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①admit,appreciate,give up,imagine,put off,resist,can’t stand(无法忍受)等后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。


⑤在短语devote to,object to,thank for,be busy,look forward to,there is no use/good/need 等动词词组后也必须用动名词形式。



We don’t allow smoking here. We don’t allow students to smoke.

⑧. 动词need,require,want作“需要”解,其后必须用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语,表示事情需要做。动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。

be worth后必须用动名词的主动形式来表示被动意义。

The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned.



We are interested in playing chess.

I’m sorry for not having kept my promise.

He likes being helped.

I don’t remember having ever been given a chance to do it.


(1)分词分为现在分词和过去分词,其否定形式为not+分词。现在分词有一般式和完成式。Being a student,he was interested in books.

Having studied in it for three years,he knows the university very well.


The question being discussed is important.

Having been criticized by the teacher,Li Ming gave up smoking.

(3)过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性。This is a book written by a famous Chinese writer.


We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.



The teacher stood there,surrounded by the students.


While unfinished,the painting looked ugly.

分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致。如果分词与句子的主语是主动关系,用doing表示与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或进行的动作,用having done表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如果分词与句子的主语是被动关系,则用done强调在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作,也可用having been done。


Time permitting,I’ll finish another lesson.


1.这里曾有一家化肥厂,位于城市的南边。它每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。There was a large factory, which produced fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, which polluted the environment.

→There used to be a large factor y _________________. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas, ____________the environment. (现在分词作状语)

2.当我们赶到校门口时,已经8点了。我们见到老师时,不得不为迟到而向她道歉。When we got to the school gate it was eight. When we saw our teacher, we had to say sorry for we were so late.

→When we got to the school gate it was eight. ____________, we had to say sorry for our being late. (现在分词作状语)


We think it is necessary that middle school students should learn a foreign language and we also think that it is possible that they can master one.

→We think ____________ that middle school students should learn a foreign language and (we think it) possible for them ____________ as well.(it的用法和不定式作真正宾语)

4.由于老师的帮助,我英语进步了。因为我英语进步了,我相信我能考上更好的大学。Because my teacher helps me, my English has greatly improved. Because my English has greatly improved, I'm sure I will go to a better university.

→ _____________________, my English has greatly improved, ___________(关联词) makes me sure I will go to a better university.(with复合结构作状语)


Li Dong spares no effort to study so that he can catch up with his classmates. He never plays computer games so that he can learn better.

→Li Dong spares no effort to study ____________ his classmates and ____________better he never plays computer games .(不定式作状语)

三. 运用非谓语动词转换简单句

1.We were touched by the teacher's words. We decided to work hard.


2.I didn't receive her letter. I had to write again.


3.The boy came to school late again. This made the teacher very angry.


4.The boys were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier.


5.I saw an old granny. She lay on the ground. I went over to help her.


6.① It is high time we took part in some activities. ② We want to make ourselves more healthy.


7.① A girl climbed so hard that she lost her temper. ② She complained about the long walk.


8. ① The monitor has set a good example for us .

② Therefore, the monitor deserves the honor and we should learn from her .



1. Looking from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful .

2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing.

3. —Which team is good at cooking? —A team called itself the supper cook.




1. There are a large number of taxi drivers in Guangzhou. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Guangzhou.

2. They make some money. They work from dawn till night.

3. One day, I got out of the taxi in a hurry so I left my cellphone in the taxi I took.

4. After I got in touch with the driver , he drove to my home and gave it back to me.

