


1.It's a surprise party. 这是一个惊喜派对。

2. That's a real eye-opening experience. 那真是一个令人大开眼界的经历。

3. Who is going to organize the birthday party next time? 下次轮到谁办生日派对了呢?

4. I bought a cake about this big! 我买了一个蛋糕大约有这么大。


写一篇你所参加的一次生日聚会要求:1、何时何地参加了谁的生日聚会2、聚会上你们都做了什么是3、你有什么感受.90个词左右Last satuday evening,I went to Kitty's sixteenth birthday party at her home.Many of her friends were there too.

At the party,Kitty wore a pink dress.She looked beautiful like a princess.We sang Happy Birthday to her and gave her a lot of presents.She was happy and surprised to see them.We shared a big birthday cake and some jelly.We also took a lot of photos.

All the friends had a good time.I think everyone needs friends.


I have a good friend, her name is Lucy, we became friends since I was five years old, she is my neighbor, we play together all the time. Yesterday, Lucy got her ten year-old birthday, she hold a party in her house, as her good friend, of course I would not miss her party. I bought

her a watch as the gift, in the party, we sang and danced, she has many friends, so we played the game, we felt so happy. At last, we sang the birthday song to her and took out the big cake, Lucy made her wish, we ate the cake together. We had great fun at Lucy’s party, I wish her be happy every day.


Friend:Hi Jack.How have you been recently?

Me:Very well.

Friend:i want to invite you to my birthday party Friday night.Will you come?

Me:Yes,I would love to,and happy birthday to you!But how to get your home?I have never been there.

Friend:It is easy and not far from your house.You turn left after leaving home.Go straight and you will see a cross.Then you go right.You will see a red house with two floors.That is my home.You will not miss it.

Me:Ok,I see.When will the party start?

Friend:At 8.

Me:Ok,see you at 8 on Friday.

Friend:See you!



英语生日邀请函范文 英语生日邀请函范文篇一 Dear Ruth, Next Friday, September the fifth, is Toms birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come Well have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so dont disappoint us! Affectionately yours, Li Hua August 3.1, 1998 英语生日邀请函范文篇二 Dear friend, Im very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.Ill wite you. 英语生日邀请函范文篇三 Dear Li Hua, I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my


儿童生日邀请函范文 宝宝会慢慢长大,该怎么给他们过好生日呢?或许邀请朋友是不错的选择。下面小编为大家精心整理了儿童生日邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。 儿童生日邀请函范文篇一:各位乡亲父老,大伯大妈,叔叔阿姨,兄弟姐妹,朋友同事,适逢犬子安康年满一岁,设盛宴以庆之,现邀众贵宾参加,父代子谢之。 XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 儿童生日邀请函范文篇二:我最爱的爸爸妈妈: 三月三十一日是幼儿园里我/朋友的生日。老师和我们一起好认真好认真的为我/朋友们准备了一场主题为《绿色复活节》的生日会,我想邀请你们和我一起参加这个有趣的生日活动。爸爸妈妈,你们来吗?我代表我的朋友诚挚的邀请你们,记得一定要来哦! 主题生日活动内容: 1、生日英文活动:《Happy Easter》 2、师生祝福表演:《生日快乐》 3、生日主题DIY:《Easter rabbit cake》 4、生日庆祝活动:许愿、祝福 5、活动时间:三月三十一日(星期六)下午3:30 地点:幼儿园中庭

你们最亲爱的宝贝 XXX年三月二十七日 儿童生日邀请函范文篇三:XXX: 19号是我家小丸子两周岁的生日,小丸子的妈妈提前来发邀请函了,希望得到你的祝福呢,来我家坐坐吧。妈妈准备了好吃的蛋糕呢。真的好希望可以把宝宝树的奖品送给宝宝做生日礼物,大家来为我加加油吧! XXX XXXX年XX月XX日 儿童生日邀请函范文篇四: ×××× : XXX年×月×日是幼子××周岁纪念,谨于×月×日×午×时在××路××饭店特备小酌为庆,特邀请届时光临助兴! ××× ×××谨启 XXX年×月×日 儿童生日邀请函范文篇五: 小朋友 时光荏苒,一转眼我们都岁了。 月日上午分小朋友将在她可爱的小天地——号楼单元室 开生日party,特邀请我最喜欢的小伙伴们一起来参加我的生日派对。 共同拥有美好的回忆。


50字英语邀请函关于生日 50字英语邀请函关于生日 Dear Li Hua, I’m so sorry I can’t come to Tom’s birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They’re always such fun! Affectionately,Liang Yan 50字英语邀请函范文关于生日 Dear Ruth, Next Friday, September the fifth, is Tom’s birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come We’ll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so don’t disappoint us! Affectionately yours, Li Hua August 3.1, 19xx 50字英语邀请函模板关于生日 Dear friend, I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you. 搜集整理仅供参考


dear my classmates, do you know when is my birthday? the day is in winter vacation and it’s 1) think of games to play. 2) prepare 200 yuan and you phone. 3) tell me you phone number. 4) remember to meet me in wanda plaza at 9:00. see you then. jungle篇二:英语生日邀请函 英语生日邀请函 may 2, xxxx dear lucy, next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old! my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. well be expecting you any time after six. see you then.yours, xxx篇三:邀请函中英文 邀请函 invitation 尊敬的__ __ dear___ ___ 联系人contact person: 联系电话telephone: 传真fax: 2010-3-12 邀请函 october 9, 200xx 尊敬的: 本人欣喜地通知阁下,xxxx大酒店已于20xxx年10月6日开始试业,本人诚意邀请阁下于即日起至20xxx年10月31日期间莅临本酒店参观指导。 本人并诚邀阁下于莅临当天在本酒店之xxx餐厅享用国际美食自助晚餐,率先体验全城至in至豪的hip hop潮流餐厅之饮食潮流。 热忱期待阁下光临! 总经理 确认回复:请与本酒店公关销售部 xx 小姐联系,电话:8888 8888转8888。 letter of invitation dear, i would be most honored if you can be my guest at dinner at the xxxxx café on the day of your visit, and experience our international cuisine and the superb dinning ambience of modern day guangzhou. looking forward to your presence, yours truly, general manager


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 个人生日邀请函范文 要举行生日会,想要好朋友一起来参加,那么就需要发出生日邀请函。下面小编为大家精心整理了个人生日邀请函范文,希望能给你带来帮助。 个人生日邀请函范文篇一 大家好: 谨定于年月日晚分,在xxxx酒店为女儿举行十岁生日晚宴,敬请光临 xxxxxx携爱女xxx敬邀年月日 个人生日邀请函范文篇二 亲爱的小伙伴们: 20xx年8月9日我就要满18周岁了,在那天我将要举办一场生日派对,诚挚的邀请你们参加!期待你们的到来! 时间:20xx年8月9日 地点:海天大酒店 个人生日邀请函范文篇三 亲爱的XX女士/男士 本月14号我要举行一个生日聚会,希望有空的小伙伴们到时准时参 1 / 14

加,拒绝自带酒水及一切礼物,本人承担所有饮品蛋糕还有免费午餐,只求带来一颗诚挚的心吗,祝福我,谢谢! 时间:20xx年4月14日 地点:小南湖花园广场 期待你的光临! 个人生日邀请函范文篇四 亲爱的朋友:本月20日是我的生日,我又长大了一岁。晚上8点,我诚心诚意邀请你来我家度过这欢乐地时光!和我一起玩,一起聊天,有了你在,这次我的生日会变得更加精彩! 你的好朋友小钢炮 20xx年4月5日 个人生日邀请函范文篇五 亲爱的兄弟姐妹战友同学们: 大家好哦! 鉴于小妹我下月初就要过生日拉,所以提前和大家打个招呼。有钱的准备好Money,没钱的想办法去筹备,届时请携带礼物、礼品或礼金前来参加妹妹(姐姐)我的生日小聚哦:) 时间:XXXX年XX月XX日 个人生日邀请函范文篇六 亲爱的同学们: 20xx年11月2日是我21-year-old birthday 。 为了不耽误同学们的上课时间,


过生日时,我们可以发送一封邀请函,邀请小伙伴来参加英语生日邀请函,那么你知道英语生日邀请函是怎么写的吗?下面小编整理了英语生日邀请函,供你参考。 英语生日邀请函范文一 Dear friend, Im very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.Ill wite you. 英语生日邀请函范文二 Dear Li Hua, I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song Happy Birthday to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day! Do you have free time I want to visit you next year 英语生日邀请函范文三 Dear Li Hua, Im so sorry I cant come to Toms birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your


生日请柬范文_最新关于生日请柬的范文生日到了,我们可以发放生日请柬邀请大家来参加生日聚会。下面就让带大家看看一系列的生日请柬范文。望大家采纳。 生日请柬范文篇一亲爱的_____: 我要举行一个18岁生日晚会,诚挚的邀请您参加。 时间是:________地点:__________ 期待您的到来,谢谢。 ________ 日期 生日请柬范文篇二亲爱的朋友: 我很高兴,因为我的18岁生日将会在下周六,和我的家人有很多食物和饮料。我想有很多有趣的事情,我们会发青的那一天。所以我希望你能参加。现在我将告诉你我的房子的地址。这是我们城市的中央命名有趣的时间。我家周围有许多树和花。它的墙是红色和白色。你必须来。我谴责你。 xxx 年月日 生日请柬范文篇三尊敬的XXX(先生女士小姐也或其它敬称): 某年某月某日是小女(小儿)XXX的18岁生日,值此

佳日的某年某月某日,在XXX酒店特备餐宴,敬请光临。 你的朋友(或其它称谓)某某某 日期 生日请柬范文篇四当当过18岁生日啦!感谢这一路有你!也期待,在这个美好的日子,欢聚生日趴,等你赢大礼!你还记得在当当购买的第一本属于自己的书吗?你还记得为宝贝买的第一本属于TA的书吗?尽管你大TA许多岁,但现在,你却和TA为同一个故事,欢笑,感动你们的成长并不同步,可此刻却同在一路!来吧,来分享你们的故事,800元当当童书现金券诚意奉送,只为换TA最美的笑容。 1. @xx婴童天地新浪官方微博 2. 本条微信评论中 活动介绍参与方式: 1.转发此活动@当当孕婴童天地,@3位好友,或把活动在微信中告诉更多小伙伴 2.在微博或微信评论中,输入#当当16有你#,分享你所购买的第一本童书或童书订单 3.聊聊你们喜欢的同一本书 活动奖品:800元当当童书现金券 获奖名额:16名 Hi,亲爱的你,还在等什么呢?用更丰富的图文讲讲你们的故事吧,为TA,也为自己,赢取童书的诚意生日好


关于生日派对的邀请函范文 关于生日派对的邀请函(一) 亲爱的朋友: 2月4日,农历立春! 走过严冬,春天在不经意间已经来了!弥散在瑟瑟的风里,有青草淡雅的芳香,有细柳灵动的嫩芽。。。 2月4日,是我的生日! 走过而立,人生在新的起点上腾飞!升华在步步高的光影里。 2月4日,是我的节日! 走过陌生,我们在温馨的吧里欢聚!陶醉在暖暖的祝福声里,以最诚挚的热情,以最动人的真心 在这欢快的时刻,我真诚邀请你参加我的生日,恭候你的光临! 让我们一起共享我生日的快乐,感受彼此真诚祝福、友谊长存的浓情 20xx年xx月xx日 关于生日派对的邀请函(二) 各位寿星们: 春去秋来,在这个金秋送爽的季节,我们又迎来了九月的生日会;无论季节怎样变化,都无法阻挡我们追求快乐的步伐。 来吧,寿星们!带上你的欢乐,带上你的掌声,带上你的笑容!参加九月份生日会!为公司祝福,为九月寿星祝福,为我们自己祝福! 一、活动时间:20年9月日星期 16:0018:00

二、活动地点:公司培训室 三、参加对象:公司9月过生日的员工详细名单见附件 四、活动内容:为9月生日员工庆祝生日 五、活动注意事项: 期待寿星们的准时参加,因特殊原因不能参加活动的寿星,请在日下午15:00以前通知人力资源部,电话: 人力资源部 年9月日 关于生日派对的邀请函(三) 亲爱的_____: 我要举行一个生日晚会,诚挚的邀请您参加。 时间:xxx 地点:xxx 期待您的到来,谢谢。 xxx 日期xxx 关于生日派对的邀请函(四) __________: 您好!9月11日17:00,本人将在广场举行生日派对。届时,现场除了各种娱乐环节和互动游戏之外,还有巨型蛋糕、精美冷餐、花式调酒等助兴节目。我们全家人都非常希望你能来参加,与我们共度这段快乐时光。派对将于17点开始签到,届时烦请携带本邀请函入


有关生日邀请函的英文范文 每个人都有一个出生日期,往后每年的这一天我们称为"生日",而专门为生日举行的仪式通常被称为"过生日"。你知道英文版生日邀请函怎么写吗。下面小编整理了有关生日邀请函的英文范文,希望大家喜欢! 有关生日邀请函的英文范文1 Dear Li Hua, I'm so sorry I can't come to Tom's birthday party. These days my mother has been falling ill, so I have to attend to her.Thank you for asking me, Li Hua. I certainly hate to miss any of your parties. They're always such fun! Affectionately,Liang Yan 有关生日邀请函的英文范文2 Dear friend, I'm very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I'll wite you. 有关生日邀请函的英文范文3 May 5,20xx


篇一:生日邀请函范文亲亲: 19号是我家小丸子两周岁的生日,小丸子的妈妈提前来发邀请函了,希望得到你的祝福呢,来我家坐坐吧。妈妈准备了好吃的蛋糕呢。真的好希望可以把宝宝树的奖品送给宝宝做生日礼物,大家来为我加加油吧!篇二:时间:2010年1月16日下午15:30—17:00 地点:新爱婴金源中心大堂参加对象:1月、2月过生日的0—3岁小朋友人数:限30个家庭,80元(两位成人,一个宝宝)/家庭,每超出一人,另加50元/人。现场抽大奖,还有更多美食,更多精彩等你哦!更多详情请致电:捌捌捌玖肆柒捌捌请家长准备好礼物,用来为小朋友之间互相交换(可以是食物也可以是小礼品)合作机构:SONY 公司、布奇奇乐园注意事项:请家长务必带好身份证,以便领取SONY公司提供的数码摄像机供免费使用。篇三:生日邀请函亲爱的朋友: 2月4日,农历立春! 走过严冬,春天在不经意间已经来了!弥散在瑟瑟的风里,有青草淡雅的芳香,有细柳灵动的嫩芽... 2月4日,陈坤生日!走过而立,人生在新的起点上腾飞!升华在步步高的光影里.《云水谣》中望穿秋水,《门》里门外失意中天,《再一次实现》音乐梦想奖杯…… 2月4日,坤吧节日!走过陌生,坤迷在温馨的吧里欢聚!陶醉在暖暖的祝福声里,以最诚挚的热情,以最动人的真心……在这欢快的时刻,全体坤迷真诚邀请贵吧的朋友们参加陈坤的生日,恭候你们的光临!让我们共享陈坤生日的快乐,感受彼此真诚祝福、友谊长存的浓情……篇四:记起某天收到妞妞一位小朋友的生日PARTY邀请函,内容如下: xxx本周日在家里举办生日小PARTY,邀请妞妞参加,期盼您的到来!活动安排:妞妞的生日也快到了,以前从未正式的邀请过小朋友来庆祝呢,看来这次我们也要学习小朋友的方法,给妞妞办一个小小的生日PARTY. 篇五:生日邀请函 3月11日是我的生日,我又长大了一岁。


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除回复生日邀请函的英语作文 篇一:生日邀请函英语范文 dearmyclassmates, doyouknowwhenismybirthday?thedayisinwintervacationa ndit’s 1)thinkofgamestoplay. 2)prepare200yuanandyouphone. 3)tellmeyouphonenumber. 4)remembertomeetmeinwandaplazaat9:00. seeyouthen. jungle篇二:英语生日邀请函 英语生日邀请函 may2,xxxx dearlucy, nextmondayismy20thbirthday.imagine,therearealreadyt

wentyyearsbehindme!nowonderifeelold! myparentsaregivingadinnerpartytomarktheparty.thefir stpersontheywishtoinviteisyou,mychildhoodpal.indeed ,allofthose20years aremoreorlessassociatedwithyou. wellbeexpectingyouanytimeaftersix.seeyouthen.yours,xxx篇三:邀请函中英文 邀请函 invitation 尊敬的____ dear______ 联系人contactperson: 联系电话telephone: 传真fax: 20XX-3-12 邀请函 october9,200xx 尊敬的: 本人欣喜地通知阁下,xxxx大酒店已于20xxx年10月6日开始试业,本人诚意邀请阁下于即日起至20xxx年10月


英语生日邀请函怎么做 I invited some of my classmates to the party .以下是PINCAI小编收集的英语生日邀请函怎么做,仅供大家阅读参考! 英语生日邀请函怎么做Dear friend, I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and drink.I think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that day.So I hope you can take part in.Now I will tell you the address of my house.It is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and white.You must come.I’ll wite you. 英语生日邀请函怎么做Dear Li Hua, I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly. We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I


短信生日邀请函怎么写 短信生日邀请函怎么写 篇一: 自己生日邀请函怎么写生日party邀请函这个星期天是我的生日,我要在我家举办一个聚会。作为我最好的朋友,我希望你能够参加。我觉得那天你应该是有空的。宴会上会有蛋糕,饼干,糖果,蛋糕等。顺便说一下,晚会是七点开始,但是我希望你能来早点帮我准备有关聚会的事。我期待你的答复。篇二: 生日派对邀请函生日派对邀请函小朋友时光荏苒,一转眼我们都岁了。 共同拥有美好的回忆。(转载于:https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc11604684.html, 博威范文网:短信生日邀请函怎么写) may all of you happy. 年月日篇三: 员工生日会邀请函员工生日会邀请函尊敬的各位领导及同事: 您好,我们很荣幸地邀请您参加于2017年xx月xx日在员工餐厅举办的xx、xx、xx月生日晚会。届时将有游戏、歌曲、生日蛋糕等。请您准时莅临参加。篇二: 邀请函怎么写生日邀请函亲爱的小伙伴们: 2017年8月9日我就要满18周岁了,在那天我将要举办一场生日派对,诚挚的邀请你们参加~期待你们的到来~时间: 2017年8月9日地点: 海天大酒店篇二: 生日邀请函生日聚会邀请函亲爱的xx女士/男士本月14号我要举行一个生日聚会,希望有空的小伙伴们到时准时参加,拒绝自带酒 水及一切礼物,本人承担所有饮品蛋糕还有免费午餐,只求带来一颗诚挚的心吗,祝福我,谢谢~时间: 2017年4月14日地点: 小南湖花园广场期待你(转载于:邀请函怎么写生日)的光临~篇三: 生日派对邀请函生日party邀请函这个星期天是我的生日,我要在我家举办一个聚会。作为我最好的朋友,我希望你能够参加。我觉得那天你应该是有空的。宴会上会有蛋糕,饼干,糖果,蛋糕等。顺便说一下,晚会是七点开始,但是我希望你能来早点帮我准备有关聚会的事。我期待你的答复。篇三: 生日晚宴邀请函生日晚宴邀请函 : 谨定于年月日晚分,在xxxx酒店为女儿举行十岁生日晚宴,敬请光临xxx携爱女xxx敬邀年月日


英语生日邀请函的格式 当你生日想要邀请朋友时,如何用英语写一份生日邀请函呢?格式又是怎样的。下面是由小编为大家整理的关于英语生日邀请函的格式,欢迎参阅。 英语生日邀请函的格式1 may 2, xxxx dear lucy, next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old! my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. well be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours, xxx 英语生日邀请函的格式2 Dear my classmates,

Do you know when is my birthday? The day is in winter vacation and its on February 1st. So do you come to my birthday party? Of course I wish everyone can come to my party. If you come you can get too many free things because you are my you also should give me some gifts. Then if you make sure to come to my party you should prepare the following things: 1) Think of games to play. 2) Prepare 200 yuan and you phone. 3) Tell me you phone number. 4) Remember to meet me in Wanda Plaza at 9:00. See you then. Jungle 英语生日邀请函的格式3 Dear Jane, I would like to invite you to take part in our dinner party for celebrating my


英语生日邀请函范文 在邀请函中需要说明举办活动的性质、举办时间以及参加的条件等。你了解英语生日邀请函该怎么写吗?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的英语生日邀请函。望大家采纳。 英语生日邀请函范文篇一 Dear Ruth, Next Friday, September the fifth, is Toms birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you come Well have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both Tom and I are very eager to have you here, so dont disappoint us! Affectionately yours,

Li Hua August , 1998 英语生日邀请函范文篇二 Dear friend, Im very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and think a lot of funny things and we will paly them in that I hope you can take part I will tell you the address of my is in the central of our city named Funny Time. There are many trees and flowers around my home. Its wall is red and must wite you. 英语生日邀请函范文篇三 Dear Li Hua, I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at .on Sunday . All my classmates were not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western were very of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their


英文生日邀请函范文3篇 用英文作生日的邀请函,本文是小编为大家整理的英文的生日邀请函范文,仅供参考。 英文生日邀请函范文篇一: may 2, xxxx dear lucy, next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old! my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you. we'll be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours, xxx 英文生日邀请函范文二: Dear my classmates,

Do you know when is my birthday? The day is in winter vacation and it's on February 1st. So do you come to my birthday party? Of course I wish everyone can come to my party. If you come you can get too many free things because you are my guests.And you also should give me some gifts. Then if you make sure to come to my party you should prepare the following things: 1) Think of games to play. 2) Prepare 200 yuan and you phone. 3) Tell me you phone number. 4) Remember to meet me in Wanda Plaza at 9:00. See you then. Jungle


( 邀请函) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-068062 英文生日邀请函范文Model English birthday invitation

条据书信| Article Letter 邀请函英文生日邀请函范文 Dear Joy I want to play a party to celebrate***. I'd like to invite you to my party . The time is **. Thank you ! 英文生日邀请函范文 Dear Li Hua, I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party .The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday .All my classmates were not be late.I was very happy.We ate some western food.They were very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food.They shared their food with us.Because they are very friendly. We also played games.It was very interesting.All my classmates were very happy.I danced with my best friends.And all my classmates danced very beautifully!They sang a song 'Happy Birthday' to me.And then they gave me a lot of presents.I was very thankful.All of us had a good time on that day! 第2页


篇一:生日派对邀请函 生日party邀请函这个星期天是我的生日,我要在我家举办一个聚会。作为我最好的朋友,我希望你能够参加。我觉得那天你应该是有空的。宴会上会有蛋糕,饼干,糖果,蛋糕等。顺便说一下,晚会是七点开始,但是我希望你能来早点帮我准备有关聚会的事。 篇二:生日派对邀请函 生日派对邀请函 小朋友 may all of you happy. 年月日 篇三:生日邀请函 邀请函 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 亲爱的xx: 我真心的希望你可以参加我在本周六的生日派对,我们会度过一个愉快又记得回忆的晚上, 地址:安和路11号安庆寨大酒店 时间:4月24日下午6点至晚上九点 邀请人: 图片已关闭显示,点此查看 xxx 篇四:聚会邀请函范本 聚会邀请函范本 邀请函 同学: 阔别卄五载,友谊记心田。 忘不掉那段真挚的同学情,忘不掉朝夕相处的两年寒窗,廾五年前,我们共同酿造了一坛美酒,廾五年后我们共同开启,这酒将是醇美醉人的…… 是啊,相识卄五年,我们都已进入了不惑之年,并将步入知天命。 两年的同窗共读,我们不会忘记,期盼大家的到来,期待我们的再相聚!(愿意提供赞助的同学,请直接和组委会联系,联系电话:) 焉耆县一中届高二(2)班同学聚会组委会 篇五:生日晚宴邀请函 生日晚宴邀请函 : 谨定于年月日晚分,在xxxx酒店为女儿举行十岁生日晚宴,敬请光临 xxxxxx携爱女xxx敬邀年月日 篇六:生日聚会邀请函 邀请函 嗨,三天后是我的生日,来参加我的生日聚会吧,地点在我家,时间在晚上8点,别忘了! 篇七:聚会邀请函范文 聚会邀请函范文

邀请信亲爱的同学们: 时光荏苒,白驹过隙,花落花开,数度春秋。 五年里,当初满怀憧憬的内心多了几分淡定,当初写着懵懂的脸庞多了几分坚毅,天真的眼神也多了几分执着;五年里,我们为人妻,为人夫,为人母,为人父,又或依然在等待,但我们的肩上都担起了更多的责任;五年里,我们为工作、为学业四处奔波、上下操劳,或已牛刀小试,初有小成,或仍厚积薄发,跃跃欲试… 五年的喜怒哀乐,五年的酸甜苦辣,五年的欢笑与泪水,五年的快乐与伤悲,或许只有自己才能真正体会!但我们不会忘记当初的约定,不会忘记当初的期许,我们身处四方,但心从未远离!我们的家真诚呼唤:回来聚聚!祝各位阖家幸福,工作顺利! 篇八:初中同学聚会邀请函范文 初中同学聚会邀请函范文 初中同学聚会邀请函范文亲爱的同学们: 大家好!还记得初中时代,1、2、3班吗还记得我们曾共同拥有的温馨往事、纯情岁月吗 一起回忆那段不平凡的岁月,畅谈现在和将来。让我们的友谊更上一层,共创美好的明天!好了,在xxx年的腊月,我们就诚挚的邀请您参加济中初xx级的同学会,去听听久违的声音、看看久违的面孔。 同学会有关事项: 具体安排:上午09:30分在母校集合。10:30分(进入教室开展座谈会,并上交经费,预计xx元/人)。


生日宴会邀请函大全 1、最近,吾家上下都一件在密谋筹划一件大事,兹事体大,特 别可能需要您的加入和配合。现定于XX年XX月XX日XX酒店行动, 行动代号:宝贝生日快乐。呵呵,一定要来参加我家小精灵儿童节的 生日宴奥。 2、生日不常有,每年只一次,今年定在岳阳楼,不能缺少你, 所以发个信息,邀你举杯把情寄,共寻欢歌蜜意。愿你畅饮生活美, 杯杯聚喜气。 3、不才小弟生日到,开心快乐阳光照;豪爽大哥我敬佩,邀请 你来喝杯酒。祝福真情永不变,愿我们情意到永恒! 4、生日庆贺之时,最多的是开心,最美的是快乐,最大的心愿 是如意,最不能缺少的是你的出席,生日之宴,特邀你来参加,一起 欢乐,敬请光临哟。 5、今天我生日,有你庆祝,幸福才完美;有你祝福,快乐才陶醉;有你分享,友情才生辉。恭请你携着吉祥锐气光临。 6、好姐妹,今天是我的生日,赶紧携着欢笑,带着快乐,踩着 好运,抱着祝福,来参加我的庆生会,没有你的祝福,没有你的问候,我的庆生缺少了精彩,来吧,要准时! 7、一年一度生日到,寿星嬉笑弯弯的眉,邀请福星财星来相聚,你们两个快来呀,就是你们,还等什么,已经向你们两个发出了请柬,不见不散,阿福阿财,收到我生日邀请的就是阿福和阿财,来参加的 需要永远生活幸福,财源广进。 8、点燃生日的烛光,点燃青春的快乐与梦想;吃口幸福的蛋糕,让笑容绽放在脸庞;快乐的日子与你并肩度过,甜蜜的味道愿与你一 同品尝,我的生日到了,你一定要来哟!

9、你的祝福是一抹彩虹,美丽了我的天空;你的问候是一股清泉,滋润着的心田;你的到来是一枚开心果,我会快乐得忘我;今天 是我的生日,盼你准时参加,谢谢你的光临。 10、我曾经梦到你,左手提着快乐,右手拿着幸福,左脚踩着好运,右脚踏着成熟,头上顶着祝福,嘴里衔着问候,来祝福我的生日,今天实在是我的生日了,你会让我梦想成真吗?我想,你会的,要准 时啊! 11、得到你的祝福,我开心;得到你的问候,我安心;得到你的 安慰,我放心;得到你的关爱,我顺心;我的生日要来临,届时来参加,我早早的恭候你的大驾,谢谢! 12、我的生日,你的喜日。席开某楼,大排筵宴。好酒管够,好 菜任选。敬请光临,不胜荣光。带上祝福,有福同享。带上红包,多 多益善。 13、生日宴会,没你不行,发条短信,邀你参加,带上快乐,领 上幸福,拿上如意,装好祝福,准时参加,恭候大驾,不见不散。 14、今年我已四十岁,人到四十已不惑。朋友相交已多年,今日 借着生日宴,聚在一起话当年。诚心相邀莫推辞,真情实意到永远! 15、你的祝福倍增了友谊,你的祝福复制了快乐,你的祝福永恒 了真诚,你的祝福带来了好运,我的生日又来临,希望你和你的祝福 携手同光临,恭候你的到来。 16、辛苦一辈子,老爸生日到,先请福禄寿,再邀喜神仙,兄弟 都约定,姐妹来祝寿!祝亲爱的老爸天天快乐、一生平安、幸福长寿! 17、公主生日,王子送来蛋糕,但蛋糕上没有生日快乐,只有 717这三个数,公主刚要发话时,王子吻上了她,717亲一亲 18、一杯甜酒敬献我对打招呼您的诚挚问候,四首好歌送上我对 您的诚挚祝福,朋友相聚,把酒回首,格外激动,那是怎样的难忘。
