商务英语谈判chapter One--1

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Analysis of Case One:
Initially, the need for a cigarette urged the prisoner to negotiate, but the guard has no need from the prisoner, so he refused to negotiate. In order to achieve his purpose, the prisoner created a need for the guard to negotiate with him.
Case Two

世界著名的迪斯尼公司在20世纪90年代遇到这样 一件事情。公司耗资50亿美元在巴黎附近兴建的主题公 园准备于1992年4月12日开张,工程结束前,建筑承包 商却要求迪斯尼公司为工人的额外劳动追加近150万美 元的工资。建筑承包商之所以在当时要钱,其奥秘不言 自明。欧洲迪斯尼总经理称这一要求为敲诈,完全不与 理会。
Conflict occurs when two or more people
compete over limited resources.
What is conflict?
What are the features of conflict?
A Conflict is a dispute, disagreement or
meaning “to deny” and a noun otium meaning “leisure”.
Thus, the ancient Roman bLeabharlann Baidusiness person
would “deny leisure” until the deal has been settled.
Definitions of Negotiation (Cont.)
flow between two or more parties.
The information gap and unpredictability of the other party makes negotiation possible. So information is an essential element in the success of negotiation.
for some purpose: motive of negotiation
between two or more parties: 1. there is something you want from others 2. a process of information transfer 3. unpredictability of the result
Fundamental Reason
Fundamental reason: scarce resources
Why did Israel negotiate with Egypt? Why does foreign company negotiate over investment or cooperation contract with local Chinese companies? Why do people trade? Why do employees negotiate over salary with the boss?
argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interest.
Three essential points Interdependent parties (relationship developed by interrelated interest) Both common and different interests Fight for one’s own interests
How is this principle reflected in the case?
Stakes are the values that may be gained or lost,
and costs that may be incurred or avoided.
Disputable interests No free lunch (one for one) Comparison of benefits Current interest vs. long-term interest
Introduction to Negotiation
Introduction to Negotiation
Definitions of Negotiation Features of Negotiation
Negotiation Styles
Negotiation Elements Homework
Business Negotiation
1. 掌握商务谈判的理论基础(科学性)
2. 了解商务谈判的技巧(艺术性)
3. 熟悉商务谈判领域的英语词汇表达 4. 结合谈判理论,分析案例,模拟谈判
教材: 余慕鸿、章汝雯. 商务英语谈判. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005. (主教材) 白远. 国际商务谈判---理论案例分析与实践. 北京:中国人民大 学出版社,2002. (参考教材)
Is this a successful negotiation for the prisoner? How did the prisoner achieve his purpose through negotiation?
Features of Negotiation
Negotiation is
information: the opening date of the Disney Park.
3. Information transfer method: the use of
information broadcasting to the mass adds danger for Disney on the one hand and makes Disney believe in his determination to arrange a strike on the other hand.
Case One
一个被单独囚禁的囚犯整日无所事事。一天,他忽然闻到一 种万宝路的香烟味道。他很喜欢这种牌子的烟。原来门廊的卫兵 正在吸烟,钩起了他的烟瘾。他用手指轻轻的敲了敲门。卫兵走 过来傲慢的说:“你要干什么?”囚犯答道:“请给我一只烟, 就是你抽得那种万宝路。”卫兵感到很惊异,囚犯还要抽烟,真 是异想天开。他嘲弄的哼了一声,就转身走开了。
Case Two (cont.)

但在第二次的交涉中,公司进一步了解到事态的发 展过程,发现建筑商获得法国新闻界的支持,许多报纸公 开报道并夸大宣传此事,一时间满城风雨。令迪斯尼公司 更感到威胁的是,对方决定在主题公园的盛大开张日举行 示威游行。认识到自己处于一个无法取胜的境况之后,迪 斯尼公司立刻转变态度,声称将与对方全面协商,并很快 付清了工人工资。
Is this a negotiation? Is this a successful negotiation?
Case One-Further Story
囚犯又用手敲了敲门,这次他态度威严。那个士兵吐出一口烟雾, 恼怒的扭过头问:“你又想干什么?”囚犯回答:“对不起,请你在30 秒之内给我一只烟;否则我就用头撞着混凝土墙,直到撞得自己血肉模糊, 失去知觉为止。当我醒来时,我就说是你干的。也可能当局不相信我。但 是,你必须出席每一次听证会,不断证明你是无辜的,你必须填写各种报 告——所有这些都是因为你拒绝我一只劣质的万宝路!就一只烟,我保证 不再给您添麻烦了。” 结果卫兵从小窗里给他递了一只烟,并替他点上。
Only when a party has stakes connected with
the issues to be talked, can it become actively engaged in the negotiation.
No free lunch
In order to get what is desired, both parties
What are the prisoner’s stake? What are the guard’s stake?
Disputable interests
Negotiating parties will either gain the
interests they expect to win from the negotiation or lose what they hope to attain, which indicates that the talks are pertinent to relevant parties’ own affairs and interests.
Definitions of Negotiation
Negotiation derives from the Latin infinitive
negotiari meaning “to trade or do business”.
The verb it self was derived from negare
have to pay for the gaining at either high cost or low cost depending on how well negotiators manage the situation.
Information transfer
Negotiation is based on the information
Analysis of Case Two:
1. The two parties inform each other of their actions
and reactions, which makes negotiation proceed.
2. The construction company gets the essential
Negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our
needs when someone else controls what we want. Whenever people exchange ideas with the intention of changing relationships, whenever they confer for agreement, then they are negotiating.
1. 教材共七章,每章结束后布置书面作业一份。 2. 每章中小节后的练习要求学生作为课后练习,自觉完成。 3. 每位同学准备一个谈判案例并进行技巧分析,在每次上课时
期末成绩占60%A 平时成绩占40%
课堂纪律20% 课程表现20% 测试60%
The result is based on free will of the parties:
the art of persuasion
Motive of Negotiation
Needs and wants are the motive for negotiation. Needs from the other is the motive of negotiation. The more your opponent wants from you, the more likely you will succeed.