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JOURNAL O F SOU THEAST UN I V ERS ITY (N atural Science Edition )
V ol 137N o 13M ay 2007
姚荣涵 王殿海 曲昭伟
流运行状态的思想.利用流量守恒方程,建立了单车道路段当量排队长度模型,并在此基础上,推导出多车道路段平均当量排队长度模型.为验证模型的有效性,采用V I SS I M 软件设计了拥挤交通流的模拟方案.对比模型计算的当量排队长度与软件统计的实际排队长度发现:当量排队长度均大于实际排队长度;当量排队长度比较稳定,而实际排队长度有所波动.结果表明,当量排队长度模型能够定量地、更好地描述拥挤路段的交通流拥挤程度.该模型计算方法简单,便于工程实践,可以为城市交通控制系统优化等提供理论依据.关键词:拥挤交通流;二流理论;当量排队长度
中图分类号:U 49112+
64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0505(2007)0320521206
Equi valent queue length model for congested traffi c stream
based on two 2flui d theory
Yao R onghan W ang D ianhai Q u Zhaow ei
(College of T ransportation,J ilin U niversity,Changchun 130022,China )
Abstract:To describe the queue p henom ena in congested traffic flow ,based on t w o 2flu id theo ry a
thinking w hich converts actual traffic 2flow operation state into t w o 2fluid operation state is put fo r 2w ard.The equivalent queue leng th m odel is built for a single 2lane segm ent according to conservation equation .O n th is basis,the average equivalent queue length m odel is educed for a m ulti 2lane seg 2m ent .To validate the effectiveness of the m odels,the si m ulation schem es are designed for the con 2gested traffic flow by app lying the V I SS I M soft w are .B y com paring the equivalen t queue lengths com puted by the m odels w ith the actual queue lengths obtained by the soft w are,it is found that the equivalent queue lengths are all longer than the actual ones;the equivalent queue lengths are stable,but the actual values fluctuate .The results show that the equivalent queue length m odels can quanti 2tatively and better describe the congested degree of traffic 2flow on congested segm ent .The m odels are si m p le and easy to be app lied in eng ineering p ractice .Their results can p rovide a theoretical basis for urban traffic contro l system op ti m ization etc .
Key words:congested traffic stream;t w o 2fluid theory;equivalent queue leng th
(2006CB 705505).
授,博士生导师,w angdianhai @sohu .com.
1 问题提出
111 研究现状