Numbers 英语数字文化

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-- In Taoism, everything had two opposite sides: good and bad, right and wrong, long and short, bright and dark, motion and motionlessness. This causes the notion that even numbers were considered to be good luck and that the two opposite sides of everything correspond to the Chinese traditional aesthetics, and that in social and cultural activities, even numbers were consummate/perfect and lucky.
-- Another interesting association is that in 三(3), the top stroke stands for heaven, the middle for people, and the bottom for earth, so the whole number symbolizes the relationship between the three (天、地、人),which seem to blend (合一).

Some idioms with numbers in Chinese : 一荣俱荣,一损俱损(Injure one and you injure them all; honor one and you honor them all);一箭双雕 ; 二一添作 五(平分,均摊, go fifty-fifty); 略知一二; 三句话不离本行;四海之内,皆兄弟也; 五光十色; 六神无主;十五个吊桶打水, 七上八下;
one in a thousand (百里挑一); one hundred and one thanks (十分感谢,万 分感谢,千恩万谢); have one thousand and one things to do (日理万 机); a thousand and one ways (许许多 多的方法) ; a thousand miles away (千里之遥), etc.
Culture of Numbers and Translation
1. General introduction of culture of numbers:

Different cultural connotations-In general, odd numbers(奇数) are considered to be lucky in English-related culture, while in Chinese culture even numbers (偶数) are thought to bring good luck.

In Chinese, fuzzy numbers (模糊数字) 十, 千, 万 are frequently used.
In English “ten”, “hundred”, “thousand”, “million” are very common.

2. The cultural connotation of numbers in Chinese and English

The cultural development and cultural connotations of numbers is also strongly influenced by myths/mythology. In ancient mythology, there is a supernatural being Ne Zha, with three heads and six hands, who is in charge of justice. It was said that he can transform himself into three at will and possesses unusual power. Accordingly, 3 has taken on the meaning of “powerful” and “magic”.

The lucky and mysterious number 3 has deep effect on social lives in the English culture. -- as the symbol of God and as the most perfect of all numbers; -- the Christian Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) -- The world is three-folded (earth, sea, and air); -- Man is believed to have body, soul and sp虎 之力;十年树木,百年树人;不管三七 二十一; 三十六计,走为上策;五十步笑 百步 (The pot calls the kettle black); 千里姻缘一线牵;万般皆下品,惟有读 书高(To be a scholar is to be the top of society/Only the learned rank high, all other trades are low), etc.

Cultural connotations of numbers are not only related with psychology, but also with myths and religion etc. In both eastern and western cultures, there has been fetishism that influences the people’s sub-consciousness. They believe that certain numbers have mysterious or magic power that may bring them luck or evil. So in people’s daily life, lucky numbers are favored and unlucky numbers are disliked.

Westerners also have special preference to, even worship the number 7 -- the ancient related the number 7 with Celestial Bodies (the sun, the moon and Venus金星, Jupiter木星, Mercury水星, Mars火星 and Saturn土星) to the Gods

Idioms with numbers are the central core and cream of languages, reflecting the wisdom of human being. As rhetorical devices of hyperbole and analogy, idioms with numbers make language more concise, vivid, colorful and comprehensible.

Some idioms with numbers in English culture: one-horse town(乡村小镇); in twos and threes (in small numbers 三三两两,稀稀拉 拉);in two twos (转瞬, 转眼间);put two and two together (根据所见所闻推断); threescore and ten(古稀之年); four-letter word (粗俗下流词);four leaf (幸运草); to be flung to the four winds(被抛到九霄云外);

However, the number 4, though an even number, is regarded unlucky since it sounds like the word 死(death).

2.2 In contrast, in English-related culture, people believe that odd numbers (except for 13) are associated with good luck.

Besides, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, intertwined so tightly in China, had been dominating for years. Each of them is very important with its exertions on the cultural connotations of the Chinese numbers.
-- Chinese people have strong psychology of symmetry, double thing (成双成对), association, analogy, pursuing the good and avoiding the bad.
Even numbers are naturally lucky ones。 6, 8 and 10 are believed to have auspicious meanings because their names sound similar to words that have positive meanings.

2.1 In Chinese culture, certain numbers are believed to be auspicious (吉利的)or inauspicious based on the Chinese word that the number name sounds similar to though these beliefs may be regarded as superstitions.
five fingers( 三只手,扒手); fifth wheel (累赘);take the fifth(以美国宪法修 正案第五条作庇护拒绝回答,避而不 答);at sixes and sevens (乱七八糟); one over the eight (醉得疯疯癫癫); have nine lives (命大, 九死一生);nine days’ wonder ( 轰动一时的人或事);
take five/ten (小憩); ten to one(十之八 九,很可能);the upper ten/the upper ten thousand (上层社会,贵族阶 级); the eleventh hour ( 最后时刻,危 急关头); strike twelve (表现出全部才 能);run/go/talk nineteen to the dozen (喋喋不休);go fifty-fifty(平分, 均摊);like sixty (快速地,猛烈地,急 剧地);

The English-speaking people use the numbers “hundred, thousand and million” plus the number “one” to form odd numbers to seek good fortunes or to express “further more”.