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1. better, improve, strengthen, increase, enhance 改善、提高;adj.有好转的、更好的

2. branch, division, subsidiary, sector, department, faculty 树枝、分条;分支、分科、分系

3. plentiful, abundant, rich, enormous, a great deal, a number of, plenty of, a great number of, numerous, lots of, much, many 丰富的、大量的

4. abandon, give up, quit, drop, resign, throw away, desert 遗弃、丢弃

5. abide by, stick to, follow, obey, adhere to, observe, comply with, accord with, coincide with 遵守、信守

6. abnormal, unusual, unique, uncommon, unconventional, out of the way 反常的、异常的;变态的

7. abrupt, sudden, unexpected, unforeseen 突然的,意外的

8. accelerate, step up, speed up, hasten, quicken, hurry 使加快、使增速

9. acceptably, satisfactorily, sufficient to meet the requirement 可以接受地

10. acclaim, hail, regard, consider, think of 向….欢呼;n. 热烈欢迎或赞同

11. take…into account, take…into consideration, consider, think about 把….考虑在内

12. account for, explain, interpret, clarify, define, outline 说明、解释….的原因

13. accumulate, collect, assemble, gather, build up, pile up 堆积、积累

14. aircraft, planes 飞机、飞行器

15. alleviate, lessen, lighten, soften 减轻、缓解、缓和

16. allocate…to…, assign…to…, send…to, transmit…to, dispatch….to 分配、分派

17. allocate, distribute 分配、分发、把…拨给

18. allow, permit, admit, grant, consent, let 允许、许可、承认

19. almost, practically, nearly, approximately 几乎、差不多

20. although, while, though 尽管、虽然;但是、然而

21. annoying, irritating, upsetting, troublesome 恼人的、讨厌的

22. argue, contend, dispute, conflict, persuade, reason 争论、辩论

23. arise, get up, stand up 由...而引起,由...而产生

24. arouse, excite, cause, agitate, awaken, stimulate, awaken 唤醒

25. assemble, gather, collect, accumulate, store up 集合,收集

26. assert, state firmly, say formally, declare, announce 声称,断言

27. assume, postulate, suppose, t ake…for grated 假设, 臆断,猜想

28. at any price, for love or money, at any rate, whatever it may be, at any risk 不惜任何代价

29. at stake, in danger, dangerous 在危险中

30. attend to, wait on, serve 注意; 听取;致力于

31. attraction, lure, desirability, tempt, charm 吸引,吸引力,诱惑力

32. authentically, genuinely, truly 确实地,真正地

33. ban, forbid, not allow, prohibit, deter, disallow 取缔,查封,禁止

34. bare, barren, infertile, lean, naked, uncovered, exposed 使赤裸,使露出,使暴露;adj. 光秃秃的,无遮蔽的

35. bearing, influence, effect, impact, affect 结果,效果,影响

36. beat, break, win, triumph, surpass, hit, blow 跳动,打败

37. before, prior to, earlier than, previous to在…前面;优于,先于

38. broaden, widen, extend, expand使…变宽,扩展

39. call off, cancel, terminate, stop, erase, wipe out, cease 取消;停止

40. call up, telephone 打电话

41. careful, conscientious, cautious, watchful, alert, prudent 仔细的,小心的

42. cater for…need, meet …. need, satisfy….need, accord with…need, comply with….need, in harmony with….need 迎合…需要

43. census, count, poll, survey, investigation人口普查,统计

44. certain, inevitable, sure, unavoidable, definite, with no question, no doubt 无疑,肯定

45. change, convert, alter, modify, adjust, vary, revise, diversify 改变,改换;变化

46. childish, immature, naive, juvenile, childlike, babyish, silly 孩子的,孩子气的

47. china, porcelain 瓷器

48. collaborate, cooperate, work together, join forces, work in joint efforts合作

49. collide with, run into, hit, bump into, come into, contact into与…相撞

50. compactly, densely, tightly, closely, intimately细密地,简洁地

51. compel…to…,force… to…, drive… to…, impel …into, oblige…into 强迫

52. complain, feel unhappy, find fault, criticize, protest, grumble抱怨,诉苦;投诉

53. comprehend, understand, know well, figure out, grasp理解,领会

54. confidential, secret, not to be disclosed, private秘密的,机密的

55. consolidate, strengthen, reinforce, enhance, intensify, make stronger, build up(使)巩固;(使)加强

56. contaminate, pollute, dirt, spoil, make…dirt, litter, corrupt, poison把…弄脏,污染

57. continuously, steadily, stably, constantly, uninterruptedly, always不断地,连续地

58. conventional, orthodox, traditional, conservative, common依照惯例的,约定俗成的,依照传统的

59. copy, duplicate, photocopy, reproduce复制本,副本;v. 复制;抄写

60. coverage, reportage新闻报道, 报道量

61. criticize, find fault with, blame, scold, disapprove of评论, 批评

62. cultivate, foster, train, bring up, nurture, develop, grow, plant, promote 耕作,种植,培养

63. cure, remedy, compensate, heal, treat, make well, restore to health, alleviate治愈, 治好

64. damaging, harmful, bad, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, hurtful, unsafe, dangerous, risky有破坏性的, 损害的, 诽谤的

65. danger, distress, hazard, risk, peril, threat危险, 风险

66. danger, hazard危险, 风险

67. deadly, fatal, lethal, toxic, poisonous致死的, 致命的

68. decent, honest, loyal, respectable, well-mannered, well-brought-up, civilized, sincere, dignified正派的, 合乎礼仪的, 得体的

69. decide, make up one’s mind, choose, determined下决心; (使)决定

70. deduce, derive, draw, come to, reach, work out, figure out推论, 演绎

71. deliberately, intentionally, on purpose, with intent, consciously, by design, purposely故意地

72. demand, insist on, claim, require, order要求, 需要

73. depend on, rely on, count on, live on依赖, 依靠

74. depict, describe, write, portray, draw, illustrate, give a picture to描绘; 描画
