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B. 具体概念概略化。 (1)In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table. 在现代世界上, 盐除了供食用外,还有许多其他用途。(dining table原文为"饭桌") (2) Pregnant women and women breast-feeding their children may need vitamins. 孕妇和哺乳期的妇女可能需要维生素。(breast…children原义为"给自己的孩子喂 奶")
3.有灵动词与无灵动词 按照动作的执行者是有生命的还是无生命的这一标准,英语和汉语的动词均可分为有 灵动词和无灵动词。前者用在表示有生命的名词后,后者用在表示无生命的名词后。 含有灵动词的句子称作有生命主语句,含无灵动词的句子称作无生命主语句。英语和 汉语在有灵动词和无灵动词上的差别是:有灵动词与无灵动词在英语中无有明确的区 别,即一个动词常常是既可用作有灵动词、又可用作无灵动词;而在汉语中这两类动 词之间却有明确的区别,即一个用作有灵动词的动词不能同时用作无灵动词。例如: (1) One reliable source said that major tax changes were being considered by the Treasury. 据可靠消息,财政部正在考虑对税收办法作重大改革。 (2) John said that he would come this evening.约翰说他今晚来
B. 概括或笼统概念具体化。 (1) Many men have recognized the similarity of plants to the behavior of animals, and have dreamed wistfully, but forlornly, upon some method or source of rejuvenation such as Ponce de Leon sought in the Fountain of Youth several centuries ago.许多人认为,植物的习性与动物相似,于是梦寐以求地去探索什“返老 还童”的"灵丹妙药",就象数百年前彭斯德·利昂在青春泉祈求仙水一样,结果只能是 竹篮打水一场空 (2) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 众所周知,过度肥胖或消瘦肯定是不健康的。(字面意义为"体重的两个极端")
二、具体化 具体化(specification)是指采用明确具体的方式来翻译原文中较为概略化的表达。 A. 抽象概念具体化。 (1) You may have read stories in which the hero gets into his spaceship and"blasts off"into the outer reaches of space without a worry about fuel.你大概读 过这样一些故事吧。它们描写一个英雄坐上飞船,"风驰电掣",直冲九霄云外,毋 须为燃料担心发愁。 (2) Vietnam was his entree to the new administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant.越南战争成了他进入新政府的敲门砖。他担任政府的对外 政策顾问,那是第三次了。
C. 广义词词义具体化。 (1 )Radar waves go through clouds or fog quite well, whereas light waves no not.雷 达波能很容易地穿云破雾,而光波则不能。 (2) Examine the account well before you pay it.付款之前请仔细核对帐目。
第五章 翻译疑点
1.动与静 2.概略化与具体化 3.有灵动词与无灵动词 4.形合法与意合法
英语侧重以静表动,汉语重动能描写,这一差别在翻译时必须妥善处理,而常用的 方式有两种: 一、化静为动 化静为动是指把原文的静态句式转换为动态句式,强化原文的动态色彩,例如: ●“be+动词的同源名词”句式: (1) He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him. 他能倾vascular disease is American number one killer. 在美国, 死于心血管疾病的人高居榜首。
●“be+非动词同源名词”句式: (1) It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。 (2) They were all eyes as the presents were opened.礼品打开时,他们 全神贯注地看着。 ●“be+动词的同源形容词”句式: (1) This program was not popular with all of the troops. 并不是所有军队的人都喜欢这个计划。 (2) An acquaintance with the modern Chinese history is helpful to the study of Chinese revolution. 了解一下中国近代史,对研究中国革命是有帮 助的。
二、 无生命主语句的译法 A. 改变原句中的主语,即找出合适的动作执行者作为汉语句子的主语,把无生命主语转 换为有生命主语,重组句子。
(1) The sight of a tailor-shop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe myself decently once more.我一看到一家服装店, 心里就起了一阵强烈的愿望, 很想扔 掉这身褴褛的衣服,重新穿得象个样子。 (2) Anger choked his words. 他气得话也说不出来
B. 把无生命主语转化成汉语复句 英语中含无生命主语句,从语法上看常常是简单句,但却因含着一定的逻辑关系,有 时还含有并列句和复合句的内容。翻译时,要把无生命主语转换成有生命主语或是其 他类型的主语,有时还要采用拆分等手段,以便把逻辑关系和时间顺序逐层表达出来。 拆译前可增加一些连词(如"因为"、"所以"、"如果"、"虽然"、等),例如: (1) The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors. 由于天气寒冷刺骨,人人都已躲进了室内。
(2) The factory is under construction. 工厂正在建造中。 ●“be+非动词同源形容词”句式: (1) He was an able and a successful one. 他为人能干, 事业成功。 (2) You shouldn't be sensitive about one's clothing. 你不要太注重衣着了。 ●“be+副词”句式: (1) We must be off now. 我们得走了。 (2) I saw you out with a boy yesterday. 昨天我看见你和一个男孩上街了。 ●“be+介词短语”句式: (1) Because of bad government, the company was in the red. 由于管理不善, 公司出现亏损。
2.概略化与具体化 一、 概略化 概略化(generalization)是指采用虚化的方式来翻译原文较为具体化的表达方式。 A. 具体词义概略化。 (1) The United States is often depicted as a nation that has been devouring the world's mineral resources.人们常把美国说成是一个挥霍世界矿物资源的国家。 (devour原义为"吞食") (2) A single thermonuclear bomb today has the destructive force of all the bombs and other explosives of World War II.今天,一枚热核弹头的杀伤力就相当于二次大战 中全部炮火的总和。(bomb和explosive的原义分别为"炸弹"和"炸药")
一、英语无生命主语句特点 A. 以时间、地点等名词做主语的句子: (1) The minutes slipped by quickly.时间一分钟一分钟地溜过去了。 (2) Rome witnessed many great historic events.在罗马城发生过许多伟大历史性 事件。 B. 表示生理、心理状态的名词和表示某种遭遇的名词做主语: (1)His illness prevented him from attending the conference. 他因病未能参加会议。 (2)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 这位曾使全世界发出笑声的人自己却饱受辛酸。 C. 具有行为和动作意义的名词作主语: (1)The very sight of it makes me feel nervous. 一见到它, 我就感到紧张。 (2)The fresh sunlit January morning filled the young teacher with happy thought. 一月的早晨清新晴朗,令年轻教师心中充满了愉快的感想。
D. 其他类型: (1)The matter asks immediate attention.这件事需要立即予以注意。 (2)Well, Colonel Fitzwilliam, what do I play next? My fingers wait your orders.噢, 菲兹威廉上校,接着弹个什么曲子?我在听您吩咐呢。
D. 其他情况具体化。 (1) No reproduction is granted by implication or otherwise of this information. 本资料 不得私下或公开翻印。(or otherwise具体译为"公开",以与by implication相对应) (2) The planes may be in commercial use as early as the end of this decade or the beginning of the next.这类飞机最早可在八十年代末或九十年代初投入商业飞行。 (this decade和the next分别具体译为"八十年代"和"九十年代")
二、 化动为静 化动为静就是把原文中的动态句式转换为静态句式。 (1) To the south of the city lies a river. 城南有一条河。 (2) Our age is witnessing a profound political change. 我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。 (3) Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere. 这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远 山连绵,自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。 (4) She knows what's what. 她很有鉴别力。