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元音差异是由发音时各发音器官的不同位置形成的。 “不同位置”主要是描述舌位和唇形。
舌头的位置:舌头是在口腔的前部、中部或者后部,决定所 发的音是前元音、中元音还是后元音;
舌身隆起高度:舌的哪一部分隆起最高,决定发出的元音是 开口元音、半开元音、合口元音、还是半合元音。
Tom want to wash his dog.
/ ɔ:/
字母组合: al or au our ar oor a 单词举例: small wall talk tall walk short more horse for forty
sport author autumn caught four warm floor door
发音字母: a
单词举例: bag hand happy hat
map bad black back dad man at
Catch that fat cat.
字母组合: t
/ t / /d/ 字母组合: d
boat table coat goat talk
dog do date doctor desk
流通过口腔时不受阻碍。 ② 辅音:发音时呼出的气流通过口腔
或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍。 清辅音:发音时声带不振动的辅音。 浊辅音:发音声带振动的辅音。
英语里共有20个元音(单元音12个,双元音8个)。 形成元音时,声带振动,气流由咽腔和口腔逸出时,不受到 任何阻碍,没有可听到的摩擦声。
She sells seashells on the seashore.
字母组合: s si(on)
单词举例: usually television
casual treasure
Pleasure makes treasure.
Lesson 3
元音/ e / / æ / 辅音/ t / / d /
字母组合: f ph gh
单词举例: fox fish laugh photo elephant
Frank has a french friend.
字母组合: v
单词举例: very vase five love
wave eleven
I love it very much.
字母组合: b bb 单词举例: boy ball bed bag bee rubber rabbit cabbage
Bob’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two brick blocks.
字母组合 p: piano panda parrot
Lesson 1
元音/i:/ /i/ 辅音/p/ /b/
发音字母: i y e ui u ey
sit pig big it is fish busy many happy dictionary money Be quick! We’ll go to the cinema. What is it? It is a ticket.
• 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相 同的单词。
• 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat • 2. bank king her nurse • 3.turtle bird rabbit knee • 4.room run shirt term
Lesson 3
元音/ e / / æ / 辅音/ t / / d /
字母组合: ea e a ai
单词举例: head bread etter
desk hotel yes
Can I have bread and egg.
/ æ/
• [ә:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or
• er: her serve term • ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt • ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain • ear:early learn • or: word work world
1. 发音准确,说地道的英语
学习音标能帮助我们准确发音,快速提 高学习信心、听、读能力。
2. 拼读法记忆单词
死记硬背字母的记忆方法不科学。英语 的发音有极大的内在规律,国际音标可以 用来背单词。只要知道读音就基本可以拼 写出单词,检验单词拼写有否错误。
元音和辅音的定义: ① 元音:发音时声带振 动,呼出的气
pet ship sheep pig stop pp: apple happy
Peggy is playing the piano.
Lesson 2
元音/ ɑ :/ / ʌ / 辅音/ ʃ / / ʒ /
字母组合: ar a au
单词举例: car farm laugh park
fast class glass grass aunt
字母组合: ee ea e ie ei ey 单词举例: three sheep meet bee eat tea meat leave teacher speak clean please
he she me piece receive
Can you see the green leaves of each tree in the field?
The teeth of the shark are sharp.
/ʌ /
发音字母: u o ou oo
单词举例: sun but run luck
cup bus come mother love above trouble blood flood
/ʃ /
字母组合: sh
单词举例: ship shoe shop short
The cat sat in a hat and Dick likes delicious
watched a cat.
Lesson 4
元音/ ɒ/ / ɔ:/ 辅音/ f / / v /
/ ɒ / or /ɔ/
发音字母: o a
单词举例: on hot fox dog shop
stop want wash watch
舌头的位置:舌头是在口腔的前部、中部或者后部,决定所 发的音是前元音、中元音还是后元音;
舌身隆起高度:舌的哪一部分隆起最高,决定发出的元音是 开口元音、半开元音、合口元音、还是半合元音。
Tom want to wash his dog.
/ ɔ:/
字母组合: al or au our ar oor a 单词举例: small wall talk tall walk short more horse for forty
sport author autumn caught four warm floor door
发音字母: a
单词举例: bag hand happy hat
map bad black back dad man at
Catch that fat cat.
字母组合: t
/ t / /d/ 字母组合: d
boat table coat goat talk
dog do date doctor desk
流通过口腔时不受阻碍。 ② 辅音:发音时呼出的气流通过口腔
或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍。 清辅音:发音时声带不振动的辅音。 浊辅音:发音声带振动的辅音。
英语里共有20个元音(单元音12个,双元音8个)。 形成元音时,声带振动,气流由咽腔和口腔逸出时,不受到 任何阻碍,没有可听到的摩擦声。
She sells seashells on the seashore.
字母组合: s si(on)
单词举例: usually television
casual treasure
Pleasure makes treasure.
Lesson 3
元音/ e / / æ / 辅音/ t / / d /
字母组合: f ph gh
单词举例: fox fish laugh photo elephant
Frank has a french friend.
字母组合: v
单词举例: very vase five love
wave eleven
I love it very much.
字母组合: b bb 单词举例: boy ball bed bag bee rubber rabbit cabbage
Bob’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two brick blocks.
字母组合 p: piano panda parrot
Lesson 1
元音/i:/ /i/ 辅音/p/ /b/
发音字母: i y e ui u ey
sit pig big it is fish busy many happy dictionary money Be quick! We’ll go to the cinema. What is it? It is a ticket.
• 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相 同的单词。
• 1.thirty beer thirsty wheat • 2. bank king her nurse • 3.turtle bird rabbit knee • 4.room run shirt term
Lesson 3
元音/ e / / æ / 辅音/ t / / d /
字母组合: ea e a ai
单词举例: head bread etter
desk hotel yes
Can I have bread and egg.
/ æ/
• [ә:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or
• er: her serve term • ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt • ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain • ear:early learn • or: word work world
1. 发音准确,说地道的英语
学习音标能帮助我们准确发音,快速提 高学习信心、听、读能力。
2. 拼读法记忆单词
死记硬背字母的记忆方法不科学。英语 的发音有极大的内在规律,国际音标可以 用来背单词。只要知道读音就基本可以拼 写出单词,检验单词拼写有否错误。
元音和辅音的定义: ① 元音:发音时声带振 动,呼出的气
pet ship sheep pig stop pp: apple happy
Peggy is playing the piano.
Lesson 2
元音/ ɑ :/ / ʌ / 辅音/ ʃ / / ʒ /
字母组合: ar a au
单词举例: car farm laugh park
fast class glass grass aunt
字母组合: ee ea e ie ei ey 单词举例: three sheep meet bee eat tea meat leave teacher speak clean please
he she me piece receive
Can you see the green leaves of each tree in the field?
The teeth of the shark are sharp.
/ʌ /
发音字母: u o ou oo
单词举例: sun but run luck
cup bus come mother love above trouble blood flood
/ʃ /
字母组合: sh
单词举例: ship shoe shop short
The cat sat in a hat and Dick likes delicious
watched a cat.
Lesson 4
元音/ ɒ/ / ɔ:/ 辅音/ f / / v /
/ ɒ / or /ɔ/
发音字母: o a
单词举例: on hot fox dog shop
stop want wash watch