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Chapter1theline chart
1. IntroductionoftheIELTStestandwritingband descriptions
2. Basicvocabularyandsentence structures
3. Moreadvancedsentencestructureandsomesimple diagrams.
4. LinechartI 曲线图一
Steadily thenrocketed doubled significantly alsoendedtheyear up asteadyfall arise
5. LinechartII 曲线图二
6. LinechartIII 曲线图三
hapter2ThePie chart
1. Basicvocabularyandsentence structures
2. Statistics数字表达法。
3. Twopiecharts. 两个饼图的比较
Writeareportforauniversitylecturerdescribingtheinformation below. Youshouldwriteatleast150words.Youshouldspendabout20minutesonthistask.
4. Threeormorepiecharts. 三个以上的饼图.
Tot81SchoolSpen d l ng 1981
Fum l i ure afld e quìpment 15%
Tola l Schoo l Spending 1991
r nSutan
Resourcas e .g .books
Furnfture 8fld uipment
TotalSchoolSpending 2001
Re U I"Ol $
e ..bC:M s
Fum Jre a A
uipn 23%
Teachers ' sa l a .ries 45%
Chapter3thebar chart
Londonintheyears1960,1980and 2000.
Writeareportforauniversitylecturerdescribingtheinformationbelow. Youshouldwriteatleast150words.
Youshouldspendabout20minutesonthis task.
Thebarchartbelowshowstheresultsofasurveyconductedbyapersonneldepartmentata major company.Thesurveywascarriedoutontwogroupsofworkers:thoseagedfrom18-30andthose aged45-
Wrlte a report rora unlv l ec:t urer descrlblng Info rm.atlon O Wll below
Facto r s affect i n g wo rk p erfo r ma n c'e
Te a m s p i r i t
C rn a n ce fo r p e r:so n a l d e v e l o p m e n t
R e l ax e d w o rk i n ge l1l v i r o n m e n t Co m p e
t e n1t b o s s
J o b ec u r i ty
R es p e c tf r om c o l l eag u e s
P r o m o t i o n pr o s p ec ts
J o b sa t i sf a d i o n
Wo rk e l1l v i r o n m e n t
MO l1l e y
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Chapter4the Table
ThetablebelowshowsthemonthlyexpenditureofanaverageAustralianfamily in 1991and 2001.
Thetablebelowshowstheconsumerdurables(telephone,refrigerator,etc.)owned inBritainfrom1972to 1983.
Writea reportforauniversitylecturerdescribingtheinformationshown below.
Thechartbelowshowstheamountofenergyconsumedinthreecountriesin the year2000andtherateofincreaseinenergyconsumptionascomparedwiththe year 1999.
Chapter5theFlow chart
1. Usethenotebelowtowriteashortpassageaboutproduction process.
2. Theflowchartbelowshowsthethreestagesofglassbottle recycling.
3. Thediagrambelowshowshowtorecycleorganicwastetoproduce garden fertilizer.
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Chapter 6the Map
p use
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houses e x perien c ed n o ticea b l e factories developments compa r ison residential c orner facihties c onstru c t l on
ηlt ma \1o "t\1e I 9. ?P.!!.' _t:l . \IJ iιh oo\(p\aa intneιoastal ton of YOUtlgwì\\e .b e.t weenIqßoand 1-00? n IqßO tn e.town W3ßàm 9 er 1..........H·H·--aωwÎth a \argeumber of tr and inividLAal I-W Ll ß butQurin9 th ne 2 ears tne tow n ....... spranguparoundt \1airpo and ι1100\.
Onla {e'fI tree north of lbe .r i ver r emain - 1h e \'I ood\and was c.\eart d to mae wa for âpar\(a9o\fιour âl1Qιâfpar in9 1...................furth e.r deve\opment f>'f.e r e. the f...........ofa e taaiumn e.a r me \10 l -e.a t ............... ofthιl a 'f:e ar a a numberof dramati c.ι\1.3n9 e mo n w tret t'h :
of r i\di from int .riverrunn i t l g 0\..................i f >that .3\\oftne tr eß 50utn of tht .!Z-i vtr 1\\aron \N tr ι dO w i th a \l the S .......... ..a\on9th e.rai\w
\in being k no(.ed don andrep\aιed bi rap .
Mor r.o ver a ne 'fl inQU ia\ t at e.\'l ítn ..................and warenouse .$
dired\no b. m ri t1ðvø'5ò\ω l i \t ðt t ht mouthof th riv e.r
Ovra\\ a 10 .................. of th t \'l O m3p5 reveJ\!)aιna n from.)\arge\i rura\to a main\iurban \;mdscap e..
ThemapbelowisofthetownofGarlsdon.Anewsupermarket(S)isplannedfor the town.Themapshowstwopossiblesitesforthe supermarket. Summarizetheinformationbyselectingandreportingthemainfeatures,and make comparisonswhere relevant.