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2.3液、固态CO2用于食品、饮料、保鲜及 安全等方面。
Liquid or sdid state carbon dioxide may be used in food,beverage, preservative and food safety。
Used in high efficient engineered,workshop model and industializated agriculture
Carbon dioxide utilization become the development direction of Chinese coal chemical processing
2.1 结合新工艺
Combine with new process
如采用新型MNHD酸性气体选择性脱除技 术,在解吸后获得高浓度的CO2可加以利用,同 时还开发出变压吸附提纯并分离CO2技术。
(intermediates of soda)
1.2 开发出氮肥新品种碳酸氢铵
Development of a new assortment of nitrogenous fertilizer NH4HCO3
(National Chemical Industry Productive Forces Promoted Center)
中国化学工业是从传统煤化工产业发展起 来的。在我国化学工业先驱侯德榜博士的指导 和影响下,我国的化学工业历来具有重视综合 利用的观念,特别是在CO2的有效综合利用方 面。
Chinese chemical industry was developed from the traditional coal chemical processing。Instructed and effected by pioneer of Chinese chemical industry Dr. HOU De-bang,we have a concept constantly for pay much attention to comprehensive utilization in chemical industry,especially for the effective comprehensive utilization of CO2。
Effective Comprehensive Utilization of Carbon Dioxide Realized in Development for Chinese Chemical Processing of Coal
中国煤化工的发展已经做到 CO2有效综合利用
Prof. FANG De-wei
Supercritica 2×1000L/d l Processing Takasago Perfumery Hasegawa koryo 300L/d
Japan Japan
2.6 用于冷冻保鲜、保藏、医疗、污水处 理、制冷、无害溶剂、安全消防、生物工 程及特种合成材料诸多领域。
据统计温室、大棚农业产品的产值已占总 农业产值25%~30%。农业部门渴望开发对CO2 的利用,以加快大棚蔬菜生长速度,缩短生长 周期,提高经济效益。因为温室与大棚为封闭 系统,植物光合作用所需CO2不足。每100g干 物质需吸收CO2150g,通常大气中CO2浓度约
300ppm,大棚中CO2浓度可能不到100ppm。若 大棚中CO2浓度高于大气的2~3倍则蔬菜产量可 提高一倍并能缩短生长期。这是良性生态循环 重要的方向。
Tab Commercial plants for SCF extract natural perfume in abroad
Country France
Company 法伊查 SKW Ferton Flave Yasuma Perfumery
Plant Size 4×100L/d 5000t/a 3×500L/d 1000kg/d 2×100L/d
1.3 CO2广泛用于尿素生产
Carbon dioxide widely used in urea production
中国已成为世界最大的尿素生产国。中国 化学工业始终重视CO2 的有效利用,基本上做 到了化学工业无大量CO2排放。
China is the largest urea productive county in the world。We devote much attention to effective utilization of CO2 in chemical industry,there are no great quantity of CO2 discharge in chemical industry。
Except coke reduction process,it may be a new opposed-nozzles pressurized gasification process,which used CO2+O2 as gasification agent to reduce CO2,and this process has commercialized now。This is a very important direction for CO2 recovery and utilization with a large quantity and wide uses,Which my be applied in manufacture of acetic acid,acetic anhydride,formic acid,oxalic acid,methyl carbonate and their derivates。
Combination manufacture process for NH3 and Soda(Hou’s Process)
♦ 变换反应(Shift reaction) ♦ 氨 碱 法(Ammonia-soda process)
CO(in water gas)+H2O NH3+H2O NH4OH H2 +CO2
C1 chemical industry
一碳化工需要将CO2还原成CO,然后作为 羰基化原料。
It must reduce CO2 to CO,then my bi used as carbonylation feed stock。
除采用焦炭还原工艺外,还可采用对置式 多喷嘴加压气化新工艺,以CO2+O2作为气化 剂,实现CO2还原,这一技术已取得产业化方 面重大成果。这是量大而面广的CO2回收利用 重要方向,可应用于醋酸、醋酐、甲酸、草 酸、碳酸二甲酯等及其衍生物。
2.5 超临界CO2萃取
Supercritical CO2 fluid extraction
超临界CO2流体萃取广泛应用于食品、医药 及精细化学品工业,目前国内外,有60家工厂 采用SCFCO2萃取各种有效组分。
SCF CO2 applied widely in foodstuff,medicine,and fine chemicals industries,there are 60 factories which used SCF CO2 to extract the active principle。
Operation year 1984 1988 1988
Country Japan Japan USA
Company Fuji Perfumery Fuji Perfumery
Plant Size 200L/d 300L/d
Extract Perfume for cigarette and foodstuff natural flavouring natural perfume and flavouring natural perfume Flavor, Essential oil, Chinese medicine
这种肥料现已广泛应用于中国农业生产, 成为主要化肥品种之一,并发挥了肥料和CO2 合理分散的双功能作用,在植物光合作用中肥 料的CO2作为结构碳源的补充,实现了吸碳吐 氧的良性生态循环。
This fertilizer applied widely in Chinese agricultural production, and became one of the most importent fertilizer assortments。Which acts a dual functional materials for fertilizer and CO2 dispersion,CO2 in the fertilizer may be used as a extender for structural carbon source and realize the virtuous ecological circle of absorbed carbon and release oxygen when photosynthesis for plant。
According to the statistical data,output value of agricultural product in greenhouses or large sheds occupy 25 to 30percent of total output value for agriculture。The agriculture sector long for develop CO2 utilization to quicken growth speed of vegetables in the greenhouse,to shorten growth cycle,and to raise economic effectiveness。Since the greehouse or large shed is a closed system, the quality of CO2 is not enough for photosynthesis of plant。Every 100g dry substance must absorb 150g CO2。CO2 concentration in atmosphere is 300ppm approximately,but it is lower than 100ppm in large sheds。If the concentration of CO2 in the large sheds 2-or 3-fold higher than in the atmosphere,the vegetables of a virtuous ecological circle。
Extract natural perfume, colouring matter natural perfume natural perfume natural perfume pepper colouring matter , perfume
Operation year 1981 1982 1982 —
Such as a modern NMHD sour gas selective remove process,it may obtain high-strength carbon PAS purification and separation technology for CO2。
2.2 一碳化工