驱逐舰(DE)用铝量251.33吨;导弹驱逐舰(DLG)用铝量811.30吨;弹道导弹驱逐舰(DDG)用铝量515.88吨;弹道导弹核动力驱逐舰(DLGN)用铝量为930.35吨。 1


1.Can you list at least three mooring lines Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line. 你能列举集中缆绳吗头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆 2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy. 在引航员上船前要准备些什么引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。 How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival Through VHF. 在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系通过甚高频。 What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage. 什么信息需要报告给引航站船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。 What should be confirmed from the pilot station Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put. 什么信息需要引航站确认引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。 When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing. 在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。 If you are ordered: “stand by both engines!” , how should you reply and report I should repeat “stand by both engines”, then report “both engines stand by”. 如果你被命令“备双车”,你该怎么复诵和报告我会复诵“备双车”,报告“双车备好”。Can you list 3 canals in the world Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal. 列举三大运河苏伊士运河,巴拿马运河和基尔运河。 When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what do you say Stand by on VHF channel 16. 在甚高频通信中,当你要求接受者保持在16频道,你要怎么说在甚高频16频道收听。 What does “dredging of an anchor” mean It means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel. 拖锚是什么意思它是指有意的在海底拖锚移动,控制船舶的运动。 What does “ underway” mean It means a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or agroud. 在航是什么意思船舶不在拖锚,系岸或者搁浅的状态。 What the difference between a “ radar beacon” and a “radar reflector” Radar reflector is a passive device that can only enhance the aids’ability to reflect radar signals; however, radar beacon is an active device that can transmit a pulse for identification. 雷达信标和雷达反射器之间的区别 雷达反射器是一种被动的装置,只能加强设备反射雷达信号的能力;但是雷达信标是一种主动的装置,能发送识别脉冲。 What does “Abandon Vessel” mean It means to evacuate crew and passengers from a distressed vessel. 弃船是什么意思就是遇险后船员和旅客撤离船舶。


船舶与海洋工程考试大纲 一、初试考试大纲 101思想政治理论(100分) 204英语二(100分) 302数学二(150分) 846理论力学(150分) (一)考试性质 《理论力学》是为我校招收港口、海岸及近海工程专业(专业代码:081505)硕士研究生、和水利工程专业(专业代码:085214)学位硕士研究生设置的考试科目。 (二)考察目标 要求考生系统地理解理论力学的基本理论和基本概念,掌握力学的基本分析方法,具有综合运用所学知识分析和解决问题的能力。 (三)考试形式 本考试为闭卷考试,满分为150分,考试时间为180分钟。 试卷结构:分析题、计算题。 (四)考试内容 1.静力学 (1)掌握物体的受力分析和正确画出受力图; (2)掌握平面汇交力系和平面力偶系的合成与平衡的计算方法; (3)熟练掌握平面任意力系的简化与平衡力系的计算方法,会计算平面桁架的内力; (4)掌握空间力系的简化与平衡问题的求解方法,会计算物体的重心; (5)能够掌握分析有摩擦时的物体平衡问题并求解。 2.运动学 (1)能够正确地计算点的位移、速度和加速度; (2)能正确计算定轴转动刚体的角速度、角加速度以及刚体内各点的速度和加速度,正确计算轮系的传动比;

(3)能熟练掌握掌握选取动点、动系,分析三种运动,熟练掌握速度和加速度的合成定理; (4)能熟练掌握运用基点法、瞬心法和速度投影定理求解平面运动刚体上各点的速度和加速度; 3.动力学 (1)能正确建立质点的运动微分方程; (2)能熟练运用动量定理、质心运动定理及其守恒定律求解动力学问题; (3)能熟练运用动量矩定理及其守恒定律求解动力学问题,会计算刚体定轴转动和平面运动的动力学问题; (4)能熟练运用动能定理和机械能守恒定律求解动力学问题; (5)能熟练掌握达朗贝尔原理,能熟练运用动静法求解质点及质点系的动力学问题; (6)能运用虚位移原理求解系统的平衡问题。 二、复试考试大纲 结构力学 (一)考试性质 《结构力学》是为我校招收港口、海岸及近海工程专业硕士研究生复试的考试科目。(二)考察目标 要求考生掌握杆系结构的计算原理和方法,了解船舶与海洋工程专业的工程背景,能熟练运用力法、位移法、能量法等求解杆、板及简单板架的弯曲问题及稳定性问题,为硕士研究生学习提供良好的力学基础。 (三)考试形式 本考试为闭卷考试,满分为100分,考试时间为120分钟。 试卷结构: 选择题:20%,计算题:80%。 (四)考试内容 1.静定结构 ①主要内容:静定多跨梁;静定桁架结构;静定刚架结构。


General arrangement 总布置 Interior arrangement 舱室布置 Engine room arrangement 机舱布置 Compass deck 罗经甲板 Navigation deck, bridge deck 驾驶甲板 Boat deck 艇甲板 Promenade deck 游步甲板 Accommodation deck 起居甲板 Helicopter deck 直升机甲板 Upper deck 上甲板 Winch platform 起货机平台 Passage , passage way 通道 Wheel house 驾驶室 Chart room 海图室 Radio room 报务室 Radar room 雷达室 Engine room 机舱 Centralized control room for machineries 机舱集控室Reactor room 反应堆舱 Boiler room 锅炉舱 Pump room 泵舱 Chain locker 锚链舱 Steering engine room, steering gear room 舵机舱Fan room 通风机室 Air conditioning unit room 空调机室 Refrigerator room 冷冻机室 Fire-smothering unit room 灭火装置室Emergency generator room 应急发电机室Commutator room 变流机室 Battery room 蓄电池室 Gyro-compass room 陀螺罗经室 Mast room 桅室 Sonar transducer space 声纳舱 Log room 计程仪舱 CO2 room CO 2室 Paint room 油漆间 Lamp room 灯具间 Windlass room 起锚机室 Anchor winch, anchor windlass 起锚机 Mooring winch 拖缆机,系泊绞车


铝合金系列简介 铝合金概述:铝合金是工业中应用最广泛的一类有色金属结构材料,在航空、航天、汽车、机械制造、船舶及化学工业中已大量应用。随着近年来科学技术以及工业经济的飞速发展,对铝合金焊接结构件的需求日益增多,使铝合金的焊接性研究也随之深入。铝合金的广泛应用促进了铝合金焊接技术的发展,同时焊接技术的发展又拓展了铝合金的应用领域,因此铝合金的焊接技术正成为研究的热点之一。 纯铝的密度小(ρ=2.7g/cm3),大约是铁的1/3,熔点低(660℃),铝是面心立方结构,故具有很高的塑性(δ:32~40%,ψ:70~90%),易于加工,可制成各种型材各种型材、板材。抗腐蚀性能好;但是纯铝的强度很低,退火状态σb 值约为8kgf/mm2,故不宜作结构材料。通过长期的生产实践和科学实验,人们逐渐以加入合金元素及运用热处理等方法来强化,这就得到了一系列的铝合金。添加一定元素形成的合金在保持纯铝质轻等优点的同时还能具有较高的强度,σb 值分别可达24~60kgf/mm2。这样使得其“比强度”(强度与比重的比值σb/ρ)胜过很多合金钢,成为理想的结构材料,广泛用于机械制造、运输机械、动力机械及航空工业等方面,飞机的机身、蒙皮、压气机等常以铝合金制造,以减自重。采用铝合金代替钢板材料的焊接,结构重量可减轻50%以上。铝合金密度低,但强度比较高,接近或超过优质钢,塑性好,可加工成各种型材,具有优良的导电性、导热性和抗蚀性,工业上广泛使用,使用量仅次于钢。铝合金分两大类:铸造铝合金,在铸态下使用;变形铝合金,能承受压力加工。可加工成各种形态、规格的铝合金材。主要用于制造航空器材、建筑用门窗等。铝合金按加工方法可以分为形变铝合金和铸造铝合金。形变铝合金又分为不可形变铝合金、不可热处理强化型铝合金和可热处理强化型铝合金。不可热处理强化型不能通过热处理来提高机械性能,只能通过冷加工变形来实现强化,它主要包括高纯铝、工业高纯铝、工业纯铝以及防锈铝等。可热处理强化型铝合金可以通过淬火和时效等热处理手段来提高机械性能,它可分为硬铝、锻铝、超硬铝和特殊铝合金等。一些铝合金可以采用热处理获得良好的机械性能,物理性能和抗腐蚀性能。 铸造铝合金按化学成分可分为铝硅合金,铝铜合金,铝镁合金,铝锌合金和铝稀土合金,其中铝硅合金又有简单铝硅合金(不能热处理强化,力学性能较低,铸造性能好),特殊铝硅合金(可热处理强化,力学性能较高,铸造性能良好)。 铝合金的分类


海员面试常用英语 1.Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你) It’s very nice to meet you!(非常高兴见到你) Glad to meet you! 2.What’s your name?(你叫什么名字) Could you tell me what your name is?(能告诉我你叫什么名子吗?) 答:I am XXX. 或My name is XXX. Where are you from? (你是那里人?) 11.How old are you? (你多大?) 答:I am 27 years old.(我27岁) 3. When were you born?(你什么时候出生?) 答:I was born in nineteen seventy-three.(我1973年出生。) 答:I am from lianyungang.(我是连云港人) 4. Are you married? (你结婚了吗?) 答:Yes, I am. 5. How many people are there in your family?(你家里有几口人?) 答:There are three people in my family. My wife, son and I. (有三口人,我的妻子、儿子和我) 6. How long have you ever worked on board? (你曾经在船上工作过多长时间) 答:I have ever worked on board for ten years.(我曾经在船工作10年) 7. Which company did you serve?(你在那家公司服务过?) Which company did you work for? 答:I have served for Lianyungang shipping corp.(我在连云港船务公司服务过) 8. Are those ships you worked all Chinese ones? (你工作过的那些船是不是都是中国船)?答:No, I worked on Chinese ships about 3 years, and 1 year on board under the Liberian flag.(不我在中国船上工作了三年,在利比里亚的船上工作了一年) 9. What is the name of the Liberian ship and what’s her tonnage? (利比里亚船是哪一类船,吨位是多少?) 答:She is a bulk carrier, her gross tonnage is over 30 thousand tonnage.(是一艘散货船,总吨3万多) 10. Were the crew all Chinese? (船员都是中国人?) 答:No, they weren’t, including me; there were only 4 Chinese in the deck department. We joined the ship at the same time. While the others came from different countries.(不,只有在甲板部有四位中国人,包括我在内。我们是同时上这艘船的,其余的人都是来自不同的国家。) 11. Which country did the captain come from?(船长是哪个国家的人?)


今天闲了,好好写一下我的考研经历,主要是针对政治与英语,希望这些方式方法对你有用。 今年政治确实考的不错,分数出来我自己也有些惊讶,主观题分数应该比较正常(34分),选择题不错(44分),我觉得政治不用复习的太早,政治主要是记忆,太早很多知识点容易忘,前期还是留给英语、专业课把基础打扎实比较好,7月份开始就挺合适的,选择题跟着这些主流的复习资料把知识学好(选择题部分反押题现象很严重,考前做了很多题,但是一上考场感觉挺多没见过的,这些没见过的就只有靠自己平时积累的经验和技巧来解决了),主观题把李凡老师的《政治新时器》背诵资料背好,应该都没有太大问题,当然,虽然说的是没什么问题,差距不大,但还是要尽力达到自己能够答到的最好,好的答案和一般甚至是不好的答案最后的分数肯定是有差别的,或许只有1、2分,但也许这1、2分就是最后你所需要的,每一分都很重要。 下面详细试一下英语的学习: 1.英语真题的价值很高,真题反复研究3遍,尤其是阅读部分。模拟题不同机构难易程度不一样,没啥必要做。推荐木糖英语考研微信公众号的《木糖英语真题手译版》。 2.单词真的很重要。考研喜欢考熟词僻义。要想真正掌握一个单词,第一步背词汇书(反复多轮),推荐你用新东方那个绿色乱序版词汇,第二步结合真题语境体会。单词一定要早早开始,背到最后一天。我用的是《一本单词》。 3.基础阶段也要攻克长难句,推荐田静的课程。我自己觉得挺有用的。 4.阅读部分是有方法的,从真题中总结经验是最好的。推荐你买黄皮书张剑的真题。 5.完型填空别放弃,真题前几年确实挺难,但是这几年变简单一些了。特别是19年。 6.翻译看完长难句就可以做。 7.作文我是后期自己总结的万能模板,然后找那个黄皮书网站的老师批改的。考试直接背上,我自己觉得不错。自己有能力的话可以背一些范文,我当时后期时间太紧了,根本没时间背。建议关注蛋核英语考研公众号,里面的英语课程风趣易懂,还有大量作文素材。



一、船舶类型常用英语 ship, vessel 船,船舶 boat, craft 艇 sampan 舢板, 小船 manpowered boat 人力船 sailor; sailing boat 帆船 motor sailor 机帆船 power-driven ship 机动船 paddle steamer, paddle wheel vessel 明轮船screw ship; propeller vessel 螺旋桨船 airscrew ship; aerial propeller vessel 空 气螺旋桨船hovercraft; aircushion craft 气垫船hydrofoil 水翼船 hydrojet propelled boat, water jet boat 喷水船steamship; steamer 蒸汽机船 motor ship 内燃机船 diesel ship 柴油机船 electrically-propelled ship 电力推进船steam turbine ship 汽轮机船 gas turbine ship 燃气轮机船 nuclear-power ship 核动力船 deck ship 甲板船 flush deck ship 平甲板船 raised quarter-deck ship

cargo liner 定期货船 tramp ship 不定期货船 container ship 集装箱船full-container ship 全集 装箱船semi-container ship 半集装 箱船multi-purpose container ship 多用途 集装箱船 general cargo ship/vessel/carrier 杂货船 bulk (cargo) carrier 散货船 ore carrier 矿砂船 grain carrier 运粮船 coal carrier; coaler 运煤船lumber(timber) carrier 运木船 cattle carrier 运牲畜船 multi-purpose ship 多用途船 liquid cargo ship 液体货货船 chemical tank 化学品液货船 liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船liquefied gas carrier 液化气体船 liquefied petroleum gas tanker (LPG) 液化石 油气运输船 liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) 液化天 然气运输船 tanker; oil tanker 油轮 super tanker 超级油轮


December 2003 Aluminum Boats Prove Their Mettle Reputation, Innovations Make Aluminum the Material of Choice of a Growing Number of Boat Builders By John Simpson Editor, Aluminum Now and Michael Skillingberg VP, Technology The Aluminum Association, Inc. Aluminum has been used in the marine industry for more than 100 years because of its light weight and ease of fabrication combined with good corrosion and fatigue resistance. However, for much of the past 30 years, fiberglass has been the material of choice of North American boatbuilders, particularly for higher-volume production lines. Competitively priced compared with boats made from most other materials, fiberglass boats can also be made from standardized molds that reduce their construction time and labor. Additionally, the claim has been made that fiberglass boats are "maintenance-free." However, as more has come to be understood about delamination, blistering, leaks, and problems associated with structural fatigue, this claim has proved to be untrue. Aluminum alloys, which are specified for marine use, suffer from none of these problems. Their high level of performance along with recent advances in aluminum cutting and welding is helping to reduce fiberglass' boats cost advantage, and the metal's utility for a wide range of boatbuilding applications is poised for reappraisal. Changing Image of Aluminum Boats "Aluminum boat technology is relatively new," says Steve Daigle, president of Daigle Welding & Marine Ltd., in Campbell River, British Columbia, noting that welded aluminum boats first came on the market en masse as recently as the late 1960s. Prior to that, riveting was the standard technique for joining aluminum sheets on boat hulls—a technique still used for many smaller boats that use thinner-gauge aluminum.


第一部分 1 A/B Above Base Line 基准线以上 2 A/C Anticorrosive Paint 防腐涂料 3 A/F Antifouling Paint 防污漆 4 ABS American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 5 Abt Abt (About ) 大约,关于 6 ACCOM. Accommodation 船室,居住区 7 ACCM.L Accommodation Ladder 舷梯 8 ACCU Automatic control system certified for unattended eng. Room 无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定 9 AFRAMAX Average Freight Rate Assessment at the max. of Deadweight C.O.T 最大负载时平均运费率评估 10 A.P Bhd After Peak Bulkhead 船尖舱舱壁 11 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会 12 AP After Perpendicular 艉垂线 13 API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油组织 14 APT After Peak Tank 尾尖舱 15 ARPA Automatic Rader Plotting Aids 自动雷达测图仪 16 ASTM American Society of Testing Materials 美国材料实验协会 17 B mld Moulded Breadth 型宽 18 B/C Bulk Carrier 散货船 19 B.L Base line 基线 20 Basic Design 基本设计 21 Ballast Control Room 压载控制室 22 BHP Brake Horse Power 制动马力 23 BOG Boil-off Gas 蒸发气体 24 BOM Bill of Material 材料清单 25 Bkt Bracket 支架,肘板 26 BHD Bulkhead 隔壁, 防水壁 27 C/H Cargo Hold 货舱 28 C.T Cable Trunk 电缆管道 29 CCI Class Comment Item 船级社说明项目



用舵完毕finished with the wheel 走082 steer zero eight two 朝……走steer on …… 2.车钟口令Engine Orders 备车stand by engine 微速前进dead slow ahead 前进一(慢速)slow ahead 前进(半速)half ahead 前进三(全速)full ahead 停车stop engine(s) 微速后退dead slow astern 后退一(慢速)slow astern 后退二(半速half astern 后退三(全速)full astern 紧急进三emergency full ahead 紧急退三emergency full astern 用车完毕,完车finished with engine(s) 主机定速ring off engine 首侧推全速向左bow thrust full to port 首侧推全速向右bow thrust full to starboard 首侧推半速向左bow thrust half to port

首侧推半速向右bow thrust half to starboard 常用船舶会话 1.what is your ETA at bohai 9? 预达渤九时间? 2.I’d like to know how much fuel and fresh water have you transfered to me? 请告诉我你给我打了多少油和水? 3.advice you to heave up the anchor 建议你现在起锚 4.my ETA at bohai 9 is 2200 hours 预达渤九时间22:00 5.what is your distance from me? 你距我有多远? 6.what is the position of you?你的位置在哪? 7.what is your freeboard?你的干舷是多少? 8.how long do you come over to bohai 9 from heave up?起锚到渤九 需多长时间? 9.Is extra power available in emergency?有其他应急电源吗? 10.d o you have bow thruster or stern thruster?你有艏推和尾推吗? 11.d o you have automatic pilot?你能自航吗? 12.w hat is your full speed?最大航速是多少? 13.h ow many tugs do you require?你需要几艘拖轮? 14.w hen will tugs expect to meet me?拖轮何时到? 15.t he current (sea)is too rough海况很糟 16.l et go my towing line PLS请给我解拖缆 17.w e finished our job. Can we leave now?工作结束了,可以离开吗? 18.s lack down on tug towing line解掉拖缆
