



Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in theirrobes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。


















Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest Forrest Gump. 要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天 I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话 I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes. 妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes. 好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician. 但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest? 福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when Iwas a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. 他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. 不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情thatjust don't make no sense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same, 他会给每人一双脚撑 he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had beenin Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间 and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租 Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住 mostly to people passing through, 比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样 You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的 Well, we're all different,汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock. 她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校 so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all. 请你看看这个,甘太太 I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here . 州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be... 反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎 to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done. 我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but... “发生了怪事,首先他们… oh, what happened. First they"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方… Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来 and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own. 但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的 There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起 One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子” # Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔 I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am. 我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。












字幕可分为两种:语内字幕(intralingua subtitles )和语际字幕(interlingua subtitles )。









Forrest Gump 阿甘正传中英双语剧本你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力 I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说 My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种 You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适 Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天 I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that 脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子 I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走 Where they're going,他住在哪里 where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子 I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话 I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样 I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方 Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼 All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的 as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯 But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧? But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名 Mama named me after the great Civil War hero 内森贝弗福雷斯将军 General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军 General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系 She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是: What he did was, 建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党 he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. 他们全披着长袍和床单 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets 看来像一群鬼 and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑 They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘 And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我 Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些 that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情 that just don't make no sense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过 Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯 tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话 If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑 he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思 Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近 We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩 about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县 That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族 Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的 since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里 had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住 Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间 and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租 Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住 mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱 That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士 Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的 You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯? Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的 You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样 You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太 Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的 Well, we're all different,汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育 She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校 so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的 I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太 I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿 Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校 to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校 he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的 Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯 but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会 is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校 He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎 to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题 We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的 There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的 We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿 We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太? Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了 He's on vacation. 你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子 Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗? You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试 "Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们… oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思? Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了? Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方… Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来 and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说 Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意 But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人 Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的 There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦! It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别 That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住 Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us 每个房间都住满了旅客 that every room was filled, with travelers, you know, 这些人带着行李箱子 folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子 and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯? Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起 One time, a young man was staying with us, 他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子” # Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔 I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太 No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了 All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat. 行,好极了。

《阿甘正传》经典台词 中英对照精编版

《阿甘正传》经典台词 中英对照精编版

1.Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。

2.Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you.不要让其它人说他们比你强。

3.If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话,他会给每人一双脚撑。

4.He might be...a bit on the slow side, but my boy Forrest is going to get the sameopportunities as everyone else. He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires. We're talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done.他可能反应不太灵敏,但我儿子福雷斯,应该和其它人一样得到机会。



5.She was my most special friend. My only friend.她是我最好的朋友,我唯一的朋友!6.Now, my mama always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don't think so,but they do.妈妈总是对我说,每天都会有奇迹。


there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes:
where they're going, where they've been.
I've worn lots of shoes.
Vacation's when you go somewhere
and you don't ever come back.
Anyway, I guess you could say me and Mama was on our own.
had come across the ocean about 1,000 years ago,
something like that.
Since it was just me and Mama
and we had all these empty rooms,
The state requires a minimum IQ of 80
to attend public school, Mrs. Gump.
He's gonna have to go to a special school.
Now, he'll be just fine.


*在酷寒中受尽折磨。 *Tortured in extreme coldness day and night. 在这句话中,源语中并没有“日日 夜夜”这一意象,但译者加入“day and night”,我们可以体会到其中 “受尽”一词所传达出的那种强烈效果。 这正体现字幕翻译的综合性特点。
• 压缩:由于电影字幕翻译受时间和空间 的限制,所以缩减法是非常普遍的,是 译者根据实际情况将一些无关紧要甚至 多余的信息压缩、简化、甚至删除,从 而减少观众对信息的加工处理,达到最 佳效果。
• They don’t cover anything when they put it in the fridge.They just stick it in and leave it there till it walks out by itself. • 《西雅图夜未眠》 原译:他们把东西放进冰箱时却不盖上,丢 进去后就一直放到有东西从里面爬出来。 改译:男人最邋遢,东西放到生蛆。
Painted Skin《画皮2》
*陈坤:你还是以前的你,我还是以前的我,一 生一世我都陪在你身边。 *Chen Kun: We are back to our old selves again. I will spend the rest of my life with you. 在时间和空间的双重制约下,译者将原文 “你还是以前的你,我还是以前的我”浓缩 (condensation)成一句,虽然失去源语言 的对偶美感,但也贴切的表达出了原意,此处 考虑到字幕的瞬时性特点。



剧情电影《阿甘正传》解说文案一个1994年上映的人生励志电影 2个1994年上映的人励志彩影小巴就在短短的一年时间里就一举打败了《肖申克救赎》《低俗小说》等口碑佳作夺得当年奥斯卡最佳影片也被称为人生必看的电影之他就是《阿甘正传》讲述的是先天智力 75的小男孩阿甘通过自己的自强不息勇往直前的精神最终傻人有傻福的得到了幸运的眷顾在各各领域创造奇迹的励志故事好闲话不多说映入眼帘的是一片飄忽不定的白色羽毛随风飘荡随后出现了一个独自坐在公交场椅上的一个男人这就是我们的主人公阿甘阿甘正在给来往的每一个乘客讲述着自己的过往阿甘全名福雷斯特阿甘从小腿部就缺陷就带她找遍名医自此阿甘也有了人生第一双鞋子腿箍阿甘穿上第一双鞋后走路一瘸一拐次在和妈妈回家的路上腿箍意外的卡在了下水道口于是阿甘和妈妈费了好大的力气才拔出来而路人却一人漠视妈妈愤怒的向他们说道没有见过带腿箍的男孩子吗? 然后转过头来又温柔的跟阿暖说千万不要让别人觉得他们比你强如果上帝想让人人平等的话他会给所有的人都带上腿箍是的正如阿甘所说他的妈妈是一位非常聪明的人总是可以把复杂的道理妈妈也是影响阿甘人生中最重要的女人到了一定的上学年纪阿甘因为智商没有达到政府的要求被学校拒之门外阿甘的妈妈只好牺牲了自己的肉体才换来阿甘的学校录取通知在上学的第一天他走上校车因为身体缺陷所有人都排挤他但是唯独一个小女孩珍妮却接纳了他也正如阿甘所说他是世界上最美丽的人因此他们也就成了好朋友在学校的阿甘也难免少不了同学的欺负和嘲笑有次在放学途中他和珍妮结伴同行途中遇到了三名捉弄他的同学聪明的珍妮让他赶快跑阿甘只能一瘸一拐的向前迈着步子而身后的同学也是骑上了车子冲着阿甘驶去阿甘越跑越快越跑越快结果奇迹出现了原本束缚在腿上的腿箍此时崩开散落一地而且跑步跑的比谁都快就和阿甘的妈妈经常跟他说的那样每天都会有奇迹发生而此之后他想去哪里都会跑着去他的人生也似乎随着解除了腿箍的约束开始迅速的铺展开来随后伴随着阿甘的长大他和珍妮的情感也越来越深厚有次又遇到了小时候欺负他的同学为了再次躲避嘲弄这你又叫他快跑不要回头与是阿甘又开始了奔跑之后他跑进了学校的橄榄球场因为跑的奇快被教练的选中进入了橄榄球队就破格进入了大学并且成了橄榄球明星打了五年的橄榄球比赛阿甘是时候觉得应该把友情的小船晋升到爱情的巨轮了但是与珍妮却不当回事因为他觉得阿甘不懂得什么是爱大学毕业后阿甘应征入伍他很适应部队简单粗暴的生活说什么就做什么听指挥服从命令就可以在队伍里他认识了第二个珍妮,巴布巴布入伍前天天以捕虾为生巴布和阿甘形影不离发布的梦想是当船长去捕虾所以每天都会跟阿甘讲述着有关虾的一切他把自己的人生规划的很好想着自己当完兵当了船长阿甘当副手由于阿甘特别适应这边的生活所以不久阿甘就和巴布被派去了参加越南战争临去越南前阿甘想找珍妮道别,通过打听本来纯情的女孩珍妮现在早已过上了放荡不羁赤裸着身体抱着吉他唱歌从这里开始和珍妮过上了两个截然不同的生活最后珍妮得知阿甘是来跟他道别的于是跟他说不管遇到什么困难都不要逞英雄使劲跑好吗?跑的远远的阿甘和巴布派往越南认识了中卫结果在一次行走中他们受到了袭击所有人都要撤退于是阿甘想起了珍妮的话直往前跑不要逞英雄跑的远远的最后只有阿甘一个人跑了出来阿甘想起了朋友巴布 c力于是折回去利用自己的强项奔跑技能在找巴布的过程中救出了几乎所有的受伤战友最后阿甘只是受了点小伤救出了黑人巴布但是由于伤势过重黑人巴布s了中卫在战斗中双腿受伤不甘撤退的他想战死在沙场但是被倔强的阿甘救回因此失去了双腿之后他和阿甘的矛盾越闹越大在养伤的过程中为了不让伤兵无聊组建了乒乓球游戏阿甘接触到了乒乓球在老师的指导下眼睛只要紧盯着球就可以阿甘学习的特别快他们越打越好最后还被派去了中国以切磋乒乓球的形式进行友好的交流一路顺风顺水的阿甘因为拼死救人获得了荣誉勋章且因高超的乒乓球技术成了名人这时候的珍妮在寻找梦想的过程中不懂得珍惜他甚至打他阿甘看到自己心爱的女人受到伤害心痛不已于是揍了那个男人并把自己辛苦得到的徽章送给了女孩当天晚上阿甘遇到了中卫中卫痛恨阿甘现在失去双腿只能靠补贴救济生活恨自己不能战死在沙场新年当晚中卫和阿甘在旅馆庆祝然而女人在想接近阿甘的时候被阿甘推倒在地女人破口大骂阿甘是个傻子一般为阿甘撑腰撵走了他们军中生活结束后阿甘告别了中卫回到了老家他一直想去完成好友巴布的承诺买一艘捕虾船下海捕虾阿甘给传起名叫珍妮号一天阿甘正常下海突然在岸边看到了中卫在朝自己招手原来中卫是来遵守承诺的当时中卫对阿甘说你要是能当上船长我就给你当副手另外中卫也是想对阿甘说谢谢你救了我的命自此两人过起了捕虾的日子但是好景不长不仅捕捞上来的都是垃圾还遇到了海上的狂风暴雨阿甘就在风雨中死死坚持而中卫却不满想用残疾的身体不灭的灵魂与天斗争让暴风雨来的更猛烈些最终暴风雨经历了一晚上海上所有的船都受到了重创唯有珍妮号安然无恙从此海上没有竞争两人补虾一帆风顺变得富有起来某天中午阿甘接到了家里的电话电话那头说阿甘的妈妈生病了惊慌失措的阿甘一路跑回到家里跑到家里阿甘问问妈妈怎么了我要s了,福雷斯特过来呀过来坐着吧干嘛要s呢,妈妈到时候了我也该s了总之你不用害怕我的宝贝 s是人生的一部分人注定是要s的我原来并不知道可注定了要做你的妈妈我尽才最大努力你做的很好,妈妈是啊你应该保护好自己的命运不辜负上帝给予你的一切机会那我是什么命,妈妈你的命运你得自己清楚人生就像一盒夹心巧克力说不准会碰上什么味的最后阿甘妈妈病逝阿甘也退休回家打理家务一天珍妮找到阿甘阿甘以为珍妮不会再离开他他们一起散步一起聊天天晚上阿甘再压抑不住自己内心的想法向珍妮求婚珍妮却玩具了夜晚阿甘躺在床上珍妮突然出现来到阿甘身边接着抱着阿甘的脸颊,吻向了阿甘第二天醒来的阿甘发现珍妮再次不见了于是阿甘找遍了所有的房间都没有找到他不知道自己接下来要做什么他迷茫了可能唯一想到的就是跑步吧于是他戴起帽子决定跑步起初只想跑到路的尽头当他到达了那里他又想跑回去这样跑了三年两个月十四天十六个小时身后有很多的追随者问他为什么跑步他也不知道就想跑天阿甘又收到了来自珍妮的信是的他们又要见面了时隔三四年后的第一次见面珍妮剪了短发仿佛告别了过去过上了美好的生活这时一个小家伙进入阿甘的眼帘珍妮告诉他这叫福雷斯特阿甘以为和自己重名接着珍妮又说和他爸爸一个名字阿甘听到后声音有点颤抖颤颤巍巍的说他聪明吗比如他能不能还没等阿甘说完这你就会达到非常聪明珍妮告诉阿甘自己病了染上了不知名的病毒阿甘想把珍妮和小福雷斯特于是俩人分分合合几十年最终成为了夫妻珍妮也病逝离开了只留下了阿根和小弗雷斯特相依为命电影结尾羽毛和开头羽毛相呼应从书中掉落随风飄荡迎风飞舞正如阿甘所说我不知道一个人的命运是否命中注定还是会像羽毛一样飘忽不定我想两者应该都会有吧本片主要讲述了两种人生一种是阿甘的人生简单纯粹缺乏主见但是一旦有了目标就会不停的奔跑 10945是一旦有了目标就会津停的跑②种是珍妮的人生直在追求自己想要的生活想要的梦想放荡自由每个人的人生都不一样充满色彩充满希望与失望但是他们都有一个特点就是在一直不停的奔跑好了本期视频就到里结束了。




]文/侯悦浅谈电影字幕翻译的特点与策略摘要 字幕翻译是翻译领域里一个特殊的存在,由于它的瞬时性和通俗性,使得字幕翻译工作者在翻译过程中,要根据影片的内容来采取不同的翻译策略。


关键词 字幕翻译;翻译策略1 字幕翻译的特点字幕翻译是一种很特殊的语言转换形式,内容表达上较为口语化且高度浓缩。



1.1 瞬时性因为每个电影都存在播放时长限制,一般在一个画面上停留的时间是非常短暂的。







1.2 通俗性与文学体裁的作品不同,电影是口语化体裁的作品,不需要具备艺术性和文学性。


4. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。
5. “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get.” 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道将得到什么。
37. Nobody gives a horses shit who you are,puss ball.
38. 妈妈总是对我说,每天都会有奇迹。有些人并不认同,但这是真的。
39. Must be able to look back on the past and sigh: at least I didnt live a mediocre life.一定要能在回首前尘时感叹:至少我没有庸庸碌碌过一生。——《阿甘正传》
2. I will avenge those who dare to harm and poison my companions.那些胆敢残害荼毒我同伴之人,我将向你们大施报复。——《阿甘正传》
3. Dont be afraid. Death is a part of life. Its something were destined to do. I dont know whats going on, but Im destined to be your mother, and Ill do my best.别害怕,死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要去做的一件事。我不知道怎么回事,但我注定是你的妈妈,并且我尽我的全力去做好。——《阿甘正传》

《阿甘正传》电影台词 中英文对照

《阿甘正传》电影台词 中英文对照

Forrest Gump 阿甘正传电影台词中英文对照你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走Where they're going,他住在哪里where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯!Forrest!我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了All right.你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能…He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是…"It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?度假?Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭!Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…”# And you ain't no #“我的朋友”# Friend of mine #福雷斯Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。



《阿甘正传》影评中英文对照《阿甘正传》影评英文中文对照版FilmreviewForrestGumpwhoisunfortunatelytobebornwithalowerIQandthemusc leproblem,usually,peoplealwaysthinkthiskindofpersoncan'tbes uccessfulindoinganything.But,instead,thisunluckymanhasachie vedlotsofincrediblesuccess,heisafootballstar,awarhero,andla teramillionaire!Inthecontentionofthebestpictureofthe67thOscarAwardin1995,fi lmHavegotsixGrandPrixes,suchasthebestpicture,thebestactor,t hebestachievementindirecting,adaptingdrama,thebestachieveme ntinfilmeditingandthebestvisualeffectbestly,etc.atoneblow.Thefilmwaspassedtoaintellectualdisturbancepersonthedescripti onoflifehasreflectedeveryaspectofU.S.A.'slife,importantinci dentofsocialpoliticallifemakeandrepresenttothesedecadessuch asU.S.A.fromoneuniqueangle.FilmadaptWinston·novelofthesame nameofGroomsince.Onlytheoriginalworkisthatoneisfulloffantas ticnovelswithasatiricflavour,butthefilmmodifiesandbeautifie sthestory.Haveabandonedtheabsurdityoftheoriginalworkandreve aledthatsatirizesmeaning,haveaddedakindoftenderfeelingforth efilm.Thisundoubtedlymakesthefilmsuitaudienceandjudgingpane l'stasteevenmore,buthassacrificedthestrugglespiritoftherebe loftheoriginalwork,makethefilmbeeonekindandidealizeethicals ymbol.ForrestGumpmouldincarnationofvirtueishonestkeepingone'sword ,conscientiously,bravepayingattentiontoemotioningamongfilm.Inthefilm,ForrestGumpisaverypureimage,butJennyhasbeethedege neratesymbol.Andwritethegreatdiscrepancyoriginallyinthis.To allthatnarrated,sincebeginningallbehavewithakindoftenderfee lingandwell-meaningattitudeafterallforthefilm,havingevenjoinedpoesyposi tion,thismakesthefilmseemsoftandhavenoinjury.Thefilmadvocat estotraditionalmoralconceptandembodiment.Makefilmapttoaccep tbypeople,directorsuperblayoutskillandfilmapplicationoflang uagemakethefilmveryattractivetoo.Successwithmercialforfilmc ontentofthefilmhasgivensecurity,andthetreatmentondirector's artmakesthefilmmoreexcellent,thisisreasonthatthefilmsucceed s.Itwasthebox-officehitsthemostinthatyeartobeeU.S.A.in.Tom·Hanksverymuchsincerenaturallyperformancehavingamongfil m.HehasobtainedthelaurelofthebestactorofOscarforthebehaviorinthisfilm.Thissecondmovieemperor'smoneyalreadywhomheobtain edinsuccessionlookslike.Successof,makeTomHanksbeeoneofthemo stpopularmoviestarsinHollywoodtoo.ToTomHanks,thosetwoyearsa retheluckiestperiodoftimeinhisperformingartcareers.中文对照:《阿甘正传》影评阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功,在做任何事情过程中。



电影《阿甘正传》中英文双字幕Forrest Gump<导演>罗伯特·泽米吉斯视频/ltc/?q=node/124来源:/12215445_d.html《阿甘正传》的中英台词对照[原创2007-08-25 14:05:48][02:54.49]你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. [03:05.00]要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate?[03:09.51]我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.[03:14.02]我妈妈常说My mama always said[03:16.02]人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力Life was like a box of chocolates.[03:21.36]你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.[03:31.37]那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.[03:34.37]穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that [03:37.81]脚都不会痛and not feel a thing.[03:41.98]我希望能有一双这样的鞋子I wish I had shoes like that.[03:45.49]其实我的脚很痛My feet hurt .[03:47.99]妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情Mama always said there's an awful lot [03:49.99]只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道you can tell about a person by their shoes.[03:54.00]他会往哪里走Where they're going,[03:56.00]他住在哪里where they've been.[04:04.51]我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.[04:09.02]如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard[04:12.02]我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.[04:17.19]妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .[04:20.39]她说它是双魔鞋She said they was my magic shoes.[04:23.49]好的,福雷斯,张开双眼All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now .[04:33.51]你走几步看看Let's take a little walk around.[04:42.95]感觉如何?How do those feel?[04:47.96]他的双腿很强壮,甘太太His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,[04:50.33]是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.[04:52.83]但是他的背象政客一样弯But his back's as crooked as a politician.[04:56.97]但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?[05:00.41]福雷斯!Forrest![05:01.74]我刚出世时Now, when I was a baby,[05:04.48]妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名Mama named me after the great Civil War hero[05:07.31]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:08.32]内森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.[05:09.48]她说我们有点亲戚关系She said we was related to him in some way.[05:12.99]他做过的事情是:What he did was,[05:14.49]建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.[05:17.99]他们全披着长袍和床单They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets [05:21.50]看来像一群鬼and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.[05:26.00]他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.[05:30.01]不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.[05:34.15]妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me[05:37.55]我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,[05:40.56]并没有意义的事情that just don't make no sense.[05:51.95]向这边!This way. Hold on. Ugh![05:54.96]好了All right.[05:57.19]你们在看什么?What are y'all staring at?[05:59.20]从来没有见过Haven't you ever seen[06:00.70]小孩子戴脚撑的吗?a little boy with braces on his legs before ?[06:04.94]不要管其它人Don't ever let anybody[06:06.44]说他们比你强,福雷斯tell you they're better than you, Forrest.[06:08.94]如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,[06:11.44]他会给每人一双脚撑he'd have given us all braces on our legs.[06:14.45]妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.[06:18.59]我们住在17号公路附近We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,[06:22.99]距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.[06:26.00]这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.[06:29.00]我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family[06:31.50]从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa[06:33.64]他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.[06:37.14]房子只有我和妈妈住Since it was just me and Mama[06:39.58]我们有好多空房间and we had all these empty rooms,[06:41.58]妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,[06:44.08]给路过的人住mostly to people passing through,[06:45.59]比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.[06:49.26]我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.[06:52.26]妈妈是个很聪明的女士Mama was a real smart lady.[06:55.10]记住我说的话,福雷斯Remember what I told you, Forrest.[06:57.10]你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.[07:02.44]听清楚了没有,福雷斯?Did you hear what I said, Forrest?[07:04.94]你和其它人是一样的You're the same as everybody else.[07:07.45]你并没有什么不一样You are no different.[07:09.45]你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.[07:14.19]他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.[07:16.69]我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,[07:19.30]汉考克先生Mr. Hancock.[07:23.80]她希望我得到最好的教育She wanted me to have the finest education[07:26.30]所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.[07:29.81]我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.[07:32.81]请你看看这个,甘太太I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump.[07:36.15]这是正常水平Now, this is normal.[07:38.62]福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .[07:43.69]州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80[07:46.60]才能上公立学校to attend public school.[07:48.40]甘太太Mrs. Gump,[07:49.77]他应该上特殊学校he's going to have to go to a special school.[07:52.74]在那里他会很好的Now, he'll be just fine.[07:55.24]正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?[07:57.74]他可能… He might be...[07:59.74]反应不太灵敏a bit on the slow side,[08:01.95]但我儿子福雷斯but my boy Forrest[08:03.45]应该和其它人一样得到机会is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. [08:06.45]他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school[08:08.62]学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.[08:10.63]这不过是区区5分的问题We're talking about five little points here .[08:15.46]一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.[08:18.43]我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.[08:22.97]我们不想有人拉后腿We don't want to see anybody left behind.[08:25.81]甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?[08:33.39]他去度假了He's on vacation.[08:52.38]你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.[09:01.90]你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?[09:15.93]“最后,他必须去试一试"Finally, he had to try.[09:18.20]“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...[09:21.20]“发生了怪事,首先他们… oh, what happened. First they--"[09:23.87]妈妈,度假是什么意思?Mama, what's vacation mean?[09:27.21]度假?Vacation?[09:28.54]爸爸去哪儿了?Where Daddy went?[09:32.21]度假就是你去一个地方… Vacation's when you go somewhere...[09:37.39]然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.[09:43.73]总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say[09:45.73]我和妈妈无依无靠me and Mama was on our own.[09:48.37]但我们不介意But we didn't mind.[09:50.40]我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.[09:52.91]经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.[09:55.91]开饭!Supper![09:57.08]大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone![09:58.58]这看起来很特别That sure looks special.[10:00.18]有时有这么多人和我们一起住Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us [10:03.08]每个房间都住满了旅客that every room was filled, with travelers, you know,[10:06.59]这些人带着行李箱子folks living out of their suitcases[10:09.09]还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hat cases and sample cases.[10:12.60]福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯?Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?[10:16.37]有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起One time, a young man was staying with us, [10:19.27]他带着一个吉它箱子and he had him a guitar case.[10:26.95]“你从来逮不到兔子” # Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #[10:30.79]“你也不是…” # And you ain't no #[10:32.45]“我的朋友” # Friend of mine #[10:35.86]福雷斯Forrest,[10:37.53]叫你不要打扰这位叔叔I told you not to bother this nice young man.[10:40.36]不,没关系,太太No, that's all right, ma'am.[10:41.87]我在弹吉它给他听I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.[10:45.37]好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.[10:48.37]行,好极了。



主演:汤姆汉克片名:阿甘正传译文:Freesand Leo你好。

我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗? Do you want a chocolate? 我能吃掉上百万块巧克力I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说 My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛 and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子 I wish I hadshoes like that.其实我的脚很痛 My feet hurt .妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情 Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道 you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走 Where they're going,他住在哪里 where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方Mama said they'd take me anywhere .她说它是双魔鞋 She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福雷斯,开双眼All right,Forrest, Open your eyes now .你走几步看看 Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何? How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太 His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯 But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?福雷斯! Forrest!我刚出世时 Now, when I was a baby,妈用了一位战英雄的名字为我取名 Mama named me afterthe great Civil War hero森贝弗福雷斯将军General NathanBedford Forrest.森贝弗福雷斯将军General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系 She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是: What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党 he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼 and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑 They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福雷斯甘And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump.妈妈说这名字是提醒我Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些that sometimes we all do things that, well,并没有意义的事情 that just don't make no sense.向这边! This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了 All right.你们在看什么? What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过 Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗? a little boy with braces on his legs before ?不要管其它人 Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯 tell you they're better than you, Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑 he'd have given usall braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.我们住在17号公路附近 We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里 had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住 Since it was justme and Mama我们有好多空房间 and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住 mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士 Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯 Remember what I told you, Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯? Did you hearwhat I said, Forrest?你和其它人是一样的 You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太Your boy's...different, Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75 His I.Q is 75.我们都是不一样的Well, we're all different,汉考克先生 Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育 She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校 so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太 I want to showyou something, Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平 Now, this is normal.福雷斯则是在这儿Forrest is right here .州政府要求智商起码要80 The state require s a minimum I.Q of 80才能上公立学校to attend public school.甘太太 Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校 he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的 Now, he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思? What does normal mean anyway ?他可能… He might be...反应不太灵敏 a bit on the slow side, 但我儿子福雷斯 but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会 is going toget the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题 We're talking about five little points here .一定会有办法解决的There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿 We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太? Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?他去度假了 He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子 Well, your mama sure does care about yourschooling, son.你不太会说话,是吗?You don't say much, do you?“最后,他必须去试一试 "Finally, he had to try.“看起来容易,但是… "It looked easy, but...“发生了怪事,首先他们…oh, what happened. First they--"妈妈,度假是什么意思? Mama, what's vacation mean?度假? Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了? Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说Anyway, I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠 me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意 But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的There was always folks coming and going.开饭! Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!It's supper, everyone!这看起来很特别That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住 Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us 每个房间都住满了旅客 that every room was filled, with travelers, you know, 这些人带着行箱子 folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子and hatcases and sample cases.福雷斯甘,吃晚饭了!福雷斯? Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起 One time, a young man was staying with us, 他带着一个吉它箱子 and he had him a guitar case.“你从来逮不到兔子”# Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit #“你也不是…” # And you ain't no # “我的朋友” # Friend of mine #福雷斯 Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔 I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太 No, that's all right, ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听 I was showing him a thing or two on theguitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat. 行,好极了。




我叫福尔斯,福尔斯·甘====Hello. My name's Forrest Forrest Gump.要吃巧克力吗?====Do you want a chocolate?我能吃掉上百万块巧克力====I could eat about a million and a half of these.我妈妈常说====My mama always said人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力====Life was like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种====You never know what you're going to get.那双鞋子一定很舒适====Those must be comfortable shoes.穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天====I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that脚都不会痛====and not feel a thing.我希望能有一双这样的鞋子====I wish I had shoes like that.其实我的脚很痛====My feet hurt.妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情====Mama always said there's an awful lot只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道====you can tell about a person by their shoes.他会往哪里走====Where they're going,他住在哪里====where they've been.我穿过很多双鞋子====I've worn lots of shoes.如果我仔细想的话====I bet if I think about it real hard我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样====I could remember my first pair of shoes.妈妈说它会带我到任何地方====Mama said they'd take me anywhere.她说它是双魔鞋====She said they was my magic shoes.好的,福尔斯,张开双眼====All right,Forrest,Open your eyes now.你走几步看看====Let's take a little walk around.感觉如何?====How do those feel?他的双腿很强壮,甘太太====His legs are strong,Mrs. Gump,是我见过最强壮的====as strong as I've ever seen.但是他的背象政客一样弯====But his back's as crooked as a politician.但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?====But we're going to straighten him right up,aren't we,Forrest?福尔斯!====Forrest!我刚出世时====Now,when I was a baby,妈妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名====Mama named me after the great Civil War hero内森贝·弗福尔斯将军====General Nathan Bedford Forrest.内森贝·弗福尔斯将军====General Nathan Bedford Forrest.她说我们有点亲戚关系====She said we was related to him in some way.他做过的事情是:====What he did was,建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党====he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.他们全披着长袍和床单====They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets看来像一群鬼====and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑====They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福尔斯·甘====And,anyway,that'show I got my name... Forrest Gump. 妈妈说这名字是提醒我====Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me我们会经常做一些====that sometimes we all do things that,well,并没有意义的事情====that just don't make no sense.向这边!====This way. Hold on. Ugh!好了====All right.你们在看什么?====What are y'all staring at?从来没有见过====Haven't you ever seen小孩子戴脚撑的吗?====a little boy with braces on his legs before?不要管其它人====Don't ever let anybody说他们比你强,福雷斯====tell you they're better than you,Forrest.如果上帝要让人人都一样的话====If God intended everybody to be the same,他会给每人一双脚撑====he'd have given us all braces on our legs.妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思====Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 我们住在17号公路附近====We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩====about a half mile from the town of Greenbow,Alabama.这个地方属于绿茵县====That's in the county of Greenbow.我们的房子来自妈妈的家族====Our house had been in Mama's family从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的====since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里====had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.房子只有我和妈妈住====Since it was just me and Mama我们有好多空房间====and we had all these empty rooms,妈妈将这些空房出租====Mama decided to let those rooms out,给路过的人住====mostly to people passing through,比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人====Like from,oh,Mobile,Montgomery,places like that.我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱====That's how me and Mama got money.妈妈是个很聪明的女士====Mama was a real smart lady.记住我说的话,福雷斯====Remember what I told you,Forrest.你和其它任何人是一样的====You're no different than anybody else is.听清楚了没有,福雷斯?====Did you hear what I said,Forrest?你和其它人是一样的====You're the same as everybody else.你并没有什么不一样====You are no different.你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太====Your boy's... different,Mrs. Gump.他的智商只有75====His I. Q is 75.我们都是不一样的====Well,we're all different,汉考克先生====Mr. Hancock.她希望我得到最好的教育====She wanted me to have the finest education所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校====so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.我见到了校长什么的====I met the principal and all.请你看看这个,甘太太====I want to show you something,Mrs. Gump.这是正常水平====Now,this is normal.福尔斯则是在这儿====Forrest is right here.州政府要求智商起码要80====The state require s a minimum I. Q of 80才能上公立学校====to attend public school.甘太太====Mrs. Gump,他应该上特殊学校====he's going to have to go to a special school.在那里他会很好的====Now,he'll be just fine.正常水平是什么意思?====What does normal mean anyway?他可能…====He might be...反应不太灵敏====a bit on the slow side,但我儿子福尔斯====but my boy Forrest应该和其它人一样得到机会====is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.他不该去特殊学校====He's not going to some special school学怎么翻修轮胎====to learn how to retread tires.这不过是区区5分的问题====We're talking about five little points here.一定会有办法解决的====There must be something can be done.我们的学校是要排名次的====We're a progressive school system.我们不想有人拉后腿====We don't want to see anybody left behind.甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?====Is there a Mr. Gump,Mrs. Gump?他去度假了====He's on vacation.你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子====Well,your mama sure does care about your schooling,son. 你不太会说话,是吗?====You don't say much,do you?最后,他必须去试一试====Finally,he had to try.看起来容易,但是…====It looked easy,but...发生了怪事,首先他们…====oh,what happened. First they...妈妈,度假是什么意思?====Mama,what's vacation mean?度假?====Vacation?爸爸去哪儿了?====Where Daddy went?度假就是你去一个地方…====Vacation's when you go somewhere...然后就不再回来====and you don't ever come back.总之,我想你可以说====Anyway,I guess you could say我和妈妈无依无靠====me and Mama was on our own.但我们不介意====But we didn't mind.我们的房子总住满了人====Our house was never empty.经常是人来人往的====There was always folks coming and going.开饭了!====Supper!大家来吃晚饭啦!====It's supper,everyone!这看起来很特别====That sure looks special.有时有这么多人和我们一起住====Sometimes,we had so many people staying with us每个房间都住满了旅客====that every room was filled,with travelers,you know,这些人带着行李箱子====folks living out of their suitcases还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子====and hat cases and sample cases.福尔斯·甘,吃晚饭了!福尔斯?====Forrest Gump,it's suppertime! Forrest?有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起====One time,a young man was staying with us,他带着一个吉它箱子====and he had him a guitar case.#你从来逮不到兔子#====Well,you ain't never caught a rabbit#你也不是…#====And you ain't no#我的朋友#====Friend of mine福尔斯====Forrest,叫你不要打扰这位叔叔====I told you not to bother this nice young man.不,没关系,太太====No,that's all right,ma'am.我在弹吉它给他听====I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了====All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.行,好极了。



阿甘正传台词中英文对照阿甘正传台词中英文对照11. Maybe we smart people have too many goals in our heads, so we forget to be persistent.也许我们这些聪明人,脑袋里能装的目标太多,所以忘了执着。

——《阿甘正传》2. I will avenge those who dare to harm and poison my companions.那些胆敢残害荼毒我同伴之人,我将向你们大施报复。

——《阿甘正传》3. Dont be afraid. Death is a part of life. Its something were destined to do. I dont know whats going on, but Im destined to be your mother, and Ill do my best.别害怕,死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要去做的一件事。


——《阿甘正传》4. I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。

5. “Life is like a box of chocol ates. You never know what youre gonna get.” 生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道将得到什么。

6. 我妈妈总是说你得丢开以往的事才能不断继续前进7. Although everyone says Im stupid, I dont know love.虽然所有人都说我蠢,但我并不是不懂爱。

——《阿甘正传》8. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you re gonna get.妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知道你会得到什么。

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