6.3.1 基于水足迹的工业用水评价
1、宝钢集团——低碳绿色发展 的典范
宝钢集团在低碳绿色发展方面取得了显著成果。公司引进先进的低碳炼钢技 术,优化能源结构,提高能源利用效率。此外,宝钢集团还加强了废弃物的回收 利用,推进了工业废水循环利用技术,减少了污染物的排放。这些措施不仅降低 了宝钢的碳排放,也为其带来了可观的经济效益。
国钢铁工业的碳足迹及升级路径尤为重要。本次演示在分析我国钢铁工业发 展概况与碳排放现状的基础上,借鉴先进钢铁国家的低碳发展经验与启示,研究 我国钢铁工业的碳足迹及升级路径。
在过去的几十年里,我国钢铁工业发展迅速,成为全球最大的钢铁生产国。 然而,高碳排放的问题也随之凸显。钢铁工业作为能源密集型产业,其碳排放强 度高,对环境压力巨大。碳足迹作为衡量一个行业低碳发展水平的关键指标,对 于指导钢铁工业的低碳转型具有重要意义。
国内外学者针对钢铁工业碳足迹及升级路径进行了大量研究。在碳足迹方面, 研究者们主要钢铁生产过程中的碳排放测算、影响因素分析及减排策略制定等。 在升级路径方面,部分研究者提出了通过技术进步、能源结构调整、循环经济等 措施推动钢铁
工业低碳转型的建议。然而,现有研究还存在诸如碳足迹测算方法不统一、 减排策略过于笼统等问题,有待进一步深化。
2、河钢集团——向低碳转型的 先锋
河钢集团在低碳转型方面做出了积极努力。公司加大对清洁能源的投入,推 广余热余压利用、烧结机脱硫等技术,提高环保水平。此外,河钢集团还发展了 循环经济,推动废弃物的资源化利用,为公司创造了显著的环保效益和经济效益。
鞍 钢 是 中央 直 属 大 型钢 铁 联 合 企业 , 厂 、 7 有 矿 8个 . 厂 区位 于鞍 山市 内 、 山多数 位 于鞍 山市 东部 郊 区 。鞍钢 拥 有 矿 自备水 源 . 其水 源水 除 供生 产 使用 外 , 供给 近 3 还 O余万 市 民 ( 括矿 山职 工 、 包 家属 及周 边村 民 ) 用 。鞍 山 市东 部 为连 绵 饮 起 伏 的 山区 和丘 陵 区 , 部 为 辽河 、 河 、 子河 冲积 平 原 , 西 浑 太 地貌 属低 山丘 陵 区及 山前 倾 平 原 , 总趋 势 为 东 高 两低 , 钢 鞍
【 中图分 类 号】R1 3 2
【 文献标 识码 】 B
【 文章 编 号】 1 7 — 2 0(0 9 0 ( l 1 8 0 6 3 7 1 2 0 14 b 一 2 — 2
水 是人 类 生 活 、 产 过 程 中不 可 缺 少 的重 要 物 质 , 均 生 人 耗 水 量 也 是 评 价 人们 生 活 水 平 和社 会 发 达 程 度 的重 要 指 标, 尤其 重 要 的是 水 与人 的健 康关 系密 切I。为进 一 步 掌 握 ” 鞍 山钢铁 集 团公 司f 称 鞍 钢) 源及 其 水 质 卫生 学 状况 , 简 水 确 保 鞍钢 职 工及 市 民饮 用水 安 全 ,o 6年 4 1 20 ~ 0月笔 者 对 鞍 钢 水 源 及其 水 质进 行 了流 行 病 学 调查 和检 测 ,现将 结 果 报 道
况 良好 , 部分 水源 ( .%) 但 60 已受 到工 业污 染 的威 胁 。结 论 : 鞍钢 水源 及 其水 质卫 生学 状况 良好 . 应进 一 步加强 对 但 水 源的 防护 , 强化 对 水源 区域 内 的潜在 工业 污染 源 的监督 及 水质 检测 , 以确 保饮 水安 全
我国钢铁行业用水现状 1.用水概况我国钢铁行业“九五”期间及“十五”初期用水情况见表。
“九五”期间冶金行业吨钢用水年平均递减率为 4.7 %,吨钢新水年平均递减率12.24%;“十五”初期,冶金行业吨钢用水年平均递减率为8.8%,吨钢新水年平均递减率为22%;而以1996年到2002 年为计算时间段,吨钢新水年平均递减率为15.63%。
1.日本钢铁行业转型历程对中国钢铁行业的启示 [J], 姚志敏
2.中国人均生态足迹2029年将达峰值——WWF发布城镇化与生态足迹报告 [J], 赵丽芳
3.基于三维生态足迹扩展模型的中国海岸带生态足迹及其影响因素研究 [J], 曹慧博;张颖;杨静;孟伟庆
4.生态足迹影响因子的定量分析——以中国各省(区市)1999年生态足迹为例 [J], 蒋莉;陈治谏;沈兴菊;郭娜
5.构建中国钢铁行业六维碳资产管理体系 [J], 赵禹程;李新创;李冰
一、钢铁工业废水特点及对环境的影响1. 废水特点钢铁工业废水特点主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)废水量大:钢铁生产过程中,需要大量的水进行冷却、煤气洗涤、焦化炉脱硫等工序,导致废水量巨大;(2)废水污染物复杂多样:钢铁生产过程中,废水中存在大量的悬浮物、重金属、有机物等污染物;(3)废水酸碱度高:钢铁生产过程中,废水的酸碱度通常较高,需要进行调节和中和处理。
2. 环境影响钢铁工业废水排放对环境造成的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)水体污染:大量废水的排放直接导致周边水体的水质受到破坏,给水生生物带来巨大的生存压力;(2)土壤污染:废水中的重金属离子和有机物会通过生物膜吸附到土壤表面,并逐渐渗入土壤深层,加剧土壤的污染程度;(3)大气污染:钢铁生产过程中产生的废气中含有大量的颗粒物和有机物,通过大气排放后,会对空气质量产生不良影响。
二、钢铁工业废水处理技术研究进展1. 传统处理技术(1)化学沉淀法:利用化学药剂与废水中的污染物发生反应,形成沉淀物,达到去除污染物的目的。
2. 新兴处理技术(1)高级氧化技术:包括光催化氧化、臭氧氧化等。
具体来说,可以从以下几个方面展开:1. 建立适用范围广的处理技术:当前的废水处理技术往往只适用于特定的工业领域,缺乏通用性。
选中钢厂水消费(蓝水)足迹为2.24*107m3,包括虚拟水和2011年为6.5 * 108m3的理论水污染(灰水)足迹,表明这个企业对水环境构成了严重的威胁。
1 简介水和能源对炼钢来说是至关重要的组成部分。
保护水资源钢铁工业是高耗水 Nhomakorabea业, 加强节水管理有助于减少 对水资源的过度使用,保 护珍贵的水资源。
通过节约用水,可以降低 生产成本,提高企业的经 济效益。
作为大型企业,钢铁公司 有责任积极履行社会责任 ,通过节水措施为社会做 出贡献。
采用问卷调查、现场勘查和数据统计分析等多种方法相结合的方式进行调查。问卷调查主要收集各企业的基本情 况、用水现状和节水措施等信息;现场勘查则深入了解企业的生产工艺、流程和设备情况;数据统计分析则对收 集到的数据进行整理和分析,以反映行业整体的用水现状和节水潜力。
钢铁工业节水技术可分为前端、中端和后端三个环节。前端 主要涉及雨水收集、工业水处理等方面的技术;中端主要涉 及生产过程中的水节约、水循环利用等技术;后端主要涉及 废水处理、回用等技术。
近年来,随着环保政策的加强和节水技术的不断提高,钢铁 工业在节水技术方面取得了一定的进展。一些先进的节水技 术,如膜分离技术、逆渗透技术等,在钢铁工业中得到了广 泛应用。
钢铁工业实施节水措施后,取得了显 著的成效。通过采用节水技术,钢铁 企业的用水量大大减少,废水排放量 也得到了有效控制。同时,一些先进 的节水技术还可以提高钢铁产品的质 量,降低生产成本。
1. 钢铁制凸堤的水质改善效果钢铁制凸堤通过其特殊的微观表面结构,能够吸附和去除水体中的有机物、重金属离子和悬浮物,并具有一定的抗菌作用。
2. 钢铁制凸堤的水质改善机理钢铁制凸堤的水质改善机理是多方面的。
3. 钢铁制凸堤的应用前景钢铁制凸堤作为一种环境友好型的材料,具有广阔的应用前景。
4. 钢铁制凸堤的局限性尽管钢铁制凸堤具有许多优点,但它也存在一些局限性。
报告内容1. 产品信息•包括钢铁产品的名称、规格和出厂日期等基本信息。
2. 生产过程•描述钢铁产品的生产过程,包括原材料采集、处理、加工等环节。
3. 水足迹评价指标•包括Blue Water(蓝水)、Green Water(绿水)和Grey Water (灰水)等指标。
4. 结论•根据上述指标计算出钢铁产品的水足迹。
一、典型农产品水足迹的评价指标1. 蓝水足迹:蓝色水足迹是指通过灌溉和降雨收集的水。
2. 绿水足迹:绿色水足迹是指通过从土壤中蒸发入空气的水。
3. 灰水足迹:灰水足迹是指排放到环境中的水,这些水通常是通过城市、工厂和家庭的活动产生的。
1. 水平衡模型:水平衡模型是利用区域尺度的水文水资源平衡方程,评估一个生产区域的水资源利用情况。
2. 输入产出模型:输入产出模型是通过检验农产品在产出过程中消耗的水资源和水环境的影响,建立一个评估模型。
3. 水动态模型:水动态模型包括水文模型和生态学模型。
Calculation of water footprint of the iron and steel industry:a case study in Eastern ChinaYifan Gu a,Jin Xu a,Arturo A.Keller b,Dazhi Yuan c,Yi Li a,Bei Zhang a,Qianting Weng a, Xiaolei Zhang d,Ping Deng e,Hongtao Wang f,a,*,Fengting Li a,fa College of Environmental Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse,Tongji University,Shanghai200092, Chinab Bren School of Environmental Science and Management,University of California,Santa Barbara,CA93106,United Statesc Department of Chemistry,Tongji University,Shanghai200092,Chinad BaoSteel Engineering and Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai201900,Chinae Ningbo Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,Zhejiang315800,Chinaf Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment,Ministry of Education,Shanghai200092,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received9December2013 Received in revised form9October2014Accepted29December2014 Available online6January2015Keywords:Water footprint assessment Iron and steel industryLife cycle assessmentWater riskCleaner production a b s t r a c tChina is the largest producer of iron and steel in the world.This heavy industry is characterized by significant water consumption and numerous water-related hazards.In this study,we propose the use of water footprint instead of conventional indicators(fresh water consumption(FWC)per tonne of steel or water consumption(WC)per tonne of steel)for the iron and steel ing an iron factory in Eastern China as an example,we develop a water footprint calculation model that includes direct and virtual water footprints.A system boundary analysis method is then proposed to develop a common and feasible industrial water footprint assessment methodology.Specifically,we analyze the characteristics of the iron and steel industry from a life cycle assessment perspective.A water risk assessment was performed based on the results of the water footprint calculations.The selected iron factory has a water consumption(blue water)footprint of2.24Â107m3,including virtual water,and a theoretical water pollution(gray water)footprint of6.5Â108m3in2011,indicating that the enterprise poses a serious risk to the water environment.The blue water and gray water footprints are calculated separately to provide more detailed water risk information,instead of adding these two indicators,which has less environ-mental significance.©2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWater and energy are crucial components of steel production (Wolters et al.,2008).China is a major producer of iron and thus contributes to the development of the international iron and steel industry.Table1illustrates steel production from2008to2010 (China Industry Economy Yearbook,2012)for key countries.In 2004,the water consumption(WC)of the iron and steel industry in China was4Â109m3,which accounted for10%of the annual in-dustrial WC(Hao,2004).The iron and steel industry can signifi-cantly affect local water environments via wastewater discharge. This wastewater can contain a wide range of toxic pollutants,such as dissolved metals including Cd,petroleum-derived products, volatile phenol,arsenic,etc.(Mortier et al.,2007).Therefore,the iron and steel industry significant impacts local,regional and global water resources and faces high water risk.Currently,the iron and steel industry uses fresh water consumption(FWC)per tonne of steel, WC per tonne of steel,and other indicators.FWC per tonne of steel denotes the fresh water used in the production of1tonne of iron and steel.The term“fresh water”is used to refer to fresh tap water, groundwater,or surface water added to the water system of an iron and steel factory,excluding the circulating water for cooling.WC per tonne of steel denotes all the water used in the production of1 tonne of iron and steel,including recycled and reclaimed water.Abbreviations:WF,water footprint;FWC,fresh water consumption;WC,water consumption;LCA,life cycle assessment;COD,chemical oxygen demand;BOD, biochemical oxygen demand;TN,total nitrogen;GB,Chinese national standard. *Corresponding author.Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment, Ministry of Education.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China.Tel.:þ862165980567.E-mail address:hongtao@(H.Wang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Cleaner Production journal homep age:/locate/jclepro/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.12.0940959-6526/©2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Journal of Cleaner Production92(2015)274e281FWC and WC are relatively simple and practical.However,they only reflect the direct WC of the iron and steel industry and ignore virtual WC and wastewater pollution.The concept of virtual water was introduced by Allan(1998),and refers to the water needed to produce the inputs for the current process(Verma et al.,2009).For example,the water needed to generate electricity for the steel mill would be considered virtual water for this enterprise.Gao et al. (2011)applied substanceflow analysis to establish an evaluation index for the water use systems of steel enterprises.The index system includes WC per tonne of steel,FWC per tonne of steel, recycled WC per tonne of steel,and water losses per tonne of steel. This index is used to evaluate the water use status of large steel enterprises in China and to identify the problems in current WC. However,this method does not consider the influence of virtual water on energy expenditures and other production expenditures (from the supply chain)and disregards the environmental in-fluences generated by wastewater discharge.Thus,a comprehen-sive indicator must be established to assess the pressure on the water resources and water risk of the iron and steel industry.Hoekstra(2002)proposed the water footprint concept,which refers to the sum of WC and the net virtual water inputs,which can be evaluated at various scales,from a single process,a factory,an industrial sector,national and regional.In Hoekstra's study,the water footprint concept was proposed as a measure of the global water resource appropriation of various regions.Water footprint is important in underpinning strategies and activities aimed at reducing pressure on water resources because this measure can more accurately reflect the impact of human activities on regional water resources.Ridoutt and Pfister(2010)proposed the reduction of human water footprint to relieve pressure on water resources. With the progression of water footprint methodology research,the water footprint method can now be implemented for the analysis of production processes and services.Water footprint includes blue water footprint,green water footprint,and gray water footprint (Gerbens-Leenes et al.,2009a,b).Green water footprint refers to rainwater that has been consumed directly on the landscape,for example by agricultural production.Blue water footprint refers to surface water and groundwater that are withdrawn from the environment for human uses.Gray water footprint refers to the theoretical amount of water required to dilute pollutants that have been discharged into the natural water system such that the quality of ambient water remains above the relevant water quality objec-tives(e.g.standards).In many cases,wastewater treatment can significantly reduce the actual water needed to meet the objectives. Gray water footprint is used as an indicator of water quality.In contrast to WC,the total water footprint includes direct WC and virtual water,as well as its influence on water quality.With the development of water footprint methodologies by the life cycle assessment(LCA)community,an LCA-based water footprint can be utilized to assess the effects of products or businesses on aquatic environments during the product life cycle(Boulay et al.,2013; Jeswani and Azapagic,2011).Currently,most studies focus on regional and agricultural water footprints(Chiu and Wu,2012;Feng et al.,2012;Ge et al.,2011;Liu et al.,2012;Mekonnen and Hoekstra,2012;Zhang et al.,2012), while the calculation of industrial product water footprint is still in its early stages(Berger et al.,2012;Shao and Chen,2013).Water footprint methodologies exhibit some drawbacks that impede in-dustrial water footprint assessments(Gu et al.,2014a).The simple numerical sum of gray,blue(direct and virtual),and green water is not environmentally informative for manufacturers(Gu et al., 2014b;Pfister and Ridoutt,2014).Green water cannot be gener-ally used by industrial facilities unless they implement a rainwater harvesting system.Virtual water may be consumed far away from the industrial facility,with no direct impact on local water re-sources.Thus,adding these footprints generates values that don't have a clear environmental impact.Energy and water sustainability are inextricably intertwined in the industry.Thus,the nexus between energy and water has generated great research interest in recent years(Chiu et al.,2009; Gerbens-Leenes et al.,2009a;Herath et al.,2011;Scown et al., 2011).However,the water footprint of energy consumption in the production process is still difficult to calculate because the amount of water resources used varies according to different areas and different energy-producing methods.In addition,LCA-based water footprints,which consider WC and water pollution in the whole product life cycle,are difficult to calculate because of limited data availability.In the present work,we aim to develop a common and feasible industry water footprint assessment methodology for water management and cleaner production.This study uses an iron and steel factory in Eastern China as an example of a water footprint analysis of the iron and steel industry. The analysis includes the validation of the footprint method and model,the assessment of the virtual WC for energy,and the consideration of water footprint and industry water risks(risk of limitations in water supply quantity and risk of water contamina-tion).As opposed to FWC per tonne of steel or WC per tonne of steel,the water footprints are proposed as indicators of water impact for the iron and steel industry because they comprehen-sively evaluate water risk factors and are much better indicators for attaining a cleaner and sustainable production.In terms of meth-odology,we build a feasible system boundary for research based on the LCA perspective.The blue water and gray water footprints are calculated separately to show the detailed water risk information instead of their simple numerical sum.Thus far,only a few cases of water footprint assessment have been conducted in China,espe-cially in the heavy industry(Hoekstra et al.,2012).The present work is expected to contribute to the development of industrial water footprint assessment methodologies.2.Materials and methods2.1.Overall system analysisTwo methods can be used to calculate water footprint:the chain summation approach and the stepwise accumulative approach (Herath et al.,2011;WWF-UK,2009).The chain summation approach is primarily used for production systems with only one product output.The water footprint associated with the various steps in the production system can be entirely attributed to the product that results from a system.The stepwise accumulative approach is a general water footprint calculation method based on the water footprint of thefinal steps in the production offinal and necessary products and on the water footprint calculation in the processing steps.The production chain of the iron and steel industry is complex and includes ore smelting refining,continuous casting, rolling,and other processes carried out in numerous workshops with extensive water and energy consumption in every link.Fig.1 shows the iron and steel production processes.The waterTable1Global steel production from2008to2010(unit:106tonne).Year First Second Third Fourth Fifth2008China Japan America Russia India512.3118.791.368.555.12009China Japan Russia America India567.887.559.958.156.62010China Japan America Russia India626.7109.680.667.066.9(Chinese Bureau of Statistics Industrial Division,2012).Y.Gu et al./Journal of Cleaner Production92(2015)274e281275discharged by each workshop undergoes substantial recovery or flows into other production workshops.Most large iron and steel factories have their own wastewater treatment facilities.Both footprinting methods require detailed information and an extensive amount of supporting data,which may be confidential,especially in the heavy industry.This makes it difficult to calculate the industry's water footprint and promote better water management practices.In this work,an overall system analysis is performed to assess water footprint.In the process of calculating the water footprint,we consider direct WC,energy consumption,and local water envi-ronmental effects,to better understand the effects of the iron and steel industry on water resources.This method is mainly focused on the water footprint of the production process in the selected factory and therefore does not require long-term analysis and an extensive amount of data.Given these features,the proposed method can be applied in other industries.2.2.Research range and determination of system boundaryThe life cycle of the iron and steel industry includes raw material extraction(mainly iron ore and coal),iron and steel production processes,steel product consumption,recycling,and trans-portation.Thus,life cycle-based water footprints can be utilized to assess the effects of products or businesses on aquatic environ-ments during the whole product or business life cycle.However,the water footprints of some inputs(e.g.,raw materials and supply chain)upstream of steel production are difficult to obtain for en-terprises.In addition,the extraction and transportation of raw materials can be very different depending on the sources and are typically not well documented,and the consumption of iron and steel products varies dramatically depending on the end use(e.g. buildings,pipes,automobiles,and appliances).Finally,the water used in the installation and decommissioning of the steel mill is not typically tracked,so there is no data available for this aspect.Given the multi-decade life of most steel mills,this is likely a small frac-tion of the overall water footprint,and thus it is not considered here.Fig.2illustrates the research boundary(the object of the study is in solid lines).The production processes are utilized as the main body,which is the most important part that manufacturers should consider when they decide to alleviate water risk,in in-dustrial water footprint assessments.Thus,we focus on the water footprint assessment in the production process of a steel enterprise.2.3.Research modelFrom the water footprint calculation model,the following for-mula is obtained:WCF¼DWFþVWF;(1)where WCF is the water consumption footprint,DWF is the direct water footprint,and VWF is the virtual water footprint.Here, DWF¼WF obtainedÀWF DÀdischargeÀWF loss;(2) where WF obtained is the amount of water obtained,WF D-discharge is the amount of direct water discharge,and WF loss is the water loss caused by evaporation,infiltration,and by-products.The virtual water footprint calculation for a steel mill is complex because it requires knowledge and accounting of water used in production of inputs,domestic(i.e.staff)WC,internal electric po-wer consumption,transportation energy,and chemicals(mainly for the treatment of circulating cooling water corrosion,scale in-hibitors,flocculent for sludge dewatering,etc.).By referring to steelworks investigations,the WC for production and domestic use is relatively easy to obtain.First-hand data on power consumption, coal consumption,and oil consumption are collected to calculate power consumption for steelworks.The virtual water embodied in electricity generation in China is based on Zhang et al.(Zhang and Anadon,2013).They studied the life cycle water withdrawals, consumptive water use,and wastewater discharge of China's regional energy sectors by using a mixed-unit multiregional input e output(MRIO)model.All of these parameters have a considerable amount of variability,depending on the specific technologies and processes,the source of the primary energy car-rier,and even temporal considerations.Another important aspect is the gray water footprint,which re-fers to the theoretical volume of fresh water required to assimilate the load of pollutants to natural background concentrations or existing ambient water quality standards.The gray water footprint includes domestic sewage management and industrial sewage management.In the calculation of the water footprint of domestic sewage,chemical oxygen demand(COD)and other indexes are measured,and the amount of diluted water is calculated based on the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,2002)or the Seawater Quality Standard (GB3097-1997)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,1997).In the calculation of the gray wa-ter footprint of industrial sewage,sewage from different workshops is collected and treated before being discharged.The amount of dilution water needed(Y i)is based on meeting the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water(GB3838-2002)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,2002) or the Seawater Quality Standard(GB3097-1997)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,1997). Y i is calculated using Eq.(3).Y i¼X iQ i:(3)Fig.1.Iron and steel production processes.Y.Gu et al./Journal of Cleaner Production92(2015)274e281276where Q i is the water quality standard of the wastewater discharge for pollutant i ,and X i is the measured average value of pollutant concentration of the sewage samples.MAX [Y i ]is the final gray water footprint.Eqs.(1)e (4)are used to calculate the water foot-print of steelworks.2.4.Water risk assessment based on water footprintEnterprise water risk contains physical risk,regulatory risk and reputation risk (Stuart Orr,2009,2011).Among the three risks,physical risk is closer to water footprint.Physical risk is the direct risk of water resources.When there are water shortages or water is seriously polluted,enterprises may face physical risk,which con-sists of water quantity risk and water quality risk.In water risk assessment,water footprint is a useful tool,and three major parts are involved:water footprint calculation,water risk assessment and water risk management.Analyzing the water footprint of the whole enterprise and every production process can provide all the information for effective and more sustainable water resources management.Furthermore,enterprises can take management ac-tions based on the results of water risk assessment.3.Results and discussion3.1.Water footprint of an iron and steel factoryA steelworks enterprise in Eastern China was used as an example in this study.This enterprise offers a complete raw ma-terial production process for iron making,steel making,continuous casting,steel rolling and other processes using advanced equip-ment.In 2011,the enterprise produced 4.46Â106tonnes of steel.According to the overall system analysis method,the DWF of the enterprise in 2011was 1.46Â106m 3within 5%error,considering a 10%water loss as estimated by the engineer in this factory.This means 90%if the water is consumed in the enterprise.The production process of the selected enterprise is complex.Up to 20different chemicals,such as corrosion and scale inhibitors,are incorporated into various processes.The enterprise annually uses 4.82Â107tonnes of chemicals.90%are solid with no direct water footprint;the water used in the process for the other chemical was considered in the DWF.The virtual water of these chemicals could not be assessed due to limited data availability,but is likely to be much smaller than DWF.Table 2shows the energy consumption and water footprint of the various sources of energy in 2011,for the case study factory.The water footprint of electricity was 1.98Â107m 3in 2011.During the same year,the water footprints of coal and hard coke were 78.3Â104m 3and 191.4Â104m 3,respectively.Therefore,the totalvirtual WC for energy was 2.25Â107m 3in 2011,which is more than an order of magnitude greater than the DWF.The applicable water quality standard for the selected enterprise is the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,1996)Class II.Table 3presents the measured water quality in the discharge and the corresponding dilution factors.The amount of domestic water discharged by the staff that live in this factory is 4.35Â104m 3.As shown in Table 3,the maximum dilution factor of is 50.The gray water footprint of domestic water prior to wastewater treatment use is 2.17Â106m 3.The sewage from the steelworks is sent to the regional sewage treatment plant,and the treated ef fluent is discharged to the East China Sea.The East China Sea is regulated according to the fourth level marine water quality standard.Based on the Seawater Quality Standard (GB 3079-1997)(Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China,1997)and water quality of the sewage treatment plant ef fluent,the maximum dilution factor is calculated to be 106(Table 4).In 2011,the amount of treated ef fluent discharged by the selected steelwork enterprise was 6.10Â106m 3.During this period,the gray water footprints of in-dustrial sewage were 6.46Â108m 3.Thus,the total gray water footprint is 6.5Â108m 3.Fig.3shows the various elements of the total water footprint of this steelmaker.In most studies,the results of the water footprint assessment of a product or a business are usually shown as the total water footprint determined by the sum of the green water foot-print,blue water footprint,and gray water footprint.However,the combination of a hypothetical “pollution volume ”(gray water)with WC volumes (blue water)for total water footprint is considered to have no environmental meaning.In this study,the total WC foot-print (blue water footprint)and water pollution footprint (gray water footprint)are calculated separately to show the detailed water risk information instead of the sum.For the selected steel-works enterprise,the total WC (blue water)footprint is 2.44Â107m 3and total water pollution (gray water)footprint is 6.5Â108m 3.The high power consumption of the steelworks en-terprise results in large virtual WC.The high gray water footprint indicates that the enterprise poses a serious risk to the water environment.Generalizing the results of this study,it is estimated that the water footprint of iron and steel industry in China was approxi-mately 4Â109m 3in 2010,considering China's steel production in 2010.Ge et al.(2011)estimated that the total water footprint of China is 860Â109m 3and the per capita water footprint was 650m 3/year in 2007.It means that the iron and steel industry sector accounts for about 0.4%of the total water footprint.It ap-pears that the water footprint intensity of iron and steel industryisFig.2.System boundary of the research on the calculation of water footprint of the iron and steel industry.Y.Gu et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 92(2015)274e 281277signi ficant compared with other water related industries.It con-firms the necessity of this study to calculate the water footprint of a speci fic iron and steel industry treatment plant.In addition,iron and steel are very important as raw materials for the manufacturing industry.Berger et al.(2012)showed that steel and iron materials contribute almost 35e 40%to the total water consumption of Volkswagen's Golf car models.Thus,reducing water footprint of the iron and steel industry will greatly reduce the industrial water footprint of many products in China and around the world.The iron and steel industry not only has a signi ficant water consumption,but also poses signi ficant water-related hazards.The gray water footprint of the selected steelworks enterprise is nearly 27times total WC (blue water)footprint.In contrast,for the global animal production the gray water footprint is only 1.06times blue water footprint (87.2%green water footprint, 6.2%blue water footprint and 6.6%gray water footprint)(Mekonnen and Hoekstra,2012).The reason attributed to the disparity of ratios of gray water footprint to blue water footprint is the high-concentration of spe-ci fic industrial wastewater discharged from the steelworks enterprise.parison of the three indicators of water consumption Large amounts of water are used for steel production processes.The quality of wastewater discharged by the iron and steel enter-prise in Table 3shows that its wastewater can have a negative impact on the local water environment if it is not treated adequately.Thus,the iron and steel industry poses risks of decreased water supply and water contamination.Other inputs (raw materials from the supply chain and energy)are also exten-sively consumed.Compared to FWC and WC,the water footprint estimate has more uncertainties.The total water footprint not only considers the water footprint of the enterprise itself but also takes into account the water footprint of the external supply chain.As shown in thiscase study,the virtual water footprint can be much greater than DWF.While it is challenging to assess the virtual water footprint,it is important to consider the most relevant input and their water footprint,such as energy in this case.As more information becomes available on the water footprint of the supply chain,better esti-mates of overall blue water footprint (¼DWF þvirtual water of energy þvirtual water of other inputs)will lead to enhanced de-cision making and water risk management.Fig.4shows the relationship between water footprint and water risk analysis.Virtual water footprint of the supply chain,including extraction and transport of iron ores,re flects the water risk of the supply chain and is thus signi ficant for the sustainable develop-ment of the iron and steel industry.The virtual water footprint of energy consumption can re flect the risk of energy consumption.Based on the virtual water footprint of the supply chain,the iron and steel industry can choose suppliers of chemicals,energy and other major inputs that are proven to be committed to sustainable development and to the protection of the environment by reducing their blue and gray water footprints.Wastewater from the iron and steel industry is dif ficult to treat.Although most factories have their own wastewater treatment systems,the ef fluent discharged into the local water environment can have negative impacts.The total water pollution footprint (gray water footprint)of the selected steelworks enterprise is nearly 27times of the total WC footprint (blue water footprint),thus showing the signi ficant impact on the local water environment.It is imperative to upgrade the enterprise's internal wastewater treat-ment to reduce the gray water footprint or even to achieve zero-discharge.The gray water footprint of the iron and steel industry can re flect the risk of water pollution that otherwise cannot be revealed by FWC and WC.Unlike FWC and WC,water footprint can comprehensively evaluate the water risk of the iron and steel industry and is helpful for water resource management.Analyzing the water footprint can provide managers a better knowledge of the enterprise water re-sources use,and thus reduce risks.Through this analysis,enterprise can take actions for better water resources management,such as green production design,water system management,supply chain management and wastewater management.The purpose of all these analyses is to reduce the water footprints of the enterprise,to eventually reach sustainable development.The water supply risk for the industry could be evaluated considering the magnitude of overall water supply in the regionTable 3Average case steelmaker ef fluent concentrations,water quality standard of inte-grated wastewater discharge and dilution ratio needed.IndicatorAverageconcentration (mg/L)a Sea water qualitystandard (GB3079-1997)b Class IV (mg/L)Dilution ratio COD150530Petroleum100.5020Volatile phenol 0.50.0510NH 3e N 250.550Chloride 0.50.2 2.5Zn 5.00.510Cr 6þ0.50.51Cd 0.10.0110As 0.50.51Pb1.00.52COD:chemical oxygen demand.GB:Chinese national standard.aMinistry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China (1996).bMinistry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China (1997).Table 4Average treated ef fluent concentrations in case study steelmaker region,seawater quality standard and dilution ratio needed.Indicator Averageconcentration (mg/L)Seawater quality standard(GB3079-1997)a Class IV (mg/L)Dilution ratio COD 323565BOD 5182536TN52.90.5106COD:chemical oxygen demand;BOD:biochemical oxygen demand;TN:total nitrogen.aMinistry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China (1997).Table 2Energy consumption and energy water footprint of the case factory.Energy type Energy consumption Direct water withdrawal intensity at provincial level a National average direct water withdrawal intensity a Energy water footprint range (104m 3)Average energy water footprint (104m 3)Electricity 1275GWh0.64e 60.14m 3/MWh 15.50m 3/MWh 82e 76681976Coal 206.1Â104tonne 0e 1.07m 3/tonne 0.38m 3/tonne 0e 22178Coke 185.8Â104tonne 0e 2.24m 3/tonne1.03m 3/tonne 0e 416191Totalee2246aZhang and Anadon (2013).Y.Gu et al./Journal of Cleaner Production 92(2015)274e 281278。
钢铁企业在未来的发展中要注重能源开发与利用,强化水资源的合理使用,采用先进的环保技术,在根本上促进钢铁行业在水资源合理利用以及废水处理回用方面得到更大的发展2. 社会调查的时间、地点及对象2022年7月18日星期一邯郸钢铁厂钢铁厂废水处理情况3. 社会调查的范围钢铁厂4. 社会调查方法网上查阅文献资料,实地调查二、正文1. 社会调查基本情况现代钢铁工业的生产过程包括材选、烧结、炼铁、炼钢(连铸)、轧钢等生产工艺。
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YN ig n L n h oa dHOU H n ]a I Tn K g, IE c a n o gu n
( sa c n t ue B oh n Io Ree rhI s tt , a s a n& Sel o , t. S a g a 0 9 0 hn ) i r te C . L d , h n h i 10 ,C ia 2
U 刖 置
水 资 源 系统产 生 的 压 力 和程 度 , 为工 业 水 资 源 可
持续规 划 与管 理提 供新 的思 路 和研究 方 向 。本 文 还对 我 国钢铁 工 业 水 资 源利 用 现 状 进 行 了分 析 , 并 提 出一 些钢 铁行 业节 水减 排集 成技 术 与实施 措
工业 生 产对 水资 源 系统产 生 的压 力程度 , 工 业水 资 源 可持 续 规 划与 管理提 供 新 的思路 和研 为
究 方向 。通过 对钢 铁 生产 过程 中虚 拟 水 、 水足 迹 的计 算 与分析 , 能够对 钢铁 行 业水 资 源的现状
进行 分析 , 出在 生产 中合 理 利 用水 资源 的建议 , 提 促进 钢铁 行 业 的绿 色发展 和 可持 续发展 。 关键 词 : 水足 迹 ; 资 源 ;节水 ; 水 处理 水 废
s san b e d v lp e t f t e n usra wae r s u c u ti a l e e o m n o h i d til t r e o r e. Thr u h ac ltn a d n lzn t e o g c l u ai g n a ay i g h
vru lwa e n tr fo p i to h nd sra r d c s he a t a i to ft e wae e o r e it a tr a d wae o t rn ft e i u tilp o u t ,t c u lst i n o h t rr s u c ua c n u d n t se l nd sr c n e n l z d n t s g e to s o t us wae r s u c o s me i he t e i u ty a b a ay e a d he u g si n h w o e tr eo re r a o a l a e o fr d, wh c a e h l f l o p o t h s san b e d v l p n o he se l e s n b y c n b fe e i h r e p u t r mo e t e u ti a l e eo me t f t te i d ty i n e v rnme tfin l y. n usr n a n io n -re d y wa
21 0 2年第 3期
2 5
钢 铁 工 业 产 品水 足 迹 研 究
尹婷婷 , 李恩超 , 红娟 侯
( 宝山钢铁 股份 有 限公 司研 究 院 , 海 上
2 10 ) 09 0
摘要 : 水足 迹 是基 于 消 费基 础 的水 资 源利 用情 况 的指 示 器。 工业 水 足 迹 分析 可定 量反 映
K e r s: trf oprn ;wa e e o r e;wae —a i y wo d wa e o t i t trr s u c trs vng;wa twae r ame t se t rte t n
指示器 , 业水 足 迹 分 析 可定 量 反 映工 业 生 产 对 工
水 是生 命之 源 , 人 类 和一 切 生 物 赖 以生 存 是 和 发展 的物 质基 础 , 是构 成生 态 环境 的基 本要 素 , 随着人 口的增 加 和社 会 的发 展 , 球 水 资 源 供 求 全 矛 盾 日渐尖 锐 , 水 已经 成 为许 多 国家 社 会 经 济 缺
可 持续ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ发展 的重要 制约 因素 。为 创新 水资 源 问题
施 , 高 了水 资源 的利 用率 。 提
Absr c t a t:W ae f oprn i a i dia o s o ng he t r o t i t s n n c t r h wi t wae r s u c st ai n a e o tr e o r e iu to b s d n
c n u t n.An l ss o h n sra trf op i tc n q a t y t e l v lo h te s t e wa e o s mp i o a y i ft e i du tilwa e o t rn a u n i h e e ft e sr s h tr f r s u c y t m a e u o i u ti lp o u t n.I a r vd d a n e e r h d r ci n f rt e e o r e s se f c sd e t nd sra r d c i o tc n p o ie i e sa d r s a c ie to o h
中图分 类号 : 7 3 文献 标 志码 : 文 章编 号 :0 8— 7 6 2 1 ) 3— 0 5—0 X0 B 10 0 1 (0 2 0 0 2 4
d i 1 . 9 9 .sn 1 0 —0 1 2 1 . 3 0 6 o :0 3 6 /iis . 0 8 7 6. 0 2 0 . 0 R e e r h n w a e o t r nto t e r du t s a c o t r f o p i fs e lp o c s