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Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 1. Lebanon Republic of Lebanon,with a population of 2,601,000, 93% of which are Arabs,occupies an area of 3,950 square mi­les on Eastern end of the Mediterranean with Syria on the east and Israel on the south. Its capital is Beirut and its official language is Arabic. It won its independence in 1920, but administered under French mandate from 1920 to 1941. Under the 1943 National Covenant, all public positions were divided among the various religious communities,with Christians in the majority. By the 1970s,Moslems became the majority,and demanded a larger political and economic role.
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 2. envoy ['kʌvi] n. 一队;一群 3. initial [ɪ'nɪʃəl] adj. 最初的;字首的
vt. 用姓名的首字母签名 n. 词首大写字母 At this point, you should be back to your initial position.这个时候,你应该又回到的最初的姿势。 However, once you have agreed to the initial request, they would begin to ask for more.然而,一旦你同意了最初 的请求,他们就会开始向你要求更多的东西了。
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 1.黎巴嫩共和国,目前有2601000人口,其中93%是阿拉伯人,占地面积3950平方英里 的­les东端的地中海东部和以色列与叙利亚南部。它的首都是贝鲁特,官方语言是阿拉 伯语。它在1920年赢得独立,但在1920年至1941年间受法国托管。根据1943年国家契 约,所有公共头寸分给不同的宗教团体,与基督教徒占多数。到了1970年代,穆斯林教徒成 为多数,并要求更大的政治和经济的作用。
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 7. precede [prəˈsid] vt.优于,高于; 领先,在…之前
vi. 领先,在前面 precede sth with sth She preceded her speech with a vote of thanks to the committee. 她讲话的开头是对委员会的鸣谢。 8. transfer [ˈtrænsfər] n.传递;转让
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 4.stress [strɛs] n. 压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重读
vt. 强调;使紧张;加压力于;用重音读 Because all of this stress gave me something to write on.因为全部这一切给了我压力的东西上写上。 What I want to stress is that each of us should listen to others. 我想强调的是我们每个人都应该更多的卿听它人。
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 7. Mozambique People’s Republic of Mozambique locates on the southeast coast of Africa,with Tanzania on the north,Malawi,Zambia, Zimbabwe on the west, South Africa and Swaziland on the south. It has a population of a little more than 14 million and occupies an area of 303 thousand square miles, with Maputo as its capital. After having been under Portuguese colonial role for 470 years, Mozambique became independent on June 25, 1975.
美国主要政党之一,成立于1854年的联盟反对奴隶制,他们当选第一任总统,1860年 亚伯拉罕·林肯。
Lesson1 Section One 二、 Cultural Notes 6. Democratic Party One of the leading political parties in the United States, founded by Jefferson in 1792 to defend the rights of the indi­vidual states against the centralizing policy of the Federalists. The Democratic Party tends to be the party of the “small man,as opposed to the Republican Party,the party of “big business,”but divisions between the two are not clear-cut now. 民主党 在美国主要政党之一,由杰斐逊在1792年英蒂捍卫的权利­守寡的州与联邦党人的集 中政策。民主党倾向于共产党的“小男人,而不是共和党,民主党的“大企业,但现在两者 之间的分歧并不明确。
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 8+.move: 普通用词,指从一处到另一外的任何距离的转移。 shift: 侧重位置与方向的改变。 transfer: 一般表示转送或移交迁移,尤指交通运输中的换 乘或职务的调动等。 remove: 作“移动”解时,与move可换用,还可指撤职或 开除学藉等。
一个城市拥有6.4万人口的内华达州的沙漠,美国。的中心是一个巨大的休闲区域,但 更好的夜总会和赌场的弗里蒙特街和城外“地带”。
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 5. Republican Party One of America’s leading political parties,founded in 1854 by a coalition of opponents to slavery,who elected their first President,Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
综合理解 General Comprehension
强调细节 Focusing on
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 1.hostage ['hɑstɪdʒ] n. 人质;抵押品 Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery. 在银行抢劫案中有三名儿童被扣为人质。 He was held hostage for almost a year. 他被扣为人质 几近一年。
Lesson1 Section One
一、Vocabulary 5. administration [əd,mɪnɪ'streʃən] n. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 This increases the complexity of administration and integration.这就增加了管理和集成的复杂度。 The Food and Drug Administration, however. 不过,食品和药品管理局。 6. transitional [træn'zɪʃənl] transitional period 过渡时期 transitional phase 过渡阶段
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 2. Wiesbaden Wiesbaden is the capital of the Land of Hessen,West Germany,with a population of 271,435 in 1979. The Land of Hessen is a state in West Germany, established in 1946.
英国国教的教堂是英格兰和非正式的宗教组织的一员,圣公会,包括爱尔兰教会,苏格 兰圣公会教堂在美国新教圣公会教堂。和其他同类的教堂与信仰和习俗密切相关。
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 4. Las Vegas A city with a population of 64 thousand in the desert of Nevada,USA. It is the center of a vast recreation area,but better known for its night-clubs and for its gambling casinos in Fremont Street and the “Strip” outside the city.
8+.1. 由trans组成的正评价动词:transcend transcend= trans(越过)+scend(船随浪上浮)=超过, 超越;这个词汇注意,同样表示超过的还有几个很重要的词汇exceed, surpass 2. 由trans组成的中性动词:transport, transmit 1)transport=trans(横穿,越过)+port(港口)=运输 2) transmit=trans(横穿,越过)+mit(发送)=传输,发 射 3. 由trans组成的负评价动词:transgress transgress=trans(横穿,越过)+gress(走)=侵犯,违背
Lesson1 Section One
威斯巴登 威斯巴登是黑森州的土地的首都,西德,271435年的1979人口。黑森州的土地是一 个国家在西德,成立于1946年。
Lesson1 Section One
二、 Cultural Notes 3.Anglican Church Anglican Church is the Church of England and a member of the informal religious organization, Anglican Communion, including the Church of Ireland, the Scottish Episcopal Church,the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S., and other kindred churches with closely related beliefs and practices.