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a) unlikely situations in the future? b) possible situations in the future?
Read the following sentences and see what you can discover? Part I
1.If I don’t finish my project on the history of the Internet for next Monday’s lesson, the science teacher will be angry.(L3-5) b 2.If it’s good, Dad, Mum and I will probably go camping. (L7-8) 3. We won’t go if it rains.(L8-9) 4.… if I stay home, I’ll help you with your project… (L910) 5.If you tell me some titles, I’ll look for them in the
If he could ________ swim (can swim) ,
this island.
he __________________ (be not) trapped in would not be
Group work
如果我是一名百万富翁,我会给惠南中学 建一座图书馆。如果我有足够的钱,我为每 一位学生提供免费的三餐。如果我是超人, 我会把钓鱼岛从日本手里抢回来。 were If I ______ a millionaire, I would _____ build a library for Huinan Middle School. If I had enough money, I ___________ would supply _____ (supply) free food to the students. If I would seize Diao were ______ a superman, I ______ Yu Islands back from Japan.
1.Read the first 17 lines in the dialogue and find all the sentences with “if…” . Do the same with the rest of the dialogue. Are the sentences used to talk about:
如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会, 我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。 如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是--一万年!
If the God gave ____(give) me would tell (tell) the girl three another chance,I_________ to words, “ I love you.” If had I ______(have to) set would be (be)10,000 a time limit to our love, It_________ years!
lottery, I would…
If I won the lottery, I would buy an
expensive car. (与现在事实相反)
If I won the lottery,
I would buy a beautiful house.(与现在 事实相反)
I don’t know which to buy. If you were me, which would you buy?
C. am, would be
D. were, shall be
3.If the earth stopped moving, everything _____. A A. would disappear B.disappeared C. will disappear D. disappears 4. My father will go to the movie with us if he ___ D _ time. A. will have B. had C. has had D. has
library. (L12-13) 6.If you go to the Science Museum website, you’ll find lots of good information. (L14-15)
Read the following sentences and see what you can discover? Part II 7.… if we had virtual reality holidays, we wouldn’t have any problems with the weather. (L18-19) a 8.… if they invented virtual reality holidays, I”d go on an around-the-world tour. (L4142) a 9.… what would you like to do if someone gave you the chance? (L43)
1. Matching
1) If you are promoted, 2) If I lived in the USA, 3) If you work hard, 4) If we didn’t have computers, 5) If it snowed every day in winter, a. I would love it. b. I would celebrate Thanksgiving. c. life would be very different.
If I were you, I would buy the red one.
If people __________ (drive) more drove carefully, they _________________ (not would not have have) the car accident.
B to do so, he could find the 1) If he ______ time. A. wants C. would want B. wanted D. has wanted
2) If I ____ a bird, I ____ very happy. A. were, would be B. am, shall be
d. you will get a good job. e. will you make any changes?
• 2. Complete the sentences
1) If I don’t finish my homework, ____________________________________. 2) If it rains, __________________________________________________. 3) If I pass the exam, _____________________________________________. 4) If we had a holiday tomorrow, ____________________________________. 5) If I lived in England, ____________________________________________.
如果我的学生现在成为国王,我就成为了国王的老师,我 会作为国王的老师受到人们的尊敬,我会为他感到自豪。
If my student becomes the king of our country , I will become the king’s teacher.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
♠ discover the differences between the first
and second conditionals and their rules; ♠ use the second conditional to describe your life.
Compare and find the difference.
If I have time tomorrow, I will go with you. a fact If I were a bird, I would fly high to touch the cloud. a wish
If I get more information, I will tell you immediately. a fact If I were God, I would make all the blind see the beautiful world.
would become
I would be respected by people as king’s teacher and I shall be proud of him.
与现在事实相反虚拟条件句: 从句谓语用: 动词过去式(be动词用were)
主句谓语用: would/could/should/might+动词原形
6) If I were a millionaire, _________________________________________.
• 3.Think about your future life (home, job, family, etc.) or what you would
like to see or happen in your present life. • Explain why you would like to have this kind of life and what you would be able to do. • If I were a ____________________________________________________ • If I had ______________________________________________________ • If I lived _____________________________________________________ • If I __________________________________________________________
a wish
Q:What’s the difference between the two sentences?
If I am free, I will visit you. (真实条件句)
If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky. (虚拟条件句)
Subjunctive mood is used to talk about situations that are not true or not likely to become true.
were (be) as tall as Yao Ming, I ______ would If I ____ become a famous basketball player.
What would you
do if you won the
Biblioteka Baidu
If I won the