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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) 联合国国际法院
the UN Security Council 联合国安全理事会veto power 否决权
Command theory 指挥理论
customary law 习惯法
jus cogens 强行法
appear (in court):出庭
dismerit(traffic offense point):(交通违规记)缺点
driving under influence:嗑药后驾驶
driving while intoxicated (DWI):酒醉后驾驶evidence:证据
first offense:初犯
hit and run:肇事后逃离现场
illegal parking:违规停车
negligent driving:不小心驾驶
parallel parking:平行停车
plead guilty [not guilty]:认罪[不认罪] preside:(法官)列席
reckless driving:鲁莽驾驶
run the red light:闯红灯
take an oath:宣誓
traffic court:交通法庭
traffic regulations:交通规则traffic violation:交通违规
按照出资比例:in proportion to one’s respective contributions to the investment
办理注销登记:cancel the registration
被代理人:the principal
被侵权人the infringed
本人名义:in one’s name
标的subject matter
补偿制度compensation system
不动产登记制Lot and Block System
财产法property law
财产的添附accretion of property; property accession
财产抵押权 property mortgage
财产继承权:the right of inheritance 财产关系和人身关系:property relations hips and personal relationships
财产管理人 property administrator; cu stodian of property
财产混同 confusion; hotchpot
财产留置权 encumbrance
采用书面形式:in writing
仓单 warehouse voucher
草签合同 initial a contract; sign a r eferendum contract; ad referendum con tract
长期合同 long-term contract
偿付能力 solvency capability of reimb ursement
超越代理权:beyond the scope of on e’s power of agency
撤消合同cancellation of contract
撤销合同 cancel a contract; rescind a contract; avoid a contract
撤销权 right of rescission; right of revocation
撤销要约 revocation of offer; revoke an offer
撤销遗赠 cancellation o will; revocat ioni of will
承运人 actual fault of the carrier
承运人的留置权carrier’s lien
诚信原则 principle of good faith
诚实信用原则:principle honesty and cr edibility; principle of honestry and good faith; good faith principle ; bo na fide principle
船舶承租人 charterer
船舶抵押权 right of mortgage with res pect to a ship; mortage of the ship; ship mortgage
船舶抵押权的设定 establishment of mor tgage of the ship
船舶抵押的消灭 extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押权登记 registration of ship m ortgage
船舶留置权 possessory lien; lien of s hip
村民委员会:the village committee
惩罚性的损害赔偿 punitive damages
乘人之危:take advantage of one’s unf avorable position
处分财产 dispose of properties
处分权 act of disposition
处分原则 principle of disposition
代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by
代理权终止:the expiration of one’s p ower of agency
单独承担的责任 undivided responsibili ty
单方法律行为unilateral obligation
单方行政行为 unilateral administrativ e act
等价有偿:making compensation for equa l value
对等原则principle of reciprocity
对抗措施counter measure 对人权right in personam; personal rig ht
对世权 real right; right in rem
恶意串通:conspire maliciously
恶意行为ill will mala fides
法人 judicial person; legal body
法人的权利能力 legal capacity of juri stic person
法人的责任能力 capacity for responsib ility of juristic person
法人权限 corporate power
法人人格 corporate personality
法人身份 status of a legal person
法人团体 corporation
法人资格 corporate capacity
法人组织章程:the articles of associat ion of the legal person
负共同连带责任 liable jointly and sev erally
负全部责任 bear all responsibilities; in all charge
负有解释的义务 accountable
负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors
附带的条件 incident
附带要求 contingent claim
附带原因 contributory cause; inherent cause
附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civi l juristic acts
附条件的权利 conditional right
赋予权力 entitle
个体工商户:individual businesses
个人合伙:individual partnership
各尽所能,按劳分配 from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
给付定金:leave a deposit with the oth er party